True Story: I was on an 8 ft. ladder hanging cables, Silva came up, not even extending his arm all the way he gingerly helped hang the wires. Kurgan walked by and says "F-ing giant." And we had a good laugh.
You forgot about "The Revolting Blob". He actually sat on a guy's head and killed him. Now his opponent was supposed to pinch his leg if he needed air so there was a miscommunication somehow. The last I heard is he became a elementary school Principal
@@sonnyfox8407 I believe it was a local indy promotion. They used to run shows in Knibb High school gym. I did hear he is trying to make a comeback in AEW
This is totally possible if a state dissolves or borders shift. I mean, wouldn’t it be “born in Yugoslavia” formerly and now born in Croatia? Or to be more of a pedant, both would be correct - same as someone being born in Memphis, Tennessee, and the United States since it was more of a federated union of preexisting states. EDIT: He wouldn’t have even been born when Yugoslavia was a thing, I guess it’d have either been the Austro-Hungarian empire or the ‘Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes’ back then. So he was formerly born in Yugoslavia which was formerly the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes which was formerly the Austro-Hungarian Empire - but more or less always Croatia at the time, probably. Dude lived a traumatic life before emigrating, you can tell from all the name changes alone.
@@fuzzydunlop7928 what OP means is ; Brian's wording is incorrect. He can't have been formally been anywhere. He will always have been born there. However what Zane should've said "Born in the former Croatia now known as the CR." Also why did Brain decline to speak Ill of Andre the Giant because he's dead but did of Giant Haystacks? Saying he stank? Big Daddy is legitimately more of a household name in the UK than Andre.
@@meirnissim5927 I really would not want to be the guy trying to sell King Mabel to Philly. Philadelpia's testy at the best of times about wrestling--when Vince gets a bad idea, and he pulls it there, it never ends well.
As a witness, admitting in court that you have any sort of pre-existing bias against a defendant makes it easy for the defense to make a convincing case that your testimony could be unreliable. Subsequently, this can and likely will get anything you say thrown out as valid evidence and rendered unusable. So yes, being honest in court when you're called on as a witness can be a stupid move.
Giant Haystacks is a legend, and one of the greatest big men ever. His elbow drop and splash were fantastic. I think it's harsh to judge him by his time in WCW, due to him having undiagnosed and terminal cancer which clearly didn't help his performances.
It may indeed be harsh, but answer me this: How much footage survives of his exploits in Britain? In other words, how much evidence is there of how good he was?
@@dannybaker2763 not to mention his manageress Princess Paula Valdez. It's a scandal how she got left off that Fighting Finlays documentary and most only career histories.
As a side note, in kayfabe, Nailz was absolutely right about Bossman being irredeemably evil. Never has a character ever been more vindicated in hindsight.
@@wtharmon5050 spoiler alert! I'm not there yet! Lol. I stopped watching wrestling between 99 and 2019 and I'm rewatching old wwe week by week starting in 99. I'm pretty sure I'm about to get to that part.
@@wtharmon5050 "With deepest regrets, and tears that are soaked, I'm sorry to hear you're dad finally croaked He lived a full life on his own terms Soon he'll be dead, and eaten by worms But if I had a song, as stupid as you I'd wish for cancer so I could die too So be brave, and be strong, and get your life on track, CAUSE THE OLD BASTARD'S DEAD AND HE AIN'T NEVER COMING BACK! And that's what I think of the Big Show's fake daddy dyin'!" *raises arms in triumph, theme song plays*
Sid being an honorable mention on this list is ridiculous. He gets bashed so much nowadays that he’s actually become one of the most underrated wrestlers. The guy had one of the best looks in wrestling history, and he was intense as hell. He had a larger than life quality to him. People put way too much stock into his two infamous promo botches. He was a very good promo guy overall. His promos were intense and intimidating. He actually seemed insane.
Its stupid, I agree. Whoever decides the inductees is literally pulling names out of a hat. ..."Let's see who's going in this year....Drew Carey, he's a great choice, let's put him in" I don't even pay attention to the WWE HOF because it's stupid the people that get in. It's a joke
Fun Fact: Eli Cottonwood was Bray Wyatt's first follower after NXT season 2 (and Husky Harris' New Nexus run) when both were send back to FCW, but he was cut and replaced with Harper and Rowan before FCW was even rebranded to the NXT of today
'Chippies'. That's such a fun word. I haven't heard it in ages, chippies appear to be slowly dying out here in England. You still get the big national chain chippies but the mum & dad ones? Nah they're all gone, dude. Such a shame. I blame all the health and safety/food hygeine laws, plus minimum wage etc. I understand these things are supposed to be there for our benefit on the whole, but they certainly don't help upstart businesses when they're fighting off competition from nationals and internationals.
I would actually say the exact opposite of Andre. The fact that he was able to get back in the ring for that final 3 year run, even though he was very physically limited, is beyond amazing. The man was suffering from more pain than most humans will ever experience. His balance was bad, and he was depressed. Andre knew he was on borrowed time, and just wanted to keep doing the one thing he loved. And I think it's absolutely amazing that he was able to get out there and still do anything at all with a broken, pain filled, giant body like his.
There's truth here, but the reality is that he was in that ring far beyond when he should've been. That could be heart or stubbornness. Hard to tell. It was very cringe to see him "wrestle" in those last 3 years. Moreso his Japan matches. It was so very clear he was barely able to walk, let alone wrestle.
@@treyvincent1759 that is your opinion. I for one think an athlete can make that decision for themselves, and I doubt he cared one iota whether YOU found it cringy.
Nailz was legitimately scary. For that he deserves some credit. Also, I always liked Sid. I even saw him eating at a seafood restaurant in Florida with his parents, who were both tall themselves, and when I reluctantly went up to him to say hi he was cool and gave me a classic fist bump and a few words. And looking back on it, him messing up his promos kind of fits the whole 'Sycho' role.
@@Noobsaibot21 I was surprised Jones wasn’t on the list, but then again he didn’t work many televised matches in WWE and despite being hot garbage in the ring he was still far more athletic than anyone mentioned here.
I remember as a kid Nailz jumping the Big Boss Man, handcuffing him to the ropes he and beating him with the nightstick and thought it was real! Especially when in the WWF Magazine they had pictures of Big Boss Man and he had loads of big bruises all over his body and face. I always remember him sat down with his leg out pointing at his huge swollen and bruised knee in one picture and reading the article that came with it. It was the most traumatic thing I saw in WWF (TV & magazine) and it happened months after in autistic brother who was 12yrs old got beat up by two 18yr old men and one had a cricket bat (I’m English) while my brother and I were waiting for the school bus (I was 7 at the time). My brother was in hospital for a week afterwards they beat him so badly (both got sent to prison can’t remember how long for) and the whole experience traumatised me so much watching it happen I couldn’t go to the hospital to visit him. When my brother came home his body and face was still covered in bruises and seeing Boss Man beaten with a nightstick & the magazine article just brought up bad memories for me and that’s why I still remember that storyline till today
Giant Haystacks in his prime in the UK was an amazing heel. Sadly, his health and age was against him when he made his way to the USA. Bit unfair to have him on the list but I get why he was there.
Mike Awesome at #1! Seriously, how Vince Russo booked him over in dubyaceedubya was criminal. Think about it, Mike Awesome could have looked great with the Big Gold Belt on his waist. And even though WCW was going to burn out, having him as top guy may have bought them a little more time.
That clip made me laugh pretty hard in all honesty, the moment of silence from the guy speaking being ruined by an airhorn right as that thing hit Mable in the head was golden comedic timing.
Y’all in the replies, we know Viscera and Mabel are the same person, now shut up about it and move on. There’s better things to do with your time than correct people when they don’t need correcting.
I always heard that Khali's chop looked like it hardly touched them, but always hurt like hell. Could just be people trying to keep kayfabe alive, but have you seen the size of his hands? I fully believe getting swatted by that thing would mess you up.
Agree, being a kid into Hulkamania back then he Generation more Heat from me than any other geel ever mangaged. I cut my brothers Wrestling collectors cards of him. My parents didnt understand because it made him cry, but i knew i did the right thing , he was evil. :-D
I don't mean this to sound mean, but it's a good thing TV was not hi-def back in his day. I saw him twice at house shows in the early 80's, and could not get over the huge skin tags he had all over his body. It also looked like he had a hemorrhoid that hung about Six inches out his trunks. Again, not tying to be disrespectful. Anybody else notice this or just me?
Shame about Haystacks tbh, WCW bought him when he was way past it and he had already retired from wrestling in 1996. Apparently they were interested in him before that and he wrestled a tryout match against William Regal in 1991 during a UK tour as Regal had already worked with him a bunch of times. They liked Regal but didn't go with Haystacks until it was too late and he could barely move due to recurring knee problems and illness from cancer. Was an absolute mountain back in his day at 6'11, I used to be terrified of him when I was 5 and first went to local wrestling. He was a very talented big man in British wrestling but by the late 80's he'd lost much of his mobility because of recurring knee injuries and weight gain. Most of his matches in the UK by the 90's consisted of smaller guys bouncing off him while he mostly stood there immobile.
@@bennygilbert8764 You know, you could be right. I heard the Bill Demott story multiple times, but now that I'm looking I can't find a source to verify it. That said, Khali was quite amazing in his youth.
I met The Great Khali at an Indy show he’s a really cool guy even though he doesn’t speak much English it was still really cool I even shook his hand it was the size of a baseball mit and I even got his autograph
I will say, he tips like shit for a guy that lives here lol. He was my old coworkers table when I worked at Cheesecake Factory, left like $10 on a $170 tab. He apparently has a liquor store or something in Houston
His love machine angle with Trish was ratings gold and Big Daddy V was probably his best serious run, you don't mix it up with guys like undertaker repeatedly by being nothing.
i do not know much about him as i stopped really watching wrestling at some point in the late 80s and have just been watching things lately out of nostalgia, so i have no idea what people really thought of him at the time. but every time i see some clip of him all i can think is his outfits are awful, i do not think wearing those huge baggy hammer pants looking things in clown colors were helping to make him seem cool.
@@newwavepop Mable is pretty much universally panned, its was never really a gimmick problem as far as I could tell, all his gimmicks were pretty acceptable Mid card stuff (though the outfits are pretty bad, the look like fat saints row characters with all that purple and gold lol). The rejection from the fans was more do to his underwhelming & sloppy work in the ring, combined with his habit of legit injuring opponents; especially since the opponents he ended up hurting were way more popular than he was, like Undertaker. Though I dont know how much of that reaction was there at the time, thats just sorta the modern concensus
Ah yes. Giant Haystacks. Nice to see him finally getting his due for his never-ending feud with Big Daddy in the late 70s and through the entirety of the early to mid 80s. Widely regarded as the largest man in British and European wrestling. He couldn't do much in the ring besides basic strikes and holds, but many wrestling fans of that era that I talked to said he had a powerful presence that was second to none. And that falling back elbow drop was a thing of destructive beauty. I'm just saying that if WCW didn't wait until 1995 to hire him and they purchased him as his star was fading in the UK around the mid to late 80s, he could've been at the very least a devastating midcard presence. He's no Vader, but he'd still be capable of putting on a destructive performance. Sadly, WCW scooped him up when his best days were behind him.
Big Daddy had the sense to book himself into tag matches as he declined. WCW might have got some value from Haystacks if they'd kept him in tag contests with a quicker partner.
Loch Ness shouldn’t be on this list. Haystacks for his size was an amazing athlete and presence. At 50 no guy is going be great flair maybe had sone gas left but that’s it. He was also very sick so he gets a pass
You have a point there. If Loch Ness was a member of the DoD, you could've had him partner with Hugh Morus as the stable's big tag guys. That would've still been better than what we got and would've hidden the fact that Haystacks was a man in the twilight of both his career and life.
Yeah the inclusion of elderly Haystacks and Andre seems a tad unfair. It'd be like judging the NJPW Dads on their current roles, they were both just getting old and had less prominent roles, nothing wrong with that.
Oddly enough when you look at Andre’s in ring ability his peak was years before he was at his most popular. When I eventually saw his matches from AWA & Japan I was impressed how well he could move.
i think it was jake the snake on the joe rogan podcast said that when he (Andre) was younger he could do backflips off the top rope and land on his feet..
I honestly really loved Sid, even his match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 13. I thought the slow pace of it was fine, and the spot where Sid did the Tombstone on Taker was pretty cool too, especially when he did the same pin too.
What's amazing is by deep contrast you see that Kane was able to do a text book drop kick when you were showing Mabel/ Viscera. I think Kane should be in of best of the big men video when you make it.
@@Baastilein31 To be fair, Nash usually managed to move attention away from his basic move set, Jacknife PB aside. Tagging with others, being good promo-wise , or having some of his best feuds with much more technical guys like Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels. Hell those two could get a good match out of anyone.
@@KingKhanate1997 yeah, I really think Nash is actually a bit underrated. Did he have tons of great matches? No. But you really have to look at his fellow peers of his size. He had charisma, didn't kill anyone, and his limited moveset looked convincing. When most of his competition can barely stand correctly in the ring or their worked punches hurt like hell, suddenly you look a lot better
13:53 Sid is undoubtedly one of the greatest big men ever. There are very few people that get the sort of reaction that he got, face or heel. The hilariously bad promos just added to his aura. Also remember that this was the only guy to retain any degree of professionalism during the Shockmaster debacle. Flair, Sting, etc. absolutely fell apart. Sid--no way, he had a job to do. An absolute legend. I'm glad he didn't make it onto the list, but he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the debate about the worst big men in the business. Great video, though!
I think his natural aura is stronger than just about anyone. Like a 15 out of 10 where the rest of his skills are 2 and 3. Even now his look is striking.
i was a little surprised myself, i always liked Sid. he looked amazing and his intensity seemed real and i have seen a few clips where people broke over things but he never broke. on top of that i do not recall him being a bad wrestler either or selling it. as far as bad promos i honestly dont remember many promos of him but the few ive seen were fine.
No he wasn’t either. I’m surprised he didn’t make the list. He wasn’t good at all. I would’ve made a top 10 and put him and the oddities on here. I liked most of the guys on here for the simple fact I am a fan of the attraction. But I gotta admit the list was very accurate. Sadly almost all are gone now too.
yeah Sid has no place even as an honorable mention. he had his flaws but there was a reason he was draw. There is reason every wrestlemania he worked, he worked the main event... and there is a reason he only worked 2. Honestly Sid couldn't get out of his own way is his biggest flaw but that's a backstage thing not a ringside thing.
So the move looked like shit no one bought it and it ruined the finish yo an already poor match... but at least I have a depressed skull fracture and no health insurance....Khali was a liability in every sense
Here's my list 10. Mabel 9. Tryant 8. The Great Antonio 7. Nathan Jones 6. Giant Haystacks 5. Uncle Elmer 4. Jackson Andrews 3. The Great Khali 2. Nailz 1. Giant Gonzalez (El Gigante)
The sad part about Great Khali is that he was actually a great wrestler during his time in India. After he signed his WWE contract, he had a horrible back injury. It ruined his mobility and pretty much all his offense. We then got the Khali everyone reviled. I’ve softened my view on him because of this and how beloved he is in India.
The Big Valbousky is going to rocket to the top of that list. Even though the competition is stiff, Big Val has rock hard...abs and a huge package ...of talent.
Thanks for adding more context to Isis/Aloisia's firing. Since I wasn't watching wrestling at that time, I had only read about the "racy" pics excuse. Her in-ring ability either convinced them that keeping her on NXT wasn't worth it or was the real reason she was released.
I used to work at a sports arena in Estero, FL. I worked a WWE event once and got to see a lot of the wrestlers up close. At one point, I rounded a corner and bumping into The Great Khali. I am 5'11" and that guy was probably the tallest human being I was ever a foot away from. It is a shame that wrestlers like him, El Gigante, etc., were so bad in the ring. If I was booking El Gigante, I would think I would work off of his Hispanic background. He could have spoken Spanish and have a connection with at least some of the fans.
I don't think Sid should even be in the dishonourable mentions. For all his years working and the memorable moments, for good and for ill, he's certainly among the more fondly remembered big men in wrestling. If given something he could sink his teeth into, he could go for it, and Sid was more often than not willing to comply with script changes even if they were to the detriment of his character. Though I suppose the scissors incident with Arn Anderson is worth mentioning.
I live in Gloucester England, and there’s a small town in Newent, which is near Gloucester, and it has a fair amount of the older generation. If you ask them about giant haystack or big daddy, they all pretty much remember them. It’s actually really sweet to see their eyes light up. I know they weren’t the most agile in the ring and all that, but they did have character for the time and were a huge draw in England. Sad to see them not getting much recognition these days on the IWC, but I think their legacy should never be forgotten either. English wrestling even back then was amazingly influential, and I don’t think British wrestling as a whole gets enough recognition compared to Mexico or Japan. It’s honestly a great blend of amateur style with more holds and more character / charisma, and not the flips we see today. Story wise, everything was made to be simple, but made sense and really made you root for one guy so badly, whilst wanting to throw a brick at the heel and taze his balls. Not saying other styles aren’t like that or that they aren’t as good, just feel British wrestling, even today with NXT UK, doesn’t get enough love. Could watch Dave Mastiff all day, and used to watch him on local small events before he made it to WWE’s smaller shows, he’s honestly one of the best and needs more attention
Khali and Andre dont really make sense on this list, they were both safe workers who's bodies gave up on them. Unless we start seeing guys their size show that they can wrestle at any real level for more than a couple years I'd be inclined to just leave them in the "What could've been" category.
The Oddities didn't have much in the vein of talent, but yeah, they were crazy over. They had MSG singing along with the theme. I call it the Kaientai effect, where the jobber gimmick somehow resonates despite it being clear Creative isn't doing more with them.
A round of applause for the japanese wrestler at 10:30!! I think i would have done the same. Lol Now, although your list is ok, Andre and Sid were considered some of the *best* big men ever, so it's beyond me why you included them. Andre had a long and prosperous career, and you picked on his final days (?) while Sid was a crowd pleaser even though he played a bad guy gimmick. If we're gonna select and isolate a specific BAD period from (any) wrestler's carreer, we'll be sure to find at least one. So what's the point? I think we should judge a carreer as a whole. Anyway, where are guys like Nathan Jones or the Giant Ninja (Ron Reese)? I feel many others could have been included.
Bischoff said that Lanny Poffo's contract w/WCW was entirely based on Macho Man allocating a portion of his salary in order for him to have employment there at the time. And Savage's contract was basically just the money from his deal with Slim Jim. Also, Terrific list! : )
Yo! When Brian said that line about Viscera becoming a minion of The Undertaker being ironic was pure icing. Like I have to sit here and wonder if Taker and Viscera had a talk about that moment. “Hey bro remember when I accidentally broke your face?” “Vince, bury this hell out of this guy man...”
He didn’t break undertakers orbital with a leg drop, he did it by being completely out of shape and being in the wrong spot. This caused undertaker to run straight into his fist. When they made it into an angle, they claimed it was the leg drop.
One thing nowadays is none of the big men work like big men(except Keith Lee and Brock and Strowman for that one monster run he had). Throwing a smaller guy around, using your weight, no selling things that a bigger guy wouldn't sell, and having to be taken down by either quickness, persistence, luck or outsmarted. There is more than "Size, Agility or Charisma", working believably with the size you have matters quite a bit.
@@KingKhanate1997 yeah, but that's on top of him working like a big man should which is yeah, what makes him an absolute superstar potential guy........who has been off TV because WWE can't see what's in front of them apparently.
Vincent made a fool out of Giant Gonzalez debut by having him dressed as one of the members of War of the Gargantua monster movie from 1966 or Big Foot from the sitcom Six Million dollar man 1970's.That was cold.
You knew you were going to get heat for including Andre and you got it. Well played. As Bischoff would say, "Controversy Creates Cash." A more objective list would have put Andre in as an honorable mention and a commentary that everyone declines given enough time. But thank you all the same for this list. Notable exemptions have already been mentioned many times in the comments. Will there be a follow up of Best Big Men? If so, Andre, Big Show and Kane are imo the top 3. Looking forward to what you come up with next!
@@Rob_Thorsman watch his Mean Mark matches in WCW, the gimmick slowed him down. Ever heard the expression 'move like a featherweight, hit like a heavyweight'
That uncle Elmer was a true con man. He was being put up in 5 star hotels by Vince during his big push and would be outside the arena selling fake rolexes to fellow wrestlers and fans and when he left the town the rolexes would break. He was a true carny.
They've never been able to produce another Big Show and Omos certainly isn't one. Wight got his giantism fixed right at the perfect when he was the peak of his size and strength without the other problems he would have developed like Andre did.
Tbh all of us Indian WWE fans did that as kids. I marked out, and still regularly mark out for Y2J. In fact, for about 3 years after 7th grade, I pretty much copied his 2008 hairstyle, just in my brown and black hair instead of Jericho's golden curls
National pride I guess. Can't blame them. Sri Lankan here by the way. Sometimes my roots mean nothing and just stick with the country that raised me (England). Besides Khali landing his finisher nothing really sticks for me. Being a temporary heel was the best possible route. What are your thoughts on Jinder Mahal? Before and after he mixed with Khali?
First Brian- you're gonna get tons of people referring to autism & Asperger's now in your comments. Like me. My beautiful, Wonderful son has autism. Great video dude. My favorite Shamrock moment was Mania 13. The best special guest ref ever. Come at me
I am not surprised that The Great Antonio's wrestling career ended after Antonio Inoki beat his ass tbh
And he proceeded to become the Smelliest Man in Montreal.
I've always wondered how drunk he was while getting his ass beat in Japan. I guess very.
The happy ending i can only dream
Pretty sad, he died pretty much homeless in 2003 in Montreal. He carried bags filled with news clippings about him.
If you're going to no-sell and stiff an opponent, why would you do it to Inoki??
True Story: I was on an 8 ft. ladder hanging cables, Silva came up, not even extending his arm all the way he gingerly helped hang the wires. Kurgan walked by and says "F-ing giant." And we had a good laugh.
Wonder why they didn't hire him to put up cables
@@lewisaino it was a union job, he wasn't union. Lol Vince doesn't like wrestlers being union.
I miss lighting calls
The irony of kurgan calling someone a fucking giant
You forgot about "The Revolting Blob". He actually sat on a guy's head and killed him. Now his opponent was supposed to pinch his leg if he needed air so there was a miscommunication somehow. The last I heard is he became a elementary school Principal
I’m happy he landed on his feet. That story seems familiar which promotion did he fight for
Is that a Billy Madison reference? Lol
I hear he gives really cool Valentine’s Day cards to all his adult students
It was an accident...
@@sonnyfox8407 I believe it was a local indy promotion. They used to run shows in Knibb High school gym. I did hear he is trying to make a comeback in AEW
Really weird that none of the divas even came _close_ to Big Daddy V in breast size.
What up Savox
True, but you could say the same thing about Abdullah the Butcher. LOL
Holy shit I wouldn't have expected to see you here lmao, awesome to see though
How you get yo pecs all the way to your back
"Formerly born in Croatia"
Well where is he born now?
Check republic
This is totally possible if a state dissolves or borders shift. I mean, wouldn’t it be “born in Yugoslavia” formerly and now born in Croatia? Or to be more of a pedant, both would be correct - same as someone being born in Memphis, Tennessee, and the United States since it was more of a federated union of preexisting states.
EDIT: He wouldn’t have even been born when Yugoslavia was a thing, I guess it’d have either been the Austro-Hungarian empire or the ‘Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes’ back then. So he was formerly born in Yugoslavia which was formerly the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes which was formerly the Austro-Hungarian Empire - but more or less always Croatia at the time, probably. Dude lived a traumatic life before emigrating, you can tell from all the name changes alone.
Laugh out loud
@@fuzzydunlop7928 what OP means is ; Brian's wording is incorrect. He can't have been formally been anywhere. He will always have been born there. However what Zane should've said "Born in the former Croatia now known as the CR."
Also why did Brain decline to speak Ill of Andre the Giant because he's dead but did of Giant Haystacks? Saying he stank? Big Daddy is legitimately more of a household name in the UK than Andre.
TBF Everyone who isn’t currently being born was formerly born
Giant Gonzalez legit looks like he’s wearing an Attack on Titan Halloween costume.
He was too ahead of the curve LOL
the beast titan
Sasageyo? More like Sasage-no, lol.
Ahh yes. The pube suit.
yea i didn't mind it. I agree and a real life Big Foot.
*10/10 trash throwing accuracy and airhorn timing*
Classic ECW fans
Non-ECW wrestlers getting the "E-C-Dub" chant is pretty much a sign to abort.
King of the Ring 1995 was in Philadelphia home of ECW there were also ECW wrestlers in the crowd
@@meirnissim5927 I really would not want to be the guy trying to sell King Mabel to Philly. Philadelpia's testy at the best of times about wrestling--when Vince gets a bad idea, and he pulls it there, it never ends well.
@MemphoWrasslin1 More than Planned Parenthood.
@@dynamicjaethought7788 😂that made me spit out my soda 🤣
@@dynamicjaethought7788 ayooooo
Nailz might be one of the worst big men, but being honest in court doesn't make you stupid if you're not guilty of anything.
Ironically Vince nearly went to jail because of Nailz and vice versa.
Lawyer: Do you have a grudge against Vince McMahon?
Nailz: No
Lawyer: Do you hate Vince McMahon?
Nailz: Yes
He wasn't too bad as "Mr. Magnificent" Kevin Kelly but for whatever reason he seemed a-lot worse when he dropped the gimmick.
As a witness, admitting in court that you have any sort of pre-existing bias against a defendant makes it easy for the defense to make a convincing case that your testimony could be unreliable. Subsequently, this can and likely will get anything you say thrown out as valid evidence and rendered unusable.
So yes, being honest in court when you're called on as a witness can be a stupid move.
Well Nailz also lied and said Vince tried to rape him because he was upset at his push so he's not all that honest.
Giant Haystacks is a legend, and one of the greatest big men ever. His elbow drop and splash were fantastic. I think it's harsh to judge him by his time in WCW, due to him having undiagnosed and terminal cancer which clearly didn't help his performances.
Absolutely, and by the time he was 50 he was only a shadow of what he was, especially for a big man 👍
yeah he was also 50 years old in WCW, it would be like judging Andre the Giant as a whole off his last few years.
It may indeed be harsh, but answer me this: How much footage survives of his exploits in Britain? In other words, how much evidence is there of how good he was?
Knowing bitchoff he likely mistook him for haystacks Calhoun lol lol lol
@@dannybaker2763 not to mention his manageress Princess Paula Valdez. It's a scandal how she got left off that Fighting Finlays documentary and most only career histories.
As a side note, in kayfabe, Nailz was absolutely right about Bossman being irredeemably evil. Never has a character ever been more vindicated in hindsight.
The whole al snow and pepper thing was too much for me. Maybe brilliant, because to this day I HATE his character.
@@LuchadorMasque not to mention going to Big Show's dad's funeral and stealing the casket. Big Bossman was a character they made irredeemable.
@@wtharmon5050 spoiler alert! I'm not there yet! Lol. I stopped watching wrestling between 99 and 2019 and I'm rewatching old wwe week by week starting in 99. I'm pretty sure I'm about to get to that part.
"With deepest regrets, and tears that are soaked, I'm sorry to hear you're dad finally croaked
He lived a full life on his own terms
Soon he'll be dead, and eaten by worms
But if I had a song, as stupid as you
I'd wish for cancer so I could die too
So be brave, and be strong, and get your life on track,
CAUSE THE OLD BASTARD'S DEAD AND HE AIN'T NEVER COMING BACK! And that's what I think of the Big Show's fake daddy dyin'!"
*raises arms in triumph, theme song plays*
Well you just won the Internet with that one. I mean seriously what else is there to say after this lol you nailed it dude!Shut it down for the day.
Genuinely surprised that Nathan Jones AND THE YE-TAY didn't get an honorable mention
What are you talking about man? They're gonna be on the BEST big men list
Too short-lived, I imagine.
To be fair Nathan was pretty athletic compared to everyone on this list
@@buck342443 Seriously. He was green, but he had all the tools.
Too easy
I'm disappointed there was not a Great Khaki reference in this video.
And El Gigante is Spanish for The Gigante.
@MemphoWrasslin1 it was a reference to a Chris Farley joke
@@vincerussosux Great Khaki is a reference to an old WWW PPV review.
El Gigante is Spanish for the The Giant just like Rellik is "killer" spelled backwards - Mike Tenay
@@Vesperitis OK I got you
Sid being an honorable mention on this list is ridiculous. He gets bashed so much nowadays that he’s actually become one of the most underrated wrestlers. The guy had one of the best looks in wrestling history, and he was intense as hell. He had a larger than life quality to him. People put way too much stock into his two infamous promo botches. He was a very good promo guy overall. His promos were intense and intimidating. He actually seemed insane.
But he had half the brain that you do!
i always liked him. and thought he could have been used even better, and i never think of him as low level guy
I was about to say something similar. Sid was super over at one time.
Sid scared me as a kid. He did his job well
Yep, if one is willing to have one woman on the list as an honorable mention, take Sid off, and add Nia Jax.
Zane: puts Khali on the list
WWE: puts him in hall of fame
Literally everyone: WHAT?!
Its stupid, I agree. Whoever decides the inductees is literally pulling names out of a hat.
..."Let's see who's going in this year....Drew Carey, he's a great choice, let's put him in"
I don't even pay attention to the WWE HOF because it's stupid the people that get in. It's a joke
Vince: Indian moneeeeey!
WWE is on crack
Yeah solomonster made joke bout his hall of fame. Khali sucked
I think they only inducted him because they wanted to diversify the HoF. It definitely wasn’t based on his wrestling or charisma.
Fun Fact: Eli Cottonwood was Bray Wyatt's first follower after NXT season 2 (and Husky Harris' New Nexus run) when both were send back to FCW, but he was cut and replaced with Harper and Rowan before FCW was even rebranded to the NXT of today
“This is professional wrestling, there’s no room for laws here!”
-Brian Zane, 2021
Sounds about right
The only law is Hulk does not job lol.
or logic of any type
Giant Haystacks. Legendary British wrestler. Massive WCW flop. Terrorizer of chippies across his homeland.
Off to the chipper for a good old shout
I loved haystacks far more than big daddy, kendo Nagasaki was my favourite though
I did enjoy the fact is was Loch Ness on the naughty list.
Keeps Kayfabe alive.
As long as Giant Haystacks get in the TOP Big man list :)
always good to see OSW fans on these channels
'Chippies'. That's such a fun word. I haven't heard it in ages, chippies appear to be slowly dying out here in England. You still get the big national chain chippies but the mum & dad ones? Nah they're all gone, dude. Such a shame. I blame all the health and safety/food hygeine laws, plus minimum wage etc. I understand these things are supposed to be there for our benefit on the whole, but they certainly don't help upstart businesses when they're fighting off competition from nationals and internationals.
I would actually say the exact opposite of Andre. The fact that he was able to get back in the ring for that final 3 year run, even though he was very physically limited, is beyond amazing. The man was suffering from more pain than most humans will ever experience. His balance was bad, and he was depressed. Andre knew he was on borrowed time, and just wanted to keep doing the one thing he loved. And I think it's absolutely amazing that he was able to get out there and still do anything at all with a broken, pain filled, giant body like his.
There's truth here, but the reality is that he was in that ring far beyond when he should've been. That could be heart or stubbornness. Hard to tell. It was very cringe to see him "wrestle" in those last 3 years. Moreso his Japan matches. It was so very clear he was barely able to walk, let alone wrestle.
But that's not the exact opposite. You're actually reinforcing his placement on the list that was given.
@@TehGamesaver I'm not talking about his spot on this fictional list. I'm talking about what was said in reference to the man himself.
@@treyvincent1759 that is your opinion. I for one think an athlete can make that decision for themselves, and I doubt he cared one iota whether YOU found it cringy.
@@raceblakhart4941 Yeah I second them, you just reinforced why he was on this non-fictional list. Bad take by you.
Nailz was legitimately scary. For that he deserves some credit.
Also, I always liked Sid. I even saw him eating at a seafood restaurant in Florida with his parents, who were both tall themselves, and when I reluctantly went up to him to say hi he was cool and gave me a classic fist bump and a few words.
And looking back on it, him messing up his promos kind of fits the whole 'Sycho' role.
He knows it's kick or be kicken.
Sid has no business being included here!
I haven't gotten to the end, but clearly Heidenreich has to be in here somewhere?
Similar to Scott Steiner, the promo botches just convinced me that Steiner WAS a legit madman
The cancer might have to do with the smell for loch ness
You aren't wrong about Andre but I feel his legacy overrides that.
Agreed. Swap him out with Nathan Jones and there's your list.
@@Noobsaibot21 I was surprised Jones wasn’t on the list, but then again he didn’t work many televised matches in WWE and despite being hot garbage in the ring he was still far more athletic than anyone mentioned here.
@@Noobsaibot21 honestly swap him for Reese/The Yeti
Yeah, to be honest it was just sad to see towards the end of his career.
He watched Andre in late 80s Andre chould work once upon a time in 70s even early 1980s Andre chould perform from disabling conditions
All right Z man, nothing like opening up school with some WWW, never stop being you.
I'm surprised Reese (aka "The Ye-tayyyyyyy!!!!") didn't even get an honorable mention.
I remember as a kid Nailz jumping the Big Boss Man, handcuffing him to the ropes he and beating him with the nightstick and thought it was real! Especially when in the WWF Magazine they had pictures of Big Boss Man and he had loads of big bruises all over his body and face. I always remember him sat down with his leg out pointing at his huge swollen and bruised knee in one picture and reading the article that came with it. It was the most traumatic thing I saw in WWF (TV & magazine) and it happened months after in autistic brother who was 12yrs old got beat up by two 18yr old men and one had a cricket bat (I’m English) while my brother and I were waiting for the school bus (I was 7 at the time). My brother was in hospital for a week afterwards they beat him so badly (both got sent to prison can’t remember how long for) and the whole experience traumatised me so much watching it happen I couldn’t go to the hospital to visit him. When my brother came home his body and face was still covered in bruises and seeing Boss Man beaten with a nightstick & the magazine article just brought up bad memories for me and that’s why I still remember that storyline till today
That’s why children shouldn’t watch mature content
Giant Haystacks in his prime in the UK was an amazing heel. Sadly, his health and age was against him when he made his way to the USA. Bit unfair to have him on the list but I get why he was there.
Shoutout to Oscar of M.O.M. for quitting because he didn't like being a heel. I think about it a lot.
shout out to Mo for being Mo.
@@sgrshnshw you make a compelling point.
Am I the only that thinks Men on a Mission turning heel made no sense?
Will there be a BEST big men in wrestling soon?
Boss Man, One Man Gang, Bam Bam Bigelow, Vader, Kane, Gorilla Monsoon, Big Snow and Taker.
@@mrcarlthe4th Kamala? No not Kamala Harris... Even though the wrestler's last name is also Harris. Coincidence?
there needs to be. there have been tons of great big men.
Mike Awesome at #1! Seriously, how Vince Russo booked him over in dubyaceedubya was criminal. Think about it, Mike Awesome could have looked great with the Big Gold Belt on his waist. And even though WCW was going to burn out, having him as top guy may have bought them a little more time.
Man, seeing Mabel’s initial reaction to getting the trash thrown at him honestly makes me feel bad.
That clip made me laugh pretty hard in all honesty, the moment of silence from the guy speaking being ruined by an airhorn right as that thing hit Mable in the head was golden comedic timing.
I don't. Fuck him.
Y’all in the replies, we know Viscera and Mabel are the same person, now shut up about it and move on. There’s better things to do with your time than correct people when they don’t need correcting.
I always heard that Khali's chop looked like it hardly touched them, but always hurt like hell. Could just be people trying to keep kayfabe alive, but have you seen the size of his hands? I fully believe getting swatted by that thing would mess you up.
Hornswoggle corroborated this in a shoot interview. Khali had literal skillets for hands.
@@nickhughes8179 Rey Mysterio has skillets for hand's compared to swoggle and I love swoggle.
Little bastard.
I knew MD F'n B watched Wregret. I just couldn't *Prove* it!
That means he even worse. Looks bad is not good, but if it looks bad AND hurts… doesn’t get any worse than that.
15:25 now THAT'S true equal rights... Women too can be tall, woefully useless pro wrestlers
Say what you will but Sid was fucking over EVERYWHERE he went. Even ECW.
Sid was great
First saw him as Lord Humongous
Anyone that has half the brain that we do is bound to get over
Sid is so bad he's good
Agree, being a kid into Hulkamania back then he Generation more Heat from me than any other geel ever mangaged. I cut my brothers Wrestling collectors cards of him. My parents didnt understand because it made him cry, but i knew i did the right thing , he was evil. :-D
Bill Burr's Commentary on Antonio Inoki vs The Great Antonio is comedy gold
Oh yeah
Seeing Andre at his worst is just sad
It is, he could barely move in the ring.
I don't mean this to sound mean, but it's a good thing TV was not hi-def back in his day. I saw him twice at house shows in the early 80's, and could not get over the huge skin tags he had all over his body. It also looked like he had a hemorrhoid that hung about Six inches out his trunks. Again, not tying to be disrespectful. Anybody else notice this or just me?
Plus he got very fat by drinking a bunch of beer
Hearing Jake Roberts talk about him and his struggling always tugs at the heart
But young Andre was a glory to behold.
Andre couldn't move and was in constant pain... It's true his last matches made me sad
Shame about Haystacks tbh, WCW bought him when he was way past it and he had already retired from wrestling in 1996. Apparently they were interested in him before that and he wrestled a tryout match against William Regal in 1991 during a UK tour as Regal had already worked with him a bunch of times. They liked Regal but didn't go with Haystacks until it was too late and he could barely move due to recurring knee problems and illness from cancer.
Was an absolute mountain back in his day at 6'11, I used to be terrified of him when I was 5 and first went to local wrestling. He was a very talented big man in British wrestling but by the late 80's he'd lost much of his mobility because of recurring knee injuries and weight gain. Most of his matches in the UK by the 90's consisted of smaller guys bouncing off him while he mostly stood there immobile.
Sad thing is, my understanding is that Khali was actually a solid wrestler before Bill DeMott wrecked his knees with poor training. Allegedly.
if other fans haven't seen it. look up the infamous clip of he jumping over the ropes in Japan
I thought it was because of a botched knee surgery.
@@bennygilbert8764 You know, you could be right. I heard the Bill Demott story multiple times, but now that I'm looking I can't find a source to verify it.
That said, Khali was quite amazing in his youth.
I met The Great Khali at an Indy show he’s a really cool guy even though he doesn’t speak much English it was still really cool I even shook his hand it was the size of a baseball mit and I even got his autograph
I will say, he tips like shit for a guy that lives here lol. He was my old coworkers table when I worked at Cheesecake Factory, left like $10 on a $170 tab. He apparently has a liquor store or something in Houston
I don't think Brian Zane was making a knock about who he is as a person. He was simply talking about wrestling ability.
@@bigbossman2810 I know but I was just telling a story of when I met him that’s all
yeah, I really enjoyed his gimmick. Far from the worst thing WWE ever did
Mabel’s run as Viscera did a lot to redeem things from his 90s work.
Than his run as Big Daddy V killed it again
I thought he was equally terrible throughout all of his gimmicks
His love machine angle with Trish was ratings gold and Big Daddy V was probably his best serious run, you don't mix it up with guys like undertaker repeatedly by being nothing.
i do not know much about him as i stopped really watching wrestling at some point in the late 80s and have just been watching things lately out of nostalgia, so i have no idea what people really thought of him at the time. but every time i see some clip of him all i can think is his outfits are awful, i do not think wearing those huge baggy hammer pants looking things in clown colors were helping to make him seem cool.
@@newwavepop Mable is pretty much universally panned, its was never really a gimmick problem as far as I could tell, all his gimmicks were pretty acceptable Mid card stuff (though the outfits are pretty bad, the look like fat saints row characters with all that purple and gold lol). The rejection from the fans was more do to his underwhelming & sloppy work in the ring, combined with his habit of legit injuring opponents; especially since the opponents he ended up hurting were way more popular than he was, like Undertaker. Though I dont know how much of that reaction was there at the time, thats just sorta the modern concensus
Really tough to argue against Khali and Giant Gonzalez. Makes you feel for the Undertaker for having to face some of these clowns
I reccomend to watch khali when he was in Japan solid wrestler
2:46 what a dropkick by Kane. One of best big men for sure
I agree. Not only can he do that, but also a enziguri and a hurricarana (Albeit a somewhat sloppy looking one). Him and Vader and Bigelow are amazing
Ah yes. Giant Haystacks. Nice to see him finally getting his due for his never-ending feud with Big Daddy in the late 70s and through the entirety of the early to mid 80s. Widely regarded as the largest man in British and European wrestling. He couldn't do much in the ring besides basic strikes and holds, but many wrestling fans of that era that I talked to said he had a powerful presence that was second to none. And that falling back elbow drop was a thing of destructive beauty.
I'm just saying that if WCW didn't wait until 1995 to hire him and they purchased him as his star was fading in the UK around the mid to late 80s, he could've been at the very least a devastating midcard presence. He's no Vader, but he'd still be capable of putting on a destructive performance.
Sadly, WCW scooped him up when his best days were behind him.
Big Daddy had the sense to book himself into tag matches as he declined. WCW might have got some value from Haystacks if they'd kept him in tag contests with a quicker partner.
Loch Ness shouldn’t be on this list. Haystacks for his size was an amazing athlete and presence. At 50 no guy is going be great flair maybe had sone gas left but that’s it. He was also very sick so he gets a pass
You have a point there. If Loch Ness was a member of the DoD, you could've had him partner with Hugh Morus as the stable's big tag guys. That would've still been better than what we got and would've hidden the fact that Haystacks was a man in the twilight of both his career and life.
Yeah the inclusion of elderly Haystacks and Andre seems a tad unfair. It'd be like judging the NJPW Dads on their current roles, they were both just getting old and had less prominent roles, nothing wrong with that.
@@ConfusedProud tons of trash big men those aren’t two
I think you meant "the Great Khaki".
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 top comment
Viscera had a terrible gimmick as Mable, but he was probably at his best as Big Daddy V.
I would say Mable started as a decent character but King Mable sucked
Yeah he was alright as Big Daddy V (he also had a pretty cool theme song), but the worst part about it was those straps. Ew lol.
I actually agree but I don't think that's a compliment lol big daddy V was awful. That it was his best gimmick says it all.
Also, it needs more Mo.....Mo....Mo....Mo!
Those big daddy tiddies have gotta draw some viewers
Oddly enough when you look at Andre’s in ring ability his peak was years before he was at his most popular. When I eventually saw his matches from AWA & Japan I was impressed how well he could move.
i think it was jake the snake on the joe rogan podcast said that when he (Andre) was younger he could do backflips off the top rope and land on his feet..
I honestly really loved Sid, even his match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 13. I thought the slow pace of it was fine, and the spot where Sid did the Tombstone on Taker was pretty cool too, especially when he did the same pin too.
I never thought i'd see actual footage of Aloisia in a match, now i'm wishing i didn't...
Also a Champion at one point too.
I always wanted to see the pics that got her fired
@@conniecarroll7222 I hate the fact that I agree.
#1’s gotta be Khali, right?
Edit: now that I see Khali is at #2, the repressed memories of Giant Gonzalez are becoming... unpressed
Now we need the opposite, BEST BIG GUYS
what are the chances zane puts kane at number 1? to me it'll be 99/100
Hell yeah
Vader would be up there no doubt
Vader would be #1 but Brian hates him for some reason.
@@tomtanaka841 Where did you hear that?
I saw Giant Gonzalez wrestle once so I could get a good night sleep
No Reis? No Roadblock?! No Silo Sam?!? No ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER?!?! I demand a recount!
Eli Cottonwood seems like the precursor to Baron Corbin
Somewhere, Rocky Mountain Thunder is breathing a sigh of relief.
"History shows that wrestling's greatest big men had at least 2 of the following 3 things; size, agility and-"
*buzzes in*
What is Hobility?
The Great Antonio was such an eccentric, local celebrity in Montreal that there's a children's picture book on his life
Wait what?
I remember when he was a guy who just pulled five buses at once and let boxers hit him in the stomach to no effect.
Remember the big cannibal tribe leader in the movie "Quest for Fire"? That's him!
I'm guessing that book doesn't have a part about Inoki brutalizing him.
"At 6'9 she was arguably the tallest woman in wrestling at the time." Arguably???? Do you know how tall 6-9 is? REALLY FREAKING TALL
What's amazing is by deep contrast you see that Kane was able to do a text book drop kick when you were showing Mabel/ Viscera. I think Kane should be in of best of the big men video when you make it.
Kane is so versatile and safe in the ring too.
Kane,Taker,Show,Nash, we’re pretty good for big men
@@mortalmind7617 Nash not so much.
@@Baastilein31 To be fair, Nash usually managed to move attention away from his basic move set, Jacknife PB aside. Tagging with others, being good promo-wise , or having some of his best feuds with much more technical guys like Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels. Hell those two could get a good match out of anyone.
@@KingKhanate1997 yeah, I really think Nash is actually a bit underrated. Did he have tons of great matches? No. But you really have to look at his fellow peers of his size. He had charisma, didn't kill anyone, and his limited moveset looked convincing. When most of his competition can barely stand correctly in the ring or their worked punches hurt like hell, suddenly you look a lot better
13:53 Sid is undoubtedly one of the greatest big men ever. There are very few people that get the sort of reaction that he got, face or heel. The hilariously bad promos just added to his aura. Also remember that this was the only guy to retain any degree of professionalism during the Shockmaster debacle. Flair, Sting, etc. absolutely fell apart. Sid--no way, he had a job to do. An absolute legend. I'm glad he didn't make it onto the list, but he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the debate about the worst big men in the business. Great video, though!
I think his natural aura is stronger than just about anyone. Like a 15 out of 10 where the rest of his skills are 2 and 3. Even now his look is striking.
i was a little surprised myself, i always liked Sid. he looked amazing and his intensity seemed real and i have seen a few clips where people broke over things but he never broke. on top of that i do not recall him being a bad wrestler either or selling it. as far as bad promos i honestly dont remember many promos of him but the few ive seen were fine.
No he wasn’t either. I’m surprised he didn’t make the list. He wasn’t good at all. I would’ve made a top 10 and put him and the oddities on here. I liked most of the guys on here for the simple fact I am a fan of the attraction. But I gotta admit the list was very accurate. Sadly almost all are gone now too.
yeah Sid has no place even as an honorable mention. he had his flaws but there was a reason he was draw. There is reason every wrestlemania he worked, he worked the main event... and there is a reason he only worked 2. Honestly Sid couldn't get out of his own way is his biggest flaw but that's a backstage thing not a ringside thing.
@@davidlewis5312 he was a draw for looks alone if you actually look at his matches he wasn't a great wrestler
many wrestlers have said khali's head chop was like getting hit with a brick.
Felt like getting hit by a brick looked like being tapped with a feather duster.
If he was doing it right it would be the other way around!
So the move looked like shit no one bought it and it ruined the finish yo an already poor match... but at least I have a depressed skull fracture and no health insurance....Khali was a liability in every sense
By a prick they mean
Here's my list
10. Mabel
9. Tryant
8. The Great Antonio
7. Nathan Jones
6. Giant Haystacks
5. Uncle Elmer
4. Jackson Andrews
3. The Great Khali
2. Nailz
1. Giant Gonzalez (El Gigante)
So like, do we KNOW McMahon DIDN'T sexually assault Nails?
I don't know man. There was one short program in Spain that El Gigante worked that really got his opponent Leon S. Kennedy over.
The real MVP of that match was That Dog, though, and everyone knows it.
@@christopherwall2121 Yeah, some people didn't like the run-in by the dog. But DAMN, that handicap inferno match was intense!
Leon had the second-best Northern Lights Suplex in the business too!~ Well after Alicia Fox, of course.
@@KasumiRINA Don't forget his Roundhouse Kick. That thing could take your damn head off.
@CYB3R2K30 Roman Reigns fears That Dog
I can't believe they put that dry hump move on the Smackdown vs Raw
12:32 Let's never forget that basketballs don't hold grudges.
The sad part about Great Khali is that he was actually a great wrestler during his time in India. After he signed his WWE contract, he had a horrible back injury. It ruined his mobility and pretty much all his offense. We then got the Khali everyone reviled. I’ve softened my view on him because of this and how beloved he is in India.
For wearing that jumpsuit, Nailz should have been arrested for stealing government property
I know for a fact,whenever you do a "Greatest Big Men" list,Val Venis is going to be on that list
The Big Valbousky is going to rocket to the top of that list. Even though the competition is stiff, Big Val has rock hard...abs and a huge package ...of talent.
Was he a big man?
@@Dvdfco He always said he was 😉
@@Dvdfco Under his belt, he definitely was.
Thanks for adding more context to Isis/Aloisia's firing. Since I wasn't watching wrestling at that time, I had only read about the "racy" pics excuse. Her in-ring ability either convinced them that keeping her on NXT wasn't worth it or was the real reason she was released.
Poor Mabel. I could tell he was let down by his ill received victory of KOTR
He was awesome for a big man
I used to work at a sports arena in Estero, FL. I worked a WWE event once and got to see a lot of the wrestlers up close. At one point, I rounded a corner and bumping into The Great Khali. I am 5'11" and that guy was probably the tallest human being I was ever a foot away from. It is a shame that wrestlers like him, El Gigante, etc., were so bad in the ring.
If I was booking El Gigante, I would think I would work off of his Hispanic background. He could have spoken Spanish and have a connection with at least some of the fans.
I don't think Sid should even be in the dishonourable mentions. For all his years working and the memorable moments, for good and for ill, he's certainly among the more fondly remembered big men in wrestling. If given something he could sink his teeth into, he could go for it, and Sid was more often than not willing to comply with script changes even if they were to the detriment of his character. Though I suppose the scissors incident with Arn Anderson is worth mentioning.
That shot of Andre attacking Sheikie baby with that pronounced chin is both awe inspiring and awesomely hilarious!👀😳🤔😜😂🤣💀
I live in Gloucester England, and there’s a small town in Newent, which is near Gloucester, and it has a fair amount of the older generation. If you ask them about giant haystack or big daddy, they all pretty much remember them. It’s actually really sweet to see their eyes light up. I know they weren’t the most agile in the ring and all that, but they did have character for the time and were a huge draw in England. Sad to see them not getting much recognition these days on the IWC, but I think their legacy should never be forgotten either. English wrestling even back then was amazingly influential, and I don’t think British wrestling as a whole gets enough recognition compared to Mexico or Japan. It’s honestly a great blend of amateur style with more holds and more character / charisma, and not the flips we see today. Story wise, everything was made to be simple, but made sense and really made you root for one guy so badly, whilst wanting to throw a brick at the heel and taze his balls. Not saying other styles aren’t like that or that they aren’t as good, just feel British wrestling, even today with NXT UK, doesn’t get enough love. Could watch Dave Mastiff all day, and used to watch him on local small events before he made it to WWE’s smaller shows, he’s honestly one of the best and needs more attention
Honorable mention: Raja Lion.
Baba wouldn't have any of his shit!
i just had a flashback to that long ago botchamania.
I thought for sure he would be on this list.
Keep up the great work with these videos!!!
Do It For The Content
Khali and Andre dont really make sense on this list, they were both safe workers who's bodies gave up on them. Unless we start seeing guys their size show that they can wrestle at any real level for more than a couple years I'd be inclined to just leave them in the "What could've been" category.
Man, I was fully expecting Raja Lion to be the number 1, he didn't even have an honorable mention :(
His nickname could have been Giant Clumsy.
lol I'm surprised for khali you didn't mention him in the infamous eliminating himself in a battle royale, and michale cole's 'erm...HELLO!'
The Oddities didn't have much in the vein of talent, but yeah, they were crazy over. They had MSG singing along with the theme. I call it the Kaientai effect, where the jobber gimmick somehow resonates despite it being clear Creative isn't doing more with them.
Brawler, Brooklyn
Horrowitz, Barry
@@dbone3356 and also 3MB
@@vulture_screech Wasn't watching at that time. Gave up around '07 didn't come back till around WM 34.
@@dbone3356 Fair enough.
Silva looks like the version of Brad Garrett
A round of applause for the japanese wrestler at 10:30!! I think i would have done the same. Lol
Now, although your list is ok, Andre and Sid were considered some of the *best* big men ever, so it's beyond me why you included them. Andre had a long and prosperous career, and you picked on his final days (?) while Sid was a crowd pleaser even though he played a bad guy gimmick. If we're gonna select and isolate a specific BAD period from (any) wrestler's carreer, we'll be sure to find at least one. So what's the point? I think we should judge a carreer as a whole. Anyway, where are guys like Nathan Jones or the Giant Ninja (Ron Reese)? I feel many others could have been included.
I was surprised Mike Shaw aka Bastion Booger aka Norman the Lunatic aka Friar Ferguson wasn't on the list.
I spent that whole time waiting for "The Yet-tay"! What an oversight!
Good call
And his worst match didn't even come as the YET-TAY, it was against Juvi in 98 as Big Ron Studd
@@Alsebra He literally humped Hulk on TV. You don't get past that.
@@thescott7539 Hogan had it coming.
Bischoff said that Lanny Poffo's contract w/WCW was entirely based on Macho Man allocating a portion of his salary in order for him to have employment there at the time. And Savage's contract was basically just the money from his deal with Slim Jim. Also, Terrific list! : )
Yo! When Brian said that line about Viscera becoming a minion of The Undertaker being ironic was pure icing. Like I have to sit here and wonder if Taker and Viscera had a talk about that moment.
“Hey bro remember when I accidentally broke your face?”
“Vince, bury this hell out of this guy man...”
He didn’t break undertakers orbital with a leg drop, he did it by being completely out of shape and being in the wrong spot. This caused undertaker to run straight into his fist. When they made it into an angle, they claimed it was the leg drop.
The Punjabi prison match against Batista was amazing tough. Dave did an amazing job at carrying him through
One thing nowadays is none of the big men work like big men(except Keith Lee and Brock and Strowman for that one monster run he had). Throwing a smaller guy around, using your weight, no selling things that a bigger guy wouldn't sell, and having to be taken down by either quickness, persistence, luck or outsmarted. There is more than "Size, Agility or Charisma", working believably with the size you have matters quite a bit.
Well I’d argue that’s part of Lee’s aura, he’s a heavyweight that can move like a cruiser weight. He is, after all, limitless.
@@KingKhanate1997 yeah, but that's on top of him working like a big man should which is yeah, what makes him an absolute superstar potential guy........who has been off TV because WWE can't see what's in front of them apparently.
@@BlameMaxSand Well he’s been released since we last spoke and now we have Omos… Yay…
@@KingKhanate1997 probably for the best all things considered. Hope he does well in AEW where he will inevitably end up lol.
Lesnar's botch moonsault comes to mind🤣
We gotta get a ‘best big men’ list soon.
As long as Big Hoss McGraw isn't on the list....
Big Hoss McGraw is the greatest of all time. So how could Big Hoss McGraw be on this list.
Vincent made a fool out of Giant Gonzalez debut by having him dressed as one of the members of War of the Gargantua monster movie from 1966 or Big Foot from the sitcom Six Million dollar man 1970's.That was cold.
Mabel broke the Undertaker's orbital socket from accidently punching him when going for a clothesline. Thats what Taker said
6:13 *Andre's No Mercy entrance theme in background*
You magnificent bastard
You knew you were going to get heat for including Andre and you got it. Well played. As Bischoff would say, "Controversy Creates Cash."
A more objective list would have put Andre in as an honorable mention and a commentary that everyone declines given enough time.
But thank you all the same for this list. Notable exemptions have already been mentioned many times in the comments.
Will there be a follow up of Best Big Men? If so, Andre, Big Show and Kane are imo the top 3.
Looking forward to what you come up with next!
Kane? Prime Taker was better than prime Kane.
Taker was kind of bad when he started, though.
Undertaker definitely qualifies as a 'big man'. Young Hogan was a 'big man' too. Kevin Nash obviously.
@@Rob_Thorsman watch his Mean Mark matches in WCW, the gimmick slowed him down. Ever heard the expression 'move like a featherweight, hit like a heavyweight'
No honorable mention for "The Yeti" Ron Reis?
That uncle Elmer was a true con man. He was being put up in 5 star hotels by Vince during his big push and would be outside the arena selling fake rolexes to fellow wrestlers and fans and when he left the town the rolexes would break. He was a true carny.
You start to appreciate wrestler's like the Big Show after seeing how many failed big men there were in wrestling.
They've never been able to produce another Big Show and Omos certainly isn't one. Wight got his giantism fixed right at the perfect when he was the peak of his size and strength without the other problems he would have developed like Andre did.
Had a little Chris Farley “El niño” flashback when you paused to explain what El Gigante is Spanish for... 🤣
Man he was terrible.
Well, I at least know that Big Daddy V and Great Khali have something in common: Two bad big guys with some fire ass theme songs.
I felt embarrassed as a young wrestling fan when children in my school marked out for great khali.
Tbh all of us Indian WWE fans did that as kids. I marked out, and still regularly mark out for Y2J. In fact, for about 3 years after 7th grade, I pretty much copied his 2008 hairstyle, just in my brown and black hair instead of Jericho's golden curls
@@arnavbhagwat4232 dude.......why?
@@nishitgautam5524 which part? Marking out for Khali or copying Jericho's hair?
Even as a kid, I hated comedy Khali
National pride I guess. Can't blame them.
Sri Lankan here by the way. Sometimes my roots mean nothing and just stick with the country that raised me (England). Besides Khali landing his finisher nothing really sticks for me. Being a temporary heel was the best possible route.
What are your thoughts on Jinder Mahal? Before and after he mixed with Khali?
First Brian- you're gonna get tons of people referring to autism & Asperger's now in your comments. Like me. My beautiful, Wonderful son has autism.
Great video dude. My favorite Shamrock moment was Mania 13. The best special guest ref ever. Come at me
As a Brit I take exception to Giant Haystacks being on this list. Not technically the best but genuinely one of the most famous wrestlers in the UK.