Freedom Day, Citizen abuse and the Presidency |

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • We at the Institute of Race Relations want to hear your stories --reach out to us (, so we can use your real-life examples to put pressure on the government.
    Or visit: to sign our tax petition and read more about our campaign.
    Today, 27 April, marks 27 years since South Africa’s first democratic election, and yet South Africans continue to face Citizen Abuse at the hands of the state. By ‘Citizen Abuse’ we mean everything from physical abuse to the crippling taxation and corruption South Africans have to live-in and the devastating implications of this to the economy and individuals trying to survive in it.
    On 3 March 2021, the IRR came to the Union Buildings with a memorandum insisting that the government stop abusing its citizens. We have not received a reply, but during this campaign we have got to hear stories of South Africans experiences of this abuse, and also seen first-hand the power of communities who pull together to create a better future for themselves.
    Alone, we are pretty powerless, but when we stand together as a nation, we do have the power to hold government accountable and protect each other and our constitutional rights. Constitutional rights are not a given - they are dear achieved, especially in our country, we have not always had equal rights, and it is frighteningly easy to lose rights. At the end of the day, we have two options: let the future happen to us, or insist on a better future for ourselves and future generations.
    The IRR will remain committed to standing up for South Africans and the Constitution, you do have voice, make it count.