The Big Wolf and the Seven Little Lambs

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2024
  • once upon a time
    in a little cottage
    in the woods lived a mother goat
    and her little goats living a happy life
    the little goats were very cute
    they all were like toys mother goat
    like all mothers loved her little goats very much
    she protected them from all the wild animals
    in the forest
    one day before
    she left the house to find food in the forest
    she caught her little goats next to her
    my dear children
    I am going into the forest
    do not open the door for anyone
    if the wolf comes into the house
    he will eat all of us alive
    he is very shifty
    he will disguise himself into different
    shapes and try to fall
    so how will we recognise him
    the wolf has a rough voice
    and I have a soft and sweet voice
    so you can recognize him from his low and rough voice
    right away
    right when she was leaving
    the mother goat remembered something else
    she turned to her little goats one more thing
    the wolf's feet are black and mine are white
    you can also recognize him from his feet don't worry
    we can protect ourselves you can count on us
    Mother Goat kissed
    her little goats one by one and headed into the woods
    the wolf was watching them from afar when he saw
    Mother Goat leaving
    he waited a while
    and then
    he came in front of the cottage and knocked on the door
    who is it little goats
    open the door
    your mother is here
    I brought nice food for you all
    the little goats recognized the wolf's rough
    voice right away
    without opening the door
    they yelled out
    you're not our mother
    her voice is sweet and more beautiful you are the wolf
    you can't fool bus
    the wolf got very angry
    because he could not fool the little goats
    he went to the shop
    bought a big piece of chalk and ate it
    his voice sounded much softer
    so he went back to the cottage and
    knocked on the door again
    this time the wolf started a talk with his soft voice
    my little goat opened the door
    it's her mother
    I brought food from the forest for all of you
    hearing the wolves soft voice
    little goats thought that it was really their mother
    this time just when they were about to open the door
    one of them shouted wait wait
    yes look at their feet from underneath the door
    of course
    when the little goats looked from underneath the door
    they saw the wolf's black feet
    so they yelled again
    without opening the door
    we will not open the door for you
    Animal's feet are not black
    they are right
    you are the wolf as furious as he was the wolf left
    this time he went to the bakery
    when the baker saw the wolf in front of him
    he was very surprised
    I'm a vegetarian now
    so I will eat pastry from now on
    could you give me some flour
    the wolf came out of the bakery with a little
    sack of flour
    when he got near the cottage
    he opened the sack and poured all the flour on his feet
    his feet were all white
    shifty wolf knocked on the door for the third time
    my little goats opened the door it's your mother
    I have brought food for all of you from the forest
    first show us your feet
    so we know it's your mother
    the wolf showed them
    his feet with flower when the little goat saw
    the white fee
    they believed that it was their mother
    and opened the door
    and what did they see
    the wolf was standing right there in front of them
    the little goats did not know what to do
    they started to run
    around yelling
    don't waste your time
    I will catch all of you
    one of the little goats went under the desk
    the second one into the bed
    the third one into the chimney
    fourth kid hid in the kitchen
    the fifth one got into the closet
    the sixth hid behind the curtain
    and the seventh
    kid went into the giant clock on the wall
    but the shifty wolf was quick and one by one
    he caught them all from wherever
    they were hiding
    run run
    come here don't run
    I will catch you all I said stop
    the only one he could
    not find was the one hiding in the clock
    he was already full
    so he gave up on looking for them and head out
    there was a big yard
    a little further from the cottage
    the wolf lay under a
    tree on the yard and started to sleep
    short while
    after the mother goat returned home
    when she saw the door open
    she knew
    something bad had happened and started to scream
    oh my little goat
    when she entered the house
    she was shocked
    the tables and chairs were all upside down
    curtains were torn the beds were all messed up
    the pillows and sheets were all on the floor
    Mother Goat looked for her little goats
    but could not find them anywhere
    she started to yell out their names one by one
    but not one answered
    finally it was time to call the last one's name
    only them
    she heard a high pitched voice
    I'm inside the grandpa clock
    Mommy mother Gob ran to the grandpa clock
    and took her kid out of there