The slimy and plainly insincere responses from all guilty parties concerned tells one everything. A change of personnel is what that university requires.
Demirep Exactly. These type of universities are turning out people whose degrees are worthless for anything except to propagandize the next generation of students, either as "professors" (unworthy of the title) or as writers and lecturers pushing the same communist propaganda. They remind me of the drug dealers I used to see during the time I was on the street: they support their own addiction by addicting other people to the same thing to which they're addicted. Their ruined life ruins more lives. It's a self-propagating and ever-expanding infection.
Very well put, as a father of a college student I cantell you this kind of story in one version or another happens every day. Alas, intellectual debate and discussion is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Being gradually replaced by a leftist-Orwellian version of "New Speak".
Excellent job. My mom’s gone and with her most of the collected wisdom of my family. Plus her sense of humor. Again good job. Task Force is another pseudo-military term that all organizations like to use now. Excuse spelling-spellcheck keeps replacing my S with Zed.....
This video needs to go viral. Canadians are so caught up in being politically correct and experts at virtue signalling. As a teacher of 30 plus years I am disgusted with these so called educators at Wilfred Laurier. By the way the university does an injustice to Sir Wilfred Laurier by using his name in association with such decrepitude.
What scares me is how what is wrong at Laurier so closely resembles what is wrong with the Democratic party in the United States. One set of values that they claim in speeches, something far more sinister that they practice in private.
And that children, is what a responsible, intelllectually independendent, critical adult sounds like. Precisely what current higher education institutions fail to produce in their teaching and administratitive staff.
I'm grateful that this topic led me to your video. I aim to sharpen my linguistic ability to fraction of what you possess. Perhaps it's because I'm a silly American, but listening to you makes me feel like I get a little smarter with every word I consume. I look forward to more of your videos.
As for Americans--one of my language teachers, in effect, was Henry James. I wrote a thesis on his writing. I have also consumed in close detail the work of that king of linguistic expression, Raymond Chandler. Don't do American literature down.
Dear Granniopteryx, You are brilliant! Thank you for this defence of Lindsay Shepherd. They should make you the President of a major of Task Forces.
I noticed in the audio that Lindsay started crying. Her interrogators DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENY TO SUGGEST ADJOURNING FOR A FEW MINUTES. Horrible horrible.
Instead, ADRIA JOEL, that cold woman from 'The GENDER PROTECTION AGENCY' sharply cut in accusing Lindsay Shepherd of thought crimes, crimes against humanity etc. ADRIA JOEL must be reprimanded also. I would not let that gender-witch read the phone book to me...I would pass out!
Listen to it again--if you can bear it. It was a rape, Christine, and they were all equally guilty. However a university with so little moral sense that it will appoint the ringleader to head the subsequent inquiry is not going to attack the holder of a bullshit job specifically created to make the University look 'diverse'. None of them will be punished unless they are threatened from above. In the current political climate, that is about as likely as the sudden appearance of a datepalm plantation on the shores of Hudson Bay.
Professor Rambukkana, the inquisitor who says playing a clip of Jordan Peterson is violence, plays clips of Anita Sarkeesian in his own classes. He should be in jail and the university should be closed.
Rambukkana, Pimlott and Joel remind me of the character named Fairy Hardcastle in the novel "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis. Fairy was the head of the N.I.C.E. police, who had a predisposition for bogus charges and torture. Fairy even admits nobody would do a job like hers if they didn't get "some kind of a kick" out of it. Well, at Lindsay's kangaroo court hearing, this trio sure got their orgiastic jollies...they were probably clutching their pens tightly as they took notes, revelling in fantasies of SJW aggression. When I heard Lindsay crying, I was shocked the trio of inquisitors weren't concerned by this. They just kept hammering her. Funny, I too thought it was a brutal psychological RAPE and the trio were gloating with the power they held over her. They really seemed to be getting a kick out of their job! If this is what "social justice" has become, then I want no part of it. I particularly find Rambukkana's media silence disturbing. I tried visiting his web site to see if he had any more to say than an insincere apology. Nope, nothing. Looks like his site has become barren and he is avoiding discussions, which is odd for a COMMUNICATIONS professor and social justice adherent. After all, reasonable people should resolve problems by discussing the issues, not by hiding. It builds relationships! Rambukkana is anything but reasonable. Better words for him: perverted, grandiose, tyrannical, lacking in empathy. Pimlott and Joel are no better, but Rambukkana seemed to be the leader. I'm sure his satisfaction in producing tears of white fragility were infinitely better than the virtual kicks he gets out of his "Digital Intimacies" he, uh, studies on the internet. Disgusting, vile man who is so undeserving to be placed in a position of trust over young influential minds.
My guess is that the results will be a doubling down of their rhetoric and that further inquisitions will require the person called forth to hand over their phone or any other recording device before it starts.
I wonder if there's a market now for small recording devices easily hidden in clothing. With all the false accusations of "sexual misconduct" and this buggery by the people in charge, it may be necessary protection for any student to have a record of every conversation.
Thank you for putting such precise voice to my outrage -- in my estimation, modernity would do well to practice penance against the PURE HORROR which was Lindsay Shepherd's interrogation . I sometimes revisit Ms. Shepherd's case with my clients ( I work in health care with an emphasis on trauma ) as a kind of Jataka tale or helpful object lesson concerning how to correctly identify, resist, and release the violence ( e . g . interrogation / torture / manipulation ) typical of super-ordinate social structures ( " struggle session " should ring a bell here for those old enough to remember *that* bitter tale ) . One might rightly admire Ms. Shepherd for her grace, beauty, poise, elegance, and restraint -- as do I ; but here is where I go one step further and say to Ms. Shepherd herself : I admire the trauma within you -- not because I admire the trauma *itself,* and certainly not because I admire those who inflicted it upon you . Rather, I know that you will flourish well beyond the cruel and artificial boundaries which were tried against the nobility of your character and your efforts shall persist several lifetimes beyond that of your petty interrogators -- and they *will* come to know regret . Girl, Interrupted -- indeed. _a brief word of encouragement for Demirep, also : your prose is off the charts ! ... happen to have any reading recommendations ?_
According to Rambukkananna (whatever), these are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: *Adolf Hitler*, *Jordan Peterson*, *Milo Yannopolis*, and.... *GamerGate*!
😂 I've been thinking, in reality, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are women -- Linda Sarsour, Anita Sarkeesian, and Angela Merkel. I'm just not sure how to pick #4. . . But definitely those three.
Zöe Quinn... Chanty Binx (Big Red)... Hey, waitaminnit! Don't tell me they are making a reboot of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with women... Definitely the end of days.
Yes, those second-raters were downright evil! Jordan Peterson is so right to be outraged at how Lindsay Shepherd was treated, but she proved formidable when blind-sided. It was painful to listen to this interrogation, but none of them could present a clear statement as to why this meeting was called, and later it was proven that there never was a complaint at all. This 'informal' process the three perpetrated on Ms. Shepherd should be grounds for immediate dismissal without appeal, but sadly that is not what will happen. And bear in mind, no apology was ever sent to Jordan Peterson for how theses three harpies ripped apart his career without substantiation, but then again, the facts don't matter to cult ideologues. Beware, be vigilant, be prepared.
Dawn Chattin, you are spot on and ahead of the curve by almost a month. No doubt you’ve heard by now that Lindsay and Jordan are suing. The complaints parallel your analysis.
The Audio of the Star chamber inquisition, Nathan Rambukharna, Herbert Pimlot ,Adrea Joel bought to mind a book we had to read at primary school, " Lord of the Rings" and during those cold war days we also studied the court hearings of Stalin and Beria's regime. justice meted out was simply "You were guilty and the only step now is to proceed to punishment".,
#lindsaysheperd needs to start a GoFundMe page because we will help pay for her higher education at an elite Institute where political correctness is not a handicap on education.
well said spineless accusers!! scurry like blind mice when they are caught. Later info says they lied about the students complaining. two faced the whole lot!!!
I strongly applaud Lindsay Shepherd’s stand and courage. But without subtracting from that one iota, I think there’s a key point which needs to be made. It has really helped that she is an attractive young woman. Her evident and genuine distress during that bullying inquisition highlighted its real nature. If Lindsay had been a young man, almost nobody would have cared. The situation is analogous to the international outrage over the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram in April 2014. Since the start of that year, more than 1000 males, many of them Nigerian schoolboys, had been either gunned down or burned alive, but this fact attracted no media attention at all. It still doesn’t. Similarly, countless young men have been railroaded by the Title Nine star chambers in the US with very little attention paid to any but the most egregious cases. But when feminist Laura Kipnis was herself accused of wrongthink, it suddenly became newsworthy.
You are absolutely right about the Shepherd case and the points you raise also occurred to me. I was imagining what Lindsay's parents might have felt when they heard the tape and wondered whether they had considered heading over to William Laurier with a shotgun. Then I started to examine how I would feel had the victim of such bullying been one of my sons. I know that although I would have been angry, I would probably not have had quite such a strong reaction. Definitely, it felt worse that it was a young woman so afflicted. But then, in this case the extra vulnerability of her gender has precipitated a situation which might change history--in which case it has served a purpose. Rather than feeling a sense of outrage about differing attitudes to gender, perhaps we can regard such mechanisms as containing an important instrument of human social progress.
I agree completely. We can hope that this is a pebble that starts a landslide. But my words weren’t intended as some lament about the gender empathy gap. Trust me; most boys work out from a young age that no one cares if they’re hurt. They very quickly learn to live with it. My point was rather that society’s concern about harms to women places on women a greater responsibility to take up this kind of fight. They have a natural advantage to command media attention and public sympathy; in the same way as men’s greater strength and speed gives them advantage in physical combat. I think this may be hard for many women to accept: they are commonly more agreeable and sociable and also more risk averse. But I truly believe that this is a war that we must win if human civilisation is to survive. The great flaw of postmodernism is that it claims objective truth is unknowable, and therefore all positions as equally valid. This provides a veneer of intellectually respectability for political dogmas that aren’t supported by facts. Postmodernism simply doesn’t acknowledge the reality that thought models are both improvable and falsifiable. In his excellent book The Closing of the Western Mind, Charles Freeman documents the result of the iron grip of Christian orthodoxy in suppressing the Greek tradition of free inquiry. Western civilisation shut down for a thousand years. Humanity survived Christian orthodoxy, but the issues now are much greater and much more pressing. If we don’t learn to confront what’s true, we’re probably not going to make it.
It would be a good idea if those considering going to university in Ontario give Wilfred Laurier a pass, it is a second rate school and now with this revelation as to how it is operated you would be wise to boycott it. Teach the sheltered elite a lesson they will not forget.
Lindsay's recording and Laurier's response shows quite clearly the difference between the values they proclaim to the public, and the "values" they practice out of the sight of the public. I'm not sure how you fix an institution of higher learning that has taken hypocrisy so deeply into their heart. They can't fix themselves, they can only lie about having fixed -- something.
This is the first video I have ever watched from this lady. I love it.
'When the shit hit the fan and sprayed gloriously over the gleaming facade of academic hypocrisy'
Lmaooo brilliant
Ayri Feek Yes, she's brilliant with words!
If this isn’t 1984 nothing is. We need to stop this now.
Libs Hate Montesquieu I know all about it. I’ve don’t plenty of research. Hopefully it doesn’t get like 1920’s Russia.
I'm glad your video popped out in my feed. You're 100% correct. Thank you for speaking out against this madness.
That was one of the most concise, well verbalized and incredibly funny synopsis of this incident I have heard to date. I watched it twice. Very funny.
"in order of size" hillarious.
The slimy and plainly insincere responses from all guilty parties concerned tells one everything. A change of personnel is what that university requires.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...unfortunately.
Demirep Exactly. These type of universities are turning out people whose degrees are worthless for anything except to propagandize the next generation of students, either as "professors" (unworthy of the title) or as writers and lecturers pushing the same communist propaganda.
They remind me of the drug dealers I used to see during the time I was on the street: they support their own addiction by addicting other people to the same thing to which they're addicted. Their ruined life ruins more lives. It's a self-propagating and ever-expanding infection.
'Three horseman of the gender politics' hahahaha ... you are awesome , i like you .. the accent makes it all sound so polite and correct :)
Well said. Will share.
I lost it when she said "When the shit hit the fan and sprayed gloriously".
kangaroo court at its best
Very well put, as a father of a college student I cantell you this kind of story in one version or another happens every day. Alas, intellectual debate and discussion is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Being gradually replaced by a leftist-Orwellian version of "New Speak".
disturbing indeed.
I wish young women these days were as well spoken as you!
Stephen Mason young women these days have no standards, they've been conditioned by Ellen.
Excellent job. My mom’s gone and with her most of the collected wisdom of my family. Plus her sense of humor. Again good job. Task Force is another pseudo-military term that all organizations like to use now. Excuse spelling-spellcheck keeps replacing my S with Zed.....
Spectacular offering here, ma'am. Certainly got a few chuckles out of me.
Oh, well spoken!
This video needs to go viral. Canadians are so caught up in being politically correct and experts at virtue signalling. As a teacher of 30 plus years I am disgusted with these so called educators at Wilfred Laurier. By the way the university does an injustice to Sir Wilfred Laurier by using his name in association with such decrepitude.
What scares me is how what is wrong at Laurier so closely resembles what is wrong with the Democratic party in the United States. One set of values that they claim in speeches, something far more sinister that they practice in private.
And that children, is what a responsible, intelllectually independendent, critical adult sounds like. Precisely what current higher education institutions fail to produce in their teaching and administratitive staff.
Gustavo Carlos Acosta Alvarez not only doesn't produce but actually has no use for and discourages it. Incredible.
I'm very glad I stumbled across your channel. You are going to be very successful on UA-cam.
You spoke my heart out!! THANK YOU.
I applaud you....Well said... !
Proud to be subscriber #948 or thereabouts.
Brilliant stuff, this.
Oh, my goodness!!!
My new love!!!!
hey, i just watched you for the first time! it's great to see you making videos and speaking freely! best of luck.
I'm grateful that this topic led me to your video. I aim to sharpen my linguistic ability to fraction of what you possess. Perhaps it's because I'm a silly American, but listening to you makes me feel like I get a little smarter with every word I consume. I look forward to more of your videos.
As for Americans--one of my language teachers, in effect, was Henry James. I wrote a thesis on his writing. I have also consumed in close detail the work of that king of linguistic expression, Raymond Chandler. Don't do American literature down.
Dear Granniopteryx, You are brilliant! Thank you for this defence of Lindsay Shepherd.
They should make you the President of a major of Task Forces.
I noticed in the audio that Lindsay started crying. Her interrogators DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENY TO SUGGEST ADJOURNING FOR A FEW MINUTES. Horrible horrible.
Next Please--It was a rape. I make that point in the next video (uploading soon)
Demirep Well, OK, I’ll watch that when it’s available.
I was nearly crying just listening to them going on and on at Lindsay.
Instead, ADRIA JOEL, that cold woman from 'The GENDER PROTECTION AGENCY' sharply cut in accusing Lindsay Shepherd of thought crimes, crimes against humanity etc. ADRIA JOEL must be reprimanded also. I would not let that gender-witch read the phone book to me...I would pass out!
Listen to it again--if you can bear it. It was a rape, Christine, and they were all equally guilty. However a university with so little moral sense that it will appoint the ringleader to head the subsequent inquiry is not going to attack the holder of a bullshit job specifically created to make the University look 'diverse'. None of them will be punished unless they are threatened from above. In the current political climate, that is about as likely as the sudden appearance of a datepalm plantation on the shores of Hudson Bay.
This lady is the greatest.
thank you
It's about time you got more subscribers Mrs Demirep.
"In order of size"
...Brilliant. 😂
Thanks, Granni.
Well said !
Good description of the star chamber.
Great writing, i love it.
Well spoken and phrased. They are absolutely a menace to education. They are ideologues, lacking empathy for anyone they deem as not their own.
Evil! Yes! I haven't heard them described as such before now. That's exactly what they are. Evil.
Professor Rambukkana, the inquisitor who says playing a clip of Jordan Peterson is violence, plays clips of Anita Sarkeesian in his own classes. He should be in jail and the university should be closed.
Love your video !!! I'm now a subscriber and a patreon supporter. Keep up the good work !!!
Rambukkana, Pimlott and Joel remind me of the character named Fairy Hardcastle in the novel "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis. Fairy was the head of the N.I.C.E. police, who had a predisposition for bogus charges and torture. Fairy even admits nobody would do a job like hers if they didn't get "some kind of a kick" out of it.
Well, at Lindsay's kangaroo court hearing, this trio sure got their orgiastic jollies...they were probably clutching their pens tightly as they took notes, revelling in fantasies of SJW aggression.
When I heard Lindsay crying, I was shocked the trio of inquisitors weren't concerned by this. They just kept hammering her. Funny, I too thought it was a brutal psychological RAPE and the trio were gloating with the power they held over her. They really seemed to be getting a kick out of their job!
If this is what "social justice" has become, then I want no part of it.
I particularly find Rambukkana's media silence disturbing. I tried visiting his web site to see if he had any more to say than an insincere apology. Nope, nothing. Looks like his site has become barren and he is avoiding discussions, which is odd for a COMMUNICATIONS professor and social justice adherent. After all, reasonable people should resolve problems by discussing the issues, not by hiding. It builds relationships! Rambukkana is anything but reasonable. Better words for him: perverted, grandiose, tyrannical, lacking in empathy. Pimlott and Joel are no better, but Rambukkana seemed to be the leader. I'm sure his satisfaction in producing tears of white fragility were infinitely better than the virtual kicks he gets out of his "Digital Intimacies" he, uh, studies on the internet. Disgusting, vile man who is so undeserving to be placed in a position of trust over young influential minds.
Great video, the college are only sorry that they got caught
Damn you got all their names. Impressive.
Hahahaha!! Well said - and said to wittily!!
Beautiful speaking, and right on. Heart, mind and eloquence.
My guess is that the results will be a doubling down of their rhetoric and that further inquisitions will require the person called forth to hand over their phone or any other recording device before it starts.
I wonder if there's a market now for small recording devices easily hidden in clothing. With all the false accusations of "sexual misconduct" and this buggery by the people in charge, it may be necessary protection for any student to have a record of every conversation.
As someone so eloquently put on twitter "orwell's 1984 should serve as a warning but these guys are using it as a user manual"
love it, followed you.
liked and sub'd for the use of the word assiduity within the first fifteen seconds
You are hereby formally invited and welcomed to attend the High-Vis-Network
You're refreshing and delightful! Keep it up!
Excellent video.
Thank you for putting such precise voice to my outrage -- in my estimation, modernity would do well to practice penance against the PURE HORROR which was Lindsay Shepherd's interrogation .
I sometimes revisit Ms. Shepherd's case with my clients ( I work in health care with an emphasis on trauma ) as a kind of Jataka tale or helpful object lesson concerning how to correctly identify, resist, and release the violence ( e . g . interrogation / torture / manipulation ) typical of super-ordinate social structures ( " struggle session " should ring a bell here for those old enough to remember *that* bitter tale ) .
One might rightly admire Ms. Shepherd for her grace, beauty, poise, elegance, and restraint -- as do I ; but here is where I go one step further and say to Ms. Shepherd herself :
I admire the trauma within you -- not because I admire the trauma *itself,* and certainly not because I admire those who inflicted it upon you .
Rather, I know that you will flourish well beyond the cruel and artificial boundaries which were tried against the nobility of your character and your efforts shall persist several lifetimes beyond that of your petty interrogators -- and they *will* come to know regret .
Girl, Interrupted -- indeed.
_a brief word of encouragement for Demirep, also : your prose is off the charts ! ... happen to have any reading recommendations ?_
Is there a specific type of literature you like? Have you read much?
Good stuff. Love Love Love you!!! I just shared this on twitter so we can get you more subs.
Well put. I was so angry, the shit spewing from my brain barely resembled words.
According to Rambukkananna (whatever), these are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: *Adolf Hitler*, *Jordan Peterson*, *Milo Yannopolis*, and.... *GamerGate*!
😂 I've been thinking, in reality, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are women -- Linda Sarsour, Anita Sarkeesian, and Angela Merkel. I'm just not sure how to pick #4. . . But definitely those three.
Zöe Quinn... Chanty Binx (Big Red)... Hey, waitaminnit! Don't tell me they are making a reboot of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with women... Definitely the end of days.
Demirep, I couldn't have said it better. Bless your heart.
I heard the recording that Lindsay Shepherd made, I was surprised that interrogation squad out and out lied about Jordan Peterson.
Subscribed. Love your verbiage!
Mam, you are f***ing great, I admire you.
Very good! I enjoyed this.
Very well said. These people in charge at Laurier are so up their a$$es over this.
Yes, those second-raters were downright evil! Jordan Peterson is so right to be outraged at how Lindsay Shepherd was treated, but she proved formidable when blind-sided. It was painful to listen to this interrogation, but none of them could present a clear statement as to why this meeting was called, and later it was proven that there never was a complaint at all. This 'informal' process the three perpetrated on Ms. Shepherd should be grounds for immediate dismissal without appeal, but sadly that is not what will happen. And bear in mind, no apology was ever sent to Jordan Peterson for how theses three harpies ripped apart his career without substantiation, but then again, the facts don't matter to cult ideologues. Beware, be vigilant, be prepared.
Dawn Chattin, you are spot on and ahead of the curve by almost a month. No doubt you’ve heard by now that Lindsay and Jordan are suing. The complaints parallel your analysis.
Brilliant eloquently put
We just need a recording of the task force deliberations.
“second-raters” madam you have magnificent restraint. excellent content, i admire you, call me another subscriber.
The Audio of the Star chamber inquisition, Nathan Rambukharna, Herbert Pimlot ,Adrea Joel bought to mind a book we had to read at primary school, " Lord of the Rings" and during those cold war days we also studied the court hearings of Stalin and Beria's regime. justice meted out was simply "You were guilty and the only step now is to proceed to punishment".,
Wow a Task Force.... and guess who will be on the Task Force?
Yes you guessed it Dr. Nathan Rambukkana!
Adding applesauce to the fudge--at least they picked a chap who obviously appreciates both.
This is someone that young women can aspire to!!!
Excellent commentary!
Absolutely great!
Great video! Subscribed.
Based Grandma.
Wow! That unexpected "granniopterix" roar at the end of the video made me jump my seat! LOL! :-)
I bet the only thing the task force comes up with is to check the victim next time and make sure she or he is not recording you.
+1 sub. Very clear articulation. Thanks for your input
this was great
on point!
I'm surprised you don't have more subscribers
And now she has another!
..and another from me
dont be a fool
Yep. sub +1
And another subscribe from me :-)
#lindsaysheperd needs to start a GoFundMe page because we will help pay for her higher education at an elite Institute where political correctness is not a handicap on education.
There are no such institutions.
well said spineless accusers!! scurry like blind mice when they are caught. Later info says they lied about the students complaining. two faced the whole lot!!!
I strongly applaud Lindsay Shepherd’s stand and courage. But without subtracting from that one iota, I think there’s a key point which needs to be made. It has really helped that she is an attractive young woman. Her evident and genuine distress during that bullying inquisition highlighted its real nature. If Lindsay had been a young man, almost nobody would have cared. The situation is analogous to the international outrage over the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram in April 2014. Since the start of that year, more than 1000 males, many of them Nigerian schoolboys, had been either gunned down or burned alive, but this fact attracted no media attention at all. It still doesn’t. Similarly, countless young men have been railroaded by the Title Nine star chambers in the US with very little attention paid to any but the most egregious cases. But when feminist Laura Kipnis was herself accused of wrongthink, it suddenly became newsworthy.
You are absolutely right about the Shepherd case and the points you raise also occurred to me. I was imagining what Lindsay's parents might have felt when they heard the tape and wondered whether they had considered heading over to William Laurier with a shotgun. Then I started to examine how I would feel had the victim of such bullying been one of my sons. I know that although I would have been angry, I would probably not have had quite such a strong reaction. Definitely, it felt worse that it was a young woman so afflicted. But then, in this case the extra vulnerability of her gender has precipitated a situation which might change history--in which case it has served a purpose. Rather than feeling a sense of outrage about differing attitudes to gender, perhaps we can regard such mechanisms as containing an important instrument of human social progress.
I agree completely. We can hope that this is a pebble that starts a landslide. But my words weren’t intended as some lament about the gender empathy gap. Trust me; most boys work out from a young age that no one cares if they’re hurt. They very quickly learn to live with it. My point was rather that society’s concern about harms to women places on women a greater responsibility to take up this kind of fight. They have a natural advantage to command media attention and public sympathy; in the same way as men’s greater strength and speed gives them advantage in physical combat. I think this may be hard for many women to accept: they are commonly more agreeable and sociable and also more risk averse. But I truly believe that this is a war that we must win if human civilisation is to survive. The great flaw of postmodernism is that it claims objective truth is unknowable, and therefore all positions as equally valid. This provides a veneer of intellectually respectability for political dogmas that aren’t supported by facts. Postmodernism simply doesn’t acknowledge the reality that thought models are both improvable and falsifiable. In his excellent book The Closing of the Western Mind, Charles Freeman documents the result of the iron grip of Christian orthodoxy in suppressing the Greek tradition of free inquiry. Western civilisation shut down for a thousand years. Humanity survived Christian orthodoxy, but the issues now are much greater and much more pressing. If we don’t learn to confront what’s true, we’re probably not going to make it.
It would be a good idea if those considering going to university in Ontario give Wilfred Laurier a pass, it is a second rate school and now with this revelation as to how it is operated you would be wise to boycott it. Teach the sheltered elite a lesson they will not forget.
such a cool name: granniopteryx, lol. Such a well-spoken granny. Instasub! Also instapatron!
Imagine fearing to speak your mind...University reality today.
Excellent soliloquy
Good video.
This beautiful woman is extremely woke. Unusually so. (Yes I hate myself for using the word "woke".)
The three "Inquisitors" lied to both Lindsay and the media. It was all a big lie!
those three people need to be called out excellent video by the way
I’m sure that task force will identify and suggests solutions to the underlying problem, namely cultural Marxism. I’m sure of it.
Granniopteryx is an awesome name, I may be back.
Great analysis. +1 sub
Would love to see you get together with Pat Condell to deliver a blistering.
Laurier is really sorry they are going to have to pay her millions of dollars
Lindsay's recording and Laurier's response shows quite clearly the difference between the values they proclaim to the public, and the "values" they practice out of the sight of the public. I'm not sure how you fix an institution of higher learning that has taken hypocrisy so deeply into their heart. They can't fix themselves, they can only lie about having fixed -- something.
A kitchenload of fudge!