Book of Enoch - God's Original Prophetic Calendar

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Tonight, we look at Enoch 74-75, which explains part of God's original prophetic calendar. Unlike our 365-day calendar or the modern Jewish 354-day calendar, it has 364 days for a very special reason. Understanding God's original calendar not only helps to understand when things are occurring in the Scriptures, but it also gives a firmer base for understanding Bible prophecy. We will also learn from the Book of Jubilees how God's original calendar was corrupted from a solar one to a lunar one.
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:02:00 Gregorian Leap Year
    00:07:44 Summary of Enoch Chapters 72 - 73
    00:09:23 Enoch Chapter 74: Lunar Year
    00:14:40 Enoch Chapter 75: The Four Intercalary Days
    00:18:16 Enoch Chapter 78: The Moon Reflects the Sun
    00:21:41 Book of Jubilees Chapter 6d: Noahide Calendar/Tekufahs
    00:28:29 Book of Jubilees Chapter 6e: Calendar Corrupted in the Last Days
    00:34:17 Enoch Calendar Months Chart
    00:35:59 Enoch Calendar Weeks Chart
    00:38:25 Qumran Sundial/Megalithic Calendars
    00:42:12 Conclusion: Differences in the Calendars
    00:53:35 Q&A
    00:53:47 Are Goliath of Gath and Goliath the Gittite the same person?
    00:54:43 Could Satan be released after the Millenium because of “rediscovered” knowledge?
    00:55:49 Would you add significant days mentioned in the Bible to your DSS Calendar?
    01:00:40 Do you know why the Book of Wisdom was removed from the Canon?
    01:03:32 Enoch mentions Nephilim being killed by the sword, if the Flood killed them is this referring to post-Flood Nephilim?
    01:05:22 Do you think that the Assumption of Moses is a reliable document?
    01:06:30 Why does Enoch refer to Hebrews when there weren’t any yet?
    01:08:48 Do any of the Dead Sea Scrolls have prophecies about eclipses?
    01:09:42 Would it make sense for the Tribulation to start on the first day of the last Shmita before the Jubilee?
    01:13:20 Do you know of any good churches in the Tulsa area?
    01:15:26 How do you get an answer from God on what He wants you to do?
    01:16:41 Is it correct that everyone used to use a 360-day calendar?
    01:17:46 Did Jesus resurrect on the Feast of First Fruits?
    01:22:01 Does anyone know what year the Flood started?
    01:24:28 Could Satan be released after the Millenium because of “rediscovered” knowledge? Pt 2
    01:25:53 Are the red heifers genetically modified?
    01:27:35 Did David bury Goliath’s head at Golgotha?
    01:30:10 Are there prophecies in Enoch or the Dead Sea Scrolls about the red heifers?
    01:30:30 How could the Antichrist change times and laws?
    01:32:24 Could you explain the difference between evil spirits, demons, devils, and Satan?
    01:34:44 Why was the debate over Moses’ body mentioned?
    01:37:06 How will time be measured in Eternity?
    01:37:51 How is it acceptable that Jacob “stole” Esau’s birthright?
    01:42:14 Could “the days being shortened” refer to the length of the Age?
    01:44:15 Did any High Priest’s die entering the Holy of Holies?
    01:45:53 Were the place names in Enoch changed by Ezra?
    01:46:32 Does the DSS Calendar record the day the Sun and Moon stood still?
    01:47:29 Would the destruction of a “twin” planet extend Earths year?
    01:47:59 How do you know when to use a 360 or 364-day year when calculating prophecy?
    01:52:05 What book do you have the commands of Christ listed in?
    01:55:10 How long is 3,000 ells in feet?
    01:56:58 Conclusion
    Ancient Book of Enoch
    Ancient Book of Jubilees
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