The spinning ability could be changed to an ability that swaps him between four and two sabers. Two is quicker attacking and movement speed but takes less stamina and less damage but doesn't have good blocking. Four is slower movement and attacking speed, more damage, and great blocking (you can even use the spinning for the four sabers blocking)
@@crash0_o789 Yep. Middle ability is the swap, the crawl remains, the four lightsaber keeps the lunge ability, and I'll have to find something fitting for dual wield
It would be cool to have an operations gamemode, that covers large events from the movies. It would be set into different phases, like the how Death Star map worked in battlefront 2015.
For the story mode, a clone wars story following a Clone Trooper. You start by training on Kamino and learning the mechanics to the game then you can play iconic clone wars battles such as the battle of Kamino, Umbara, and many more. Or possibly being able to play the Star Wars saga in battlefront style gameplay.
I would just make a story mode for all armys 1 for droid 1 for clones 1 for empire 1 for rebels 1 for the old republic and 1 for the sith empire and 1 for the mandalorian wars where it would be 22 to 28 levels for each campaign
Some Vader appearances they should add would be: -dark cloak (Vader when he slaughters the separatists on Mustafar) -Twilight of the apprentice (Vader from Vader vs Ashoka in rebels season 2 finale) And some clone skins they should add can be: -322nd (siege of mandalore Ashoka clones) -and some more arc trooper styles
@@starlight0313 if you didn't know: near the release of Battlefront 2 some official on EA said White or Pink Vader doesn't make sense and wouldn't fit canon so no one would play them so there's mods in it for specifically that reason
im not saying pc would have the advantage because of glitches but its because they have improved fov and mods and they would just be way better but they would have an advantage with thier glitches but ya
I want even more ground vehicles. Clone Turbo Tank, snail droids, spider droids, imperial tanks, Hailfire droids, playable at m6s, stuff like that, there’s so many walkers and droid vehicles left out from the game, and they would be so cool to use.
I want a Aliens/ Bounty Hunter faction independent of light or Dark side. I want an extraction mode with Aliens/bounty Hunter faction protecting Jabba as he slithers through his palace to his sail barge in his garage. And an extraction game in cloud city were the dark side are escorting Han frozen in Carbonite to Slave 1 whilst the light side fight to stop him.
I’d love to see story scenarios, think what they did the the Death Star in bf 2015. Some examples would be the battle of coruscant where you’d be escorting anakin and Obi wan to the invisible hand, or a 2 phase battle of Endor. Phase one take out the shield generator, phase two, take out the executor and fly into the 2nd Death Star. I don’t know how it would be pulled off but I’d also love to see and Order 66 mode where half way through the match order 66 is set off. I’d also want all online modes to be playable in offline mode as well.
I want: a rancor battle mode, where somebody is a rancor, and all the other people have to try and slay the rancor without dying edit: could work with other creatures.
50: New gamemode - ground assault style in space. This includes different gravity levels, space-adapted classes, and using floating debris in the air as cover for attacks from every angle.
Palpatine dislikes lightsabers which is why he rarely uses them.. Would be cool to see in a game but if you want to make i accurate to the character he shouldn't wield any
They would have time, because if it came out, BF3 would be very advanced and so it would probably be next-gen console exclusive, so by the time the majority of people have a next generation console it could be released
I’d love to see them bring back the clash feature. I discovered it on Battlefront 2015 when screwing around with a friend and we both fell in love with it. Just imagine- Anakin clashing Vader. “Who are you?” *”I am you…”*
I know I'm a month late but you missed the variations on droids. It would be cool to see more of those. Get in some B2 rocket troopers. Maybe a melee rush down droid like the grapple droid. What I wouldn't do to run up punching clones in the face before throwing one at his buddies.
I wished they added Magnaguards to BF2 so badly, there are skins that change the look of the commando droid and his vibrosword to the magnaguard and his electro staff but it's just not the same 😭
I would love for there to be a generational storyline, like, for every Era, you get two different stories to play through.And since you mentioned Mace Windu and Rouge One, I will add a hero I didn't see mentioned, Plo Koon
Completely agree with your take on premade canon appearances for clone armour and would love to select brand new clone divisions. Would be so exciting and intriguing to select a clone unit never seen before that's just titled 'the 402nd division of the so and so battalion', would invoke so much for a story. I also think that the customisation you said about a visor or a pouldron or even my suggestions of kamas which are those leather leg protections worn by some commanders or special paint markings (maybe you have to earn some special ones like waxer's twi'lek girl perhaps earnt from a side mission on one particular map...) would be plenty enough for people to crave over and feel unique.
@@isakisak9989 I can definitely see a way to make it canon though. It's been said that death troopers were experimented on so what if something went wrong during the early stages of the death troopers creation.
It could be part of ewok hunt style modes right, like they could expand and make a whole series of maps and eras. I was also thinking about how they could add actual objectives in the modes instead of just surviving
@@charles985 that would be so cool. Ewok hunt, death trooper survival, geonosis swarm, zombie night sisters raid! Each with their own objectives and cut scenes
@@MoFiTheMagnificent i know it was a rumor that the deathtroopers are rezurected zombies in universe, so who knows? Maybe they are we haven’t seen any of them unmasked, but idk it might be very corny if executed bad.
I think underwater gameplay would be cool. Like you could swim underwater and battle maybe even have a few base underwater. I definitely agree with those underwater clones
A cool skin would be boba fett in his tusken raider cloak thingy. It would also be cool to add the grand inquisitor or some recently introduced into canon characters like krrstantan
Something I’ve been dying for and sort of got in Jedi Fallen Order is a sandbox where you can place barriers, walls and AIs. Then you could have them fight each other or you could fight them. That would be so cool!
I'd like to see a massive space battle where you could control a capital ship and other people would have to use the turrets on it and blow up certain parts of the enemy capital ship that would be fun
Imagine a full on fleet combat simulation in Battlefront 3 Star fighter assault. Where there’s a captain of a capital ship where you can actually manually control the ship. Command the turrets all at once at a specific target and the ground troops can infiltrate inside the capital ships full interior without any boundaries. And sabotage the inside. The players would have to escape during a time limit countdown. And hop onto a gunship. Instead of a cut screen like Battlrfront 2 has. The Gunship would be controlled by the highest ranked player and would have to wait for all remaining troops to aboard. If players don’t make it, they die within the explosion
An aqua map would be awesome. Water based clones and droids, kit fisto and the shark dude form the “water war” episodes if the clone wars as heroes, some vehicles, ect. I could have a lot of fun on that
I feel we need a Star Wars game only on the clone wars, cause the prequels era has way too much content to be squeezed in with the other eras in battlefront 2
Or if he just was able to have 2 sets of movesets toggled like the arc troopers pistols with one being lightsaber with the abilities being lightsaber jump twirl attack and the other being something along the lines of what he did to savage right before killing him. Then the lightning ones can just be the chain lightning and absorbing blaster fire like Yoda
I remember in the original battlefront on the Geonosis map the LAAT's would fly around for the clone team picking troops up at one point at dropping them at another, they need to bring that back. make the game feel like you are part of a grand battle not just a skirmish
I would love to see characters like Darth nilus who hasn’t been in a movie but would still get there time to shine Maybe even a reference to the original death troopers
What I think would be extremely cool would be to have destructible environments. Imagine you and the bois defending a command post on Naboo in a building, when a grenade gets thrown through the window and the room collapses and you guys are surrounded by droids with blaster shots going though the walls and defenses crumbling around you. That would be epic.
Maybe, but it would come out on next gen consoles, so they probably would be able to handle it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is already a feature like that in battlefield 5.
Bruh bruh bruh Your thumbnail is literally everything I’ve dreamed up of off. I’m actually writing an entire digital document on everything they should add, remove, adjust, etc… to battlefront 2. I honestly just have such and overactive and thinking brain that my mind can’t stop racing with ideas creating and thoughts, etc… omg.
Din Djarin with Grogu would be cool as one playable character, a blaster hero who can call his buddy for a force grab (like Grogu did vs that Mudhorn), this would make Din Djarin a unique character.
We need them to keep all the content that they had in 2 and add more. When they made 2017 battlefront they left behind so many cool hero’s and villains like Dengar and nien num
I think developing battle plans for the a.i. to follow either in space or on land before each match would add an extra level of immersion. Especially if it were incorporated with a tf2 style class system.
@@mateusfredericofigueiredo7296 "hero" He'd be on the republic side in the game because of his best friend, Mr hello there but hero to hero lines would make all the Jedi sound very cautious. He'd Also be on rebel alliance because of his appearance on star wars rebels
It would be interesting to have the ability to LITERALLY make an Original custom Character like in SWTOR. And the ability to use a mid-game change weapon mod loadout mechanic like how You could do emotes in battlefront 2.
This this this this. All they need is a light side Revan dark side revan, light side bastila, dark bastila, Jolee and malak, and there golden. If they wanted gun heroes they could do carth and idk HK could be evil
Actually, I was simply happy that they finally managed to ad a story campaign for Battlefront 2. True it was short (around 6 hours), but so was TFU2, if I remember correctly (which also took me around 6 hours to complete), and the story itself was great. It was original, had likeable characters and it was also easy to follow. Very underrated if you ask me...
A class in between "reinforcements" and "heros". That way you could have some prevalent troopers from all eras that weren't the main characters but important side characters. For example being able to play as the members of Domino squad sounds great.
What if there was an Empire at War type game mode where you command an entire fleet in a battle simulator-esk fight? I love Naval combat in Star Wars, and I soooo wish we had a modern empire at war :D
Capital Supremacy! For honor has a war feature where you put troops on regions to bolster who has reign, so what if In BF3 whichever side you’re playing on fights for constant control of worlds on the map. Courasant and Felicia are controlled by the republic, Tatooine and Hoth are controlled by the empire this week, etc. Give the controlling side a boost of some kind idk, but that would be awesome to see our play time have an effect on a large scale map.
@@TheRebelTitan55 revan is definitely canon. He was going to be in clone wars as a force ghost so the old republic definitely exists in one way or another
When the drumroll came i was like please let it be ashoka... i knew it was gonna be her but the little doubt in the back of my head was still killing me
Some of my ideas for BF3 (trying to keep it as realistic as it can be): 1) Bring back customization from BF1. This would apply especially for Clones and Rebellion/Resistance fighters. Basically, as you progress, you unlock new customization items, and you can make your troops and reinforcements look like you want them to look! Keep the appearance system with Heroes and Villians and add more appearances. 2) Weapon variety and customization. Pretty much all that was said in the video. 3) More reinforcements. Magna Guards and Royal Guards are the first ones that come to mind. Also, maybe add map specific reinforcements - for example, if you are playing on Geonosis you can play as a Geonosian (if you're on the CIS team). These reinforcements can only be played on those specific maps. 4) More Heroes and Villians. Heroes: Mace Windu, Ahsoka, Padmé, Jyn Erso, Din Djarin. Villians: Asajj Ventress, Director Krennic, Dengar, Moff Gideon. Just a few examples. 5) More maps: Utapau and Mustafar are the ones I would want the most. There are also countless other examples. 6) More gamemodes. Again, bring back modes from BF1 (Walker Assault and Droid Run, as well as the co-op Survival Mode). And add Hunt. 7) A good, linear story mode, similar to Battlefield 1. Several characters with several short campaigns. I'd love to see it take place during the Clone Wars, and we can play as different Clone soldiers from different legions/battalions.
I want a beefed up instant action offline mode with bots at launch, really annoyed me how it took them forever to make it for 2, still play 2 with bots from time to time since i can’t stand the sweaty players only using the meta anymore.
One super easy implementation that needs to be included is a soundtrack option, choose what songs from the series will play on which maps. Duel of fates plays on naboo hangar once and then the rest of the match is silent...
For number 50 i would like them to add Utapau and Mustafar as playable levels, but also an updated version of Story Mode where you are playing the movies (kinda like lego star wars) but also you can choose which side youll be playing.
Swappable hero weapons would be awesome. That would give Palpatine his lightsabers and add more options like Luke using a blaster, Yoda using his cane or exclusively the force, Fin using Luke's lightsaber, and Boba using some of his weapons from the Mandolorian. Also visual changes like characters with their different respective lightsabers (Rey's yellow Saber with different skins)
The spawn in a vehicle instead of picking it up on the ground, gettin in getting out, flying to a ship, etc. Is what made the latest battlefronts feel less massive
An overhaul to Yoda. He's currently a tanky support based character who is also small. This does not reference Yoda's character well, and I'd like to see him as a more agile aggressive character in BF3. (also buff swing speed to 2.5 per sec, I'm dead serious)
50: a playable Sarlacc Pit 😉
Lol yeah lmao
To kill the annoying boba fetts
What about saber clash? Like in the battlefront of 2015
51: Custom Characters
The one thing that I want for Battlefront 3: for Battlefront 3 to release
Well now we are gonna get battlefront reboot again
I wanna see grievous actually use 4 lightsabers regularly instead of it being relegated to certain abilities.
The spinning ability could be changed to an ability that swaps him between four and two sabers. Two is quicker attacking and movement speed but takes less stamina and less damage but doesn't have good blocking. Four is slower movement and attacking speed, more damage, and great blocking (you can even use the spinning for the four sabers blocking)
When one ability are, That you can switch from 2 to 4 lightsabers and their booth had other abilitys
@@crash0_o789 Yep. Middle ability is the swap, the crawl remains, the four lightsaber keeps the lunge ability, and I'll have to find something fitting for dual wield
51: a completely underwater playable map with water troopers and water droids. And maybe kit fisto
and general grievous bc he could have like machinery to help him breathe
That would be sick
With a battlefield dice type game engine
And the separatist shark general remember that
It would be cool to have an operations gamemode, that covers large events from the movies. It would be set into different phases, like the how Death Star map worked in battlefront 2015.
I would also love the medic class in battle front 3.
Or Engineer Class, that can repair vehicles or make turrets that are better than the officers
This should be a reinforcement, as the officer already fulfils the "support" class for the main infantry
@@chazzerine7650 then they should add a dif healing mechanic where a death drops you and they have like 5-10 seconds to revive
@@rattyratstuff7125 that could be overpowered in a game where one or two deaths can change an entire fight
@@StarWarsNerd1465 exactly.
For the story mode, a clone wars story following a Clone Trooper. You start by training on Kamino and learning the mechanics to the game then you can play iconic clone wars battles such as the battle of Kamino, Umbara, and many more. Or possibly being able to play the Star Wars saga in battlefront style gameplay.
And the game ends with order 66 where you have to kill the Jedi you were with the whole game
I would like the story style from battelfield 1, one story for faction
@Charlie YES
I would just make a story mode for all armys 1 for droid 1 for clones 1 for empire 1 for rebels 1 for the old republic and 1 for the sith empire and 1 for the mandalorian wars where it would be 22 to 28 levels for each campaign
just an entire clone wars game would probably work
In Naboo you could actually swim down to the Gungan City
Yeah it would be one of the phases like a phase four.
Whith gangan worries
@@hugom.2571 THAT WOULD BE DOPE
And jar jar is just there sitting in jail
Some Vader appearances they should add would be:
-dark cloak (Vader when he slaughters the separatists on Mustafar)
-Twilight of the apprentice (Vader from Vader vs Ashoka in rebels season 2 finale)
And some clone skins they should add can be:
-322nd (siege of mandalore Ashoka clones)
-and some more arc trooper styles
Yeah, like other vader skins could be
Battle Damaged Vader
Fallen Jedi Vader
Shiny Vader
Pink Vader
@@thedarksaber *why the pink vader*
@@starlight0313 if you didn't know: near the release of Battlefront 2 some official on EA said White or Pink Vader doesn't make sense and wouldn't fit canon so no one would play them so there's mods in it for specifically that reason
@@thedarksaber oh lol
and damaged vader like from rebels and force unleashed
I would love to see: CROSS COMPATIBILITY! And a versus game mode between you and one other person which you can set up with your friend.
Now that's a good... No GREAT idea
Please don’t
We don’t need the 1hp bug on console too
I think he means ps4 and xbox play in same game pc would have a unfair advantage
@@Moonteam8387 no shit sherlock
im not saying pc would have the advantage because of glitches but its because they have improved fov and mods and they would just be way better but they would have an advantage with thier glitches but ya
Going off No. 49- An UNDERWATER gamemode
Or being able to to underwater and maybe capture some command posts and fight, wich I think it's better.
Hello person with the same surname
Guys if ir happens it would probably be part of GA
Play as fisto, yes
I want even more ground vehicles. Clone Turbo Tank, snail droids, spider droids, imperial tanks, Hailfire droids, playable at m6s, stuff like that, there’s so many walkers and droid vehicles left out from the game, and they would be so cool to use.
I'm not getting my hopes up, but I would KILL for a (well written) remake of the 501st journal that's more accurate to the new canon
That’s all we Star Wars fans want
@@JangoSkett fuck the new canon
The new canon is cringe
The new canon isn't that great
@@bretfine688 I agree
I want a Aliens/ Bounty Hunter faction independent of light or Dark side. I want an extraction mode with Aliens/bounty Hunter faction protecting Jabba as he slithers through his palace to his sail barge in his garage. And an extraction game in cloud city were the dark side are escorting Han frozen in Carbonite to Slave 1 whilst the light side fight to stop him.
I’d love to see story scenarios, think what they did the the Death Star in bf 2015. Some examples would be the battle of coruscant where you’d be escorting anakin and Obi wan to the invisible hand, or a 2 phase battle of Endor. Phase one take out the shield generator, phase two, take out the executor and fly into the 2nd Death Star.
I don’t know how it would be pulled off but I’d also love to see and Order 66 mode where half way through the match order 66 is set off.
I’d also want all online modes to be playable in offline mode as well.
We need Dark Troopers and a Melee reinforcement class with like Praetorian Guards and Jedi Temple Guards and MagnaGuards and such.
I want: a rancor battle mode, where somebody is a rancor, and all the other people have to try and slay the rancor without dying
edit: could work with other creatures.
So like a juggernaut type gamemode
Or a krayt dragon.
Up to like 8 players.
Or even three separate stories set in the three sagas, as you go through your generations
@Levi Ackermann I see
6 seperate storylines
And without a Main character, just being apart of major events as a trooper
@@senatorsheevpalpatine3712 yeah, but we all know if EA does this project it won't be like this
i love u for this comment
I’d love an update for the aerials, give every aerial the same jetpack mechanics that the first order jet trooper has
50: New gamemode - ground assault style in space. This includes different gravity levels, space-adapted classes, and using floating debris in the air as cover for attacks from every angle.
All I want is the ability to convert Vulture droids to a walking mode
I love this
It should be in the space to ground mode, when the droid lands it can gun down clones
That would be cool, also need Magnaguards
If BF3 palpating doesn’t have a lightsaber or two from clone wars I’m gonna be sooooo mad
We Need the Spider Maul and Savage opress from clone wars
Palpatine dislikes lightsabers which is why he rarely uses them.. Would be cool to see in a game but if you want to make i accurate to the character he shouldn't wield any
Man it would be so cool to have a campaign from every era, PT as a clone trooper, OT as a rebel and the ST as whoever
They would have time, because if it came out, BF3 would be very advanced and so it would probably be next-gen console exclusive, so by the time the majority of people have a next generation console it could be released
Replace the st era with legends material where you play as new republic soldiers fighting Thrawn
Or you could choose if you want to be a rebel or a stormtrooper
@@Jendax that’s the dream !
I’d love to see them bring back the clash feature. I discovered it on Battlefront 2015 when screwing around with a friend and we both fell in love with it. Just imagine- Anakin clashing Vader.
“Who are you?”
*”I am you…”*
I know I'm a month late but you missed the variations on droids. It would be cool to see more of those. Get in some B2 rocket troopers. Maybe a melee rush down droid like the grapple droid. What I wouldn't do to run up punching clones in the face before throwing one at his buddies.
I wished they added Magnaguards to BF2 so badly, there are skins that change the look of the commando droid and his vibrosword to the magnaguard and his electro staff but it's just not the same 😭
I just want a Hooded Darth Maul and a Mandalore Maul skin.
@Magadac Yeah I found that out but sadly it is only with mods
I would love for there to be a generational storyline, like, for every Era, you get two different stories to play through.And since you mentioned Mace Windu and Rouge One, I will add a hero I didn't see mentioned, Plo Koon
I just want a Legends based one. Imagine playing through some ancient war as Revan, and then playing as Luke during heir to the empire.
If only Disney didn't get their grubby hands on star wars and messed it all up.
Completely agree with your take on premade canon appearances for clone armour and would love to select brand new clone divisions. Would be so exciting and intriguing to select a clone unit never seen before that's just titled 'the 402nd division of the so and so battalion', would invoke so much for a story. I also think that the customisation you said about a visor or a pouldron or even my suggestions of kamas which are those leather leg protections worn by some commanders or special paint markings (maybe you have to earn some special ones like waxer's twi'lek girl perhaps earnt from a side mission on one particular map...) would be plenty enough for people to crave over and feel unique.
Death trooper zombie game mode on an abandoned star destroyer with tons of Easter eggs and throwbacks to the original book
Would be cool, but i don’t think thats canon anymore, so i doubt that will be in battlefront 3.
@@isakisak9989 I can definitely see a way to make it canon though. It's been said that death troopers were experimented on so what if something went wrong during the early stages of the death troopers creation.
It could be part of ewok hunt style modes right, like they could expand and make a whole series of maps and eras. I was also thinking about how they could add actual objectives in the modes instead of just surviving
@@charles985 that would be so cool. Ewok hunt, death trooper survival, geonosis swarm, zombie night sisters raid! Each with their own objectives and cut scenes
@@MoFiTheMagnificent i know it was a rumor that the deathtroopers are rezurected zombies in universe, so who knows? Maybe they are we haven’t seen any of them unmasked, but idk it might be very corny if executed bad.
Me: How is he gonna fit 50 things we want in battlefront 3 in 10 minutes?
4:40: Oh. Thats how
Bombastic: what want you to see?
Me: yes
I think underwater gameplay would be cool. Like you could swim underwater and battle maybe even have a few base underwater. I definitely agree with those underwater clones
A cool skin would be boba fett in his tusken raider cloak thingy. It would also be cool to add the grand inquisitor or some recently introduced into canon characters like krrstantan
Something I’ve been dying for and sort of got in Jedi Fallen Order is a sandbox where you can place barriers, walls and AIs. Then you could have them fight each other or you could fight them. That would be so cool!
That would be awesome,we need that!
Oh bring back Temuera Morrison to narrate a canon version of the 501st journal
I'd like to see a massive space battle where you could control a capital ship and other people would have to use the turrets on it and blow up certain parts of the enemy capital ship that would be fun
And you could maybe go into the enemy ship and try to kill them all.
Imagine a full on fleet combat simulation in Battlefront 3 Star fighter assault. Where there’s a captain of a capital ship where you can actually manually control the ship. Command the turrets all at once at a specific target and the ground troops can infiltrate inside the capital ships full interior without any boundaries. And sabotage the inside. The players would have to escape during a time limit countdown. And hop onto a gunship. Instead of a cut screen like Battlrfront 2 has. The Gunship would be controlled by the highest ranked player and would have to wait for all remaining troops to aboard. If players don’t make it, they die within the explosion
An aqua map would be awesome. Water based clones and droids, kit fisto and the shark dude form the “water war” episodes if the clone wars as heroes, some vehicles, ect. I could have a lot of fun on that
I think ship customization would really help battlefront 3. Imagine having a 501st or wolf pack gunship or having different bombers from all eras.
Good idea
50: Playable Salacious B. Crumb
And Joh Yowza as a hero character
Also Ben Quadinaros!
@@hectorvizsla87 And a drivable version of Sebulbas podracer that insta kills everyone it hits
@@scoutman66 But the devolpers will bam you for cheater in pod raicing.
@@hectorvizsla87 gasango
Nobody notices you the whole game but you always end up 2nd on the leaderboard
i’d like to see a darth vader’s skin before the mustafar duel, a mustafar map, a skin of old obiwan and more fighters like anakin’s.
I feel we need a Star Wars game only on the clone wars, cause the prequels era has way too much content to be squeezed in with the other eras in battlefront 2
One thing I’d like to is to actually be able to take cover in walls, jump over objects, and prone down like in battlefield and call of duty.
It would be cool if palpatine had a lightsaber melee ability like phasma’s staff
Or if he just was able to have 2 sets of movesets toggled like the arc troopers pistols with one being lightsaber with the abilities being lightsaber jump twirl attack and the other being something along the lines of what he did to savage right before killing him. Then the lightning ones can just be the chain lightning and absorbing blaster fire like Yoda
@@ML-sc3pt or with a new feature where like some outfits have different move sets although I didn’t make this idea it is incredible
I think he would be to op
Ewoks with bombs strapped to them as a type of explosive
What FUN
Basically a new cymbal monkey
'Endor was lost to isis'
If Paddington was r rated, he would do this.
Alluha akbar
I saw Ahsoka Tano coming 100 miles away and then some. But seriously, put her in the freaking game!
According to some 'leaks' Ahsoka was planned to be added in the next patch, but it got canceled becouse of the develepoment of SWBF3
@@SzoltS1 Yes I’ve heard of that leak.
I remember in the original battlefront on the Geonosis map the LAAT's would fly around for the clone team picking troops up at one point at dropping them at another, they need to bring that back. make the game feel like you are part of a grand battle not just a skirmish
I would love to see characters like Darth nilus who hasn’t been in a movie but would still get there time to shine
Maybe even a reference to the original death troopers
I want some Easter eggs like I don't know referencing, the bad batch or something
Most likely will bf3
We need an headless, handless Count Dooku skin!
Here's a guy try to headshot him to get the critical hit oh wait he has no head
@@gideonhall9380 he does have a head hit box lmao 😂
Legless maul
What I think would be extremely cool would be to have destructible environments. Imagine you and the bois defending a command post on Naboo in a building, when a grenade gets thrown through the window and the room collapses and you guys are surrounded by droids with blaster shots going though the walls and defenses crumbling around you. That would be epic.
Unfortunately would be laggy and dsync af tho
Maybe, but it would come out on next gen consoles, so they probably would be able to handle it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is already a feature like that in battlefield 5.
Tree corpses to trip AT-ATs and such
Bruh bruh bruh
Your thumbnail is literally everything I’ve dreamed up of off. I’m actually writing an entire digital document on everything they should add, remove, adjust, etc… to battlefront 2. I honestly just have such and overactive and thinking brain that my mind can’t stop racing with ideas creating and thoughts, etc… omg.
Din Djarin with Grogu would be cool as one playable character, a blaster hero who can call his buddy for a force grab (like Grogu did vs that Mudhorn), this would make Din Djarin a unique character.
50: there should be a first person for every reinforcement character
yes. just yes. Love BF2's commando but it lacks first person so I can't get the next gen republic commando gameplay.
@Roman Poszepczynski yeah
We need them to keep all the content that they had in 2 and add more. When they made 2017 battlefront they left behind so many cool hero’s and villains like Dengar and nien num
I really wouldn’t mind if they left out bossk he’s so annoying to play against
@@Unkown5536 bossk shouldn't be in the game he is not an important character in the movies or a popular one
@@Unkown5536 i agree
I didn’t know I wanted a Clone Trooper campaign but now I can’t live with the fact that there isn’t a battlefront 3 with that
The “holy crap how do you even fly this thing” is very accurate lol
I think developing battle plans for the a.i. to follow either in space or on land before each match would add an extra level of immersion. Especially if it were incorporated with a tf2 style class system.
Number 50: Bombastic as the head guy MAKING BATTLEFRONT 3.
@@derekhofstetler3998 why not
@@stijndingemans9913 I think Kathleen could do a better job.
Rude. Bombastic knows what we want, so he can give it straight to EA about what we want
@@derekhofstetler3998 ofc kathleen would do a better job
50: Hondo onaka or the prime inquester and temple guards
Hondo will be a heroe or villain? In clone wars
Magnaguards too
@@mateusfredericofigueiredo7296 "hero"
He'd be on the republic side in the game because of his best friend, Mr hello there but hero to hero lines would make all the Jedi sound very cautious. He'd Also be on rebel alliance because of his appearance on star wars rebels
It would be interesting to have the ability to LITERALLY make an Original custom Character like in SWTOR.
And the ability to use a mid-game change weapon mod loadout mechanic like how You could do emotes in
battlefront 2.
Agree with all the video and adding the Novacorps = The Galatic Marines as a class of the Clone Army
Oh the Number 50 always needed this
Droideka’s the Rolly Bois
I would love to see a skin for Captain Phasma that gives her a silver trash can appearance
That would be the best skin ever
For throw bossk in it?
EMBO! For someone can be unecessary, but for my it´a a LEGEND and my favorite bounty hunter
Jango too
Cad bane could be good as well
50: old republic content, the troopers, ligth side revan and dark side revan
That is non-canon, the devs wouldn't include that
Neo's danger Aspyr: I WILL MAKE IT CANON!
This this this this. All they need is a light side Revan dark side revan, light side bastila, dark bastila, Jolee and malak, and there golden. If they wanted gun heroes they could do carth and idk HK could be evil
@@graysonhouser1414 Bwoah
Let's be honest, the old republic cinematics were better than the whole Disney trilogy
Actually, I was simply happy that they finally managed to ad a story campaign for Battlefront 2. True it was short (around 6 hours), but so was TFU2, if I remember correctly (which also took me around 6 hours to complete), and the story itself was great. It was original, had likeable characters and it was also easy to follow. Very underrated if you ask me...
A class in between "reinforcements" and "heros". That way you could have some prevalent troopers from all eras that weren't the main characters but important side characters. For example being able to play as the members of Domino squad sounds great.
What I would like is an under water gamemode with the under water troopers and under water separatists
What if there was an Empire at War type game mode where you command an entire fleet in a battle simulator-esk fight? I love Naval combat in Star Wars, and I soooo wish we had a modern empire at war :D
5:02 I love how phasma is a trash can.
So true lol.
Capital Supremacy! For honor has a war feature where you put troops on regions to bolster who has reign, so what if In BF3 whichever side you’re playing on fights for constant control of worlds on the map. Courasant and Felicia are controlled by the republic, Tatooine and Hoth are controlled by the empire this week, etc. Give the controlling side a boost of some kind idk, but that would be awesome to see our play time have an effect on a large scale map.
Bombastic is the number 1 source of Star Wars gaming news, he covers it all.
50:the knight of the old republic era. They could add characters like Revan, Nihilus, Malak, Mission, Big Z, and other characters
That is non-canon, the devs wouldn't include that
@@TheRebelTitan55 revan is definitely canon. He was going to be in clone wars as a force ghost so the old republic definitely exists in one way or another
When the drumroll came i was like please let it be ashoka... i knew it was gonna be her but the little doubt in the back of my head was still killing me
Proximity chat would give way to soo many great moments
Battlefront being more casual i think is a good thing but a ranked game mode could be cool
Some of my ideas for BF3 (trying to keep it as realistic as it can be):
1) Bring back customization from BF1. This would apply especially for Clones and Rebellion/Resistance fighters. Basically, as you progress, you unlock new customization items, and you can make your troops and reinforcements look like you want them to look! Keep the appearance system with Heroes and Villians and add more appearances.
2) Weapon variety and customization. Pretty much all that was said in the video.
3) More reinforcements. Magna Guards and Royal Guards are the first ones that come to mind. Also, maybe add map specific reinforcements - for example, if you are playing on Geonosis you can play as a Geonosian (if you're on the CIS team). These reinforcements can only be played on those specific maps.
4) More Heroes and Villians. Heroes: Mace Windu, Ahsoka, Padmé, Jyn Erso, Din Djarin. Villians: Asajj Ventress, Director Krennic, Dengar, Moff Gideon. Just a few examples.
5) More maps: Utapau and Mustafar are the ones I would want the most. There are also countless other examples.
6) More gamemodes. Again, bring back modes from BF1 (Walker Assault and Droid Run, as well as the co-op Survival Mode). And add Hunt.
7) A good, linear story mode, similar to Battlefield 1. Several characters with several short campaigns. I'd love to see it take place during the Clone Wars, and we can play as different Clone soldiers from different legions/battalions.
I want a beefed up instant action offline mode with bots at launch, really annoyed me how it took them forever to make it for 2, still play 2 with bots from time to time since i can’t stand the sweaty players only using the meta anymore.
At least you can find lobbies, i struggle heaps
I want it a mix of what it was originally gonna be, mixed with some stuff from the EA battlefront 2, and the original 2005
I really want clones to be in the division coordinated with the map/environment.
One super easy implementation that needs to be included is a soundtrack option, choose what songs from the series will play on which maps. Duel of fates plays on naboo hangar once and then the rest of the match is silent...
For number 50 i would like them to add Utapau and Mustafar as playable levels, but also an updated version of Story Mode where you are playing the movies (kinda like lego star wars) but also you can choose which side youll be playing.
I just want Btf II to be still supported
Me too but sadly it will never happen :(
I wanna see a mode where you protect Jar Jar when he's eating without him diing.
Imagine if they add more battlefront 3 heroes and skins and definitely add Ben swolo
What I really want is for us to be able to control capital ships, frigate, corvettes, and fighters in space battles
A under water map for the clone wars where you could play a kitfisto and jar jar and some others
something where you could be a bounty hunter like going on missions, trading, capturing people, and stealing stuff.
Swappable hero weapons would be awesome. That would give Palpatine his lightsabers and add more options like Luke using a blaster, Yoda using his cane or exclusively the force, Fin using Luke's lightsaber, and Boba using some of his weapons from the Mandolorian. Also visual changes like characters with their different respective lightsabers (Rey's yellow Saber with different skins)
If they add the battle of mandalore, I swear ima nuht.
I kinda wanna have a roleplay type Star Wars game. Where you can roleplay as OC's and stuff.
The spawn in a vehicle instead of picking it up on the ground, gettin in getting out, flying to a ship, etc. Is what made the latest battlefronts feel less massive
I am quite surprised no one mentioned this.
Yes please
I know! Cross-platform is what we need!
Is no one gonna talk about how Anthony Mackie replied to bombastic
Yes, that was insane! Dang, that was like finding out that Henry Cavil painted Warhammer: Age of Sigmar figures during the quarantine!
Y’all realize that’s not the real Anthony Mackie
That can’t be true. Anthony Mackies @ is definitely Obamafetish1
I want a story mode where you play all 9 films with the characters you have in the game
@Bartosz L yh but I want that in battlefront not in lego.
Because it would look better in a battlefront game cuz I would immerse myself on it better
An overhaul to Yoda. He's currently a tanky support based character who is also small. This does not reference Yoda's character well, and I'd like to see him as a more agile aggressive character in BF3.
(also buff swing speed to 2.5 per sec, I'm dead serious)
Wait Anthony mackie plays battlefront? Woah! That’s sick!!!