《江雪》 唐 柳宗元 "Solitary Fishing in Snow: Liu Zongyuan's Winter Musings"

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • 《江雪》--这首唐代柳宗元的经典之作,通过绘声绘色的描写,传递出诗人面对苍茫雪景时的孤独与坚韧。本系列图片试图捕捉那份寒冷江面上的静谧与孤独,重现诗中“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪”的意境。通过每一帧的细节,让我们随着诗人的笔触,走进那片被大雪覆盖的江景,感受那份超脱尘世的宁静与冷峻。
    "Jiang Xue" - this classical poem by Tang Dynasty's Li Zongyuan vividly conveys the poet's solitude and resilience amidst the vast snowy landscape. This series of images seeks to capture the tranquility and isolation of a lone fisherman on a frozen river, echoing the poem's imagery of “a lone boat, a straw-hatted man, fishing alone in the cold river snow.” Through the details in each frame, we journey with the poet’s strokes into the snow-covered river scene, experiencing the serene and stark detachment from the mundane world.
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