90% of Heat Pump Installations Don't Need a Buffer

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2025


  • @tkacandes2052
    @tkacandes2052 День тому

    Thanks for all you do, Mario - love your explanations!

  • @Mark-ex4fy
    @Mark-ex4fy 2 місяці тому

    Your videos are awesome BTW!
    On a standard uk system where bedrooms have TRVs or a new build where the upstairs is zoned (and we can’t guarantee customers won’t turn them off) Some installers therefore install a buffer to protect the ODU.
    Is an alternative to disregard the zoned volume from the system volume calculation and potentially install a volumiser (if required)? That way the defrost and start/hour are met by the section of the system that remains open and if the upstairs rads/zone is open the system gains additional volume and reduces cycles/hour.
    Is there still an issue regarding the output of the unit if the heat load is potentially halved? Or if minimum system volumes are met is this minimised?

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  Місяць тому

      Thank you!
      I think not the issue because volume is important. And you will have cycling always on higher outdoor temperatures, the main thing is to have at the highest outdoor possible.
      TRV/thermostat is good for bedrooms to prevent overheating, but this is usually 20-30% of the volume so even without volumiser could be fine. But still, volumiser can help, even the smallest one to compensate that volume.

  • @DragonOxys
    @DragonOxys 7 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the vídeo Mário! Keep doing an amazing work!

  • @nickflynn666
    @nickflynn666 7 місяців тому +1

    Commenting for the algorithm. The UK heat pump industry really needs to read the title of this video.

  • @donalreilly7796
    @donalreilly7796 7 місяців тому +1

    Hi Mario,
    Can you possibly do a post on the importance/requirement on minimum volume for a Heat Pump when not incorporating a buffer and are required to Zone the heating system due to local regulations

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому +2

      Hi, I think zoning could not be under regulations. If you are from UK, you probably have required zoning for rooms above 6 m2 but if you can do it without valves I think no problem.
      But basically I will do the video as this is something that I planned to do 😉

    • @donalreilly7796
      @donalreilly7796 7 місяців тому

      Yes, in Ireland once the house area is above 100m2 you must have a minimum of 2 heating zones. This restricts the possibility of open loop. The only way around is to introduce a volumiser as opposed to a buffer/hydraulic break.

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому

      Volumiser is fine if you have space. In Croatia problem is small apartments in buildings because you don’t have space to put it

    • @donalreilly7796
      @donalreilly7796 7 місяців тому

      The same problem here and I'm trying to solve without buffer or additional materials that increase cost. The new K & L series from Panasonic defrosts through the coil. I need to achieve a similar solution for the J series

  • @mborsic94
    @mborsic94 7 місяців тому

    Kakvo je stanje sa puferom za kuce koje ce imati centralno grijanje na kaminu u kombinaciji sa dizalicom?
    I na koji nacin radi opskrba toplom vodom preko dizalice ako je niskopolazna (koristi se podno grijanje)?
    Hvala na odgovoru!

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому +1

      Pozdrav, u toj varijanti treba pufer. Makar se može i to odvojiti ventilima kad radi kamin da ide na pufer, a kad ne da ide direktno s dizalice.
      Što se tiče tople vode, to je skroz drugi režim, preko troputnog ventila posebno radi topla voda i ne utječe na grijanje.

  • @DragonOxys
    @DragonOxys 7 місяців тому +1

    By the way… We are assuming that the Heat pump as weather compensation curve, correct? Because If not the nor the frequency or the mass flow will modulate

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому +2

      Even with fixed flow modulation is present as dT will go narrow by higher outdoor temp

    • @DragonOxys
      @DragonOxys 7 місяців тому

      @@HVACEducationHub but if flow is fixed and we go to the Q=m x c x DT equation… Then we going to have a lower DT (Water Out minus Water In) right? Since Q will decrease because of the modulation

    • @DragonOxys
      @DragonOxys 7 місяців тому

      For exemple we have 45 l/min times a DT of 5 degress (water out minus water in in the radiators) then we have 16kW… however if we have 8 kW unit and the flow os fixed…. We have 2.5 degrees DT

    • @DragonOxys
      @DragonOxys 7 місяців тому

      Unless having a lower DT is a good thing since the lower the temperature coming out of the compressor… the better in terms of COP

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому

      Even with fixed flow TEMP flow RATE is not fixed. Of course you can fix it on some units but if logic is dT then flow rate will vary always.

  • @mrjozza5924
    @mrjozza5924 7 місяців тому

    Na temu protoka i pumpe: Panasonic Aquarea T-CAP biblock K serije od 9kW ima pumpu max snage 145W. Sa druge strane, ista takva split T-CAP H serije od 9kW ima pumpu od samo 100W. U čemu je razlika? Da li je H serija teoretski sposobna da gura 22 kruga sa ALPEX 16x2, gde ni jedan krug nije duži od 100m, ili ipak gledati K seriju?

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому +1

      Snaga u W nema veze s protokom pri padu tlaka.
      Bitne su 2 stvari:
      1. Pad tlaka kriticnog kruga
      2. Zadovoljiti protok pri maksimalnom opterecenju
      9 kW ima nominalni protok oko 25 L/min i pri tom protoku maksimalni pad tlaka je oko 100 kPa (10 m).
      Krug do 100 m + cjevovod + ormaric podnog grijanja nemaju više od 30-40 kPa tako da pumpa zadovoljava bez problema ( i H i K serija).

    • @mrjozza5924
      @mrjozza5924 7 місяців тому

      @@HVACEducationHub Hvala na detaljnom odgovoru! Inače, plan je da stavim dva ormarića (po jedan za svaki sprat) sa po 11 krugova, i grejem kuću od 200kvm korisnog (neto) prostora. Dakle pumpa u T-CAP H split je izvedbi je dovoljna za ceo sistem? Drugo pitanje je vezano za debljinu košuljice podnog grejanja. Po građevinskom projektu je to "samo" 5cm, ali meni logika vuče da bi bilo zgodno ići na veću debljinu i umesto u baferu uskladišiti energiju u podu pa ići na 8-10cm. Imate li predlog na tu moju dilemu?

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому +1

      Pumpa je sigurno dovoljna ako primarni cjevovod i proračun budu ok. 28 mm bakar ili 35 mm plastika primarni cjevovod, krugovi maksimalno 100 m.
      Što se tiče poda, 5-6 cm je ok. S debljim će duže zagrijavati, ali da, bit će kao veliki buffer. Nemam iskustva s time, možda pitati neke građevinare.

    • @mrjozza5924
      @mrjozza5924 7 місяців тому

      ​@@HVACEducationHub Proračun kaže 10kW@-13C (6kW grejanje i 4kW gubitak ventilacije). Znam da sam dosadan, ali zanima me još jedna stvar. Negde sam našao podatak da minimalni protok po grejnom krugu treba biti 1.5L/min. Kako imam 22 kruga, da li to znači da će protok po krugu biti 25L/min podeljeno sa 22 kruga = 1.13L/min? Da li je to malo, i da li se pojavljuje manje poželjno laminarno, umesto turbulentnog strujanja u cevima, usled čega je prenos toplote po metru cevi efektivno umanjen? Može li se protok na toj pumpi štelovati (T-CAP split H), tako da se dobije 33L/min, što bi dalo potrebnih 1.5L/min po krugu? Kad bi smo smanjili ∆T, da li bi pumpa za vodu ubrzala da postigne manji ∆T pri istoj temperaturi polaza?

    • @HVACEducationHub
      @HVACEducationHub  7 місяців тому

      @@mrjozza5924 nije tako jednostavno za komentar, treba detaljnije proci proracun za objasnjenje