Vatican releases new supernatural guidelines | Morning in America

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2024
  • The Vatican is offering new guidance Friday regarding supernatural phenomena and other apparitions, presenting new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Historical theologian Dr. Paul Thigpen said the Vatican will likely not mention aliens or UFOs, explaining the press conference will focus on apparitions of spiritual beings.
    #Vatican #SupernaturalPhenomena #UFOs
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @LowTideLowLife
    @LowTideLowLife 10 днів тому +91

    Tell them i said stop touchin the Children..Thanks Millons of us.

  • @Sigma-66
    @Sigma-66 15 днів тому +934

    Why is it, that if you talk to God, you're consider religious; but if God talks to you, you're considered schizophrenic ? 🤔🤔.

    • @jomartin6209
      @jomartin6209 15 днів тому +48

      Good point

    • @mattfrenden1000
      @mattfrenden1000 15 днів тому +73

      Probably because no God exists outside of human imagination. You can believe that he exists and talk to him which is pretty normal, but when you claim God has spoken to you, you're simply delusional. Obviously you're hearing voices if "God spoke to you" unless you're just bullshitting everyone.

    • @WarriorMomma77
      @WarriorMomma77 15 днів тому +80

      @@mattfrenden1000 Please stop acting like what you believe is fact. It’s okay for others to have different beliefs than you and that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. We just don’t know for sure, do we?

    • @user-br5ps
      @user-br5ps 14 днів тому +59

      @@mattfrenden1000 have you ever heard of a prophet? God can talk to us in dreams and visions. I’ve heard his voice

    • @mattfrenden1000
      @mattfrenden1000 14 днів тому

      @@WarriorMomma77 It's a fact that there's 4000 known religions and they all claim to be true. It's a fact that religion can't be proven nor debunked because it literally doesn't exist. You can't prove that something exists if it doesn't exist, neither can you debunk it. That's how religion is formed. They all use the same template so that people are consumed by the mystery of these fairy tales. Then whoever is the "head" of the religion will have control over the people who believe in the manmade story. It's a way of creating community, which is one of the more positive sides to religion, but it's also a way to deceive and control a population in evil ways, just like history has shown us over and over again for thousands of years. Rational people would question religion, but religious people simply trusts a thousand year old book and claim it's true without providing a single piece of substantial evidence. They just "feel connected to God". Everyone from every religion ever made felt "connected to God". Does that mean every religion is true?

  • @user-cz3ny2po8b
    @user-cz3ny2po8b 9 днів тому +53

    I've looked down on my body twice once in a bad surgery once from a car wreck I'm disabled there's nobody keeping me alive except for God

  • @ScreamingatWhispers
    @ScreamingatWhispers 14 днів тому +82

    We are constantly surrounded by spiritual entities 24/7 In the air and on the ground.. Praise be to the Father of spirits👍🙏✝️

  • @adarateranroldan
    @adarateranroldan 14 днів тому +81

    Why Files will be all over this one

  • @wadora4523
    @wadora4523 14 днів тому +17

    They are releasing this because their trying to prepare you for something coming !

  • @JaylenPotts-zs2qw
    @JaylenPotts-zs2qw 14 днів тому +30

    I pray to God the world stays positive in every aspect of life

    • @SilentForest-yi9ql
      @SilentForest-yi9ql 11 днів тому

      Me too but that's against the scriptures. Of course it will get horrible

    • @sdub300
      @sdub300 11 днів тому

      Noah said people went crazy before the great flood.

    • @jayadvice
      @jayadvice 9 днів тому +2

      we need a balance of good and evil

  • @16Vagabond
    @16Vagabond 15 днів тому +307

    getting the sheep ready for that sweet blue beam

    • @logic.and.reasoning
      @logic.and.reasoning 15 днів тому +28

      You are off target and far behind.

    • @PerspiCacious-wq7nk
      @PerspiCacious-wq7nk 15 днів тому +25

      ​@@logic.and.reasoningHe isn't

    • @03stmlax
      @03stmlax 15 днів тому +15

      Not everything is project bluebook. This is one of those times.

    • @logic.and.reasoning
      @logic.and.reasoning 15 днів тому +1

      @@PerspiCacious-wq7nk are you obviously

    • @alS900
      @alS900 15 днів тому


  • @micheledaniels8296
    @micheledaniels8296 14 днів тому +136

    Setting the stage

  • @teresafrazier4299
    @teresafrazier4299 14 днів тому +55

    I was 13 years old when I saw a couple of aliens right in front of me. I am 74 years old now and aliens exist on earth.

    • @user-sf3dw2sm3b
      @user-sf3dw2sm3b 14 днів тому +9

      That is interesting. I would like to read more about your experience.

    • @missymoonwillow6545
      @missymoonwillow6545 14 днів тому +2

      yes they do sweet ma. Your wisdom and first hand account should carry more weight than any of the nay sayers. Too bad we don't heed wisdom and truth beyond the lies we have been fed for generations. May God and the spirits bless you and may your soul find comfort in the support you get from others who share in similar experiences.

    • @SammyLs
      @SammyLs 13 днів тому +5

      Source : trust me bro

    • @safcet184
      @safcet184 10 днів тому

      i would love to hear about this

    • @thesincitymama
      @thesincitymama 10 днів тому

      Please, make a video about this story!

  • @pfzht
    @pfzht 14 днів тому +83

    It's a good thing I just have my own experience and don't give a flying fuck whether or not the Vatican approves.

    • @bigz-0029
      @bigz-0029 14 днів тому +17

      Same I’ve seen shit that nobody would believe and that’s okay.

    • @adamweston4152
      @adamweston4152 14 днів тому +13

      ​@@bigz-0029 Me too and I have told people about what I experienced who thought that i was full of shit and that's fine with me but every now and then you talk to someone who knows and understands you and that's golden to me.

    • @blueabattoir
      @blueabattoir 14 днів тому

      Please tell us about your experiences. We need to understand.

    • @smash9545
      @smash9545 14 днів тому +1

      I would like to know you’re experience

    • @bruhman963
      @bruhman963 14 днів тому +3

      @@bigz-0029me too bruh I’ve experienced things I can’t explain, and the things I can man it’s amazing. In the dream state I’ve seen archons and reptilians and in waking life if felt spiritual beings around me via goosebumps… we are in those days

  • @Sharon-yk7xm
    @Sharon-yk7xm 14 днів тому +162

    Dont trust the church trust ur own gut feeling

    • @bubbagun3576
      @bubbagun3576 14 днів тому

      the vatican sold their soul ages ago.. they dont represent any Christian

    • @aseasonalname1421
      @aseasonalname1421 14 днів тому +11

      Don’t trust even your gut. The heart can be deceiving and so can feelings. Trust the Bible. It is Gods word!

    • @MrJimWinter
      @MrJimWinter 14 днів тому +14

      @@aseasonalname1421 Or don’t trust the Bible because that was written by people, we never met. And we don’t really know their intentions. I would say we’re looking at something well beyond the Bible, probably the thing that inspired the Bible in the first place.

    • @aseasonalname1421
      @aseasonalname1421 14 днів тому +10

      @@MrJimWinter the Bible was inspired by God. I have faith that God Can use people and I have faith in God to preserve the Bible to give us His truth. That is my choice. You have a choice not to believe.

    • @Missed_Apex_GT
      @Missed_Apex_GT 14 днів тому

      @@aseasonalname1421the bible also tells you the world is 2000 years old…the fossil records disprove that 100% and for your information the bible was written by a person as an early form of crowd control…and you’ve been brainwashed my son..facts

  • @christianfriend7133
    @christianfriend7133 14 днів тому +80

    A lot of our ancestor's stories hold more truth than we would like to believe.

  • @WWJD799
    @WWJD799 14 днів тому +11

    “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. [I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU]. And if I go and prepare a place for you, [I WILL COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE YOU TO MYSELF; THAT WHERE I AM, THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO]."
    ~ John 14:1-3
    “At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. [BUT AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLE SHALL BE DELIVERED], everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
    ~ Daniel 12:1-2
    "Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. Because you have kept My word about patient endurance, [I WILL KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL] that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown."
    ~ Revelation 3:9-11
    "After these things I looked, [AND BEHOLD, A DOOR STANDING OPEN IN HEAVEN]. And the first voice which I heard [WAS LIKE A TRUMPET] speaking with me, saying, “[COME UP HERE], and I will show you things which must take place [AFTER THIS].”
    ~ Revelation 4:1
    "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
    Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
    ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
    "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
    In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: [FOR THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND], and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."
    ~ 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
    "Your dead shall live;
    Together with my dead body they shall arise.
    Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust;
    For your dew is like the dew of herbs,
    And the earth shall cast out the dead.
    Come, my people, enter your chambers,
    And shut your doors behind you;
    Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
    Until the indignation is past.
    For behold, the LORD comes out of His place
    To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
    The earth will also disclose her blood,
    And will no more cover her slain."
    ~ Isaiah 26:19-21
    "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy [TO ESCAPE] all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
    ~ Luke 21:36
    "The days of our lives are seventy years;
    And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
    Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;
    For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
    Who knows the power of Your anger?
    For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath.
    So teach us to number our days,
    That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
    Return, O LORD!
    How long?
    And have compassion on Your servants.
    Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,
    That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!
    Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us,
    The years in which we have seen evil.
    Let Your work appear to Your servants,
    And Your glory to their children.
    And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us,
    And establish the work of our hands for us;
    Yes, establish the work of our hands."
    ~ Psalm 90:10-17
    "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
    Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing."
    ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11

  • @jbalou4722
    @jbalou4722 15 днів тому +160

    Keep your eyes on the skies, your redemption draws near 👀

  • @36MeTHoD
    @36MeTHoD 14 днів тому +31

    If I had a nickel for every time I got clickbaited by the Vatican, OH LAWD how rich I'd be!

  • @glendanielson9006
    @glendanielson9006 15 днів тому +142

    The Vatican is very interested in space and what is out there. They own the LUCIFER LENS (large binocular telescope) on Mount Graham in Arizona. It was a sacred mountain to the Indigenous Peoples here who didn't want The Vatican building it on Mount Graham. It was the equivalent of a church to them, and they fought The Vatican in court for as long as they could financially. In the end, The Vatican of course won.

    • @studio107bgallery4
      @studio107bgallery4 14 днів тому +13

      That is so sad that they would not respect the native Americans sacred mountain, well, the US government made most of their lands into national Forests and monuments. Luckily, in some states they were able to keep their sacred lands.

    • @HerMajesty1
      @HerMajesty1 14 днів тому +11

      They are looking for the Dark Star. Nemesis. Our binary twin. Also, Nibiru which is in the infrared spectrum which the human eye does not see.

    • @dbptwg
      @dbptwg 14 днів тому +5

      so sad

    • @glendanielson9006
      @glendanielson9006 14 днів тому +12

      I feel the same way. I am a Science Teacher, but in this case, I was all for the Indigenous people's rights. They have had enough taken away from them.

    • @glendanielson9006
      @glendanielson9006 14 днів тому +2

      @@dbptwg Yup! Very sad!

  • @ellielynn8219
    @ellielynn8219 15 днів тому +132

    So, you made a video about what the Vatican’s new guidelines are while the Vatican was actually addressing it, without seeing it yet, just speculating on what they might say? Okay, cool I guess….

    • @luisgabrieljrbocanegra3737
      @luisgabrieljrbocanegra3737 14 днів тому +8

      Where can I see what the Vatican actually said

    • @blueabattoir
      @blueabattoir 14 днів тому +2

      That’s completely uncool! Idiotic would be a good word.

    • @joecaves6235
      @joecaves6235 14 днів тому +2

      Do you speak Latin, Greek, or Italian? He said it was probably a spicy meat-A-ball.

    • @balgere02
      @balgere02 14 днів тому +2

      I’m glad it’s not just me that noticed this!!! What the hell are the guidelines!? I watched it twice since I thought I missed what they were the first time.

    • @Rr43473
      @Rr43473 12 днів тому

      They cover up for decades decades, why afraid about the damages, but upa are not God.

  • @ShadowFear05
    @ShadowFear05 15 днів тому +83

    They were smirking and laughing while the reporter was asking the question. Embarrassing and pathetic.
    At the conference they stated that their job is not to define these phenomena and that could happen also for other religions.

    • @chelseacraft4669
      @chelseacraft4669 14 днів тому +20

      They will stop laughing soon. Instead they will be screaming.

    • @timefree4875
      @timefree4875 14 днів тому +7

      @@chelseacraft4669This DOESNT sound very religious 😂

    • @Woeoek1482
      @Woeoek1482 14 днів тому

      Pope would be a good candidate for false prophet ..he said aliens aren't fallen beings smh they will teach us about God more than the bible

    • @Woeoek1482
      @Woeoek1482 14 днів тому +3

      After the rapture I sure the pope will still be here pointing to his friends in the ufos

    • @leotheindigomergoddess9304
      @leotheindigomergoddess9304 14 днів тому +4

      It’s crazy because they have been playing around with this CERN machine and bringing these beings in here and now they don’t want to help get rid of them 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @dan77734
    @dan77734 12 днів тому +6

    Old age, lack of sleep, alcohol and drugs are also involved! Keep everything to yourself. The so-called human powers and some societies of this world, want control of everything.

  • @dad_jokes_4ever226
    @dad_jokes_4ever226 15 днів тому +140

    Guidelines :
    1 . If you see a ghost , run like f**k.
    2. If you see a werewolf , run like f**k
    3. If you see Dracula , run like f**k
    ...... and so on and so forth ......

    • @jdmjesus6103
      @jdmjesus6103 15 днів тому +40

      If you see a priest...

    • @cletusjones9411
      @cletusjones9411 15 днів тому +12

      Run like fork?

    • @Golden_writes550
      @Golden_writes550 15 днів тому +2

      You watching something regarding the Church. Dont you have any respect?

    • @whitney9810
      @whitney9810 15 днів тому +13

      ​@Golden_writes550, when did they ever have any respect?

    • @Golden_writes550
      @Golden_writes550 15 днів тому +1

      @@whitney9810 God's Church... How old are you?

  • @elisadelaurenti2516
    @elisadelaurenti2516 14 днів тому +50

    The timing is in line with "The Agenda".

    • @1jw298
      @1jw298 14 днів тому

      The great deception possibly? The Antichrist will claim to be God once he brings “peace” to the world. Prophecy is happening.

    • @paraguard60
      @paraguard60 14 днів тому +6

      Well said! And nobody know´s there´s "The Agenda".

    • @elisadelaurenti2516
      @elisadelaurenti2516 14 днів тому +1

      @@paraguard60 Those of us who know are not allowed to tell anyone.....

    • @1jw298
      @1jw298 14 днів тому +2

      @@elisadelaurenti2516 you are correct, that’s why my comments are being deleted.

    • @elisadelaurenti2516
      @elisadelaurenti2516 14 днів тому

      @@1jw298 Mine too. Been labled.

  • @evppimp17
    @evppimp17 14 днів тому +15

    The Vatican knows a lot, and it all goes back to what we deserve to know as human beings. All you gotta do so is come out and say, hey we are not alone and let people really know. All of us who have been into the subject have always know. But tear off the bandaid and give it to us, if you cant handle it then oh well. We deserve to know.

  • @tommartin9612
    @tommartin9612 15 днів тому +74

    "Thou Shalt not Lie"

    • @mustard-ts4ii
      @mustard-ts4ii 15 днів тому +4

      this is not the time for Jojo Siwa lyrics, tom

    • @ValNanovsky
      @ValNanovsky 15 днів тому +3

      Lol, the depth these words have in this case…

    • @mrhassell
      @mrhassell 14 днів тому +1

      Thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife... I've never "coveted" anyone! Not about to start now.. wait.. hmmmm... nah..

    • @kevintmerk
      @kevintmerk 14 днів тому

      Hysterical….since all the government does is lie to us to keep control

    • @lordhuck2689
      @lordhuck2689 14 днів тому +5

      "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

  • @PhillyHardy
    @PhillyHardy 14 днів тому +13

    Everyone hold your loved ones tight, forgive everyone you still hold a grudge against, good luck in the next 2 weeks all I’ll say

    • @Heyim18bro
      @Heyim18bro 14 днів тому +5

      what about after the 2 weeks go by and nothing happens?

    • @vampired0llx
      @vampired0llx 14 днів тому +3

      hold your loved ones tight and forgive always, no matter if the end is now or in a thousand years.

    • @PhillyHardy
      @PhillyHardy 13 днів тому

      @@Heyim18bro good

    • @Heyim18bro
      @Heyim18bro 13 днів тому

      @@PhillyHardy don't know why you're acting like somethings gonna happen, kinda cringe

    • @PhillyHardy
      @PhillyHardy 13 днів тому

      @@Heyim18bro sure, cringe

  • @francinejohnson3110
    @francinejohnson3110 15 днів тому +145

    There are plenty aliens in the Vatican that we know 😂

    • @TonyTheTruthWhisperer
      @TonyTheTruthWhisperer 15 днів тому

      Have you visualised and interacted with one ?

    • @mrhassell
      @mrhassell 14 днів тому +11

      Yeah there's the main one, people call the "Pope".

    • @brianjones4026
      @brianjones4026 14 днів тому +5

      especially in that Basement, remnant of Nero,s Circus !

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому

      @@TonyTheTruthWhispereryou’d never know, reptilians blend in well.

    • @sonofhibbs4425
      @sonofhibbs4425 14 днів тому +5

      Yeah, they’re not even Catholic!

  • @cloverfield911
    @cloverfield911 5 днів тому +1

    It's about time!! To many con-artists claiming to get this message and that message!! It was out of control.

  • @judymcfarland917
    @judymcfarland917 14 днів тому +26

    Fallen Angels.

    • @dirtysaint5324
      @dirtysaint5324 14 днів тому

      Yes we are.

    • @judymcfarland917
      @judymcfarland917 14 днів тому +6

      @@dirtysaint5324 Then you must know your days will be cut short.

    • @ArmaGeddon-iu1vv
      @ArmaGeddon-iu1vv 14 днів тому +4

      Wrong religion, it is cultural appropriation to refer to a tribal religion of ancient Semites from the Near East as "your belief". Yeshua came for his tribes, the lost sheep of Israel, not for Anglo-Saxon settlers in the Americas 2000 years later. These tribes resided near the Arabian Peninsula and present-day Iraq.

    • @AnthonyPrevost
      @AnthonyPrevost 9 днів тому +1

      ​@@ArmaGeddon-iu1vv But did not Jesus also say that he his people would be spread out to the four corners of the earth? We are all Gods children as we are all descendants of Noah

  • @SACREDLOVE10565
    @SACREDLOVE10565 5 днів тому +3

    Who are they to decide about our relatiinship with GOD ?
    Who do they claim has given them authority over any of us?
    Can they prove this?
    No one, no institution, no organization interferes in my PRIVATE and SACRED connection to Our CREATOR.
    I hope Ive made myself perfectly clear.

  • @yungozXXX
    @yungozXXX 14 днів тому +6

    Why is this not hitting mainstream numbers?

  • @orindufw6262
    @orindufw6262 4 дні тому +1

    Am a Soldier, I saw something 3 weeks back when am on midnight sentry after a little rain, I Saw light moving in the clouds, shines to a bush in a distance for like 20 second and then went off, and it went away in the clouds.

  • @spiritrealminvestigations
    @spiritrealminvestigations 14 днів тому +2

    Great call having Paul Thigpen speak about this event. He’s very knowledgeable and well researched in both the religious context and even UAP’s. Thank you News Nation for all that you do! You’ve really brought the subject of UAP’s into the public eye in a big way and I personally am so thankful that you continue to cover this information!
    P.S. Excellent choice giving Ross his own show, he’s fabulous and is a spectacular investigative journalist! Thanks Ross!

  • @susiefairfield7218
    @susiefairfield7218 14 днів тому +18

    With all the money 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 the Vatican has; they could feed all the starving people of the world

    • @jenniferburkhammer837
      @jenniferburkhammer837 14 днів тому +2

      Feed and house probably!!!

    • @cindyneetocheeto3954
      @cindyneetocheeto3954 14 днів тому +2

      Then why don’t they? That’s crazy!

    • @asyal6836
      @asyal6836 14 днів тому

      @@cindyneetocheeto3954 they use money to kidnap children to buy bodys and hearts to eat them stuff like that

    • @annierobo3414
      @annierobo3414 14 днів тому +1

      Except they probably munching down on them!

    • @asggerpatton7169
      @asggerpatton7169 14 днів тому

      So you want the Vatican to be sold? What's next? Selling the Capitol Hill?

  • @randyross5630
    @randyross5630 14 днів тому +8

    I Got Abducted, Aliens Probed Mee Butt! But Now they Won't Call Me Back... Like I am Not Pretty Anymore...

  • @shaunamarie1053
    @shaunamarie1053 9 днів тому +2

    Pray the Rosary.

  • @WolfCatalyst
    @WolfCatalyst 15 днів тому +153

    Clickbaited by the Vatican 😂

    • @mrhassell
      @mrhassell 14 днів тому +7

      lol 🤣

    • @5150BODE
      @5150BODE 14 днів тому +6


    • @ILuvU74
      @ILuvU74 14 днів тому

      Yeh, as if the Vatican needs to use clickbait. It's from non believers trying to blame the Vatican for withholding evidence about a ufo vehicle. People these days seem to believe more in ufo than what happened around 2000 years ago. Sad world

    • @oghash4912
      @oghash4912 14 днів тому +5

      Haha jokes on you, I just got five rosaries for the price of three

    • @mikee2482
      @mikee2482 14 днів тому +3

      Not by the Vatican. News Nation.

  • @apollo24zz
    @apollo24zz 15 днів тому +22

    It’s All Within Consciousness, We All Got Our Own Experience but We Can’t Never Share that Experience. All Within Spirituality.

    • @apollo24zz
      @apollo24zz 14 днів тому +5

      We’re All Part of a Galactic Consciousness that is hidden within Our World.

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому +5

      All is one as one is all, god is all as all is god. The universe is all as all is the universe. It’s all an illusion

    • @EllieMaes-Grandad
      @EllieMaes-Grandad 14 днів тому +3

      Religion - for those who have to fear hell ~ Spirituality - for those who've been there.

    • @bruhman963
      @bruhman963 14 днів тому

      @@mw9297everything is mental

    • @bruhman963
      @bruhman963 14 днів тому

      @@apollo24zzas the universe so the soul, correspondence

  • @Voicenreason247
    @Voicenreason247 15 днів тому +32

    They use us as avatars

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому +5

      It’s all an illusion. 🛸👽👁👹containers.

    • @randymarsh1235
      @randymarsh1235 14 днів тому +1

      If you let them, and they sure do.

    • @magician_aleks2726
      @magician_aleks2726 14 днів тому

      🤦‍♂️ no we ain't. I guess, for our own souls but not everything is out to get u😂​@@mw9297

    • @bruhman963
      @bruhman963 14 днів тому +3

      Yep the body is a vehicle for the soul/mind and spirit.

    • @fuzzyspackage
      @fuzzyspackage 14 днів тому +3

      First wave, nostradamus.

  • @JSears-io3rd
    @JSears-io3rd 4 дні тому

    This is from our catechism....
    Faith is a supernatural gift from God. In order to believe, man needs the interior helps of the Holy Spirit. - We Believe, CCC 179

  • @TheHannibalTV
    @TheHannibalTV 4 дні тому +1

    Thanks for the update

  • @zeedapezant
    @zeedapezant 14 днів тому +8

    Why did the Catholic Church invest in the most expensive telescope in the world on top of Mount Graham, Even better than anything NASA has

    • @raymondcaudillo3971
      @raymondcaudillo3971 14 днів тому +4

      It's said that the highs of the mountains. The tops. We're portals back in those days. That's why it's up there

    • @zeedapezant
      @zeedapezant 14 днів тому +2

      @@raymondcaudillo3971 yes correct, the native Americans believed it to be a portal

    • @michellegray8982
      @michellegray8982 13 днів тому +2

      And call it lucifer!!
      Even when they tell the masses who they truly are and who they worship, they refuse to believe it still.
      This is why the path is narrow ❤

    • @zeedapezant
      @zeedapezant 13 днів тому +2

      @@michellegray8982 L.U.C.I.F.E.R(Large binocular telescope near-infrared spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field unit for Extragalactic Research) - I guess they caught on in 2012 and named it just Luci 😂

  • @mynameis5427
    @mynameis5427 14 днів тому +12

    ET is here, and it has been here for a very long time.

    • @bornstellarnova1991
      @bornstellarnova1991 14 днів тому +2

      That's inaccurate. There may be other forms of life outside of our planet, sure. Though, what humanity has experienced in the past and the present, has almost certainly, always been here. If something else has come from somewhere else in the cosmos, it's likely it isn't extraterrestrials but rather "trans-dimensional". We observe this when sightings are reported. Distortions, light-bending phenomena, unusual lights in surrounding areas, etc.

    • @mynameis5427
      @mynameis5427 14 днів тому +2

      @@bornstellarnova1991 At this point that is semantics. You would be describing the means which they would use to navigate the cosmos and interact with us here on Earth. There are a whole host of people who want to claim they are angels or demons, and I would say those people are deluded. These are non-human regardless. More importantly they are intelligent. That is all that I am interested in. I could care less where they come from. That being said, they must have an abode of some sort. That abode is likely not Earth. Therefore I would define that as extraterrestrial in nature - transdimensional or not. Even if they did exist in additional spatial dimensions, again, they would have to have an abode, and going from one end of the universe to the other may be a trivial matter to them. Either way, I am just glad that people are wising up to the fact that we are not alone.

    • @annierobo3414
      @annierobo3414 14 днів тому

      Here and out there➡️🌌

    • @WookiRahh
      @WookiRahh 12 днів тому +1

      @@bornstellarnova1991 you literally have no clue what your on about nor would you know if their was other species here.... dont lie about it though

  • @ra1111
    @ra1111 13 днів тому +2

    Guy believes in aliens: schizo.
    Guy believes in invisible God:👍

  • @parasitepurger
    @parasitepurger 14 днів тому +2


    @UFOSAREHERE-YES 14 днів тому +5

    babe wake up... the Vatican posted 😊

  • @Fearl3ss234
    @Fearl3ss234 14 днів тому +3

    Anyone have the link to the actual release?

  • @roselynn816
    @roselynn816 14 днів тому +15

    Jesus Christ is King! The deception is growing, and evil is rampant. Jesus is coming back soon!

  • @MrDBcooper77
    @MrDBcooper77 15 днів тому +15

    Two different phenomenon...possibly tied because dimensions are crossed by one or the other...they cross paths during certain events.

    • @bretthess6376
      @bretthess6376 14 днів тому +5

      I strongly believe something like that is happening.

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому

      Everything is interdimensional, this world it’s what it seems. It’s but a dream, It’s all an illusion. 🛸👽👁👹

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому

      Don’t stop worshiping the aliens tho, they were right about some stuff, believe in them

    • @user-cz3ny2po8b
      @user-cz3ny2po8b 5 днів тому +2

      After being after being dead twice I don't believe anything written by man God bless

  • @maxmileski1248
    @maxmileski1248 14 днів тому +4

    They have the wrong guest. Should be Dr. Diana Pasulka.
    Pasaulka, in particular, is the pre-eminent voice who has unexpectedly followed a trail marrying these two matters together in ways she was not anticipating.
    She is a sound, pragmatic voice who is deeply entrenched in these matters who speaks succinctly, with objective clarity and profound academic prowess.

  • @george1521
    @george1521 14 днів тому +8

    I wonder if the vatican knows something... two witnesses here? Or anti christ here?

    • @Gpscompass
      @Gpscompass 14 днів тому

      Yes they know the 2 witnesses are here! I know it’s true
      However lot’s of false prophets not teaching my Father Almighty’s truths ! It’s only been 3,000 year’s since Adam and Have (Eve) only 1,000 years since Yeshua died at 110 on the cross ! Read book of Joshua, son of my died!
      Vatican also knows we are not supposed to eat olive oil, grapes or wine and we’re commanded not to eat animals! Adam-Noah Abraham, Yeshua all did not eat any animals! Including dairy from animals, nor honey!
      Worlds been lied and taken to hell on the earthly journey with their lies! They lied also who Mother Mary is! 😡🕸🐍

    • @Gpscompass
      @Gpscompass 14 днів тому

      Yes they know. I know it’s to be fact the 2 witnesses are here. Vatican lied for 1,000 years!
      It’s only been 3,000 years since Adam was created, only been 1,000 years since Yeshua died at 110 year’s old! Read book of Joshua aka Jesus! Joshua Son of nun died at 110! They also lied who his mother is… lied about everything!
      Lied Yeshua, Adam-Jacob & Esau ate animals! All lie’s! Vatican knows we are not to eat olive oil (Tree of Olives/Dove and olive branch) Forbidden fruit is the olive tree and grape vine!
      They know we are commanded not to eat any blood( zero animals) that means sea creatures, land animals, insects, bee’s honey, milk from animals.Zero animals because all living creatures and man have blood! We are commanded not to murder anyone even in wars!
      Vatican has taken peoples souls through hell while living on earth because of disobedience!

  • @user-od3uc7st6j
    @user-od3uc7st6j 13 днів тому +2

    To be saved, you must believe that all your sins have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus. There is no other way. Accept Jesus as your savior ❤❤❤

  • @user-ms7sj3ur1u
    @user-ms7sj3ur1u 14 днів тому +6

    Now only if they can implement and follow rules of no f’ing kids then we can all move forward

  • @krishead2410
    @krishead2410 14 днів тому +3

    This is in response of Chris bledsoe seeing the Marian apparition and being able to summon orbs with healing qualities.

  • @soton5teve
    @soton5teve 15 днів тому +18

    only fools and horses, the miracle of peckham

    • @jessicapayne8622
      @jessicapayne8622 14 днів тому +2

      Holy Peckham spring water?

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому

      Only energy, vibration and frequencies, it’s all an illusion.

  • @cliffordwuerch1884
    @cliffordwuerch1884 15 днів тому +21

    Cover up it is, thank you News Nation for covering the topic!

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому

      Their problem is they dont know scriptures. Satan is the god of this world. Demons are real. Satan deceives people to believe lies. The Catholic church is anti Christ ; hence the false apparitions of Mary etc.
      Angels are ministering spirits to believers only. They often protect believers when in danger. Psalm 91. They can take on human form as have often been reported by missionaries.
      As for UFOs there is no biblical support for life on on other planets. Probably most of them are spy missions/ satellites etc. They are NOT from other planets.

  • @theidiotphilosopher
    @theidiotphilosopher 14 днів тому +7

    Aliens means we are just another species of animal on a habitat planet. Hopefully we find out soon that we are not he top of the universe

    • @bretthess6376
      @bretthess6376 14 днів тому +1

      Hopefully we do not.There's a lot of bad actors out there.

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому +3

      I already know we’re not at the top. No where near it. Not even these beings around us. They’re scared of something, just like we’re scared of them.

  • @user-ir1pw4sf3v
    @user-ir1pw4sf3v 15 днів тому +4


  • @yumuripol6236
    @yumuripol6236 14 днів тому +2

    NewsNation should read the document

  • @user-jb2ho3gz8q
    @user-jb2ho3gz8q 15 днів тому +8

    Bob Lazar remembered a person named Thigpen..

    • @vanessawaddle1963
      @vanessawaddle1963 14 днів тому +4


    • @VitaminStudios
      @VitaminStudios 14 днів тому +3

      Mike Thigpen! He was the one that did the work of performing Bob's background check back in the 80s. Which btw Bob was ghosted by his bosses BEFORE he background check was completed and he would then be read in on more detailed parts of this reverse engineering program. For example all the other sub programs known as "sidekick" "looking glass" and a few others

  • @ShizuruNakatsu
    @ShizuruNakatsu 14 днів тому +3

    I don't have to prove the existence of _anything_ to anybody. What I will not have, however, is people questioning my character or telling me I'm someone/something I'm not. Whether or not you believe in something doesn't matter to me, but you can't call me a liar when you don't know me. And you can't call me crazy just because I've experienced something you haven't, and know something you don't.

    • @Heyim18bro
      @Heyim18bro 14 днів тому

      ok you liar

    • @ShizuruNakatsu
      @ShizuruNakatsu 14 днів тому

      @Heyim18bro I'm assuming you're joking, but one thing about me actually, is that I can't say something that isn't true. Not knowingly at least. I can't say anything unless I fully mean the words I'm saying.

    • @Heyim18bro
      @Heyim18bro 14 днів тому

      @@ShizuruNakatsu that's exactly what a liar would say

  • @JessJP522
    @JessJP522 14 днів тому

    Where's the conference? Its private?

  • @north6star
    @north6star 14 днів тому +2

    Makes alot of sense when you realize the Vatican has been involved in this subject since the 30s through intelligence. “Don’t stop coming to church when the info comes out” type beat.

  • @GD-tn3ez
    @GD-tn3ez 14 днів тому +6

    Vatican: we looove them kids!

    • @longfellow5276
      @longfellow5276 14 днів тому +4

      Yes. Its always been a problem.

    • @GD-tn3ez
      @GD-tn3ez 14 днів тому

      @@longfellow5276 gets covered up just like the Epstein client list.

    • @byronumphress3805
      @byronumphress3805 14 днів тому +1


    • @GD-tn3ez
      @GD-tn3ez 14 днів тому +2

      @@byronumphress3805 so you’re saying they like children AND goats?! 🤯

    • @WookiRahh
      @WookiRahh 12 днів тому

      @@byronumphress3805 clueless person

  • @lyrastrseed3343
    @lyrastrseed3343 11 днів тому +1

    BUCKLE UP PEOPLE! Look alive, things are only going to keep getting weirder

  • @Mr.SethSquatch
    @Mr.SethSquatch 2 дні тому

    I trust in God, faith over fear!

  • @susanohnhaus611
    @susanohnhaus611 15 днів тому +3

    I thought this was an SNL skit

  • @dorfsteen
    @dorfsteen 15 днів тому +7

    Here we go with more Fear Factor everybody piss your panties🤔😂

  • @charlieketchem266
    @charlieketchem266 11 днів тому +1

    Whoever said clickbaited by the vatican is epic. 😂 On point 💯 %

  • @tets4316
    @tets4316 14 днів тому

    Thanks NewsNation knew all this would come about & more to come, I have been recording UFOs for 8 years now 🎥🛸

  • @cbrogers4614
    @cbrogers4614 13 днів тому +3

    Narrative Control?

  • @paulsawczyc5019
    @paulsawczyc5019 14 днів тому +3

    Farm animals are kept in the dark - as to what their fate is.

  • @kt11540
    @kt11540 3 дні тому +1

    We already know that scientists are messing with the veil/restrainer ... They getting ready to open that bottomless pit..

  • @GamersPlus-
    @GamersPlus- 9 днів тому

    we are already among you

  • @RaduP3
    @RaduP3 12 днів тому +3

    Project BlueBeam on schedule

  • @judymcfarland917
    @judymcfarland917 14 днів тому +9

    Alien Are Demons from another dimension.

    • @BrightAura777
      @BrightAura777 11 днів тому +2

      No they’re not they are just a different race they have a physical body where as demons don’t have a physical body hence possession. But both can be from different dimensions

  • @cynthiajones4332
    @cynthiajones4332 11 днів тому

    Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears:( Acts 20:30,31

  • @stainedglass8401
    @stainedglass8401 14 днів тому +1

    I think they can project all kinds of things. I will never forget they are saying they have guidelines to witnessing the thought..

  • @shirleyhooper1560
    @shirleyhooper1560 13 днів тому +3

    Project Blue Beam

  • @TheEccentricSquare
    @TheEccentricSquare 14 днів тому +4

    Skeptic: “the Vatican are a bunch of grifters! Shameful!”

  • @michaeljones3774
    @michaeljones3774 14 днів тому +2

    Why do the Vatican think they are chosen? I bet the American native Indian culture & history has more logic and truth.

  • @soupful
    @soupful 12 днів тому +1

    Most do cover regardless of ours, theirs excetra they are here.

  • @rendarcrow
    @rendarcrow 14 днів тому +4

    1933, 13 years after the discovery of the befield brown effect discovered in 1920.
    "Antigravity" through asymmetrical capacitors (electrostatic push).

  • @d_shuffles
    @d_shuffles 14 днів тому +3

    Angels are literally non human intelligence.

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому +2

      They are ministering spirits to God's chosen people. They do God's bidding, and can take on human form. Psalm 91

    • @user-sf3dw2sm3b
      @user-sf3dw2sm3b 14 днів тому +1

      Anytime you mix animal parts with the human body it’s mythology. It’s the human imagination in the simplest form

    • @d_shuffles
      @d_shuffles 14 днів тому

      @@user-sf3dw2sm3b Are you talking about the artistic impressions of people with wings? The bible has a different interruption, like spinning wheels with eyes.

  • @HavenHouseBenetictineGlynBarbB

    Considering this document, is this not the equivalent of bride church turning her back and declaring “we refuse to acknowledge God”…. BRIDE CHURCH! Denying the bridegroom and his messengers?!!!!!!

  • @cspicer4611
    @cspicer4611 14 днів тому +1

    I love this news channel.

    • @dirtysaint5324
      @dirtysaint5324 14 днів тому

      *entertainment channel

    • @Ayla_Evanscence
      @Ayla_Evanscence 14 днів тому

      @@dirtysaint5324If you’re scared of ET life just say that 😂 this is happening

  • @Gerlingsbulldogges
    @Gerlingsbulldogges 15 днів тому +8

    Crypto humans here on Earth not my words😂😂🎉❤🎉

    • @user-br5ps
      @user-br5ps 15 днів тому +1

      Where are the Bitcoin babes?!

    • @Gerlingsbulldogges
      @Gerlingsbulldogges 14 днів тому

      @user-br5ps I was afraid no one would get it 😂 🤣💀 🎉❤️🎉

    • @iLLEly0n
      @iLLEly0n 14 днів тому +1

      Some of them crypto kids can definitely afford a space ship lol

  • @jenikajones6743
    @jenikajones6743 15 днів тому +8

    Blue beam is good at making apparitions 🙄

  • @katalackatt76
    @katalackatt76 9 днів тому

    I want to hear more!! You guys cut this interview way too short.

  • @dtaylor4952
    @dtaylor4952 14 днів тому +1

    A youtuber JUST did a post about this. The conference and May 18th being 40 days after the eclipse

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому

      The spirit of the anti Christ is heavily at work ! We are living in the end times ! Matthew 24 & 25, II Peter 2 & 3

  • @WhereOceansMeeet
    @WhereOceansMeeet 15 днів тому +8

    As an atheist, I don't give a damn what the Vatican thinks.

    • @captretired159
      @captretired159 15 днів тому +11

      And as a Christian, I'll pray for you.

    • @alexpater2892
      @alexpater2892 15 днів тому +5

      It's still news..n then, we dont give a damn if you don't give a damn, why did you click on this video? 😂😂😂😂

    • @lessmorley2091
      @lessmorley2091 15 днів тому +7

      You seem to have thrown the baby out with the bath water.put your faith in Christ-not religion...

    • @user-br5ps
      @user-br5ps 15 днів тому +5

      You must be so pleasant 😊

    • @Dasistrite
      @Dasistrite 14 днів тому +2

      As an ethnocentric native north-european pagan, i dont give a damn what you think..

    @UFOSAREHERE-YES 14 днів тому +5

    god is cosmic all loving no religion

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому +1

      Thats not the God of the Bible. You dont need religion ; you need a Savior from your sin. John 3 : 16-21

      @UFOSAREHERE-YES 14 днів тому +1

      @@wqv5423ln no God is all loving he knows me

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому +1

      @@UFOSAREHERE-YES yes, He knows you, but unless your born again you're eternally lost, because you have no covering for your sin. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Unless we repent and believe on Him, we will not see the kingdom of heaven. John 3 : 16-21

  • @user-jn9cb7qs5y
    @user-jn9cb7qs5y 14 днів тому +1

    Since the light prepping for the future coincidental event, does that mean we should expect miracles and aliens to start happening more frequently now?

  • @Brs462
    @Brs462 40 хвилин тому

    Yippy !!!!!!😊

  • @markthegamedriver
    @markthegamedriver 15 днів тому +15

    To explain away the rapture. We got ya already

    • @chryssesandchaos
      @chryssesandchaos 15 днів тому +1

      Could you elaborate what exactly is the rapture? I've been hearing and reading about it, but still could not totally understand what it is, it's not in the bible as far as I'm aware, if it is, please share the book, chapter and verse. Thanks.

    • @logic.and.reasoning
      @logic.and.reasoning 15 днів тому +3

      No magical skywards exist. Extraterrestrial life might

    • @TheBadBunny87
      @TheBadBunny87 15 днів тому +6

      The rapture isn't the end, it's the mark of a new beginning.

    • @hollyhock3945
      @hollyhock3945 15 днів тому +3

      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 is one, but there are others througout the New Testament. Matthew 24:40 is a parable (a "picture" story to teach a truth that Jesus often used) talking about it too. Some people get hung up on the actual word "rapture" not being in the Bible. We have to remember that words can have nuiances in other languages that don't find an exact English word. Rapture in essence means to be carried away, which the Bible does speak about.

    • @harper_anne2089
      @harper_anne2089 14 днів тому +2

      We weren't abducted, we were caught up(raptured).

  • @MrDBcooper77
    @MrDBcooper77 15 днів тому +9

    Thou shall not treat women equal...and thou act like nothing is wrong at all..thou shall collect money unnecessarily and not protect the children of God....did I miss anything?

    • @Dasistrite
      @Dasistrite 14 днів тому

      Yes, women are more important than men and need to be protected and shielded from the evils of this world so they can raise the next generation in peace and according to the laws of nature.

    • @1jw298
      @1jw298 14 днів тому +1

      The G in God should be capitalized. The little g would be the gods “fallen angels “ of this world.

    • @MrDBcooper77
      @MrDBcooper77 14 днів тому

      @@1jw298 Thank you brother..😉

  • @charlieketchem266
    @charlieketchem266 11 днів тому +1

    The vatican a hoard of treasures stolen from those who will never see justice for the crimees that were committed against them, and the victims through history still cry out for justice. Meanwhile people spread the amazing news of the vatican and how godly they are. Its a sickoffense to the true nature of God.

  • @enough_is_enough5131
    @enough_is_enough5131 7 днів тому

    Why are you talking over the very press conference you are supposedly reporting on???!!

  • @raptorman48
    @raptorman48 14 днів тому +3

    Demons and Angels snd extraterrestrials are not the same things they are separate phenomenons!

    • @iLLEly0n
      @iLLEly0n 14 днів тому

      What people see as or think as Angels/demons/gods are really just extra terrestrials… it’s not the other way around

    • @mw9297
      @mw9297 14 днів тому

      No they are not. Just like there’s no magic white sky man in the clouds, the infinite universe is god and will be forever, the gods you believe in are lying aliens.

    • @natsukashiiconcorazon
      @natsukashiiconcorazon 14 днів тому

      Not necessarily. Anything unknown and outside of earth that either inhabits other planets or is from another dimension or realm is extraterrestrial, right?
      Well... that is the definition of demons and angels.
      The predictive programming of television has been priming us for this for a long time. Awaken, and do not be deceived.
      The demons want you to believe that they are aliens as we have come to think about them as a collective. Like the "little green men." But they do not have any good intentions for us.

    • @user-sf3dw2sm3b
      @user-sf3dw2sm3b 14 днів тому

      Cosmic aliens most likely exist but demons and angels are BS. Anytime you mix animal parts with human body it’s mythology. It’s from the human imagination. They didn’t have a lot to go on so they mixed birds with the human body

  • @HarHah
    @HarHah 15 днів тому +11

    The aliens are Baptist

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому

      There are no aliens. Baptists are Bible believing people.

    • @garybrinker4522
      @garybrinker4522 14 днів тому

      No,they're Amish,,and are here for more compost 🍎

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln 14 днів тому +2

      @@garybrinker4522 II Peter 3 : 3

    • @byronumphress3805
      @byronumphress3805 14 днів тому +1

      JOHN 3:3-5;), SHALOM

  • @andrewjohnson4021
    @andrewjohnson4021 9 днів тому

    Look at all the pain and suffering that happens in this place it's absolutely some sort of a submersible Soul washing program.