the crow and the pitcher

  • Опубліковано 2 чер 2024
  • in the depths of the forest far away from human eyes
    there was a crow named Corvo who had a pair of bright
    eyes that could spot the mysteries of nature
    corval grew up in this forest
    a place where
    nature taught everyone not to follow the old
    path and to adapt to changes
    one day corval faced a grave crisis
    his home once a vibrant forest was drying up
    the streams and springs
    that used to flow under the shadows of the
    trees had turned into depressed stone beds
    with only a few droplets reflecting their former
    gurbun sorrow
    to survive Corville had to find a water source
    he soared high
    staring at the yellow barren land beneath him
    looking for a hint of life
    finally towards the sunset
    he spotted a clay pitcher
    with some residual water on the rim
    this was a ray of hope
    but the depth of the picture posed a desperate trap
    Corvo's beak was not long enough to reach the water
    while continuously pondering an idea hit him
    corval figured that
    if he could drop stones into the picture
    the water level might rise
    so he started searching for suitable stones
    facing the scorching wind
    he brought back pebbles one by one
    with each stone he dropped
    the water level rose noticeably
    but it was still unreachable for him
    as he strived to survive and overcome this challenge
    he did not falter by the decline of rewarding work
    every time he collected a stone
    he held it tighter
    looking at it as the hope of his life