It is difficult to remove a part by simply pushing the tool(Push pin or other pointed object) into the strap of the new clock. You must hammer the tool to remove the link pin. I adjusted my watch strap while watching this clip, but I made a small scratch by mistake. 😂
Kalo ga ada pushpin nya pake apa ya?
Strapnya beli dimana ya pnya sya kekecilan
Penyambungnya pake apa mas..
Gua paling suka sakawatch indonesia
Pengganti push pin nya bisa pake apa ya?
Pake doa lep
Punya gua pinnya gampang keluarnya
Logo matoa sekarang berubah , bagusan yg dulu
Cara ganti baterai matoa Gili gimana ya ?
Udah Coba sendiri dan pecah 😢😢😢😢
It is difficult to remove a part by simply pushing the tool(Push pin or other pointed object) into the strap of the new clock. You must hammer the tool to remove the link pin. I adjusted my watch strap while watching this clip, but I made a small scratch by mistake. 😂
True wkkwk