Imagine my *SHOCK* when I saw this, started listening to it, settled down, made my coffee, got all comfy... and then it was done!!! What?!?! 26 minutes?! We need at least 4 hours of you two talking! I loved it! And omg Allie articulated every single thought I have on gentle parenting! You ladies are an absolute joy to listen to, and you should do more of these. 💛💛💛
I LOVE Allie in this format. She’s so relatable (see what I did there), honest, and approachable. This is an amazing interview. Great job, Alex and Allie!
I've been struggling within my female relationships (with non-Christians), and grasping for the words to convey to them my deep love & concern for their lives and their souls. This conversation gave me some great ideas, and was truly edifying, thank you. Would love to hear more of you two chatting!
Even though I absolutely LOVE both of your podcasts, this format and interview was absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! You both are so well spoken, and so intriguing. Alex, you are such a great interviewer! Allie, you have a beautiful way of delivering truth. I felt like I was sitting in that room with both of you!
Yes! Pearl does not hold a Christian view on marriage. She's not even married to my knowledge. So she doesn't even know how a healthy marriage functions.
Yep. I told my husband “they didn’t mention the word MORMON one single time.” It was a documentary that was 100% used the abuse in that community to malign Christianity.
Finally got around to watching this and I'm not disappointed. This was a really light enjoyable interview with some good instruction/encouragement for christian women to head in our relationships ❤
10000% agree about Pearl.. as a Gen z women whose conservative, Christian & “anti/ feminist” I don’t think Pearl represents me at all. She gives us a bad name she doesn’t live what she preaches. She’s a hypocrite & she’s gone so extreme it’s like men can do no wrong in her opinion. If a man cheats on you it’s “ur fault” legit she said that 🤦🏽♀️
The idea that if a husband is unfaithful, it is absolutely the woman’s fault is not a recent thing. I am 80 and was raised on the belief that women are born to serve a man and remain financially dependent on him all her life. She is to agree with all his decisions in all matters. She is to trust him to know what’s best even if he beats her, is a drunkard, can’t hold a job for most of the time, keeps all money tightly clinched in his fist, and makes constant threats as to her physical and mental wellbeing. Is that completely insane? In my family this belief came out of the Bible. Ephesians 5:22-33. In part the verses say “ Wives submit yourself to your own husband as you do to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church………” Thank you so much St. Paul! You made all women chattel.
@@sharondoan1447 Too bad you, or men in your family didn't read the remainder of Ephesians 5--- 25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,....28 So husbands also ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church,".......Don't blame Paul for the actions of sinful disrespectful men. The Bible never sanctions women to be abused or be a doormat or men to be scoundrels to their wife.
@@xpursangjock8724 I rarely ever hear the full passage of that scripture sermonized. The sermon always focuses on the role of the wife, never on the role of the husband. Why? In Southern Baptist Convention churches , male dominance is supreme. I grew up being taught in church that any man who is a failure as a husband only failed because his wife didn’t support him as she should. Not enough massaging of his ego, not enough honoring his will, not enough sex, not, not, not. The goal for every woman was to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
@@sharondoan1447 @sharondoan1447 I lived in South Carolina for over 10 years, attended many SBC churches and knew SBC pastors. Never did I hear, or was told such one sided, mistreatment of scripture. Even SBC seminaries don't teach such jaded biblical exegesis. Prominent pastors in the SBC like Charles Stanley, Ed Young, Adrian Rodgers, or Ronnie Floyd never taught such nonsense. If you don't know who those guys are, you should. Sorry you attended a church that didn't "rightly divide the word of God". Aspiring to be a Proverbs 31 woman is fine, but men are supposed to be like Jesus Christ. Jesus was strong, a leader and never whined about not having support. Christian men are supposed face their shortcomings, overcome them, and they don't blame their wives for their failures. Christian men are not suppose to be little blaming beta boys--but men.
Huh! “We don’t have to be taught how to lie, disobey or be selfish.” Wow! That was eye-opening, I’d never thought of that. I’m not religious, but I just had an intuitive thought that human nature is bad. This makes so much sense!
Honestly that’s one of the reasons (there are many) that I was convinced Christianity is true. I could never believe the idea that humans are inherently good. Look at this world and history! The Bible explains we are all bent toward sin, and I think that’s so self evident when you take a look around AND when you take an honest look inward. We are not inherently good. We need a savior.
This was a very interesting conversation, so thanks to you both for discussing these topics. I listened mostly to hear your thoughts on the Chosen "controversy". Since this story broke, I've listened to a handful of interviews and monologs on this subject, all from various Christians. Everyone I've listened to has had basically the same response in regards to the pride flag not being a deal breaker. No one seems to address the fact that this particular camera person wasn't content to just do his or her job on the set without bringing their flag to work. I get it that not maybe not everyone is a Christian who works on the set of the Chosen. I have a job in the "secular world " too, and I realize that not everyone at work shares my values. But no one there feels the need to fly their flag in my face at work either. As you said, the creator of the series and some of the actors have doubled down on this as well. It's a shame. My husband and I have watched the whole series that's been released so far, but this might be a deal breaker for me because of the arrogant, in your face attitude that those involved with the series are showing us. JMO, for what it's worth.
Little correction about families in IBLP. They did have the gospel. Most of those families are sincere Christians. They just had a poor legalistic interpretation of how Christians should live. I was raised in IBLP and I became a Christian myself at 14 while still in IBLP. I'm no longer apart of IBLP as an adult, but still have friends who are. We disagree on a LOT, but they definitely understand the gospel and will be my neighbors in heaven someday.
@@emloufox there actually Mennonites in IBLP too. I've had conversations with them and they're definitely Christians! Btw, some of my favorite homeschooling curriculum is produced by Mennonites!
Good point. It seemed like IBLP appealed most to families who were already believers, and who were just trying to figure out how to live in a holy way...and unfortunately this movement went way beyond what Scripture says :( But maybe what Allie was saying for the most part was that if IBLP had stuck to the core truths of the Gospel and Scripture, it wouldn't have gone so far wrong.
@@hannah-mary, another good point. I knew families who didn't believe in most of Gothard's teachings but stuck around because they hoped it'd be a safe space to find friends for their kids. Even a spouse. But then Gothard was going around encouraging your men to not finish highschool, serve full time ministry, and vow singleness till 28. My parents were so upset when they learned that he had challenged all us young impressionable teenagers to make vows of singleness without our parents present. 😵💫
@@AnnaWestfaliaa vow made by a child has to be affirmed by the parents. BTW, Paul teaches a single life, devoted to Christian ministry is preferable to marriage but cannot be received by all. Bill Gothard encouraging celibate ministry is 180 degrees from the other slander thrown at him that he wants every woman barefoot and pregnant, a baby factory.
I seldom agree with Allie on things but this was the coolest I’ve ever heard her sound. This made her sound more human & less extreme. You get a better glimpse into her true self. 🙂
To your point about “I need to consult my wife” with a barf emoji. That is so true on both sides. I always consult my husband about various decisions and ANY TIME I say to someone “let me ask my husband” or some variation of that, it’s amazing how women get so offended by that. The shock on their face of “why would you need to ask your husband first?” is just stunning to me. Because I respect him… And the fact that that’s confusing to people is just so sad and misunderstood.
20:21 I still think you guys are missing the issue with Dallas on The Chosen. It was his response that pushed people over the edge. He said he couldn't see why people are upset and if he had known about the flag he's not sure he'd do anything different. But he should absolutely at the very least see why someone would be upset about that. But he made excuses and just won't admit it could have been upsetting to some. And the actors that double downed and pushed away Christians. Ugh! I love The Chosen, but I don't think it will ever be the same for me and I won't be watching it giving them more money.
Agree! We were die hard fans and the flag alone wouldn't have been enough to make me leave it but his public response and then the hateful, entitled personal response I got on Facebook messenger for simply questioning it sealed the deal. I now actually believe it has been a wolf in sheep clothing to try and create complacency among Christians and mock God while making a buck. And on the dollar of the Christians who crowd funded them.
Christian gentle parenting should have an emphasis on respect and growing the fruit of the Spirit. God teaches us through natural consequences, and we show we love Him by our obedience. Those are the things I want to model as a parent.
Glad to hear Allie step back a little from her previous analysis of The Chosen/ Dallas Jenkins. Personally, I thought it was a very inconsistent take that she and tons of Conservative Christian outlets were sharing. Jon Root took a ton of heat for sharing his concerns and I applaud him. Also I really love to hear people discuss legalism vs gospel... so interesting. Jesus didn't come to do away with the Law -- he came to fulfill it! My belief is we should be doing our best to keep the law (esp keeping the Sabbath holy!!!!)... it points so directly to G-d and keeps us digging into a rich relationship with Him.
It is very interesting that the influence decided not to keep listening to you, however I will say that was my knee-jerk reaction as well. Allie, you have been so helpful in growing my walk in confidence towards the Lord and am so grateful for your ministry here, however I think after so much talk about Target and boycotts people were just fed up with the agenda everywhere and then it was like, "oh great, now the Chosen..." and then it seemed a bit counter to the message you were so boldly putting out about Target that I think people felt you must be compromising for some sort of gain personally or to protect someone. I don't actually think that now but it was my knee-jerk reaction. I hope that makes sense. I thought for a moment to quit you(just being honest) but then decided to take it up with the Chosen directly. My response was actually to go directly to the Chosen and let them know my concerns and the message I got back was so hostile, angry and entitled that it sealed the deal for me regarding the show. I understand they feel the need to defend their co-worker however, as I said to my 19-year-old son this morning who has a huge heart for people, that if his loyalty is ever to someone living in sin over showing loyalty to God's word then he has fallen into culture and has chosen his side. He has also decided that he can love God better than God can love them and he gets to decide what that love looks like vs honoring what God says. As far as I am concerned the Chosen chose their side not when they let someone fly a pride flag but when they chose to be hostile to Christians who were holding them accountable(like you spoke about the importance of at the start of this interview) and how on Earth can I trust the sacred depiction of Christ from a production team who is so hostile to God's people and so quick to defend culture. God bless them for loving their co-worker but this isn't about them loving their co-worker but about an agenda to create complacency within God's word. Otherwise we are supporting them financially just to have them benefit in a worldly way from the defamation of God's word. That has nothing to do with the hiring of a gay man. Let's be real here, but let's also not fool ourselves into thinking that it means nothing. Just like scripture says those who teach the word of God are held to a higher standard I see that those who are literally depicting to millions the personhood of Christ is even still held to a higher standard. It's a shame bc it was a beautiful show but it is no longer trustworthy as the United Methodist pastor who stood in front of his congregation(my home church) of 10,000 last week and tried to convince them all the acceptance without need for repentance is needed for the acronym community. Am I meant to stay under his authority- absolutely not and scripture tells me what will happen to me if I do. Same here. If someone wants to watch the show then watch it but you have to remember this was a crowd funded endeavor so if you step out of the values of the crowd that is funding your work and then curse and spit on them when they hold you accountable then don't be surprised when they turn their backs on your work. I hate cancel culture but scripture tells us to be very careful about false teachers. People will tell you exactly who they are if you will just pay attention. That's not cancel culture- that's discernment.
Enjoyed this discussion :) I don’t think though that the Chosen team “made sure” 21:56 they had the pride sticker shown, it was accidental (on a camera man’s computer who has worked with them from season 1) in the behind the scenes footage.
I’ve always been on the fence about Allie cuz she comes off too harsh sometimes..but I do agree w/ some of the stuff she says, I agree w/ her about Pearl. Pearl is the definition of a hypocrite as a Gen z women I think Pearl is like the definition of the opposite of feminist. On pearls shows a man can do “no wrong” if a man cheats on you it’s “ur fault as a women” like her takes are ridiculous. It’s the extreme opposite of feminism.. while feminism pushes women to hate men, I think this news movement for men (what started off with good intentions I think it’s been hijacked by people like Pearl & now has become “men should hate women & blame women for everything “ at the end of the day both sides are pushing us to hate eachother tear down eachother. & give us no hope when it comes to dating. These same male movement guys telling men “don’t get married & get vasectomies” like please guys realizes this movement has become a psych op.
Excellent episode! My issue with the chosen is that they chose to put that scene in the promo video. They knew what they were doing. I have no issue with Dallas hiring non believers.
That is exactly my problem! They had to do editing before releasing the promo, why not take it out? And right before pride month. It just seemed a little too in your face to be coincidental. And then the response of all that voiced their opinion didn’t sit well with me. I knew every person working on the set wasn’t a believer, but I also didn’t expect such visible proof of that.
"Fundamentalists are almost always described as upholding beliefs in biblical infallibility and biblical inerrancy, in keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the role of Jesus in the Bible, and the role of the church in society." This is the Google interpretation of Fundamentalist. Being a Fundamentalist is not a bad thing, in fact, its the opposite. I did not appreciate Amazon taking the stance that all Fundamentalists are extremists and all homeschoolers will rule the world and create a more IBLP world. I was raised in an Independent Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist Church. I was homeschooled from second grade all the way through highschool and I am NOT IBLP and in fact, had never heard of IBLP until Jinger Duggers book just this year. Amazon took something good as being raised on Doctrine in a Bible believing atmosphere and turned it into something evil.
I just watched the documentary the other night, and you are correct, it seems they designed this documentary to get the masses to form bias against all homeschoolers and traditional families. They don’t clarify enough that those umbrella teachings are not Biblical. I do think the documentary made a good point that those teachings weren’t necessarily connected to any one denomination, so they could be inserted anywhere. In my own experience I have mostly seen those teaching in the IFB church. Someone gave me that book “To Train Up a Child” and I threw it away! I wouldn’t even donate it because it is so abusive.
Disappointed in both women gossiping about a woman on Twitter who disagreed with Allie. I watched this all unfold in real time on Twitter, and I’m really saddened to see this behavior. Both of you have a large following and should know better. You owe her an apology.
Let's be clear about the drama that occuppied Allie Beth Stuckey on Twitter all day on June 9th 2023 concerning her disagreement with Lindsey: Hillbilly Homemaker on The Chosen Pride flag. Normally with dissenting opinion, Stuckey would either just ignore the comment, mute, block, or do all the above as others on Twitter have testified. But this time, it was somebody with a blue check mark that did the unthinkable. With a bruised pride, Stuckey replied with her own passively ungracious comment and then tried to gaslight that she wasn't being snippy. Well that started a whole show on Twitter as people who pointed out that she was in fact being snippy and even pointed to prior tweets as an example or anyone who appeared to agree with Hillbilly Homemaker suddenly found themselves instantly blocked by her in a behavior befitting of a high school girl, not a grown woman and mother. This also resulted in a tirade of unhinged & hysterical tweets by Stuckey that was exchanged to the Hillbilly Homemaker which Stuckey made sure to be in full view for her followers to see. It didn't take Stuckey too long for her to flaunt both her cred and ego (i.e. the many message she recieves of how God used her podcast) as she had done in the past on social media. Anybody who relies on followers and internet traffic understandably will feel stung when someone comments that they will no longer follow you and you see the subtraction in subscribers. The best response in matters like this is simply "I'm sorry to see you go. But thanks for listening and I hope you'll come back to the podcast in the future." You would think that Stuckey's publicist background and her testifying before Congress would have shaped her into having thicker skin and just leave a response like that. For some reason however, a social medialite with over 500k followers revealed that a damaged ego from the disenting tweet by a blue check mark and with a fraction of that many followers too boot was just too much to bare and devoted all her time and resources on one social media platform to passively attack this dissenting voice, including blocking anyone that is remotely associated with Hillbilly Homemaker. And the intended effect by this action was Stuckey's followers, including white knights (yes even conservatives & Christian circles have them), came out to personally attack the Hillbilly Homemaker to the point of her setting her account to private for awhile. This really isn't just one issolated incident by Allie Beth Stuckey. But even if this was a one-off event, this is still completely unbecoming of her as both a grown Christian woman and the very brand that she markets herself as. But at least she was gracious enough to reveal her true personality instead of the theater mask that she puts on for Spotify and UA-cam. I would say its dissapointing, but this was a long time coming for everyone to see what was always contary to the character that Stuckey only wanted you to see.
The camera operator has worked on the The Chosen for a long time. As someone who has worked on the set, I saw it and thought “Oh I guess that guy is gay or something. It didn’t make me be like “👀 I shouldn’t be here.” That’s ridiculous. Chris who films and edits the UA-cam videos, did not do this on purpose. He sees the flag every day. You get used to seeing things until they’re almost invisible to you. He has said he didn’t do it on purpose and I believe him. Also, instead of being upset that this CONTRACTOR (is not on The Chosen’s staff) has a tiny flag on his personal camera equipment, pray for him to get saved instead! These people that are upset by it never knew it was there before and they watched the show and loved it. People are also forgetting that’s it’s literally against the law to discriminate based on sexuality. The Chosen is not a church nor are they a ministry. They are a tv show. Period.
I usually love your research and balance. Today I have a few concerns: 1. Neither of you have watched any episode of The Chosen, and you comment on hearsay. If you have a serious criticism, I sincerely would like to hear it. 2. You misuse the word "Fundamentalist" like so many people do. The term refers to those who believe the fundamental teachings of Christianity. It is being misused to refer to the people who focus on outward appearances. This particular session, I'm sorry, was more like uninformed gossip. 3. Could you please tell us what "gentle-parenting" means? I heard the term for the first time a couple days ago. Apparently it doesn't mean what it sounds like. I'm confused, but I'm not at all informed. I think you were trying to figure some things out together, but I'm not sure you were trying to inform your listeners. I LOVE what you said about women not sharpening iron. A friendship where that takes place is a treasure! I've been in a situation where I've thought I could call one friend and she'll sympathize, but maybe that's not what I need, and I could call another friend who will "sharpen" me. That's a valuable relationship to have!
Dallas Jenkins has said numerous times since season 1 that he has been told by the holy spirit to share the true and authentic Jesus with the world. He has said that he only wants to share the gospel with people. He has said that he doesn't care what people say he only wants to please God.... That sure sounds like a ministry to me. This is why so many Christians are upset with seeing a pride flag in the season 4 promotional video.
I'm sure it was just an oversight that Stuckey left out the part on the June 9th dust up with The Hillbilly Homemaker where she went on a mass block spree, including people who weren't even affiliated with HH, after Stuckey went on unhinged rant that entire day for the critcal response on her the Pride flag take. How very relatable...
Suspect that Allie looked up all prior posts by HH and had weaponized her positive prior post to try and discredit her for being outraged about gay pride. Turning Point embraces the gay agenda and will likely do the same with Transgender.
Oh wow, about the influencer who “called out” Allie: I could be wrong, I don’t know her. But it sounds like she’s a baby Christian and is a little trigger happy about breaking fellowship. Based on the fact that she said she heard the gospel for the first time from Allie who’s only had the podcast for a few years. I bet she will come around.
For what it's worth, I don't think anyone stopped watching The Chosen SPECIFICALLY because of the pride flag, or at least most of us didn't. For many, it (and Dallas' harsh words to us when we disagreed with it,) was simply the straw that broke the camels back.
Love the conversation. I want to say something about the Chosen show I think the one thing I don't think Christians are getting or taking seriously is the pride flag it has become a false idol, the world basically worships this movement, it really is and idol and I wish more Christians would see that. So to me you can have non believers work on the show but they shouldn't be aloud to bring false idols on a show about Jesus.
Dallas from the chosen isn’t going to risk his business by condemning pride. It’s not worthy of defending. He is prioritizing his wallet over sending a message. Make no mistake that entire thing was intentional as is not condemning it. Love hearing Alex and Allie talk! I do respectfully feel like they are being wishy-washy on shaming the chosen which is weird. Sorry ladies like you said call each other out biblically 🫶🏼 I do feel like you scratched the surface of a very in depth conversation here on submission in marriage and I would LOVEEEEE love love love to hear you ladies discuss how conservatism relates to religion and the “big tent republican” ideals of being more tolerant of secular votes in the spirit of winning elections.
Thank you for this! Your point on reading the Bible and relationships with our Christian sisters in Christ really convicted me ! I’ve also felt convicted about Biblical submission to my husband and am working on that. I found the teachings of The Transformed Wife and while she seems to speak Biblical truths she also seems to take them to extremes at times or put her own spin on them if that makes sense ? On the other side, I don’t want to use it as an excuse if what she is teaching is true just because I don’t like it . Any other Christian, Bible-believing wives/mamas care to chime in on their thoughts of the transformed wife ? I genuinely am not trying to trash her but her teachings have raised confusion and doubt within me.
It’s also a problem when a wife always need to ask permission from her husband. This is where complementarianism breaks down. Dr. John Gottman’s research shows the happiest couples receive similar amounts of influence from each other. When there is a discrepancy in amounts of influence , when men make the final decisions for the couple, divorce rates increase by 700%.
for those female Christians (esp Catholic) who embrace and accept the traditional female roles, esp as wife and mother, realize that by following the Ten Commandments and being "submissive " means NOT simply obeying their husband, but ultimately obedience to God, the authority of Christ as imparted to the Head of the family, ensure a level of protection to those who listen and follow the head (leader) of ANY hierarchy, starting with the domestic church, ie THE FAMILY.
The flag wasn’t in the movie, but it was in a promo video that could had been edited. The Chose should not be considered a Christian show, but only a show about the life of Jesus. It is beautifully made, but it isn’t a true depiction of the Bible. There is a reason why the word should be sufficient for us to want to worship and love Jesus, The Chosen’s Jesus is not the real Jesus, and it is probably only creating an image of Jesus that could become deceitful.
You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Any show that is supposedly about Christ's life in this world is automatically claiming to be a Christian show.
Our culture preaches the complete opposite of submission nowadays. And I don't hear a lot of churches talking or preaching about the subject either. If wives back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's had chosen to submit to their husbands, instead of essentially fighting against them, then our society and culture would be in a much better place today.
Wives in the 50s, 60s and 70s were the first true “house wives” that didn’t have real, laborious jobs. It was just a transition. Women were being treated as just pretty things. Where the term “trophy wife” came from. The world had it just as wrong then as it does now, just in different ways. Society - dictated by the rules of the the world - will always have it wrong.
Stuckey didn't push back on Jenkins from her Dec 19th 2022 episode except for one time and that was about the Mormon loving the same Jesus as Christians. She spent the entire time reflecting and coaching through his answers. Interesting that Stuckey gets no flak for making statements about a show she's never watched even though she proudly states on Twitter the hours of research she'll pour into a subject (in between all those speaking gigs, photoshoots, interviews, and social media interactions of course). Even more interesting is Dallas telling Stuckey that 95% of the Bible isn't in The Chosen and that he is inventing whole lores of the Christ event and Stuckey issues zero push back on this. But the HeGetsUs superbowl ads goes and do the same exact thing and yet Stuckey says this: "They sacrifice truth for relevance and in so doing it they offer a Jesus that isn't real. And a Jesus that is not real cannot save." But why be consistent except to consistently inconsistent...
Omgosh! The crew on The Chosen is a motley crew indeed and Jesus said he didn’t come to heal the healthy but the sick! Allie and Alex, watch the show! It took me a long time to watch it but after I did, I came away realizing why it’s so impactful. Yes, it takes artistic license but it also is drawing people to Jesus! And His word. Yes, it’s not perfect but there are so many people praying for conversions through this show so I think God will use the bad for good and all the good for His glory.
Jesus came for the sick, but He didn't allow the sick to infect Him and transform Him into being one of the guys. Christ came to them to clean them up, not roll around in the mire with them. Ppl who misquote that statement in an attempt to defend this show conveniently leave that part out.
I don't like that The Chosen producers say "we're showing the authentic Jesus" but they distort Him. Showing Him practicing the sermon? Laughing at sin? I think they've tried to make light of sin. They show the apostles gambling, drinking, insinuating cheating, etc. And Jesus just shows affirmation and like it's no big deal. So people watching it think "my sin is not that bad and Jesus doesn't judge them. I must be good with where I'm at." Jesus said repent again and again, which is rarely said in the show.
Isn’t it okay and expected for followers of Christ to differ? We can still choose to love one another, reason together and learn from each other, can’t we? What’s wrong with wholesome debate? Blocking, unfriending and deleting folks who sometimes disagree with us is childish. When an influencer expects all followers to 100% agree with them, it’s at the core worship of that influencer. I determine to remain teachable my entire life!
1 Cor. 1 says true Christians are united in doctrine, traditions, and judgement. If 2 professing Christians disagree on a biblical matter, it's because someone is saying "did God really say?". There is no such thing as a wholesome debate because Gal. 5 categorizes it as a work of the flesh. The Bible also says that whoever insists on teaching contrary to the truth of God is supposed to be shunned until they get their act together.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779have you read the story in Judges 19 about the concubine who was upset at her husband, so she went home to her parents and he went to get her and bring her back. On the road home they stayed at the house of a man who said it wasn’t safe to sleep outside, and that night a group of men came to the door and demanded the husband come out so they could rape him. So he shoved his concubine out the door instead, and in the early morning they released her and she crawled to the door where her husband was and collapsed and died. When he was ready to leave in the morning he found her on the doorstep and yelled at her to get up and come home. Until he finally realized she was dead. What’s the doctrine on that one, or do you prefer to leave it out cause it doesn’t exactly encourage female submission?
Imagine my *SHOCK* when I saw this, started listening to it, settled down, made my coffee, got all comfy... and then it was done!!! What?!?! 26 minutes?! We need at least 4 hours of you two talking!
I loved it! And omg Allie articulated every single thought I have on gentle parenting! You ladies are an absolute joy to listen to, and you should do more of these. 💛💛💛
I agree. Too short.
Yes! I'm months late in getting around to listening to this and I was doing my housework while listening and was so shocked when it concluded
felt the exact same way
I LOVE Allie in this format. She’s so relatable (see what I did there), honest, and approachable. This is an amazing interview. Great job, Alex and Allie!
I've been struggling within my female relationships (with non-Christians), and grasping for the words to convey to them my deep love & concern for their lives and their souls. This conversation gave me some great ideas, and was truly edifying, thank you. Would love to hear more of you two chatting!
Dang Allie is just so articulate. I wish I spoke even half as well.
Even though I absolutely LOVE both of your podcasts, this format and interview was absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! You both are so well spoken, and so intriguing. Alex, you are such a great interviewer! Allie, you have a beautiful way of delivering truth.
I felt like I was sitting in that room with both of you!
Yes! Pearl does not hold a Christian view on marriage. She's not even married to my knowledge. So she doesn't even know how a healthy marriage functions.
If you are talking about Debbie Pearl, I disagree on this one so much. She has helped me understand biblical womanhood like no other.
@@vaness77able, no. You are thinking of a different Pearl. Totally forgot about the Pearl family!
@@vaness77ableadultery is viewed as ok for men in Pearls eyes and she opposes celibacy for non virgins
@@vaness77ablesorry just saw your Talking about a different Pearl the Pearl being referred to is JustPearlythings a UA-camr
JustPearlyThings sounds anti marriage sometimes. Not a trad Christian.
Absolutely love this! Could listen to the two of you talk over anything. Please Alex, have Allie come on the spillover for a full episode!
LOVED this convo with Alex and Allie. I always enjoying hearing Allie’s take on life/biblical things.
LOVED this so much. This should be a semi regular thing!
This was sooo good!! Yes need more of these collars and chats!
Loved this convo!! We need more of you two talking ❤
Loved this conversation so much! I could listen to you two discuss anything! We need more of you together!
Loved this so much, I would love to hear more discussions from you two more often! 💖
Enjoyed this so much! Thank you ladies for chatting and letting us listen in! ❤
When you mentioned your problems with the concept of "toxic" I did I happy dance! I so appreciate that! I'm sick of it too!
I’m so excited about this colab!!!
Love you two together! Also Alex your hair style looks beautiful like this!
Two of my favorite podcasters! 😊
AHHHHH SO EXCITED TO WATCH THIS!! Two amazing women ❤️
My two favorite podcast women in one. WOW! What a surprised!!!!❤️ okay ima go listen now 🙈😂
That was awesome. I wished it was a longer episode.
I always enjoy your conversations with Allie!
I got the same feeling as Allie watching SHP! By the lineup of commentators alone I knew they were framing it as “all Christians are bad people”
Yep. I told my husband “they didn’t mention the word MORMON one single time.” It was a documentary that was 100% used the abuse in that community to malign Christianity.
Finally got around to watching this and I'm not disappointed. This was a really light enjoyable interview with some good instruction/encouragement for christian women to head in our relationships ❤
Liked before Alex began speaking. I love you both and this is gonna be a 🔥 talk! ❤
10000% agree about Pearl.. as a Gen z women whose conservative, Christian & “anti/ feminist” I don’t think Pearl represents me at all. She gives us a bad name she doesn’t live what she preaches. She’s a hypocrite & she’s gone so extreme it’s like men can do no wrong in her opinion. If a man cheats on you it’s “ur fault” legit she said that 🤦🏽♀️
The idea that if a husband is unfaithful, it is absolutely the woman’s fault is not a recent thing. I am 80 and was raised on the belief that women are born to serve a man and remain financially dependent on him all her life. She is to agree with all his decisions in all matters. She is to trust him to know what’s best even if he beats her, is a drunkard, can’t hold a job for most of the time, keeps all money tightly clinched in his fist, and makes constant threats as to her physical and mental wellbeing. Is that completely insane? In my family this belief came out of the Bible. Ephesians 5:22-33. In part the verses say “ Wives submit yourself to your own husband as you do to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church………” Thank you so much St. Paul! You made all women chattel.
@@sharondoan1447 Too bad you, or men in your family didn't read the remainder of Ephesians 5--- 25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,....28 So husbands also ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church,".......Don't blame Paul for the actions of sinful disrespectful men. The Bible never sanctions women to be abused or be a doormat or men to be scoundrels to their wife.
@@xpursangjock8724 I rarely ever hear the full passage of that scripture sermonized. The sermon always focuses on the role of the wife, never on the role of the husband. Why? In Southern Baptist Convention churches , male dominance is supreme. I grew up being taught in church that any man who is a failure as a husband only failed because his wife didn’t support him as she should. Not enough massaging of his ego, not enough honoring his will, not enough sex, not, not, not. The goal for every woman was to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
@@sharondoan1447 @sharondoan1447 I lived in South Carolina for over 10 years, attended many SBC churches and knew SBC pastors. Never did I hear, or was told such one sided, mistreatment of scripture. Even SBC seminaries don't teach such jaded biblical exegesis. Prominent pastors in the SBC like Charles Stanley, Ed Young, Adrian Rodgers, or Ronnie Floyd never taught such nonsense. If you don't know who those guys are, you should. Sorry you attended a church that didn't "rightly divide the word of God". Aspiring to be a Proverbs 31 woman is fine, but men are supposed to be like Jesus Christ. Jesus was strong, a leader and never whined about not having support. Christian men are supposed face their shortcomings, overcome them, and they don't blame their wives for their failures. Christian men are not suppose to be little blaming beta boys--but men.
Great talk ladies! ❤️
My two favorite podcasts and ladies!!! Love you both!!
I'm late to this but loved your conversation, and grounded perspectives.
Also you two look fabulous! 💖😄
Huh! “We don’t have to be taught how to lie, disobey or be selfish.” Wow! That was eye-opening, I’d never thought of that. I’m not religious, but I just had an intuitive thought that human nature is bad. This makes so much sense!
This is a truth in the Word of God! 🙏🏽
Honestly that’s one of the reasons (there are many) that I was convinced Christianity is true. I could never believe the idea that humans are inherently good. Look at this world and history! The Bible explains we are all bent toward sin, and I think that’s so self evident when you take a look around AND when you take an honest look inward. We are not inherently good. We need a savior.
Love this conversation!
Totally agree with Allie on all she said. So glad she's speaking the truth about "gentle parenting".
This was far too short. Fabulous - we need more!
This was a very interesting conversation, so thanks to you both for discussing these topics. I listened mostly to hear your thoughts on the Chosen "controversy".
Since this story broke, I've listened to a handful of interviews and monologs on this subject, all from various Christians. Everyone I've listened to has had basically the same response in regards to the pride flag not being a deal breaker. No one seems to address the fact that this particular camera person wasn't content to just do his or her job on the set without bringing their flag to work. I get it that not maybe not everyone is a Christian who works on the set of the Chosen. I have a job in the "secular world " too, and I realize that not everyone at work shares my values. But no one there feels the need to fly their flag in my face at work either. As you said, the creator of the series and some of the actors have doubled down on this as well. It's a shame. My husband and I have watched the whole series that's been released so far, but this might be a deal breaker for me because of the arrogant, in your face attitude that those involved with the series are showing us. JMO, for what it's worth.
Two of my favorite podcasters!
Such good stuff ladies! You are the light..
We need more of you two, please! I’m so late to this lol
Little correction about families in IBLP. They did have the gospel. Most of those families are sincere Christians. They just had a poor legalistic interpretation of how Christians should live. I was raised in IBLP and I became a Christian myself at 14 while still in IBLP. I'm no longer apart of IBLP as an adult, but still have friends who are. We disagree on a LOT, but they definitely understand the gospel and will be my neighbors in heaven someday.
I agree. I was Mennonite and a lot of people would probably think they’re a cult but there is a lot of Mennonites who are true Christian’s.
@@emloufox there actually Mennonites in IBLP too. I've had conversations with them and they're definitely Christians! Btw, some of my favorite homeschooling curriculum is produced by Mennonites!
Good point. It seemed like IBLP appealed most to families who were already believers, and who were just trying to figure out how to live in a holy way...and unfortunately this movement went way beyond what Scripture says :( But maybe what Allie was saying for the most part was that if IBLP had stuck to the core truths of the Gospel and Scripture, it wouldn't have gone so far wrong.
@@hannah-mary, another good point. I knew families who didn't believe in most of Gothard's teachings but stuck around because they hoped it'd be a safe space to find friends for their kids. Even a spouse. But then Gothard was going around encouraging your men to not finish highschool, serve full time ministry, and vow singleness till 28. My parents were so upset when they learned that he had challenged all us young impressionable teenagers to make vows of singleness without our parents present. 😵💫
@@AnnaWestfaliaa vow made by a child has to be affirmed by the parents. BTW, Paul teaches a single life, devoted to Christian ministry is preferable to marriage but cannot be received by all. Bill Gothard encouraging celibate ministry is 180 degrees from the other slander thrown at him that he wants every woman barefoot and pregnant, a baby factory.
I seldom agree with Allie on things but this was the coolest I’ve ever heard her sound. This made her sound more human & less extreme. You get a better glimpse into her true self. 🙂
This was SO good, and I loved Alex's life jacket analogy
To your point about “I need to consult my wife” with a barf emoji. That is so true on both sides. I always consult my husband about various decisions and ANY TIME I say to someone “let me ask my husband” or some variation of that, it’s amazing how women get so offended by that. The shock on their face of “why would you need to ask your husband first?” is just stunning to me. Because I respect him… And the fact that that’s confusing to people is just so sad and misunderstood.
I need friends like Allie and Alex!!
This was so good!! Do another one together!
Love this format!
So good - love this! And also Alex's hair😍
“She kind of airs out their grievances for them”
“Oh that’s sweet”
Thank you for such a lovely chat.
20:21 I still think you guys are missing the issue with Dallas on The Chosen. It was his response that pushed people over the edge. He said he couldn't see why people are upset and if he had known about the flag he's not sure he'd do anything different. But he should absolutely at the very least see why someone would be upset about that. But he made excuses and just won't admit it could have been upsetting to some. And the actors that double downed and pushed away Christians. Ugh! I love The Chosen, but I don't think it will ever be the same for me and I won't be watching it giving them more money.
Agree! We were die hard fans and the flag alone wouldn't have been enough to make me leave it but his public response and then the hateful, entitled personal response I got on Facebook messenger for simply questioning it sealed the deal. I now actually believe it has been a wolf in sheep clothing to try and create complacency among Christians and mock God while making a buck. And on the dollar of the Christians who crowd funded them.
My only critique: should have been longer 🤣 loved it!
Whhhyy did I feel like I was chilling with my two big sisters while watching this :O I feel like I know you guys.
My two favorite people! Such a good conversation
Christian gentle parenting should have an emphasis on respect and growing the fruit of the Spirit. God teaches us through natural consequences, and we show we love Him by our obedience. Those are the things I want to model as a parent.
Great values perhaps but Christianity is very obviously false
Love this!
Glad to hear Allie step back a little from her previous analysis of The Chosen/ Dallas Jenkins. Personally, I thought it was a very inconsistent take that she and tons of Conservative Christian outlets were sharing. Jon Root took a ton of heat for sharing his concerns and I applaud him. Also I really love to hear people discuss legalism vs gospel... so interesting. Jesus didn't come to do away with the Law -- he came to fulfill it! My belief is we should be doing our best to keep the law (esp keeping the Sabbath holy!!!!)... it points so directly to G-d and keeps us digging into a rich relationship with Him.
It is very interesting that the influence decided not to keep listening to you, however I will say that was my knee-jerk reaction as well. Allie, you have been so helpful in growing my walk in confidence towards the Lord and am so grateful for your ministry here, however I think after so much talk about Target and boycotts people were just fed up with the agenda everywhere and then it was like, "oh great, now the Chosen..." and then it seemed a bit counter to the message you were so boldly putting out about Target that I think people felt you must be compromising for some sort of gain personally or to protect someone. I don't actually think that now but it was my knee-jerk reaction. I hope that makes sense. I thought for a moment to quit you(just being honest) but then decided to take it up with the Chosen directly. My response was actually to go directly to the Chosen and let them know my concerns and the message I got back was so hostile, angry and entitled that it sealed the deal for me regarding the show. I understand they feel the need to defend their co-worker however, as I said to my 19-year-old son this morning who has a huge heart for people, that if his loyalty is ever to someone living in sin over showing loyalty to God's word then he has fallen into culture and has chosen his side. He has also decided that he can love God better than God can love them and he gets to decide what that love looks like vs honoring what God says. As far as I am concerned the Chosen chose their side not when they let someone fly a pride flag but when they chose to be hostile to Christians who were holding them accountable(like you spoke about the importance of at the start of this interview) and how on Earth can I trust the sacred depiction of Christ from a production team who is so hostile to God's people and so quick to defend culture. God bless them for loving their co-worker but this isn't about them loving their co-worker but about an agenda to create complacency within God's word. Otherwise we are supporting them financially just to have them benefit in a worldly way from the defamation of God's word. That has nothing to do with the hiring of a gay man. Let's be real here, but let's also not fool ourselves into thinking that it means nothing. Just like scripture says those who teach the word of God are held to a higher standard I see that those who are literally depicting to millions the personhood of Christ is even still held to a higher standard. It's a shame bc it was a beautiful show but it is no longer trustworthy as the United Methodist pastor who stood in front of his congregation(my home church) of 10,000 last week and tried to convince them all the acceptance without need for repentance is needed for the acronym community. Am I meant to stay under his authority- absolutely not and scripture tells me what will happen to me if I do. Same here. If someone wants to watch the show then watch it but you have to remember this was a crowd funded endeavor so if you step out of the values of the crowd that is funding your work and then curse and spit on them when they hold you accountable then don't be surprised when they turn their backs on your work. I hate cancel culture but scripture tells us to be very careful about false teachers. People will tell you exactly who they are if you will just pay attention. That's not cancel culture- that's discernment.
LOVEE this collab
Allie is a gift from God.
wow allie is a powerhouse!
Enjoyed this discussion :) I don’t think though that the Chosen team “made sure” 21:56 they had the pride sticker shown, it was accidental (on a camera man’s computer who has worked with them from season 1) in the behind the scenes footage.
Great talk, love Alex' hairstyle!
I LOVE these women!! I’ve been dying to watch this video but couldn’t find the time until now. Such awesome conservative Christian role models!
I agree that gentle parenting is a joke & i think that’s why kids are so messed up because they are being raised w/ 0 consequences of bad actions
Alex looks stunning in this episode ❤️
More with Allie please 😃
I’ve always been on the fence about Allie cuz she comes off too harsh sometimes..but I do agree w/ some of the stuff she says, I agree w/ her about Pearl. Pearl is the definition of a hypocrite as a Gen z women I think Pearl is like the definition of the opposite of feminist. On pearls shows a man can do “no wrong” if a man cheats on you it’s “ur fault as a women” like her takes are ridiculous. It’s the extreme opposite of feminism.. while feminism pushes women to hate men, I think this news movement for men (what started off with good intentions I think it’s been hijacked by people like Pearl & now has become “men should hate women & blame women for everything “ at the end of the day both sides are pushing us to hate eachother tear down eachother. & give us no hope when it comes to dating. These same male movement guys telling men “don’t get married & get vasectomies” like please guys realizes this movement has become a psych op.
Loved this style video! Such good topics too
So good!
❤ Love you guys both so much!
Excellent episode!
My issue with the chosen is that they chose to put that scene in the promo video. They knew what they were doing. I have no issue with Dallas hiring non believers.
That is exactly my problem! They had to do editing before releasing the promo, why not take it out? And right before pride month. It just seemed a little too in your face to be coincidental. And then the response of all that voiced their opinion didn’t sit well with me. I knew every person working on the set wasn’t a believer, but I also didn’t expect such visible proof of that.
two very wise women✨
"Fundamentalists are almost always described as upholding beliefs in biblical infallibility and biblical inerrancy, in keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the role of Jesus in the Bible, and the role of the church in society." This is the Google interpretation of Fundamentalist. Being a Fundamentalist is not a bad thing, in fact, its the opposite. I did not appreciate Amazon taking the stance that all Fundamentalists are extremists and all homeschoolers will rule the world and create a more IBLP world. I was raised in an Independent Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist Church. I was homeschooled from second grade all the way through highschool and I am NOT IBLP and in fact, had never heard of IBLP until Jinger Duggers book just this year. Amazon took something good as being raised on Doctrine in a Bible believing atmosphere and turned it into something evil.
Well said
Ladies, let’s be friends 😂🫶 conservative Christian from Maine and I love and admire you both so much!
I just watched the documentary the other night, and you are correct, it seems they designed this documentary to get the masses to form bias against all homeschoolers and traditional families. They don’t clarify enough that those umbrella teachings are not Biblical. I do think the documentary made a good point that those teachings weren’t necessarily connected to any one denomination, so they could be inserted anywhere. In my own experience I have mostly seen those teaching in the IFB church. Someone gave me that book “To Train Up a Child” and I threw it away! I wouldn’t even donate it because it is so abusive.
Disappointed in both women gossiping about a woman on Twitter who disagreed with Allie. I watched this all unfold in real time on Twitter, and I’m really saddened to see this behavior. Both of you have a large following and should know better. You owe her an apology.
Let's be clear about the drama that occuppied Allie Beth Stuckey on Twitter all day on June 9th 2023 concerning her disagreement with Lindsey: Hillbilly Homemaker on The Chosen Pride flag.
Normally with dissenting opinion, Stuckey would either just ignore the comment, mute, block, or do all the above as others on Twitter have testified. But this time, it was somebody with a blue check mark that did the unthinkable. With a bruised pride, Stuckey replied with her own passively ungracious comment and then tried to gaslight that she wasn't being snippy.
Well that started a whole show on Twitter as people who pointed out that she was in fact being snippy and even pointed to prior tweets as an example or anyone who appeared to agree with Hillbilly Homemaker suddenly found themselves instantly blocked by her in a behavior befitting of a high school girl, not a grown woman and mother.
This also resulted in a tirade of unhinged & hysterical tweets by Stuckey that was exchanged to the Hillbilly Homemaker which Stuckey made sure to be in full view for her followers to see. It didn't take Stuckey too long for her to flaunt both her cred and ego (i.e. the many message she recieves of how God used her podcast) as she had done in the past on social media.
Anybody who relies on followers and internet traffic understandably will feel stung when someone comments that they will no longer follow you and you see the subtraction in subscribers. The best response in matters like this is simply "I'm sorry to see you go. But thanks for listening and I hope you'll come back to the podcast in the future." You would think that Stuckey's publicist background and her testifying before Congress would have shaped her into having thicker skin and just leave a response like that.
For some reason however, a social medialite with over 500k followers revealed that a damaged ego from the disenting tweet by a blue check mark and with a fraction of that many followers too boot was just too much to bare and devoted all her time and resources on one social media platform to passively attack this dissenting voice, including blocking anyone that is remotely associated with Hillbilly Homemaker. And the intended effect by this action was Stuckey's followers, including white knights (yes even conservatives & Christian circles have them), came out to personally attack the Hillbilly Homemaker to the point of her setting her account to private for awhile.
This really isn't just one issolated incident by Allie Beth Stuckey. But even if this was a one-off event, this is still completely unbecoming of her as both a grown Christian woman and the very brand that she markets herself as. But at least she was gracious enough to reveal her true personality instead of the theater mask that she puts on for Spotify and UA-cam. I would say its dissapointing, but this was a long time coming for everyone to see what was always contary to the character that Stuckey only wanted you to see.
The camera operator has worked on the The Chosen for a long time. As someone who has worked on the set, I saw it and thought “Oh I guess that guy is gay or something. It didn’t make me be like “👀 I shouldn’t be here.” That’s ridiculous. Chris who films and edits the UA-cam videos, did not do this on purpose. He sees the flag every day. You get used to seeing things until they’re almost invisible to you. He has said he didn’t do it on purpose and I believe him. Also, instead of being upset that this CONTRACTOR (is not on The Chosen’s staff) has a tiny flag on his personal camera equipment, pray for him to get saved instead! These people that are upset by it never knew it was there before and they watched the show and loved it. People are also forgetting that’s it’s literally against the law to discriminate based on sexuality. The Chosen is not a church nor are they a ministry. They are a tv show. Period.
Btw: There is an happy medium between reformed theology and prosperity gospel.
I usually love your research and balance. Today I have a few concerns: 1. Neither of you have watched any episode of The Chosen, and you comment on hearsay. If you have a serious criticism, I sincerely would like to hear it.
2. You misuse the word "Fundamentalist" like so many people do. The term refers to those who believe the fundamental teachings of Christianity. It is being misused to refer to the people who focus on outward appearances.
This particular session, I'm sorry, was more like uninformed gossip.
3. Could you please tell us what "gentle-parenting" means? I heard the term for the first time a couple days ago. Apparently it doesn't mean what it sounds like. I'm confused, but I'm not at all informed.
I think you were trying to figure some things out together, but I'm not sure you were trying to inform your listeners.
I LOVE what you said about women not sharpening iron. A friendship where that takes place is a treasure! I've been in a situation where I've thought I could call one friend and she'll sympathize, but maybe that's not what I need, and I could call another friend who will "sharpen" me. That's a valuable relationship to have!
Dallas Jenkins has said numerous times since season 1 that he has been told by the holy spirit to share the true and authentic Jesus with the world. He has said that he only wants to share the gospel with people. He has said that he doesn't care what people say he only wants to please God.... That sure sounds like a ministry to me. This is why so many Christians are upset with seeing a pride flag in the season 4 promotional video.
I'm sure it was just an oversight that Stuckey left out the part on the June 9th dust up with The Hillbilly Homemaker where she went on a mass block spree, including people who weren't even affiliated with HH, after Stuckey went on unhinged rant that entire day for the critcal response on her the Pride flag take. How very relatable...
I'm sure it's not an oversight that you aren't crediting HH for her own unhinged ranting. Which continues.
Suspect that Allie looked up all prior posts by HH and had weaponized her positive prior post to try and discredit her for being outraged about gay pride. Turning Point embraces the gay agenda and will likely do the same with Transgender.
I love Allie soooo much ❤
Oh wow, about the influencer who “called out” Allie: I could be wrong, I don’t know her. But it sounds like she’s a baby Christian and is a little trigger happy about breaking fellowship. Based on the fact that she said she heard the gospel for the first time from Allie who’s only had the podcast for a few years. I bet she will come around.
For what it's worth, I don't think anyone stopped watching The Chosen SPECIFICALLY because of the pride flag, or at least most of us didn't. For many, it (and Dallas' harsh words to us when we disagreed with it,) was simply the straw that broke the camels back.
Love the conversation. I want to say something about the Chosen show I think the one thing I don't think Christians are getting or taking seriously is the pride flag it has become a false idol, the world basically worships this movement, it really is and idol and I wish more Christians would see that. So to me you can have non believers work on the show but they shouldn't be aloud to bring false idols on a show about Jesus.
I really think Alex looks so beautiful in this more natural look.
And Allie!! Please tell me where to find your shoes
Dallas from the chosen isn’t going to risk his business by condemning pride. It’s not worthy of defending. He is prioritizing his wallet over sending a message. Make no mistake that entire thing was intentional as is not condemning it. Love hearing Alex and Allie talk! I do respectfully feel like they are being wishy-washy on shaming the chosen which is weird. Sorry ladies like you said call each other out biblically 🫶🏼 I do feel like you scratched the surface of a very in depth conversation here on submission in marriage and I would LOVEEEEE love love love to hear you ladies discuss how conservatism relates to religion and the “big tent republican” ideals of being more tolerant of secular votes in the spirit of winning elections.
Being more tolerant of secular ideals to get their vote** sorry for the typo
Thank you for this! Your point on reading the Bible and relationships with our Christian sisters in Christ really convicted me ! I’ve also felt convicted about Biblical submission to my husband and am working on that. I found the teachings of The Transformed Wife and while she seems to speak Biblical truths she also seems to take them to extremes at times or put her own spin on them if that makes sense ? On the other side, I don’t want to use it as an excuse if what she is teaching is true just because I don’t like it . Any other Christian, Bible-believing wives/mamas care to chime in on their thoughts of the transformed wife ? I genuinely am not trying to trash her but her teachings have raised confusion and doubt within me.
What’s the Puritan book on marriage?
It’s also a problem when a wife always need to ask permission from her husband. This is where complementarianism breaks down. Dr. John Gottman’s research shows the happiest couples receive similar amounts of influence from each other. When there is a discrepancy in amounts of influence , when men make the final decisions for the couple, divorce rates increase by 700%.
I don’t know about the other actors but I’ve seen interviews with Jonathan Roumie and he doesn’t seem hostile or pro-lgbt at all.
for those female Christians (esp Catholic) who embrace and accept the traditional female roles, esp as wife and mother, realize that by following the Ten Commandments and being "submissive " means NOT simply obeying their husband, but ultimately obedience to God, the authority of Christ as imparted to the Head of the family, ensure a level of protection to those who listen and follow the head (leader) of ANY hierarchy, starting with the domestic church, ie THE FAMILY.
The flag wasn’t in the movie, but it was in a promo video that could had been edited. The Chose should not be considered a Christian show, but only a show about the life of Jesus. It is beautifully made, but it isn’t a true depiction of the Bible. There is a reason why the word should be sufficient for us to want to worship and love Jesus, The Chosen’s Jesus is not the real Jesus, and it is probably only creating an image of Jesus that could become deceitful.
You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Any show that is supposedly about Christ's life in this world is automatically claiming to be a Christian show.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 Not necessarily. It can just be a historical show, or an artistic show.
Our culture preaches the complete opposite of submission nowadays. And I don't hear a lot of churches talking or preaching about the subject either. If wives back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's had chosen to submit to their husbands, instead of essentially fighting against them, then our society and culture would be in a much better place today.
Wives in the 50s, 60s and 70s were the first true “house wives” that didn’t have real, laborious jobs. It was just a transition. Women were being treated as just pretty things. Where the term “trophy wife” came from. The world had it just as wrong then as it does now, just in different ways. Society - dictated by the rules of the the world - will always have it wrong.
Strong women of GOD. GOD bless them.
Stuckey didn't push back on Jenkins from her Dec 19th 2022 episode except for one time and that was about the Mormon loving the same Jesus as Christians. She spent the entire time reflecting and coaching through his answers.
Interesting that Stuckey gets no flak for making statements about a show she's never watched even though she proudly states on Twitter the hours of research she'll pour into a subject (in between all those speaking gigs, photoshoots, interviews, and social media interactions of course).
Even more interesting is Dallas telling Stuckey that 95% of the Bible isn't in The Chosen and that he is inventing whole lores of the Christ event and Stuckey issues zero push back on this.
But the HeGetsUs superbowl ads goes and do the same exact thing and yet Stuckey says this: "They sacrifice truth for relevance and in so doing it they offer a Jesus that isn't real. And a Jesus that is not real cannot save."
But why be consistent except to consistently inconsistent...
My two favorite conservative women. This conversation was fantastic!
Omgosh! The crew on The Chosen is a motley crew indeed and Jesus said he didn’t come to heal the healthy but the sick!
Allie and Alex, watch the show! It took me a long time to watch it but after I did, I came away realizing why it’s so impactful. Yes, it takes artistic license but it also is drawing people to Jesus! And His word. Yes, it’s not perfect but there are so many people praying for conversions through this show so I think God will use the bad for good and all the good for His glory.
It’s blasphemous
@@emloufox Yes!
Jesus came for the sick, but He didn't allow the sick to infect Him and transform Him into being one of the guys. Christ came to them to clean them up, not roll around in the mire with them. Ppl who misquote that statement in an attempt to defend this show conveniently leave that part out.
If Alex watches even a couple episodes I just know she will LOVE IT, It’s the most beautiful tv show ever 🥹🙏🏼❤️
I don't like that The Chosen producers say "we're showing the authentic Jesus" but they distort Him. Showing Him practicing the sermon? Laughing at sin? I think they've tried to make light of sin. They show the apostles gambling, drinking, insinuating cheating, etc. And Jesus just shows affirmation and like it's no big deal. So people watching it think "my sin is not that bad and Jesus doesn't judge them. I must be good with where I'm at." Jesus said repent again and again, which is rarely said in the show.
Isn’t it okay and expected for followers of Christ to differ? We can still choose to love one another, reason together and learn from each other, can’t we? What’s wrong with wholesome debate? Blocking, unfriending and deleting folks who sometimes disagree with us is childish. When an influencer expects all followers to 100% agree with them, it’s at the core worship of that influencer. I determine to remain teachable my entire life!
1 Cor. 1 says true Christians are united in doctrine, traditions, and judgement. If 2 professing Christians disagree on a biblical matter, it's because someone is saying "did God really say?". There is no such thing as a wholesome debate because Gal. 5 categorizes it as a work of the flesh. The Bible also says that whoever insists on teaching contrary to the truth of God is supposed to be shunned until they get their act together.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779have you read the story in Judges 19 about the concubine who was upset at her husband, so she went home to her parents and he went to get her and bring her back. On the road home they stayed at the house of a man who said it wasn’t safe to sleep outside, and that night a group of men came to the door and demanded the husband come out so they could rape him. So he shoved his concubine out the door instead, and in the early morning they released her and she crawled to the door where her husband was and collapsed and died. When he was ready to leave in the morning he found her on the doorstep and yelled at her to get up and come home. Until he finally realized she was dead.
What’s the doctrine on that one, or do you prefer to leave it out cause it doesn’t exactly encourage female submission?