Is The Pope The AntiChrist? by Keith Malcomson

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
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  • @allovertheplaceproductions5835
    @allovertheplaceproductions5835 2 роки тому +14

    i was raised catholic i always thought it was satanic it feels weird in those masses .. it’s sad it’s a place where demons can reach you easily .

  • @tonyleeglenn
    @tonyleeglenn 2 роки тому +12

    Keith - I've just recently discovered your teaching. Thanks for posting these videos. You are sticking to the word, and that's admirable. I love your directness and accuracy in following the scriptures. Great job brother!

  • @carolbrinneman9558
    @carolbrinneman9558 2 роки тому +7

    A fire hose of inspiration, information and insight. There is so much to learn and comprehend in the Word about the days to come. Thank you, Pastor, from near Charlotte, NC.

  • @ibelieve96
    @ibelieve96 2 роки тому +3

    Call no man thy father!

  • @lisabradford5998
    @lisabradford5998 2 роки тому +3

    My son turned me onto this pastor. I'm loving these messages! Love you all ❤️

  • @godblessbunuchi4267
    @godblessbunuchi4267 3 роки тому +11

    They also declared that they changed the sabbath to sunday

  • @russelljones2305
    @russelljones2305 3 роки тому +4

    As a fellow author and researcher in Biblical apologetics, Scripture and Church history, I concur with your finding. There are many Christian Pastors who don’t even know what the Early Christians taught and believed.

  • @garywilliams2662
    @garywilliams2662 3 роки тому +13

    I love the passion of this good man. God bless you.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      Sure he is passionate. But wrong as well.

    • @susettemclachlan8765
      @susettemclachlan8765 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 On which point.?

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +2

      @@susettemclachlan8765 That the pope is the Anti-Christ. Scripture does not support his stance. I have about 10 objections but I will give you 5.
      1) The Jews will not accept their Messiah if he is not of the line of David. The prophet Nathan prophesized that to King David: 2 Samuel 7:12 And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. Which pope has ever claimed to be a descendent of King David?
      2) In the Book of Revelation Jesus throws into the Lake of Fire ONE Anti-Christ and ONE False Prophet. The Anti-Christ is a political and military leader. The False prophet a religious one. Today Frances is solely a religious leader. He does not command armies either. And the book of Revelation does not say Jesus throws into the Lake of Fire 266 Popes or whatever number: Revelation 19:20
      3) IN the Old Testament the prophet Micah calls the Antichrist the Assyrian: Micah 5:5-6 Very few Catholic is Assyria these days to become Pope. And Bergoglio is from Argentina. That is a long way from Assyria.
      4) The Anti-Christ will be a military leader who will wage war: Daniel 11:39 “He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with
      the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.” The papal guard is 150 people. Not much damage the pope can do with that amount of people. Nato has 1.3 million active troops in Europe. I doubt they will let a pope borrow that many troops.
      5) The bible says the Anti-Christ "will perform "signs and wonders" 2 Thessalonians 2:9. Can you name me ONE sign or wonder performed by Bergoglio?
      Those are just five a few more I can give you. If any I can make a better case for the Pope being the false prophet than being the Anti-Christ.

    • @susettemclachlan8765
      @susettemclachlan8765 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 I agree totally.Keith also does not believe the Pope could ever be theAnti Christ even though he heads an anti christ system.

    • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
      @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 2 роки тому +1

      Wholly agree Brother. The Pope is AN antichrist, not THE Antichrist. Doesn't square up with Scripture. The final Pope will fulfil the role of the False Prophet.

  • @DJLiquidSmooth
    @DJLiquidSmooth 2 роки тому +3

    I am very welled studied in this particular subject, and you did very well presenting this and I liked the way the facts were layed out. It had a unique freshness

  • @colleen2513
    @colleen2513 2 роки тому +6

    This is very valuable information. I was brought up to believe the historicist view by my father who was a Pastor of the Churches of God in Belfast. With current events I have had questions about how it will all pan out. Good to hear your point of view in regard to the times in which we are living. Something definitely seems to be brewing.

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 2 роки тому +1

      @Colleen, I was also taught according to the historicist interpretation. It is so sad that futurism now prevails amongst Bible believing Protestants

    • @danielwarton5343
      @danielwarton5343 2 роки тому

      @@geordiewishart1683 why is it sad? The words of Christ haven’t all been fulfilled yet. There are future events to come that weren’t part of the AD70 events. Too much has to be allegorised to make them fit the preterist view. Futurism is the view of the early church fathers up till Origen and then Augustine.

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 Рік тому +1

      In the days of the early church, all prophecies were yet to be fulfilled.
      So of course everyone was a futurist.
      But the modern term really applies to a more recent theology which has its roots in the papacy.
      In short, it's aim was to deflect attention away from papacy being anti Christ.
      The other school known as the Futurists said that this great power must be future, teaching that it would not appear until the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. The originator of this second erroneous thesis was a Spanish Jesuit priest, Francisco Ribera (1590). As he attempted to advance the Roman Catholic Counter Reformation, Ribera was embarrassed by the persistent Protestant identification of the Papacy with the Antichrist. To counter this he revived a futuristic interpretation for the Book of Revelation (he placed all but the first three chapters in the future). Antichrist was restored to a person and an individual ruler (not the Pope) who would arise in the future. Antichrist would reign for three and one half years and his teaching was embellished with a rebuilding of a temple at Jerusalem, revival of the Levitical Laws and Sacrifices, plus various Jewish aspects in addition to the wholly unfulfilled persecution of the Church. This futuristic interpretation was popularized by Cardinal Bellarmine and became widely accepted within Romanism.

  • @chrischambers5909
    @chrischambers5909 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you Keith! I continue to gain from your preaching. Chris Chambers crewe Virginia USA.

  • @revelationthegreatunveilin7246
    @revelationthegreatunveilin7246 3 роки тому +13

    God had pulled me out of the Catholic church in 2019, I asked for my eyes to be opened, and that God would open the bible to me. It was a gradual understanding as I was so indoctrinated into the church that I was blind to what preachers like Keith were saying. It was a daily prayer that I would know the truth,. Jesus is the door to my salvation NO religious organization. God tells us we know them by their works, look at the works of the elders/ leaders in the Catholic church this is who you are following. Regardless of who is your local priest and you think they are "good" people... The answer God gives us to this question is: Are they following what God from the beginning has told us, they have changed the commandments that Moses brought down from Mt. Moriah. Moses pleaded with God about HIs people to spare them when they were worshipping the golden calf. The Catholic church is the same, they have brought in the golden calf as they do not see God is present everywhere, not just in a church building and in communion. The bible is the key to opening the true nature of God and He tells us exactly how we should worship Him. It comes down to believing in God or believing in man-made religion. Praying to Mary is wrong. Mary declares 6Then Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! 48For He has looked with favor on the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed Luke 1:46-47, She is not without SIN... Mary needs a savior... She is fallen, that is how beautiful your God is. He dwelt in sin and He overcame it in every sense. Otherwise, we would not need Christ to die for us if Mary was without sin. We know only the blood of the Lamb can save us. The statues God tells us NOT to make an image for a reason as HE is a living God. He is here with us, remember Thomas doubted and God appeared later to Him. Jesus asked Thomas to do the things that he doubted, this is for us now in our time... He knows all things and binds all things and to believe otherwise as in "saints who have died" can hear you and you pray to them over our personal saviour is to make your God a small God. He can hear you and He collects every one of your tears and He knew you and planned you from the very beginning. We cannot hide from God He is present with us until the end. I serve a LIVING GOD, pierced for OUR transgressions but Alive as Jesus alone overcame satan, and we now are born again into that life with Him. Thank you for this sermon.

    • @damonhunter5143
      @damonhunter5143 3 роки тому +3

      Thank-you for your moving testimony brother, from one former Roman Catholic to another.

    • @EternaLivesMatter
      @EternaLivesMatter 3 роки тому +3

      I am so grateful that God brought me out of the darkness of the RCC.
      He opened my eyes with the light of His glorious Gospel.
      I am free! Jesus hath MADE me free by His finished work.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      God pulled me out of an evangelical Church 15 years ago. And brought me to the only church his son founded. You have hood winked into believing a lie of 16th century man made Christianity. you, Damon, and Eternal will one day know the mistake you made. You can't tell me thousands of protestant churches who can't agree on anything are all right.

    • @EternaLivesMatter
      @EternaLivesMatter 3 роки тому

      When you were in that Evangelical Church did you receive Christ as your Saviour? Meaning... did you believe that he died in your place to pay the debt for your sins and Rose from the grave to give you eternal life... did you believe that there was nothing you could possibly do to earn your way to heaven and that it is only the finished work of Jesus Christ that saved you?????

    • @revelationthegreatunveilin7246
      @revelationthegreatunveilin7246 3 роки тому +1

      @@juanisaac5172 ​ Hi Juan thanks for reaching out. I hope this helps. I don't believe in any "protestant Church" but I do believe we need to gather as otherwise, we drift away to other things. So it is necessary to find a good church group of christians. Jesus is the word that leapt down and dwelt among us. I believe that Keith speaks the truth of what I hear on youtube, but Paul tells us to rebuke and correct using the scriptures if he didn't speak according to what is written in them. Unfortunately, the Catholic church does not do this. They use traditions that have warped the true message of Christ. The greatest commandment is to love your Lord God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself. How do you love God? You obey and cherish his word, the bible. God tells us He is with us until the end of times, He is in everything and binds all things, why do you have to pray to anyone else besides God if this is so, he has every hair on your head counted, that sounds like he can hear you to me... If Mary could be born without sin why would we need Jesus to cover our sins? These are some of the lies the Catholic church teaches and God has no part in lies. Catholic church also asks says you can do things and pay money in remission of your sins. God says that He is a gift freely given. You could never do or pay the cost of God's sacrifice on the cross in your life here. Jesus says ask and it shall be given onto you,seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open. There is no counting of the costs just an acceptance that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness and believe in the Word. That means to steadfastly move towards God. There would be no such thing as love if God hadn't loved first. He loves you, all you have to do is to love Him alone back not pray to people that have died so that God will hear you. That sounds like some sort of medium witchcraft, and it is. "Come to me all who labour and are burdened my yoke is easy and my burden is light". May God bless you in your journey, I hope this helps you.

  • @FTWLiveMusicScene
    @FTWLiveMusicScene 2 роки тому +2

    He has an annointing no doubt - Smart, well studied, well spoken Man of God !

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому +7

    Look at the pope’s staff- there’s a bowed/defeated Christ on it!🖤

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому +3


  • @jamespalmer4936
    @jamespalmer4936 2 роки тому +4

    I love this guy! A real heart for God.

  • @irenecooper7235
    @irenecooper7235 3 роки тому +8

    I agree with with you. We are going to have to go through difficult times. Jesus will test us.

    • @ronniepace8778
      @ronniepace8778 2 роки тому +2

      Not difficult times - like nothing you can imagine

    • @irenecooper7235
      @irenecooper7235 2 роки тому +2

      @@ronniepace8778 I totally agree with you.

  • @davidboughman138
    @davidboughman138 11 місяців тому

    Praise God for hearing a brother from another nation preaching this truth. Many will not look for truth, but dead religions and traditions. The truth is not hate. Our traditions will not change God's Word. I love the deceived and religious, but Jesus Christ will be the only difference between eternal life and and eternal condemnation. These false teachers are themselves deceived by generations of compromise. Universalism is not of God.

  • @Michael-ei4ls
    @Michael-ei4ls 2 роки тому +2

    even the Pope is trying to enforce the sunday law. Sabbath is not a jewish, it is something that has been observed since the beginning with GOD resting with His creation on this day.

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 2 роки тому

      Yes. The Sabbath was instituted at creation, long before God called out the nation Israel.
      But consider also the difference between a Jew and an Israelite.
      The terms are not interchangeable.

  • @travisowens9735
    @travisowens9735 3 роки тому +4

    Don't know for sure but he's really really working on it!

  • @stephanieblack2965
    @stephanieblack2965 2 роки тому +1

    Why did Jesus say :do not call anyone Father/Abba for you only have one Father who is in heaven and......

  • @CiaoBellaGori
    @CiaoBellaGori 3 роки тому +20

    Agree! The pope is called ”Father” by the Catholics. We have ONLY one Father according to the Bible!!
    Mathew 23:9!

    • @shunt_solakian.
      @shunt_solakian. 3 роки тому +3

      What do you call your earthly father?

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger 3 роки тому +1

      But if you're not Catholic, you won't call him father. That is a relevant term to Catholics, but not Evangelical Christians.

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 3 роки тому +2

      Ok let's go to
      1 Corinthians 4:15
      15 For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. †
      That is why we call priest fathers and its biblical plus many more

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger 3 роки тому +1

      @@shunt_solakian. Gori means "Heavenly Father"

  • @jipsees1908
    @jipsees1908 Рік тому

    Bless this man..Praise God! Thank you Lord Jesus!

  • @davidboughman138
    @davidboughman138 11 місяців тому

    This man is not of man. It's not easy to know the truth and teach it in a sin filled selfish world. We have to make God's Word our only authority and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only Hope. I love you brother. Stand firm in this liberty

  • @Faji9r
    @Faji9r 2 роки тому +1

    Amen Jesus is the head of the Church.

  • @decay-154
    @decay-154 6 місяців тому

    Great message may God bless your ministry . Im still a Historicist but will watch this again and the Islamic antichrist also .

  • @EternaLivesMatter
    @EternaLivesMatter 3 роки тому +2

    Just looked up the video of Ian Paisley protesting Pope John Paul

  • @lindawalker5396
    @lindawalker5396 3 роки тому +12

    I would like to recommend "The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan", available from Amazon. Also available on UA-cam as an audiobook, "The Great Controversy: Audiobook". A must-read for all Christians. It follows church history from the fall of Jerusalem to the end of the age and Christ's return.

    • @hannahhope3553
      @hannahhope3553 3 роки тому +3

      The book you recommend is by Ellen G. White, founder of the Seventh Day Adventist church.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      Seriously? Something by Ellen G. White. The Millerites were wrong in the Second of Jesus and they are wrong now.

    • @garywilliams2662
      @garywilliams2662 3 роки тому +1

      Wow,..24 hours! Thank you! I will listen to all weekend!

    • @susettemclachlan8765
      @susettemclachlan8765 3 роки тому +2

      Not advisable. Ellen G White is a false prophet. SeventhDay Adventist’s deny the reality of hell and consider Sunday church attendance thé mark of the Beast. I totally agree that Saturday is the scriptural sabbath but on other matters they are way off

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      @@garywilliams2662 It is hogwash Gary. Just bad history and bad theology. Read about the section where White says the French Revolution happened because France did not have the real Gospel. But then she ignores the English Civil War.

  • @carmelrelihan15
    @carmelrelihan15 2 роки тому

    thank you pastor Keith lovely teaching

  • @robertscrimger8384
    @robertscrimger8384 3 роки тому +2


  • @godstruth7859
    @godstruth7859 9 місяців тому +1

    Hebrews 4
    King James Version
    4 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
    2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
    3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
    4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
    5 And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
    6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
    7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
    8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
    9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
    10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
    11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
    12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

  • @robynhefferan9561
    @robynhefferan9561 3 роки тому +4

    Wow, never thought of that! Every Catholic is citizen of Vatican City.

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 2 роки тому +2

      Yes, is it any wonder that Protestant England of old was concerned about Catholics living in the realm.

    • @DJLiquidSmooth
      @DJLiquidSmooth 2 роки тому +1

      That's why no Catholic should be able to hold office in America. How can you be loyal to America, yet call the leader of another country "Holy Father"? Imagine Putin becoming the Pope of the orthodox church, and I tried to run for office in America and I called Putin "Holy Father"...

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому +3

    The Pope:The False Prophet? That’s what I’ve thought by scripture.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому +1

      The Bible actually teaches the papacy is the beast, with the popes Latin name adding up to 666. The dragon is satan, and the false prophet is apostate Protestantism, preaching false papal doctrines such as Sunday sacredness and all the errors the Jesuits brought in through dispensationalism, which includes a one-man antichrist at the end of time and a pre tribulation rapture .

  • @inatorquoisemood93
    @inatorquoisemood93 Рік тому +1

    After the death of constantine the western roman empire broke up into 10 kingdoms as foretold in daniel 7 ! That is a fact ! then the little horn power (the papacy) arose and defeated 3 of those kingdoms: the vandals, the heriuli and the ostrogoths, just as Daniel predicted with the Little Horn . Once the Papacy eliminated these 3 kingdoms with the forces of the roman army it then ascended to great power and thus begun the dark ages - the papacy ascended to much greater depths of persecution than the ceasars of rome - far far worse and thus the historic interpretation is actually correct. Daniel 2 Daniel 7, 1 Thess 2:1-15, Rev 13 & Rev 17 provide a harmonious iron clad confirnation of the identity of the antichrist -

  • @Michael-ei4ls
    @Michael-ei4ls 2 роки тому +3

    this is why i observe Saturday as Sabbath: Catholic Record (September 1, 1923):
    “Now in the matter of Sabbath observance the Protestant rule of Faith is utterly unable to explain the
    substitution of the Christian Sunday for the Jewish Saturday. It has been changed. The Bible still teaches
    that the Sabbath or Saturday should be kept holy. There is no authority in the New Testament for the
    substitution of Sunday for Saturday. Surely it is an important matter. It stands there in the Bible as one
    of the Ten Commandments of God. There is no authority in the Bible for abrogating this Commandment,
    or for transferring its observance to another day of the week.”
    “For Catholics it is not the slightest difficulty.”…“The Church is above the Bible; and this transference of
    Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof positive of that fact. Deny the authority of the
    Church and you have no adequate or reasonable explanation or justification for the substitution of
    Sunday for Saturday in the Third - Protestant Fourth - Commandment of God.”

    • @ianmcdonald8648
      @ianmcdonald8648 2 роки тому +2

      Get your eyes of what the Pope and his minions say.
      Get your eyes on what the apostles taught, which Jesus taught them.
      Paul wrote to the Colossian assembly and said to these gentile believers; "Don;t let anyone judge (condemn) you ....or of the sabbath days." Col 2:16-17
      The early disciples led by the apostles worshipped Jesus everyday. The Gentiles worshipped every day in homes, but especially on the first day of the week, the day Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurreciton, and on that very day they worshipped Him.

    • @Michael-ei4ls
      @Michael-ei4ls 2 роки тому

      @@ianmcdonald8648 I agree. Just don't see why we would transition to Sunday, especially the world after this

    • @danielwarton5343
      @danielwarton5343 2 роки тому

      @@Michael-ei4ls because Christ rose on a Sunday.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      @@danielwarton5343 Jesus never said to transfer Sabbath rest to Sunday in honor of rising on Sunday. Baptism and communion were the reminders He instituted. Paul continued referencing the 7th day.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      @@ianmcdonald8648 No one ever said to only worship on one day. However, the Lord of the Sabbath never changed his day of rest, even in the tomb. Sunday is the MARK if the pope, and he clearly boasts of it. Today, men vehemently defend the pope's tradition while doing anything to debunk the fourth commandment. In vain do they worship, teaching as doctrines the commandments of MEN.

  • @gordon222
    @gordon222 2 роки тому +2

    Glory to God, we have victory. Thank you Keith.

  • @newenglandsun4394
    @newenglandsun4394 2 роки тому +1

    Sts. Hippolytus and Irenaeus made the same conclusions. The historicist interpretation doesn't even take into account that the Eastern Roman Empire was flourishing until 1453 A.D.

  • @yh10359
    @yh10359 2 роки тому

    plz find the address numberrs of DT's tower.
    Then find the chapter of the address in the Book of DanieI.

  • @lucianewell6084
    @lucianewell6084 2 роки тому +1

    The feet of the Babylonian statue bother me. they are Clay and Iron

  • @jasonwolfe920
    @jasonwolfe920 2 роки тому +1


  • @AI-rm5kg
    @AI-rm5kg 3 роки тому +3

    Some thoughts on the Restrainer of 2 Thes 2.
    Everything you've ever been taught will likely contradict what Im about to say, it took me 28 years to finally come to see this, now I just can't unsee it....
    *2 Thes 2v7...*
    "....Now he who *restrains* will do so until he is taken out of the way"
    Some translations say "restrain >himit< or restrains >evil>torture>appointed time

    • @twodescend
      @twodescend 3 роки тому

      Consider it I certainly will. Thank you.

    • @twodescend
      @twodescend 3 роки тому +1

      I considered it and I thought I was with you until I arrived at your summary and it dawned on me what you were actually saying. I cannot accept that Satan has the power to restrain God, which if I understand correctly is what you are suggesting.
      I can't help the sense that you have revealed a truth, only to fall at the last hurdle. Surely it is God restraining Satan in heaven, holding him back until the very last moment, before throwing him to earth.
      God is allowing the human race to bring itself to the brink of destruction before releasing Satan to show the world the stark contrast between good and evil.
      Either way, thank you. It has the ring of truth and explains a great deal.

    • @AI-rm5kg
      @AI-rm5kg 3 роки тому

      @@twodescend Satan cannot restrain God himself but its clear from scripture in a multitude of cases Satan hinders and restrains the purposes of God.
      Paul writes "I would have come to tou but Satan hindered me". Daniel tells us the demonic price restrained the angel in a heavenly battle until Michael intervened. The whole essence of demonic activity is to steal, kill and destroy. He is fundamentally Gods enemy.
      When Satan is removed by Michael at the 3 1/2 year point it looks like a literal colossal dam burst to me...NOW HAVE COME ...

    • @twodescend
      @twodescend 3 роки тому

      @@AI-rm5kg OK. That makes sense. I didn't understand your NOW HAS COME comment. Are you saying you believe Saran is here?

    • @twodescend
      @twodescend 3 роки тому

      @@AI-rm5kg oh. You are quoting Revelation. Sorry being very slow today.

  • @decay-154
    @decay-154 6 місяців тому

    How do we know Constantine feared the Roman Empire would be divided into 10 kingdoms What written records confirm this?

  • @danielabussell8461
    @danielabussell8461 3 роки тому +1

    time , time and dividing of times =3 & 1/2 years = Ezekiel chapter 4 talks about one day = one year.
    so 3x 12x30 = 1080 + 180 (or 360 divide by 2 =180) =1260 days or years (dark ages).

  • @robertdipaula1623
    @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому +1

    Even as we deal with these scriptures given to us by the Catholic Church at the church we deny that there actually was a church because all we need is The Bible.. You're word alone and that's all We need we don't need no church for that we never did we always just had your word in our hearts never ever written on some kind of parchment or paper written down,, but it's in our hearts

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      Oh really. Where in the bible does it say we just need the bible?

    • @robertdipaula1623
      @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 AVE MARIA...🙏👍 Maybe I wasn't really good at it, but it was sarcasm or satire,, something like that, but We're on the same team..✝️☝💯🙏

    • @robertdipaula1623
      @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 I was doing a rendition of how this gentleman 🙏prays

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      @@robertdipaula1623 Ok, I got you. But seriously one can go on all day with this guy.

    • @robertdipaula1623
      @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 that may be TRUE💯... BUT I WAS IN A MOOD WHEN I POSTED IT..😁

  • @debravan-aalst4723
    @debravan-aalst4723 3 роки тому +2

    Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire according to Rev.20:14 🤔

  • @susettemclachlan8765
    @susettemclachlan8765 3 роки тому +4

    What a pity Keith doesn’t always follow scripture himself . Daniel is clear that that the Antichrist will be an areligious Jew. He will not follow the faith of hisFathers ( ie the Patriarchs) I speculate that the Antichrist and Judas both of whom Satan enters into and who are the only two people referred to as the ‘sons of perdition’, are also both of the tribe of Dan. The symbol of which tribe is the serpent and the only tribe to be omitted from the 144,000

  • @BethannMachado
    @BethannMachado 3 роки тому +6

    Also calcute with Roman Numeral system the Popes title of (Vicarius Filii Dei) and it equals 666

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      So does Ronald Reagan's name. Besides John wrote in Greek and not Latin.

    • @rigavitch
      @rigavitch 3 роки тому +1

      Michael Heiser will interest you!

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 2 роки тому +1

      @Juan, yes but the whole point is that the papacy gives itself titles in Latin. So it is correct that the calculation is made from Latin.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      @@juanisaac5172 it's a Roman numeral calculation, which must total six hundred threescore and six. Not just 6 letters in each name. Latin has always been the language of the popes, even in masses in America.
      Besides, there are other criteria to be met in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7. The papacy meets all of them.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 Рік тому

      @@geordiewishart1683 The Catholic Church uses Ecclesiastical Latin, in other words their own version of Latin. The Romans used classical Latin. And the Emperor Nero also adds to 666.

  • @yh10359
    @yh10359 2 роки тому +1

    trumpet is horn too.

  • @stephanieblack2965
    @stephanieblack2965 2 роки тому

    Should taken away about antichrist beeing revealed,not be translated from Hebrew original and not Greek ?

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому +2

    Check out any books by Alberto Rivera!!!

  • @Psalm-yg6yi
    @Psalm-yg6yi 3 роки тому +1

    *To say he is would be slander. The pope is an Anti-Christ but not thee Antichrist. I never want to see thee Antichrist, I want to see Jesus* !!

    • @arshavineroy
      @arshavineroy 2 роки тому +1

      Someone will debunk the Pope as the Antichrist and accept Futurism which was created by the Vatican to counter Historicism.
      That is illogical if you ask me.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      The papacy, biblically speaking, has always been the seat of Antichrist. There's not a special Antichrist at the end of time, as jesuit dispensationalism made up. You are seeing Antichrist any time you see the pope.

  • @angelstedge7620
    @angelstedge7620 Рік тому

    Was thinking how the little horn that rose up is a lot like the bear who has 3 ribs in his mouth....thinking 3 kingdoms give all their power to the bear

  • @alowery001
    @alowery001 2 роки тому


  • @Faji9r
    @Faji9r 2 роки тому

    The Bible does say peace will be taken from the earth.

  • @EasternRomeOrthodoxy
    @EasternRomeOrthodoxy 2 роки тому +1

    No, it's your Martin Luther

  • @decay-154
    @decay-154 6 місяців тому

    The two legs of Daniels image . What about the 2 arms and 10 fingers on the other 2 empires Greece and Persia ?

  • @ikedysonlive7511
    @ikedysonlive7511 2 роки тому

    "Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned." I believe this verse also refers to Antichrist, and indicates that he will "destroy his own land, and slay his own people." So the beast will slaughter his own people, and destroy them. The fact that he will "not be joined with them in burial" is indicative of the beast being "taken alive (with the false prophet" and cast into the lake of fire. None of this rules out a pope being antichrist. So simply because the ten horns destroy the woman, and burn her with fire doesn't rule out this being done on behalf of a pope.
    Secondly, Revelation 17 indicates that the beast "shall ascend from out of the bottomless pit." This seems to indicate a person who was once alive being miraculously brought back from the dead. "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and yet is." So he was alive, is not alive, but is once again alive at some point. Therefore, since Antichrist will destroy his own land, and slay his own people, I do not see how this rules out a pope being the beast to whom the ten horns (or kings) give their power.
    Thirdly, as the man said in the video, the OVERWHELMING majority of Catholics are God-fearing, and God-loving people, while their leaders in Rome are not, another indication of why the leaders of the Catholic church will want to destroy them.
    On a completely separate, and thoroughly unbiblical note (and I only add this for speculation), Nostradamus wrote: "Antichrist soon annihilates the three. Twenty seven years his war will last." Now, which pope was in office for twenty seven years?
    Finally, I happen to believe that the beast who "ascends from out of the bottomless pit" will be a former, deceased pope. "And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, when they behold the beast that was, is not, and yet is."

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      The papal beast "was" during the long dark ages, "was not" after being taken down from its power in 1798, and officially reinstated into sovereignty in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, so it "is" again, and the world has been " wondering after" ever since, and will continue doing so until the end. Most evangelical bodies now kiss up to the pontiff instead of protesting.

  • @johnmclawrence4676
    @johnmclawrence4676 2 роки тому

    The Roman catholic church even change the 4th commandment the sabbath that the lord told us to remember which is the 7th day the Roman catholic church in 321 AD change the sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week.

  • @marcit572
    @marcit572 3 роки тому

    thank you

  • @David88973
    @David88973 3 роки тому +1

    Beautiful exposition of the terrible papal co-opting of apostolic succession, while the true apostolic succession were those protesters who were like sheep killed for Christ's sake all the day long. But since Daniel 2 showed that the Roman papacy would be the enemy of God until the second coming of Jesus, why is it so difficult to see that the Vatican that sits upon the Necropolis should be the one and only enemy of God at the very end? Revelation 13 says that the Dark Ages beast would receive a deadly wound by the Reformation sword of the Spirit, the Bible. The word of God, translated into the popular languages and in the hands of the saints of God, felled Babylon like Joshua's forces did ancient Jericho. The Bible through the Spirit, presented to honest souls by honest born again souls, destroyed the fortification of Satan. Truth softened with grace tore down Satan's power of deception and superstition. But, the Vatican's deadly wound has been healed. Why? Because the Reformation has left its continued reforming and therefore lost its protest against the enemy of God. Now the Protestant church not only continues to sleep, but has returned to its old enemy from the Dark Ages. This is inconceivable. Now the denominations, especially in Protestant America, are building an image of the Catholic papacy as the denominations increasingly lose the Spirit and they opt for a political, charismatic replacement. Protestantism is now charisma-political, much like its ancient persecutor, but, now a very charismatic papacy as the Jesuit spiritualistic influence pervades it. Protestantism, especially Protestant America, is the false prophet. America will be instrumental in sweeping the whole world down into spiritualism under the guidance and enslavement of the revived and empowered, demonic, bio-technology of the Jesuit Vatican.

  • @danielabussell8461
    @danielabussell8461 3 роки тому +1

    who ruled during the dark ages ?

  • @akwasisteve9700
    @akwasisteve9700 3 роки тому +1

    We are teaching all this things for unbelievers to know after the believers are Raptured. Because me, I believed Christ%. So I will not go through the great tribulation that will soon happen on this planet earth. 1 John 2:17-19 The Antichrist his spirit it's already in the world long years ago. But their leader to come, the man with sin. who will gather all the world to rule his kingdom. that is Antichrist kingdom that will lead them to distraction. Please Christ is the Alpha and Omega the Almighty. He will come first. Christ is the Word of God who created all creatures and created things. Christ will come for those who believe in Him first. Before Christ allowed satan to come and punish his own people the unbelievers. But the lawless one will be a group of Roman empires. Thanx

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      You are being deceived by dispensationalism, which the pope's Jesuits crafted during their counter-reformation. The supposed pre tribulation rapture is part of that false doctrine. Look up the origin of dispensationalism. Believers are rapture at the end of the age.

  • @Odo-so8pj
    @Odo-so8pj 2 роки тому +1

    Shobat He seemed to have fell in to the mother of God cult. This is comming in from all directions.

  • @kingmufasa8929
    @kingmufasa8929 2 роки тому +1

    Short answer: YES

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому

    Not the Holy Spirit removed, but the Bride.

  • @cynderazuleehirgon3684
    @cynderazuleehirgon3684 2 роки тому +1

    50:06 😂😂

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому +2

    Any non-Catholic is considered “separated brethren”😳

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому +1

      Thats their modern way of saying Heretic.

  • @simonmiller9854
    @simonmiller9854 2 роки тому

    Acts 2 /38 repent and receive the Holy Spirit , be baptised and then the following signs of speaking in tongues Mark 16. 16/17 to enter the kingdom of god .

  • @Eddie-pf1dw
    @Eddie-pf1dw 3 роки тому +1

    I understood the woman to be Israel.

  • @jesussaves4426
    @jesussaves4426 3 роки тому +1


    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 3 роки тому +1

      There will not be a secret rapture! Jesus Christ is not returning until after the Tribulation ( Matt.24:29-31) The Beast system is the NWO lead by America & its president. RCC leader is the false prophet, the 2 beast of Revelation 13. And all whose names are not written in the book of Life will follow them. Soon the world will have a stock market crash and the NWO will begin. And everyone will have to receive an digital ID that will register you in the system. You will have to pledge allegiance to the Antichrist in order to be able to work or buy anything and then you will receive an RFID chip.. the Mark of the Beast. Part of the pledge will be to agree to work on the Sabbath Day of God and have Sunday off. Please remember this as time is at hand.

    • @jesussaves4426
      @jesussaves4426 3 роки тому

      @@sisterbecky411 Thank you for explaining this to me! I can't believe that so many people
      believe in the pre tribulations rapture?..It never made sense for me cause I always thought that the apostles was prosecuted and why would our generation be ruptured.?

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 3 роки тому

      @@jesussaves4426 . Your more than welcome. Yes it’s just unbelievable how many believe that lie! The rapture theory didn’t start until the late 1800’s! And have you noticed how angry & mean most pre-Trib believers get when you try and ask them about certain scriptures that show plainly that there will be no rapture until after the Tribulation! We are about to see the fulfillment of all things.. please stay prayed up it’s going to get really dark spiritually. There’s one brother that has some good videos you might check out. His name is Brother James Keys.

    • @jesussaves4426
      @jesussaves4426 3 роки тому

      @@sisterbecky411Thank you so much for replying to me! sister believes in the pre tribulation,Since the CV and lockdown she spent all the time in her room and is under the influence of a guy who is very into end times and she gave all her savings and most of her clothes away,and now she waits for the rapture, She doesn't want to know anything about the tribulation! She said that God will not let the babies or children go through the tribulations,and that she asked God to rapture her and not leave her behind because she really wanted to feel how it's going to feel like to be ruptured! The church I attend also believes in the pre trib rapture ,But I always think that why did the first church and the apostles went through prosecution and why not our generation, In fact our generation is so wicked, How many will be prepare to lay down their lives for Jesus? Thank you for referring me to Brother James Key I will certainly watch him! GOD BLESS YOU 🙏 🙌

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 3 роки тому

      @@jesussaves4426 . oh my sister! I will be praying for your sister!! This reminds me of a movie that came out in 1991 called The Rapture!! You have to watch it please!! See if it might help your sister! In it the lady takes her daughter to the mountains and waits for the rapture.. so much more happens but in the end she becomes discouraged and gives up and Turns on God!!!! I pray it will help her see that we are not to just wait for our Lords return but do everything we can to get others ready for what is about to happen. I believe that we should be warning everyone that will listen that we will soon have to die for our faith as many many have down through the church ages! Stay in touch please..

  • @hopeseeker97
    @hopeseeker97 2 роки тому

    Let me ask you this: Does Islam come in deceptively? No they tell you Jesus is s prophet. What organization holds both religious and political keys? Which one has a crown and wears white, scarlet, black? Who has worn out the Saints? Cmon now the bible has made it so clear who the son of perdition is.

  • @ibelieve96
    @ibelieve96 2 роки тому

    I can see it going either way ! The pope or a Muslim!

  • @cathylatorre3349
    @cathylatorre3349 3 роки тому +1

    These people humans are not even human I don’t believe they’re human and I’ll never have been no you’re teaching is very good very good new dinnerware of everything pretty much use it for a long time and they still are hurting the babies the kids and we just watch them

  • @ReferenceFidelityComponents
    @ReferenceFidelityComponents 3 роки тому +1

    St Paul had something to say about church authority vested in one apostolic faith.the one true apostolic catholic church. All else is in error and there is no salvation by works alone nor by scripture alone . Magesterium is vested in the one true church...the aithority given by Christ himself. Those who deny this, deny Christ. Search for the truth as is your Christian duty and it will bring you home to the one true apostolic faith. There is no authority other than that. V2 did NOT permit speaking in tongues...that is a protestant lie. The spirit ov v2 is rejected in favour of its documents by traditional and orthodox catholics.

    • @mavismalpenny3782
      @mavismalpenny3782 3 роки тому

      You have been bewitched with papistry

    • @ReferenceFidelityComponents
      @ReferenceFidelityComponents 3 роки тому

      @@mavismalpenny3782 Thank goodness fot that! For a moment there I thought you were going to say I was protestant!
      One true apostolic faith. Deny it and you deny Christ. There is no salvation outside his Church on earth. Reflect on that before issuing your nasty little accusations of witchcraft...this isn't the 12th century you know but if it were, there'd be one universal christian faith which was and still is the Catholic Faith.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      Apostolic authority is an anathema for the protestants. They take the bible in their hands and auto-proclaim themselves bishops, apostles, prophets, deacons, popes, pastors and what not. If it were only that easy. They take after their father Martin Luther. When Emperor Charles V asked Luther under what authority he started his new religion he said "I Martin Luther did it!" So he made himself his own authority. And it has been chaos ever since. Except when they attack the Catholics, that seems to be the only thing that binds them.
      But to the credit of some denominations they have been questioning everything they were taught. So when Jesus said multiple times 'This is my body" maybe he really meant what he said. When the book of Revelation says "No unclean thing will enter heaven" maybe there is a place of purification. When Jesus told John "This is your mother" maybe he really gave humanity a mother. When Jesus throws ONE anti-Christ and ONE false prophet into the lake of fire maybe the Pope is not the anti-Christ since he can't be both a political and religious leader at the same time. What came first the bible or the Church? The church created the bible and not the bible the Church. When Jesus Christ was at the foot of the cross and he gave the care of his mother to Saint John maybe that proves Jesus was an only son. Jewish tradition said the second oldest would take care of the parents. Where were Jesus's brothers when he died? Maybe it was an actual completion of Old Testament prophecy "“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." Zechariah 12:10
      I know it turned long but our separated brethren are questioning all that.

    • @mavismalpenny3782
      @mavismalpenny3782 3 роки тому

      @@juanisaac5172 You need to think through what you are saying a bit more careful before rattling off standard catholic dogma. If you applied the same standard regarding church authority to your popes, you would have to discredit most of them, including the ones who bought the papacy, the adulterers, the fornicators etc. Is there anyone left??? How about the current pope? a deceiving, unregenerate blasphemer!

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      @@mavismalpenny3782 Ha Mavis, what you just wrote proves that the Holy Spirit is what holds the Catholic Church together. It has survived all those bad leaders and still exists. Kind of like the Hebrews and Jews who had horrible kings like Ahab and Omri and Elah and what not and yet they never stopped being God's chosen people. In fact even because of their sins God did not change his mind in Jesus being a descendent of the Jewish kings. If we were to use your standards of perfection there would not even be a Savior. Jesus promised that the gates of Hell would never destroy the church. He never said that we would have the best leaders all the time. I am sure all the leaders in your church are perfect but it does not work that way in real life. Just keep living that fantasy about the Whore of Babylon and what other nonsense you are taught. When the end times are done we will be the only ones standing. Your protestant churches will go the way of the Dodo bird just like all heresies have done. Throw away all your Ellen G. White and David Hunt and Hislop books because you were lied to.

  • @michaelnance8319
    @michaelnance8319 2 роки тому

    We must all put are faith to God and are trust and well being in the teaching of Jesus.
    No one person will know when the true end comes! Only God knows the minutes and days leading up to the end.
    ( Here is a verse that came to me in a dream from Years ago.) Does this verse has any meaning to me? It’s just a verse from my dream.
    The Great Awakening verse!
    The Angel look upon the Settlers standing in the City courtyard and open a scroll and read from it. Look now to the future and see the Great False Caliphate coming and know the days and minutes that leads up to the formation and see it for what it is, but a lie that is build on the falsehood and claims made to cherish “those” that blasphemy against God and disgrace the words of the past Prophets. “Killeen” the Bright Head One known by many names that wears a golden crown stain in the human blood of dead Saints riding a great beast from Babylon waiting for the Great False Caliphate to rise and “those” unaware of current events are doom to be pawns of the Great False Caliphate.
    When the settlers gather around in a circle from all sides and ask the Angel. What all this mean?
    The Angel look at the group of individuals from Men to Women and children then gaze at them and reply.
    “For what is to come, shall come and, what has not been seen, will be seen.” For the lawless and disobedience and Fools that prey on the weak of mind and body and the soul. “Shall increase in numbers!” Those that repeat and keep thy Faith in the lord’s commandments and love and cherish your Family, also love Your brethren and kin of your sister’s house for they have made convent with thy Lord and they are also Your brothers and sisters. When the time of “The Great Awakening” begins, know thy Lord shall be among You in spirit and all the disbelief and horrors and lies comes will not disturb the spirit of the believers.

  • @garystanfield2274
    @garystanfield2274 3 місяці тому


  • @yh10359
    @yh10359 2 роки тому

    the 45 is the A.C. he has ass yrian/ roman blood . i know three methods to count his name.

  • @juanisaac5172
    @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +2

    Papacy is not the Anti-Christ. One has mountains of scripture against that proposition. I will just give you a few for reference.
    1) The Jews will not accept their Messiah if he is not of the line of David. The prophet Nathan prophesized that to King David: 2 Samuel 7:12 And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. Which pope has ever claimed to be a descendent of King David?
    2) In the Book of Revelation Jesus throws into the Lake of Fire ONE Anti-Christ and ONE False Prophet. The Anti-Christ is a political and military leader. The False prophet a religious one. Today Frances is solely a religious leader. He does not command armies either. And the book of Revelation does not say Jesus throws into the Lake of Fire 266 Popes or whatever number: Revelation 19:20
    3) IN the Old Testament the prophet Micah calls the Antichrist the Assyrian: Micah 5:5-6 Very few Catholic is Assyria these days to become Pope. And Bergoglio is from Argentina. That is a long way from Assyria.
    4) The Anti-Christ will be a military leader who will wage war: Daniel 11:39 “He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with
    the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.” The papal guard is 150 people. Not much damage the pope can do with that amount of people. Nato has 1.3 million active troops in Europe. I doubt they will let a pope borrow that many troops.
    5) The bible says the Anti-Christ "will perform "signs and wonders" 2 Thessalonians 2:9. Can you name me ONE sign or wonder performed by Bergoglio?
    Those are just five a few more I can give you. If any I can make a better case for the Pope being the false prophet than being the Anti-Christ.

    • @tianagaming2025
      @tianagaming2025 2 роки тому +2

      That what I was thinking the pope will most likely be the false prophet for the antichrist. I highly doubt he would be the antichrist because if that was the case the two witnesses has to show up first.

    • @michaelvallance3795
      @michaelvallance3795 2 роки тому

      Papacy IS anti Christ…. Without doubt

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      Antichrist is a system, not one future man. That notion was created by dispensationalism, which itself was created by the papacy, which was terrified after the reformers pinned the pope as antichrist. The beast/whore is in the lake of fire, and the beast is the papacy. The pope can influence and control armies through its diplomatic whoring with kings of the earth, especially through Jesuit infiltration.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 Рік тому

      @@TIJoe-te9qu Seems to me TIT that you have been reading too much Dave Hunt and Alexander Hislop. Where in the bible does it say the Antichrist is a system? The bible clearly designates a human Antichrist. You surely know 1 John 2:18. Also look at 2 Thessalonians 2:8 where it says of a lawless ONE and NOT lawless ONES or LAWLESS SYSTEM. And if you look at the Book of Revelation Christ throws ONE man anti-christ and One man false system into the Lake of Fire and not 266 popes or even a system.Revelation 19:20 . You really think the Pope through the Jesuits controls the whole world? Does the atheist, Chinese Premier Xi Jing Ping who does not believe in God calls the Pope and ask him what to do? That is 1.4 billion people. You really think the Hindu Prime Minister of India Modi who is a Hindu and believes in 300 millions gods asks the pope what to do? Never mind Hindu Nationalists hate all things western. You really think the 1.4 billion Muslims who do not believe that God can become a man will suddenly forget the Crusades and make a pope their Mahdi. They hate the papacy. And in the Koran a man cannot be God and the AntiChrist proclaims himself God. Read it for yourself in the Koran QURAN 112:1-4. If there is such a system it would be more like the Federal Reserve and all the Central Banks around the world with their digital currency of which one cannot buy and sell. Maybe it is tied to the Covid shots. As much as the Reformers got stuff right, they got this one wrong. The papacy is not is not Anti-Christ system because almost everyone on earth hates the man or is indifferent to him.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      @@juanisaac5172 Never read them. Using line upon line, and comparing to history, Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17, 2 Thess 2, and others, NO other power did what the papacy did, when it did, how, and for how long, and can meet all the criteria specified. The Reformers independently concluded this as soon as they got their hands on Bibles.
      The one-man antichrist theory is originated in dispensationalism, created by the Jesuits themselves to take heat off the popes . Have you studied the origins of dispensationalism? You owe it to yourself. It is eye opening to say the least.
      Antichrist/beast/little horn could not have persecuted 1260 years if only one man. Vicarius Filii Dei has been at it for centuries, minus the time from.1798 to 1929 when the wound was given, before the Lateran Treaty restored the power to the Vatican on seven hills, with bishops and cardinals arrayed in purple and scarlet, fornication with kings of the earth. VICARIUS FILII DEI =666 in Roman values.

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому

    I never heard that before of the birthing🤔🤔🤔

  • @susettemclachlan8765
    @susettemclachlan8765 3 роки тому

    A silly question since the Bible tells us he won’t be revealed until after the raptureAND because he will be apolitical leader NOT a religious leader

    • @kylelarsen8376
      @kylelarsen8376 3 роки тому

      Yes but he is on the world stage and a big proponent for the advancement of climate change which is political. I can see him taking on the political stage a lot more in the coming days. But just speculating of course!

    • @arshavineroy
      @arshavineroy 2 роки тому +2

      @@kylelarsen8376 You're not speculating. You're spot on.
      Someone e.g., Keith will debunk the Pope as the Antichrist and accept Futurism which was created by the Vatican to counter Historicism.
      That is illogical if you ask me.
      The Papacy is the only system that fulfills all the characteristics of the little horn in Daniel and elsewhere.
      It has successfully killed Protestantism through deception, and thus people nowadays can't see it for what it is.
      I hear Keith at 59:24 say a horn in Daniel always represent one man not kingdoms or nations, yet reading Daniel 8:8, 22 proves the latter.
      Look at the ecumenical movement led by the Pope (and with other religions no less) in conjunction with the climate change agenda and see if you're wrong.
      Open your eyes people!

    • @michaelvallance3795
      @michaelvallance3795 2 роки тому +1

      History has shown us enough proof that the Popes are Anti Christ.
      By their very existence they prove it.

    • @susettemclachlan8765
      @susettemclachlan8765 2 роки тому

      @@michaelvallance3795 A Pope is a more likely candidate for thé False Prophet

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      The Bible does not say that. The only rapture is the second coming and the first resurrection, after which the earth will not be habitable. The supposed pre tribulation rapture is part of dispensationalism, which ironically was created by the pope's Jesuits.

  • @gen886
    @gen886 2 роки тому

    He that letteth will let. What are ppl letting the world leaderz do to them presently?
    Falling away(death). Read 1 peter chp 1, comparing man to flower of grass and "falleth away"
    I cant speak more as my comment is getting deleted.
    Horns, i wonder if its unions of all countries into 10 kingdoms. Like the european union,caricom etc. I could be wrong about all this.

    • @inatorquoisemood93
      @inatorquoisemood93 Рік тому

      After the death of constantine the western roman empire broke up into 10 kingdoms as foretold in daniel 7 ! That is a fact ! then the little horn power (the papacy) arose and defeated 3 of those kingdoms: the vandals, the heriuli and the ostrogoths, just as Daniel predicted with the Little Horn . Once the Papacy eliminated these 3 kingdoms with the forces of the roman army it then ascended to great power and thus begun the dark ages - the papacy ascended to much greater depths of persecution than the ceasars of rome - far far worse and thus the historic interpretation is actually correct. Daniel 2 Daniel 7, 1 Thess 2:1-15, Rev 13 & Rev 17 provide a harmonious iron clad confirnation of the identity of the antichrist

  • @stephanieblack2965
    @stephanieblack2965 2 роки тому

    Why would they kill the harlot if she's with them?

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      Apparently even her lovers grow disgusted with her filthiness.

  • @BethannMachado
    @BethannMachado 3 роки тому

    Pope Francis is the 266th Pope , And the first Pope to take that office before his successors death , so the other Pope is still alive and living at the Vatican with Pope Francis

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      No, not true. Check out something called the Western Schism. Two popes resigned to get a new and end the problem. Read some real history books and stop listening to this guy.

  • @tawhiricruickshank3046
    @tawhiricruickshank3046 2 роки тому

    Look at the symbols the pope worships Baal and Apollyon

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 2 роки тому

    The Celestine Prophecies: the 119th pope will be the False Prophet; this Pope Francis is the 119th pope!

  • @stellamaris7942
    @stellamaris7942 2 роки тому

    I wish John Calvin hadn’t so badly mangled the Scottish soul…

  • @robertalvarez3245
    @robertalvarez3245 2 роки тому

    Mr Keith! God also said, preach the truth no matter who it offends. Jesus was the most radical preacher ever and that’s why they murdered him. Nothing’s changed. Most preachers of today are Satanic and are more afraid of offending the people. So instead, they preach a feel good message. Hopefully you’ll come out one day and preach the whole truth no matter who it offends. You spend more time trying to get these people to like you instead of preaching the whole truth. You took up 1 1/2 hour of air time and never came out with the whole truth. The Vatican runs everything. Including all the countries of the world. The Jesuit Order. How can you trust someone who doesn’t speak the truth.

    • @emmanueltembo9406
      @emmanueltembo9406 2 роки тому

      I don’t think this man tries to preach a feel good message at all. How exactly is he trying to get people to like him? He just gave his opinion on why he doesn’t believe the pope is the anti christ. I don’t think anyone know exactly who he is

  • @densoner
    @densoner 2 роки тому +1

    This man is a coward

  • @robertdipaula1623
    @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому

    And even though the Catholic Church was that infallible that infallible church that gave me this Bible that fell from the sky,,,, Only the scriptures Because we don't have to say where we got them it's just you Lord.. You gave us this word..
    COMPLETELY DETACHED FROM any PERSONS or POPE'S in HISTORY that could ACTUALLY be TRACED If we were just looking into it a little bit..... That's about it... We love you father ,,,except when you Give us perfect evidence humanly speaking to be catholics,,,, then we just stop looking.....😲🤔

  • @wakeupcall8188
    @wakeupcall8188 3 роки тому +1

    My question to you and you all is if pope can't claim something infallible why you have this video
    You either lying because no one is infallible
    Or you decieving us and only you are but pope is not, and we should follow you which makes you antichrist because you believe that you are God given what ever on earth
    Are you saying that Holy spirit can work, talk, inspire you all, but not one that Christ established
    Ain't that hypocritical
    Are you saying that Jesus lied and gates of hell did prevail, and Catholic Church became satanic and you are saving a day
    Tell me when, how, because what i know about my faith we don't
    We follow Christ not even pope
    Christ is head of our church not a pope
    Christ established Catholic Church
    Your one is established by man
    You have pope as a pastor and if you don't like him or his teaching, leave and go to church down street and flow that pope until you don't like him or he doesn't like you and your belives
    So think about this and God bless your and before any conclusions assumptions or judgment, learn what and how we believe
    Ask questions
    Read with open heart what we believe and let Holy Spirit guides you not your hate, assumption or pride, God is not in those, not in such a person

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      Protestants always want the bible to follow their theology instead of the other way around. They can't get anything straight.

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 3 роки тому

      I don't know brother
      I see them in few ways
      - as a sheep left the flock and Jesus trying to get'em back
      As disciples traveling with Jesus on the road to Emmeus, bun not recognizing Him, until braking of the bread, regardless of all that scripture Jesus explained to them and they hearts were burning
      - As potential catholic order with certain charisma
      - And out of that one comes last one
      That we have someone to learn from
      In two ways
      Not to do bad they do
      And do good that they do
      Because God allowed them to exist and those are reasons why
      But eventually they all will come to Jesus and Catholic Church if realy love God

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      @@wakeupcall8188 True. I am reminded of a story when Napoleon got together all the bishops of France and told them that he would destroy the Catholic Church. One bishop got up and started to laugh. He told him "Stupid man should have destroyed the Catholic Church centuries ago. What makes you so sure you can do it?" Same here with the protestants that for 500 years have kept saying the time is nigh for its destruction. And yet here we are for the Holy Spirit sustains it despite heresies and very bad leadership especially today. In the end it will the Catholic Church that is the one left standing whether or not the Anti-Christ rules from Rome. The Church is not a city. We are the Church.

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 3 роки тому

      That term Church, is so missused, this is not directed to you, but i hear that a lot from everywhere
      We are the church, yes, but as a members,
      But if we are church that someone should follow then we are doomed
      For me Christ is the Church
      Not just head of it or Church is His bride
      But that is Christ, His office, place where he is, or all of that together
      In that case teachings are pure
      Practice or worship is pure and holy
      Holy Spirit is always there to lead and protect
      And we have choice to follow and be part of that or not.
      Follow one God One Christ One Holy Spirit
      The One that is, who He is
      not the one we make him to be,
      or wish he is, because that what suits us
      Everyone says we follow Christ and worship Father, maybe,
      but which one of 40000 opinions of Christ interpretations or pictures of Christ and millions of nondenominational opinion, and I can't belive that they are ok with it
      They don't see problem there
      And basically they are united only against us, ain't that devil wish
      So how is possible to follow Christ and do devil wish
      So basically to be even worse, according to protestantism, Jesus has lied and in fact instead of one church, he promised Spiritual Anarchy,
      And that part of the scripture i don't remember
      So what you think,
      i know there are many lovely good harted, Jesus loving people, and many will be saved, but the fact is that was not God promise nor wish, and in that case what are the alternatives
      God bless

    • @paulaivens8063
      @paulaivens8063 3 роки тому +1

      Christianity is not a ‘religion’ it is having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. When we all stand before God on judgment day He is not going to ask “are you a good Catholic or a good Protestant.” He is going to ask “what have you done with my son who died on the cross for your sin, what have you done with my son and have you followed His example for living and do you love Him?” Jesus’s final words on the cross were “It is finished” He has defeated death on the cross and we can go directly to God, no longer through the priest or animal sacrifice as Jesus ended the old sacrificial system. Christ is our High Priest. Popes are just human and sin like us so the Pope needs a Saviour too! No hope in the Pope only ‘Jesus’ saved.

  • @garystanfield2274
    @garystanfield2274 3 місяці тому


  • @dr.alaricshawncastleberry6789
    @dr.alaricshawncastleberry6789 2 роки тому

    If you’re not controversial then you should stay out of the Bible.

  • @pennycooks1389
    @pennycooks1389 2 роки тому

    I love your shows from Canada. Look what the Catholic Church did to Serbs in world war 2 , watch the sons of Herod on you tube. They wanted to Convert all Serbs to be Catholic if not they tortured and killed them

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      Business as usual for getting drunk with the blood of the saints, and all upon the earth.

  • @sh9052
    @sh9052 2 роки тому

    Pope Francis is the last pope .
    There is white n black pope.

  • @mariatgarcia7564
    @mariatgarcia7564 2 роки тому

    The Pope will be the False Prophet.

  • @michelestonebraker6848
    @michelestonebraker6848 3 роки тому

    I would watch what you say, lack of knowledge about the diabolical harming the church is coming from evil people

  • @robertdipaula1623
    @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому +1

    I would recommend (The Bible) it's a good read on how EVERYTHING YOU HAVE THAT IS CHRISTIAN ,,YOU HAVE as a GIFT from the CATHOLIC CHURCH..

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Рік тому

      How twisted. The only thing the Bible says about the papacy is that it is the great whore that sits on the 7 hills of Rome, arrayed in scarlet and purple, drunk with the blood of the saints, fornicating with kings of the earth. Bloodshed and Bible p reversion are not gifts, nor is molestation of thousands of children and nuns.

  • @thejeremiah6162
    @thejeremiah6162 3 роки тому

    doesnt christanity now have 10 sets after schism?

    • @mavismalpenny3782
      @mavismalpenny3782 3 роки тому

      You mean sects?

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому +1

      Way more than that.

    • @mavismalpenny3782
      @mavismalpenny3782 3 роки тому

      Depends on what you mean. Do you mean cults? or just different churches which highlight certain doctrines? Catholics have sects too-liberal catholics who believe that buddha has the same importance as Jesus, or the traditional catholics who believe the last true pope was over 1000 years ago and do services in latin. What are you asking?

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      @@mavismalpenny3782 Sedevacantists are the ones who think that the last pope was before Vatican 2 in 1963 and not 1000 years ago. Traditionalists are the ones who want the Latin mass. Get it right before yo come on here.
      Do you want me to remind you of the thousands of protestant churches who can't agree on anything? that would be a whole book and not a paragraph that I wrote.

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 3 роки тому

      @@mavismalpenny3782 Seems to me you have it all figured out. Just go your own way then. We will see where you end up later. I have met many like you who say the same: I do not need a church or fellowship but just to read the bible at home. Ok. But I will walk down the narrow, but well lighted road Catholics have walked down the road to heaven for centuries.

  • @robertdipaula1623
    @robertdipaula1623 3 роки тому

    Father I'm gonna tell you how to bring clarity to your church,,, the Catholic Church ,,,because ,because we all know that they're not christians , and we know that sometimes you need help from us creatures down here,, because you're all the way up there

  • @beautyan5309
    @beautyan5309 2 роки тому

    He is the false prophet lots of theologians throughout history has come to this conclusion