My First Powerlifting Meet & Barbell Brigade Tour (Bart Kwan's Story)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @zorkan111
    @zorkan111 9 років тому +37

    Where I live, most gyms have 1 squat rack, 1 flat bench, and 50 various cardio equipment that's never even fully utilized 99% of the time. Go figure...

    • @MonsterFishCraze
      @MonsterFishCraze 9 років тому +1

      Cardio equipment are dirt cheap compared to actual lifting equipment.

    • @zorkan111
      @zorkan111 9 років тому +10

      zFitness_ Not really. Something like a treadmill has electronics, it has software, it has moving parts. They're expensive and more complicated to make, they require maintenance, they use up electricity and they're prone to malfunctions.
      Squat rack is basically a bunch of metal bars welded together. Very simple piece of eqiupment that requires absolutely no maintenance and will never break down.

    • @hmian456
      @hmian456 9 років тому

      My gym only has two benches

    • @electroviolenceita
      @electroviolenceita 9 років тому

      1 squat rack, you should be thankful man

    • @zorkan111
      @zorkan111 9 років тому

      ***** Yeah, I understand that cardio equipment brings people in. But it's not like gyms can have only squat racks or only cardio equipment.Let's look at my gym for example: 1 squat rack and several dozen cardio equipment. Now, if they remove 2 cardio machines and put a squat rack and another bench press in their place (with an extra bar + plates), they will *significantly increase* their barbell training capacity, and their cardio capacity will drop negigibly since it's rarelly used to its fullest. Cardio bunnies wouldn't even notice the lack of that one or two treadmills. In that sense, buying extra barbell training equipment could pay off nicely. It would bring more weight trainees to the gym and at the same time wouldn't hurt cardio bunnies at all.
      Because currently what they're doing is they're driving away people who want to weight train by wasting space on a bunch of treadmills that aren't even being used most of the time. That's not really what keeps the gym running, is it?

  • @tiagovasc_
    @tiagovasc_ 9 років тому +211

    For a millisecond before reading the full title I thought you finally did a meet... Don't do this to me.

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +18


    • @yeti9254
      @yeti9254 9 років тому +20

      OmarIsuf Nah Omar, he ain't alone.
      I was looking forward to some meet-action, instead I get Bart's story lol. (Not that I'm complaining, Bart's a solid dude).

    • @akroma12345678910
      @akroma12345678910 9 років тому +16

      OmarIsuf Yeah, I also feel a little bit misled. I subscribed for OmarIsuf not OmarIsuf&Friends

    • @theartoftk1
      @theartoftk1 9 років тому

      Same here. All I read was my first powerlifting meet and I got super excited. Thats all I needed to read

    • @18ps3anos
      @18ps3anos 8 років тому

      Nice. Portuguese powerlifter. Did not know they existed

  • @fangiscool1
    @fangiscool1 9 років тому +71

    "You get what you pay for" - Bart Kwan. I interpret this as "Barbell Brigade is expensive as fuck but worth it"

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +33

      It actually isn't. If it was a Canadian gym- the price he charges would be a standard price.

    • @Rainsb123
      @Rainsb123 9 років тому +7

      jozic Considering the equipment he's got in that gym, I would join if they had one here in my city

    • @pali4life48
      @pali4life48 9 років тому +34

      Even if it was for 100 dollars a month I'd join that shit.

    • @i3losh
      @i3losh 9 років тому +5

      jozic shit that is nothing compared to the shitty gyms in nyc memberships starts at 50 and a shity gym.

    • @general_future
      @general_future 9 років тому +1

      Zradia I know that feel, bro. I wonder how much it would cost to start a gym like that here...

  • @chelsealifts
    @chelsealifts 9 років тому +29

    Bart and Geo are the shit.

    • @IsaiahNarisma
      @IsaiahNarisma 9 років тому +1

      collab pls. thanks haha

    • @chelsealifts
      @chelsealifts 9 років тому

      we all want to make it happen!

    • @IsaiahNarisma
      @IsaiahNarisma 9 років тому

      awesome!! i cant wait *****

    • @hakimuddinalotewala3808
      @hakimuddinalotewala3808 9 років тому +1

      why do u say like that? i like you but i like them as well

    • @IsaiahNarisma
      @IsaiahNarisma 9 років тому +1

      hakimuddin Alotewala she is saying they are THE SHIT** which means they are the best lol

  • @questionnnn
    @questionnnn 9 років тому

    Bart has really impressed me with how Barbell Brigade has turned out. When he first mentioned the idea of a gym, I knew it would be better than your typical commercial gym. But never would I had thought that it would have turned out to be such an impressive and unique place and community. Just goes to show when you're truly passionate about something, it just develops and grows.

  • @Thegeekwiththephysik
    @Thegeekwiththephysik 9 років тому +6

    I currently lift at a low budget commercial gym. I'd be lying if I said it was the best gym I trained at, but it has a decent enough squat rack, enough weights, benches and dumbbells. I've made a few acquaintances there, so there's usually someone to talk to about training. But there's no sense of camaraderie within the gym as a whole. The lifters do their thing, and the cardio bunnies do their thing.
    The best gym experience I've had is from training at a Crossfit gym. If you can avoid the preachy Crossfitters, everyone is super friendly, and I got lucky in that the coaches at said gym were super knowledgeable about powerlifting and Oly lifting.

    • @M1NH42
      @M1NH42 9 років тому

      preach my friend, preach! #CrossfitFTW #CrossfitTakeover

    • @Thegeekwiththephysik
      @Thegeekwiththephysik 9 років тому

      Minhaz Hussain I don't like Crossfit, but their gyms are awesome.

    • @M1NH42
      @M1NH42 9 років тому

      I personally love Crossfit but don't have the financial means to sign up to a gym. But yeah, I've managed to get a couple of free sessions at a couple and they're all amazing. Can do pretty much aaaaaaanything.

  • @tommann475
    @tommann475 9 років тому

    "Dominate humbly"
    That quote is amazing and the gym looks amazing!

  • @JazmineGarciaTV
    @JazmineGarciaTV 9 років тому +31

    Fucking fuck yeah.

    • @paull5408
      @paull5408 9 років тому +10

      Have some respect and calm yours bro. Smh

    • @YoOnurMuscle
      @YoOnurMuscle 9 років тому +6

      Carlos Morales virgin

    • @YoOnurMuscle
      @YoOnurMuscle 9 років тому

      ***** lol did you even look at your own profile picture? you insecure bitch who doesn't even have the balls to set his own picture as profile pic. I'm not tryn to get laid from the internet bro i can get laid every minute I want, I have respect for anybody who's tryin tho hustle that's whats up

  • @scott_stevenson
    @scott_stevenson 9 років тому

    I take so much pride in calling this my home. So happy to train in this badass facility with such amazing lifters.

  • @jasonthecorealtidor
    @jasonthecorealtidor 9 років тому

    I like the being the best you can be and being humble about it, so very true. It's great to help others in their journey as well

  • @cttxdgurt
    @cttxdgurt 9 років тому

    Right now I just train at my university's fitness center. BUT when I was in Connecticut I trained at a place called lightning fitness. Full strongman set up, monolift, competition benches, like 8 power racks, every type of specialty bar you can imagine, like 80 feet of turf, dumbbells to I think 150. Everyone there was super friendly and knowledgeable. If you're ever in the area, you need to check it out.

  • @neyanz
    @neyanz 9 років тому +3

    I second guessed the books but man am I glad I bought them, unreal so far!

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +2

      Love hearing the feedback dude- thanks SO much to everyone that bought them thus far!

  • @swannnyyy5462
    @swannnyyy5462 9 років тому

    I think it's more important to be lifting with positive people who are encouraging you, pushing you, and making gains with you rather than the gym. I lift in a pretty shitty gym but the people I lift with help me keep the strength gains comin. Love your channel Omar

  • @BudgetHobbyist
    @BudgetHobbyist 9 років тому

    I'm currently going to fit4less and they are one of the only commercial gyms that allow powerlifting, chalk, banging weights, pretty often I see guys doing max effort min 500-600 deads which is a weird thing for a commercial gym. Definitly if you have the right environment you can grow a lot more, because of the continued encouragement

  • @haleraiser4
    @haleraiser4 9 років тому

    That gym is mindblowing, a strength athletes dream!

  • @extrastrengthhamsalad3438
    @extrastrengthhamsalad3438 9 років тому

    Love all the collabs you've done Omar. Extremely jealous of all the awesome gyms you've been able to visit. Keep up the solid content bro.
    I agree with one of the other commenters though... We need more Couch time!

  • @spfitness8622
    @spfitness8622 9 років тому +18

    Before clicking i thought this was Omar's first powerlifting meet -_-

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +5

      I tried to make it clear with the title (Bart Kwan's Story) to avoid confusion!

    • @spfitness8622
      @spfitness8622 9 років тому +4

      OmarIsuf i didnt read it all cause i was too excited seeing u uploaded a new video bro

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +2

      Lifting Is Living
      hahahaha right on man

  • @ReneUlloa74kg
    @ReneUlloa74kg 9 років тому +31

    Did THE Couch retire from life??? missing him on a daily bruh

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +23

      No I was pretty damn sick for the last two weeks, so there has been no really fresh content since I've been back. Couple that with my recent book launch with Greg Nuckols...and we've all been missing some good Couch content on this channel. He'll be back soon in full force!

    • @ReneUlloa74kg
      @ReneUlloa74kg 9 років тому

      OmarIsuf Ya i subscribed the strengthoery and Nuckols dropping those knowledge bombs hard on me and i like it

  • @IshimuraD
    @IshimuraD 9 років тому

    It's awesome how they provide so many training accessories for members. If I lived in LA I would absolutely train there.

  • @masoiaXL
    @masoiaXL 9 років тому

    Hey Omar keep doing your thing man, I really like your video's they are informative and entertaining - exactly what I want.
    And you're one of a handful of youtubers that I know for sure is natty and not faking it like so many others.

  • @darthkillstealer3181
    @darthkillstealer3181 8 років тому

    The world needs more places like this. Franchise time Bart.

  • @TehDwelleR
    @TehDwelleR 9 років тому

    I partly agree! If your goal is bodybuilding or powerlifting, then going to a gym that's based on your specific goals with an environment full of people with similar goals is only going benefit you by motivating you. As far as success is concerned, regardless of which gym you go to it won't make a difference that's if you truly want something as bad as you wana breath.

  • @murdockqotsa
    @murdockqotsa 9 років тому

    The camaraderie at my gym is great. People make sure your knees don't go past your toes, your barbell doesn't go too low on the bench, you don't need to do unnecessarily dangerous deadlifts (or a friendly reminder to use the smith machine if you do)!. To top it off there's only one power rack/barbell so you really get intimate with your gym members when you have to wait 1 hour for your turn. The best part is the music! Katy Perry, Taylor Swift are my jams and are personally responsible for my pr's. Great environment!

  • @Sebastianfitnesssolutions
    @Sebastianfitnesssolutions 9 років тому

    That gym is an absolute DREAM!
    I really hope I can train there someday.

  • @richardevans8908
    @richardevans8908 9 років тому

    The quality of local gyms is 100% a factor that I would consider when moving house and a good gym would definitely influence me

  • @wolverine6562lex
    @wolverine6562lex 9 років тому

    I love this gym so much. Good work Bart..

  • @TheTokenAsianLifter
    @TheTokenAsianLifter 9 років тому

    Barbell brigade, fortis, and madtown fitness are the coolest gyms I've seen thus far.

  • @allthingsexterior5245
    @allthingsexterior5245 9 років тому

    bart is the definition of humble success

  • @KAS470
    @KAS470 9 років тому +1

    that gym is so badass. my gym isnt cutting it anymore. i need this in texas.

  • @Justabotanist
    @Justabotanist 9 років тому

    If I ever come to America. I'm stopping by for a session here!

  • @SevCars
    @SevCars 9 років тому +2

    Nice that it is not a pure elitist gym. I like the fact that a beginner, an amateur or a pro can work out in the same gym. People help each other out. Instead of acting like they don't notice each other with music in their ears.

  • @danielg7315
    @danielg7315 9 років тому +37

    Nice gym and all, but where are all the treadmills and ellipticals for us cardio bunnies?
    Not srs

    • @rift0tripper
      @rift0tripper 9 років тому +3

      The sled?

    • @gripm4040
      @gripm4040 9 років тому +15

      I NEED my machine flies, I NEED my machine shoulder press and I NEED my smith machine to squat! I don't want to hurt myself

    • @rzrselliott
      @rzrselliott 9 років тому +1

      gripm Hey don't talk shit about my shoulder press machine

    • @Daniel-dc5mr
      @Daniel-dc5mr 9 років тому +3

      +rzrselliott calf rais machine aka a farm

    • @darkl0rds
      @darkl0rds 8 років тому

      *power lifting gym.

  • @Lawwycoff
    @Lawwycoff 9 років тому

    Gym environment is so important! The manager at my old gym literally ruined my workouts because it was 'Planet Fitnessesque', and she harassed me nearly everyday. Made so many more gains when I switched to my local gym :)

  • @nathanrodriguez7943
    @nathanrodriguez7943 9 років тому

    Moving back home to LA in two months. Will be at BB before I even sign for my apartment and unpack my things.

  • @CapyBrotha
    @CapyBrotha 9 років тому

    Bart is definitely one of my heros.

  • @elliotendures
    @elliotendures 9 років тому +1

    I go to Powerhouse gym in Chatsworth, Ca. Not a lot of great facilities in the area, but it's got a pretty good atmosphere. Need a niche powerlifting gym so bad!

  • @Soyunfernecito
    @Soyunfernecito 9 років тому

    Omar you are dropping some nice ass videos lately bro keep it up mixing things up , all I see is everyone doing the same shit 10 minute long vlogs about them eating and talking for 9 minutes and about 1 minute of work out footage. You are doing some new shit I like it !

  • @jizzingreggsmouth
    @jizzingreggsmouth 9 років тому +1

    What a great philosophy .. Thanks for sharing ..

    • @OmarIsuf
      @OmarIsuf  9 років тому +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @jizzingreggsmouth
      @jizzingreggsmouth 9 років тому

      OmarIsuf My pleasure!! You look so cute together!

    • @nikb6528
      @nikb6528 9 років тому

      Mr. Ivan it just got a bit creepy...

  • @merchant100
    @merchant100 9 років тому

    I'm Egyptian and one of my absolute dreams is to go to barbell brigade one day.
    Oh how much I dream about doing it each and every day you post a video about it.

  • @marcorodriguez7694
    @marcorodriguez7694 9 років тому

    Awesome video! I will most likely be moving back to LA next year so hopefully I can make this gym my home!!

  • @matthewbowen2345
    @matthewbowen2345 9 років тому +5

    I lift at home because the gyms around here have a shit ton of restrictions and a lot of it is stupid stuff like don't breath too heavy or don't let the weight clang together loudly, it's a little uptight and it gets annoying.

    • @rift0tripper
      @rift0tripper 9 років тому +1

      Don't make any gains. Don't be shredded.

    • @QuangTran.
      @QuangTran. 9 років тому +2

      Those ain't gyms!

    • @jayMbodybuilding
      @jayMbodybuilding 9 років тому +1

      as do I lift at home..can get a pretty sweet set up for less than $1000 (and that includes everything) I have an apex squat rack, apex adjustable bench. 90lb adjustable dumbbells over 700lbs olympic weight, 2 weight trees, functional trainer, pull up station, 3 bars, GHD..and uhhh ya..pretty much all you would need.

    • @Night1989
      @Night1989 9 років тому

      Chris Laffery
      Damn, im building my home gym too, but it seems that this stuff is way more expensive in germany :D

    • @jayMbodybuilding
      @jayMbodybuilding 9 років тому

      Night1989 yea maybe, you just have to keep a good look out for deals.

  • @omarv62
    @omarv62 9 років тому

    I workout at a great powerlifting gym called American Barbell Club. It was a sponsor of raw unity where Dan green lifted and they have a bar he used in competition.

  • @woo9194
    @woo9194 9 років тому +1

    A day will come when I will experience the Barbell Brigade Gym in California. For now I must make money in Illinois.

  • @ECUpunk
    @ECUpunk 9 років тому

    Makes me wish I had a gym like that in my town. Solid video man.

  • @scrumpoxjnr
    @scrumpoxjnr 9 років тому

    I would love to set up a gym like this one day.
    You would need to set up in a pretty big city to make it work though. Need enough serious lifters in an area to generate enough memberships to make it work. Don't want to be selling memberships to anyone who isn't serious. You also need a shit tonne of capital investment. This equipment isn't cheap!
    People in LA are so lucky to have a facility like this available to them

  • @rmzulhilmi
    @rmzulhilmi 9 років тому

    I train at a classic gym where almost everyone in my gym train barefooted.
    I train barefooted and half naked.
    You're allowed to bang and make noises on the heavy weights but your hands have to be on that equipment until it reaches the ground.
    Hardcore lifting and being diplomatic at the same time.
    The best gym ever.

  • @TitusBG
    @TitusBG 9 років тому +2

    Ill never go to this gym . .but i already love it :D

  • @Michael-kb2il
    @Michael-kb2il 9 років тому

    That gym looks fuckin sweet. Definitely right about the atmosphere too. Thanks for the vids omarbrah enjoying and appreciating al the content you upload ! Peace

  • @123person31
    @123person31 9 років тому

    I got into an amazing situation where I'm paying 45 bucks for 3 years. My cousin got 5 years for 90 bucks. This gym out of like the 4 non commercial gyms in my town is the only one where there is a huge mixture of people from beginners to competing bodybuilders and powerlifters. Because it's so in expensive you'll see a lot of lower class people getting in shape that wouldn't have the opportunity if they had to go to one of the other gyms which are 25+ per month.

  • @DCrosby85
    @DCrosby85 9 років тому

    Barbell Brigade needs to come to the uk!

  • @Rikkerry25
    @Rikkerry25 9 років тому +1

    Omar, when are you gonna do a PL meet?

  • @geoffsmith2197
    @geoffsmith2197 9 років тому

    Awesome video Omar very insightful keep it bro

  • @dollahite7
    @dollahite7 9 років тому +1

    How old is Bart? Damn impressive and motivating he's a successful business owner at what looks like a young age.

  • @MaheenA1295
    @MaheenA1295 9 років тому +1

    Omar if you started a gym, I'd definitely join!!

  • @IsaiahNarisma
    @IsaiahNarisma 9 років тому

    there isn't a lot of really good powerlifting gyms where I live, matter if fact the closest IS barbell brigade in LA but I can't be driving an hour up there everyday and I was looking for that family atmosphere that Bart has created at the brigade. so my buddy goes to a crossfit gym where a lot of the members go out to eat frequently so I feel that where I'm living right now I can do powerlifting at the box and also have that family esque environment. good video omar!

  • @miguelrmusic
    @miguelrmusic 9 років тому

    I'm in LA but prefer the garage gym route. After grinding through traffic to get home, the last thing I want to do is head out again to go to the gym.

  • @videodude2010
    @videodude2010 9 років тому

    The shirts look pretty cool! I want one!

  • @Steel7056
    @Steel7056 9 років тому

    Southern Elite Powerlifting Gym.
    Awesome atmosphere and at a price you just can't beat... Also it's 24/7

  • @Mr.AhDuuuuuu
    @Mr.AhDuuuuuu 9 років тому +36

    of course they put their weights away.. bradley martin and bart would give them an ass whooping

    @SKVMTR4SH 9 років тому

    I go to a shitty commercial gym for convenience but in my city there's a gym called Universal Athletics which is a great facility geared towards powerlifting. The owner is sponsored by animal and a couple others, holds meets, formally USPA but now IPA, and Dan Green visits occasionally.

  • @alecdk2613
    @alecdk2613 8 років тому +3

    This is my perfect gym any plans to make it a franchise? This is the golds gym of powerlifting

  • @whatthesec
    @whatthesec 9 років тому

    TIL Ham-Factor is important in determining a gym. 10/10 would join.

  • @iTzReeses
    @iTzReeses 9 років тому

    Damn Texas needs a barbell brigade gym ASAP!! Lol
    Although high school and college gyms have powerlifting gear. Commercial gyms need to catch up.

  • @Henrik.Yngvesson
    @Henrik.Yngvesson 9 років тому

    Powerlifting gyms/clubs is the best!
    I'm training at a powerlifting club, a small place in 70's style. It's very cheap, a full year membership is the same as a few months at a normal gym. And everyone knows each other there and it's fun just to be there, and there's no damn x-fitters ;)

  • @anthonyprince2012
    @anthonyprince2012 9 років тому

    My gym is the best near by (15 miles) $30 a month, 2 squat racks, one is for deadlifts too, bench of course and pretty much everything I need. However it is crowded most of the time and small. But I'm fairly happy. If something like barbell brigade was close I'd join. Really cool gym too bad I'm in Oklahoma lol

  • @chrislee6928
    @chrislee6928 9 років тому

    I'm actually moving to Petaluma, California! I hope it's somwhere close I wanna go at least once or twice (:

  • @rickprocure6321
    @rickprocure6321 9 років тому

    I actually came from jkn and learned to love barts attitude then when i saw his training videos relized how smart he is. I would go to his gym but its probly crazy expensive

  • @alberthinkley5912
    @alberthinkley5912 9 років тому

    That opening was amazing

  • @DDaannyy16
    @DDaannyy16 9 років тому

    Lmao omar actually went with the 'like if you agree' line, stay on dat like hustle man

  • @challklesnar
    @challklesnar 9 років тому

    You got mad people psyched (myself included) with the first four words in the title of this video...
    That should at least make you consider doing one in the near future.

  • @darrrahhh
    @darrrahhh 9 років тому

    You should do the Toronto Pro Show meet next year Omar.

  • @jonathanyoon8835
    @jonathanyoon8835 9 років тому +1

    Make a deal with Bart and bring a Barbell Brigade in Canada.

    • @nikb6528
      @nikb6528 9 років тому

      They're packing it up and putting it on a truck headed to Canada right now!

  • @smellyhenry
    @smellyhenry 9 років тому +1

    what is bart standing on? phone book?

  • @willp9301
    @willp9301 9 років тому +2

    Sydney Australia: in Rockdale 'Hardcore Gym' amazing gym, with an amazing atmosphere. Walk in to fighting and sports memorbilia posted on every wall. TV's with fights, sport and motivational videos.

    • @mumndadvg
      @mumndadvg 9 років тому

      Willstyles Damn i just checked out the website, $7 a week! thats crazy man haha, Anytime Fitness sets me back $50 a month

    • @willp9301
      @willp9301 9 років тому

      DickiesMayne did its easily one of the best gyms in Sydney. and its pay as you go, no direct debit. The gym environment is insane dude, love having a tyson montage playing whilst im going for a PR!

  • @PokeBeats2112m
    @PokeBeats2112m 9 років тому +1

    Tour starts at 4:22
    You're welcome

  • @TheKrasnitzky
    @TheKrasnitzky 9 років тому

    the bromance in this is strong

  • @nebojsasrb3354
    @nebojsasrb3354 9 років тому

    beautiful to watch, great gym.

  • @MephistoRolling
    @MephistoRolling 9 років тому

    awesome gym, looks really roomy too. i remember years ago i was going to open a gym and was going to have a sprint track and sled section in it too. i come from an athletics background and a lot of the lifts we used you cant do in the commercial gyms.

  • @davidkelly1507
    @davidkelly1507 9 років тому

    This gym is so fuckin sick. Love Bart. Would fly from england just to use it/10.

  • @donaldkim91
    @donaldkim91 9 років тому

    Awesome collab man!

  • @KamJamm
    @KamJamm 9 років тому

    would be a dream to open up my own gym, and Barts is f*cking amazing!

  • @ginatopley1155
    @ginatopley1155 9 років тому

    Really need to check this place out!

  • @dimitarmihov7757
    @dimitarmihov7757 9 років тому

    Bart, guys... is the RIG from Rogue Fitness? We're looking forward to purchasing our own, thats why i ask.
    Thank you!

  • @MrNobody_1618
    @MrNobody_1618 9 років тому

    One day I hope I will train at Barbell Brigade, what amazing gym for lift iron .I come from France and I discover this gym on the Bradley Martyn youtube channel !

  • @StrongButAwkward
    @StrongButAwkward 9 років тому

    I wish every gym was like this gym. I unfortunately haven't bee able to find any really high quality gym in the Kalamazoo MI area yet, just some moderately acceptable ones.

  • @David-Iglesias
    @David-Iglesias 9 років тому

    I agree. That gym was clean as hell and not hot as fuck. Super cool place to train at. Plus, you always have Bart or Nadeem staring you down "better put dat shit up."

  • @StrengthAesthetics1
    @StrengthAesthetics1 9 років тому

    Absolutely loved that gym. Pulled 525lb there.. #feels

  • @nd0331
    @nd0331 9 років тому

    this gym looks AWESOME!!!!!

  • @123ftw123
    @123ftw123 9 років тому

    I go to World Gym Scarborough in Scarborough, Ontario :)

  • @pyroVoid
    @pyroVoid 9 років тому

    The best fitness in Massachusetts that I go to costs 20$ to access all of their locations and has everything you need to make gains, granted it's not the best for power lifting, but they don't bitch about you dead lifting off of the ground.

  • @holymoly5049
    @holymoly5049 9 років тому

    I am currently a college student who majors in sports management. I eventually want to open my own gym but have only managed to get one internship. Any tips on how to acheive my goals?

  • @simone462
    @simone462 9 років тому

    OmarIsuf, Bart Kwan, could I possibly know the font used in the "Dominate Humbly" wall?

  • @kubazjutuba
    @kubazjutuba 9 років тому

    I wish I had a gym like this

  • @Saceybrah
    @Saceybrah 9 років тому

    how much is a membership for barbell brigade?

  • @OpticBass18
    @OpticBass18 9 років тому

    What's the intro/outro music? Sounds pretty hard!

  • @CDizzlePwnage
    @CDizzlePwnage 9 років тому

    Any good gyms in the vancouver area? Currently at a fit xpress in new west but looking for a better environment where yelling isnt discouraged, but it is encouraged! Would love a barbell brigade type environment could improve and learn so much

  • @masong95
    @masong95 9 років тому

    Best gym in New York is Hercules Gym. $400/yr and it has Literally anything and everything a powerlifter and bodybuilder could want/need. 2 monolifts, 2 squat racks, 4 benches, 2 DL platforms, Dumbbells up to 200lbs, and every machine/station imaginable. Greatest gym ever.

  • @bennixon7348
    @bennixon7348 9 років тому

    Don't mean to be nosey, but how much would a gym like this cost, both initial startup capital and then running costs?

  • @SturL
    @SturL 9 років тому

    How much is a monthly membership at this gym?

  • @richardpartin9378
    @richardpartin9378 9 років тому

    Awesome gym man! If I lived there.... I'd be there.