Biblical Unitarianism is UNBIBLICAL

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024


  • @rickyhurtado
    @rickyhurtado 8 місяців тому +21

    Proud BU here 👋🏼 used to be a Modalist but read my way out of it some 13 years ago.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому


    • @rickyhurtado
      @rickyhurtado 8 місяців тому +6

      @@DanielBice that’s code for “you don’t agree with me and my friends.”
      I’m cool with it.

    • @Ajsirb24
      @Ajsirb24 8 місяців тому +1

      @@rickyhurtado I'm still struggling between Oneness theology, Unitarianism, and Binitarianism. Were you a oneness pentecostal?

    • @Ajsirb24
      @Ajsirb24 8 місяців тому

      @rickyhurtado Even Arianism still sounds appealing to me but trinitarianism is the most unbiblical in my opinion.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  8 місяців тому

      Aaron, what would you say the gospel is?

  • @FredVanAllenRealtor
    @FredVanAllenRealtor 8 місяців тому +10

    I was indoctrinated in the Roman Catholic trinity through grade school and high school. Never made sense, was confusing and as I get older, the more I seen the trinity as a 3 headed idol. How to get born again/saves: Romans 10:9-10
    9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. You notice to be saved you must believe God raised Jesus from the dead. He did not raise himself, it does not say Jesus raised Jesus or God raised God, but the Jesus' father, God raised him from the dead. Trinity is a terrible bondage backed by tradition, not by scripture.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  8 місяців тому +2

      John 2:19-21, “Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” But he was speaking about the temple of his body.”
      Jesus said He will raise Himself.
      This is why I can never be Unitarian. You guys choose your “logic” over Scripture because “it doesn’t make sense to you.”

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      Yeah… except those verses in which Jesus claimed to be God, as well as those OT verses that point to the deity of the Messiah.

    • @lukeouthwaite9999
      @lukeouthwaite9999 6 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest The trinity doctrine developed between 2nd and 5th centuries by Greek theologians coming from pagan backgrounds. The Greeks believed in divine born humans, never the Jews. John was written much later than other gospels in high level Greek. Mark is the earliest and most reliable gospel (Notice there's no divine birth story!).

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  6 місяців тому

      Whenever I hear, “The trinity doctrine developed between 2nd and 5th centuries by Greek theologians coming from pagan backgrounds.” I immediately know you are ignorant in the matter (and I don’t mean that offensively but objectively.)
      Here’s a video to inform you about what the council of Nicea was all about:

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +3

      Amen brother, The Trinity is a pagan indoctrinated concept from the Roman harlot-mother church. Good to see so many breaking free from this wicked twisting of God's First commandment.

  • @Mikha335
    @Mikha335 11 місяців тому +10

    As you said, we should defer to the older in the faith who probably have a more correct view. I agree, that’s why Justin Martyr’s opinion holds more weight with me. Clement of Rome even better. Better still is the apostle Peter.
    The strange thing is that no Trinitarian wants to start with the only passage that directly answers the question “who do you say I am?” For some reason, the inspired answer isn’t adequate to their theology, unless followed with qualifications galore. And of course those qualifications will assume a 4th century context every time.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  11 місяців тому

      I like the apostle Peter too!
      “Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ … by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ”

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 11 місяців тому +2

      How about finding a passage without a variant reading so we know that it is the correct translation?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  11 місяців тому

      Hate to break it to you, but there’s no textual variant in 2 Peter 1:1 as far as the phrase, “Our God and Savior Jesus Christ” is concerned.

    • @youngknowledgeseeker
      @youngknowledgeseeker 11 місяців тому +2

      For anyone reading, there are textual variants. Not sure why he said there isn't with such confidence? A simple check with the NET Bible footnotes will show anybody this, where God is instead "Lord".
      However this is not really an issue either way I think because the real stem of the argument lies in 2 ideas. One, being the Granville sharp "rule" and two that being called God unequivocally means that you are "the" God in the Bible.
      The Granville sharp "rule" has had good scholarly dissidents who have found exceptions to the rule. Like "Alford" who is by no means a Unitarian.
      And 2, being called God doesn't mean your God in the Bible, thats just a made up 21st century idea, not a biblical one. For example John 10:31-36 (Psalm 82) and Psalm 45, where Judges and the King are called God/Gods by God himself as an entirely appropriate title with no qualms.
      To whom this may concern, for the record, I do think God is the original reading, and I don't think that the being called "God" exception is in play here. I think Peter is simply referring to God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is perhaps similar to how Paul starts most of his letters, by acknowledging both God the Father and Christ, "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ"

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  11 місяців тому

      @@youngknowledgeseeker The most reliable Greek manuscripts that we have, have "theos" in 2 Peter 1:1. ESV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, and LSB don't even mention a variant there.
      Why would that concern you anyway? Can't anyone be called "god" in the Bible? I'm a god, you're a god, we're all gods in some sense, right? Have you not read Psalm 82 and John 10? 😉

  • @madmartigan9371
    @madmartigan9371 8 місяців тому +8

    Well, as a Biblical Unitarian bad publicity is still publicity. Deuteronomy 6:4.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 6 місяців тому +1

      Jesus is YHWH (Acts 2:21).

    • @josefrzyman7297
      @josefrzyman7297 5 місяців тому


    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 5 місяців тому

      @@josefrzyman7297 Acts 2:21 teaches yes, but you say no. You can have it your way.

    • @leahjames6870
      @leahjames6870 4 місяці тому

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 How does Acts 2:21 have anything to do with proving Jesus is YHWH🤔

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 4 місяці тому +2

      @@leahjames6870 In two ways:
      1. Peter applied a YHWH text (Joel 2:32) in reference to Jesus.
      2. To "call on the Name of the Lord" means to pray to the Lord. Since only God is to be prayed to proves the Lord Jesus is God.

  • @6800891
    @6800891 5 місяців тому +5

    This is the first I have heard about this "first century Jew" lens issue. I have simply studied the original Greek/Hebrew verses that pertain to Christology, and its clear to me that the vast majority of them describe Jesus as the exalted Son of God, Savior, Messiah, Lamb, who was baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, slain, and finally resurrected. By who? oh yea, God. Fortunately, salvation does not depend on our ability to understand Christology, only that we repent and trust Him as our mediator. I am encouraged as I heard nothing that dissuaded me from Unitarianism.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому +1

      Our salvation does depend on putting our in the right Jesus.
      What do you believe as to Jesus’ nature?

    • @6800891
      @6800891 5 місяців тому +1

      @colin_priest I place my trust in the Jesus presented in the New Testament. He was and is still 100% human, as the most staunch Trinitarian would agree with. Is He also 100% God? Maybe so, but my brain is no more able to understand that than the concept of dry water.

    • @ninjae4976
      @ninjae4976 11 днів тому

      @@6800891 you’re finite and limited. God is infinite and unlimited. Your logic doesn’t need to apply to make it true. I used to believe what you currently believe. It wasn’t until I learned how to better control the ego that I saw how the humility of Jesus relates to the divine nature of God. If we were all humble like Jesus, there would be world peace. Wish you best of luck in your search for the truth!

  • @petervaichus6978
    @petervaichus6978 9 місяців тому +19

    Those believing that God is a trinity do so because they are the ones having the presupposition of learning this as a doctrine of men. One does not find the doctrine of the trinity from just reading the scriptures. They were taught the doctrine by men and then just find verses they believe support this man made doctrine.
    -Jesus does not state that he is “God in the flesh” in the scriptures.
    -However, Jesus did clearly state and testify in the scriptures -that he is a man:
    “but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did.” John 8:40
    Jesus the Messiah testifies that the Father alone is the true God;
    “Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” John 17:3
    One needs to read the words of Jesus and believe what he says is true. It is necessary to you read the Bible without the ingrained trinity indoctrination as your filter. There are no passages that state and explain that God is three persons in one. Scripture states the Father alone is God and never states “God the Son”. It’s a god that must be fabricated upon a man made pre-conceived premise.
    Jesus says that he has a God and it’s the Father. There’s only one God. One needs to make sure they know the same God Jesus has or serves.
    Jesus said in John 20:17, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”
    We need to fear God, humble ourselves, and keep the teachings of Jesus for life because he spoke the words of the Father…that are spirit and life.
    “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to him. This is what you asked of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the LORD our God or see this great fire anymore, so that we will not die!”
    Then the LORD said to me, “They have spoken well. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. And I will hold accountable anyone who does not listen to My words that the prophet speaks in My name. But if any prophet dares to speak a message in My name that I have not commanded him to speak, or to speak in the name of other gods, that prophet must be put to death.” Deuteronomy 18:15-20
    “For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up to you a prophet like me out from your brothers. You will listen to Him in all things, as many as He might say to you. And it will be that every soul who might not heed that prophet will be utterly destroyed out from the people.’
    Acts 3:22-23
    “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and will make a home with him. The one not loving Me does not keep My words. And the word that you hear is not Mine, but that of the Father having sent Me.”
    John 14:23-24

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому +3

      Ah, good ol’ Unitarian comment: always faithful to quote the verses that support their view while not mentioning the ones that don’t.
      Just for clarification sake:
      1) Quoting Scripture that says Jesus has a God does NOT disprove the Trinity. It only shows your lack of understanding of trinitarian doctrine (and I don’t mean that offensively in any way).
      2) There are a plethora of verse that prove the deity of Christ. Undeniable. Unitarians try to work their way around those verses, but you can’t deny Jesus has a divine nature in some sense and not just human.
      3) When trinitarians say that Jesus is God, we are not saying that Jesus is the Father; we are saying that He is equal to the Father in nature. What qualities and attributes make up God - Jesus fully possesses. That’s a problem for the Unitarian because now you have a man claiming deity status. That’s where the problem lies.

    • @petervaichus6978
      @petervaichus6978 9 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest -

    • @shanebell2514
      @shanebell2514 7 місяців тому

      Who is speaking in Revelation 21:6-7?

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 6 місяців тому

      Exactly. People live in denial because its easier. Ignorance is bliss.

    • @shanebell2514
      @shanebell2514 6 місяців тому +1

      @@aaronsanchez3141 the Father is God (John 17:3), the Son is God (John 1:1),the Holy spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4).

  • @cryptoidmonkey3985
    @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +4

    So glad to see this video bringing more attention to Biblical Unitarians, so that true seekers can finally discover the Trinitarian lies. Trinitarians are indoctrinated into that pagan belief which comes from the Roman harlot-mother church. You don't come to that perspective from reading and studying your bible. The only true god is the FATHER. It is stated plainly in scripture. Trinitarian arguments are always "inferred" trinity-arguments from verses that can easily be shown to not be "proof" at all. "Come out of her my people"... now that she can no longer persecute or kill those who have stood against the Trinitarian lies.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому

      Wow. You’re calling me Babylon and a persecutor and killer of Christians? Amazing…

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +1

      @@colin_priest :) Amazing is right. Again with 'inferred' conclusions? You can't tell the difference between yourself and the Harlot-church? I guess if the shoe fits... But that's why Trinitarians have no good arguments: Bad at reading what is plainly stated. Ok, let's go with that. The pagan Roman-Babylonian Trinitarian church (as Daniel saw in vision) indeed killed LOTS of true Christians who stood against the anti-Christ Papacy. You may not kill, but you do 'deceive' with the same Babylonian-Roman lies. Where the deceived end up because of that, I'll let you "infer". You need to rethink your indoctrinated reading of the holy scriptures. There is only One True GOD...the Father.

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 4 місяці тому

      Straw-man lies. Typical trinitarian tactic.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  4 місяці тому

      So you’re not calling me Babylon? I’m confused by what you meant in your original comment then. Can you explain it to me?

  • @youngknowledgeseeker
    @youngknowledgeseeker 11 місяців тому +7

    I encourage everybody reading to this to check out Biblical Unitarianism 😁. Whether to "debunk" them or not, check them out and hear from them why they are saying the things they are saying! See for yourselves! I thank God for them and their dedication to truth, honesty, humbleness, and study.
    While one can simply go to scholars, historians, translators and textual critics, when going to Biblical Unitarians, generally, you have the benefit of all of these plus coming from Christians!
    And yes, of course, Biblical Unitarians (a lot of us are former trinitarians) were shocked to find that when the Bible is placed in its original context, in its original language that some things are radically and wildly different than what is being presented to us by Orthodox teaching.
    Imagine if when God says "I called my people" someone teaches that God called his people on his cellphone to their cellphone. We would know, in the Bible's 1st century context, that that is nonsense. It didnt mean that back then. They had no cell phones.
    Its no different with anything else we are saying. Also, Unitarians do also have church history on our side or else we would give up.
    Not sure how accurately this man will be presenting Biblical Unitarianism, but remember its always good to go to the source to find out what they say, not from someone who disagrees though maybe he does represent them accurately!

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 місяців тому

      i did check it out. anyone who denies that Jesus is God is a heretic and is not a Christian
      athanasian creed is something yall need to read

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +2

      Yes, hopefully this video will help bring others to discover the truth that God is NOT a trinity.

  • @brandonr4452
    @brandonr4452 9 місяців тому +17

    2:50 "2000 years of christian orthodoxy". No one believed in a tripersonal god until the 5th century. That's a fact of history.

    • @brandonr4452
      @brandonr4452 9 місяців тому here's some actual scholarship work on the history of the development of christology, which no mainstream preacher will want you to see. They don't want you to know the truth.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому +2

      Yeah… except those verses in which Jesus claimed to be God, as well as those OT verses that point to the deity of the Messiah. Let’s not forget those pesky times in which Paul literally called Jesus God.

    • @brandonr4452
      @brandonr4452 7 місяців тому +2

      @@DanielBiceMy statement still stands. No one historically believed Jesus was God almighty until at least a few centuries after Christ left. There are several examples of early christian writers saying that Jesus/Christ was a second god, who was lesser than God the Father, which is totally how Greek people would have thought about Jesus. They were steeped in Greek mythology and philosophy. So it was totally normal for them to think of this exalted man as "a god." There are also plenty of early christians who did not call Jesus a god at all. The idea of Jesus being God almighty and the trinity was a perversion of the gospel over the course of hundreds of years. You are just reading your beliefs into the scripture. No one in the new testament claims that Jesus claimed to be God. Go read the new testament again without your dogma glasses on. I was just like you in the past. I used to read in between the lines to make what I was taught to believe match with scripture. When I took my dogma glasses off and studied the NT with an open mind, I found that it doesn't support 50% of what "christians" today preach every sunday.

    • @Squidgyy_
      @Squidgyy_ 5 місяців тому +1

      if I'm not mistaken, a fair amount of ancient Jews believed in two heavenly powers (which we now know as the Father and the Son) while still holding the belief of one God. To say that nobody believed in a tripersonal God before the doctrine outlined it doesn't make any sense considering the narrative of the Bible is for the trinity.

    • @brandonr4452
      @brandonr4452 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Squidgyy_ Except the Bible has no such "narrative for the trinity." Try to give one example where the Bible says that God is three persons in/sharing one being/essence. You won't succeed. THerefore I will never believe it.

  • @callmeeness
    @callmeeness 9 місяців тому +5

    Regardless of how we define Jesus, he is still equally for us all. I see too often doctrinal things such as these causing division in the body of Christ. If someone is truly humble and if they look to God, they will be led into the understanding HE wants them to be under. Is God not bigger than all this? I put the emphasis on Him because what we may think is essential may not actually be, Gods wisdom is so much greater than ours. God still works powerfully in both Trinitarians and Unitarians. I have witnessed it in miraculous ways. God bless you dear reader, may you know peace and never cease growing.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому +2

      I love your heart for unity, but we can’t compromise doctrine for the sake of unity. Paul warned the Corinthian church that if they believe in a different gospel, Jesus, or Spirit, then they are led astray and lost.
      Unitarians have a different Jesus than Trinitarians. Only the true Jesus can save us from the wrath to come. We cannot be wrong on this.

    • @brandonr4452
      @brandonr4452 9 місяців тому +2

      @@colin_priest You are correct to say that Unitarians have a different Jesus than Trinitarians. Unitarians have a 100% biblical Jesus, while trinitarians have a 100% speculative and eisegetical one. Where does anyone is the NT say Jesus is both God and Man at the same time? Where does anyone is the NT say Jesus has two natures? Where does the NT say that Jesus had to be God in order for his sacrifice to pay for the sin debt of the world (people)? You will not find the trinitarian version of Jesus in the Bible. The Jesus of the Bible is only human and must be human, just like us, in order to atone for the sins of the world. The Jesus of the Bible has a God above him (several verses state this). God made Jesus both lord and messiah according to Peter. How many clear statements do you need before finally conceding that Jesus is not God? Your "gospel" is not what is taught in the NT. Your gospel consists of people's "spirits" flying off to "heaven" when a person dies. There is not one passage of scripture that supports this idea. It is based on greek philosophy/pagan beliefs. The hope of believers in the NT is the resurrection of the dead. This is why Paul says that without the resurrection of the dead, christians should be the most pitied among men. Even Christian History scholars acknowledge that the mainstream version of christianity is so intertwined with Greek philosophy, that the two can't be separated without destroying christianity. So who is it that has the wrong "presupposition"?

    • @robertrecchia2642
      @robertrecchia2642 8 місяців тому

      Well put. Trinitarians don’t know how to respond to educated BU’s who are more than prepared to defend themselves.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      @@brandonr4452Jesus CLAIMS TO BE GOD IN NUMEROUS PASSAGES, and the NT writers also refer to Him as such. Clearly you Unitarians don’t read scripture.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      @@robertrecchia2642I’d be happy to debate. All it takes are numerous scriptures to prove that Jesus was God in the flesh :)

  • @thatwhichhasbeen-isthatwhi6575
    @thatwhichhasbeen-isthatwhi6575 11 місяців тому +17

    There is something Unitarians have that Trinitarians don’t, and that is the same God that Jesus has [i.e.] the Father “alone”. Jesus did not ascend to, or does he have a God that consists of a three person being.

    • @34jayy
      @34jayy 10 місяців тому +3

      Right on bro. Jesus never prayed to a triune anything nor anyone but The Father. If Jesus is God the risen christ is part of the triune god as a risen man. They worship a part man God but we are wrong for worshipping the one Jesus called his God and Father and our God and Father. 🤔

    • @thatwhichhasbeen-isthatwhi6575
      @thatwhichhasbeen-isthatwhi6575 10 місяців тому +2

      @@34jayy I couldn't agree more :)

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 9 місяців тому +1

      Here is something to help. Jesus as High Priest:
      Hebrews 9:24 For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with hands, which is a copy of the reality, but into heaven itself, so that HE NOW APPEARS BEFORE GOD on our behalf.
      What did this High Priest offer TO God:
      Verse 12 He entered into the holy place, not with the blood of goats and of young bulls, but with HIS OWN BLOOD, once for all time, and obtained an everlasting deliverance for us.
      If Jesus was God, then there was no sacrifice TO God.

    • @jonathanfarmer6010
      @jonathanfarmer6010 9 місяців тому +3

      Note: not all trinitarians believe the same idea of God. This is a problem all of itself. Confusion is what it is. God is not the author of confusion.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      @@34jayyYeah… except those verses in which Jesus claimed to be God, as well as those OT verses that point to the deity of the Messiah.

  • @MainPointMinistries
    @MainPointMinistries 8 місяців тому +6

    Comparing them to a "cult" simply because they don't agree with you on some basic non-essential items theorized from the Bible is simply not fair. I hope you have a chance to debate one of them to so that your audience can hear both views side by side, and decide for themselves. And why you are against considering a first century Jewish perspective is beyond me, because Jesus, Paul, and all of the original disciples were 1st century Jews. So are you antisemitic? It sure sounds like it.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  8 місяців тому +1

      You think the Deity of Christ is a non-essential issue?
      And also, I'm not antisemitic. I just don't think a person HAS to read the Bible through the lens of a first century Jew because that's not how God intended for HIs Word to be read. Paul was an apostle to the GENTILES. He didn't expect them to read his letters through the lens of a first century Jew.
      It's an unnecessary presupposition that Biblical Unitarians add to Scripture so they can reinterpret passages to fit their theology, i.e. Jesus isn't divine, the Holy Spirit isn't a person, etc.

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому

      Trinitarians are indoctrinated into that belief, it's nearly impossible for most of them to look at scripture objectively, especially those who promote themselves as teachers.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому +1

      @@colin_priest Well, you are the one, who is wrong. The trinity is pure fantasy. Jesus is a man.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      Anyone who denies the deity of Christ is an unsaved heretic. There is no unity to be had with those that deny the gospel. For the exact same reason there is no unity to be had with Muslims, there is no unity to be had with unitarians.

  • @tomidomusic
    @tomidomusic 8 місяців тому +4

    God is not the second Adam is he? Emperor Theodosius in 380 A.D. made it a law to confess the trinity and enforced it with the Roman sword. Read the Edict of Thessalonica and study church history (88 councils and synods in the 4th century is and was ridiculous.

  • @Lucid.dreamer
    @Lucid.dreamer 5 місяців тому +3

    Acts 10:37-40 (KJV) That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;
    How *God* (not "the trinity) anointed (the man) Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for *God was with him.*
    And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:
    Him *God raised up* the third day, and shewed him openly;

  • @unitarianapologetics4669
    @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому +14

    The conclusion of Unitarianism is came to from ACTUAL EXEGESIS. The doctrine of Trinity (as it is today) is historically verified to be a development over many hundreds of years. No credible scholar would deny this.
    It is YOU who has to presuppose doctrines in order to make sense of the clear and plain fact that Jesus has a God who is one person. He always has and always will.
    Why don’t you try actually exegeting a single text instead of distorting history and slandering against Unitarians?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому

      Slandering? Would you say that your comment toward me is “slander” toward trinitarians?

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому +1

      @@colin_priestNo, because you’re saying we have to have a presupposition in order to say you’re wrong. That’s false. Unitarians arrive at their conclusions from exegesis, not presuppositions. Actual credible scholars recognize and admit that the doctrine of the Trinity is not present in the New Testament and was a development (that went through many contradictory phases) that was not established until the 4th century. This is undeniable historical fact.
      You should learn actual history before you make uneducated accusations.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому

      So I never slandered anyone then? You say I’m wrong for saying Unitarians bring presuppositions to the Bible (which they do) but that’s not slander, so am I still a slanderer then? And if I’m not, were you wrong to say what you said about me?
      Speaking of your presuppositions, your friend over at “Common Sense Christianity” says that we CANNOT interpret the NT scriptures rightly unless we apply the “law of agency”

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest I don't speak for him. He doesn't speak for me. If you want to have an intelligent conversation, let's do that.

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest You have zero historical facts to claim the things you do. You can't just things to be, and so they are.

  • @IanSRutter
    @IanSRutter 9 місяців тому +6

    If I am to be called a Unintarian, then so be it. I don't believe and have never believed the Trinity, even when I went to Sunday School.
    Our creator would never allow himself to be humiliated, whipped, shouted at, abused and then sacrificed by imperfect, sinful humans.
    He detests imperfection, he is holy, his ways are holy and that is why his son, mentioned many times a father & son relationship, he as the only father sent his son to have the whole world's sin placed on his shoulders.
    The Trinity makes no sense, only to say that the father must be suffering from dissociative identity disorder.
    The father does not need and never needs to be a seperate being but only be himself.
    I'm sure the Jewish people would accept the Trinity way back in the Old Testament, if it was sound doctrine and true, but it isn't.
    It has always been the father and a saviour.
    If you want to interpret the two roads in Matthew 7, then maybe all those who believe in the trinity are on the broad and wide road.
    I'm not saying they are, but don't say Unitarians are going to Hell.
    You don't have the authority, you can say they may, but you can't say they are for sure.
    You mentioned at 4:52 how you get comments about how 'Paul didn't mean what he wrote... Isn't even in the bible at all...' Proof please.
    You can't put your interpretation on comments to help make your point valid, show us the proof.
    Unintarians don't use presuppositions. How can they?
    What is wrong with looking at the original texts, that how we keep gettiing newer versions of the Bible with hopefully closer interpretaions to the original writings.
    I think that if the establishment actually admitted the Trinity is false, it would bring religion down to its knees and the 'mass falling away' would happen there and then.
    A very strong Catholic centric doctrine would destroy people's belief in an instant. And why believe in a Catholic doctrine?
    Sadly at 5:37, you are starting to sound arrogant.
    What makes you absolutley right?
    Don't you think that the one who rules this world will help create misinterpretations so great that most of the world would believe it?
    At 6:13 you talk about how we should align ourselves with the majority of the believes. That statement is a 'WOW' one.
    Jesus certainly broke that one.
    Paul broke that one.
    All the christians who died at the hands of the Romans broke that one.
    You are imposing your own totalitarian ideology. That's a no-no.
    GOD gave us free will and told us to test out the scriptures, and you are coming across as self-righteouss because you think you possess the one and only truth.
    The Pharisees thought that.
    Then you mention at 6:33 Church history, well the church has done a lot of good over the years. The church is inside us, not a stone cold building.
    The church grasped political power and held power in its hands.
    The church has done more harm than good.
    Science does not hold onto old data when new data presents itself as truth, so the fact that the Trinity should never be held as a doctrine never to be questioned is foolish and dangerous.
    How about your views on the popular preachers from Calvinism? What about your thoughts on their TULIP acronym.
    They believe in the Trinity, but they also believe that GOD has as already pre-judged who will and who will not be saved.
    I bet those who stand in the pupit believe they have been chosen and are saved.
    There is no one who can call themselves righteous.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому

      Hey man. I appreciate you watching my video and taking the time to comment!
      I won’t be able to address everything but a couple things stuck out to me:
      >>> “Unintarians don't use presuppositions. How can they?”

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 9 місяців тому +1

      There is no need for any lengthy reasoning. The scriptures give the answer.
      'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Jesus was SEEN. Work it out.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      Yeah… except those verses in which Jesus claimed to be God, as well as those OT verses that point to the deity of the Messiah.

    • @DanielBice
      @DanielBice 8 місяців тому

      @@tongakhan230Jesus said He made the Father seen through Him.
      Also, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”
      Work it out.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 8 місяців тому +1

      @@DanielBice :May I ask what does "Before Abraham was I am." mean?
      I am what? Doesn't even sound grammatically correct.
      Ruses to try and make Jesus into God?? What happens to a clear statement 'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME' ( 1 John 4:12,20)? Does it become A LIE?

  • @unitarianapologetics4669
    @unitarianapologetics4669 Рік тому +36

    You made no attempt to refute ACTUAL Biblical Unitarian theology. You’ve just provided a bunch of baseless claims.

    • @emje8707
      @emje8707 10 місяців тому +1

      If Your church is true and the first century church was corrupted is jesus lying?-18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it)

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  10 місяців тому +4

      I have an entire playlist refuting Biblical Unitarianism. This was just an intro to the series :)

    • @emje8707
      @emje8707 10 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest John 16:18 say's the early church can't be corrupted therefore Unitarianism and all churches which come hundreds of years after the church that jesus has established are established by satan(don't try to do mental gymnastics with me with your proof verses) because that church is physical not has Physical people attending it gathering together as a church breaking bread ( fathers explain)how on earth do u think Unitarian church is the true church?😐

    • @faithfultheology
      @faithfultheology 9 місяців тому

      ​@colin_priest well in all honesty unitarians have more church history than protestants , seeing how ireanus wrote against them the view was around in early centuries and is proven protestants is much much later. Your outside church history to be honest

    • @jonathanfarmer6010
      @jonathanfarmer6010 9 місяців тому +4

      Why is it too that every single video “refuting” biblical Unitarianism shows people giving 👎🏼 or saying they destroy biblical Unitarianism? That way of going about it is not only not edifying but also very telling. It is telling in that it is apparent that trinitarians are very threatened by it. Tradition is threatened by it. Tradition does not equal being correct. Every Trinitarian I have listened to that has debated a Biblical Unitarian has been nasty, condescending and quite rude. They insert extra biblical ideology and laugh at sound biblical teachings. This is just another prime example of that. A video thumbnail with 3 people giving a 👎🏼👎🏼 is not in any way edifying. Nor does it prove anything. It’s sad is what it is.

  • @SheilaLimontas
    @SheilaLimontas 8 днів тому

    First, thank you for sharing your video-it's always valuable to hear different perspectives. For context, I’m a Biblical Unitarian, but I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong, nor do I believe I’m misinterpreting the scriptures. I trust that God is the ultimate judge and the only one who can truly discern the hearts and actions of His children. I believe the most important thing is having a personal relationship with God and seeking His discernment in how we live, pray, and approach life.
    I walk by faith, not by sight, so I don’t need to constantly seek validation or read about others' opinions to acknowledge certain truths. I also don’t feel the need to debate or tell anyone they’re right or wrong-that’s not my role; it’s God’s. I don’t fully understand why some people of faith feel the need to always be right or judge one another. Personally, I prefer to pray in solitude.
    Though I attend a Trinitarian church on Saturdays and co-host a podcast with a Trinitarian, I believe God has used me and my family-most of whom are Trinitarians-as examples to help guide others to the Lord. I may not fit the traditional or generalized mold of a Biblical Unitarian, and I’m okay with that. I just wanted to share my perspective. Thank you, and may the Lord keep you.

  • @ChrisCasar
    @ChrisCasar 5 місяців тому +2

    What exactly does believing In the Trinity have to do with serving God as our deity and Jesus as our human Lord & Savior as the Chosen Messiah by God through their Unity through the Holy Spirit. No need to interpret the Trinity as One God 3 persons.

  • @Baddchristian
    @Baddchristian 2 місяці тому +1

    So I’m happy I came across this video, the thing about biblical Unitarianism and why the gentleman in the video thinks that it’s so dangerous, is because it’s arguments are biblical. It’s it’s the interpretation of the biblical Unitarian that is an exegesis, versus all of the precluded conclusions of a Trinitarian. Example: a trinitarian will tell you there are three persons one God. One God, three persons. When you ask a trinitarian to show the verse that says one, God, three persons, they can’t prove it. A biblical Unitarian by contrast, says one God, one person, the father. If you ask a biblical Unitarian to prove that God is one person they could show you and first Corinthians chapter 8 verse six, where Paul is saying yet for us there is one God, the father from whom are all things. Or you can go to Malachi chapter 2 verse 10 where the profit there says that have we not one God has has not won father created us?
    So for me, the danger of biblical Unitarianism for a Trinitarian is because the biblical Unitarian can actually prove their theology biblically, while a Trinitarian must read and assumption into the text

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  2 місяці тому

      But then you can’t explain verses like Titus 2:13

    • @Baddchristian
      @Baddchristian 2 місяці тому

      well sure I can explain the verse, if you allow me the space to do so, without the assumption that I can’t right?
      The key to understanding Titus is understanding who is Jesus, and what is Paul saying is appearing.
      Paul is saying that what is appearing is the glory of God right? So our hope is in the appearance of the glory of God.
      Well, who is Jesus? Is Jesus God if Jesus is God, then are we waiting for the glory of Jesus or the glory of God in the book of Hebrews? We learn that Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God, right?
      So if Jesus is the glory of God and what is appearing is the glory of God, then what is appearing is the glory of God the savior who is Jesus the anointed of God.
      Unless, we are to conclude that it’s Jesus’s own glory that is appearing. Is that what you believe?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  2 місяці тому

      See that’s what’s funny to me. You just said in your original comment how trinitarians are the ones who add “preconcluded conclusions” and also said how Unitarians just simply read the verse and just exegete the text…UNTIL you come across a simple verse such as Titus 2:13…then you have to write a 5 paragraph response in order to do everything in your power to explain away the very simple words, “our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
      Trinitarians believe ALL of Scripture even if we can’t fully comprehend it all. Unitarians believe MOST of Scripture until something “illogical” comes up, then it must be explained some other way because logic is more important than what the original text says.

    • @Baddchristian
      @Baddchristian 2 місяці тому

      My commentary here is in good faith. I want to preface with that before things go left which unfortunately becomes the tone of these online debates with strangers.
      That said, nothing in your response is a refutation of the argument. You’ve expressed how you feel about the argument, but I’d rather hear a refutation of the argument.
      Lastly, verse isolation will get us in trouble. Titus 2:13 isn’t going to null in void other Pauline texts. Let’s say neither of our Titus 2:13 explanations are viable, Paul gives us already WHO he thinks is the one God and WHO is God’s Christ in 1 Cor 8:6.
      Why then would such a distinction made by Paul be reinterpreted in Titus 2:13? When we read ALL of Titus both Jesus and God are called “savior” by Paul.
      I do welcome your thoughtful refutation of the argument made above. God bless.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  2 місяці тому

      I appreciate your kind tone and valuing good faith when it comes to discussing these things.
      But the reason I didn’t refute your argument for Titus 2:13 is because I think the text is very plain, clear, and simple:
      Titus 2:11-14, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”
      According to the granville sharp's rule, both the nouns “God” and “Savior” apply to Jesus. And it’s very clear that Paul is talking about one person because right after that, in the same sentence, he says “who gave himself for us” - clearly that is Jesus.
      If there was a comma after savior, then maybe I could see your argument being made, but that’s not how the original Greek reads it. Paul is talking about his God and Savior coming back to redeem his people and that person is Jesus.
      And this isn’t the only text that calls Jesus “God.” We have John 20:28, 2 Peter 1:1, Hebrews 1, etc. If Titus 2:13 was a one time, isolated event, then I think I would pause and question why Paul is calling Jesus God there or what that means exactly, but there’s a handful of other verses that do this very thing. Not to mention Philippians 2:7-9 among others.
      I do want to apologize in advanced but I will not be able to respond to you going forward. I just don’t have the time. I have a whole playlist on Biblical Unitarianism on my channel if you’re interested though. But also please feel free to still respond if you wish.
      Thank you and God bless

  • @steventylerplumlee5417
    @steventylerplumlee5417 5 місяців тому +3

    Jesus said to Peter, the foudnation of the church is Jesus is the Christ, son of the living God. The foundation isnt Jesus is God.
    1st Cor 8:4-6, Paul was unitarian. Jesus was unitarian. John 17:1-3
    God said hes alone and there is no God beside him.
    Jesus has a God beside him. John 20:17, Rev 3:12
    Literally Jesus is at Gods right hand. Jesus has a God beside him.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      Hebrews 1:2 - Jesus made the world.
      Genesis 1:1 - God created the world.
      John 1:3 - everything that was created was created by the Word, IE Jesus.

    • @steventylerplumlee5417
      @steventylerplumlee5417 Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate The word there and Hebrews is not created by him it's created through And those are not exactly the same.. The Greek word DIA Can also mean for the sake of

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      @@steventylerplumlee5417 That verse is 110% properly translated to say that Jesus made the world. You're essentially suggesting that there's some grand conspiracy by the majority of scholars of ancient Greek and Hebrew to somehow mistranslate this verse. Pretty much every translation says in this verse that Jesus made the world because that's what the verse says in the original language.
      Edit: Also, by this line of reasoning you're admitting that the Bible doesn't teach your theology.

    • @steventylerplumlee5417
      @steventylerplumlee5417 Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate it is translated in Hebrews all things are created Through him.
      Through is a means, not the source.
      The Greek word in strongs concordance says it can also mean, for the sake of.
      God had Jesus in mind when he created everything for him to have as an inheritance.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      @@steventylerplumlee5417 "Through is a means, not the source."
      So everything that was created was created through Jesus, and that means Jesus didn't actually create anything?
      Nonsense. That's pure nonsense. What does something being created through someone mean to you if that someone isn't doing any creating? It means nothing because it makes no sense. You're fighting scripture tooth and nail to bend over backwards to try and suggest Jesus isn't God.

  • @tongakhan230
    @tongakhan230 9 місяців тому +3

    To preach the gospel at every chance we get shouldn't we know what the gospel is?
    If everyone has his own idea about what the Bible teaches, then wouldn't there be a problem.
    The clue is to examine the behaviour of the first Century Christian Congregation. No one ever believed that their Leader Jesus was God. Else, we would find someone worshipping Jesus. Plus, they going around making worshipers and NOT DISCIPLES.
    (John 13:35) By this all will know that you are my disciples-if you have love among yourselves.”
    Becoming Disciples of God is something that is impossible.

    • @jonathanfarmer6010
      @jonathanfarmer6010 9 місяців тому


    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      Paul wrote in Hebrews that Jesus created the world (Hebrews 1:2). John wrote in his gospel that all things that were created were created by the Word, IE Jesus (John 1:3). Both of them knew of Genesis 1:1 that states that God created the heavens and the Earth (the world).
      Also, there is a figurative mountain of quotes of early Christians who said that Jesus is God. A lie often told is that there are no quotes before 300ad, but many of these can be found hundreds of years earlier than that. You've been hoodwinked to think this isn't the case.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate : Hebrews 1:2 actually shows that Jesus didn't do any creating. Let us read what it says.
      (Hebrews 1:2) Now at the end of these days 'God' has spoken to us BY MEANS OF A SON, whom 'GOD' APPOINTED HEIR of all things, and THROUGH WHOM he made the systems of things.
      God worked THROUGH Jesus in making creation exist. cf Proverbs 8:30.
      If Jesus did any creating, wouldn't he be the OWNER of what he created?
      How could God appoint Jesus as HEIR? Check Colossians 1:15 for a clue.
      Please let me know if it isn't clear.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      @@tongakhan230 1: John 1:1-3 says that absolutely everything that was created was created by the Word, IE Jesus. There is no such thing as something that was created that wasn't created by Jesus. So clearly, your interpretation of Hebrews 1:2 is incorrect.
      2: You're using a logical fallacy to suggest that by Jesus calling the Father "God" that therefore He's somehow suggesting that He Himself isn't God. If Jesus calls the Father "God" that's factually correct because the Father IS God. The Father is God according to both trinitarians and unitarians.
      No verse of Jesus calling the father "God" does anything to suggest that Jesus doesn't think of Himself as God. After all, John 10:30 has Jesus saying "I and the Father are one."

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate : I believe only the KJV states that everything was created BY Jesus. All other translations say. BY MEANS OF or THROUGH.
      John 1:3 CSB
      All things were created THROUGH HIM, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.
      Everything came into existence THROUGH HIM. Not one thing that exists was made WITHOUT HIM.
      What was Jesus role in creation? God working THROUGH Jesus or Jesus being the creator of everything?
      (Proverbs 8:30) Then I WAS BESIDE HIM (ie. God) AS A MASTER WORKER. I was the one he was especially fond of day by day; I rejoiced before him all the time;
      The Architect was God. The one God used to accomplish creation was Jesus. Get the difference.
      The President won the war THROUGH his Armed Forces.

  • @Resoundinglyavergage
    @Resoundinglyavergage 3 місяці тому

    Great video, thank you for the information.

  • @SonOfGodByNewBirthInChrist
    @SonOfGodByNewBirthInChrist 10 місяців тому +2

    The Jewish leaders refuted Jesus in his day by asking people have any of our leaders followed him? You make the assumption that tradition is always right. But Jesus came and smashed all the Jewish leaders traditions.
    Jesus says:
    Mark 7:9 (KJV)
    And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
    Mark 7:13 (KJV)
    Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
    John 17:2-3 (KJV)
    As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
    *And this is life eternal, that they might know THEE the ONLY TRUE God,* and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
    John 4:23-24 (KJV)
    But the hour cometh, and now is, when *the true worshippers shall worship the Father* in spirit and in truth: for *the Father seeketh such to worship HIM.*
    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship *HIM* in spirit and in truth.
    Oh God our Father, open the eyes and ears of those truly seeking you to know truth. I ask this in the name of the one you have exalted to sit at your right hand

  • @unitarianapologetics4669
    @unitarianapologetics4669 Рік тому +11

    We don’t bring a presupposition, you do. The doctrine of the Trinity was not formulated until the 4th century ad. Using actual hermeneutical methodology is how we arrive at the conclusion Jesus is not God.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Рік тому +2

      You don’t bring a presupposition? 🤣 Your own big name Unitarian Apologists even admit that!

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 Рік тому

      @thechristianperspective Well, then you presuppose you're a Christian and that you interpret the Bible through a Christian lens. Your logic is flawed (typical for a Trinitarian). Because I'm a Unitarian doesn't mean I presuppose Unitarianism when I read the text. Let's debate. How about that? We'll see who presupposes what. 👍

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 Рік тому +1

      @@colin_priest I have someone with a channel who hosts debates. Let me know.

    • @Sirach144
      @Sirach144 Рік тому

      The fact that you get around polytheism with Trinitarianism , by saying God is a substance that is shared amongst three personages to try to get around polytheism. That’s like saying Peter is a man Paul is a man and John is a man. Peter is not Paul Paul is not Peter John is not Peter, and John is not Paul. Paul is human and Peter is human and John is human but they are not three humans they are one human because they share the same nature of being human. That’s exactly what the trinity is. That’s like saying they’re not three humans they are one human. No they’re not. You can’t say there’s one human in the room but there’s three persons. Makes no sense.
      Trinitarian try to make a person versus being to different things. But I think what you really mean as a state of being. You cannot say that there’s only one human but there’s multiple personages. You can say there’s one humanity. But you can’t say there’s one human. Just like you can’t say there’s one God when you clearly have three gods in front of you.

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 місяців тому

      @@unitarianapologetics4669 The Bible is written for Christians... you can't understand if you aren't a Christian

  • @RoseMichels
    @RoseMichels Рік тому +3

    Okay, if you're taking a poll, I would vote for dropping the pop up wording. It's quite annoying while trying to pay attention to what you're saying. Besides, that's what CC is for. :)

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the feedback! 😊

    • @HeidisHereAndThere
      @HeidisHereAndThere Рік тому +2

      ​​@@colin_priest I agree👍 And, if you put it up for the deaf, its going way too fast to read anyway! 😂Because its one word at a time.

  • @MichaelTheophilus906
    @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому

    Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, Rom 16.27, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12, and many more.

  • @raymonddscott4711
    @raymonddscott4711 4 місяці тому +1

    The truth of who Jesus is constitutes the greatest threat to the man made doctrine of the Trinity. The words triune, trinity and three-in-one are not in the Holy Bible. Jesus has a God and is at his right hand. John 20:17 NASB20 - "17 Jesus said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'"" Jesus is the Son of God, not God the Son. He is our brother, not our Father.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  4 місяці тому

      The words Bible, Unitarian, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent are also not founded in the Bible - does that mean those things aren’t true?

  • @dokidokibibleclub
    @dokidokibibleclub Рік тому +1

    Great exegesis brother, want to debate a unitarian hosted at Standing For Truth? (SFT isn't uni)

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Рік тому +1

      Thanks so much, brother!
      And I’m honestly humbled that you would ask me to debate. I’ve never done one before is my only concern and I don’t know if I’ll be good at it. I’ve watched debates and I’ve been asked a couple times now to do one, but I just don’t know if I’m qualified, honestly

    • @dokidokibibleclub
      @dokidokibibleclub Рік тому

      ​@@colin_priestHey Colin, thanks for the reply. You'd be surprised, a few of the regulars shared that they felt the same way at first haha. I'd like to share more details about it over gmale (mine is the same as my username) and you might be pleased to find that it's much more low pressure and fun than it sounds

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому +1

      @@colin_priest How can you make videos like this, but not be able to debate? If you can't debate, you don't know the topic enough and should be studying and researching and not creating this nonsense.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому

      For someone who professes to be a Christian, you seem to lack mercy and grace, man.
      I’m just nervous because I want to do a good job and I’ve never debated someone before. I love street evangelism and I feel called to that, but that doesn’t mean I would be a good debater.
      But also, if you care to know, I ended up emailing him, so keep your eyes out for something in the future :)

    • @unitarianapologetics4669
      @unitarianapologetics4669 9 місяців тому +1

      @@colin_priest I just suggest you learn about Unitarianism instead of just criticizing. Unitarians have historically been killed and are persecuted for our beliefs. So, please forgive me if I don't take it lightly. This video wasn't made with love and respect. Forgive me for matching your energy.

  • @tilerboston5973
    @tilerboston5973 5 місяців тому +1

    I’m a biblical Unitarian, i’m not here to argue or anything but my question is can you see where we are coming from?
    I find the idea of the doctrine of the trinity to be just as unlikely as the JW doctrine that Jesus is the archangel Michael. I make that comparison because in both arguments they suppose jesus pre-existed.
    The question then becomes if Jesus did preexist then why isn’t he mentioned presently in the Hebrew Bible? I’ll grant you in the gospel of John it seems to suggest that Jesus has a preexistence but it is still VERY ambiguous.
    So that’s my line of reasoning. Can you at least see where Biblical Unitarians are coming from when they question and do not affirm the trinity?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому

      John says Isaiah saw Jesus. Hebrews says the Son laid the foundation of the heavens and the earth. John the Baptist preached, “The One who comes after me is greater than me for He was before me.”
      And the OT says,
      Proverbs 30:3-4,
      “I have not learned wisdom,
      nor have I knowledge of the Holy One.
      Who has ascended to heaven and come down?
      Who has gathered the wind in his fists?
      Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment?
      Who has established all the ends of the earth?
      What is his name, and what is his son’s name?“
      One thing I appreciate about Biblical Unitarians is that their source for theology is solely Scripture. We just disagree on interpretation.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest Biblical Unitarians don't interpret the bible. They read it. John 17.3, John 20.17, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому

      @MichaelTheophilus906 you forgot John 1:1, 14 😂

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest John 1. God = the trinity. The word = Jesus. In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with the trinity, and Jesus was the trinity. Jesus was in the beginning with the trinity. All things came into being through Jesus, and apart from Jesus nothing came into being that has come into being. 14. "the only BEGOTTEN of the Father. Matt 1.18-21, Luke 1.30-35, Luke 2.4-7

  • @keithfuson7694
    @keithfuson7694 9 місяців тому +5

    Nevertheless for us there is ONE GOD, THE FATHER. 1Cor8:6 The Father is the ONLY true God. Jn17:3 SS never once says that the one God is a trinity..SS never once says God is three..God is ONE, not three. Gal3:20 Jesus has a God.Rv3:12 Jesus is subject to his God. 1Cor15:24,27 Your trinity is false. No one has to believe in the trinity to be saved. Creatures are called god..Jesus is not thd Most High God. Mk5:7 You have no authority to throw us into your mythical HELL..

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому +1

      “And one Lord, Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor. 8:6
      Do you believe there’s only one Lord? If so, is it Jesus or is it the Father? If the Father is Lord also then there are 2 Lords. Or if only the Father is Lord, then 1 Cor. 8:6 isn’t true.
      Which one is it?

    • @keithfuson7694
      @keithfuson7694 9 місяців тому

      @colin_priest that's a stupid unbiblical claim you make..Paul is telling us in ci text who the one God is: the Father. No trinity here. Yes Jesus is the one Lord under his God. And that Lord Jesus was resurrected by his God. 1Cor 6:14 2Cor4:14 God makes Jesus Lord. Ac2:36 ,God gives the Lord Jesus all his authority. Mt28:18 The Lord Jesus has a God. Jn20:17 God us the head of the Lord Jesus. 1Cor11:3. ,,God is greater than the Lord Jesus. Jn14:28 ONLY the Father is the Lord God Almighty. Rv21:22 The Lord Jesus has a Supreme Lord over him to whom he is subject..

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  9 місяців тому +1

      @keithfuson7694 “that’s a stupid unbiblical claim you make…”
      I’m telling ya, if it’s not your theological vigor, it’s the love that I feel from so many Nontrinitarians that make it so tempting to leave my faith for yours…

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +1

      Amen. Always encouraging to see others who haven't believed the Trinitarian lies.

  • @tombuddy100
    @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

    1 Timothy 2: 5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
    1 Corinthians 8: 6 - But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      If all things are by/ through Jesus…is He in the category of “all things” or is He outside the category of “all things”?

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest I'll will not philosophically dissect verses. I will rather state the obvious.
      The first verse says Christ is man and that he is mediator between God and men.
      If Christ is God, that would mean that God is mediator between God and men.
      Does that make sense?

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest The second verse says that the Father is God, whereas Christ is Lord.
      Why does it not say that Christ is God?
      Why does it not say that both the Father and Son are God?
      Why is there not a single verse in the Bible that clarifies that God is more than just one person?
      Why are almost all references to God in the Bible in either first person singular, second person singular, or third person singular?

  • @aaroningram9988
    @aaroningram9988 5 місяців тому

    Well.... I'm not sure these arguments do much for the case against BU. Personally, I don't use any of the arguments you laid out when discussing the BU understanding with someone else. As far as I can tell, it's just not at all accurate that we would most likely believe in the doctrine of the Trinity if we didnt start with the presupposition that Greco-Roman influences gradually tainted the church. That might be something that is learned over time, but it is definitely not a presupposition. Speaking for myself, the only presupposition I hold is trying to understand the Bible in a way that harmonizes with itself. To me, the idea of the Trinity is like a triangle in a round hole. Sure, it fits in there, but there are holes all the way around it that can't be explained away by "history".

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому

      I have an entire playlist on Biblical Unitarianism. This was just an intro video 🙂

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  5 місяців тому

      Trouble Defending the Trinity? This Could Help!
      Talking to Unitarians/ Non-trinitarians be like…
      Jesus Preached a Different Gospel?
      The Holy Spirit: Person or Power?
      Jesus: God or Agent?

  • @UniversalistSon9
    @UniversalistSon9 2 місяці тому

    Well I’m a universalist and adoptionist, I don’t see a huge problem about Unitarians . Meh let people worship the way that works for them.

  • @ericthomas513
    @ericthomas513 Місяць тому

    You are literally arguing that Christians should not read the Bible in the context of its writing, ignoring the writer's intent, ignoring the intended audience of the writers, and ignoring the context of any passage in relation to the entire rest of the scriptures, um... no thank you. May God Bless You ... A Lot. ;-)

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      How….on earth…..did you…..come to that conclusion? 😮
      I said that we SHOULD read the Bible in its content AND NOT add a presupposition to it.

  • @tombuddy100
    @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

    If Trinity doctrine (three persons one God) is correct, why is there not a single verse in the Bible supporting the doctrine?
    For example, is there any verse like this in the Bible?
    "God consists of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (plural).”

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest Does that verse clarify the Trinity doctrine (one God, three distinct persons)?
      That verse does not look like:
      "God consists of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      @tombuddy100 Can you show me in the Bible where it says, “God is only one person” especially in light of Gen. 1:26, Gen. 3:22, Gen. 11:7 and Isaiah 6:8?

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest Most of the references to God in the Bible are in first, second, and third person singular.
      The only references that seem to be in plural are in first person plural.
      No one in the Bible refers to God in second or third person plural.

    • @tombuddy100
      @tombuddy100 Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest Besides, how do you interpret the following verses from John?
      23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
      24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
      Jesus clearly teaches us there that we should worship the Father.
      Considering Trinity doctrine, would that make sense that we are supposed to worship only third of God?

  • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
    @Nazareyes-zu3ul 4 місяці тому

    I was a Trinitarian but after many years of studying this issue and examining all the various perspectives around this topic I have agreed with Biblical Unitarian understanding. They are not a threat to Christianity, they are a threat to the Roman Catholic pollution of Christianity. They established the Trinity in the 4th century. They mixed pagan practices and holidays with Paul’s Christianity. They said you could pay for pardons and pray to an image of Mary, Jesus, and the Saints. They brutally tortured independent believers. The Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, will you accept her authority and allow her to tell you who God is and what he says? Connect the dots. God said He is one and that He would one day raise up a prophet like Moses. He never said that He is Three in One. And He never said that He would become a man. Foolishness and confusion, the work of the Enemy. Cast it off

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 4 місяці тому

      Jesus is "my God" (John 20:28).

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  4 місяці тому

      Mine too! 💯

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul 4 місяці тому

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 Then you missed his point, he came to connect us to God.

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul 4 місяці тому

      @@colin_priest what if a Christian said “I don’t worship The Father, he’s not my God, I worship Jesus alone, he died for me, but the father only oppressed and killed with the law?” What if he only loved Jesus?
      I’ve never asked this question before, what do you think if a believer only loved one or even two members of God??

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul 4 місяці тому

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 Peter was referring to the father in Jesus Christ as he said earlier “How can you say show us the father? Do you not believe that the father is in me and I am in the father?”
      Acts 2:22 states that Jesus was a man by whom God did miracles.
      Also the Greek grammar is implying two persons because of the two articles.
      “The Lord of me and the God of me”
      “The Lord of me and God of me”
      Implying one person.
      He was full of the Holy Ghost remember? That’s the presence of God the father.

  • @LawlessNate
    @LawlessNate Місяць тому

    JWs do have an extra-biblical source of authority; the Watchtower organization.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      yes they do! Did I say that they don’t?

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest You mentioned JWs as being Unitarians. You then suggested that Unitarians only use scripture to try and defend their views as opposed to pointing to extra-biblical sources.

  • @user-hm4od3wu1z
    @user-hm4od3wu1z 4 місяці тому

    Biblical Unitarianism sounds like a oxymoron

  • @vagabonddruid4045
    @vagabonddruid4045 2 місяці тому

    That's because you have been misinterpreting the Bible and recapping scripture since the 300s, if you read the scripture in the correct contacts, you will see that there's only one G-d the Creator who has an active force on Earth known as the Holy Spirit in the first thing this Creator G-d maid was the soul of Yeshua(Revelation 3:14)

  • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
    @Nazareyes-zu3ul 4 місяці тому

    No hard feelings. Obviously you are rooted in your beliefs and afraid of considering the idea that they could wrong, I was, but it takes trust and honesty to do this and you can do it too. For a long time I was absolutely convinced that Calvinism was biblical until it really started to distort God in my mind and made me mentally ill. Eventually I gained the courage to consider that it actually might just be a well constructed complex of distorted truths mixed in with lies and misinformation. I no longer accept Calvinism, it is demonic just like the Trinity.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      You haven't read the Bible much to deny Jesus is God. Here's a simple question: Who created the world? If you answered "God did" then you'd both be right when it comes to answering that question and contradicting yourself to suggest Jesus isn't God. Paul wrote in Hebrews 1:2 that Jesus Himself created the world. Genesis 1:1 says that God created the heavens and the Earth. John wrote in his gospel, chapter 1 verses 1-3, that everything which was made was made by the Word, IE Jesus. Jesus claiming to be God is why the Pharisees wanted Him dead. Only God can forgive sins, period, full stop. Jesus forgave sins.
      You should stop letting other people tell you what the Bible teaches because you're being led stray by those with false teaching. Read the Bible for yourself and compare what others try to tell you to what is written in scripture just as the Bereans were commended for doing.

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate I appreciate your sincere concern. I do read and meditate on the Bible on a daily basis. It took me a few years of careful attention to this topic to see the pattern of error in this teachings understanding and interpretation of scripture, and to become confident that it is indeed a lie that masquerades as the truth. I know you mean well but the truth is that you are in fact wrong, but you cannot see it because you are one with the lie. I’m not saying that Christian’s that believe this are bad people but they are under the spell of the Roman Catholic Church which is the whore of Babylon, the mother of idolatry and confusion

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate So the statement that God created the world by Christ still acknowledges that God created the world. Further more God created the world “by reason of” Christ. Christ was the reason or purpose that God created the world, not that God used Jesus to do it literally.

    • @Nazareyes-zu3ul
      @Nazareyes-zu3ul Місяць тому

      @@LawlessNate Have you ever forgiven sins? Did not God tell us to forgive sins by his spirit and by the spirit of Christ?
      Jesus gave his disciples authority to hold or remit sins. Can God give a man authority to forgive sins? Of course he can, just as God also gives authority to execute judgment of sins.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate Місяць тому

      @@Nazareyes-zu3ul "Have you ever forgiven sins?"
      Forgiving someone is not the same thing as forgiving their sin before God. If someone has wronged me and I forgive them then that doesn't absolve them of the guilt of that sin they committed before God. God would still hold them accountable for that sin because He's a perfectly just judge who doesn't let any wrong doing go unpunished.
      "Jesus gave his disciples authority to hold or remit sins."
      Jesus did not tell His disciples to forgive people of their sin before God of their own power as human beings. Two verses prior to the one your referencing is John 20:21 which says "So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be to you; just as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” The Father sends Jesus, and Jesus sends the disciples, so through Jesus's authority that the sin is forgiven, not the disciples themselves.
      Also, in the verse in question, which is John 20:23, there is a very important note to make. The verse is "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.”" Take very important note of the conditional statement being made here. The condition is "If you forgive the sins of any...", and the result is "...their sins have been forgiven them..." Hone in on "...their sins have been forgiven them..." It's not the case that these sins are unforgiven until the disciples forgive them; their sins have already been forgiven, hence "...have been forgiven..." IE has already happened.
      The final thing to note is that the disciples were not sent on some secret special mission and given unique powers to do so. What Jesus was telling the disciples to do is what we are commanded to do as well; to spread the gospel message. The disciples could honestly tell people that their sins are forgiven if they trust in Jesus and His sacrifice for the payment of their sin. The disciples could also honestly tell people that their sins would not be forgiven if they rejected Jesus and His sacrifice as the complete payment for their sins.

  • @RalphHumphries-th1ym
    @RalphHumphries-th1ym Місяць тому

    Trinity world anything goes, but truth, living in la la land, United they stand united they fall, like the Trinity and Satan masterpiece created to be preached and teached a 3 headed Jesus

  • @redfritz3356
    @redfritz3356 4 місяці тому

    Yeah, the father of lies also qoute scripture twisting the Word of God.

  • @Plisken65
    @Plisken65 22 дні тому

    Says a random with a strip joint background.

  • @EricCouture315
    @EricCouture315 Рік тому

    They use the REV Bible now.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Рік тому

      oh really? Do you know why?

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest They use all bibles. The REV is a new bible translated by Biblical Unitarians. It's free of a lot of trinitarian bias, additions, and mistranslations. I personally use the Legacy Standard Bible and a Greek interlinear. In my bible college years we used the KJV, so everyone would be on the same page. However, in those days we knew that the NASB and the Emphasized Bible were better translations of the Greek New Testament.

  • @WogChilli
    @WogChilli 7 місяців тому

    What religion you?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  7 місяців тому

      I’m a Christian that attends a non-denomination church

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 5 місяців тому

      @@colin_priest Christians believe Yahweh is God. John 17.3 Jesus is the human son of God. Matt 1.18-21, Luke 1.30-35, Luke 2.4-7

  • @aaronsanchez3141
    @aaronsanchez3141 6 місяців тому +4

    This channel is unbiblical.

    • @cryptoidmonkey3985
      @cryptoidmonkey3985 5 місяців тому +1

      Yep. Good to see it may cause others to check out Biblical Unitarians. LOL.

  • @RalphHumphries-th1ym
    @RalphHumphries-th1ym Місяць тому

    Trinity world LoL anything goes

  • @timwilkins2008
    @timwilkins2008 3 місяці тому

    No, a reading of scripture without your biases about the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, etc. yields the reality of Unitarian theology.

  • @tommytwats
    @tommytwats 3 місяці тому

    he claims church history and how unitarians dont have it… yet his trinity (just between YHWY and Jesus till 80years after the apostolic creed) was invented during that exact debate 🤯

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  3 місяці тому