No Rosh Chodesh without a moon!

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • How can you celebrate the new month when you can’t see the moon?
    Many groups are celebrating Rosh Chodesh on Aug. 1, 2019. But, according to the Biblical "sighted moon" calendar, this month doesn't end until Aug. 2nd. The new moon might be seen on 8/2 or 8/3/19 - we won't know until we see it over Jerusalem.
    On God’s calendar the new moon sliver determines a new month.
    Even Strong's has this:
    02320. chodesh, kho'-desh (can't show the Hebrew letters)
    from 2318; the new moon; by implication, a month:--month(-ly), new moon.
    For more information see the Israeli New Moon Society :
    When it comes right down to it, Jewish people and Hebrew Roots believers would rather follow an edict from the Sanhedrin of centuries ago, instead of getting back to the written Torah of Moses.
    The Torah gives us the instructions for the calendar and feast days.
    Exodus 12:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
    2 "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you."
    With so many of us returning to the Ancient Paths of Yehovah, isn't it time we returned to His Calendar in His Way? It is not hard to do. There are many Jewish people in Jerusalem today who sight the new moon sliver each month, and their reports are spread all over the world by the internet.
    We have the means to keep God's commandment today. What in the world are we waiting for?
    Numbers 29:6 'besides the burnt offering with its grain offering for the New Moon, the regular burnt offering with its grain offering, and their drink offerings, according to their ordinance, as a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD."
    Psalm 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.


  • @Psalm-119
    @Psalm-119 5 років тому

    "And it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yehovah." Isaiah 66:23 HalleluYah!

  • @cubofjudah1044
    @cubofjudah1044 5 років тому

    Stay faithful... Kingdom will do the same...

  • @Psalm-119
    @Psalm-119 5 років тому

    Good word, brother!

  • @ddk2797
    @ddk2797 5 років тому +1

    Hi Greg, we have visited this subject numerous times in the past. I do not know what anyone else is doing, but our conclusion is that today being Wednesday, July, 31, 2019, it is a Holy Sabbath Day and we will be observing it as such. Yesterday, we observed the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. Tomorrow, should be New Moon Day. I must agree with you that the first sliver of the moon is the true indicator that we should look for. On the other hand, I've heard that if no new moon was sighted by the 30th day, that New Moon Day was declared by default to keep the prescribed number of days in each month in accord with the instructions that they received from God. What should we do? This is one of those times where we have to depend on the grace of God, if we are in error. I'm always willing to consider all information on the issue, as there are so many perspectives out there. I also agree that we need to be using the calendar instituted by God, not man, or why bother. Not using His calendar is a perfect way to profane God's holy days. Best wishes.

    • @returntoyehovahthelord6185
      @returntoyehovahthelord6185  5 років тому +1

      ICTHRUU - I appreciate you and your heart in all of this. I also am not an expert, but can only go by what I have learned and searched out over the years. Now, although some groups are at the end of the 5th month, I show this to be still the 4th month, and July 31, 2019 should be the 27th day. That is based on the New Moon having been sighted from Jerusalem on the evening of July 4th, so July 5th was the 1st day of this 4th month. I am NOT putting you down in any way. For me, Shavuot was a month ago. I know we are all trying to figure this out, and if anyone knows that, it is our Father, Yehovah. He knows when we are trying. If we don't care and don't try, that is different. You are doing the best you can and with a sincere heart. Now, for me, the 29th day of this month will be Aug. 2nd. IF the New Moon is sighted at sundown on Friday 8/2/19, then the 1st Day of the 5th month will begin. If it's not sighted, then the 30th day would be Shabbat (8/3/19). I know very well what you mean about so many perspectives out there. Believe me, I wish it wasn't this way. Some people just go the easy route and keep the pre-calculated rabbinic calendar. I can't do that. It sounds like you can't either. I don't ask you or anyone to abandon what you've learned to join me either. I think we are all just doing the best we can. Please don't beat yourself up. I commend you for trying instead of not caring!I don't know if any of this helps. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reply. We are in this together and it will all pan out one day. Yehovah bless and keep you.Your brother in Messiah,Gregg

    • @ddk2797
      @ddk2797 5 років тому +1

      @@returntoyehovahthelord6185 Hi Gregg, I had to do an assessment of what I have been doing by following a pre-calculated Luni/Solar calendar. I don't like what I'm now seeing about my dates and a change is required. Thanks for bringing the subject up.
      Unless we live in Jerusalem, it will do us no good to observe the New Moon, but we can surely predict the exact time that the New Moon will appear over Jerusalem. How else will we know? Is there a site with a live shot from Israel? Was the wheat harvest ready in Jerusalem one month ago? Blessings to you, Gregg.

    • @returntoyehovahthelord6185
      @returntoyehovahthelord6185  5 років тому

      ICTHRUU - I don't know of anyone who reports on the wheat harvest, but I like this one for barley and New Moon info: I believe they can be viewed on patreon also, but I don't go there.I am pretty sure that Michael Rood - gets their info from this datetree site. It's called Devorah's Date Tree if you wanted to do more research. These two groups report the same info on the barley and New Moon information. I know sighting the moon here in the Diaspora doesn't "count" but to me it is fun to practice something that used to be done in ancient times, and will be done again someday. It makes me feel a tiny bit part of the history of Yehovah's ways.Yehovah bless, Gregg

  • @thomasthetwin6804
    @thomasthetwin6804 2 роки тому

    The Book of Enoch has an Astronomical Book which should clear this up I believe. The Moon and Sun are both very mathematical. Think about it, if there's clouds in the sky all night for a week in a row at the beginning of the month does that mean there was no moon and that we should post pone the start of the month for a week?

  • @Acts777
    @Acts777 5 років тому +3

    Isaiah 1: 14Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates: they are a trouble to me; I am weary to bear them.
    The worldwide church of God and all the groups that splintered off from them keep the Hillel calendar which is not of God but of man . we are restoring the true calendar in this time because we are tied to the vine Jesus Christ (Gen 49:11 John 15:1-12) Judaism is not the tribe of Judah , after Christ came the first time the people are turned to Him Gen 49:10) The prophecies about Judah are actually about those following Christ in the latter days and keeping the commandments of God . they are not about the apostate religion of Judaism at all. Revelation 2:9 I know your WORKS , and tribulation , and poverty , BUT YOU ARE RICH , and I know the blasphemy of them which SAY THEY ARE JEWS , AND ARE NOT , BUT ARE A SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN." A true Jew according to the Bible is someone who has the Law and the testimony , someone who follows the Lamb Yeshua the Christ . the blessings of Judah in Genesis 49 are truly for US . groups that follow Judaism and their calendar are not yet being fed at Christ's table but are following men who deny Christ .

    • @Acts777
      @Acts777 5 років тому +1

      Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

  • @Acts777
    @Acts777 5 років тому

    when I first came to this knowledge I was keeping the new moon according to the sighting in Jerusalem . As Christians we understand that we are the temple of God and that Yehovah's spirit Dwells in those who obey Him . We are the temple of God . The physical temple was in Judah (Jerusalem) , the spiritual temple is In Judah (those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Christ ) The temple is measured in Revelation 11 . Has to do with those who will be part of New Jerusalem. Ruling in the kingdom with Christ at His coming. With this understanding the words of Yeshua start to become clearer concerning the end time generation . Matthew 24: 15 When you therefore shall See the abomination of desolation , spoken of by Daniel the prophet , stand in the Holy place (in place of Christ) whoever reads , Let Him Understand :) Then let Him which be in JUDAEA Flee into the mountains " Why would followers of Christ look to a religion that denies Christ ? Why would followers of Christ look to a calendar that is not of Him but of men who deny Him ?

    • @thomasthetwin6804
      @thomasthetwin6804 2 роки тому

      You said "God's Spirit dwells in those who obey Him" well He did specifically command us to celebrate the new month. Numbers 28: 11 - on the first day of every month, present to the LORD a burn offering of two young bulls, one ram and seven male lambs a year old and without defect.

    • @Acts777
      @Acts777 2 роки тому

      I'm all for sighting the new moon . The calendar is in the heavens above and Yehovah gave the moon for Moed . If we rely on sighting the New Crescent (first Light) only by sighting it from Israel we might be off sometimes though , for example if it is cloudy there and they could not see it the end of the 29th day of the month but it is seen from NY or Washington state the end of the 29th day , then we should not wait for Israel to see it the end of 30th day . In other words if the new moon is seen in America and not in Israel it is still the new month even though they did not sight it over there . We are spiritual Jerusalem scattered at the moment . The sun moon and stars were given to all nations under the heaven . The first light of the new crescent moon declairs a new month .

    • @thomasthetwin6804
      @thomasthetwin6804 2 роки тому

      @@Acts777 got ya. I've been encouraging people to read The Book of Enoch. The Astronomical Book clears this up I believe. The Sun and Moon are very mathematical and exact. So we should as a body of people absolutely know what day the new Moon comes. The thing I'm a bit confused on is I thought the new Moon was when the moon was blank but we're celebrating it when the moon first shows light. I'm just going with the crowd for now unless the Spirit guides me otherwise.

    • @Acts777
      @Acts777 2 роки тому

      Genesis 1
      14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven *to give light on the earth* "
      17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven *to give light on the earth*.
      Going by the light not the dark.
      New moon is first light. The month is counted by light. From the first crescent the moon grows in light to mid month when it is full of light , then it starts to decrease in light until it completely gives no light at all and cannot be seen in sky at end of month , then the cycles starts again at the first light new moon (month).

    • @thomasthetwin6804
      @thomasthetwin6804 2 роки тому

      @@Acts777 I'm not disagreeing with that friend. What I'm saying is we don't necessarily need to see it to know it's there. Think about it, how did the Israelites know it was a new Moon and new month back then if there was clouds in the sky for the first week? Did they just stop time and not count those days?