Christianity and Homosexuality - Tony Campolo

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @suzannegunton3119
    @suzannegunton3119 8 місяців тому +9

    This is one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard. Thank you. I agree with you 100%. I was deeply moved. Then when you talked about the Compassion organisation I wept even more. I have sponsored a child through Compassion for 14 years. It’s a joy. God bless you.

  • @ronvandermey3139
    @ronvandermey3139 7 місяців тому +6

    Brother Tony, Thank you for this powerful sermon. My son is gay, and I have learned so much in what to do for him in this way. I hear all sorts of crap, when it comes to his well being. My husband and I always tell him that we love him, and that he is always loved by The Lord, and that The Lord loves him regardless. I heard him tell a boy in High School, I LOVE GOD because HE GETS me.

    • @adamvillemaire984
      @adamvillemaire984 5 місяців тому +5

      If you love your son .....pray & fast that ONE day Holy Spirit Will convince him that homosexuality is a SIN i was convinced....
      I am chaste celibate now for MANY many years.....difficult cross ...but Deep Peace Love...& Eternal Life at the end.....
      We must be born again.....resist desires of flesh by Spirit...
      I am FREE of gay lifestyle PRAISE GOD and refuse same sex attraction & temptation

    • @stardustgirl2904
      @stardustgirl2904 4 місяці тому +3

      Temptation is something everyone deals with! However the Bible tells us that everything is a choice in life, if it wasn't a choice God wouldn't be able to Judge us properly! Because we wouldn't have a choice, in the matter si how could he judge us on these things. Everything is a choice in life! God is very clear on these issues in Leviticious. Truth and Honesty with God's teachings help with our children's salvation! The church doesn't have the power to dismiss God's Words!
      Please know Heavenly Father love's you, and you're family and he honors you with his teachings so you can return to him and live in his presence ❤️ 💙
      The gay lifestyle is not good on one's soul! The creator of the Universe and the world 🌎 and all of us ✨️ knows more than mankind does! I'm sorry this trial has come to you,and you're family through choices! May God forever be with you and take this bitter cup from you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🏻🐑💜

    • @adamvillemaire984
      @adamvillemaire984 4 місяці тому

      WHERE is this in the Bible❓
      I never chose same sex attraction

    • @ctfh1236
      @ctfh1236 4 місяці тому

      Your son lives in extreme darkness, if you love him, teach him the truth

    • @heathervarney5706
      @heathervarney5706 2 місяці тому

      ​@@adamvillemaire984Thank you for your stand!! May God give you the courage and Spiritual strength to continue in your stand 🙏

  • @ianmartinesq
    @ianmartinesq Рік тому +6

    However, how then do you address the New Testament reaffirmation that homosexuality is a sin? Roman 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, Jude 1:7. Certainly we should love homosexual people, but should we tell people that homosexuality isn’t a sin? Jesus does condemn divorce for any reason other than sexual immorality. We should accept and love divorced people but we shouldn’t call it not a sin. “Humanization” may be a good standard. I agree with it. But should it come before the Bible? I don’t think it can trump the Biblical standard. We should call everyone and have compassion on them, but should we compromise on what sin is? Shouldn’t we do both? Shouldn’t we speak truth in love?

  • @TransosaurusLex
    @TransosaurusLex 6 років тому +81

    Thank you Dr. Campolo. I am not a Christian myself, but I came into this video expecting the hatred I've seen in other pastors especially around my area. I instead was touched by this message and have nothing but utmost respect for you. The world needs more men like you.

    • @mjparham6430
      @mjparham6430 4 роки тому +1

      @@joman388 this is just insulting fear ,backwards and ignorance.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +1

      Absolutely Mildred. As I said elsewhere when Jo spouted that nonsense:
      Jo gave away his/her mission in the claim that gay folks have a shorter life expectancy. That is simply not true at all.
      This falsehood can be traced directly to the discredited research of Paul Cameron and his Family Research Institute, specifically a 1994 paper he co-wrote entitled "The Lifespan of Homosexuals." Using obituaries collected from newspapers serving the gay community, he and his two co-authors concluded that gay men died, on average, at 43, compared to an average life expectancy at the time of around 73 for all U.S. men. On the basis of the same obituaries, Cameron also claimed that gay men are 18 times more likely to die in car accidents than heterosexuals, 22 times more likely to die of heart attacks than whites, and 11 times more likely than blacks to die of the same cause. He also concluded that lesbians are 487 times more likely to die of murder, suicide, or accidents than straight women.
      Cameron's methodology is egregiously flawed - most obviously because the sample he selected (the data from the obits) was not remotely statistically representative of the LGBT population as a whole. Even Nicholas Eberstadt, a demographer at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, has called Cameron's methods "just ridiculous."
      Anti-LGBT organizations have also tried to support this claim by distorting the work of legitimate scholars, like a 1997 study conducted by a Canadian team of researchers that dealt with gay and bisexual men living in Vancouver in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The authors of the study became aware that their work was being misrepresented by anti-LGBT groups, and issued a response taking the groups to task.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому

      Provide a link to the CDC data showing the lifespan/expectancy issue you are siting here please. Happy to discuss it, but on the basis of the statement relevant to the current context.
      As an aside, while I am very willing to debate it in detail when you provide the link, I am not claiming there are no issues with promiscuity (by heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual people)
      There are life threatening consequences of promiscuous behavior for men and women who are straight, as there are for gay men. Clearly AIDS is part of the issue, and do are other drug resistant STDs / STIs.
      Ironically, for folks like me in long term monogamous relationships, your argument holds no water.
      In such relationships as mine, a marriage, where we promised to be faithful until death us do part, your suggestion that I have a shorter life expectancy is flawed. My husband and I might get COVID 19 and pass on but that I’d just as likely for s heterosexual couple. By honoring the promises made before God and our church family it is extremely unlikely that we will be acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or associated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
      There are people in the west who acquire HIV AIDS without ever being attracted to the opposite sex. Thankfully science, by God’s gift of intelligence in man, has found ways to stop what (in the 1980s) was an inevitable death.
      We can discuss further if you can link to the actual report you appear to be referencing. Otherwise I stand by my previous reply pointing to factually incorrect biased claims.
      May the grace of Jesus be upon you this day and always (grace being unexpected, undeserved, love, and forgiveness for everyone)

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +5

      I forgot to answer this: “Do you think the behavior is just wonderful?“
      Yes, I do think that it is wonderful that two of God’s children can find love in each other’s arms.
      Like most heterosexual couples, a gay or lesbian couple need that partnership.
      Someone to hold, to be held by.
      Someone to keep us warm/to keep warm, when the heating fails.
      Someone to tell our woes to, someone to listen.
      Someone to grieve with, when we lose our parent, or God forbid, our child (adopted or biological)
      Someone to care for when they are sick, someone to care for us when we are sick.
      Someone to bathe us and clothe us, when we are injured or frail. Someone for us to do the same for.
      Someone to celebrate our birthday with, when all others are out of bounds because COVID-19.
      Someone to enjoy our wedding anniversary with!
      Someone to have the joy of raising a family with (controversial in fewer places now than ever before)
      Someone to be there for, as they draw their last breath as life ends when that time comes. Someone to hold our hand if we go before they do.
      Someone to arrange a funeral for, or to have arrange ours.
      Someone to take care of things when we have gone, to continue the work we started, to provide for our closest, or to ensure charities we worked for continue.
      “Do you think the behavior is just wonderful?“ - being gay is not a “choice” and I think it is the same for lesbians. I think life is wonderful. I think the fact humans exist, given the complexity of the machine a body is... it is wonderful. I think the capacity of living things to love is wonderful. I think finding that person we want to spend our life with, the special connection we make... it is wonderful. The purpose of life cannot be simply to have children, or infertile couples have no purpose. God, assuming God exists, knew all of this. Man is flawed, like the Genesis story, and yet we can love one another and achieve great things.
      We can be friends. We can understand each other. As Jesus said, “Agape”

  • @williammaclean641
    @williammaclean641 Рік тому +7

    Thank you Dr Campolo. I took a class with you at Eastern College in the late 70’s. Came out as gay at the school. Had a difficult time and left after my second year

  • @jeremy1350
    @jeremy1350 Рік тому +4

    "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming !!!" The first sermon I heard you preach back in 1982.

    • @awaitthegroom
      @awaitthegroom Рік тому

      Yes I remember that and its after all those years we can see the heresy that came from it= he endorses Chalk, Alpha course and probably Toronto blessing. These are at the root of the mess the church is in now. Either believe the Bible word for word or dont claim to be a Christian

  • @PENNYWatson-q8g
    @PENNYWatson-q8g 11 місяців тому +1

    My husband Anrew Watson studied at Eastern in 1991/92 and as a wife I was able to attend Tony's class. It was amazing. Thankyou Tony. God bless you. Penny Watson.

  • @richardcanfield3125
    @richardcanfield3125 2 роки тому +20

    I took sociology as a Freshman at University of Pennsylvania back in 1971. You were a terrific professor and speaker then and you are still a great speaker fifty years later.

  • @williamantila5262
    @williamantila5262 9 місяців тому +5

    His statement regarding those who come to Christ that "gay men remain homosexual... that statement flatly rejects the scriptures that he claims to be infallable... 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11 says "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you; BUT you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." I know from 40 years of loving and following Christ, that His elect...those truly born again.. are new creations, with a new nature from the power of sin and that includes same sex attraction which can become a life long struggle.. but "He Who has begun a good work in you, will complete it unto the day of Christ." When you put yourt trust in Him and are baptized ..You proclaim a reality... You were crucified with ad in Him and Died (to your old Adamic nature) buried with Him and raised up out of the grave in Him ! Your flesh has nothing but old sinful desires.. please read Romans chapter 7 and 8 to see that your old nature deceives, take heart those who come to Him with a repentant heart and true faith.. He will help you in your struggle and is faithful and not lose one of His own..

  • @EvangelistDonClark
    @EvangelistDonClark Рік тому +16

    I am strongly heterosexual. There has always been great temptations because of it. But remember how St. Paul said that he must bring his temptations into submission. Is that not Christ called to all believers? No one is justified by temptation. We are justified by Grace through faith. And faith is aspiring to “faithfulness” in Jesus. And Jesus said, “If you love me keep my commitments.

    • @alanaban1840
      @alanaban1840 4 місяці тому

      Get it correct / the bible say a man shall not lie with another man / it is wrong to think a man cannot change his sexual practice/ I know men that has change/

  • @garybrown1902
    @garybrown1902 Рік тому +5

    Dr Campolo, in your position, you are responsible for what you teach and how people make decisions as a result. You said that people you have talked to who behaved that way, have not changed. Then you say it is because they are made that way? You, a minister of the Almighty, claim that He made them that way? Romans 1:22 -28; "Professing themselves to be wise, they became foolish, changing the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image like corruptible man....therefore God gave them up to uncleaness thru the lusts in their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves." What you are saying to people wrestling with this sin, is that it is okay because they can't help themselves? You have said that people who committ this sin cannot change and Romans backs that up. Why are you encouraging people to give in to a desire that one cannot stop because God made them that way? God contradicts you and you will answer for it.

  • @pablomartell7805
    @pablomartell7805 Рік тому +6

    Lord have mercy on all of us but we have to call sin as is.sin

    • @stardustgirl2904
      @stardustgirl2904 4 місяці тому +1

      Truth is what God honors us with. He has a desire to have us return to him. Only Satan twists God's teachings!

  • @bvowels
    @bvowels 2 роки тому +24

    The most common trend among those that affirm sin in the church is that they value personal anecdotes and emotions above the actual word of God. They bypass what the bible says and elevate their experience as ultimate truth. Paul speaks out on homosexuality. Does Paul contradict Jesus? Well, examine audiences. Jesus came to the Jews who had the Law. Their cultural framework was already established firmly in the law that said homosexuality was sin; why should Jesus rehash that issue when it's virtually non-existent in that culture? So then why did Paul speak on it? Paul's audience did not come from a background of having the law. They didn't understand the weight of that sin they were committing, and thus, Paul had to address it firmly. He gives hope for those stuck in that sin though. The transformative work of Christ in the lives of those that accept Him were able to change, and no longer do homosexual acts. Those people may still have temptation and urges toward those things, but just as we encourage heterosexuals to resist sexual temptation, we also encourage homosexuals to resist sexual temptation. To be tempted in one way or another is not sinful in itself, but to act on those temptations is. Jesus was tempted and did not sin. You can be tempted, and with Christs power, you can resist sin as well. There is hope, but it doesn't come from affirmation and indulgence. It comes from commitment to righteousness and to please God.

    • @BigdaddiZ
      @BigdaddiZ 2 роки тому +2

      So anything Jesus didn’t mention in the Bible was because it wasn’t a problem to the Jews? I disagree. Jesus spoke about the things that truly mattered. Loving god and loving each other. Didn’t matter if you were gay. Homosexuality was prevalent in Rome and Greece during that time. It was accepted as an act but gay marriage was not acceptable even then. I’m not gay but I don’t think being gay will keep you out of heaven.

    • @bvowels
      @bvowels 2 роки тому +4

      @@BigdaddiZ Zach, I'm glad that heaven is not dictated by what we think, but instead by what he word of God says. there are other things that I wish I could do, and I'd wish that doing those sinful things wouldn't bar me from heaven, but the do, no matter how much I think they wouldn't. Please turn to 1 Corinthians 6, and read the whole chapter. Paul lays out what kinds of sinful behaviour keep us out of the kingdom of heaven, and homosexuality is listed, along with many other things. It's not singled out as worse, but it also isn't diminished at all. I'd like to draw special attention to verse 11 wherein Paul says "such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Paul knows that there were certainly those that did evil in God's eyes, but God saved them from their sin and loved them, and Paul says that they were like that, but are not anymore. You mentioned that Jesus spoke about issues that truly mattered. Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality, and He loved them and had comppassion on them, but also told them to sin no more. He didn't need to speak on homosexulaity because it wasn't prevalent in that culture. Paul spoke on it because it was prevalent among the greeks and romans. Do you belive that the bible can contradict itself? Were the writings of Paul inspired by God or not? Would Paul, who was called by name and saved by Jesus, teach things that contradict what Jesus said? Either Jesus was okay with it and and Paul taught contrary, and the bible is flawed, or Jesus was not okay with it, and Paul affirmed the teaching of his Lord, and the bible is not flawed. Are you willing to say that the inspired word of God is wrong just to affirm a cultural sin? If you love God, study His word deeply, and let it be the lense that you view everything through. God bless you, Zach.

    • @JESUSJOE2010
      @JESUSJOE2010 2 роки тому +4

      @@BigdaddiZ the father, the son , and the Holy Spirit are three persons in one. Jesus was there in the beginning when God made the heavens and the earth. Jesus was there when God made man and women in his own image. Jesus was there when God defined marriage as one man and one woman leaving no room for debate. Jesus was also there at the first encounter that we see with sodomy aka homosexuality (includes more then just same sex relations) which resulted in both soddom and Gomorrah being burned to the ground with all inhabitants except lot being destroyed, being left as an example to all empires of what will happen if they embrace perversion. Jesus was also there when the Torah was given within it Gods view of same sex relations in Leviticus and other places. And Jesus from his mouth pronounced the judgement on churches that will happen if they endorse perversion and or promote it

    • @jenisebrooks4308
      @jenisebrooks4308 2 роки тому

      Wonder why it wasnt one of the 10 commandments?? But people are sooo against it like its number 1 on the list.

    • @derykdavid2849
      @derykdavid2849 Рік тому

      Yes, I suspect that your friends also used the Bible to justify slavery!

  • @tvmasterc
    @tvmasterc 4 роки тому +35

    My best friend committed suicide because he was gay and his father was a Baptist minister. It took decades to come to God because I loved him. It was a stroke, 28 years later, on the anniversary of his death that brought me to Him. The church has done a piss poor job of reaching out to us!

    • @camillefaith2005
      @camillefaith2005 4 роки тому +3

      I'm so sorry. I pray for his soul.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +3

      Sorry to read this. I still remember the loss of a young man in our community many years ago. Suicide is dreadful and is scourge on society.
      I heard of a group called FreedHearts. The founder of that group has a great story:

    • @watthaile2053
      @watthaile2053 4 роки тому +7

      You are absolutely correct. The church has pushed at least as many far from the church as it's ever brought in. And then after they've pushed them away, they condemn them for wanting nothing to do with the church. And I should add that I myself am a Christian, but I can acknowledge this sad reality.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому +1

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

    • @tvmasterc
      @tvmasterc 3 роки тому +2

      @@hageematthew9155 I was fourteen when David died. So was he. I accidently found out while doing an assignment in school that involved the newspaper. That was a very bad day as I was very distraught, though I would never admitted (at the time) that he was my first love. My biological mother was stoned on drugs when I told her and I didn't get the counseling I needed. My grades started falling immediately. I wound up going to summer school in 1985. After I went to visit my father and his wife in Mississippi. HIs wife is the woman you speak of.
      She was a very religious figure, always condemning my mother for never taking us to church. In fact the only exposure I had to God was the short six weeks I spent at my father's house. That summer would be the last time I would stay there. I was still very upset over David's death, so I made the mistake of asking them if I would see him again in heaven. Her response was that he was in hell for killing himself. My father was silent.
      I was shocked beyond all measure. I had several suicide attempts and blocked out much of what happened, most important of which was how I felt about him. Homelessness occurred when my mother went into drug rehab, and I had to engage in mild prostitution just to have a place to spend the night. But the worst thing of all, a church I had started going to had a guest speaker who screamed out from the pulpit that all gays go to hell. This was met with enthusiastic shouts of praise from the congregation.
      I walked away and swore to never go back. And I didn't for twenty years till my stroke; a stroke that occurred on the anniversary of David's death. This time my walk with God began from a wheelchair. I was bitter and angry, and certainly didn't want to be there. As a believer in God, but knowing that Christians despised the likes of me kept me suffering in silence. Still I kept going.
      Then I got the memory of David back and how I felt about him. It was very upsetting and I started having major PTSD symptoms. About three weeks later a single moment in church changed my life. A fourteen year old kid came before the congregation and asked for prayers because he was gay. The congregation was shocked and outraged; he had dared to utter the 'G' word in church. He ran out, visibly upset and crying. I went after him, but he ran away from home. There was massive conflict that had erupted between him and his family and neither were talking to each other. I told the father my story and that what his son needed most was his family, and to go get his son, no matter how embarrassed he was. The next week at church, the whole family showed up, father and son.
      About three weeks after that, on Wednesday February 3, 2016, God showed me a picture of David's grave on the internet and where it was located; and for the very first time in my life I heard HIs voice, telling me to go. I went on Saturday February 6. Seeing it for the very first time was incredibly difficult. I must have wept there for an hour. As I was about to leave, He spoke again, flooding my mind with knowledge that David had a brother named 'Steve'. I thought I was insane.
      With just a Google search I began looking for this 'Steve' and kept getting returns of a church in Houston Texas, where he was pastor. I actually spoke to this Steve, who confirmed to me that he was David's brother. He began ministering to me about death and resurrection, and quoted the very first Bible verse I ever learned in my life:
      "...God is not god of the dead, but of the living." (Matthew 22:32)
      In that one moment my life was changed forever. Everything religion and my stepmother had been undone. I suddenly had hope and peace I never had before. I have learned to forgive my stepmother, though she has been dead for twenty years. She still holds sway over my life and I still have mistrust over people who call themselves Christian. They matter less and less now. They no longer can decide if I am saved or not, whether I am a believer or not. Only God knows the heart. Only God is god of the living. I now know that David is waiting for me in Eternity!

  • @RevRichardLee
    @RevRichardLee 5 років тому +26

    Dr Campolo
    I am a Christian because of Jesus Christ... not because of the Christians... There are a number of things that I can say, but I can affirm the Love of God above all Else...Thank You.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

  • @aaronmilavec1579
    @aaronmilavec1579 2 роки тому +6

    Woe to those Catholic households where, despite the best-laid plans for coordinated indoctrination, a child confesses having “homosexual inclinations.” A mother known to me, let us call her Gloria, had a son of seventeen who confessed to having “queer” inclinations. She then passed through many stages of grief.
    First, angry denials: “No child of mine could possibly be gay!” And threats: “Remember your teaching, son. Sexual sins are always mortal. Repent and confess them to a priest or, God forbid, you will go to hell. “
    Second, there comes bargaining with God: “God, how could you have permitted this? I have been a true believer and have supported your true Church all my life. What must I do to get this unwanted sickness in my child’s life reversed?”
    Thirdly, some months down the line after Gloria’s ceaseless prayers and novenas did not get the miracle anticipated, self-doubt emerges: “Where did I go wrong? Or my husband? Or his teachers?”
    Then, the son leaves home and travels over a thousand miles away: “For the first time, I can breathe freely without my mother continually hounding me and prying into every aspect of my private life.” With this absence, Gloria becomes emotionally fragile. She breaks down in tears multiple times each day and, invariably, whenever anyone asks about her son. She seeks therapy. Then she unexpected finds great solace in a support group of parents of homosexual children. For the first time, she hears from parents who have arrived at the point where they accept the sexual orientation of her children. She is horrified initially, but then she comes to realize that this acceptance enables parents to return to a supportive relationship with their children after a period of judgment and estrangement. As a result of this realization, she then avoids her parish priest entirely because she doesn’t any longer want to hear “any judgments he might have regarding the conduct of her son.”[i] Gloria gradually stops going to her parish church entirely because she cannot any longer tolerate the “self-righteous pity” expressed by certain “busy-bodies who are praying for Tony’s (not his real name) conversion and return to the Church.”
    Her son writes a letter of a few pages each month. At the end of three years, he writes a long letter describing how he first met “a courageous and sensitive young man” and how, over the course of time, they gradually became friends and lovers and “have pledged their undying love to each other.” Then, for the first time in years, he acknowledges that he missed his mother and, if and only “if she would agree to accept him as gay and to bless the love he has for his partner,” then both of them would want to explore how they might visit for a few days right after Christmas. Gloria is ecstatic!
    At this point, Gloria is entirely ready to accept her son “just as God created him, no more and no less.” This readiness came from her association with members of her support group. As she became at ease with their positive assessment of homosexuality, she at the same time became resentful of how the teaching of the Catholic Church had pitted her against her son. “Even before his leaving,” she said, “I should have been blessing him every day and assuring him that I will be there for him in whatever path God calls him-whether as a gay or as a straight.” To this very day, she cannot understand how “bishops and priests teach us that loving our Creator and loving our neighbor are the heart of Jesus’ message and then, turn around, and teach my son that his deepest desires for intimacy are ‘disordered’ and teach gullible parents like myself that I must condemn love-making between same-sex partners because it is always[ii] a mortal sin.” In fact, she tells those who hear her whole story that “those parents [in her support group] who seldom went to church taught her more about the depth of God’s love than those Catholics who went to church weekly and taught God’s hatred for homosexual love-making.”

  • @jtrevm
    @jtrevm 4 роки тому +13

    Love is powerful - as power- full as can be. Here is man with powerful love. Proclaiming Christ as Christ empowers him. Praise God.

    • @ericclaeyborn7008
      @ericclaeyborn7008 4 роки тому +7

      Being tolerant of an abominable lifestyle, and acting like nothing's wrong with it, is not love. This guy is leading people to hell.

    • @ericclaeyborn7008
      @ericclaeyborn7008 4 роки тому +2

      Being tolerant of an abominable lifestyle, and acting like nothing's wrong with it, is not love. This guy is leading people to hell.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +1

      Hate filled lunatic you are sir

    • @johnathanballard1304
      @johnathanballard1304 4 роки тому

      @@ericclaeyborn7008 But aren't chirstians supposed to love one another

    • @verafosnow5858
      @verafosnow5858 3 роки тому

      Love is powerful but it comes in all shapes and sizes. Some guys love guys some girls love girls some guys like girls some like both some like neither. We should love and accept everyone because love is powdrful!

  • @janesharpe4663
    @janesharpe4663 2 роки тому +4

    Well said. For me the answer is in that verse in 1 John that tells us "God is love." The question is "What does love require of me?"

    • @JESUSJOE2010
      @JESUSJOE2010 2 роки тому +3

      “If you love me you will obey my commands” - Jesus

    • @ateamx3573
      @ateamx3573 Рік тому +2

      Water is Water but not all is clean to drink

    • @bairfreedom
      @bairfreedom Рік тому

      God also commands not to love at times

    • @melaniexoxo
      @melaniexoxo 8 місяців тому

      Love is patient, Love is Kind, love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Bears all things, believes all things. Love never fails.

    • @melaniexoxo
      @melaniexoxo 8 місяців тому

      @@JESUSJOE2010 Jesus’ commands: Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself

  • @barrybarnett9449
    @barrybarnett9449 2 роки тому +3

    I agree with Tony Campolo regarding homosexual orientation. I also believe that the church should define marriage as being between a man and a women and that there are only two genders. These are not incompatible beliefs.

  • @annakimborahpa
    @annakimborahpa 3 роки тому +22

    Mr. Campolo, if you were a sociologist in Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of Lot's visitation by the angels of God (Genesis 19), would you affirm the right of the residents there to have their way with his heavenly visitors, even after their rejection of Lot's offer of his two daughters to them in place of the angels? On merely sociological grounds, wouldn't Lot's refusal to grant his fellow inhabitants their heart's desire to become sexually intimate with the visiting angels be a sin against the charity of hospitality and also (gasp!!!) a despicable act of homophobia? I mean, after all, wasn't Lot committing the unforgivable sin of offering a heterosexual option to his male neighbors hell bent on pursuing their same-sex attraction to angels whom they identified as young men? Just sociologically speaking. Also, do you think they had drag-queen story hour for children in Sodom and Gomorrah?

    • @tomk1974
      @tomk1974 2 роки тому +5

      That was rape, not sex. Don't get them confused.

    • @crippenlandrupublishers7895
      @crippenlandrupublishers7895 Рік тому

      Ezekiel says clearly that the sin of Sodom was inhospitality. It doesn't mention sex. You're adding to the text.
      Also you as a woman are violating Paul's letter where he says that women should not try to teach men. They need to sit down. Why are you sinning?

    • @annakimborahpa
      @annakimborahpa Рік тому +1

      @@crippenlandrupublishers7895 Genesis 19:4-5: Before they went to bed, the townsmen of Sodom, both young and old-all the people to the last man-surrounded the house. They called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have sexual relations with them.”

  • @damonthompson4990
    @damonthompson4990 Рік тому +6

    Thank you. I cried so hard when I listened. 2 of my My adult kids are gay. I need to stand up even more than I do.

    • @martinbraun2533
      @martinbraun2533 8 місяців тому +1

      Despite what many want to understand... according to scripture, and the Word of God, Jesus... homosexuality is still a sin.
      Tony Campolo's arguments are with God and scripture... and this is just five of many counter arguments told by others:
      1. According to scripture, homosexuality is a violation of the created order. We are not made that way, according to scripture.
      2. By scripture, nature, and science homosexuality rejects procreation.
      3. According to scripture, it blasphemes the illustration of Christ's relationship with his bride the church.
      4. Homosexuality rejects sanctification because it denies what is sinful and calls it righteous. The inspired Word of God calls it an abomination, and man chooses to argue that point.
      5. The abomination of Homosexuality is in the Old Testament and carried into the New Testament.
      There are three Biblical laws, ceremonial, civil and moral. Jesus made a new covenant after he full filled the laws of the old covenant. The moral laws are carried from old into the new and homosexuality is still in violation of moral law... according to Biblical scholars. To say homosexuality is simply an unclean act, a civil violation, actually flies in the face of Homosexuals who believe their attraction toward someone of the same gender is much more than physical. Tony Campolo has it 100% wrong, according to Biblical scholars. See 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
      It is VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE, Jesus' new covenant doesn't allow exception to treat homosexuals worse nor better than any sinner. And almost all born again Christians and evangelicals know this. Just as Christians are called to go to prisoners, Christians are called to love homosexuals, and ALL sinners. Tony Campolo calling out a few bad apples does not justify cancelling out the majority who have it right.
      ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT, gay men have changed. There are testimonies by gay men who have changed in two ways... behavior... and desire... after being born again. Saying it has not happened is simply a lie. For Tony Campolo to say he has not experienced or witnessed a change, does not mean it does not exist. That is a false argument, and FLIES IN THE FACE of Christian faith, and contradicts the validity of Christians who have not seen God but still believes He exists. Some homosexuals have been transformed by the saving grace of God.
      My prayers, and love goes out to everyone struggling with this subject. May you find peace in knowing everyone has a burden, but God has faith in us and loves us. God has demonstrated many times how he uses the least likely to do great things. Have faith, and find comfort in His love for you.

  • @sheridanharrell3743
    @sheridanharrell3743 Рік тому +9

    Well said Sir, wish more Methodist thought as you🌻

    • @jackiepowell7513
      @jackiepowell7513 Рік тому

      Just know hrc wanted to be one, a Methodist pastor!??? That was a harbinger to the schism in the methodist assemblies. The decimation of the 5 cities of the plains speaks loudly enough.

    • @jackiepowell7513
      @jackiepowell7513 Рік тому

      Camden : quit monetizing illegitimate children. Pushback to the Dems.

  • @vagabondsojourner9847
    @vagabondsojourner9847 4 роки тому +11

    I like Anthony Campolo, I respect him and do consider him a brother in Christ and yet disagree with him on the vast majority of political and social issues, I suspect this side of heaven we will never see eye to eye on many issues, but on some, we do see eye to eye on # 1 would be reaching out to the world to minister to their needs. An excellent talk he gave, powerful speaker.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

    • @jenniferhall6649
      @jenniferhall6649 2 роки тому

      Thank you for what you said . This is what needs to be said over and over and over until we all get it .. we can agree to disagree

  • @RKM514
    @RKM514 Рік тому +1

    I'm an ex-Pentecostal ex-Christian gay homosexual from Suncrest Drive in Florence, Alabama. Christian homophobia has ruined any possibility for me to be reconciled to this religion, it's too little too late. Even though some churches liked United Methodists, Evangelical Lutherans, Episcopalians, Unity, etc have tried to tone down the bigotry but it's too little too late.

    • @lonewolfepup
      @lonewolfepup 5 місяців тому

      If we were to judge Jesus by those who call themselves Christians, Christianity would have died out long ago. Christ is more powerful than the bigotry done in His name. You have been horribly hurt. The day you realize that forgiving those who ask your forgiveness is more powerful than your hurt.... that will be the day you will know what Christ has overcome the world.

  • @juanvelez8564
    @juanvelez8564 4 роки тому +16

    Unexpected and unusual. So rare to find even a hint of understanding/discernment from Evangelicals.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

    • @jasperrahbar-dehghan9744
      @jasperrahbar-dehghan9744 3 роки тому +6

      @@hageematthew9155 God will never reveal anything that is contradictory to his word, it is from Satan and his angels trying to appear as an Angel of Light. Do not be deceived

    • @kimsteinke713
      @kimsteinke713 3 роки тому

      @@hageematthew9155 hey you know what you are you're a scoundrel. I see you extorting these people for handouts and I think God sees you too quit it this is not a cult this is the real Spirit on this board take your phone number and your attacks away stop attacking us we see you in Nigeria do not give money to these creeps they're nothing but false prophets trying to scare you fear is not love and love is not fear amen now flee you liar than thief. 😇🌈🙏

    • @PaDutchRunner
      @PaDutchRunner 2 роки тому +3

      He cannot be an evangelical and hold to this position, despite what he may claim.

  • @melaniexoxo
    @melaniexoxo 8 місяців тому +1

    I love you Tony thank you so much ❤

  • @markanthony3275
    @markanthony3275 2 роки тому +10

    "What would you say if a family member, friend or colleague had a condition that is routinely but not always associated with the following problems:
    - A significantly decreased likelihood of establishing or preserving a successful marriage
    - A five to ten year decrease in life expectancy
    - Chronic , potentially fatal liver disease-hepatitis
    - Invariably fatal esophageal cancer
    - Pneumonia
    - Internal bleeding
    - Serious mental disabilities, many of which are irreversible
    - A much higher than usual incidence of suicide
    - A very low likelihood that it's adverse effects can be eliminated unless the condition itself is eliminated
    - An only 30% likelihood of being eliminated through lengthy, costly, time consuming treatment in an otherwise unselected population of sufferers, although a very high rate of success among motivated carefully selected sufferers.
    * We can add four qualifications to this unnamed condition:
    #1 Although it's origins are influenced by genetics, the condition is strictly rooted in behaviour
    #2 Individuals who have this condition continue the behaviour despite the destructive consequences of doing so
    #3 Although some people with this condition perceive it as a problem and wish they could rid themselves of it, many others deny that they have any problem at all and violently resist any attempts to "help" them
    #4 These people who resist help tend to socialize with one another, sometimes exclusively , and form a kind of "subculture"
    This unnamed condition we have been describing is "ALCOHOLISM".
    And now imagine another friend, family member or colleague who has another unnamed condition associated with a similar list of problems:
    - A significantly decreased likelihood of establishing or preserving a successful marriage
    - Chronic potentially fatal , liver disease- infectious hepatitis, which increases the risk of liver cancer
    - Inevitably fatal immune disease including associated cancers
    - Frequently fatal rectal cancer
    - Multiple bowel and other diseases
    - A much higher than usual incidence of suicide
    - A very low likelihood that it's adverse effects can be eliminated unless the condition itself is eliminated
    - An at least 50% likelihood of being eliminated through lengthy, costly , time consuming treatment in an otherwise unselected population...but a very high success rate , almost 100% among a carefully selected, motivated population
    * As with alcoholism , we can add four qualifications to this unnamed condition:
    #1 Even though it's origins may be influenced by genetics, the condition is, strictly speaking, a pattern of behaviour
    #2 Individuals who have this condition continue in the behaviour in spite of the destructive consequences of doing so
    #3 Although some people with this condition perceive it as a problem and wish they could rid themselves of it, many others deny that they have any problem at all and violently resist any attempts to "help" them
    #4 Some of the people with this condition, especially those who deny it is a problem, tend to socialize almost exclusively with one another and form a likeminded "subculture"
    This unnamed condition we have been describing is...homosexuality. "( From "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth " by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover)
    Both of these conditions are forms of volitional, addictive, compulsive , self soothing behaviour...and as addictions they are automatically IDOLATROUS....first these addictions separate the addict from friends, then family, and then God...and then the addict must join a subculture of likeminded individuals where they can join together to worship their god...that's what a Pride Parade is all about...addicts worshipping the sexuality that they made into a god. Now...Tony Campolo has made a big deal about "red letter" Christianity...teaching the words of Jesus did Jesus have anything to say about volitional, addictive , compulsive, self soothing behaviours? Yes He did...He said " You shall have NO OTHER gods in my place". This is the heresy that Tony Campolo, and many others are now defending . All they are doing is exchanging a validation of the person and work of Jesus Christ in favour of a Jesus whose purpose is to validate LGBT individuals in their addictive sexuality. Tony Campolo...may the Lord rebuke you!

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 2 роки тому

      @@robertreaves3182 I such person is Becket Cook the Hollywood photographer who has a show on You Tube that I watch when I can. And every time I watch his show I give thanks to God who is able to change all of us through his redeeming power!

    • @abaddon2148
      @abaddon2148 2 роки тому

      y'all ever think that the decrease in life expectancy, the medical issues, et cetera are because of gay people's intense historic oppression because of religious logic like this that makes it incredibly hard for them to live and get medical treatment for example? gay people get hatecrimed constantly, lowering their life expectancy. but no, because you lot don't think. no nuance or context allowed, only mistranslated words from a 2000yr old text will do. brainwashed idiots, all of you.

      @GOLDSMITHEXILE Рік тому

      camopolos ministry is the same thing (self soothing behaviour)

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 Рік тому

      @@GOLDSMITHEXILE Not to single out LGBT people, drug addicts, alcoholics, gluttons, gamblers, shopaholics , workaholics, golfaholics etc etc etc all participate in self soothing behaviour.

      @GOLDSMITHEXILE Рік тому

      @@markanthony3275 Of course, "the acts of the sinful nature are obvious"....which is why teaching on self denial, death of "self", crucify the flesh, put to death whatever belongs to the earthly nature, take up the cross daily, walk in the spirit and not after the lusts of the flesh etc, is really unpopular, even considered to be pharisee hate speach in the modern church
      Psalm 85:8 "I will listen to what God the Lord will say...he promises peace to his people, his saints, but let them not return to folly"

  • @mark48125
    @mark48125 2 роки тому +4

    Many many practicing homosexuals have converted to Christianity and openly forsaken and confessed their former lifestyle was in fact a chosen lifestyle.

  • @1wizabuff1
    @1wizabuff1 2 роки тому +14

    thank you so much for sharing this. it can be so tiring that when I make supportive statements about LGBTQ+ issues that others seem to doubt my faith or question my Biblical understanding.

    • @computerguy1724
      @computerguy1724 2 роки тому

      LGBTQ+ takes away from God's natural order.

  • @edwardkithuku5678
    @edwardkithuku5678 Рік тому +1

    God is delivering People like these completly without any prejudice in Africa, we have seen it all

  • @susanaquino3732
    @susanaquino3732 Рік тому +3

    This man should read his Bible it is very plain that it is wrong we can love them but have to let them know they are wrong this man should not be a leader in any church

    • @catherinefroese4628
      @catherinefroese4628 9 місяців тому

      What does he believe about the drag queens doing their parades

  • @surferatapollobay1341
    @surferatapollobay1341 Рік тому +3

    In discussions on this issue as soon as Jude 7. Is mentioned ..Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed..there is dead silence

    • @DebbyEvans
      @DebbyEvans 6 днів тому +1

      Sodom and Gomorrah describes an account of attempted gang rape.
      Explain to me what attempted gang rape has to do with a loving, committed gay couple.

    • @surferatapollobay1341
      @surferatapollobay1341 2 дні тому

      @@DebbyEvans it was sexual immorality. Read Rebecca MCLAUGHLIN take on this

    • @DebbyEvans
      @DebbyEvans 2 дні тому +1

      @@surferatapollobay1341 Jesus commands us to “Love your neighbor as yourself” in Mark 12:31 verse.
      When are you going to *start* loving your gay and lesbian neighbors as yourself?
      You don’t get a free pass.

    • @DebbyEvans
      @DebbyEvans 2 дні тому +1

      @@surferatapollobay1341 What was the sin of Sodom?
      *Ezekiel 16:48-50* states it clearly: people of Sodom, like many people today, had abundance of material goods. But they failed to meet the needs of the poor and they worshipped idols.
      The sins of injustice and idolatry plague every generation. We stand under the same judgment if we create *false gods* or treat others with injustice.

  • @Robert-pz8yx
    @Robert-pz8yx Рік тому

    This was good preaching. We don't hear this often and it is refreshing. I am currently experiencing what seems like oppression. I am not homosexual but often hear accusations that say, "Queer' among other things. I am single and 73 yrs. Old. I have had a relationship with an elderly man in the Church who was gay who mentored me and helpful to me in my music career. I had finished graduate school and had no finances. He hade jumping from one fast food place to another seeking employment. Being discouraged, I came home one day and checked my messages. There was a loud panting noises. I was afraid and went to my parents home. My mother was there. In my confusion I said 'I'm a homosexual". She was upset because my nephew and niece were there. Things settled down but I was still partially confused. Before all this, he had played a song medley for me by christian artists. It was good and I agreed to transcribed it. It turned out to be 19 pages long and consisted of voices, woodwinds, brass and synthesized strings. It took me two months to complete. I purchased music notation software and put the arrangement into the software. It turned out sounding exceptionly well. He gave me a 100.00. Now I know this work would be worth close to 1,000. At this time, I had excepted a project with a woman at a respectable church, charismatic church. While attending a service there, after I had finished my transcription from the other project, I heard a 😱 voice in the spirit say, 'Homosexual.". More confusion and fear. I "should have been". working on this other project from a lovely lady at the highly respectable charismatic church.
    I was said to be a procrastinating on this "official" project. I deemed myself a failure. They did not know my predicament. I was not fond of the songs for this project and was given 25.00 per transcription. I did 3 transcriptions. I agreed to do transcriptions for 20 songs which was outrageous. More guilt and frustration.
    I wanted to make a point about Jesus not mentioning homosexuality : I've been educated to believe that the reason Jesus does not mention homosexuality is because He was preaching to the Jews who were a "moral' people. But "moral'" can mean self righteousness.

  • @borneyraybergantine2124
    @borneyraybergantine2124 9 місяців тому +3

    This is diametrically opposed to the phrase: "such were some of you."
    God gives repentance. And he commands all men everywhere to repent.

  • @keithwhitney7491
    @keithwhitney7491 3 роки тому +31

    Tony, I have great respect for your encouraging personality. I don’t believe you are disingenuous, but Biblical theology in what is one of our prime sources, the book of Romans, Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth, and so much more make the arguments against following homosexual urges or orientation. I am more drawn to the Pope’s expression of why neither he nor the Counsel’s can do what so many want: They do not have the authority to declare what God says is sinful to be not so. It is a cheap shot to recite what disgusting things thugs have done to the lonely and hurting. According to a most recent Christian survey 50% of the heterosexuals in Evangelical Christianity believes casual sex as all right. We are a culture that has elevated sex, hedonism, to the level of what life stands for. I am saddened. As a man who is heterosexual, I am faithful to my wife even when medical problems preclude sexual intercourse. WE ARE WRONG TO CONDEMN; God will judge each of us. And, I do not affirm the hatred, the crude actions you indicate, but I am concerned for a young, confused woman who went to lesbian counselor, who loved her and married her (I could lose a license fo failing to refer her), who still has feelings for men. She now has a child, and she does not know bliss simply because she accepted being gay. Was she? 30%, in one likely unscientific study, of our young women declared they are bisexual. Do you think that society can just go by our human judgment, following our “heart,” instead of God’s created order? It is much, much more complicated than you stories, I pray for all of us.

    • @jessicaknight788
      @jessicaknight788 3 роки тому +5

      Thank you for your wise words, speaking the truth in love brings deliverance. This so very well said. God bless you for your comment

    • @AimeeAimee444
      @AimeeAimee444 3 роки тому +3

      I have been with my partner for 28 years. We are not carnal individuals. I’m a loving daughter who is taking care of her senior parents whom I love and respect. I’m spiritual and care for all living things. I don’t understand how I am a horrible person who is going to suffer in hell.

    • @jessicaknight788
      @jessicaknight788 3 роки тому +2

      @@AimeeAimee444 Dear sweet Aimee- it sounds like you are doing your very best to do the best thing in life. I just pray that you talk to your loving Heavenly Father God, the one true God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) about the question you have, “I don’t understand how I am a horrible person who will suffer in hell.” You are God’s creation and not a horrible person. He loved you so much He sent his son to die on the cross to take away all of the sins of everyone of us. Our sin, which we all have, keeps us from being in Gods holy presence. God the Holy Spirit talks to us in our hearts about our sins and convicts us and lets us know we can have all our sins forgiven, just by admitting them and asking for forgiveness. He takes those sins away and cleans our hearts and makes us new. Our desires become holy so we want to be what God wants us to be and if we continue in our sin, we are miserable. He understands us and loves us so much, He is waiting on us to talk to Him. To crawl up in a his lap and love us. He just wants us to be a His children, delivered from the bondage of sin, which comes from the devil, who tricks our minds into justifying our sins. What matters most is what God tells you in the Holy Bible and in your heart, not what people say. Much love to you.

    • @pastormatthew4362
      @pastormatthew4362 2 роки тому

      @@AimeeAimee444 God is God and we are not. He defines goodness; neither do you nor I. Repent and believe in Christ as Creator and Savior, as He revealed Himself (and us) through His appointed prophets, disciples, and apostles. I regret that you are being lied to by false teachers like Campolo and other unbiblical apostates in the UMC and other religious abominations.

    • @jenisebrooks4308
      @jenisebrooks4308 2 роки тому

      The sin appears to center around sexual activity. However some who have the same gender attraction especially those who try to live a Christian life know that its about way more than sex and question what is the sin?? Or how are they sinning more than a hetero married cpl who may commit other sins more frequently than the same gender married cpl?? There are other abominations listed in the Bible that christians commit but who is saying to this folks you dont belong or you cant serve. Some same gender cpl may not even engage in sex is it still sinful for them to share their lives together??

  • @oneperson5760
    @oneperson5760 3 роки тому +26

    People must conform to God's law, not try to change God's law to conform to people.

  • @cathy7382
    @cathy7382 5 місяців тому +2

    Yes it is true that Jesus ĥad a love for the outcasts of society and that may
    have included homosexuals but He
    never condoned sinful lifestyles

  • @soilofk
    @soilofk 2 роки тому +16

    AMAZING!!!! ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼 Jesus must be proud of Tony.

    • @MrCallidus
      @MrCallidus Рік тому +3

      I hope that's sarcasm.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Рік тому +2

      @@MrCallidus I'm guessing it's not sarcasm, Tony is lost. utterly clueless.

  • @tatters1232006
    @tatters1232006 6 років тому +20

    Being a humanist I am deeply touched by MCompolos description of Roger had me in tears

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 5 років тому +4

      Yes, that struck me too. I saw someone abused at school and I did not say anything.
      I saw another person clearly struggling with sexuality and did not ask them if they needed to talk. They hung themselves in their parents car garage. The guilt is there. There is anger when I read or hear these so-called religious people quote their 6 or 7 verses. They never say Jesus didn’t comment, they just quote the the same old clobber passages without any consideration of what that does. And they never ever consider that what was written so long ago does not even relate to loving committed consensual supporting relationships between two people.

    • @ericclaeyborn7008
      @ericclaeyborn7008 4 роки тому +1

      @@pazstephen9779 It's not a struggle with sexuality. It's a struggle with sin, which is a rebellion against God.

    • @ericclaeyborn7008
      @ericclaeyborn7008 4 роки тому

      @@pazstephen9779 It's not a struggle with sexuality. It's a struggle with sin, which is a rebellion against God.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +4

      Well, you are right in one respect... it should not be seen as a struggle with sexuality.
      Why? Because the struggle is because of other ignorant people around us.
      It is not a sin to faithfully promise to love and cherish another person who is also homosexual. It cannot be a sin because God made us that way, just as some lions are homosexual for example. They don’t get aroused by the female of their species.
      So yes, it’s not a struggle with sexuality, because that is no longer seen as an illness, and it is no longer a crime for two adults of the same gender to be in love and satisfy each other’s needs for that closeness which only comes in the intimacy and privacy that any couple deserve to have.
      It is a struggle because of some dogma peddled by folks like you sir. Outdated, I’ll formed, poorly translated transcripts written in a time when science was in its infancy (and I’m being generous with that)
      The rebellion you perceive is against yours and a decreasing minorities view which harks back to a time 2000 years ago. To be fair, and I will give you this, it’s not only 2000 years ago but 40 years ago, maybe less.
      I give thanks to our father in heaven like I give thanks to my own father and mother. I’m so blessed to be loved by them dearly, to have a good job, and to have many friends in and outside the Christian church.
      Sorry you felt a need to come here and vomit your opinion all over the place. It’s offensive and unwelcome but you’re free to do it. I hope you see beyond your current thinking, and I certainly pray you don’t cause harm with such vile views before you leave this earth.
      Good day.

    • @Bookaboomlala
      @Bookaboomlala 4 роки тому

      @@pazstephen9779 In my country of origin, in my parent’s generation, they don’t want their children to associate with gays, which during that time were only few. The reason “ gayness or homosexuality is contagious”. The sexual practice they say is. I consider it a sexual struggle. Love can be learned and develop and then intimacy follows. There are celebrities and Christians in my country of origin who are gays and married to opposite sex and has children. Western. Countries and the US goes whatever and wherever their mind takes them. Just saying....

  • @fightintheshade
    @fightintheshade 2 роки тому +2

    Tony’s arguments for homosexuality
    “we don’t know why people are homosexuals”
    “some preachers say bad things about homosexuals and make them feel bad”
    “some homosexuals kill themselves because they are ashamed of their behavior”
    “some homosexuals know the Bible and some churches don’t care about homosexuality”
    “Tony made fun of Roger and bullied him, and Roger killed himself”
    “Homosexuals reject church because church people said bad things about them”
    “Homosexuals challenged Tony that Jesus doesn’t specifically condemn homosexuality”
    “Christians don’t follow Jesus perfectly”
    Needless to say the rest of “Dr” Campola’s arguments are extremely weak and as unpersuasive as the rest.

  • @huichuanlim820
    @huichuanlim820 3 роки тому +16

    I stopped watching after 9:26. It's quite obvious this is rationalization. Sex between men is an abomination (detestable in my version). It is found in Lev 18:22. Touching the skin of a pig makes you unclean (not abominable) in Lev 11:7-8. They are not next to each other in the same chapter. If by inferring that the touching of the pig skin verse is next to the sex between men verse makes gay sex acceptable because touching a dead pig now is acceptable, then you must accept all the other prohibitions that are next to the same sex verse. And that is incest, bestialities, etc.. Can we use the same logic? Can we say all these are now acceptable? Gay relationships are not acceptable. Just as adultery is unacceptable. I believe there are more adulterers in the US than gays. Adulterers would have gone through the same shame sitting in the pew when the pastor shares about the sin of cheating. That doesn't mean that we should make adultery acceptable to make them comfortable. The sociologist should study if the suicide rates amongst gays drop after they are accepted by societal standard changes. Apparently it did not. So who is actually helping the gays? Not even one gay man changed to straight? I thought I've seen quite a few youtube videos by men who did. Rationalization.

  • @LAB-AF
    @LAB-AF Рік тому +4

    This was a great sermon. It really pulls at emotions to make the pastor's point, regardless of your views of the subject matter. As an outsider looking in on the now methodist division, I can't help but see the UMC Association as money hungry. They are destroying the small historical Methodist churches by making the devision such a costly process. Why can't they allow those congregations to join the GMC and just agree to disagree.

    • @brownro214
      @brownro214 Рік тому +1

      As you said it's about money.

  • @fentonport
    @fentonport Рік тому +3

    So this man doesn't believe the bible. So why even bother?

  • @whitese7en448
    @whitese7en448 2 роки тому +2

    Homosexuality is also condemned in the New Testament.

  • @chamber251
    @chamber251 2 роки тому +18

    This unfortunate current split in the UMC reminds me of a similar split in southern Methodists in the 1960s -1970s.. When I was growing up in the 1960's South, many churches left the UMC because they opposed racial integration, believing the Bible called for continued segretation of blacks and white.
    My wife and I were both sad and excited as we recently transferred from a church leaving the UMC. We have joined a UMC church that is staying the course until the next annual conference. We would have preferred to see our old church support, and the UMC approve, one of the other options than the Traditional Plan. We hate to see the church divided over this one issue of acceptance of gay marriage/clergy. We have gay relatives, and it appears to us they were made by God and nature this way, and deserve full acceptance and support in the church. We suppose the broader issue is how literally we interpret the Bible. We think our society's understanding of homosexuality has improved over the last many centuries.

  • @henrieecen2938
    @henrieecen2938 Рік тому +1

    Jesus said "Let those who are without sin cast the first stone!" What hypocrits and a momentous stumbling block this judgemental church has been on this subject. I thank God for His grace and forgiveness for ALL sin in ALL mankind through the death and resurrection of Him in Jesus. A great and powerful admonishment by Tony to institutional Christianity for not truly following the WAY of Jesus and transforming the world.
    Moralism yes but little grace and mercy. ❤️

  • @MMLZombie
    @MMLZombie 11 місяців тому +1

    What a beautiful, beautiful man

  • @scottlong884
    @scottlong884 Рік тому +2

    Condoning sin is also a sin.

  • @SteveeLeePhillips
    @SteveeLeePhillips 4 роки тому +7

    Excellent message!!! If only ALL churches and ministers were like HIM!!!!

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +1

      Jo Man,
      Incorrect. Blatant twisting of the message of the Gospels and Jesus’ reason for existence.
      As you say, a difference of opinion, which would be ok if such opinions did not actually cause harm when expressed.
      The video here represents a Methodist view of the Truth.
      A view based on something at the core of Methodist theology: the Quadrilateral.
      If you are not Methodist I understand your views may be theologically opposed to this position. Even then though, I ask how you equate the light of Christ to your view.
      Specifically though, the Methodist Church considers theology by looking at Scripture, at Tradition, Reason and Experience.
      Your position suggests a lack of experience of Gay people. And I would suggest a lack of reason; listen to the arguments presented by the speaker in this video. How do you reason your opinion alongside all he said?
      Sir, I do not claim to be 100% correct. I cannot know for sure. I do know Christ acted in a way we cannnot hope to achieve in full. We try, but we come up short!
      Jo I experienced seeing a young man commit suicide. Unnecessary loss of life, derided by the opinions of folk as yourself. What could that teenage have achieved in his life? He was interested in biology and medicine. The failure to ensure he felt love from all could have prevented a miracle cure for the 4 Coronaviruses being created. And all because of misconceived ideas about people who inexplicably love and are attracted to the same sex.
      Of course his life might not have delivered anything you might deem worthwhile. But would Jesus take the same view?

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +1

      Oh Jo, where to begin!!
      You gave away your mission in your claim that gay folks have a shorter life expectancy.
      This falsehood can be traced directly to the discredited research of Paul Cameron and his Family Research Institute, specifically a 1994 paper he co-wrote entitled "The Lifespan of Homosexuals." Using obituaries collected from newspapers serving the gay community, he and his two co-authors concluded that gay men died, on average, at 43, compared to an average life expectancy at the time of around 73 for all U.S. men. On the basis of the same obituaries, Cameron also claimed that gay men are 18 times more likely to die in car accidents than heterosexuals, 22 times more likely to die of heart attacks than whites, and 11 times more likely than blacks to die of the same cause. He also concluded that lesbians are 487 times more likely to die of murder, suicide, or accidents than straight women.
      Cameron's methodology is egregiously flawed - most obviously because the sample he selected (the data from the obits) was not remotely statistically representative of the LGBT population as a whole. Even Nicholas Eberstadt, a demographer at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, has called Cameron's methods "just ridiculous."
      Anti-LGBT organizations have also tried to support this claim by distorting the work of legitimate scholars, like a 1997 study conducted by a Canadian team of researchers that dealt with gay and bisexual men living in Vancouver in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The authors of the study became aware that their work was being misrepresented by anti-LGBT groups, and issued a response taking the groups to task.
      I will try not to waste more breath/typing on your opinion rebuttals. Hopefully people can see from our short interactions the voracious nature of your unsubstantiated claims and my genuine approach to tackling such opinions.

  • @SimplyReformed
    @SimplyReformed Рік тому +2

    No Scripture, no holiness, no righteousness, no God's Law, no Gospel, no Christ - just sociological psychobabble based on a love of the (secular) world. Just sad. (2Timothy 4:3-4)

  • @victormastropietro1703
    @victormastropietro1703 3 роки тому +28

    Love is shown in your words. Praise God

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 3 роки тому +1

      Try reading the book

    • @Cathy7167
      @Cathy7167 Рік тому +2

      It’s one thing to above and can’t have compassion because we are all sinners. It’s another thing to condone the sin and act like it’s acceptable to God.

  • @mercedes1155
    @mercedes1155 6 років тому +16

    so much power in this preach !!! love 14-15 min. best statement!

    • @davloew1
      @davloew1 Рік тому

      So basically let's just accept all sins

  • @JonathanEngblom
    @JonathanEngblom Рік тому +2

    God the Son, Jesus Christ, born to the virgin Mary, concieved through the God the Holy Spirit, did not live a righteous life, die for my sin, and rise that I may have Eternal Life in Him, so that I can wallow in the Sin I once craved without penalty! 😢 He died for me, a unworthy, rebellious sinner, that that I in Him might Live! Repent of your evil deeds that you may live! Repent and believe the Gospel! The basis of all our sin, adultury as well as homosexuality, theft and murder, hate and lust, is unbelief, a knittet fist to heaven saying:"I am my own god, my will be done!" Yet we all know, and claim, there is only One God, only One who may define Good and Evil!
    I won't claim that sin die easily, it has definetly not done so in me, its a lifetime of sanctification, struggle and battle, but the christian will, no matter the sin he struggles with, say to the God who bled and died on a tree for him: "Father, your will be done, not mine!"

  • @diannebadger3344
    @diannebadger3344 5 років тому +19

    Thank you for posting this, I needed to hear this.

  • @Panhandlebluegrass1986
    @Panhandlebluegrass1986 10 місяців тому +3

    This man is a story teller, not a man of God.

    • @BJohnDoyle
      @BJohnDoyle 3 місяці тому

      Did you miss the part about drawing lines in the sand of judgement and pushing certain people to the other side, and the question of what side Jesus is always on?

  • @9pdag
    @9pdag 11 місяців тому +2

    Y’all act like chastity is impossible

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen Рік тому +1

    "that is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.[32]". No amount of justification changes the biblical prohibition on gay sexual acts. Sex is reserved for heterosexual marriage and must be faithful. Gay people are loved by God just as anybody else but Sin is prohibited by God for all also.

  • @tomm6167
    @tomm6167 Рік тому +1

    A few thoughts ...
    Tony Campolo doesn't seem to care what the Bible teaches about homosexuality.
    Jesus didn't (directly) condemn homosexuality because everybody in Israel believed it was a sin. There simply was nothing to say. Same with Jesus not condemning bestiality.
    Several of his arguments boil down to: Two Wrongs Make a Right.
    Regarding divorce, any divorce-related sin is a past tense sin, unlike the topic at hand.
    His accusation that evangelicals don't care about the poor is preposterous.

  • @shihyuchu6753
    @shihyuchu6753 2 роки тому +1

    To compromise the severity of to undermine the power of Jesus forgiveness merited on the cross

  • @lisasurber7281
    @lisasurber7281 4 місяці тому

    Just because we don’t know what causes homosexuality doesn’t change the fact that the Bible says it is a sin. He is trying really hard to justify it.

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen Рік тому +1

    God loves all people. This pastor is conflating homosexuality with homosexuals acts. The latter is prohibited by God just as sex between unmarried straight people are prohibited from sex outside of marriage. This pastor's derision of the Bible is shocking and explains why people are leaving the UMC. He does not know better than God and never will.

  • @jus4kicks
    @jus4kicks Рік тому +2

    I sorta of atumbled on this message and disagree. You are coming from a sociological and human mindset versus a Biblical one. God was extremely clear on this. It is called sin. God never changes. And your beginning comments about how our human nature cannot explain it...well we can if we want to call it as God called it. But yhat doesnt mean we cannot love or pray for a person. And that goes goes for any pwrson of any turmoil. We are all sinners and by God's grace and mercy can we get thru it or by it and repent. Lets remember Jesus used the lame, the wicked, the harlot etc. He didnt turn his back on them but they also repented and believed. Jesus did not approve of pushing ones sin or sinful nature on another and misleading.

  • @veronicavasco2572
    @veronicavasco2572 2 роки тому +2

    1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

  • @tomgarrison5313
    @tomgarrison5313 4 місяці тому

    I do know because I do know what the word of God says on the issue: God says it is an abomination. Sodomy is sin. Lying is also sin. Lust is also sin. Adultery is sin. Stealing is sin. There are many things that God says is sin. Jesus calls us to repent and forsake these sins. Go, and sin no more.

  • @johnnyd.5466
    @johnnyd.5466 7 років тому +22

    Thank you, Dr. Campolo! Your positions are wise and nuanced, and clearly carefully considered.The fundamentalist pushback is predictable and lazy. You and Peggy are really doing Christ's work. "I have other sheep not of this sheep-pen, and I must draw them in also." John 10:16

    • @tich9599
      @tich9599 4 роки тому +1

      1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New International Version (NIV)
      9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 роки тому +2

      Ti Ch... yawn!!!
      Quoting one verse from all the thousands of verses in the books of the Bible is neither clever nor proof of anything.
      Your passage from the letter to the Corinthians concerns male prostitution. It is not about same sex couples in loving, faithful, committed relationships for lifetimes.
      Let’s remind ourselves that there are several people like you will use to condemn homosexual people.
      Noah and Ham (Genesis 9:20-27), Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-11), Levitical laws condemning same-sex relationships (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), two words in two Second Testament vice lists (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:10), and Paul's letter to the Romans (Romans 1:26-27). The author believes that these do not refer to homosexual relationships between two free, adult, and loving individuals. They describe rape or attempted rape (Genesis 9:20-27, 19:1-11), cultic prostitution (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), male prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:10), and the Isis cult in Rome (Romans 1:26-27).
      If the biblical authors did assume homosexuality was evil, we do not theologize off of their cultural assumptions, we theologize off of the texts we have in the canon.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

  • @annamariekool8600
    @annamariekool8600 4 роки тому +9

    Thank you. Thank you so much.

  • @ruckusbuck
    @ruckusbuck Рік тому +1

    2 Esdras 7:36 KJV
    36. Then said I, Abraham prayed first for the Sodomites, and Moses for the fathers that sinned in the wilderness:
    While I don't condone the behavior, I pray for them to be delivered from their sin as I do all others living in sin.

  • @elliebells2796
    @elliebells2796 4 роки тому +7

    Lord have mercy on us. With God all things are possible.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

  • @bilbobaggins4403
    @bilbobaggins4403 3 роки тому +4

    Nicene Creed brother.

  • @alfkh
    @alfkh 2 роки тому +1

    Around 7min mark; touching a dead pig is an abomination? really? where in leviticus 18 does it say that?

  • @taylorcole8225
    @taylorcole8225 Рік тому +1

    14:55 another way he bends and ultimately breaks. Divorce and re-marriage is spoken on plenty by Christ himself.
    Don’t point the finger at the congregation and say, “you allow this sin so allow all!!”
    Offer your hand and say “let me help you through to see the truth of your actions”

  • @shaggy791
    @shaggy791 2 роки тому +2

    Not totally true. I have a friend who was gay, and he prayed about it, and God transformed him. He is now happily married to the love of his life, who happens to be a woman. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being gay, I am just saying that homosexual men DO change and HAVE changed.

  • @devonp2756
    @devonp2756 2 роки тому +6

    Jesus also told the woman "Go and sin no more..."
    I like Tony Campolo. I feel his heart in this message. He could have still expressed love and truth. However, he didn't. Love without truth is idolatry and that's what this message is. It's heartbreaking because I have family and friends who are homosexual and I love them and I treat them with the utmost respect as I do any other person, but they know where I stand and I stand on God's word.

  • @Timbitvader1
    @Timbitvader1 7 років тому +20

    Aw his wife looks so proud :).

  • @kimsteinke713
    @kimsteinke713 2 роки тому +7

    You're saving lives Tony Coppola and your wife is blessed. Don't feel bad even gay people went down the wrong road it's easy to follow the crowd the one thing gay people have the advantage of is being born that way and knowing they came into the world that way at least that's what I take to my grave. I'm at peace now, it's a long road. 😇🙏🌈

  • @carlcutts8535
    @carlcutts8535 Рік тому

    Homosexuality is not my issue..does not change my views .nor does it effect my life..I do not fight.for acceptance who I am....

  • @terrydixon7684
    @terrydixon7684 2 роки тому +18

    How come everyone leaves out the word "SIN"?

    • @Bishopgrey
      @Bishopgrey Рік тому

      Three reasons: being gay is not a sin, Jesus said nothing about it and because the word sin is an Anglo Saxon word not Hebrew or Greek.

    • @brucee8332
      @brucee8332 Рік тому +1

      Sin is separation from God, so, quoting Romans 8, NOTHING WILL SEPARATE US, as Tony says, Gay or Straight, who love and are loved by God, and who follow Christ's Great Commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

    • @pulley52
      @pulley52 Рік тому

      That’s exactly what I was thinking @terrydixon7684. If you can still live in your sin and practice your sin without ever repenting, then Jesus wasted His time….that’s the reason He died for us!

    • @jdsheleg8332
      @jdsheleg8332 11 місяців тому

      Because of Calvinism and liberalism.

  • @donfannin6485
    @donfannin6485 2 роки тому +6

    As a gay man, I should be and am happy that the world is more accepting. But the Christian Church has been around for 2000 years and has NOW found that homosexuality is not a sin. That they don't have to impale us or burn us or even condemn us to the fires of hell. For 2000 years they said they spoke the word of God. Did God change his laws? It just proves to me that if God exists the church has no idea od what he says.

    • @egbewattarrahnaomi332
      @egbewattarrahnaomi332 2 роки тому +2

      All forms of immorality is sin.

    • @berniepfitzner487
      @berniepfitzner487 2 роки тому +1

      God's Word doesn't change but it does say in the later days men will follow false doctrine. As for sin. All sin is sin and can be forgiven. Repentance is Christ's call to everybody. The Church has not always asked heterosexuals to repent, but that is Christ's command and so it should command them to repent.

    • @JESUSJOE2010
      @JESUSJOE2010 2 роки тому +2

      Any church that says homosexuality is not a sin isn’t a Christian church but of synagogue of satan that should be avoided

    • @brendonpremkumar8207
      @brendonpremkumar8207 Рік тому

      God never changed his laws. These churches that say homosexuality is not sin are really just trying to appeal to the world. They claim to be listening to the Holy Spirit, but they are only elevating their feelings above God's Word. Acceptance of homosexuality is heresy and a deviation from the true, ancient, catholic faith. The Church is called to respect everyone and treat all human beings with dignity and love. But true love does not affirm sin. There are many same-sex attracted Christians In the Church who have chosen to remain celibate.

  • @taylorcole8225
    @taylorcole8225 Рік тому +1

    7:00 Gay people are not abominations, they’re choice to continue sinning against God in their sexual life are. As all of our choices to continue sinning against God are. We are not better. I’m sorry these boys (and himself) have had terrible experiences within their cultures , but Dont blame God and The Word for the poor choices of imperfect Christians from the past.
    Try instead to be the better example, to love the people who need it, and never lie to them about their condition.
    Remember, it is not a sin to be tempted, only a sin to act on that temptation.
    This man has ignored basic principles in an effort to justify his feelings. His personal feelings have blinded him to what is true and good.

  • @dmmusicmusic
    @dmmusicmusic Рік тому +1

    no one knows what causes homosexuality; don't pay attention to them, but listen to me..." yeah, right. Nope.

  • @melvinrichardson4501
    @melvinrichardson4501 3 роки тому +15

    God created Man and Woman, He does not make mistakes..

    • @markrichards6863
      @markrichards6863 3 роки тому +1

      He created man plus man and woman plus woman too. So, what's your point.

    • @SokemRokemRobot
      @SokemRokemRobot 3 роки тому

      @@markrichards6863 In the beginning, God created them male and female (Gen. 5:2), NOT male and male, and NOT female and female. That is the point. God named them Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and not Madam and Eve.
      And Jesus Christ confirmed what Gen. 5:2 says, when He said the same thing in Matthew 10:6.

    • @markrichards6863
      @markrichards6863 3 роки тому

      @@SokemRokemRobot But Genesis is a complete work of fiction. Deep down in your heart, if you're being completely honest, it's highly likely that even you don't believe it. Sex isn't dirty. Evolution is real. And yoy don't get question or doubt the quality or sincerity of my faith. I've earned my spot in that pew every bit as much as you have. Get used to it.

    • @gordoncochrane6325
      @gordoncochrane6325 Рік тому

      Very good answer

  • @kimsteinke713
    @kimsteinke713 2 роки тому +1

    Life is seen through a filter our eyes are the filters with everyone else's eyes are different filters. When we read to the Bible or follow someone's interpretation that doesn't match with our heart we stay in a dissonance we stay in confusion because God is not a god of confusion when God clears up that confusion you'll know it but that truth is your truth through your eyes through your personal revelation with God and some people have got that piece and found God and met God and God is instilled that peace that surpasses most understanding but some are not there yet and that is what we're fighting with ourselves with our different visions our different realities are different paradigms but know that we're all on a journey and listening to our brothers and sisters opens up that paradigm you must trust and have faith in your God whoever your God is that God is a god of questions and answers and Free yourself to believe that a good God is not going to punish you for feeling and having questions amen. 🌈🙏

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen Рік тому +1

    Why does Campolo conflate being homosexual and violating God's laws related to homosexual sex? Sin is sin and no amount of verbal gymnastics is going to change the Bible's instructions and God's laws. Committing homosexual acts is the sin, not having a same sex persuasion. Many Old Testament rules and the acceptance of gentiles were changed by Jesus but not the sins of homosexual acts. Campolo needs to teach the Bible and be honest with homosexuals , not try and change the Bible.

  • @pastormatthew4362
    @pastormatthew4362 3 роки тому +13

    Love is shown in God’s Word.

  • @denisethorbjornsen7493
    @denisethorbjornsen7493 Рік тому

    Jesus commanded us to love our enemies but that doesn't mean condoning their sin and if they're living in the homosexual lifestyle then they shouldn't be allowed in church

  • @taylorcole8225
    @taylorcole8225 Рік тому

    23:54 the line should have been drawn long ago. Thanks for pointing that out

  • @gregorytoews8316
    @gregorytoews8316 9 місяців тому

    The bible, while extremely important, isn't God's only revelation. The universe itself is meant to reveal God's nature and characteristics. As such, we're expected to extrapolate from the world around us that heterosexuality is God's explicitly intended pattern for us.

  • @rachelev6830
    @rachelev6830 2 роки тому +8

    “First of all, I’m a sociologist”. All you need to hear. First of all you’re a Christian- you put anything above the Word and you’ve just headed down a wrong road. The Word of God is clear on the issue. God loves them, God desires to save them but He doesn’t permit homosexuality, PERIOD!
    Second problem “I’ve changed my mind because of things my friends have said about gays and lesbians” you don’t change convictions because of others. So sad but we were warned of apostasy in the end times.

  • @Spokeninfaith
    @Spokeninfaith 2 місяці тому

    I disagree myself. As a person who’s struggled with addiction most my life… you might as well say that I was born an addict and can’t change. We are faced with temptations of all kinds. Lust of the flesh is one of them. Check out Jackie Hill Perry’s story, she was gay most of her life… she breaks it down… it’s time we help one another and not condone or condemn!!!! Gods word is very clear!!! Paul warns us to beware of false teachers. I liked Tony’s take in the video party and prostitutes but completely disagree with changing Gods word to fit our human desires.

  • @melissaservis8277
    @melissaservis8277 3 роки тому +4

    Lord, Help us the church, to understand these us to know with your hearts view..OH LORD

    • @thomasmax9369
      @thomasmax9369 3 роки тому

      That's so nice of you Melissa,,,,,,,,,,,, hello 👋 how are you doing I hope you are having a wonderful day, I really appreciate your comment.

    • @juliorivera870
      @juliorivera870 3 роки тому +2

      Gala 1:12, we must preach what Jesus said to Paul, this preacher is wrong

    • @spooky3778
      @spooky3778 2 роки тому

      Read The Bible and your eyes will be opened..The Bible is His spoken Word..It is a book that not only informs but transforms..Faith comes by hearing..

  • @matthewray7065
    @matthewray7065 6 років тому +18

    An awesome message, from one of my favorites! Well done, Tony.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

    @AXeLSPRTNA15 Рік тому

    I kept watching this, waiting for him to say something profound then glancing over to the expression on the old lady's face behind him like "OOOOOOHHH!"

  • @j316min
    @j316min 2 роки тому +3

    Love is not seen in affirming those things that the Lord condemns. He is a God of wrath every bit as He is love.

  • @michaelbee2165
    @michaelbee2165 2 роки тому +2

    I'm sorry, but we are to recognize sin for what it is. Owe own sin as well as that of others. At no point did this gentleman acknowledge that homosexual 'marriage' is sin, regardless of how well intentioned his message may be.

    • @JESUSJOE2010
      @JESUSJOE2010 2 роки тому

      @Ben it is a sin by God’s law

    • @JESUSJOE2010
      @JESUSJOE2010 2 роки тому

      @Ben that applied to the priests only and the dietary laws were removed in the New Testament. However God’s view of sodomy was repeated in both testaments and Jesus when asked about marriage, repeated God’s definition of it as being one man one woman only. That has never changed nor will it ever change.
      There is freedom in Jesus, repent believe the gospel and be delivered

  • @vousandi8673
    @vousandi8673 Рік тому +3

    the bible is very clear, and assuredly not just in the old testament, that homosexuality is a perversion of god's created order, and it is sin. that he refuses to identify it as such speaks volumes, and that he refuses to acknowledge the sanctification of those who are saved, that transformation through the holy spirit, which certainly can and does free a christian from the bonds of sin, including homosexuality, speaks even more loudly. tony campolo's message is not rooted in god's word. tony campolo's gospel is not the gospel of's something else. and his christ is a christ of his own making. he twists scripture, he calls good evil, and evil good, and he refuses to call sin, sin....and many sins....not just homosexuality. he is a false teacher.

  • @netcityradio
    @netcityradio 6 років тому +9

    Truth to power. Thank you Pastors Campolos

  • @eddiethegray1884
    @eddiethegray1884 Рік тому +2

    ALL SCRIPTURES in both the Old and New Testaments speak plainly against homosexuality. ALL. WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

  • @jameshernando2122
    @jameshernando2122 8 місяців тому

    In his sarcastic condemnation of evangelical interpretation of Scripture is fraught with misinterpretation of Scripture. Jesus not condemning homosexuality is not an argument for homosexuality as approved behavior in God’s view. He said that he did not come to abrogate the Law, but to fulfill it. The fact that we can meet the righteousness of the Law does not abrogate the righteousness in the Law. The question should be

  • @kevinrombouts3027
    @kevinrombouts3027 3 роки тому +11

    Very thought-provoking sermon. Thanks Tony.

    • @hageematthew9155
      @hageematthew9155 3 роки тому

      Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on
      ( +2348122050178) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you,,,,

  • @sonnygram9457
    @sonnygram9457 Рік тому

    Solution is simple
    Have the traditionalists have their own church and the pro LGBTQ have a separate church. The choice is easy