I love Muhammad Ali, but he had plenty of racist views and cheated multiple times. He did A LOT of great things in his life, but he also did and said, quite a few unforgivable things as well.
@@Eatm3 I’m a different person than I was when I commented that but unfortunately for your ego, I am not or have ever been associated with such filth. I genuinely strive for peace and love dood.
5:07 "mother Theresa's true motives were less about helping people and more about boosting numbers for her own religion" just described true motives of every religion in the world...
@@nok4799 no bible escripts can debate the fact that main goal behind religions since days of Roman Empire or even ages before was to control as many people as possible and maximise the profits.
O: What an Idiot you are, I saw Mother working in India on the streets, Men you would not think that anybody can tough these poor people in the cutter and help them, hacked and gave them shelter food and medician.N nobody elsewhere their to help, their just Walken by not even looked at them, I know there where so many, but she helps where she was able to do.
Shivani - I am sure we can find faults with many more people ... with all people in fact! If you are the one who is without fault and without sin... throw the first stone!
No Ghandi, he slept with many children and his actions led to the Partition of India. Not only was he a horrible person, he is now viewed as a straight up villain by many in India/Pakistan.
@@ChromeTecNina and I can provide you proofs debunking yours, I have been in these debates for a very long time, I also believed such things about Gandhi on unsubstantiated proofs, but I have done my research.
What I find the most surprising is how we 'common' people, seem to expect certain people to be a better cut of human, merely because of their jobs or their PR teams and script writers....What a joke.........
@Pia Hansen . I understand your point but the thing is, some of these people in the list are in a position that is kinda expected for them to be better than us. Examples like Mother Theresa, JFK , etc literally put themselves in a position in which they want others to look up to them. (I mean, JFK was literally president, lol. The leader of an entire country!) So they have to live up to what theyre trying to portray themselves as (and the 'good' that they preach ). Otherwise people will point fingers at them and be like " ohhhh look you're not so great after all!! " ( The opposite is people who are not really after a huge "leading" type of role in society , they don't point fingers at them as severely ) But in the case of celebrities like actors and singers then you would be right. Because they are just famous for their talent (some might not even care for people to follow them as role model). However, there's still people who would worship any celebrity and then theres those who document everything they do and call them out for any little thing.which is stupid ( like who cares? ) Bottom line is, if youre trying to be a role model to society you have to live up to it. If not, then people will call you out for it, and more harshly than for other " common folk " because of the fact that you are in a leading position and also because of what messages you're trying to give to people. I think the saying " Practice what you preach " pretty much sums it up.
And as a brother, look up his sister who had a botched lobotomy and then was pretty much ignored by the family so their run for presidency wouldn’t be ruined
who cares... president duty is to serve the people and the nation.. what he's doing in his private life is his business.. aslong as the president serve the people well then its ok
Yeah, but she isn't Jesus, she tried her best, if hitchens felt that she didn't then instead of going on to argue stupidly about god's non existence then he should have helped the poor.
Churchill's orders allowed for the death of 30,000 villagers in India during the Bengal famine. He was central in ordering the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and blaming WWI on the Germans. The hit was carried out by operatives developed by British secret service. The Churchills were losing money to German technology before Rudolf Diesel even invented his Diesel engine. British secret service killed Rudolf Diesel in hopes of stemming the tide of his technical advances. It would be the end of Englands global advantage to let Germany finish their Berlin to Bagdad Railroad. The first British troops dispatched in WWI went to Bagdad to crush the construction where there was no military cover. It was Churchill who maneuvered media coverage to blame Germany for WWI. It was the aftermath of WWI and denial of relief by Churchill and our own dumbass president Wilson that gave us Hitler. WAS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR THE BRITS HERE?
I believe it all. I went to college with a guy who knew Mother Theresa. He worked in Calcutta with her. He said she was a mean person. Nasty if she did not get her way.
Jabber Jaw Reviews I’m not educated on Gandhi much, nor John Lennon, but I’m curious what’s wrong with both these people? I know Gandhi was extremely left wing, but I’m just curious.
@@rackjussian3898 Penn and Teller did a segment just like this a while back, on Gandhi, Mother T, AND the Dalhi Lahma, on their oooold show "Bullsh*t", id give it a watch as it's not only a bit more entertaining than this, i mean, you get someone with actual EMOTIONS explaining the fucked up things these people did, but you also get the full facts
This is great, because it puts things in perspective. Too many times the masses get carried away with these so called "respected historical figures". We tend to put these people on pedestals... when in fact they are like everyone else... individuals who may have accomplished something noteworthy, yet are as fallible as you and I. The history books are full of such delusional propaganda. Of course that's not to say we should excuse them for their faults. Instead, we should remind ourselves that the more we glorify these celebrities, sports figures, politicians and others... the more these talented but troubled stars begin to believe in their false immortality.
4:53 Christopher Hitchens' exposé of what a heartless, tyrannical con-artist and hypocrite Teresa was is excellent. Hitchens wasn't afraid to go against the stream or defy conventional wisdom. We need more like him.
Hold on a second. I'm not a fan of John Wayne's views, however, that one article in Playboy painted a pretty awful picture (out of context) to the man many people around the Newport Beach area of Southern California knew. Wayne use to be a regular at a restaurant my girlfriend worked at. He would sit in the bar and would gladly talk to anyone and everyone who would approach him. He was not a conceited man and was always welcoming with a handshake and a smile. He remembered me and would always give me a hello whenever I went to the bar to pick my girlfriend up from work. He was like that with everyone and I never once heard a disrespectful word from him about anyone, personally, racially or anything else.
WootTootZoot Correct. The comment from Wayne was not racist at all. More against affirmative action, not black people. Suggesting that whitey is “supreme” is exactly what the political left teaches. They are disadvantaged. And like Wayne said they remain disadvantaged until they are educated and make their own way. Nothing wrong with that.
KHALIIL01 I understood your question/ statement. Did John Wayne acknowledgement Jim Crow laws? Likely more than you and I. He lived at a time when they were enforced. I’m getting the impression you’re one of those douche bags that is just looking to be offended by something. What is the point of your comments? The original comment suggests Wayne was a not a racist person , my comment supported that. Then you come along and you want to suggest that , No , he really was a racist and maybe even too dumb to know it. Your type and your self righteousness make me sick. Jim crow laws were an absolute disgrace. Brought on by the democrats and the political left, the true racists. Democrats today’s suggest that racism is just so deep seeded that even today blacks are still victim to it. Speak for yourselves you racist bastards. The soft bigotry of low expectations. Today’s democrats want black people on welfare never to rise out of it.
KHALIIL01 You weren’t asking about “confirmation or speculation”. You are/ were speculating! This video was speculation. Your comment about Jim crow and the quote from MLK are suggesting Wayne didn’t acknowledge the challenges black people had. Of course You can see the challenges they endured in your enlightenment but Wayne in the reality of daily life could not? Again, your self righteous attitude makes me sick. I enable the divide? You’re the one that wanted to be sure to peg Wayne as racist, even against those who stated they did not feel he was.
It's appalling how many people, even those who you'd think would know better, use Mother Theresa for their all round shorthand example of a "good and selfless" human being".
The Catholic church loves to have her on a pedestal and not say anything about the bad things she did. I didn't know about those bad things she did as I was raised Catholic but my family drifted away from it after I got bullied relentlessly at that Catholic school. I'm glad I got out of there
Winnie Mandela was an awful criminal who got away with most of her evil doings throughout her life, it's amazing how ignorant the world is about her crimes.
Yooo this is the same video you guys posted in 2017, the listing and talking guy are different but the script is the same You're literally recycling videos and nobody notices. SMART
Honestly, if anyone else acted the way mother Theresa did, not only would they have likely been arrested for it, but caused a psychopath or sociopath that enjoyed the suffering of others... But when you do it because religion, i guess that means it isnt so.
Honestly I have no idea how she slipped through the cracks. I would not blame religion since the church has lost a lot of its power but hey she still got away with it
I was actually privileged to meet Mother Teresa a couple of times in my teens during the 1970s. Her nuns setup refuges for drunks and homeless. The beds were clean, they got fed healthy meals (I peeled quite a few potatoes), they were cleaned up and encouraged to straighten up. Many did. Yes there was Mass there every Sunday, but it was a Catholic mission helping those whom no one else gave a toss about. Yes, I heard all of the stories about her, but these were mostly from people in her organisation who did not share her vision.
@@personincognito3989 it's kind of a joke. Based = being correct, having your statement/ideology "based" in fact or truth, whereas redpilled references the pill that Neo takes in order to wake himself up from the simulation; the state of being englightened to the truth, or being able to see how the world really is. But calling something "based and redpilled" has become somewhat of a sarcastic remark directed towards someone who holds an unpopular opinion. It can be taken derogatorily or sarcastically depending on how you look at it.
Another fact about M Theresa, during a meningitis outbreak, she refused to allow donated antibiotics to be given prophylactically to her children, saying that if they died it was god's will. God's will of course did not extend to herself. She had a pacemaker inserted to keep her alive.
@@cynicalretiree I found this one, maybe some insight: www.nytimes.com/2016/08/27/world/asia/mother-teresa-critic.html If I had more time probably I could find more.She was into sainthood in the West during her life and Nobel prize, meaning shit since Obama got it for peace...
The problem is your main sourcr is Christopher Hitchens a virulent atheist who despised all religious people. Especially Christians and Muslims. He championed the invasion of Iraq and in general behaved badly. The Times of India is also a bit suspect as its a mouthpiece for Hinduism and so the idea of deathbed conversion of the sick is a big no no for them. I think she meant well in these cases but her Catholicism was definitely a bit fire and brimstone.
Not being much into 'super heroes' (though I vastly respect the work and character branding that goes into their creation), this is the first time I heard about Bob Kane taking all the credit. How disgusting of him, and how sad that Bill Finger didn't live to get any widespread acknowledgement or monetary compensation. Fans are crazy about Catwoman, Robin, and especially the Joker!
He cheated on his wife while she had cancer. She killed herself and he married his mistress. That's all I know besides him not liking children very much.
He said that children were easy to make money off of, which I read when I was younger and never saw him in a good light ever again after that, poor little me, dejected and angry
Of course they made her a saint! She is well thought of in the public eye, reality is irrelevant to the church. Its all a big business and making her a saint is good for business.
No she bought Kitchen equipment & food.. And Barely survived. "Man (nor WOMAN) doth NOT Live on bread alone" ... If you don't read that book. Forget LIFE...;
She said she enjoys watching people die in misery and suffering. She finds it "beautiful." I don't know if "enjoy" and "beauty" are words in the psychopathic vocabulary, but clearly she's a sadistic pervert at least.
And a huge one. With all millions collected she let poor peoole suffer but she died in a fansy hospital in new york. Hypocrite and un evil at it finest.
@Isaac MounceI'm not special? What the hell does that mean? No I am no longer a catholic they showed me that they are all evil and I will not be associated with evil sadistic satanic peodphiles
Mother Teresa forgot to not let her left hand know what her right hand was doing ... everything was clearly a publicity campaign for canonization, which she has yet to realize ...
A complete misrepresentation of mother Teresa. She set up her houses in places where the poor and dying were; there were often no doctors available for
Damn now I have to take a second look at John Wayne because he was my favorite actor but I'm black so I'm at the bottom of his list damn I guess someone like me just doesn't know how to do responsibility.
@Viper Just because everyone else was doing it doesn't mean he gets a hall pass. And I'm sure the point of the video isn't "John Wayne was the only racist during that time," it's just to point out he was a shit, too. Not only that, but he called Native Americans "selfish" for wanting to keep their homeland. So if that doesn't scream giant POS, idk what would.
Black actors probably dislike White people too. I say who cares, I don't want a world where you can't hate people. As long as people can live with each other I think we're cool. Richard Pryor is one of my favorite actor/comedian ever, and I know he said a lot of racist things but I don't think he really hates all White people.
@Bobert Wiltshire um actually no that's not true there are racists yes but to say everyone is a racist shows me that you believe your way of thinking is normal. It's not, not everyone has those thoughts and just doesn't say anything. Hatred is not the default thought process when looking at fellow human beings that's something that is taught.
Go to a DHS waiting room and look at all the white girls with black babies. The whole pimp, player, hustler thing ruins women and children. Hollywood and Democrats love it.
@Kiki Melendez I will. Miss Melendez, does it bother you Danny Trejo is the most recognizable Mexican actor? Yet blacks are lawers, doctors, and God himself. J. Wayne's statement was pretty accurate, but the truth gets in the way of victim status.
N Mandela was also a murderer HE had dreams of S Africa and now his dream came through reverse apartheid and its a failed state. He was also only a refugee not an actual S African.
I lost faith in Catholicism despite living in a predominantly Catholic country. Though, I am still a Catholic by religion, I now practice deism. The reason? Catholics, at least in our country and maybe in other countries as well, are the worst hypocrites I've seen. Examples: 1.)I got bullied by not one but 7 individuals in high school, all of which are church servants (or whatever those pricks are called) 2.)I was also bullied by of all people in the Catholic school I attended, my bible studies teacher. (who would have thought?) 3.)We had a parish priest who was obsessed with guns. 4.) A bible reader who would curse a lot 5.) Another bible reader who likes to spread gossip at random people 6.) A servant who is obsessed with corporal punishment to the point that people he is punishing are getting injured. 7.) Priests with considerably lavish lifestyle. There is even one who enjoyed hanging out in casinos with some "angels" I can go on but this is long enough but what this boil down to is that despite all of these they still portray themselves as "good examples of Catholicism". They'll never admit mistakes. And, just to add they have one thing in common they hold themselves in high regards than others just because of their religious practice.
So, you left the Church because it was full of sinners? We're all sinners. That's the point of needing the church, which gives us the sacraments (Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, etc.) so we can work towards becoming a saint. No one on earth, not even priests, are actually there yet. We all have the capacity to avoid seeing some truth about ourselves. By regular confession we admit the wrong we do and receive grace and help to try to eliminate it from our lives, one sin at a time. But it takes a lifetime for to be human, is to sin.
@@kathylane545 Let's just say I chose to be with the sinners who know they are sinners but are trying to be better rather than a bunch of people who refuse to admit they have sinned and always see themselves as "the better individuals" in the community.
@@tmcrae2187 God created the man's flesh and soul. He revealed himself and how he wished to be worshiped, first in the Jewish nation, then in Jesus Christ.
@@marvininer The Catholics I know feel bad about committing sin and are also trying to be better, not superior, human beings by allowing God to soften their hearts and following Him.
This portrayal of Mother Theresa is disturbing and false. Its true she did not start hospitals but neither did hitchens. She started centers where the forgotten and dying could receive love. She is being accused of being terrible because she did not establish hospitals? Its crazy. She was not a doctor, but a nun who wanted to serve the poor. If she had established hospitals she would have been accused by hitchens for hatred because she did noy establish centers to serve the dying.
God I can't believe Batman one, poor Bill Finger... He didn't deserve that, he could have atleast gotten some form of appreciation, but he died without any.
@@muffs55mercury61 Yeah, I always thought that might have been part of God's wrath, against some extraordinary sinners. Getting a taste of hell on earth.
John Wayne may offend a number of people nowadays but he had a point. By your reasoning we should also let 8 year olds drive, drink, smoke, work and buy guns just like everyone else, why discriminate right? You do not hand over power and authority to the uneducated and irresponsible, just look at the state of the world today and tell anyone he was wrong.
John Wayne, was born over a bit over 100 years ago. His views were off his youth. He was a man of his time he has been dead about 45 years, we have to judge people by there time. We can't judge them my modern morality
Sherry Simpson I agree, however, their are some people that feel bad at the end of the day for wrong doings and strive to do better. But their are others that just don’t give a damn period, and this is what makes the difference.
this is just Hitchens trolling from beyond the grave. And a nasty vindictive bullying alcoholic troll he was too. If he said the sun was orange I would demand a second opinion.
@@fiachramaccana280 yeah how about you start defending mother Teresa and properly refute what Hitchens accused her of rather than resorting to ad hominem. Come on tough guy, put your case for her as a decent person.
And here we are in 2019 where people think its okay to have diversity for the sake of diversity in jobs including acting instead of getting the role/job based on talent and merit. So he might not have been a good person but he wasn't completely wrong. People do get shit they don't deserve based on what they look like. :)
@@pxpin89 I have nothing against black people but Wayne was right about them taking more responsibilities. Nobody wants their ghetto or crime scenes that have gone up in Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, etc. That's a legitimate reason for the white flight of the last 50-60 years.
The Kennedys-how often are they revered by journalists. What a bunch. One always cringed when a news clip would show them going in or coming out of church. Such lovely angelic people.
@@leonardszubinski4709 sorry that John Wayne was a racist creep, who couldn't act. had "issues with women, P.C. liberal, which is pretty much idiot code for "'m sad because, I can't call my fellow Americans "N******" anymore, because, it could point me out as an inbred, drooling idiot, and I'm upset because I only make minimum wage at my job at Cooters filling station and bait shop.
@@triciabrown3035 I live in a 3rd world country and every body smiles but after living here for several years I begin to understand the dirty names and bad behaviors but hey they smile and it's what many people like it's known as smooth talkers, I'd give anything if I could get my wife, kids and grand kids out and return to grumpy white people.
Great to see a clip of Christopher Hitchens. He was a hero! In 2000 I was in Calcutta, and visited Mother Teresa's hospital. I think it was on Sudder Street. I saw a big dorm full of rickety beds with helpless people wasting away in there. The heat, and the stench, was hard to bare. I saw plenty of nuns or novices or whatever, but not a single doctor. I will never forget that day.
Hitchens a hero? Bullshit, he just hated Christians and was a loser fanatic like Dawkins, anytime I'm arguing with a Christian and they bring up those two douche bags I make my exit real quick.
my mom told me that when mother teresa died, my grandfather said “thank god! that’s the best thing to ever happen to india!” honestly, don’t disagree tbh. for one thing, i genuinely just don’t like missionary work, and i’m catholic. i think a lot of people do missionary work to try and make themselves look better. besides that, the means they use to convert people can be extremely manipulative and even cruel. the conditions at mother teresa’s homes for the sick, orphanages, etc were horrendous and sometimes made people even sicker than they already were. she was close with a lot of bad people, including jean claude duvalier who was a dictator and committed crimes against humanity. while large amounts of money were given to mother teresa and many people donated to her cause, little of that money was ever used to help the people of india. like, mother teresa wouldn’t buy things with the money she had been given. she manipulated people into staying poor and relying on her for care. she encouraged them to keep suffering. she didn’t allow people to use birth control or have reproductive rights/didnt educate people about it. she basically encouraged the people she “cared” for to keep having children because it’s what god wants. this, to me, is SO wrong. the last thing a person living in extreme poverty needs is more children. this was just another way of keeping people in poverty and controlling them.
I'm absolutely FLOORED by the St Mother Theresa Haters.. LIke they all knew her on a daily and personal basis..Part of being a Saint..a lot of Demons around to bad mouth..
You didn't know her either so how do you know those "haters" are not right? BTW there are nuns that worked with her and they confirm her priority was to help the church, not to help the poor.
We expect you to believe stratcom and it's lies because Mandela let you and your barbaric people off the hook. Winnie did nothing. Nelson led his people who had fought for him into a burning building held by people who wanted him dead mere years ago. I hope he's in hell.
We want them to leave. They refuse. We even allow that they're right. They must leave. We starve and die. Then they can come take the country without us bothering them. But here they remain 😂
Can you name any other examples of historical figures that might not have been as shiny as people thought?
I hope your channel doesn't die.
@Ventius Rozen
You used 2 periods for that story...
I used four for mine.
Marilyn Monroe. She was basically Kim Kardashian except she slept with mobsters and politicians instead of rappers and basketball players.
I love Muhammad Ali, but he had plenty of racist views and cheated multiple times. He did A LOT of great things in his life, but he also did and said, quite a few unforgivable things as well.
You should of listed Donald Trump.
"He continued his fight against equality" is the wildest sentence I've heard in my life.
AOKVEVO Man, I had to say it in my head a few times to make sure I was hearing it right.😩
Hillary Clinton’s mentor.
Are you illiterate or something? Lol or is it just the context of said sentence?
@@lateralustrated8808 are you a klan member or something? Cause wtf don’t you understand about that statement
@@Eatm3 I’m a different person than I was when I commented that but unfortunately for your ego, I am not or have ever been associated with such filth. I genuinely strive for peace and love dood.
5:07 "mother Theresa's true motives were less about helping people and more about boosting numbers for her own religion" just described true motives of every religion in the world...
*@*LEGENDARY IceMan* ~SO Right You ARE...!
Oh no, prepare for the Bible escripts, and the classic "May god have mercy on your soul."
@@nok4799 no bible escripts can debate the fact that main goal behind religions since days of Roman Empire or even ages before was to control as many people as possible and maximise the profits.
O: What an Idiot you are, I saw Mother working in India on the streets, Men you would not think that anybody can tough these poor people in the cutter and help them, hacked and gave them shelter food and medician.N nobody elsewhere their to help, their just Walken by not even looked at them, I know there where so many, but she helps where she was able to do.
@Emiliano Olague it isnt a opinion, it is a fact for anyone that has studied religions during Roman Empire or ages before it.
Ok this list should be much longer.
Hopefully, Grunge will get around to doing a Part Two. There are enough wolves in sheep's clothing to create a video series...
The Clinton Obama Bush and about every politician and Hollywood the ultra rich and on and on
Shivani - I am sure we can find faults with many more people ... with all people in fact! If you are the one who is without fault and without sin... throw the first stone!
@@pennypay1 0
The part about Mother Teresa gave me chills.
Everything about organised religion shud..
wait until you find out "THE REST OF THE STORY " !
Thankfully Bill Finger is getting the credit he deserves
You should look at Bob Kane's grave stone. It would piss you off.
Ah yes, good ol Bill "gets credit 40 years after his death" Finger
HINRG14 Oh My. I just had a strange “Frank Grimes Flashback” whilst reading.
At least Bob Kane (allegedly) got the bitch slap from Jim Steranko HE deserved.
I bet he would have liked some of that money from 1939 till when he died in the 70s
No Ghandi, he slept with many children and his actions led to the Partition of India. Not only was he a horrible person, he is now viewed as a straight up villain by many in India/Pakistan.
He also has some really fucked up and hypocritical views on race.
@@ChromeTecNina he was racist too
It's funny all the people who are not actually Indians are calling stupid unsubstantiated things to Mahatma Gandhi.
@@ishanbajpai6940 do you need proof? Because I'll happily provide it if need be
@@ChromeTecNina and I can provide you proofs debunking yours, I have been in these debates for a very long time, I also believed such things about Gandhi on unsubstantiated proofs, but I have done my research.
Just a friendly reminder that you might be using your mobile data.
Sir. Wusk it’s okay, I have unlimited
Im a ipad user-
Literally when I saw this i checked my status bar to make sure the wifi was on 😂
I have no more high speed data yet I still checked to see if it was on lol
Everything that was taught to me growing up was lies!
I will give you a thumb of rule. Everything majority of the believe in, is the opposite to what the truth is.
@@cscs9192 That's what she said. Truly.
@@douggief1367 and you just forgot the source of that, right? 😌
@@cscs9192 Sorry I didn't mean to be rude. 💛
@@douggief1367 You were not, was kidding with you. peace and love!
What I find the most surprising is how we 'common' people, seem to expect certain people to be a better cut of human, merely because of their jobs or their PR teams and script writers....What a joke.........
That is deep, Pia.
That’s called superficial thinking. What Americans have become best at
Right? I mean obviously, if someone’s harming someone then expose them
But exposing someone for every little thing is stupid.
@Fabian Moye braindead snowflake!
@Pia Hansen . I understand your point but the thing is, some of these people in the list are in a position that is kinda expected for them to be better than us. Examples like Mother Theresa, JFK , etc literally put themselves in a position in which they want others to look up to them. (I mean, JFK was literally president, lol. The leader of an entire country!) So they have to live up to what theyre trying to portray themselves as (and the 'good' that they preach ). Otherwise people will point fingers at them and be like " ohhhh look you're not so great after all!! " ( The opposite is people who are not really after a huge "leading" type of role in society , they don't point fingers at them as severely )
But in the case of celebrities like actors and singers then you would be right. Because they are just famous for their talent (some might not even care for people to follow them as role model). However, there's still people who would worship any celebrity and then theres those who document everything they do and call them out for any little thing.which is stupid ( like who cares? )
Bottom line is, if youre trying to be a role model to society you have to live up to it. If not, then people will call you out for it, and more harshly than for other " common folk " because of the fact that you are in a leading position and also because of what messages you're trying to give to people.
I think the saying " Practice what you preach " pretty much sums it up.
Monsters always have the best pr campaigns.
I loved JFK as a president, but he was a terrible excuse as a husband.
What about Trump?
"Hold my beer." - Bill Clinton
And as a brother, look up his sister who had a botched lobotomy and then was pretty much ignored by the family so their run for presidency wouldn’t be ruined
He is a terrible excuse for a human being
who cares... president duty is to serve the people and the nation.. what he's doing in his private life is his business.. aslong as the president serve the people well then its ok
"It would seem she skipped the parts in the Bible where Jesus actually healed sick people." you're more knowledgeable in the bible than her.
Nobody follows the Bible. Only when it suits them. Or picks out the parts that suit them.
@Benjamin Roberts but they don't follow the spoken word either.
Not like the bible is great either.
Yeah, but she isn't Jesus, she tried her best, if hitchens felt that she didn't then instead of going on to argue stupidly about god's non existence then he should have helped the poor.
No one should be praised on a pedestal.
Praise no one and you will never be dissapointed
Except for pussy, you always put that on a pedestal...
No one? Or Nobody? 😂😂😂
@@forknifecapt.2410 That's so homolicious buddy. 🙀 lamest comment in 500 videos. Real talk.
@@a.musing8801 Both, haha! 😋
Where is Gandhi?
I thought this guy would have been number one. Absolute racist piece of s***
@@ChromeTecNina proof peace never existed and we are all living on hell
Gandhi is a fucking perv.
The Observer Was...
I'm right here, sheesh.
No Winston Churchill?
Great wartime leader but an awful human being.
Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Greece, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Ireland
Nelson mandela
Tristan Gullickson he said “I am okay with the murder and removal of the blacks if they’re replaced with a superior race”
@@saltedkiwi4812 He liberated Greece, and never did anything to Saudi Arabia
Churchill's orders allowed for the death of 30,000 villagers in India during the Bengal famine. He was central in ordering the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and blaming WWI on the Germans. The hit was carried out by operatives developed by British secret service. The Churchills were losing money to German technology before Rudolf Diesel even invented his Diesel engine. British secret service killed Rudolf Diesel in hopes of stemming the tide of his technical advances.
It would be the end of Englands global advantage to let Germany finish their Berlin to Bagdad Railroad. The first British troops dispatched in WWI went to Bagdad to crush the construction where there was no military cover. It was Churchill who maneuvered media coverage to blame Germany for WWI. It was the aftermath of WWI and denial of relief by Churchill and our own dumbass president Wilson that gave us Hitler.
#MonsterTheresa did far worse evil than mentioned in this video.
Really been to slum once?
And she was a woman
she was a vile old bitch
So she liked converting people to her religion? Yeah so what? Don’t most priests and priestesses do this? I don’t see what the big deal is with that.
@@DJShire_ATL she was an old brutal bastard that should have been burnt at the stake
As the meme says; *"Even Mother Teresa wasn't a Mother Teresa"*
Yeah and even Einstein wasn't an Einstein. We could go on.
I believe it all. I went to college with a guy who knew Mother Theresa. He worked in Calcutta with her. He said she was a mean person. Nasty if she did not get her way.
Everybody has their flaws. Even Mother Teresa.
@@andywinslow9638 That is just a dumb excuse you're giving.
@@cammythompkins4379 buzz off
Where were Gandhi and John Lennon on this list?
Jabber Jaw Reviews I’m not educated on Gandhi much, nor John Lennon, but I’m curious what’s wrong with both these people? I know Gandhi was extremely left wing, but I’m just curious.
A Cardboard Box Oh okay, thanks mate.
@@rackjussian3898 beatlesarama.com/these-shocking-true-stories-prove-john-lennon-was-actually-a-terrible-person/
@@rackjussian3898 Penn and Teller did a segment just like this a while back, on Gandhi, Mother T, AND the Dalhi Lahma, on their oooold show "Bullsh*t", id give it a watch as it's not only a bit more entertaining than this, i mean, you get someone with actual EMOTIONS explaining the fucked up things these people did, but you also get the full facts
John lennon was very troubled tho
This is great, because it puts things in perspective. Too many times the masses get carried away with these so called "respected historical figures". We tend to put these people on pedestals... when in fact they are like everyone else... individuals who may have accomplished something noteworthy, yet are as fallible as you and I. The history books are full of such delusional propaganda. Of course that's not to say we should excuse them for their faults. Instead, we should remind ourselves that the more we glorify these celebrities, sports figures, politicians and others... the more these talented but troubled stars begin to believe in their false immortality.
George Anthony Yea dont forget the millions of people who worship sport stars. Are they out of their minds?
@@teresacatherine6866 Yep, bread and circuses to keep the masses distracted and ignorant
Wheres Mahatma Gandhi?
Ikr, dude used to sleep 'next to' beautiful women to test his chasteness... "Oh no, I turned over and am inside you"
I heard people making up things about Mr. Rogers.
And yet everyone EXCEPT him was a horrible person.
That's honestly, sincerely scary.
This is modern equivalent of looking through a celebrity’s old tweets
Not even.
Nick M How is it a "modern equivalent" when Twitter itself is modern and didn't even exist when most of these people lived?
20 people didn’t actually read this comment
Richard Thayer, use your fucking brain and don't be so needlessly pedantic.
LoL.. exactly bruh.. hahahahha
4:53 Christopher Hitchens' exposé of what a heartless, tyrannical con-artist and hypocrite Teresa was is excellent. Hitchens wasn't afraid to go against the stream or defy conventional wisdom. We need more like him.
He did go off the deep end and support the war in Iraq. He also supported waterboarding (though admittedly he walked that one back)
Hold on a second. I'm not a fan of John Wayne's views, however, that one article in Playboy painted a pretty awful picture (out of context) to the man many people around the Newport Beach area of Southern California knew. Wayne use to be a regular at a restaurant my girlfriend worked at. He would sit in the bar and would gladly talk to anyone and everyone who would approach him. He was not a conceited man and was always welcoming with a handshake and a smile. He remembered me and would always give me a hello whenever I went to the bar to pick my girlfriend up from work. He was like that with everyone and I never once heard a disrespectful word from him about anyone, personally, racially or anything else.
Correct. The comment from Wayne was not racist at all. More against affirmative action, not black people. Suggesting that whitey is “supreme” is exactly what the political left teaches. They are disadvantaged. And like Wayne said they remain disadvantaged until they are educated and make their own way. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes. Did you not read my comment? Or watch the video? Yes, he acknowledged them.
I understood your question/ statement. Did John Wayne acknowledgement Jim Crow laws? Likely more than you and I. He lived at a time when they were enforced. I’m getting the impression you’re one of those douche bags that is just looking to be offended by something. What is the point of your comments? The original comment suggests Wayne was a not a racist person , my comment supported that. Then you come along and you want to suggest that , No , he really was a racist and maybe even too dumb to know it. Your type and your self righteousness make me sick. Jim crow laws were an absolute disgrace. Brought on by the democrats and the political left, the true racists. Democrats today’s suggest that racism is just so deep seeded that even today blacks are still victim to it. Speak for yourselves you racist bastards. The soft bigotry of low expectations. Today’s democrats want black people on welfare never to rise out of it.
Oh stop.
You weren’t asking about “confirmation or speculation”. You are/ were speculating! This video was speculation. Your comment about Jim crow and the quote from MLK are suggesting Wayne didn’t acknowledge the challenges black people had.
Of course You can see the challenges they endured in your enlightenment but Wayne in the reality of daily life could not? Again, your self righteous attitude makes me sick. I enable the divide? You’re the one that wanted to be sure to peg Wayne as racist, even against those who stated they did not feel he was.
Dzayum, all i was taught while growing up about mother teresa was that she "left all her riches to live with the poor"
It's appalling how many people, even those who you'd think would know better, use Mother Theresa for their all round shorthand example of a "good and selfless" human being".
The Catholic church loves to have her on a pedestal and not say anything about the bad things she did. I didn't know about those bad things she did as I was raised Catholic but my family drifted away from it after I got bullied relentlessly at that Catholic school. I'm glad I got out of there
Winnie Mandela was an awful criminal who got away with most of her evil doings throughout her life, it's amazing how ignorant the world is about her crimes.
"You can't count on anyone, especially your heroes"
Nope . :/
Because heroes don’t exist
Yooo this is the same video you guys posted in 2017, the listing and talking guy are different but the script is the same
You're literally recycling videos and nobody notices. SMART
What do you expect from a talent-less hack of a channel.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely !
Anyone that says John Wayne is right is just as ignorant and racist as he was. Good video though!
@internet ! What he said about blacks and native Americans was not true but ok
I'm sorry, who didn't know Strom Thurmond was racist?
True, he was typical of what ademocrats were until his sway to the Republicans in middle life. They should never have accepted him.
Honestly, if anyone else acted the way mother Theresa did, not only would they have likely been arrested for it, but caused a psychopath or sociopath that enjoyed the suffering of others...
But when you do it because religion, i guess that means it isnt so.
Honestly I have no idea how she slipped through the cracks. I would not blame religion since the church has lost a lot of its power but hey she still got away with it
I was actually privileged to meet Mother Teresa a couple of times in my teens during the 1970s. Her nuns setup refuges for drunks and homeless. The beds were clean, they got fed healthy meals (I peeled quite a few potatoes), they were cleaned up and encouraged to straighten up. Many did. Yes there was Mass there every Sunday, but it was a Catholic mission helping those whom no one else gave a toss about. Yes, I heard all of the stories about her, but these were mostly from people in her organisation who did not share her vision.
and yet the the visual evidence is to the contrary
‘Wasn’t exactly the best husband’. Understatement.
John was absolutely based and redpilled
Totally agree with you my dude. These people simply have they're heads in the sand when it comes to blags.
I'm sure I would agree with you if I knew what you meant. I don't know those terms can you explain them to me
@@personincognito3989 it's kind of a joke. Based = being correct, having your statement/ideology "based" in fact or truth, whereas redpilled references the pill that Neo takes in order to wake himself up from the simulation; the state of being englightened to the truth, or being able to see how the world really is.
But calling something "based and redpilled" has become somewhat of a sarcastic remark directed towards someone who holds an unpopular opinion. It can be taken derogatorily or sarcastically depending on how you look at it.
Arya Deva that’s hardly the definition of the red pill 💊
Truly ahead of his time. Fantastic insight
Another fact about M Theresa, during a meningitis outbreak, she refused to allow donated antibiotics to be given prophylactically to her children, saying that if they died it was god's will. God's will of course did not extend to herself. She had a pacemaker inserted to keep her alive.
I've heard she was horrible but it's hard to find info on it
Is there documentation about the meningitis allegation?
@@thestudio2015 www.nytimes.com/2016/08/27/world/asia/mother-teresa-critic.html
@@cynicalretiree I found this one, maybe some insight: www.nytimes.com/2016/08/27/world/asia/mother-teresa-critic.html If I had more time probably I could find more.She was into sainthood in the West during her life and Nobel prize, meaning shit since Obama got it for peace...
"Hell´s Angel" by Christopher Hitchens about Mother Teresa is quite interesting.
The problem is your main sourcr is Christopher Hitchens a virulent atheist who despised all religious people. Especially Christians and Muslims. He championed the invasion of Iraq and in general behaved badly. The Times of India is also a bit suspect as its a mouthpiece for Hinduism and so the idea of deathbed conversion of the sick is a big no no for them. I think she meant well in these cases but her Catholicism was definitely a bit fire and brimstone.
Not being much into 'super heroes' (though I vastly respect the work and character branding that goes into their creation), this is the first time I heard about Bob Kane taking all the credit. How disgusting of him, and how sad that Bill Finger didn't live to get any widespread acknowledgement or monetary compensation. Fans are crazy about Catwoman, Robin, and especially the Joker!
I remember readingsomething about Dr. Seuss being a terrible person, too
He cheated on his wife while she had cancer. She killed herself and he married his mistress. That's all I know besides him not liking children very much.
He said that children were easy to make money off of, which I read when I was younger and never saw him in a good light ever again after that, poor little me, dejected and angry
@@mistertagomago7974 terrible!!
Wasn’t he a pedophile I thought I heard that about doctor Seuss too
I can't believe they made Mother Therssa a saint.
She was a man too , i seen childhood photos of him . I am convinced
JC JCC wtf.
@@jcjcc1960 oh my Gawt
@@gm836 i am absolutely convinced, sorry to make you feel bad but She was not a saint nor a female..
Of course they made her a saint! She is well thought of in the public eye, reality is irrelevant to the church. Its all a big business and making her a saint is good for business.
Also, mother theresa did a sort of reversed robin hood by stealing money from the poor and keeping it
she bought
Kitchen equipment
Barely survived.
"Man (nor WOMAN) doth NOT
Live on bread alone" ...
If you don't read that book.
Forget LIFE...;
So... basically John Wayne was a prophet.
Was Mother Theresa a psychopath?
She said she enjoys watching people die in misery and suffering. She finds it "beautiful." I don't know if "enjoy" and "beauty" are words in the psychopathic vocabulary, but clearly she's a sadistic pervert at least.
And a huge one. With all millions collected she let poor peoole suffer but she died in a fansy hospital in new york. Hypocrite and un evil at it finest.
Yes and really a boy.. This mockery
all I know is every Nun I ever encountered was sadistic and mean spirited...not forgiving at all.
@Isaac MounceI'm not special? What the hell does that mean? No I am no longer a catholic they showed me that they are all evil and I will not be associated with evil sadistic satanic peodphiles
Every single person who has ever lived.
Some of us dont cheat or hate.
@@lindaway5889 But all of us lie at some point or another...
Mother Teresa forgot to not let her left hand know what her right hand was doing ... everything was clearly a publicity campaign for canonization, which she has yet to realize ...
You know she dead right
A complete misrepresentation of mother Teresa. She set up her houses in places where the poor and dying were; there were often no doctors available for
Perhaps do some more research. The narrative is designed for those who aren't prepared to dig too deeply. 🎭
Damn now I have to take a second look at John Wayne because he was my favorite actor but I'm black so I'm at the bottom of his list damn I guess someone like me just doesn't know how to do responsibility.
@Viper Just because everyone else was doing it doesn't mean he gets a hall pass. And I'm sure the point of the video isn't "John Wayne was the only racist during that time," it's just to point out he was a shit, too. Not only that, but he called Native Americans "selfish" for wanting to keep their homeland. So if that doesn't scream giant POS, idk what would.
I love you.
O I love you and John Wayne
Black actors probably dislike White people too. I say who cares, I don't want a world where you can't hate people. As long as people can live with each other I think we're cool. Richard Pryor is one of my favorite actor/comedian ever, and I know he said a lot of racist things but I don't think he really hates all White people.
@Bobert Wiltshire um actually no that's not true there are racists yes but to say everyone is a racist shows me that you believe your way of thinking is normal. It's not, not everyone has those thoughts and just doesn't say anything. Hatred is not the default thought process when looking at fellow human beings that's something that is taught.
Maybe do a part two with Woody Allen as the star?
"I believe in white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility" Why would you retweet that??
Because it's accurate
Go to a DHS waiting room and look at all the white girls with black babies. The whole pimp, player, hustler thing ruins women and children. Hollywood and Democrats love it.
@@RIVALContentJammerz Stay with your own white girls
I will. I and will point out evil where I see it. Balaam and Bosor?
@Kiki Melendez
I will. Miss Melendez, does it bother you Danny Trejo is the most recognizable Mexican actor? Yet blacks are lawers, doctors, and God himself.
J. Wayne's statement was pretty accurate, but the truth gets in the way of victim status.
Wow this was very interesting. Thanks for sharing this.
You should have spoken about Mahatma Ghandi too! But great video!
N Mandela was also a murderer HE had dreams of S Africa and now his dream came through reverse apartheid and its a failed state. He was also only a refugee not an actual S African.
hudhastings1 reverse what?!?!
Not actually South African??? Where do you get your "facts" from. ....Murdered who???? Talking through your arse!!!
I lost faith in Catholicism despite living in a predominantly Catholic country. Though, I am still a Catholic by religion, I now practice deism.
The reason?
Catholics, at least in our country and maybe in other countries as well, are the worst hypocrites I've seen.
1.)I got bullied by not one but 7 individuals in high school, all of which are church servants (or whatever those pricks are called)
2.)I was also bullied by of all people in the Catholic school I attended, my bible studies teacher. (who would have thought?)
3.)We had a parish priest who was obsessed with guns.
4.) A bible reader who would curse a lot
5.) Another bible reader who likes to spread gossip at random people
6.) A servant who is obsessed with corporal punishment to the point that people he is punishing are getting injured.
7.) Priests with considerably lavish lifestyle. There is even one who enjoyed hanging out in casinos with some "angels"
I can go on but this is long enough but what this boil down to is that despite all of these they still portray themselves as "good examples of Catholicism". They'll never admit mistakes.
And, just to add they have one thing in common they hold themselves in high regards than others just because of their religious practice.
Religion was made by man, spirituality is created by the soul
So, you left the Church because it was full of sinners? We're all sinners. That's the point of needing the church, which gives us the sacraments (Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, etc.) so we can work towards becoming a saint. No one on earth, not even priests, are actually there yet. We all have the capacity to avoid seeing some truth about ourselves. By regular confession we admit the wrong we do and receive grace and help to try to eliminate it from our lives, one sin at a time. But it takes a lifetime for to be human, is to sin.
@@kathylane545 Let's just say I chose to be with the sinners who know they are sinners but are trying to be better rather than a bunch of people who refuse to admit they have sinned and always see themselves as "the better individuals" in the community.
@@tmcrae2187 God created the man's flesh and soul. He revealed himself and how he wished to be worshiped, first in the Jewish nation, then in Jesus Christ.
@@marvininer The Catholics I know feel bad about committing sin and are also trying to be better, not superior, human beings by allowing God to soften their hearts and following Him.
This portrayal of Mother Theresa is disturbing and false. Its true she did not start hospitals but neither did hitchens. She started centers where the forgotten and dying could receive love. She is being accused of being terrible because she did not establish hospitals? Its crazy. She was not a doctor, but a nun who wanted to serve the poor. If she had established hospitals she would have been accused by hitchens for hatred because she did noy establish centers to serve the dying.
You forgot Bill Clinton!
blue bugaboo no one likes bill Clinton wtf
You forgot Trump the Conman Cunt.
@@hotsauce3700 awwww you sound triggered
They were excluding rape.
@@hotsauce3700 Bill the rapist.
Well, better add the Bushes, Clintons and Trumps then.
sticksman1979 it says people who got a lot of respect who are not what they seem..
sticksman1979 how trump hasn’t done any wrongs
TheOne 22 scamming people out of money with companies like a university and like some of these other presidents on here, cheated on his wife.
So putting a gas soaked Tire on somebody's neck and lighting it on fire is "seriously controversial"🤦♂️ 😆
I wonder how any of us would hold up under such intense scrutiny.
God I can't believe Batman one, poor Bill Finger... He didn't deserve that, he could have atleast gotten some form of appreciation, but he died without any.
CYPHER 45 I know, He should have gotten more credit equally like Bob Kane.
Newton's laws of motion were basically Gallileo's
I've never understood how Strom Thurman was ever "respected", or even elected.
In the kkk world im sure he was respected until they found out about his love of brown suger that is lol
or how God let him live to 100.
@@muffs55mercury61 Yeah, I always thought that might have been part of God's wrath, against some extraordinary sinners. Getting a taste of hell on earth.
Strom Thurmond has got to be more famous for his racism than anything else at this point. Should have subbed him out for McCain or someone.
John Wayne's colon weighed 50 pounds when he died!!! He was really full of it.
LuLu, you are another blind and brainwashed PC liberal nutjob
John Wayne may offend a number of people nowadays but he had a point. By your reasoning we should also let 8 year olds drive, drink, smoke, work and buy guns just like everyone else, why discriminate right? You do not hand over power and authority to the uneducated and irresponsible, just look at the state of the world today and tell anyone he was wrong.
Why is there no Winston Churchill?
John Wayne, was born over a bit over 100 years ago. His views were off his youth. He was a man of his time he has been dead about 45 years, we have to judge people by there time. We can't judge them my modern morality
Just goes to show that we're all human. Nobody is perfect.
Sherry Simpson I agree, however, their are some people that feel bad at the end of the day for wrong doings and strive to do better. But their are others that just don’t give a damn period, and this is what makes the difference.
You missed Gandhi, Ottoman Sulaiman, and so much more
Well the worst of all was the pig Mohammad who was also left 🤣🤣
@@ovrdozzzz on the list of greatest people of all time though! :)
Hasan....🤣🤣🤣🤣good joke
@@ovrdozzzz gyazo.com/2cebfe358abc0db2c726107deda2a670.png
@@hasan_z ....I don't need any reference but for Ur understanding, you read Islamic history and see how evil spread 🙂
Not to mention that Mother Theresa was also super racist.
And so was Ghandi
U stupid fuck,she saved more people than u can imagine.
Ivo Vardic Teresa also killed more people than B.Marie.A
Mother Teresa helped Indians. Atheists just dont want to believe that
Mother Teresa was the ultimate “Emperor’s New Clothes “ figure of the 20th Century.
I suspect you might make the shortlist yourself
@@fiachramaccana280 cheap shot remark that doesn’t refute my statement
@@vashna3799 yeah it does. You have some nerve in calling it a cheap shot considering your original comment. A troll hiding behind a moniker....
this is just Hitchens trolling from beyond the grave. And a nasty vindictive bullying alcoholic troll he was too. If he said the sun was orange I would demand a second opinion.
@@fiachramaccana280 yeah how about you start defending mother Teresa and properly refute what Hitchens accused her of rather than resorting to ad hominem. Come on tough guy, put your case for her as a decent person.
Strom Thurmond was an evil monster.
@@Flipnotic64 - Exactly. If there is a God and Final Judgement, savages like Thurmond are getting theirs.
Oh well, nobody's perfect.....especially those who are making judgmental comments on UA-cam.
A lack of perfection doesn't excuse wicked deeds. Handwaving that just makes you particularly immoral in your own right.
monster teresa is far worse than a UA-cam commenter.
2:52 no, that was Robert Byrd, and in what universe is Strom Thurmond a universally beloved figure?
i thought i was the only one who noticed this
"Respected historical figures"
Strom Thurmond is on this list...
Exactly, I'm not from the USA, but I immediately thought 'how is he respected?'
John Wayne !? That's disappointing af! I grew up watching his movies with my dad. Never again
Really? Everyone knew he was a twat, they always had to have his parts scheduled in the morning because after 12 he was steaming, violently drunk.
And here we are in 2019 where people think its okay to have diversity for the sake of diversity in jobs including acting instead of getting the role/job based on talent and merit. So he might not have been a good person but he wasn't completely wrong. People do get shit they don't deserve based on what they look like. :)
@@pxpin89 I have nothing against black people but Wayne was right about them taking more responsibilities. Nobody wants their ghetto or crime scenes that have gone up in Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, etc. That's a legitimate reason for the white flight of the last 50-60 years.
@@tilabryant2948 I didn't know that most Muslims were white? Oh, never mind. You said dogs, not goats.
The Kennedys-how often are they revered by journalists. What a bunch. One always cringed when a news clip would show them going in or coming out of church. Such lovely angelic people.
Wait. People respect Strom Thurmond? Wut?
Leeny Callahan I barley know who that is lol
The heart of man is desperately wicked. Depraved.
And thats why I am not gonna go to the church no more
Krayzie Stryker Just go to another type of church like Protestant ones
"What do they have to do with you?" - God
Are you related to Forest Gump ?
I still like to picture John Wayne in hell, watching "Dances With Wolves" on an never ending loop.
F-you, you PC liberal scumbag! Chances are that you will be down there!
Sometimes the truth hurts and how about some respect for a change.
@@leonardszubinski4709 sorry that John Wayne was a racist creep, who couldn't act. had "issues with women, P.C. liberal, which is pretty much idiot code for "'m sad because, I can't call my fellow Americans "N******" anymore, because, it could point me out as an inbred, drooling idiot, and I'm upset because I only make minimum wage at my job at Cooters filling station and bait shop.
@@goob_2929ok I have little to no respect for racist fake creeps who wore, not only cheap toupees' but also corsets to hide their enormous guts.
@@triciabrown3035 I live in a 3rd world country and every body smiles but after living here for several years I begin to understand the dirty names and bad behaviors but hey they smile and it's what many people like it's known as smooth talkers, I'd give anything if I could get my wife, kids and grand kids out and return to grumpy white people.
I was going you mention Ghandi. That dude was a manipulative creep of some other kind.
Great to see a clip of Christopher Hitchens. He was a hero! In 2000 I was in Calcutta, and visited Mother Teresa's hospital. I think it was on Sudder Street. I saw a big dorm full of rickety beds with helpless people wasting away in there. The heat, and the stench, was hard to bare. I saw plenty of nuns or novices or whatever, but not a single doctor. I will never forget that day.
Hitchens a hero? Bullshit, he just hated Christians and was a loser fanatic like Dawkins, anytime I'm arguing with a Christian and they bring up those two douche bags I make my exit real quick.
Ah yes, I remember saint Teresa being a tyrant.
bill cosby
Alternative Account everyone pretty much agrees that he is a scumbag
Bill Cosby is the world's hero!
^^^ blue cheese is actually Bill Cosby's dick cheese
@@Walden-jx4mi Why what did he do?
What about Jesse Jackson? He has made millions on the backs of the innocent and has pushed black American progress back decades.
At least Stan Lee gave Steve Ditko his credit.
"Machines for suffering " that shit is amazing
This isn't impartial journalism; this is sensationalism.
It is the Grunge, their rightful place is the pyre!
Doesn't make it less true, does it?
my mom told me that when mother teresa died, my grandfather said “thank god! that’s the best thing to ever happen to india!”
honestly, don’t disagree tbh.
for one thing, i genuinely just don’t like missionary work, and i’m catholic. i think a lot of people do missionary work to try and make themselves look better. besides that, the means they use to convert people can be extremely manipulative and even cruel.
the conditions at mother teresa’s homes for the sick, orphanages, etc were horrendous and sometimes made people even sicker than they already were.
she was close with a lot of bad people, including jean claude duvalier who was a dictator and committed crimes against humanity.
while large amounts of money were given to mother teresa and many people donated to her cause, little of that money was ever used to help the people of india. like, mother teresa wouldn’t buy things with the money she had been given.
she manipulated people into staying poor and relying on her for care. she encouraged them to keep suffering.
she didn’t allow people to use birth control or have reproductive rights/didnt educate people about it. she basically encouraged the people she “cared” for to keep having children because it’s what god wants. this, to me, is SO wrong. the last thing a person living in extreme poverty needs is more children. this was just another way of keeping people in poverty and controlling them.
I'm absolutely FLOORED by the St Mother Theresa Haters.. LIke they all knew her on a daily and personal basis..Part of being a Saint..a lot of Demons around to bad mouth..
You didn't know her either so how do you know those "haters" are not right? BTW there are nuns that worked with her and they confirm her priority was to help the church, not to help the poor.
But where's Hitler ?
But where's Mao ?
But where's Stalin ?
But where's Bill Cosby ?
or Trump or any Republican....or you...
I've been alone long enough to realize I'm actually a real terrible person.
Awesome video btw! :)
Mother Theresa always looked shady to me. That she was a catholic says it all !!!!!!!!!.
I'm from South Africa and yes I know all about Winnie Mandela's shit ...
im from kenya n i know as well
Have you fled SA yet? Or is it still ((relatively)) safe to be white there (unless you're a farmer of course)?
We expect you to believe stratcom and it's lies because Mandela let you and your barbaric people off the hook. Winnie did nothing. Nelson led his people who had fought for him into a burning building held by people who wanted him dead mere years ago. I hope he's in hell.
We want them to leave. They refuse. We even allow that they're right. They must leave. We starve and die. Then they can come take the country without us bothering them. But here they remain 😂
same. now they want to rename an airport after the b*tch
Stan Lee vs Jack Kirby or
Stan Lee vs Steve Ditko
What about Thomas jefferson, the Clintons, the Bush family, George Washington. The Queen of Engeland, i can go on and on
Winston D The Clinton or Bush’s are hardly “respected”
What did the Queen do? Like actual fact, not republican accusations.