Kapitari Ayahuasca Center

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @carolroper272
    @carolroper272 6 років тому +5

    Recently been to this retreat, highly recommend it. Don Lucho is a very powerful Shaman with no ego and a very humble being, whose sole purpose is to heal an and explore plant life to find natural cures for all ailments. The center is very rustic which is what I wanted, a natural environment with like minded people. Loz and Paul who worked along side Don Lucho, are very caring individuals and made you feel safe and nurtured. I hope to return again some day

  • @M3st1za
    @M3st1za 12 років тому +1

    Heading to Kapitari in October, and this video has multiply my excitement times ten.

  • @pmomo2062
    @pmomo2062 6 років тому +1

    I was here few weeks ago...I would highly recommend...made such a deep connection with everyone.

  • @dragangrujic
    @dragangrujic 9 місяців тому

    Been here two times. Amazing place and very good shaman.

  • @k4musx
    @k4musx 4 роки тому

    don lucho, muchas gracias por la experiencia.

  • @Hutchsurfer
    @Hutchsurfer 9 років тому +6

    Currently counting the cost. Hope to be there soon :)

  • @Theshamanomar
    @Theshamanomar 10 років тому +1

    Aho My Brother. My family just moved from Miami to Costa Rica with the same intent. Would love to send an invitation to you and all whom you know when our center is built.
    I am officially making it my next step to come visit the Kapitari Center; as there is much to learn from this great man.
    Thank you Alexander for sharing this with Humanity.

  • @Ghiagovinda
    @Ghiagovinda 11 років тому

    I am so happy to see he is still there! I must keep in contact!

  • @cantecantecante
    @cantecantecante 12 років тому

    MuchiMuchiMuchisimas Gracias! You've so beautifully captured the magic of Kapitari. I'm even more excited now to go back in October. Alegria!

  • @ericjames530
    @ericjames530 12 років тому

    Thank you so much for this video, I stumbled into Kapitari back in June toward the end of a two month trip to Peru, I only wish that it were my first Ayahuasca experience I would have stayed the entire time, I visited other Shaman in and around Iquitos but there was no comparison, Kapitari was the most beautiful place I have ever laid my eyes on, and I have been around, Thanks again

    • @anikibrother7691
      @anikibrother7691 8 років тому

      Can I ask you a few questions on the center I plan to go ?

    • @awakeningsociety1082
      @awakeningsociety1082 8 років тому

      Aniki Brother Feel free to ask me any questions. I visited Kapatari this past July for the 7 day ayahuasca retreat.

    • @seiseiandpanpan
      @seiseiandpanpan 7 років тому

      Aniki Brother I want to go there too, did you go?

  • @thegodpopper8934
    @thegodpopper8934 6 років тому

    Beautiful retreat, beautiful ceremonies

  • @Wardyworks
    @Wardyworks  12 років тому +1

    My pleasure amigo.

  • @赵岩-c1x
    @赵岩-c1x 3 роки тому

    Is this center still exist? The website doesn't work any more. Anyone knows them and have their contact information?

  • @TripDarlin
    @TripDarlin 8 років тому

    Excellent video... Heading to Etnikas soon. But keen to try the jungle experience with Kapitari one day.

  • @wasteyrselff
    @wasteyrselff 7 років тому +2

    gonna try this one day :)

  • @Ghiagovinda
    @Ghiagovinda 11 років тому

    so alexander, are you the contact now? it was in 09 I went with Carlos Tanner...thanks for your response

  • @Wardyworks
    @Wardyworks  11 років тому

    Interesting video, that touches on a lot on what I've seen so is good to see context, thanks for share.

  • @marcohercante
    @marcohercante 12 років тому

    Did you go?

  • @LiGhTSPiRit888
    @LiGhTSPiRit888 8 років тому

    I'm coming next month Don Lucho : D

  • @zakir_yibril
    @zakir_yibril 12 років тому

    congrats, great video

  • @Eng.Creation
    @Eng.Creation 8 років тому


  • @isabelcollazos1882
    @isabelcollazos1882 2 роки тому

    I wonder if they tell people who come of the man that lost his life in this center.

  • @BabakHaleky
    @BabakHaleky 5 років тому

    I just came back from here. ❤️

  • @Wardyworks
    @Wardyworks  11 років тому +1

    Nothing of the kind, I'm just a travelling artist.