How to Make the Most of Your Time Achieving Your Goals and Aspiring for More

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • So if someone calls twice a day I say listen next time you do it I'm going to block your number And I have 100 of numbers blocked So usually like we're having this conversation my phone is on do not disturb So you call you'll find that it's giving you a busy tone But if I don't have counseling sessions if I'm not doing anything of importance it's always on Okay Alhamdulillah You mentioned that you're comparing your time to the time that some other scholar is There's this thought that I've had actually a lot which is that sometimes we're going for my mind when I think about my time and how I'm using it and kind of similar to kind of what you were saying but on a much worse scale um I often think about this this thought came into my mind a couple of years ago and I haven't been able to shake it off since I had it and I regularly think about it and the thought is is essentially that we have the same Lord as I have the same Lord as the scholars We'll be questioned by the same Lord and I have got the same 24 hours in a day And so sometimes I would limit myself and think if I can achieve this in my lifetime to do with the Dean If I could achieve X in my lifetime let me just try and get to that And then I remember that there's scholars who have done so much memorized new libraries of books implemented and taught many people And then I think to myself actually considering we have the same there's not going to be a separate Lord answering asking questions to the scholars and then separate from me So if that's the case I should actually have that aspiration of actually trying to achieve that And so a question I actually had for you noted down for later on in the podcast but I'll ask it now because we spoke about it is I just showed you Tarteel right And through the work that I do with Tarteel we hear from a lot of Hufaaz especially on like we have this podcast where Hufaaz call in And a lot of the hufadh we ask them like what was your Hith journey like And a lot of them say well my mum started me on my Hith journey when I was 5 or 4 And I memorized the Quran by the time I was 12 15 20 You very rarely hear somebody say I started at 30 and I you know memorized by 35 or 40 So for people who are later on in life maybe they're in their thirties now or forties and they haven't necessarily started memorizing or they haven't they're not even happy How would you motivate them What positive thing can we explain to them that helps them feel that they can still aspire to try and become a scholar for example first of all you know that I do counseling sessions Yes I get paid for that Yes I do I've seen the website yeah