Having fun watching you three discussing the newest episode. My thought is that it's a lot easier to age faces and hair than to attempt to age the skin of an entire body. That's why I think it's unlikely that we'll see much of Sam and Cait anymore.
Hello Katie, Merry Christmas I hope Santa brought you lots of presents ( in your favorite color purple lol ) well it was a quiet Christmas for me and my husband, my family lives in Florida ( Iam still getting over pneumonia 😔 so I couldn’t travel ( still having a bit of a breathing problem , no fun when you feel out of breath all the time ) I did enjoy the last episode, yes loved Brianna knocking out Rob ( she’s her father’s daughter for sure Jamie ) and Jemmy was great, figured out how to get out of that tunnel ( remembering what Brianna said ) I am reading the book along with watching the episodes, Ian and Rachel very nice scene ( did Uncle Jamie give Ian any tips lol if he did he learned it from Claire ) I’d say Claire was a very good teacher ( wasn’t Jamie a virgin on his wedding night ) good chat ladies, but If Iam going to watch any one making love it’s Jamie and Claire but Iam willing to watch others it’s just a bit different lol Happy New Year 🎊
Wunderbare Diskussion über diese Episode . Die Quäkerhochzeit fand im Buch bei einem Mann statt , den Johns Haushälterin kannte . Dieser hatte auch einen großen Saal , wo alle Personen rein paßten , es war eine Doppelhochzeit . Denzel heiratete mit seiner Schwester zusammen . Claire hatte beide Mädchen vorher in einem Zelt über besondere Dinge aufgeklärt . Ian sprach mit Jamie darüber . Was Jamie und Claire betrifft , so schläft Jamie immer nackend , jedenfalls im Buch , und Claire meistens auch . Ich denke schon , das beide Darsteller es zurückhaltender machen wollen . Die Suche Rogers , der dabei seinen Vater traf , ist auch dem Buch gemäß so verlaufen . Auch Brianna , die schließlich ihren Sohn lebend fand , war perfekt .
Having fun watching you three discussing the newest episode. My thought is that it's a lot easier to age faces and hair than to attempt to age the skin of an entire body. That's why I think it's unlikely that we'll see much of Sam and Cait anymore.
Rogers Dad was in the air raid shelter with his Mom in the scene we see
Hello Katie, Merry Christmas I hope Santa brought you lots of presents ( in your favorite color purple lol ) well it was a quiet Christmas for me and my husband, my family lives in Florida ( Iam still getting over pneumonia 😔 so I couldn’t travel ( still having a bit of a breathing problem , no fun when you feel out of breath all the time ) I did enjoy the last episode, yes loved Brianna knocking out Rob ( she’s her father’s daughter for sure Jamie ) and Jemmy was great, figured out how to get out of that tunnel ( remembering what Brianna said ) I am reading the book along with watching the episodes, Ian and Rachel very nice scene ( did Uncle Jamie give Ian any tips lol if he did he learned it from Claire ) I’d say Claire was a very good teacher ( wasn’t Jamie a virgin on his wedding night ) good chat ladies, but If Iam going to watch any one making love it’s Jamie and Claire but Iam willing to watch others it’s just a bit different lol Happy New Year 🎊
Glad you enjoyed it and have a great holiday!
Wunderbare Diskussion über diese Episode .
Die Quäkerhochzeit fand im Buch bei einem Mann statt , den Johns Haushälterin kannte . Dieser hatte auch einen großen Saal , wo alle Personen rein paßten , es war eine Doppelhochzeit . Denzel heiratete mit seiner Schwester zusammen .
Claire hatte beide Mädchen vorher in einem Zelt über besondere Dinge aufgeklärt . Ian sprach mit Jamie darüber .
Was Jamie und Claire betrifft , so schläft Jamie immer nackend , jedenfalls im Buch , und Claire meistens auch .
Ich denke schon , das beide Darsteller es zurückhaltender machen wollen .
Die Suche Rogers , der dabei seinen Vater traf , ist auch dem Buch gemäß so verlaufen .
Auch Brianna , die schließlich ihren Sohn lebend fand , war perfekt .
Where jemmy and Roger were were parallel to the dam and stones
Sorry I missed you guys! Next time
No worries!
By the way, Katie thank you for clip of Jamie
T'was no problem 😊
Rob is with Scottish nationalists same as galeis