What is a Mitzvah?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Given 7-21-2024 by Rabbi Shimon Kessin


  • @sherylkruger3344
    @sherylkruger3344 Місяць тому

    Thank you so much. Great musar

  • @markshah44
    @markshah44 Місяць тому +2

    Your Mic was too close to the fan or AC unit, please consider moving your mic away in the future, too much background noise. Thank you for your great wisdom in TORAH!! 🙏

  • @alizastanton5559
    @alizastanton5559 Місяць тому +4

    Background noise make it really hard to understand :(

  • @MrBrunoGI
    @MrBrunoGI Місяць тому +1

    I feel this is the problem that we view olam haba as a prize and we view olam haba as something that is not here but there. The truth is I believe, is olam haba is a necessity, it's we exist or don't there is no middle ground. And the only way we exist in olam ha emet is through davakit to Hashem otherwise there is no olam haba. How much olam haba we get depends on how much we exert ourselves in cleaving to God and this is done through the mitzvot. The mitzvot aren't an end in of themselves but the change that a person effects within himself through their performance. It's like the karate kid with all the exercises Mr Miagi had Daniel do, Daniel thought to himself these exercises were stupid what does painting a certain way or washing a car a certain way have to do with karate, but then Mr. Miagi pur him through the test where he had to put all of those concepts and Daniel understood. So too with the mitzvot. And olam haba doesn't have to be after we die, olam haba can begin here if we can achieve a level of davakit to Hashem as the tzadikim do, they are in olam haba while living in olam ha ze. Just my thoughts

    • @TorahHaShem
      @TorahHaShem Місяць тому +2

      It is said that one shouldn’t perform mitzvot expecting to receive a reward in the world to come, as one receives all their reward in this world (Pirkei Avot 1:3). However, in the world to come, one’s reward is the world to come itself, to bask in HaShem’s glory and experience the ultimate spiritual closeness to the Divine (Berachot 17a). This reflects the intrinsic value of performing mitzvot out of love and reverence for HaShem, with the true reward being the deep, eternal connection with HaShem.

  • @jakobw135
    @jakobw135 Місяць тому +1

    Isn't a MITZVAH defined as a CONNECTION with G-D , assuming and subsuming that you weren't before you did the commandment? And this is the means by which you LOVE The Creator?

  • @MrBrunoGI
    @MrBrunoGI Місяць тому

    So can you say that although we don't have navia since the destruction of the beit hamikdash and we entered into the tekufa of chacchma, that we are in a trajectory of ascending to the level of Adam harishon as is said no one will inquire from his neighbor about Hashem because everyone from the least to the greatest will know and the knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth as the waters cover the seabed? An interesting question would be who was closer to Adam Ha Rishoj Moshe Rabeinu or Rabbi Akiva, because you mentioned that Adam was beyond navia , he had an awareness, well isn't that chacchma?

  • @jakobw135
    @jakobw135 Місяць тому

    What does death have to do with - NAVUAH?

  • @BeIBe42780
    @BeIBe42780 Місяць тому

    Be rebuke yahtan

  • @DK-zm2fq
    @DK-zm2fq Місяць тому +2

    Please remove the noise

    • @cantseeusprius9069
      @cantseeusprius9069 Місяць тому

      Noise goes away eventually. There are filter apps available.

  • @DoreenBellDotan
    @DoreenBellDotan Місяць тому

    ך = 500
    ם = 600
    ן = 700
    ף = 800
    ץ = 900
    א = 1000 = 1
    חיים במלכות דוד = 1140 = 141 = חכם במלכות דוד = ברכות במלכות דוד = מצוה = חג צהלה
    לעשות = 806 = 1805 = ציון = כל מחשבות = קרקע שלו = תורה שבכתב קרקע = ארץ בשבת = שבת בארץ = כולל דורות בארץ
    = כולל התורה בארץ = דרך ארץ
    לעשות מצוה = 947 = 1946 = אמוץ = חג שלום = חיים בציון מלכות דוד = עולם דוד ברכה = התבל מלכות דוד = האמת אשר
    המצות = 541 = ישראל = אלה בית הלחמי = אנחנו בית דוד = בית דוד חזק = אלה הלכה למעשה
    העושים את המצות באמת חיים בארץ ישראל הנצחית, היא מלכות דוד ממש באמת ולעולם ועד. כל העושים כביכולים סמליים חיים בבלי מה ומחכים לאין סוף להתחיל