The bongs were out by about six seconds, which incidentally is about the same time it takes between someone posting a video about the Westminster chimes and someone making a cannabis-referencing comment underneath it.
That wasnt the measurement they were talking about, 7 miliseconds of lag with a 150 some odd year old clock is amazing, they were talking about a previous measurement
I was expecting that Big Ben was not sharing, or getting too baked, but all the conjecture is that this dude is slightly late. Really? Relax people, time is just a construct of mankind. Sort of.
@@adamwalpole1180 It's actually a serious issue, one that the government is actually considering. And as for all of the old and inaccurate mechanics of Big Ben ? These could just be relocated to the British museum, where it could then be viewed publicly.
@@candyneige6609 so why have they just spent, billions of pounds renovating the whole clock tower, including the mechanism which they took completely apart to repair and replace parts just to have it in some museum. I agree it would be more accurate with a modern system, but if they did that, it wouldn’t be the same, the clock would lose its soul. The Victorian engineering is amazing and people find is amazing purely because it’s still completely mechanical.
@@adamwalpole1180 Actually, it's quite the opposite, replacing old and obsolete mechanics with more modern and accurate ones will make the clock have more charm and fell more alive, and we have a name for the general process of replacing old with new, it's called retrofitting, and it makes old things have a second life, after all, we retrofit old cars all the time, so Big Ben will simply be that but on a much larger scale, and in fact, we can even go one step further, we can replace all of the clock faces on Big Ben with huge digital screens, not only so that the time can be displayed digitally, but also so that Big Ben can show things other than the current time, like the results of an election, or a new year's countdown, and better yet, we can even replace the bells with huge speakers, allowing things other than the chimes to be heard, like music so that everyone can enjoy, or an alarm so that everyone can find safety, and all of these makes Big Ben more alive and have more charm, which inevitably attracts more tourists, bringing lots of money to the city.
It hasn't ran "continuously" all that time. And eventually "adding coins" is going to SLOW IT DOWN. Restricting the total travel of a pendulum or balance wheel/palate fork in a watch or clock will only speed it up up to the point where the additional mass and short travel start putting excessive drag on the escapement. Aren't there any watchmakers or just ordinary "horologists" over there? Eventually everything wears out and needs either replaced, reconditioned or cleaned and lubricated. Although typically a FUNCTIONING clock or watch that is "dry" or "dirty" will run FAST if the extra drag restricts escapement movement and shortens the "beats", that's only up to the point where things start SLOWING DOWN.
Ben is like a kid
Wakes you up every hour
The bongs were out by about six seconds, which incidentally is about the same time it takes between someone posting a video about the Westminster chimes and someone making a cannabis-referencing comment underneath it.
"But theres been something WRONG, with BIG BEN'S BONGS" the accent 10/10 👌💀
1:18 had me dying when she said: *the speaking clock.*
It's 7 milliseconds, not 6 seconds.
+Alex Lam They forgot that it was Milliseconds, no need to comment
That wasnt the measurement they were talking about, 7 miliseconds of lag with a 150 some odd year old clock is amazing, they were talking about a previous measurement
@@Aidenblox no
It's the hart beat of london
My Family heart beat*
Heart man watch your grammar
I didn't know big Ben smoked weed
YeEpicTroll Damn son what did you do this time
then why does it have a bong
GeorgeS it d
GeorgeS finally I met a profile picture friend
It’s spot on see just pressed it 7 milliseconds after it chimed
Don’t be mad at Ben he’s 160 years old. He’s gonna have some mistakes in his life.
Actually Big ben is now 178
Fortnight is a British term that just means a couple of weeks
Now Big Ben is silent for four years this year
What is the number for the dial up clock?
123 from a BT landline. Other networks may vary.
MusicMan2022 r,
Christynn Tan what?
Rosie and Jim fault from the Rosie and Jim video
Victoria history, I wasn't born Yet, but Hong Kong was a British colony. So I don’t know anything about Big Ben in Victorian history.
London thanks for making big ben
*hOw WiLL wE kNOW wHEn iTS 2018 aT mIdNIgHt*
Vegeta Shitposter It will still bong at new years, and remebarance day. They will make a motor to make the bongs.
Vegeta Shitposter *iKR? Big bEn WoNt bE tHeRE tO teLl uS... LonDoN!,*
Vegeta Shitposter December 31. 12:00 midnight
And you guys all have phones
just put the pennys at the pendilum
The amount of bongs that Big Ben makes is totally dependent on what time is showing on all 4 clock faces
You can’t blame the clock for being off time it’s been on the go for over 150 years.
Maybe try a different head shop?
I was expecting that Big Ben was not sharing, or getting too baked, but all the conjecture is that this dude is slightly late. Really? Relax people, time is just a construct of mankind. Sort of.
ringing is strike
I can't hear it up north anyway 😌
That's because it's in London
@@stephensnell1379 i commented this 3 years ago dude 🙈 i was basically saying i don’t care because i can’t hear it anyway
at TEN
parliamentary bong
“over the past Fortnite”
Me: Wha?
Edit: Originally it said fortnight but it just sounds like the word fortnite.
he problem with Big Ben's bongs what not enough dope haha
7 milliseconds???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. WHO IS LIKE
They literally said it looks pretty spot on
So,Big Ben is not a acureat,2 seconds out.
Can you even read time? It's 7 milliseconds
That was after they fixed the problem...
BTS Trash The repairs won't be finished until 2021.
Well. Wind down the time!
Uh, if pendulums had a "center of gravity", they wouldn't be pendelums.
Why not replace all of the inaccurate mechanics of Big Ben with an accurate atomic clock so that Big Ben would be accurate down to the microsecond ?
Nobody wants that.
@@adamwalpole1180 It's actually a serious issue, one that the government is actually considering.
And as for all of the old and inaccurate mechanics of Big Ben ? These could just be relocated to the British museum, where it could then be viewed publicly.
@@candyneige6609 so why have they just spent, billions of pounds renovating the whole clock tower, including the mechanism which they took completely apart to repair and replace parts just to have it in some museum. I agree it would be more accurate with a modern system, but if they did that, it wouldn’t be the same, the clock would lose its soul. The Victorian engineering is amazing and people find is amazing purely because it’s still completely mechanical.
@@adamwalpole1180 Actually, it's quite the opposite, replacing old and obsolete mechanics with more modern and accurate ones will make the clock have more charm and fell more alive, and we have a name for the general process of replacing old with new, it's called retrofitting, and it makes old things have a second life, after all, we retrofit old cars all the time, so Big Ben will simply be that but on a much larger scale, and in fact, we can even go one step further, we can replace all of the clock faces on Big Ben with huge digital screens, not only so that the time can be displayed digitally, but also so that Big Ben can show things other than the current time, like the results of an election, or a new year's countdown, and better yet, we can even replace the bells with huge speakers, allowing things other than the chimes to be heard, like music so that everyone can enjoy, or an alarm so that everyone can find safety, and all of these makes Big Ben more alive and have more charm, which inevitably attracts more tourists, bringing lots of money to the city.
@@candyneige6609 ok, now you’re trolling.
Rose and jim's fault actually rose crank it too much
0:33 Fortnite!?
SuperSammy two weeks
dumb ass
a fortnight is 2 weeks
on 0:32 she says fortnite
B0XZS. No she says fortnight
She said fortnite at 0:28
It hasn't ran "continuously" all that time. And eventually "adding coins" is going to SLOW IT DOWN. Restricting the total travel of a pendulum or balance wheel/palate fork in a watch or clock will only speed it up up to the point where the additional mass and short travel start putting excessive drag on the escapement. Aren't there any watchmakers or just ordinary "horologists" over there? Eventually everything wears out and needs either replaced, reconditioned or cleaned and lubricated. Although typically a FUNCTIONING clock or watch that is "dry" or "dirty" will run FAST if the extra drag restricts escapement movement and shortens the "beats", that's only up to the point where things start SLOWING DOWN.
yeah, very elaborately described pendulum clock / balance wheel of watch gaining time at first / loosing time at the end.
it's only 6secs early
Harshil Patel no late
But still it is fine
The clock needs time to make the ringer hit the bell
I hate eiffel tower i love big ben
0:33 game fortnite
Liebe news ich habe die maffia mit der Queen angezeigt diebhaben sehr viel gespottet
it bongs way to lode
You mean way too loud and yes you are correct it's at 118 decibels each hour when it goes off
Well it has to be loud so everyone in central london can here it
Over the past fortnite
Monaco Yacht Show *fortnight
fortNIGHT it means two weeks
She said fortnight