IIRC this Death Battle was short and kinda felt rushed because it was filler. Something to hold us over until Wiz/Ben could repair/replace his damaged computer.
And if i can something in Batman's favor which think they somewhat left out: Batman has fought super soldiers before; 2 of them are more or less the equivalent of Captain America: Bane and Deathstroke. Because of this Cap wasn't a problem.
Well I did give Batman the tactical win. What I really didn't agree on was the Death Battle itself. Considering that Captain America has also fought similar fighters such as the Taskmaster, Bullseye and Crossbones, I would have thought that he'd give Batman more of a fight and not just charge in recklessly. And if they had shown this episode before the one with Spiderman, I would suspect they're be a lot less fanboy rage as they'd say, "Okay, you make a good point, Captain America was more human while Spidey had the advantage with that Spider-sense."
Very True. BTW, will you be doing any more DB vids? I would like your take on the Mario vs Sonic and the Superman vs Goku fights; its nice to see this in a calm, balanced perspective.
The video itself don't determine who going to win the battle, so batman takin a blow of capitain's shield or batman sending high to Capitain Ameria is not a real problem, maybe a inconsistency yes but not a problem. I still thinking that when the research is wrong is more important.
***** Oh I didn't disagree with the research and I even gave Batman the tactical win. The Death Battle itself had rushed and disappointed feeling as they didn't showcase all of the research they did for Batman and Captain America. Now don't get me wrong, Death Battle did a great job with the research, but after all that work, they could have given us a more fulfilling battle. I figured that Batman would win, but the way he won didn't do either combatant any justice. Now the Batman Vs. Spiderman battle was far more intense and really emphasized just how outmatched Batman was against him.
AwesomeEpicBros You do realize this is Batman vs. Captain America right? You want to complain about Batman Vs. Spiderman? Do it on the right video at least. And as for all your 'proof,' most of it was taken COMPLETELY out of context and warped to your own imagination, and haphazardly from all media and even a fan-made comic, (yes that comic of Spider-Man joining the Justice League was fan-made and Death Battle only used it as a form of humor. They even said, "SOMEHOW Spider-Man tried to join the Justice League...") It's obvious you DON'T KNOW SQUAT about Death Battle or its rules. I even stated them in the beginning of the video. Combatants have NO PRIOR knowledge of each other before the fight, and they even stated in the Batman Vs. Spiderman of NO PREP TIME. With the Ninja Turtles, prior knowledge was unavoidable since they were a team. OF COURSE Leonardo would know his teammates weaknesses since he's the leader. You also complained about Goku Vs. Superman, on the WRONG VIDEO as well. You also stated this and that from non-verified sources and DEBUNKED BLOGS, non-canon crossover events, and even fanfiction. It's obvious that you're a DBZ Fantard, a Batman Fantard, a Terminator Fantard, etc. You're just a trolling fantard who's ticked off that all of your favorites lost Death Battles and you're completely disregarding all valid evidence that proves why they lost. You're accusing ScrewAttack and Death Battle of playing favorites, and not even acknowledging that the battle is just for entertainment and the analysis and research is what determines the winner. Get over it. Batman LOST to Spiderman due to him having no knowledge and the Spider-Sense negating stealth and surprise.
AwesomeEpicBros And you obviously just cut and paste all of your arguments, even stuff that has nothing to do with with video you're posting on. Plus the fact that all that information and links were all over the place and not relevant to Captain America vs Batman. In my video, I only touched on how that stuff he used against Cap America wouldn't have worked against Spiderman, then went back to my analysis on his fight against Captain America and gave Batman the tactical win. That's all it is. You want to post all those links about Spider-Man? Do it on the Batman vs Spiderman. And it's obvious you're a fantard if you just post these links about how Batman overcomes Spiderman on the Batman Vs. Cap America video.
AwesomeEpicBros Carnage got watered down. At first he was strong enough to beat both Spidey & Venom at the same time, and durable enough to take their punches. Batman wouldn't survive that version without a sonic device, which he may have had in the crossover. If not, crap writing like the Batman crossover, where he could wrestle Aliens from the Aliens films. I don't see a problem with Spidey losing to Scorpion in the past considering he was given strength, speed/agility durability to fight him. Deathstroke once easily destroyed Batman in combat, and had reaction time good enough to beat a group of Titans. Then he became like some regular ninja when fighting Batman. Slade has enhanced reflexes, Spidey's go superhuman. In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, martial arts, were a serious threat to Spidey, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Batman multiple times. Tasers, gas, tranqz, yep. Doing detective work in the dark, yep. Fighting opponents who used deception, yep. A few years ago, Spidey also got martial arts training from Shang Chi. Realistically, with Spidey's speed, agility and reaction time, he should be able stop/counter any physical attack from Batman if he tried it.
TN BN "Deathstroke once easily destroyed Batman in combat." Easily? Oh really? You mean the fight when Deathstroke himself admitted that not only Batman was the better fighter, but that Batman is the best fighter he's ever fought and also mentioned that he'd hate to fight him if his strength hadn't been increased and that he'll still be still feeling the pain of Batman's blows long after the flesh heals? s289.photobucket.com/user/darknight2k/media/batvsdstroke-ds7.jpg.html Batman had reaction time good enough to beat Wonder Woman,Green Lantern, Aquaman and The Flash at the same time. i.imgur.com/6s97p.jpg i.imgur.com/EHbon.jpg i.imgur.com/CRDWF.jpg i.imgur.com/OBtSV.jpg i.imgur.com/WTjQ5.jpg i.imgur.com/nxq8o.jpg Let alone being good enough to sneak up behind Deathstroke and knocked him out. i.imgur.com/dsRHO.jpg And your excuse is that they've been watered down? LOL. Come on bro. "In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, martial arts, were a serious threat to Spidey, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Batman multiple times." So going by your logic, just because Spiderman has gone up against smart guys with tech, gadgets and martial arts skills, that that makes them Batman? That's like me saying: "In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, super strength, speed, agility ect were a serious threat to Batman, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Spiderman multiple times." Even with his experience, Spiderman still managed to get tranquilized by the Punisher. lounge.moviecodec.com/images/attachment/batman-vs-spiderman-12069.jpg Yep Have his web shooters taken out (which I've already explained especially considering the fact that Batman has detective mode which is another thing Screwattack Death Battle never exploited in that fight and could have been used to spot Spidey's web shooters) and then owned by the punisher again. static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/9/98479/1763746-551446_apunspider1xl3_super.jpg static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/9/98479/1763747-551447_apunspider2yt6_super.jpg Yep Even with Spiderman's martial arts, he still got outclassed by Captain America's martial art skills to the point when Spiderman himself admitted that Cap knows more about hand to hand fighting than he will ever learn in a 100 years and that Cap makes him feel like a chump. arousinggrammardotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/spidermancaptainamerica5.jpg Yep If those guys could do that to him, then there's no reason why it's not possible for Batman who has mastered all martial arts, has more experience than Spidey, a better, smarter fighter to do the same thing, especially considering the fact that Batman has defeated a bunch of intelligent people, also guys who are as strong, fast as Spiderman, if not stronger/faster and because it's under the death battle rules, Spiderman doesn't know Batman and how he fights. This proves what I've said before which is Screwattack Death Battle not exploiting Batman's strengths to the fullest especially his martial art skills. Want proof? Screwattack Death Battle never made Batman use pressure points in that fight because they knew as well as I do that It would of incapacitated him long enough for Batman to finish him off. Look, this is going to be my last comment because I'm bored of this. I'm not saying that Spiderman can't beat Batman for I have already said that BOTH are fully capable of defeating each other, however in my opinion, Batman has the better advantage to win the first fight. At the end of day, both are great superheroes(in my opinion) Happy New Year by the way.
IIRC this Death Battle was short and kinda felt rushed because it was filler. Something to hold us over until Wiz/Ben could repair/replace his damaged computer.
And if i can something in Batman's favor which think they somewhat left out: Batman has fought super soldiers before; 2 of them are more or less the equivalent of Captain America: Bane and Deathstroke. Because of this Cap wasn't a problem.
Well I did give Batman the tactical win. What I really didn't agree on was the Death Battle itself. Considering that Captain America has also fought similar fighters such as the Taskmaster, Bullseye and Crossbones, I would have thought that he'd give Batman more of a fight and not just charge in recklessly. And if they had shown this episode before the one with Spiderman, I would suspect they're be a lot less fanboy rage as they'd say, "Okay, you make a good point, Captain America was more human while Spidey had the advantage with that Spider-sense."
Very True. BTW, will you be doing any more DB vids? I would like your take on the Mario vs Sonic and the Superman vs Goku fights; its nice to see this in a calm, balanced perspective.
***** Eventually I will. I think the next one I'll do is either the Goku Vs. Superman or the Kratos Vs. Spawn.
The video itself don't determine who going to win the battle, so batman takin a blow of capitain's shield or batman sending high to Capitain Ameria is not a real problem, maybe a inconsistency yes but not a problem.
I still thinking that when the research is wrong is more important.
***** Oh I didn't disagree with the research and I even gave Batman the tactical win. The Death Battle itself had rushed and disappointed feeling as they didn't showcase all of the research they did for Batman and Captain America. Now don't get me wrong, Death Battle did a great job with the research, but after all that work, they could have given us a more fulfilling battle. I figured that Batman would win, but the way he won didn't do either combatant any justice. Now the Batman Vs. Spiderman battle was far more intense and really emphasized just how outmatched Batman was against him.
AwesomeEpicBros You do realize this is Batman vs. Captain America right? You want to complain about Batman Vs. Spiderman? Do it on the right video at least.
And as for all your 'proof,' most of it was taken COMPLETELY out of context and warped to your own imagination, and haphazardly from all media and even a fan-made comic, (yes that comic of Spider-Man joining the Justice League was fan-made and Death Battle only used it as a form of humor. They even said, "SOMEHOW Spider-Man tried to join the Justice League...")
It's obvious you DON'T KNOW SQUAT about Death Battle or its rules. I even stated them in the beginning of the video. Combatants have NO PRIOR knowledge of each other before the fight, and they even stated in the Batman Vs. Spiderman of NO PREP TIME. With the Ninja Turtles, prior knowledge was unavoidable since they were a team. OF COURSE Leonardo would know his teammates weaknesses since he's the leader.
You also complained about Goku Vs. Superman, on the WRONG VIDEO as well. You also stated this and that from non-verified sources and DEBUNKED BLOGS, non-canon crossover events, and even fanfiction.
It's obvious that you're a DBZ Fantard, a Batman Fantard, a Terminator Fantard, etc. You're just a trolling fantard who's ticked off that all of your favorites lost Death Battles and you're completely disregarding all valid evidence that proves why they lost. You're accusing ScrewAttack and Death Battle of playing favorites, and not even acknowledging that the battle is just for entertainment and the analysis and research is what determines the winner.
Get over it. Batman LOST to Spiderman due to him having no knowledge and the Spider-Sense negating stealth and surprise.
AwesomeEpicBros And you obviously just cut and paste all of your arguments, even stuff that has nothing to do with with video you're posting on. Plus the fact that all that information and links were all over the place and not relevant to Captain America vs Batman. In my video, I only touched on how that stuff he used against Cap America wouldn't have worked against Spiderman, then went back to my analysis on his fight against Captain America and gave Batman the tactical win. That's all it is. You want to post all those links about Spider-Man? Do it on the Batman vs Spiderman. And it's obvious you're a fantard if you just post these links about how Batman overcomes Spiderman on the Batman Vs. Cap America video.
AwesomeEpicBros Carnage got watered down. At first he was strong enough to beat both Spidey & Venom at the same time, and durable enough to take their punches. Batman wouldn't survive that version without a sonic device, which he may have had in the crossover. If not, crap writing like the Batman crossover, where he could wrestle Aliens from the Aliens films. I don't see a problem with Spidey losing to Scorpion in the past considering he was given strength, speed/agility durability to fight him. Deathstroke once easily destroyed Batman in combat, and had reaction time good enough to beat a group of Titans. Then he became like some regular ninja when fighting Batman. Slade has enhanced reflexes, Spidey's go superhuman. In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, martial arts, were a serious threat to Spidey, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Batman multiple times. Tasers, gas, tranqz, yep. Doing detective work in the dark, yep. Fighting opponents who used deception, yep. A few years ago, Spidey also got martial arts training from Shang Chi. Realistically, with Spidey's speed, agility and reaction time, he should be able stop/counter any physical attack from Batman if he tried it.
"Deathstroke once easily destroyed Batman in combat."
Easily? Oh really? You mean the fight when Deathstroke himself admitted that not only Batman was the better fighter, but that Batman is the best fighter he's ever fought and also mentioned that he'd hate to fight him if his strength hadn't been increased and that he'll still be still feeling the pain of Batman's blows long after the flesh heals?
Batman had reaction time good enough to beat Wonder Woman,Green Lantern, Aquaman and The Flash at the same time.
Let alone being good enough to sneak up behind Deathstroke and knocked him out.
And your excuse is that they've been watered down? LOL. Come on bro.
"In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, martial arts, were a serious threat to Spidey, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Batman multiple times."
So going by your logic, just because Spiderman has gone up against smart guys with tech, gadgets and martial arts skills, that that makes them Batman? That's like me saying:
"In the past, smart guys with tech, gadgets, super strength, speed, agility ect were a serious threat to Batman, but now he has that much years experience against them, meaning he's now faced Spiderman multiple times."
Even with his experience, Spiderman still managed to get tranquilized by the Punisher.
Have his web shooters taken out (which I've already explained especially considering the fact that Batman has detective mode which is another thing Screwattack Death Battle never exploited in that fight and could have been used to spot Spidey's web shooters) and then owned by the punisher again.
Even with Spiderman's martial arts, he still got outclassed by Captain America's martial art skills to the point when Spiderman himself admitted that Cap knows more about hand to hand fighting than he will ever learn in a 100 years and that Cap makes him feel like a chump.
If those guys could do that to him, then there's no reason why it's not possible for Batman who has mastered all martial arts, has more experience than Spidey, a better, smarter fighter to do the same thing, especially considering the fact that Batman has defeated a bunch of intelligent people, also guys who are as strong, fast as Spiderman, if not stronger/faster and because it's under the death battle rules, Spiderman doesn't know Batman and how he fights. This proves what I've said before which is Screwattack Death Battle not exploiting Batman's strengths to the fullest especially his martial art skills. Want proof? Screwattack Death Battle never made Batman use pressure points in that fight because they knew as well as I do that It would of incapacitated him long enough for Batman to finish him off.
Look, this is going to be my last comment because I'm bored of this. I'm not saying that Spiderman can't beat Batman for I have already said that BOTH are fully capable of defeating each other, however in my opinion, Batman has the better advantage to win the first fight.
At the end of day, both are great superheroes(in my opinion)
Happy New Year by the way.