It appears this one’s transmission behaves the same as the one on my 2011 when taking off from a stop. It’ll shift into second and rev out before locking the TC and shifting to third.
Awesome sound, love the accelerations, the shifting and such! Also, a quick question! I've been watching you since the colon days, have you been back there to see what their fleet looks like?
@@ICFE300 Aw man, that sucks! Loved that older fleet a lot, especially the blue birds! my favorite bird from one of your vids was Bus 3. Other than that, loved that older fleet! C2s are almost everywhere now it seems like I guess bestselling bus right now?
Gotta love the sound of a DT!
I love the sound of the maxforce DT and dt466
19:49 Love this acceleration!
It appears this one’s transmission behaves the same as the one on my 2011 when taking off from a stop. It’ll shift into second and rev out before locking the TC and shifting to third.
Sounds awesome!
I Miss Riding Those Buses
Awesome sound, love the accelerations, the shifting and such!
Also, a quick question! I've been watching you since the colon days, have you been back there to see what their fleet looks like?
I go through there from time to time. They are contracted now and there is nothing left of the fleet that I grew up with. All Thomas C2's now.
@@ICFE300 Aw man, that sucks! Loved that older fleet a lot, especially the blue birds! my favorite bird from one of your vids was Bus 3. Other than that, loved that older fleet! C2s are almost everywhere now it seems like I guess bestselling bus right now?
@ICFE300 Your videos are awesome I love this video. Can I use your buses for audio recordings for my channel? your videos are awesome
I love the DT engines.
This must be your new bus right? And I really like the light monitor looks cool.
I bet its fully loaded
Not for sale.
Much loud. Very flat.
Very long gear, quite flat.