Wrong again, 99% of controllers still miss their shots and are horrid cause it doesn’t work like that, if you would plug in a controller you would see it’s just an annoying slow down
@@Mysterious405 CHEATING tracks for you......aim assist is a slow down, educate yourself before speaking....feel free to livestream yourself using a controller and seeing you win every fight cause it tracks for you lmao
I’m 54 and have played on m&k since the 90’s. But when I die in a close range fight 100% because of rotation aim assist….. it fokin pisses me off It has gotten harder and harder to play on m&k. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t talk about switching to controller But for me it is very hard to switch because I haven’t used a controller since 1991 playing donkey kong on Nintendo in college. Maybe I should just switch to checkers 😂
Same here! I’m an FPS Relic back from the first “Doom” days (That’s 1993 for you youngsters out there ;-)) and never (!) played on controller before. I wanted to experience the difference for myself, got a MS Elite Controller (with paddles) - watched setup videos - played around 10hrs on private match against bots - got onto multiplayer and for most of the times ended up in the top 4. My personal conclusion: Do I enjoy MnK more than controller? Definitively! Is Controller better suited for this game than MnK? Definitively! Looking to win in sweaty lobbies while ranking up in COD => controller is the way to go. I really do not care if this is “fair” or not, AA OP yadda, yadda, yadda… It is what it is. And I (kind of) enjoyed learning a completely new skill set at my age.
@@alwhatever5940 Excellent....well that's some inspiration for me then. Yes I started on all the Doom''s as well, then Quake, then all the Cod's. Guess i just need to take the plunge and do the same you did.
Why on earth would you switch then lol. It's not like youre doomed to be a bot running at the wall. You'll perform just as well with mnk or with controller. I use mnk because it's way more enjoyable to me
As a controller player who changed to mnk, then back again, then back again, I have experienced this same feeling. I changed because I died to insane flicks and wanted that, so I played mnk. I died to controller in close range all the time, raged and swapped to controller.. I got sick of trying so hard to get better flicks and skill with controller, I felt as tho I couldn’t get better even though I grinded every day, 20-20 sense, no AA, 3-3 sense AA didn’t matter. It felt as tho the game just played for me and I just didn’t enjoy the experience anymore (6months back on controller). Switched back to mnk and whilst I still die to AA in the close range, I just know that it’s my own fault that I’m losing gunfights, not the AA letting you down. I have way more fun on mnk overall. When you hit crazy flicks or insane shots you can know that it’s your pure input that did that and that is what is most satisfying to me. Also, the people who say “just switch to controller bro” fail to understand the point most people who play mnk. It shouldn’t be okay to integrate visual clutter, aim idle sway and crosshair bobbing into a game where for 80% of the player base on controller, the AA over rides their effects. It is only there to make it harder for mnk
exactly this, It's hard to understand how someone sliding, diving, jumping doing back flips even, can hit 90/100 shots vs someone, with minimal tracking whatsoever. Very infuriating
You should not be forced to switch, period . That’s a major balance issue that needs to be addressed by the developers. All they have to do dial aim assist back by about 30% and look at the data and adjust again from there. What you’re looking at is accuracy. Apex legends and another game when they released the data showed The average controller player was 38% more accurate. That alone defies the laws of physics. Lol .. They need to dial that back to where your average player base matches up close to 50/50 accuracy for both inputs .. problem solved.
One of the issues I have with cod is that anytime I get into an argument about controller and aim assist with someone their final point is always “then why don’t you switch bro???” I don’t have an Xbox or PlayStation and I’m not gonna spend 40-100$ for a controller that I’m only gonna use for one single game because I’m a native MnK player. I still play WZ and MW3 but it’s exhausting playing against people who literally have 50% of the game played for them
I just bought a vader 4 pro, its annoying but i care about my mental health enough to not get stressed playing against RAA, ill still play mnk always but ive been years on cod with controller before and id like to just chill somtimes which i feel is worth it. Ill always appreciate the learning curve of mouse aiming and wont stop trying to improve
So who cares? I only play mnk because I prefer it. Playing COD is fun. Playing with a controller with be a way worse experience for me That aim assist plays the game for you is a ridiculous argument. You're needlessly frustrating yourself. Aim assist gives an advantage in a few circumstances--circumstances in which mnk is perfectly capable He talked about all the pros using controllers, not to diminish aim assist--but COD has been a controller game for its whole life (when all those guys logged tons of hours), only recently switching to PC and even having mnk input at all
Wrong again I see your very uneducated, aim assist is a slow down, if something aims for you that’s called cheating, if aim assist worked how you claim EVERYONE would be in controller and MnK wouldn’t exist.
People need to understand that controller NEEDS aim assist, but it doesn't NEED the hand holding left stick rotational that people who know how to exploit by stroking your left stick over and over until someone peeks can abuse for free. It's not fun playing on 🎮 with a system that holds my hand, but it's not fun playing on MnK knowing I have to do way more work, just to beat the artificial rotational soft aim of controller.
I started playing Call of Duty when it came out. Back in 2003/2004 during the Cyber Athelitic League days I played for a team based out of the USA and Canada called MwA (men with attitudes), and then later for a new found team MwH (Men with honor) and we would practice as a team 4 nights a week. The head of our team was a retired pro painball player(like ESPN level play) and everyone took it seriously and we practiced practiced practiced until we got good. It took actual real SKILL to hit your target. It truly was you are good or you are bad situcation. Now smh. I don't know anymore. I played over 10,000 hours of CS on kb&m. All together I probably have 20,000 hours of m&k over the last 25 years. I get the allure of aim assist on controller but it just feels like training wheels. Oh you rushed control and dropped a 30 with aim assist. Meh. You rushed control and 1v4 a team of sweats with m&k. You a gamer son. No hate to controller players but m&k just feels more real. I know when I flick and hit heads it's because of my decades of practice and training. Not because someone changed a slider setting at Activision or where ever and gave me an advantage. The whole arguement of controller players "need" the help. BS. It's a skill just like kb&m. I can use a controller. I played pong when I was a kid. I'm like a dinosaur in gaming. I have an original Steam account you feel me? I play rocket league and GTA on controller but for a shooter?? Just feels like weak sauce. Just my 2 cents. I also don't complain about getting beat by controller players like a little B. I just try harder and practice more. Get gud. You feel? Love to anyone who tortues themselves with COD. It's a love hate realtionship for sure. Shout out to all my old teammates where ever you are.
@@DrTopLiftDPT incorrect once again, aim assist= hindering slow down that makes it even harder to aim, plug in a controller and educate yourself nimrod
This video was exactly the same process I went through when I switched from MK to controller on COD. Now it feels like Im playing the same game everyone else is. Hip fire is a thing that is useful . I think coming from MK I see the advantages magnified. Great Vid.
I made the switch from keyboard and mouse about 2 months ago and I already see the difference even the movement feels better but having a higher stick sensitivity is crucial trust me
@@leonydus9889 mnk has the same recoil as controller but controller has rotational aim assist reducing the recoil and even negating the horizontal recoil
@@HughMongousPC incorrect once again, mnk doesnt have recoil u can shoot laser across the map while controllers have insane recoil that makes some guns unuseable
As a die-hard M&K player since the Quake 3 days, I've got to say this video hits the nail on the head. MW3's handling of controller aim assist is frankly ridiculous. The advantage it gives is so blatant it's almost laughable - if it wasn't so frustrating. Let's be real: this level of aim assist isn't just an advantage, it's practically built-in cheating. It's killing the competitive integrity of the game for M&K users. I love the core concept of MW3, but this issue is a deal-breaker. At this point, Activision might as well slap a 'Controller Players Only' sticker on the box. Either close off M&K entirely or give us separate servers - because right now, it feels like we're bringing a knife to a gunfight. Huge thanks for this clip. It's vindicating to see I'm not just some lone voice screaming into the void. Been feeling like I'm taking crazy pills trying to compete in this aim-assist wonderland. At least now I know I'm not the only one seeing through this mess. Keep exposing this nonsense - maybe if enough of us make noise, they'll actually do something about it. Until then, guess I'll be over here getting lasered by controller players who can barely see me on their screen. Fun times ;-)
He said he's about as good as he was on mnk as he is on controller. He's surprised that he made the switch pretty fast (I think he said 2 months?), and he HOPES it will take him to the next level of his game That is wildly different than "before I was bringing a knife to a gunfight". If that were true then he would be, as you said, lasering people all game when before he couldn't hit them. Instead, he plays about the same
@@josephbornman8462he was previously a controller player and if you learn this as a kid then it’s easy to pick it back up again. I didn’t start gaming until I was 47, so ain’t learning to be some controller god any time soon.
I’ve been m&k for the past 10+ years I only switched to controller this year for cod because of how strong the aim assist is. Huge difference actually more enjoyable now lol
For anyone who plays other fps games on mnk, did you switch to roller for cod alone? I’m in a weird spot where I still play other games, all of kbm, but I’ve been getting more into cod and idk if it’s worth it to learn a new input. Then again I hate the idea that I’m limiting myself. Anyone else in this position?
To be fair, CDL Pros aren't allowed to play MnK last time I checked..... Just checked again, yes they have a controller-only policy since 14 September 2020.
Yes AA is OP but what’s the fun when the game done most of the aiming for me. MnK you can feel the satisfaction with every kill pushing yourself to get better and better
@@leonydus9889 all my friends switched from MnK to Controller they confirmed that it’s OP but I think some ppl don’t know how to abuse rotational aim assist and adjusting their settings correctly.
@@leonydus9889 slow down oh that’s it 😂 dude have you ever heard about rotational aim assist. It kicks in when you move your left stick search for it on UA-cam and see how ppl are abusing it RAA is the main problem why every MnK complaining about
It feels things like being stunned or flinch does not impact controller players as much. Definitely think they could balance by removing visual recoil etc for m&k
The worst part of the aim assist is when they start spamming jump and movement shit and even with that they still connect every shoot and besides that, you can use hacks and disguise them better with controller because of the aim assist
Try a controller for once and after that i hear your thoughts 😂 its not like that bro we have a milion people with controller that you never know beacause not every controller player are "moveking" brah
@@Metabaazi Anyone watching this video is most likely in the 15% of players on the game. The lower bracket players aren't even going to notice an aim assist nerf because they can't use it in the first place. But for the lobbies we're playing in everyone knows how to use it and abuse it.
Bro, i've been M&K player since 2018, warzone 1 was my peak, i was hella good, didnt play wz2 because i didnt like it, but back to wz3 i realized something was off, as a very competitive player i am, in rebirth i lost 50/50 of even 70/30 of the close range battles, even tho i have a very good tracking, the majority of the time i get killed is for missing a single shot, i wasnt able to get past crymson in ranked, not a single person miss a bullet there, so i switched to controller 2 months ago, and the change was criminal, my movement was total bullshit, but the aim assist was just too op, in just 2 months i easily surpassed my record of BR and RB in M&K of 21 and 19 to 36 and 29 in controller, also started winning 80/20 of the close range shootings, also finally hit iridiscent rank. Aim assist is ruining the game for pc, not all of us are hackers, but the difference of performance is just mindblowing, as a very pro M&K player, is idiotic that i can perform better being a mediocre/medium level in controller in terms of movement and aim
I also have a theory. I have used Controller AND Mnk - i am native to MnK and feel a lot more comfortable on MnK. BUT there seems to be delay on bullet reg on Mouse and Key. I have used 3 different mouse’s (?) and borrowed a friend scuf controller and the difference is noticeable. the TTK is SIGNIFICANTLY faster for controller players. there always seems to be bullet reg issues when getting into gun fights where i’ll be shooting at them point blank - 10m with no bullet reg on MnK. this was tested on private match, ranked play and pubs. ranked play was the worst.
My story is the same but Ive been on m&k for 4 years. The reason why I switched because it just got so damn brain dead boring. It was either give up fps games or learn something new. I feel like I’m at that point where I mastered k&m. I even dropped a few nukes. But it’s a ceiling you can’t go any higher on, before you get your shit wrecked by controller. But now I’m at that point of switching back myself because I rather be brain dead bored winning than getting my shit wrecked with no possible way of competing.
The last time i ever played an FPS game on controller was 1997 Goldeneye on N64. I was 8 years old. Ever since i got into PC gaming just a few years later, I always played on MNK.
exactly agree with shroud. Some areas of maps the enemy colours blend to much in with enviremont. Therefore its sometimes really hard to see people, especially when shooting like Shroud said.
Things like muzzle smoke/flash can make some guns incredibly difficult to see with, or make some iron sights really challenging, which means giving up an attachment JUST SO YOU CAN SEE lol And the gulag visibility sucks. Good luck beating RAA in there
Instead of using the controller to go through the inventory, it might be worth using the mic instead with software that can translate voice commands to keypresses. Voice Attack and Talon come to the top of my mind.
mnk player: i will never switch no matter what, i don't care about getting good at cod, for me its just a fun aimtrainer. but sometimes i do wish for an input matchmaking in ranked or something just to try
WIN/WIN situation for me😂, cuz normally whenever I wanna take advantage of something that is implemented in a game - no matter how long it has been there - it gets fixed immediately afterwards, so now that I just decided to buy a controller and start practicing, I can surely bet they will allow us pc players to turn off cross play after 5 years of asking xD, if it does, you owe me. xD
After being a hardcore doom player in mkb I went into cod thinking id do fine. I honestly was getting shit on every game … expecialy mid to close range. Than I took a second to focus and see what the issue was…. i literally couldn’t see where my enemies were when I shoot my gun. Having to control recoil , track invisible enemies due to visual clutter and handle close range encounters with enemies who have their camera turned to me by default due to aim assist was hell. I got better tho since I started doing stuff by feelings and not visual information which despite having given me multiple wins and 20 -25 kill games still is inconsistent.
I´m a M&K player for long as i remember, I just changed to controler because the feel i had playing in M&K was that i needed to be a pro player and was getting tired so fast, now in controller I play so chill, no effort and so relax, no arm or wrist pain, no stress, just move your tumbs and press the trigger
Grew up on quake m&k, played a lot of csgo, and then played controller in early warzone days. Then I switched to m&k and my k/d went up by .4 - I hit so many more snipes now than I did on controller, and the flicks in a crazy situation are much easier. Doesn’t mean that m&k is better on average, just that’s what’s right for me personally because I had that experience from early until basically the halo era. But nowadays (and this has been the case for a while), most games are on controller. So kids often grow up with controller mainly whereas i grew up with m&k. So expecting them to switch to m&k just because I do better with it silly. And if you’re good enough on m&k you’ll be fine. You’ll lose occasionally to aa on some absolute garbage, but you also win fights that you’d never win on controller due to having to cross a manual threshold.
Black Ops 6 has intrigued me enough that I’m considering buying it, and it will be the first Call of Duty I’ve played in many years. I’ve always been a mouse-and-keyboard shooter player (although I’ve played very few shooters in general in recent years), but I’m tempted to play this one on the PS5, as I currently play most of my games on the PS5. And I’m a bit scared of switching to a controller, especially the idea of turning around with it frightens me, because aiming itself has aim assist, after all. I’ve been watching videos comparing both control methods, because I’m worried I’ll buy the game on PS5 and won’t be able to play it with a controller. And although many people recommend to try using a controller, I’m still not fully convinced that it’s for me...
2:25 No, nobody is stopping me from buying a controller, however, I do have dignity and will not stoop so low as to buy another input device just so I can get a legal aimbot. Might as well just download cheats at that point. Game is no longer fun if I have some software holding my hand and doing everything for me. Also the BO6 AA nerf is barely a nerf at all. With all the insane movement in BO6, you would need to be the best of the best on M&K to get even close to the level of accuracy that AA gives in that game.
I wanted to add that in games where there's no AA, like CS or Siege, losing a gunfight feels more like a learning experience, because I know for a fact that I lost that fight because the opponent had better aim, recoil control or better positioning. Back when Siege was good and I played it a lot, I used to watch almost every kill cam after I died, just because I knew I could probably learn from it. Not only does AA take away that concept, but it also takes away from the satisfaction of out-aiming someone.
It's just a game with controller aim assist dude. You're talking about dignity and stooping lol, what are the dramatics for I use mnk and play against controller players all day. It's super fun What tf does it matter what their aim is--there's an endless stream of players of every skill level. It's all about my aim
@@josephbornman8462 it's also not fun to die to someone who has a fraction of your skill, but has aim better than that of a pro mnk player because of their aimbot assist. Same reason why it's frustrating to die to someone camping in a corner. You KNOW they aren't good at all, but they still manage to kill you because of their low skill tactic.
@@leonydus9889 all you have to do is learn how to abuse aim assist. The majority of controller players are casual players, kids and dads coming home from work and do not know how to abuse aim assist. The problem is that when someone wants to play competitively, they would want every advantage possible, and would learn how to abuse the aim assist. This is why in competitive play and pro play, MnK basically does not exist, like you said, because there is no reason not to use controller because it gives a very clear advantage. It's also annoying for the casual MnK player like me because, having used MnK for years, my aim is quite good, so I get put into lobbies with people who know how to abuse aim assist, which leads to frustration.
MnK player, also started with the old CODs on Playstation then Xbox 360, kept getting bodied by "pros" in black out and then switched to MnK for verdansk because at the time I also didn't understand the difference between playing COD on a 65in TV and console Vs a 27in monitor and high end PC. Still got slammed a lot in verdansk didn't really start to go positive until caldera, but stayed on MnK, never played solos, only played squad fill so my KD in retrospect could have been a lot higher but moved from like 0.5 in blackout to now over a 1 sometimes pushing a 2 or 3 on my 10 game average until the game puts me in lobbies with WSOW pros over and over until my KD stops going up( that's a different discussion...) Almazrah is when i began getting more "competitive" and dabbled in ranked first with some randoms I met, got hard stuck around diamond, and then i began looking for "coaches" or just better players in general to play with who weren't concerened with my trash YOLO KD and were confident or happy with my ability to track and shoot straight. That's when I started learning how to actually move around the map and rotate, decision making etc because you just can't get it from tip videos the way it sinks in when you're playing. I kept playing with this group into MWIII and I was able to hit diamond again , then crim , then iri and i was actually in lobbies sometimes with fifakill and sym, and those are not fun . Somehow they would literally run straight at you from across the map and then you'd go back to to watch their vod and just see it happen exactly as you experienced it, completely blind sided, the UAV barely telling them anything other than one of the dots that might be you is on the edge of the map, and Fifakill squeaking " guh-huh, we got the sweaty team out of the lobby" then they proceed to just get free SR off plat players. It also doesn't surprise me he was trash at WSOW and Sym didn't even play in it. Long story short am I going to switch to Controller? No. I think from my personal experience playing the beta that MnK is going to be at a more reasonable playing field IF they leave the CQB AA nerfed on controller. Activision is going to get pressured by MTX store numbers declining and volatile player numbers but its for the good of thegame they have done this and actually attempted to balance the inputs so cross play doesn't need to be scarificed or we need to move to input based lobbies. Controller movement will still be easier but a skilled movement god on MnK will out play a lot of controller players because you actually have to have more understanding since you are limited on the MnK with your range of motion. I think a lot of the players like in that symfhunny clip who killed him solely because AA took over for them they are going to have a hard time in BO6. I think a lot of GOOD players from Verdansk are going to have a hard time in Bo6. I think the omni movement doesn't strictly favor one input over the other. I've also been dabbling in Apex again since they have made its aim training software easier to install and All omni movement is , is apex movement. you can run and slide at off angles, you just don't have a dive prone or supine. Therefore, you are going to see a lot of MnK demons from Apex e come over to warzone and clear a lot of the scrub controller players out especially since they don't have AA up close , and the BO6 AA is probably equal or WEAKER than even Apex's AA which is weaker than current MWIII AA. This will still be a positive for Activision because these new MnK players are going to buy as much as the dogwater controller players did especially with the gaslighting algorithm they run. I think if you are a MnK player BO6 is probably NOT the year to try and be a controller player main. I would play it on multiplayer, but I would stick with MnK in warzone for BO6 and IW's game. I think going forward the best players are going to be able to play both inputs, Controller in MP and MnK in Warzone.
As a player that’s slowly transferred from M&K to controller in warzone, i think the biggest issue isn’t that controller or aim assist is too strong but that M&K has felt like absolute trash on the new MW2 engine every game has used since then. MW3 felt a little better but it’s still far from how perfect MW19 felt on M&K.
i mean im a mouse player and i sometimes feel different little disadvantages, especially on really close range fights. and u know what, thats okay. this game was built for controller years ago. with fast movements, close quarters and headshots not being op. soo u cant really expect the devs to make it more or less equal for both inputs. i like the freedom of mouse and having a button for everything. but i guess the aim assist nerf in bo6 is much needed. for my part, but i think also for the better half of the controller players. does the AA need to be instantly cut off when shooting like 2m in front of an enemy? i dont think so,i guess there should be a linear falloff the closer u get. but i kinda like being in a huge advantage for once :D atleast when kissing the enemy
@@leonydus9889 no really not. The average sniper is better on mnk i guess but in every other scenario aa rules the field. Except now for kissing range fights. If u could headshot 1shot with most guns, i would agree but thats really not the case
100% true i played m&k since i started gaming, never had an xbox or playstation so basically never been a controller player until I played warzone, bro in 3 day playing resurgence I got 17kills 3fukcng days!!! so yeah!
I’m glad they made aim assist turn off at 3meters, but I think that it would be even better if they made something like a 10% decrease to how strong aa is
@@gnarly3256 honestly, being able to slide past a player and actually outmaneuver him in cqc will be huge, especially when taking a building. As it is now, it's not even worth doing because it just rotates them anyways.
Rotational is the problem. Tone it down. Dont get rid of it, but some input should be made to track targets with the aiming stick. Get rid of visual clutter and we could make some real progress. It will never happen though. There would be a real skill gap that might dissuade the casual players from buying skins.
Really good overview! There used to be some software which people exploited to turn their input into controller even though they were playing M&K, it got meainstream and was banned so yeah.. M&K definitely superior if it had assists, I think there still are some hardware solutions to circumvent this and far as I know it's practically undetectable. Personally I like the M&K rawdogging without any assists because it's so sweathy, really rewarding and fun. Rolling your sticks and abusing rotational aim assist doesn't really sound too rewarding or like a good long term plan at getting good at playing shooters overall
I play on both inputs, and the main reason most controller players die is because a third force in gun fights that drag their aim across the screen, which is also another reason why most cameras can get broke but I noticed in bo6 directional aim assist is significantly nerfed and this will probably be more of a beneficial thing for controller players than a negative one, Mainly for the More experienced players, and the reason why most keyboard players die is because visual clutter (gunsmoke, terrain, low health, gun shaking, etc,) and that makes it hard for long range gun fights But I noticed in bo6 Visual Clutter Is significantly reduced And very playable and And they will most likely get benefits for the Omni movement since they have Way more keys and input Methods
Play with m&K is a lot more fun. It's an upgrade from the controller, so I can't be forced to go back. Playing with a controller is "boring", while with a mouse and keyboard you feel like you're inside the game.
My opinion is that there must be a separation in servers. Mouse and keyboard players plays with each other and controller players plays with each other. Those jumping shots, sliding and so it is not fair and is not fun, if you are on mouse and keyboard against controller
I’m still learning to play controller but something thats helped me was lowering the sensitivity. Not permanently but just for practice After that shoot around at the range or play small map mosh pit. While rotational aim assist does do a fair bit of work you’re still responsible for keeping the enemy within the aim assist bubble. You need to get a feel for where the rotational aim assist ends and where your manual aim begins. It’s a lot easier to physically see that on a lower sens
@@nolyfe4814 I do play on 7-7 but one problem I have faced that most people probably don’t is I don’t have mw3 and not planning to buy bo6 so when practice it go into plunder which sucks as it’s most sweats
@@yeetbobok2852 7 isn’t bad but it’s a bit too high for what you need a feel for. try lowering your ads sens to 0.6 As for mw3/bo6 it’s gonna be difficult to practice consistency here. If you’re willing to go out of your way, you could do aim training maps on Fortnite or play xdefiant. Otherwise there’s practice mode in wz.
I've only been playing mnk for the last few months. running kovaaks 15-30 minutes almost every day. I am not gonna say I am better with mnk or that it's better than controller. but I am having a lot of fun with mnk
Rotational aim assist is like training wheels on a bike, like lowering the basketball ring for the other team or magnetic gloves in football, it’s just overkill to the point where I don’t want to play anymore at all.
I HAVE A pc and i am trying to play call of duty warzone on controller but i am not getting any aim assist in my games does pc players dont get aim assist on controller i just cant figure it out its the same with apex legends plss help
That’s the thing about close range though. As a mouse player, you don’t have AA to auto-correct. You’re forgetting that part. You can afford to make more mistakes on controller because you have AA pulling you in the right direction.
Experience and skill is all it comes down to. You can be on controller your whole life and suck or vice versa. You truly want to be great. It's repetition and mainly genes.
I haven’t watched your video, only seen the intro, but here’s the real reason your KD might drop on mouse and keyboard: on PC, you’re matched with actual skilled players, unlike the controller crowd that relies on aim assist to land shots. Aim assist practically babysits them, so no wonder they get easy kills. But put a controller player up against a decent PC gamer in a 1v1, and they’d be absolutely destroyed-no amount of aim assist can save them from that. And don’t forget how the gameplay looks-it’s like you’re playing as an NPC when you’re on a controller.
It’s my first time playing games on pc and console competitively and I don’t know what to start with, I’ve played little games with m&k and a roller respectively but not competitively (chill games like assassin’s creed, Roblox n all)
Great video. The truth is that I'd rather play mouse and be worse than I would be with controller. I just hate controller on any game and find it a boring platstyle. The reason nobody watches CDL compared to other video games is because all the top players have no individuality. All their clips look the exact same and that's because of joysticks and aim assist. I like the precision of mouse and key and the freedom of expression with it. Even if that means not having a lower K/D than if I used a controller.
I remember when i first played GTA 5 on controller at my friends house with ps5. I aimed at general direction, ads, aa did its thing and placed my aim on head and bam.. I was a fucking John Wick. While it felt great at first i started to dislike it later as it took away the fun and felt.... Idk robotic?... Just less satisfaction than doing things on ur own.
After watching this video a month ago i tried switching from M&K to Controller for a few weeks just to see how it feels like. Things i noticed: 1. Aim assist is way too overpowered 2. Its kinda comfortable to play on a Controller due to AA 3. I am going back to M&K because i play other shooters on M&K and so there is no reason for me to make COD the only game i play on controller due to AA and also with the nerf of the AA coming in BO6 and with the 2024 winner of the solo yolo warzone tournament being a M&K player i already got enough evidence it isnt worth FOR ME to switch to controller
This video is great mate thank you. It’s honestly a really good comparison and fair review. There are so many things I think they could do to even the playing field which I think would be fair. I’ve been playing FPS for years I played a lot when I was younger and I took a 15 year break im now about to turn 40 I only get to play a couple hours, maybe 2 nights a week then same again on the weekend a couple of days so to try and change I just don’t have the time to put into it, I’m just gonna look to play other fps games that are native to MNK
@@leonydus9889 cod aim assist is 60% where as the finals is 35% and your telling me it’s not OP? The game is aiming for you more than you actually are aiming. The last COD game with good mouse input was MW19 / vanguard Most pros agree in WZ & MP that roller has a massive advantage, this video says it has a massive advantage. Yet you’re still there chirping on like it’s not a better input to play the game on, lol.
@@PlebsPerspective incorrect once again, with a controller YOU have to aim the entire way, nothing aims for you, only if u use cheats, u got clickbaited cause u have incredibly low iq lmao
My friends are all playing on consoles these days and I'm kinda "forced" to stick to crossplay games whenever we play together. I've spent 750ish hours on Kovaak's aim training over the years and frankly I'm just bored of playing fps games with MnK at this point, so learning an entirely new skill is surprisingly fun. BUT in the other hand, AA has been nerfed close range and close range tracking on MnK has been my strongest area forever.... So we'll see.
I’m the opposite been playing since 2020 on controller switched to mouse and keyboard a few weeks ago feels way better to me movement wise. If I get my aiming down better I’ll be much better than I was on controller
Started with OG Black Ops on controller (Xbox 360). Switched to MnK somewhere around Cold War (am on PC now). I am NOT a good player but I don't care. I play to have fun. Aim assist is too strong. Yet I prefer to play on MnK. I have more fun. Also, I have arthritis in both thumbs so controller isn't comfortable to me. MnK doesn't bother the arthritis. (60yr old, having fun gaming)
Yeah people act like because you're aiming with more of your hand/arm that it directly correlates to your aiming ability while in reality it's difficult af. Even very very good aimers have trouble staying on target at times.
9:56 - "CoD is now designed for controller." I've played CoD for nearly 20 years. When was it ever designed for anything other than a controller? Aim Assist has done nothing for diversifying the input landscape. AA stifles input device development. Instead of bridging the gap, AA created a massive gap in the opposite direction. Players should never be punished or rewarded for their input of choice.
@@tsdbhg Native controller support without third party installations came out in 2007 for call of duty. So cod 4. Like I said, in the call of duties I mentioned it was included but not designed for them as you suggested. cod 1 and cod 2 was pc only. After that they started building them alongside. So like I said, in the early days they were not focused on controllers.
@@tsdbhg cod 4 was still big on pc mouse and keyboard, with the promod! only real aim there, no "pros" letting aim-assist do the work for them like we have today lol
Most controller players use what we call “claw grip” where you press the face buttons with your index finger, and the triggers with your middle finger So then, you have your thumb always free to aim (some people, like me, invert the bumpers and triggers for comfort)
@@Lycro. Dang, I do claw grip for playing Souls games, but competitive shooter it seems rough to do that. But I don't doubt people can excel with it If you're this guy and moving to the controller at any time with plenty of money, I wonder why not get some back buttons (assuming he's using a stock PS5 controller like in the video)
I tried controler and I hate it, its not that I did bad but its to much of a hastle since every keybind is sharing with another and trying to find keybinds that work when you dont have a fully kited controler and the fact the batery can die and you lose or the eventual stick drift it just sucks plus I play other games... I want to dominate on cod but switching is out of the question sadly
Just FYI the argument that CDL players play on controller isn’t a good one since mnk is prohibited in the CDL. That’s not to say they aren’t using rollers because of the rest of the reasons in this video but they actually cannot use mnk even if they want to.
There won’t be a shake up. They will increase aim assist in BO6. Maybe even at launch. It’s just business to them, and consoles make the biggest buck in CoD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So if u get killed by an aimbotter, then its your problem and not the hacker. Controller aim assist needs nerfed to where its not hit scan and aim bot. Mouse n keyboard is full skill and controller is very little skill and brain dead with computer aided assist aka aimbot
@@leonydus9889 It does aim for you, it's called rotational aim assist... have you been living under a rock for years? It's even in the video you just commented on lmao
I would never switch from mnk, no matter how much the game keeps tempting me to do it. Mnk is a completely different world-the feeling you get when you’re constantly improving is unmatched. You really feel the skill gap, and that motivates you to keep pushing yourself higher. With a controller, it's like taking an elevator up. And the most important thing is that in CoD, there are tons of "pro players" who are only good at Warzone, but with mnk, whether you're playing single player thinking you're NeoNinja, or multiplayer thinking the same, you’ll still be decent and that's why it doesn't make sense to switch to a controller just for Warzone
I’m the same as you with mnk. The solution for me was to use a mouse with at least 12 side buttons. It’s not cheating because all I’m doing is adding more buttons on my right hand while aiming and shooting. It makes it easier to use both hands for cod than to use mostly one hand. Plus cod allows 2 keys for almost every action. Cod is fun on mnk. I personally love it.
Everyone gangster until you get stick drift
You won the funniest comment of the day 😭
stick drift helps Aimassist because rotational AA kicks in. many players prefer drift like Joewo
@@JonatanOdicioonly on yhe left stick. Right stick just messed up your aim
They not ready for that atp we don’t even have aim assist
Especially on your goddamn elite controller. 😤
Mnk is just so fun. I feel a sense of satisfaction that I can’t get on the roller coaster
it's not just fun but comfortable
Ah yes, the over powered aim assist of controller. Without it there would be 90% less UA-camrs/TikTokkers
Wrong again, 99% of controllers still miss their shots and are horrid cause it doesn’t work like that, if you would plug in a controller you would see it’s just an annoying slow down
@@leonydus9889get off the comments 💀
@@leonydus9889Then they are suffering from a severe disease called skill issue.
@@leonydus9889It literally tracks you.
@@Mysterious405 CHEATING tracks for you......aim assist is a slow down, educate yourself before speaking....feel free to livestream yourself using a controller and seeing you win every fight cause it tracks for you lmao
I’m 54 and have played on m&k since the 90’s.
But when I die in a close range fight 100% because of rotation aim assist….. it fokin pisses me off
It has gotten harder and harder to play on m&k.
There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t talk about switching to controller
But for me it is very hard to switch because I haven’t used a controller since 1991 playing donkey kong on Nintendo in college.
Maybe I should just switch to checkers 😂
Same here! I’m an FPS Relic back from the first “Doom” days (That’s 1993 for you youngsters out there ;-)) and never (!) played on controller before.
I wanted to experience the difference for myself, got a MS Elite Controller (with paddles) - watched setup videos - played around 10hrs on private match against bots - got onto multiplayer and for most of the times ended up in the top 4.
My personal conclusion:
Do I enjoy MnK more than controller? Definitively!
Is Controller better suited for this game than MnK? Definitively!
Looking to win in sweaty lobbies while ranking up in COD => controller is the way to go.
I really do not care if this is “fair” or not, AA OP yadda, yadda, yadda…
It is what it is.
And I (kind of) enjoyed learning a completely new skill set at my age.
Excellent....well that's some inspiration for me then.
Yes I started on all the Doom''s as well, then Quake, then all the Cod's.
Guess i just need to take the plunge and do the same you did.
@@blubu68 really, I didn’t know that was possible.
Dont switch my friend
@@blubu68you will Lose your account
That's the thing, i just want to play on something I'm comfortable with and I don't want to make the switch. F controller man
Why on earth would you switch then lol. It's not like youre doomed to be a bot running at the wall. You'll perform just as well with mnk or with controller. I use mnk because it's way more enjoyable to me
If aim assist worked how people claim then MnK wouldn’t exist
@@leonydus9889infact they are less then 1 % in wz3 in wz 1 they are around 10/15%
Thanks for featuring me 🩵
Goated MnK player
@@MydenYT goat
As a controller player who changed to mnk, then back again, then back again, I have experienced this same feeling. I changed because I died to insane flicks and wanted that, so I played mnk.
I died to controller in close range all the time, raged and swapped to controller..
I got sick of trying so hard to get better flicks and skill with controller, I felt as tho I couldn’t get better even though I grinded every day, 20-20 sense, no AA, 3-3 sense AA didn’t matter. It felt as tho the game just played for me and I just didn’t enjoy the experience anymore (6months back on controller).
Switched back to mnk and whilst I still die to AA in the close range, I just know that it’s my own fault that I’m losing gunfights, not the AA letting you down. I have way more fun on mnk overall. When you hit crazy flicks or insane shots you can know that it’s your pure input that did that and that is what is most satisfying to me.
Also, the people who say “just switch to controller bro” fail to understand the point most people who play mnk. It shouldn’t be okay to integrate visual clutter, aim idle sway and crosshair bobbing into a game where for 80% of the player base on controller, the AA over rides their effects. It is only there to make it harder for mnk
exactly this, It's hard to understand how someone sliding, diving, jumping doing back flips even, can hit 90/100 shots vs someone, with minimal tracking whatsoever. Very infuriating
You can learn flicks on controller my boy. If you will switch all time you will mess it up
Amen! The kick of a perfectly tracked target you beamed, too good.
And the
VERY good point. I grew up playing competitive shooters like COD etc on M&K and also Xbox on controller. Everything you're saying is correct
You should not be forced to switch, period . That’s a major balance issue that needs to be addressed by the developers. All they have to do dial aim assist back by about 30% and look at the data and adjust again from there. What you’re looking at is accuracy. Apex legends and another game when they released the data showed The average controller player was 38% more accurate. That alone defies the laws of physics. Lol .. They need to dial that back to where your average player base matches up close to 50/50 accuracy for both inputs .. problem solved.
the BEST video i ve watched about both inputs!
One of the issues I have with cod is that anytime I get into an argument about controller and aim assist with someone their final point is always “then why don’t you switch bro???” I don’t have an Xbox or PlayStation and I’m not gonna spend 40-100$ for a controller that I’m only gonna use for one single game because I’m a native MnK player. I still play WZ and MW3 but it’s exhausting playing against people who literally have 50% of the game played for them
Facts it is ridiculous that I can’t just play on the input I want without being at a disadvantage
I just bought a vader 4 pro, its annoying but i care about my mental health enough to not get stressed playing against RAA, ill still play mnk always but ive been years on cod with controller before and id like to just chill somtimes which i feel is worth it. Ill always appreciate the learning curve of mouse aiming and wont stop trying to improve
So who cares? I only play mnk because I prefer it. Playing COD is fun. Playing with a controller with be a way worse experience for me
That aim assist plays the game for you is a ridiculous argument. You're needlessly frustrating yourself. Aim assist gives an advantage in a few circumstances--circumstances in which mnk is perfectly capable
He talked about all the pros using controllers, not to diminish aim assist--but COD has been a controller game for its whole life (when all those guys logged tons of hours), only recently switching to PC and even having mnk input at all
Wrong again I see your very uneducated, aim assist is a slow down, if something aims for you that’s called cheating, if aim assist worked how you claim EVERYONE would be in controller and MnK wouldn’t exist.
MnK has all the advantages lmao
People need to understand that controller NEEDS aim assist, but it doesn't NEED the hand holding left stick rotational that people who know how to exploit by stroking your left stick over and over until someone peeks can abuse for free. It's not fun playing on 🎮 with a system that holds my hand, but it's not fun playing on MnK knowing I have to do way more work, just to beat the artificial rotational soft aim of controller.
My mate has no aim assist and he shoots better than yall aim assist users
@@jovanciric4264 yup I bet 👍
@@OhhhPez im fr he didnt have aim assist since wz2, he was a demon on wz1 so was i
Amen, man speaks for the MNK race 🙏🏻
@@jovanciric4264 buddy he wasn’t saying suuure he is
im positively surprised you mentioned trickshotters. great points & great video.
Lets go new videooooo
I started playing Call of Duty when it came out. Back in 2003/2004 during the Cyber Athelitic League days I played for a team based out of the USA and Canada called MwA (men with attitudes), and then later for a new found team MwH (Men with honor) and we would practice as a team 4 nights a week. The head of our team was a retired pro painball player(like ESPN level play) and everyone took it seriously and we practiced practiced practiced until we got good. It took actual real SKILL to hit your target. It truly was you are good or you are bad situcation. Now smh. I don't know anymore. I played over 10,000 hours of CS on kb&m. All together I probably have 20,000 hours of m&k over the last 25 years. I get the allure of aim assist on controller but it just feels like training wheels. Oh you rushed control and dropped a 30 with aim assist. Meh. You rushed control and 1v4 a team of sweats with m&k. You a gamer son. No hate to controller players but m&k just feels more real. I know when I flick and hit heads it's because of my decades of practice and training. Not because someone changed a slider setting at Activision or where ever and gave me an advantage. The whole arguement of controller players "need" the help. BS. It's a skill just like kb&m. I can use a controller. I played pong when I was a kid. I'm like a dinosaur in gaming. I have an original Steam account you feel me? I play rocket league and GTA on controller but for a shooter?? Just feels like weak sauce. Just my 2 cents. I also don't complain about getting beat by controller players like a little B. I just try harder and practice more. Get gud. You feel? Love to anyone who tortues themselves with COD. It's a love hate realtionship for sure. Shout out to all my old teammates where ever you are.
Staying on mouse and key is like stay natty in the gym. Stay noble.
Using MnK is basically using steroids jus too unfair
@@leonydus9889 its evident your a controller kid
@@2007crf450r yeah ive been on controller for 10 years before switching to mnk, ill debunk u all day lil kid
@@leonydus9889aim assist = artificial assistance= drugs. Are u slow?
@@DrTopLiftDPT incorrect once again, aim assist= hindering slow down that makes it even harder to aim, plug in a controller and educate yourself nimrod
This video was exactly the same process I went through when I switched from MK to controller on COD. Now it feels like Im playing the same game everyone else is. Hip fire is a thing that is useful . I think coming from MK I see the advantages magnified. Great Vid.
I made the switch from keyboard and mouse about 2 months ago and I already see the difference even the movement feels better but having a higher stick sensitivity is crucial trust me
Now go enter a game using your controller and watch how aim bot will just gravitate towards the enemy for you. it's magical!
Lmao MnK has the instant inputs and no recoil your a bot
@@leonydus9889 mnk has the same recoil as controller but controller has rotational aim assist reducing the recoil and even negating the horizontal recoil
@@leonydus9889 also, controller inputs are just as instant as mnk inputs
@@HughMongousPC incorrect once again, mnk doesnt have recoil u can shoot laser across the map while controllers have insane recoil that makes some guns unuseable
Fr and im on controller
No, stop crying you can use your whole arm
@@aseortoalgoritmo7002 no I’ve tried mouse and keyboard it’s hard I went back to controller because I’m a 1.50 kd player on controller
@@aseortoalgoritmo7002It takes skill to know how to use whole arm!
@@tyriantaylor711 yeah but as a controller player making precise movements and tracking is almost impossible without aim assist
let the people choose to play together with CONTROLLER or with MOUSE AND KEYBOARD problem dissolved
Naa MnK has no business playing against controllers cause MnK has too big of an advantage
Beautifully put … well done 👍🏻
Can’t believe how much difference reWASD makes with key remapping. Total game-changer! 🏆
At this point just blame the game. The devs are the one's that set how strong the aim assist can be.
Strong sun assist makes it harder to aim cause of the slow down
@@leonydus9889 false
As a die-hard M&K player since the Quake 3 days, I've got to say this video hits the nail on the head. MW3's handling of controller aim assist is frankly ridiculous. The advantage it gives is so blatant it's almost laughable - if it wasn't so frustrating.
Let's be real: this level of aim assist isn't just an advantage, it's practically built-in cheating. It's killing the competitive integrity of the game for M&K users. I love the core concept of MW3, but this issue is a deal-breaker.
At this point, Activision might as well slap a 'Controller Players Only' sticker on the box. Either close off M&K entirely or give us separate servers - because right now, it feels like we're bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Huge thanks for this clip. It's vindicating to see I'm not just some lone voice screaming into the void. Been feeling like I'm taking crazy pills trying to compete in this aim-assist wonderland. At least now I know I'm not the only one seeing through this mess.
Keep exposing this nonsense - maybe if enough of us make noise, they'll actually do something about it. Until then, guess I'll be over here getting lasered by controller players who can barely see me on their screen. Fun times ;-)
This is a great comment I agree with everything. Controller on COD is cheating and needs a bad nerf.
He said he's about as good as he was on mnk as he is on controller. He's surprised that he made the switch pretty fast (I think he said 2 months?), and he HOPES it will take him to the next level of his game
That is wildly different than "before I was bringing a knife to a gunfight". If that were true then he would be, as you said, lasering people all game when before he couldn't hit them. Instead, he plays about the same
Another top comment, so damn true! 💯
MnK has all the advantages. If aim assist worked how people claim then MnK wouldn’t exist
@@josephbornman8462he was previously a controller player and if you learn this as a kid then it’s easy to pick it back up again. I didn’t start gaming until I was 47, so ain’t learning to be some controller god any time soon.
I’ve been m&k for the past 10+ years I only switched to controller this year for cod because of how strong the aim assist is. Huge difference actually more enjoyable now lol
Sounds like a skill issues MnK has all the advantages
@@leonydus9889 no not really besides movement
@@romz90 wrong
@@leonydus9889 no
@@leonydus9889 says the controller kid
For anyone who plays other fps games on mnk, did you switch to roller for cod alone? I’m in a weird spot where I still play other games, all of kbm, but I’ve been getting more into cod and idk if it’s worth it to learn a new input. Then again I hate the idea that I’m limiting myself. Anyone else in this position?
Literally me. I’m a die hard mnk user, but controller on cod just not only looks cleaner, but plays better. I had the same feelings toward apex 2
What Shroud said in 10:41 is 1000% percent true. I lose so many gunfights for not being able to see damn thing, just like Shroud is explaining.
To be fair, CDL Pros aren't allowed to play MnK last time I checked..... Just checked again, yes they have a controller-only policy since 14 September 2020.
i wonder why🤣
Yes AA is OP but what’s the fun when the game done most of the aiming for me. MnK you can feel the satisfaction with every kill pushing yourself to get better and better
If aim assist worked how people claim then MnK wouldn’t exist
@@leonydus9889 all my friends switched from MnK to Controller they confirmed that it’s OP but I think some ppl don’t know how to abuse rotational aim assist and adjusting their settings correctly.
@@ohmyTalal theres no sucht hign as abusing AA....AA is a slow down that hinders u lmaooo
@@leonydus9889 slow down oh that’s it 😂 dude have you ever heard about rotational aim assist. It kicks in when you move your left stick search for it on UA-cam and see how ppl are abusing it RAA is the main problem why every MnK complaining about
It feels things like being stunned or flinch does not impact controller players as much. Definitely think they could balance by removing visual recoil etc for m&k
Legend, this video really helped me a lot
The worst part of the aim assist is when they start spamming jump and movement shit and even with that they still connect every shoot and besides that, you can use hacks and disguise them better with controller because of the aim assist
Try a controller for once and after that i hear your thoughts 😂 its not like that bro we have a milion people with controller that you never know beacause not every controller player are "moveking" brah
@@Metabaazi Anyone watching this video is most likely in the 15% of players on the game. The lower bracket players aren't even going to notice an aim assist nerf because they can't use it in the first place. But for the lobbies we're playing in everyone knows how to use it and abuse it.
You feel my pain, that jumping and moving side to side while landing all of your shots is ridiculous.
Bro, i've been M&K player since 2018, warzone 1 was my peak, i was hella good, didnt play wz2 because i didnt like it, but back to wz3 i realized something was off, as a very competitive player i am, in rebirth i lost 50/50 of even 70/30 of the close range battles, even tho i have a very good tracking, the majority of the time i get killed is for missing a single shot, i wasnt able to get past crymson in ranked, not a single person miss a bullet there, so i switched to controller 2 months ago, and the change was criminal, my movement was total bullshit, but the aim assist was just too op, in just 2 months i easily surpassed my record of BR and RB in M&K of 21 and 19 to 36 and 29 in controller, also started winning 80/20 of the close range shootings, also finally hit iridiscent rank.
Aim assist is ruining the game for pc, not all of us are hackers, but the difference of performance is just mindblowing, as a very pro M&K player, is idiotic that i can perform better being a mediocre/medium level in controller in terms of movement and aim
@@Ultras14100 only those who have played on both understand just how broken it really is.
I also have a theory. I have used Controller AND Mnk - i am native to MnK and feel a lot more comfortable on MnK. BUT there seems to be delay on bullet reg on Mouse and Key. I have used 3 different mouse’s (?) and borrowed a friend scuf controller and the difference is noticeable. the TTK is SIGNIFICANTLY faster for controller players. there always seems to be bullet reg issues when getting into gun fights where i’ll be shooting at them point blank - 10m with no bullet reg on MnK. this was tested on private match, ranked play and pubs. ranked play was the worst.
My story is the same but Ive been on m&k for 4 years. The reason why I switched because it just got so damn brain dead boring. It was either give up fps games or learn something new. I feel like I’m at that point where I mastered k&m. I even dropped a few nukes. But it’s a ceiling you can’t go any higher on, before you get your shit wrecked by controller. But now I’m at that point of switching back myself because I rather be brain dead bored winning than getting my shit wrecked with no possible way of competing.
Dropping nukes has to do with having bot lobbies lmao ur not dripping nukes in legit lobbies
The last time i ever played an FPS game on controller was 1997 Goldeneye on N64. I was 8 years old. Ever since i got into PC gaming just a few years later, I always played on MNK.
exactly agree with shroud. Some areas of maps the enemy colours blend to much in with enviremont. Therefore its sometimes really hard to see people, especially when shooting like Shroud said.
Things like muzzle smoke/flash can make some guns incredibly difficult to see with, or make some iron sights really challenging, which means giving up an attachment JUST SO YOU CAN SEE lol
And the gulag visibility sucks. Good luck beating RAA in there
Beating a slow down ? Lmao MnK is basically cheating, instant inputs no recoil , if your losing to controllers you are garbage
@@leonydus9889 you like lying? lmao
@@Gobbonn about what? everything is factual that ive said
@@leonydus9889 well idk what you said exactly bc your comment got removed
Instead of using the controller to go through the inventory, it might be worth using the mic instead with software that can translate voice commands to keypresses. Voice Attack and Talon come to the top of my mind.
mnk player: i will never switch no matter what, i don't care about getting good at cod, for me its just a fun aimtrainer. but sometimes i do wish for an input matchmaking in ranked or something just to try
WIN/WIN situation for me😂, cuz normally whenever I wanna take advantage of something that is implemented in a game - no matter how long it has been there - it gets fixed immediately afterwards, so now that I just decided to buy a controller and start practicing, I can surely bet they will allow us pc players to turn off cross play after 5 years of asking xD, if it does, you owe me. xD
I’ve been flip flopping between both but I have difficulty doing backwards maneuvering with keyboard
After being a hardcore doom player in mkb I went into cod thinking id do fine. I honestly was getting shit on every game … expecialy mid to close range. Than I took a second to focus and see what the issue was…. i literally couldn’t see where my enemies were when I shoot my gun. Having to control recoil , track invisible enemies due to visual clutter and handle close range encounters with enemies who have their camera turned to me by default due to aim assist was hell. I got better tho since I started doing stuff by feelings and not visual information which despite having given me multiple wins and 20 -25 kill games still is inconsistent.
I´m a M&K player for long as i remember, I just changed to controler because the feel i had playing in M&K was that i needed to be a pro player and was getting tired so fast, now in controller I play so chill, no effort and so relax, no arm or wrist pain, no stress, just move your tumbs and press the trigger
Also controller players are more trash so games are easier
Grew up on quake m&k, played a lot of csgo, and then played controller in early warzone days. Then I switched to m&k and my k/d went up by .4 - I hit so many more snipes now than I did on controller, and the flicks in a crazy situation are much easier. Doesn’t mean that m&k is better on average, just that’s what’s right for me personally because I had that experience from early until basically the halo era. But nowadays (and this has been the case for a while), most games are on controller. So kids often grow up with controller mainly whereas i grew up with m&k. So expecting them to switch to m&k just because I do better with it silly. And if you’re good enough on m&k you’ll be fine. You’ll lose occasionally to aa on some absolute garbage, but you also win fights that you’d never win on controller due to having to cross a manual threshold.
This is a really good video.
well made video! as a mnk player i definitely needed to watch this to remind myself im not this much worse then everyone else 🤣
I just noticed that we have the same exact mic. lol
Black Ops 6 has intrigued me enough that I’m considering buying it, and it will be the first Call of Duty I’ve played in many years. I’ve always been a mouse-and-keyboard shooter player (although I’ve played very few shooters in general in recent years), but I’m tempted to play this one on the PS5, as I currently play most of my games on the PS5. And I’m a bit scared of switching to a controller, especially the idea of turning around with it frightens me, because aiming itself has aim assist, after all. I’ve been watching videos comparing both control methods, because I’m worried I’ll buy the game on PS5 and won’t be able to play it with a controller. And although many people recommend to try using a controller, I’m still not fully convinced that it’s for me...
Great video!
Btw the cdl specifically bans the use of mouse and keyboard. Players can't use anything but a controller
2:25 No, nobody is stopping me from buying a controller, however, I do have dignity and will not stoop so low as to buy another input device just so I can get a legal aimbot. Might as well just download cheats at that point. Game is no longer fun if I have some software holding my hand and doing everything for me. Also the BO6 AA nerf is barely a nerf at all. With all the insane movement in BO6, you would need to be the best of the best on M&K to get even close to the level of accuracy that AA gives in that game.
I wanted to add that in games where there's no AA, like CS or Siege, losing a gunfight feels more like a learning experience, because I know for a fact that I lost that fight because the opponent had better aim, recoil control or better positioning. Back when Siege was good and I played it a lot, I used to watch almost every kill cam after I died, just because I knew I could probably learn from it. Not only does AA take away that concept, but it also takes away from the satisfaction of out-aiming someone.
It's just a game with controller aim assist dude. You're talking about dignity and stooping lol, what are the dramatics for
I use mnk and play against controller players all day. It's super fun
What tf does it matter what their aim is--there's an endless stream of players of every skill level. It's all about my aim
@@josephbornman8462 it's also not fun to die to someone who has a fraction of your skill, but has aim better than that of a pro mnk player because of their aimbot assist. Same reason why it's frustrating to die to someone camping in a corner. You KNOW they aren't good at all, but they still manage to kill you because of their low skill tactic.
If aim assist worked how people claim then MnK wouldn’t exist …. You won’t buy a controller cause you know it doesn’t work like that lmao
@@leonydus9889 all you have to do is learn how to abuse aim assist. The majority of controller players are casual players, kids and dads coming home from work and do not know how to abuse aim assist. The problem is that when someone wants to play competitively, they would want every advantage possible, and would learn how to abuse the aim assist. This is why in competitive play and pro play, MnK basically does not exist, like you said, because there is no reason not to use controller because it gives a very clear advantage. It's also annoying for the casual MnK player like me because, having used MnK for years, my aim is quite good, so I get put into lobbies with people who know how to abuse aim assist, which leads to frustration.
MnK player, also started with the old CODs on Playstation then Xbox 360, kept getting bodied by "pros" in black out and then switched to MnK for verdansk because at the time I also didn't understand the difference between playing COD on a 65in TV and console Vs a 27in monitor and high end PC. Still got slammed a lot in verdansk didn't really start to go positive until caldera, but stayed on MnK, never played solos, only played squad fill so my KD in retrospect could have been a lot higher but moved from like 0.5 in blackout to now over a 1 sometimes pushing a 2 or 3 on my 10 game average until the game puts me in lobbies with WSOW pros over and over until my KD stops going up( that's a different discussion...)
Almazrah is when i began getting more "competitive" and dabbled in ranked first with some randoms I met, got hard stuck around diamond, and then i began looking for "coaches" or just better players in general to play with who weren't concerened with my trash YOLO KD and were confident or happy with my ability to track and shoot straight.
That's when I started learning how to actually move around the map and rotate, decision making etc because you just can't get it from tip videos the way it sinks in when you're playing. I kept playing with this group into MWIII and I was able to hit diamond again , then crim , then iri and i was actually in lobbies sometimes with fifakill and sym, and those are not fun . Somehow they would literally run straight at you from across the map and then you'd go back to to watch their vod and just see it happen exactly as you experienced it, completely blind sided, the UAV barely telling them anything other than one of the dots that might be you is on the edge of the map, and Fifakill squeaking " guh-huh, we got the sweaty team out of the lobby" then they proceed to just get free SR off plat players. It also doesn't surprise me he was trash at WSOW and Sym didn't even play in it.
Long story short am I going to switch to Controller?
I think from my personal experience playing the beta that MnK is going to be at a more reasonable playing field IF they leave the CQB AA nerfed on controller. Activision is going to get pressured by MTX store numbers declining and volatile player numbers but its for the good of thegame they have done this and actually attempted to balance the inputs so cross play doesn't need to be scarificed or we need to move to input based lobbies.
Controller movement will still be easier but a skilled movement god on MnK will out play a lot of controller players because you actually have to have more understanding since you are limited on the MnK with your range of motion.
I think a lot of the players like in that symfhunny clip who killed him solely because AA took over for them they are going to have a hard time in BO6. I think a lot of GOOD players from Verdansk are going to have a hard time in Bo6. I think the omni movement doesn't strictly favor one input over the other. I've also been dabbling in Apex again since they have made its aim training software easier to install and All omni movement is , is apex movement. you can run and slide at off angles, you just don't have a dive prone or supine.
Therefore, you are going to see a lot of MnK demons from Apex e come over to warzone and clear a lot of the scrub controller players out especially since they don't have AA up close , and the BO6 AA is probably equal or WEAKER than even Apex's AA which is weaker than current MWIII AA. This will still be a positive for Activision because these new MnK players are going to buy as much as the dogwater controller players did especially with the gaslighting algorithm they run.
I think if you are a MnK player BO6 is probably NOT the year to try and be a controller player main. I would play it on multiplayer, but I would stick with MnK in warzone for BO6 and IW's game. I think going forward the best players are going to be able to play both inputs, Controller in MP and MnK in Warzone.
As a player that’s slowly transferred from M&K to controller in warzone, i think the biggest issue isn’t that controller or aim assist is too strong but that M&K has felt like absolute trash on the new MW2 engine every game has used since then. MW3 felt a little better but it’s still far from how perfect MW19 felt on M&K.
Also this whole video is very ironic for me right now, because I just made the switch to M&K and have found myself having more fun.
Well yes I could switch to controller but I just have no fun in doing so... That´s basically saying: "If you are homeles, just buy a house!"
i mean im a mouse player and i sometimes feel different little disadvantages, especially on really close range fights. and u know what, thats okay. this game was built for controller years ago. with fast movements, close quarters and headshots not being op. soo u cant really expect the devs to make it more or less equal for both inputs. i like the freedom of mouse and having a button for everything. but i guess the aim assist nerf in bo6 is much needed. for my part, but i think also for the better half of the controller players. does the AA need to be instantly cut off when shooting like 2m in front of an enemy? i dont think so,i guess there should be a linear falloff the closer u get. but i kinda like being in a huge advantage for once :D atleast when kissing the enemy
MnK has all the advantages
@@leonydus9889 no really not. The average sniper is better on mnk i guess but in every other scenario aa rules the field. Except now for kissing range fights. If u could headshot 1shot with most guns, i would agree but thats really not the case
@@richardjung9562 AA is jus a slow down and doesnt rule at anything its hindrence lmao
@@leonydus9889 are u high xD? Why is every cod pro ever a controller player? Mhh i wonder
@@leonydus9889 brain dead
Are you on pc using a ps5 controller? If so did it feel laggy at first bcuz I’ve hooked up my ps5 edge controller on to steam n it just feel weird
Can you choose to only play against other players using controller when you play from the PC or are you forced to be in a mixed lobby?
100% true i played m&k since i started gaming, never had an xbox or playstation so basically never been a controller player until I played warzone, bro in 3 day playing resurgence I got 17kills 3fukcng days!!! so yeah!
Getting 17 kills is not good and ur also in good sbmm lobbies lmao
I’m glad they made aim assist turn off at 3meters, but I think that it would be even better if they made something like a 10% decrease to how strong aa is
Laughable nerf , Imagine having to aim for the first 3 meters only.. but hey, better then nothing I guess
@@gnarly3256 honestly, being able to slide past a player and actually outmaneuver him in cqc will be huge, especially when taking a building.
As it is now, it's not even worth doing because it just rotates them anyways.
Controllers AA is a slow down , you are garbage
Nothing aims for you lmao
Sounds like a skill issue if your losing to controllers despite MnK having all the advantages you are a BOT
Rotational is the problem. Tone it down. Dont get rid of it, but some input should be made to track targets with the aiming stick. Get rid of visual clutter and we could make some real progress. It will never happen though. There would be a real skill gap that might dissuade the casual players from buying skins.
I’ve done very well in Valorant and Fortnite, but CoD I’ve lost soo many close and mid range gunfights due to movement and aim assist differences.
Really good overview!
There used to be some software which people exploited to turn their input into controller even though they were playing M&K, it got meainstream and was banned so yeah.. M&K definitely superior if it had assists, I think there still are some hardware solutions to circumvent this and far as I know it's practically undetectable.
Personally I like the M&K rawdogging without any assists because it's so sweathy, really rewarding and fun. Rolling your sticks and abusing rotational aim assist doesn't really sound too rewarding or like a good long term plan at getting good at playing shooters overall
I play on both inputs, and the main reason most controller players die is because a third force in gun fights that drag their aim across the screen, which is also another reason why most cameras can get broke but I noticed in bo6 directional aim assist is significantly nerfed and this will probably be more of a beneficial thing for controller players than a negative one, Mainly for the More experienced players, and the reason why most keyboard players die is because visual clutter (gunsmoke, terrain, low health, gun shaking, etc,) and that makes it hard for long range gun fights But I noticed in bo6 Visual Clutter Is significantly reduced And very playable and And they will most likely get benefits for the Omni movement since they have Way more keys and input Methods
Play with m&K is a lot more fun. It's an upgrade from the controller, so I can't be forced to go back. Playing with a controller is "boring", while with a mouse and keyboard you feel like you're inside the game.
My opinion is that there must be a separation in servers. Mouse and keyboard players plays with each other and controller players plays with each other. Those jumping shots, sliding and so it is not fair and is not fun, if you are on mouse and keyboard against controller
Having artificial assistance in competitive play makes a mockery of the whole scene.
As a control player it never works for me I use good settings and it’s feels like it’s never workers even doing the left stick thing in warzone
I’m still learning to play controller but something thats helped me was lowering the sensitivity. Not permanently but just for practice
After that shoot around at the range or play small map mosh pit. While rotational aim assist does do a fair bit of work you’re still responsible for keeping the enemy within the aim assist bubble. You need to get a feel for where the rotational aim assist ends and where your manual aim begins. It’s a lot easier to physically see that on a lower sens
@@nolyfe4814 I do play on 7-7 but one problem I have faced that most people probably don’t is I don’t have mw3 and not planning to buy bo6 so when practice it go into plunder which sucks as it’s most sweats
@@yeetbobok2852 7 isn’t bad but it’s a bit too high for what you need a feel for. try lowering your ads sens to 0.6
As for mw3/bo6 it’s gonna be difficult to practice consistency here. If you’re willing to go out of your way, you could do aim training maps on Fortnite or play xdefiant. Otherwise there’s practice mode in wz.
@@nolyfe4814 I forgot to add I’m on the Xbox one s so I can’t play games like xdefiant as it’s locked for the Xbox series x and s
Controller is all manual aim you nitwit lnao
I've only been playing mnk for the last few months. running kovaaks 15-30 minutes almost every day. I am not gonna say I am better with mnk or that it's better than controller. but I am having a lot of fun with mnk
I leveled the playing field by buying a MnK to controller input converter and now I get AA on MnK
Rotational aim assist is like training wheels on a bike, like lowering the basketball ring for the other team or magnetic gloves in football, it’s just overkill to the point where I don’t want to play anymore at all.
I HAVE A pc and i am trying to play call of duty warzone on controller but i am not getting any aim assist in my games does pc players dont get aim assist on controller i just cant figure it out its the same with apex legends plss help
That’s the thing about close range though. As a mouse player, you don’t have AA to auto-correct. You’re forgetting that part. You can afford to make more mistakes on controller because you have AA pulling you in the right direction.
So what your saying is am better than all these nerds. Sweet thanks!
Experience and skill is all it comes down to. You can be on controller your whole life and suck or vice versa. You truly want to be great. It's repetition and mainly genes.
Either controller aim assist needs toned down or kbm need a slight aim assist
Lmao MnK has all the advantages
@@leonydus9889 garbage handicapped roller player spotted!
Like halo, but aim assist feels horrible on a raw input.
Literally halo infinite did this.
@@leonydus9889 brain dead
Hey I have a question in your video when you shot at the person and your straight what setting do I need to turn on
This video memes are god tier😂😂😂
Where does gyro fit in since COD has native support? It helps with the whole arm thing.
I haven’t watched your video, only seen the intro, but here’s the real reason your KD might drop on mouse and keyboard: on PC, you’re matched with actual skilled players, unlike the controller crowd that relies on aim assist to land shots. Aim assist practically babysits them, so no wonder they get easy kills. But put a controller player up against a decent PC gamer in a 1v1, and they’d be absolutely destroyed-no amount of aim assist can save them from that. And don’t forget how the gameplay looks-it’s like you’re playing as an NPC when you’re on a controller.
It’s my first time playing games on pc and console competitively and I don’t know what to start with, I’ve played little games with m&k and a roller respectively but not competitively (chill games like assassin’s creed, Roblox n all)
Great video. The truth is that I'd rather play mouse and be worse than I would be with controller. I just hate controller on any game and find it a boring platstyle. The reason nobody watches CDL compared to other video games is because all the top players have no individuality. All their clips look the exact same and that's because of joysticks and aim assist. I like the precision of mouse and key and the freedom of expression with it. Even if that means not having a lower K/D than if I used a controller.
I remember when i first played GTA 5 on controller at my friends house with ps5. I aimed at general direction, ads, aa did its thing and placed my aim on head and bam.. I was a fucking John Wick. While it felt great at first i started to dislike it later as it took away the fun and felt.... Idk robotic?... Just less satisfaction than doing things on ur own.
Lmao everyone looks different on controller Jesus you are brain dead brain washed lmaoo
After watching this video a month ago i tried switching from M&K to Controller for a few weeks just to see how it feels like.
Things i noticed:
1. Aim assist is way too overpowered
2. Its kinda comfortable to play on a Controller due to AA
3. I am going back to M&K because i play other shooters on M&K and so there is no reason for me to make COD the only game i play on controller due to AA and also with the nerf of the AA coming in BO6 and with the 2024 winner of the solo yolo warzone tournament being a M&K player i already got enough evidence it isnt worth FOR ME to switch to controller
This video is great mate thank you. It’s honestly a really good comparison and fair review. There are so many things I think they could do to even the playing field which I think would be fair.
I’ve been playing FPS for years I played a lot when I was younger and I took a 15 year break im now about to turn 40 I only get to play a couple hours, maybe 2 nights a week then same again on the weekend a couple of days so to try and change I just don’t have the time to put into it, I’m just gonna look to play other fps games that are native to MNK
Can’t ever level the playing field vs MnK ….. MnK is too big of an advantage
@@leonydus9889 lol, yeah you can cods AA is fucking insanely OP.
@@PlebsPerspective no its not OP its jus a annoying slow down ......plug in a controller and get destroyed cause things dnt work how u claim
@@leonydus9889 cod aim assist is 60% where as the finals is 35% and your telling me it’s not OP? The game is aiming for you more than you actually are aiming.
The last COD game with good mouse input was MW19 / vanguard
Most pros agree in WZ & MP that roller has a massive advantage, this video says it has a massive advantage. Yet you’re still there chirping on like it’s not a better input to play the game on, lol.
@@PlebsPerspective incorrect once again, with a controller YOU have to aim the entire way, nothing aims for you, only if u use cheats, u got clickbaited cause u have incredibly low iq lmao
My friends are all playing on consoles these days and I'm kinda "forced" to stick to crossplay games whenever we play together. I've spent 750ish hours on Kovaak's aim training over the years and frankly I'm just bored of playing fps games with MnK at this point, so learning an entirely new skill is surprisingly fun. BUT in the other hand, AA has been nerfed close range and close range tracking on MnK has been my strongest area forever.... So we'll see.
I’m the opposite been playing since 2020 on controller switched to mouse and keyboard a few weeks ago feels way better to me movement wise. If I get my aiming down better I’ll be much better than I was on controller
I've only ever used controller since getting my first console in 05. My kd tho has always been below a 1. I must be doing something wrong
Controller player!!! Good video.
Sniping, buy station, backpack is way better for mouse, but controller is better at everything else
MnK is better at everything
@@leonydus9889 brain dead
Started with OG Black Ops on controller (Xbox 360). Switched to MnK somewhere around Cold War (am on PC now). I am NOT a good player but I don't care. I play to have fun. Aim assist is too strong. Yet I prefer to play on MnK. I have more fun. Also, I have arthritis in both thumbs so controller isn't comfortable to me. MnK doesn't bother the arthritis. (60yr old, having fun gaming)
Having my entire arm for aiming with a mouse is probably my biggest disadvantage. My aim is trash!
Yeah people act like because you're aiming with more of your hand/arm that it directly correlates to your aiming ability while in reality it's difficult af. Even very very good aimers have trouble staying on target at times.
9:56 - "CoD is now designed for controller."
I've played CoD for nearly 20 years.
When was it ever designed for anything other than a controller?
Aim Assist has done nothing for diversifying the input landscape. AA stifles input device development.
Instead of bridging the gap, AA created a massive gap in the opposite direction.
Players should never be punished or rewarded for their input of choice.
Cod1, cod2, cod4 and cod 5 WAW was definitely designed for keyboard and mouse.
@@callumfinaughty6779 Every single game you listed was also on console and had Aim Assist.
Care to try again?
@@tsdbhg Native controller support without third party installations came out in 2007 for call of duty. So cod 4. Like I said, in the call of duties I mentioned it was included but not designed for them as you suggested. cod 1 and cod 2 was pc only. After that they started building them alongside. So like I said, in the early days they were not focused on controllers.
@@tsdbhg cod 4 was still big on pc mouse and keyboard, with the promod! only real aim there, no "pros" letting aim-assist do the work for them like we have today lol
@@tsdbhgYou’re new gen.
Ornery face reveal before GTA 6 unreal scenes
I’ve played pubg and apex a lot but now wanna shift to warzone
So I’m just being confused that should I buy a controller or stick with keyboard
1:32 kBAM is not allowed in the CDL
As and mnk player-how do you use a base controller with no back buttons?
I can’t imagine sliding and jumping while aiming and shooting?
Most controller players use what we call “claw grip” where you press the face buttons with your index finger, and the triggers with your middle finger
So then, you have your thumb always free to aim
(some people, like me, invert the bumpers and triggers for comfort)
@@Lycro. Dang, I do claw grip for playing Souls games, but competitive shooter it seems rough to do that. But I don't doubt people can excel with it
If you're this guy and moving to the controller at any time with plenty of money, I wonder why not get some back buttons (assuming he's using a stock PS5 controller like in the video)
I tried controler and I hate it, its not that I did bad but its to much of a hastle since every keybind is sharing with another and trying to find keybinds that work when you dont have a fully kited controler and the fact the batery can die and you lose or the eventual stick drift it just sucks plus I play other games... I want to dominate on cod but switching is out of the question sadly
Just FYI the argument that CDL players play on controller isn’t a good one since mnk is prohibited in the CDL. That’s not to say they aren’t using rollers because of the rest of the reasons in this video but they actually cannot use mnk even if they want to.
reason why you never see pros run M&k is because it's banned in most pro tournaments. Controllers are only allowed.
There won’t be a shake up. They will increase aim assist in BO6. Maybe even at launch. It’s just business to them, and consoles make the biggest buck in CoD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
which CONTROLLER id best xbox s/x or Sony DualSense Wireless Controller
Personal preference. More higher level players are using PS controllers, but it really boils down to your preference.
So if u get killed by an aimbotter, then its your problem and not the hacker. Controller aim assist needs nerfed to where its not hit scan and aim bot. Mouse n keyboard is full skill and controller is very little skill and brain dead with computer aided assist aka aimbot
Wrong again aim assist is a slow down nothing sims for you lmao MnK will always have all the advantage
Just use a controller. Problem solved.
@@leonydus9889yeah these mnk warriors will just say anything
@@leonydus9889 It does aim for you, it's called rotational aim assist... have you been living under a rock for years? It's even in the video you just commented on lmao
@@zxro2146 you are just as brain dead as leon
I tried this yesterday on bo6, I literally couldn’t get one kill 😭
I actually play better in BO6 despite using controller like 2 months
Feelings stagnant as a mouse and key player, so I'm doing aim training and controller.
I would never switch from mnk, no matter how much the game keeps tempting me to do it. Mnk is a completely different world-the feeling you get when you’re constantly improving is unmatched. You really feel the skill gap, and that motivates you to keep pushing yourself higher. With a controller, it's like taking an elevator up. And the most important thing is that in CoD, there are tons of "pro players" who are only good at Warzone, but with mnk, whether you're playing single player thinking you're NeoNinja, or multiplayer thinking the same, you’ll still be decent and that's why it doesn't make sense to switch to a controller just for Warzone
I’m the same as you with mnk. The solution for me was to use a mouse with at least 12 side buttons. It’s not cheating because all I’m doing is adding more buttons on my right hand while aiming and shooting. It makes it easier to use both hands for cod than to use mostly one hand. Plus cod allows 2 keys for almost every action. Cod is fun on mnk. I personally love it.
It also doesn’t make sense to make the switch cause MnK has all the advantages