Hi Steve, I have just replaced my old defunct weather station with the 2020 version of what you reviewed. It now comes with a three pin power supply. My old main base unit blew a capacitor after 5 years of use. This summer was probably too much for it!!! My old remote sensor display did pack up first and started eating batteries up! I totally agree with you though and recommend that users consider a dry location for the remote sensor. Thanks for your really useful review. :-)
Hi Johnny thanks. I would also buy another if mine packed up. I'm actually surprised how long mine has lasted. I put the sensor inside my open porch, so it has stayed dry. I really like these stations especially the large colour display. Regards Steve
Mine looks the same but is a kalawen and a year later the indoor temperature will randomly get stuck! Keep resetting it and it happens again after a few weeks.
Hi where can i get an instruction manual/ booklet/ pdf for this weather station please? As it is showing a error of LL in the inside temp ( right screen on top).
The device works quite well, temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity is very acurate when checked with other devicses. What is missing is a couple more altrnatives for cloudy and overcast. A few mb up, and it shows sunshine all over the place, and a few mb down it shows pouring down rain like no tomorrow. Looking out the window its cloudy all the time, no rain no shine. I guess it is impossible to reprogram it...?
Why does it show different temperatures and humidity levels when the 2 sensors are near eachother? I noticed this on many weather stations. Theese erors are big, up to 2 degrees celsius
Your average thermometers are +/- within a certain range. Quality varies of course. The only temperature sensors that are more accurate are those built for laboratories or pharmacies. Those sensors are tested and verified.
i would love to see some metal foundry if you ever plan on building and using one,being over a year a follower i am from greece and really enjoy ur videos and ur accent :)
Hi Robert. It is the Digoo DG-TH8988. It is being sold on Banggood for under £24 at the moment. I have had mine over a year now, just recently changed the batteries. I'm really pleased with it. Regards Steve.
Hi Henry. Not if you look after them. The outside sensors need protection from rain etc and they are best fitted with good quality rechargeable batteries. Why would you buy several if they kept breaking down? If I bought an item and it only lasted a year....I wouldn't buy another?
@@SteveJordan I keep my sensors under a roof. And use name brand batteries. But that doesn't make a difference. The problem is in the circuitry theyre susceptible to moisture. They love to corrode between the bands on the board and fry. And the reason I kept buying them is because you can't really find any other dual zone backlit thermometers. And all of the others turn the light off. I don't want to have to turn the lights on or push a button to see the temperature. If my clock can stay lit why can't the thermometers?
@@eleventeenmachine5991 It's switching off the screen display because it's a radio controlled clock. The clock adjusts itself automatically, and the signal to adjust it comes from the Atomic clock centre in Cumbria north of England. The people there send out a signal during the night to turn the display off so as to keep the clock accurate. If the display is blank press the button in top of the clock/weather station and it will light up for you. The clock is still working even though the display is blank.
Aldi and Lidl stores sell a similar unit from time to time for around the £20 mark, I'm on the second version,....the outdoor sensor on the first one slowly died, it stopped transmitting on ch1, then ch2 and ch3, this happened over a long period of time though. I hope this second unit lasts longer but at the end of the day, all cheap electronic devices aren't built to last are they.
It will be interesting to see how long it lasts I have had some cheap electronic devices that have lasted for many years. It is nice to buy things that you know will last, but everything we see and know will melt with a fervent heat at some point so I just live for each day.
You don't have to buy a new clock when the outdoor sensor dies. Just go on Amazon and buy a new sensor. £13.99. Better than paying out another £28 for the whole thing.
I don't have this particular model but usually, once you plug a power supply in they will light up and stay lit. You can usually set the brightness to low, medium or high.
Remove Sensor Batteries then remove display batteries. Replace Sensor batteries and wait for outdoor temp on display. When that appears program in time date etc when the 20 flashes, increase to 2o22
@@SteveJordan Thanks Steve, Can you point me in the direction of the best? Would like the main base unit with 3-4 remote sensing units that I can place under the house crawl space and on the back porch. Bill
Smart Digital Wireless LCD Color Weather Station -- goo.gl/MJrDLt
More Smart Home Kit -- goo.gl/t6iDvw
so theres no weather stations which has higher percent of correction to show weather for next 12hrs? i'm sick of incerrect weather.
Hi Steve, I have just replaced my old defunct weather station with the 2020 version of what you reviewed. It now comes with a three pin power supply. My old main base unit blew a capacitor after 5 years of use. This summer was probably too much for it!!! My old remote sensor display did pack up first and started eating batteries up! I totally agree with you though and recommend that users consider a dry location for the remote sensor. Thanks for your really useful review. :-)
Hi Johnny thanks. I would also buy another if mine packed up. I'm actually surprised how long mine has lasted. I put the sensor inside my open porch, so it has stayed dry. I really like these stations especially the large colour display. Regards Steve
¿wait what do you mean about the 2020 version of it you mean about the newentor moon phase 2021-2022 version?
Mine looks the same but is a kalawen and a year later the indoor temperature will randomly get stuck!
Keep resetting it and it happens again after a few weeks.
Thank you for this , mine turnt up today.
Curious, that the main unit shows a different outside temperature than the outside unit...
Does it do an max and min for the outside sensor for last 24hours?
not available at Banggood anymore.
But the same model and spec can be found under different names at places like Amazon and eBay
Hi where can i get an instruction manual/ booklet/ pdf for this weather station please?
As it is showing a error of LL in the inside temp ( right screen on top).
Is this actually for outdoor use? Dosen't feel like it can handle water that well.
The device works quite well, temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity is very acurate when checked with other devicses.
What is missing is a couple more altrnatives for cloudy and overcast. A few mb up, and it shows sunshine all over the place, and a few mb down it shows pouring down rain like no tomorrow. Looking out the window its cloudy all the time, no rain no shine. I guess it is impossible to reprogram it...?
Why does it show different temperatures and humidity levels when the 2 sensors are near eachother? I noticed this on many weather stations. Theese erors are big, up to 2 degrees celsius
Your average thermometers are +/- within a certain range. Quality varies of course. The only temperature sensors that are more accurate are those built for laboratories or pharmacies. Those sensors are tested and verified.
I missed how to set the time zone and date and time. I keep rewatching. Did you not show that?
It does it automatically using radio, if not you can manually set it as per the manual says
i would love to see some metal foundry if you ever plan on building and using one,being over a year a follower i am from greece and really enjoy ur videos and ur accent :)
How do you stop the clouds from flashing?
And why do they flash?
There meant to flash to tell u it's cloudy and it stops when it is not cloudy, hope that helped 🙂🙂
They are meant to flash. It's not an error.
move to a sunny location..
Accuracy? Both sensors in the same room with different readings. Bit of a worry
Obviously due to handling and switching on/off during review etc. These units need to acclimatize after being switched on and left for several hours.
Needs about 24 hrs to acclimate.
@@wanderer1955 24 hours?? So its shows the actual temperature of the day before...
I have a weather station , Can I send you one and get your valuable suggestions ?
How do you set berametric pressure and how do you read it
Would be nice for the sun (day display) to change to moon (at night) woulda been a nice touch is all I'm saying.
I've just got one of those. Inside temperature is off bij 1.5 degrees celcius. Thats way too much.
Can't figure out how to correct it...
what am I missing? The atmospheric pressure is off and I cant figure out how to adjust or calibrate it.
Nice help!
The links don't work would love a model number. Can't find where to buy it
Hi Robert. It is the Digoo DG-TH8988. It is being sold on Banggood for under £24 at the moment. I have had mine over a year now, just recently changed the batteries. I'm really pleased with it. Regards Steve.
@@SteveJordan Funny, in the US it's a different brand name and model number but the unit is identical to yours.
I've had several of them. They only last a year or two at best. The outside sensors turn bad first.
Hi Henry. Not if you look after them. The outside sensors need protection from rain etc and they are best fitted with good quality rechargeable batteries. Why would you buy several if they kept breaking down? If I bought an item and it only lasted a year....I wouldn't buy another?
@@SteveJordan I keep my sensors under a roof. And use name brand batteries. But that doesn't make a difference. The problem is in the circuitry theyre susceptible to moisture. They love to corrode between the bands on the board and fry. And the reason I kept buying them is because you can't really find any other dual zone backlit thermometers. And all of the others turn the light off. I don't want to have to turn the lights on or push a button to see the temperature. If my clock can stay lit why can't the thermometers?
@@eleventeenmachine5991 It's switching off the screen display because it's a radio controlled clock. The clock adjusts itself automatically, and the signal to adjust it comes from the Atomic clock centre in Cumbria north of England. The people there send out a signal during the night to turn the display off so as to keep the clock accurate. If the display is blank press the button in top of the clock/weather station and it will light up for you. The clock is still working even though the display is blank.
Aldi and Lidl stores sell a similar unit from time to time for around the £20 mark, I'm on the second version,....the outdoor sensor on the first one slowly died, it stopped transmitting on ch1, then ch2 and ch3, this happened over a long period of time though. I hope this second unit lasts longer but at the end of the day, all cheap electronic devices aren't built to last are they.
It will be interesting to see how long it lasts I have had some cheap electronic devices that have lasted for many years. It is nice to buy things that you know will last, but everything we see and know will melt with a fervent heat at some point so I just live for each day.
You don't have to buy a new clock when the outdoor sensor dies. Just go on Amazon and buy a new sensor. £13.99. Better than paying out another £28 for the whole thing.
Is there anyway to keep the display on?
I don't have this particular model but usually, once you plug a power supply in they will light up and stay lit. You can usually set the brightness to low, medium or high.
Hi, can you turn off the animation of the clouds?
What do I do with the sensor? Put it outside or what?
Yeah, outside
Can you show how to programming the screen....date , times......?
Does it CNC?
I've been trying to reset the year from 2020 to 2021, but I cannot find anyway to do that.
Remove Sensor Batteries then remove display batteries. Replace Sensor batteries and wait for outdoor temp on display.
When that appears program in time date etc when the 20 flashes, increase to 2o22
How did you get your backlight to stay on? I've tried everything and it keeps turning of on it's own.
Did you get an answer? Having the same issue
Mine just stays on all the time.
Im having the same issue. Cant get it to stay on
Just figured it out. If you plug it in it stays on. With just battery it won't
That's why mine stays on then as I have it plugged in all the time...thanks
Can you buy more outdoor sensor units please.
No need for one of those in the ' sunny ' Manchester. If its not raining now then the rain is definietly on its way. LOL.
No good in Scotland either. If you can see the mountains in Scotland it's going to rain. If you can't see them, it's already raining 😀👍
Your should like a very rich aristocrat from London. Like Higgins from Magnum P.I
it sux, both sensors in the same place but readings are different...
Hopefully it's manufactured in someplace other than China?
Nearly everything we buy these days is made in China. Most things are excellent quality from there nowadays.
@@SteveJordan Thanks Steve, Can you point me in the direction of the best? Would like the main base unit with 3-4 remote sensing units that I can place under the house crawl space and on the back porch. Bill
sold under multiple brands .One manufacturer 5 brands
Hi Joshua As long as it works.....who cares?
Name of the app on android
I m looking also for the app
Seeing 1 degree difference between the indoor and outdoor sensor........thats not good :(
Do something more interesting
sells from $39.00AU to $87.00 AU rip off city for beginners