i gotta say, taken out of the context of anastasia, the way that it's played makes me picture some tragic story of someone descending into madness. beautiful work.
John Oh It fits the grandmother's point of view.. Everything was happy before the palace was attacked, and then all her loved one died with only her escaping... Then she still says that Anastasia is still alive but there were actually no survivors.. The Romanovs were massacered except the grandmother.
Saw this a few years back, didn’t have the skill yet to learn it. A few weeks ago I decided to push myself and try to learn it. I’m about half way through now. Wish me luck Update: I finished the song 4 years later!! Thank you guys for reminding me to practice over the years lol
A couple of years ago, when I first discovered your interpretation of this song, I got extremely obsessed over it. Somehow it felt as if it was embracing me and bringing me comfort in the mist of sad and dark feelings. I still come back here every once in a while to feel that comfort (this is one of those days). So, thank you for such a great performance. Me and all my past selves will always appreciate your effort and skills to perform such beautiful, elaborate and heart warming pieces.
The lower octave (left hand) is playing in my left headphone, the upper octave (right hand) is playing in my right headphone, and the middle is playing through both. Idk how, but it sounds wonderful.
It's almost sad that there is no applause at the end, my mind was just expecting it. Just incredible, truly. I usually can just put this on and then do my work, but I just had to watch you. The keys had a story, and it felt like the hands were telling it. Beautiful.
@@MellowJelly right? Natural talent exists but without refinement it won't take you far. You HAVE to practice to get to this level. Prodigal pianists exist but they're so few and far in between that it really does such a disservice to people who've practiced their entire lives to get to this level to say that it's just "natural talent."
The lyrics: Dancing bears, Painted wings, Things I almost remember, And a song someone sings, Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm, Horses prance through a silver storm, Figures dancing gracefully across my memory Someone holds me safe and warm, Horses prance through a silver storm, Figures dancing gracefully across my memory. Far away, Long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember And a song someone sings Once upon a December
Dancing pairs painted wings Things I almost remember And a song Someone sings Once upon a december Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance trough a silver storm Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory Far away, long ago Glowing dim as a member Things my heart used to know Once upon a december Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance trough a silver storm Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory Far away, long ago Glowing dim as a member Things my heart used to know Things it yearns to remember And a song someone sings Once upon a december
Как узор на окне Снова прошлое рядом, Кто-то пел песню мне В зимний вечер когда-то. Словно в прошлом ожило Чьих-то бережных рук тепло, Вальс изысканных гостей И бег лихих коней. Вальс кружил и нёс меня, Словно в сказку свою маня, Первый бал и первый вальс Звучат во мне сейчас. Зеркала в янтаря Мой восторг отражают, Кто-то пел на заре Дом родной покидая. Будешь ты в декабре Вновь со мной дорогая….
this has been stuck in my head ever since i was little, my mom watch the movie alot and would go around the house singing it all the time... you did an amazing job and brought back alot of old memories :'( thank you sir
+smoo9309 I believe Kyle uses the original, simplified sheet music as the "base" to which he improvises and creates his own arrangement. The original sheets can be found online, but he was saying that he came up with the improvisations by ear :)
It looks so easy when he does it. Just let your hands float over the ivories. Then you try it for yourself and realize what a master can do. Admiring and envious in one.
This is so amazing. After listening to this song many many MANY times, I actually want to learn how to play piano so I can play this song. Keep up the amazing work! You've earned a new subscriber! :)
THANK YOU FOR BEING BORN. I was a fan of your "Howl's moving castle" piano cover. And then I saw this cute/sad film in which I loved the sound of the piano, and I thought of someone familiar (GUESS WHO). and when I saw the makers of the whole short film, IT WAS YOU WHO PLAYED THIS! IT WAS YOUUU. I'M YOUR BIG FAN NOW PLEASE BE MY SENSEI. But seriously, keep it up. You finally got the meaning of Passion.
Des images, me reviennent comme le souvenir tendre Une ancienne, ritournelle Autrefois en Décembre Je me souviens il me semble De jeux qu'on invetait ensemble Je retrouve dans un sourire la flamme de mes souvenirs Je me souviens il me semble De jeux qu'on invetait ensemble Je retrouve dans un sourire la flamme de mes souvenirs Et au loin, un écho comme une braise sous la cendre Un murmure à mi-mots que mon coeur comprendre Une ancienne, ritournelle Loin du froid de Décembre
The way you play this is absolutely breathtaking and it drew me to tears. The emotion you put into this was marvelous and your ability as a pianist is top quality. I'm so thankful I discovered this. Thank you for existing!
это шикарно! мне очень нравятся каверы на пианино, и я обожаю эту песню. но вот все её играли спокойно, когда же в оригинале она такая громкая и сильная вы её сыграли просто божественно
kylelandry #swag 😎😎😭😍 So good! I'm so intimidated to play the song now! I really like how u shortened it or made it simpler than the version from Emile 👌🏻
Sometimes I think I'm fairly good at piano, then I watch these kinds of videos and realise I have a long ass way to go. I wish I could play like this, stunning and perfect. I'm learning this at the moment, certainly not this version though haha, and wanted to hear other covers of it. I'm in awe, this is amazing
2017: This continues to be my favorite, Kyle. I can't afford to but if someone should send you an offer they could film you performing this on a grand piano in a snow infused forest.
Once someone asked who my favorite princess was along with the movie, and I did say Anastasia and they said "who?" Anastasia. "Who tf is that?" I was so offended idk why 😂
Grand Duchess, technically, which ranked above Princess because Russian royalty and nobility were weird with titles... :P "Prince" (and I believe "Princess") were pretty common titles, since that was a hereditary title bestowed by the Tsar/Emperor upon certain families. Since it wouldn't do for the children of the Tsar to share the same title, new titles were created. :) russiannobility.org/en/princes-of-the-russian-empire/
Des images me reviennent Comme le souvenir tendre D'une ancienne ritournelle Autrefois en décembre. Je me souviens, il me semble Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble Je retrouve dans un sourire La flamme des souvenirs. Doucement, un écho Comme une braise sous la cendre Un murmure à mi-mots Que mon coeur veut comprendre. Je me souviens, il me semble Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble Je retrouve dans un sourire La flamme des souvenirs. De très loin, un écho Comme une braise sous la cendre Un murmure à mi-mots Que mon coeur veut comprendre. Une ancienne ritournelle Loin Du Froid De Décembre.
Dancing bears, Painted wings, Things I almost remember, And a song someone sings Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... (Instrumental interlude) Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... Far away, long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart Used to know, Things it yearns to remember... And a song Someone sings Once upon a December
I am playing this for Musical Theatre! I am a piano major at my school and I am about to begin learning this. It is rather difficult to execute cleanly! BEAUTIFUL!!
chompet123 To my sad surprise, the girl who was going to sing it dropped the class. I AM however performing with singers singing: Pulled from the Addams Family Musical, Love Look Away from Flower Drum Song, So In Love from Kiss Me Kate, Why Did I Choose You from the Yearling and In My Own Little Corner from Cinderella. All this Thursday at my school! Thank you!!! :)
No se puede transmitir lo que no se siente. He aqui una obra de arte. Cuando la interpretacion es fiel al sentimiento, la expresion es realmente genuina! Mis sincera admiracion. Saludos
The emotions you put into this piece are just incredible! The way u play some parts softly and some more hard sounds so goood! This is like the best thing I’ve heard anyone play!
This song is enchanting and it almost puts me under a spell of happiness and it gives me the need to go outside in the night and wander around and embrace the moon, as I have a amazing connection with it. I needed this Thank You.
Literally gave me goosebumps. I could feel all the passion and emotion he put into this piece through my screen. Wow. Just, wow. Words cannot express how well this man plays!
How are you with this piece now? I've just started playing the piano again. I'm leaning this piece too. Is it tough. Seems easier than his merry go round of life.
@@jedok1677 to be honest i kinda lost motivation and never got to finish it.. but i want to try again as soon as i can play regularly again ! It is tough but you’ll manage if you stay motivated :)
Dancing bears, Painted wings, Things I almost remember, And a song someone sings Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... (Instrumental interlude) Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... Far away, long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart Used to know, Things it yearns to remember... And a song Someone sings Once upon a December 💙💙💙
When I heared this for the first time, it was in an animated story on youtube. I got inspiered to search this piece, you play it so beatifully and thanks to your sheet music, I'm now learning it. Thank you for the amaizing peformense
Beautifully played. Full of emotions. I almost felt that across the screen 😮 I admire how you put so much emotion to it, your talent as well. I mean, you're good!!
This is amazing!! This is exactly what I was looking for in an arrangement of this song. Other arrangements are two chord-heavy, but the flowing scales in yours are perfect. I went and bought the sheet music: as the perfect arrangement of one of my favourite pieces of music, it was well worth the cost! Thank you
Oh mon Dieu !! :o :o :o Un virtuose ! Un vrai passionné ! Il y a tellement de sensibilité et de force à jouer cette musique, elle devient pénétrante ça donne des frissons ! Bravo !!! (je me demande quels sont les 13 abrutis à avoir mis un pouce rouge ... T-T)
I recently watched a video with you playing of this in the backround and I say just hearing this song brought tears to my eyes ................. I thank you
i gotta say, taken out of the context of anastasia, the way that it's played makes me picture some tragic story of someone descending into madness. beautiful work.
^this may describe what you mean, but aside that, I agree, this is a beautiful piece of work.
John Oh It fits the grandmother's point of view.. Everything was happy before the palace was attacked, and then all her loved one died with only her escaping... Then she still says that Anastasia is still alive but there were actually no survivors.. The Romanovs were massacered except the grandmother.
damn tragic story.
That's exactly what I felt! It sounds so beautiful and tragic, love it.
John Oh your lie in april brought me here, its an anime, a tragic one.
All the yes to this.
Wow, i'm a big fan of you Caleb :D
Festoniaful XPsunnygirl Thank y'all very much! :)
Caleb Hyles EYOOOO
Yass Caleb! I love the musician community on youtube
Caleb Hyles oh yes!! :D
Saw this a few years back, didn’t have the skill yet to learn it. A few weeks ago I decided to push myself and try to learn it. I’m about half way through now. Wish me luck
Update: I finished the song 4 years later!! Thank you guys for reminding me to practice over the years lol
No. I have no luck to spare as I, too, am attempting to learn this piece
did you learned it?
how's it going?
Beautiful piece. Keep it up, sir!
holy shit dude, the song is already tragic enough, you took it to a whole other level. major props!
I'm 24 years old guy, and this song makes me cry.
me too i'm 32
I'm 17 and i can sense the pain and loneliness from this song
I'm a sperm cell and I too weep.
I'm a log, and I cri
I’m 39 and I cried too.
A couple of years ago, when I first discovered your interpretation of this song, I got extremely obsessed over it. Somehow it felt as if it was embracing me and bringing me comfort in the mist of sad and dark feelings. I still come back here every once in a while to feel that comfort (this is one of those days). So, thank you for such a great performance. Me and all my past selves will always appreciate your effort and skills to perform such beautiful, elaborate and heart warming pieces.
ik i agree with you completelyyyy
Glad I'm not the only one who haunts this song...
This made me cry. I also agree. I came here to seek comfort in this beautiful song. I hope you are well Bre.
@@MA-mh9mi thank you! I hope you are well too
The sheer amount of passion that went into playing this piece is just frightening. (in a good way)
OMG , this is the most emotional and beatiful piano song EVER !!!
as soon as I read your comment, I was at 1:10 part. and wooo man ...it truly is emotional and beautiful ...
+Honey Mae OMG
It just makes me want to cry right now... like i can sense the pain and lonelyness from this song
Abril Olivera
Yeah ;-;
Talented is a wild understatement -- one of, if not the, best piano covers I've ever seen
Is hard for me to decide between emile pandolfi's or this one but one thing is for sure, they're both extremely talented. I cried when saw this one.
@@ErikBlanco They're both incredible!
The lower octave (left hand) is playing in my left headphone, the upper octave (right hand) is playing in my right headphone, and the middle is playing through both. Idk how, but it sounds wonderful.
Vandal the way it should be 😊😊
That is how it sounds if you sit in Front of the Piano^^
You sir, deserve a more expensive piano.
what I was thinking lmao
thucydides Neo He needs a baby grand.
thucydides Neo was literally about to type that
same thought here :D
@ThePansexualPiano LOL
I love the build up in the pre-chorus it feels so powerful and really reaches inside you with this confidence.
It's almost sad that there is no applause at the end, my mind was just expecting it. Just incredible, truly. I usually can just put this on and then do my work, but I just had to watch you. The keys had a story, and it felt like the hands were telling it. Beautiful.
I`m glad that people still remember this movie, even when it is from 1997 :D
Yoshino nyuuu IT'S THAT OLD???
Me lel^
It was made before I was born but I still love it >< still rmb watching it as a kid. I feel old now
That's the year that I was born.
I want to see it on broadway so badly!
The piano is trying to hold on for dear life.
It's not a piano. That's the point. It's an electronic instrument with keys that looks like a piano.
@rose i think we are a match
it’s just a keyboard
Lol it's technically called a keyboard just cuz its electronic but I call my keyboard a piano because I only use it on the piano setting
@Johnny Casteel
I guess this isnt a piano arrangement like it says in the title, it's a guitar arrangement.
That must've taken years to be such a great player!
Half The Heart close to 20
It's nice that you recognize that, most people are just like "wow you're so talented" lol but it takes so much work!
@@MellowJelly right? Natural talent exists but without refinement it won't take you far. You HAVE to practice to get to this level. Prodigal pianists exist but they're so few and far in between that it really does such a disservice to people who've practiced their entire lives to get to this level to say that it's just "natural talent."
@@razrv3lc Exactly, talent is not hard to find, people who take care of it and practice to seek its full potential are rare.
Yes it does, nothing good comes easy!
The lyrics:
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.
Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December
melody kk thanks
melody kk I'm singing this for choir and I was singing in my mind xD
This is absolutely breathtaking. This might be the best and now my favorite piano cover of any song I've seen.
Dancing pairs
painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a december
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance trough a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory
Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as a member
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a december
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance trough a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory
Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as a member
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a december
+Marisa C. Could be, haha!
Dancing pairs xD
+Annabel Withagen Dancing pairs hahahaha dancing bears!!!! LOL
Dancing bears*
Glowing Dim As An Ember*
Annabel Withagen I cracked up when I read "Dancing pairs". 😂You made my night!
You have no idea how much I cried to your performance.
Как узор на окне
Снова прошлое рядом,
Кто-то пел песню мне
В зимний вечер когда-то.
Словно в прошлом ожило
Чьих-то бережных рук тепло,
Вальс изысканных гостей
И бег лихих коней.
Вальс кружил и нёс меня,
Словно в сказку свою маня,
Первый бал и первый вальс
Звучат во мне сейчас.
Зеркала в янтаря
Мой восторг отражают,
Кто-то пел на заре
Дом родной покидая.
Будешь ты в декабре
Вновь со мной дорогая….
this has been stuck in my head ever since i was little, my mom watch the movie alot and would go around the house singing it all the time... you did an amazing job and brought back alot of old memories :'( thank you sir
HOLY SHIT! that was so beautiful!!
where did you get this score? it's perfect!
I came up with it by ear, sorry :(
***** please can u write these sheets?
***** He's just a boss at the piano.
+Karyna Fontes www.dropbox.com/s/2rkwsbrxor0s3n0/KL_Anastasia_OnceUponADecember.pdf?dl=0 :D
+smoo9309 I believe Kyle uses the original, simplified sheet music as the "base" to which he improvises and creates his own arrangement. The original sheets can be found online, but he was saying that he came up with the improvisations by ear :)
I can feel his deep passion for playing piano rushing to my heart. Good job sir!
This is crazy, gives me goosebumps everytime i listen to this. We have to be friends!!
sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omggggg so goodddd wow!!!
It looks so easy when he does it. Just let your hands float over the ivories. Then you try it for yourself and realize what a master can do. Admiring and envious in one.
Despite that tragic story, Kyle's cover makes it more tragic, heartbroken.
This is so amazing. After listening to this song many many MANY times, I actually want to learn how to play piano so I can play this song. Keep up the amazing work! You've earned a new subscriber! :)
I'm learning this song on the piano and it's so beautiful that I sit hours and hours playing it
Nice! Did you eventually learn piano?
How’d that go? (love your pfp)
Same, I wish I could have a piano :(
@@PeoplepersonOG hey, have you eventually learnt this piece?
This music speaks.....this man is the finest mouth from which that speech should be heard
I play piano myself and this has really inspired me to become a lot better, you are so talented. This guy needs more praise
I was a fan of your "Howl's moving castle" piano cover.
And then I saw this cute/sad film in which I loved the sound of the piano, and I thought of someone familiar (GUESS WHO).
and when I saw the makers of the whole short film, IT WAS YOU WHO PLAYED THIS!
But seriously, keep it up. You finally got the meaning of Passion.
Clements Andoy the rendezvous storyboard? Is that the film you'rr talking about? I heard this there and was dying to find out who played it c:
Yes thats the film im talking about. :3
The new UA-cam Comments thing, with the Google+ integration and all of the changes, and bugs is just not cutting it for me. Who agrees?
fuck yes, you can read my thinkings!
same here.
I want to like some people's comments but I can't do that...why......
Better question, who DOESN'T agree??? This new setup makes no sense!
seriously... so annoying
the biggest lie of my entire childhood is that I thought Anastasia's a disney character 😂
Wait she isn't???? (pfft)
Penn Blotscript she is now
Hold the fucking phone, what?
Anastasia wasn't created by Disney, BUT, Disney bought it, so _technically_ it's for now
She’s not????!!!!!!!
Des images, me reviennent
comme le souvenir tendre
Une ancienne, ritournelle
Autrefois en Décembre
Je me souviens il me semble
De jeux qu'on invetait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
la flamme de mes souvenirs
Je me souviens il me semble
De jeux qu'on invetait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
la flamme de mes souvenirs
Et au loin, un écho
comme une braise sous la cendre
Un murmure à mi-mots
que mon coeur comprendre
Une ancienne, ritournelle
Loin du froid de Décembre
astrid castro J'adore cette chanson... c'est trop belle pour mes oreilles
Piano Art fucking genius man
Elle est encore plus belle au piano
im obsessed with this song right now like wow
Mac the Hunter I've been obsessed for over a year and it when it came to December..
I can really feel the emotion every time I hear it,You are truly talented, it shows the amount of effort you put into playing,you are a true artist 😁
This piece truly brought tears to my eyes. your passion was so clear throughout the entirety of this song. Beautiful, truly beautiful.
The way you play this is absolutely breathtaking and it drew me to tears. The emotion you put into this was marvelous and your ability as a pianist is top quality. I'm so thankful I discovered this. Thank you for existing!
I can see the passion through your moves.
Incredible. I love this.
I am obsessed with Anastasia and Once Upon a December
I'm crying.
Creek Pine Shut your sensitive ass up
Creek Pine Nvm. I'm crying too
*we are**
это шикарно! мне очень нравятся каверы на пианино, и я обожаю эту песню. но вот все её играли спокойно, когда же в оригинале она такая громкая и сильная
вы её сыграли просто божественно
Watching your videos I'm always afraid that sometime, the legs of the piano will give out.
Piano tutorial for Once Upon a December + Midi/Sheets! Come sub to my new channel for more :)
Oh thanks! Beautiful song!
Thank you :)
I love you :')
hello i used your audio ,for a cover in spanish of this song !~
kylelandry #swag 😎😎😭😍
So good! I'm so intimidated to play the song now! I really like how u shortened it or made it simpler than the version from Emile 👌🏻
Sometimes I think I'm fairly good at piano, then I watch these kinds of videos and realise I have a long ass way to go. I wish I could play like this, stunning and perfect. I'm learning this at the moment, certainly not this version though haha, and wanted to hear other covers of it. I'm in awe, this is amazing
WOW! You got me killing the replay button! That was so good!
2017: This continues to be my favorite, Kyle. I can't afford to but if someone should send you an offer they could film you performing this on a grand piano in a snow infused forest.
There's so much raw emotion in your interpretation of this beautiful song, it gets me right in the feels every time. Thank you, sir.
Once someone asked who my favorite princess was along with the movie, and I did say Anastasia and they said "who?"
"Who tf is that?"
I was so offended idk why 😂
+adrianloveslucius But she is a princess
Tessa M Sort of. In reality, the girl who claimed to be her, that the movie is about, was proven not to be related at all to the Romanov family.
Same girl
I think she's a duchess .
Grand Duchess, technically, which ranked above Princess because Russian royalty and nobility were weird with titles... :P "Prince" (and I believe "Princess") were pretty common titles, since that was a hereditary title bestowed by the Tsar/Emperor upon certain families. Since it wouldn't do for the children of the Tsar to share the same title, new titles were created. :) russiannobility.org/en/princes-of-the-russian-empire/
I can't stop crying...... This sound is.... So perfect....
Des images me reviennent
Comme le souvenir tendre
D'une ancienne ritournelle
Autrefois en décembre.
Je me souviens, il me semble
Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
La flamme des souvenirs.
Doucement, un écho
Comme une braise sous la cendre
Un murmure à mi-mots
Que mon coeur veut comprendre.
Je me souviens, il me semble
Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
La flamme des souvenirs.
De très loin, un écho
Comme une braise sous la cendre
Un murmure à mi-mots
Que mon coeur veut comprendre.
Une ancienne ritournelle
Loin Du Froid De Décembre.
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
(Instrumental interlude)
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...
And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December
Brings me to tears.... What a composition! What execution!
I am playing this for Musical Theatre! I am a piano major at my school and I am about to begin learning this. It is rather difficult to execute cleanly! BEAUTIFUL!!
Good luck Alan!
chompet123 To my sad surprise, the girl who was going to sing it dropped the class. I AM however performing with singers singing: Pulled from the Addams Family Musical, Love Look Away from Flower Drum Song, So In Love from Kiss Me Kate, Why Did I Choose You from the Yearling and In My Own Little Corner from Cinderella. All this Thursday at my school! Thank you!!! :)
Wow that's exciting. We have to be frieeeendssss! You should film yourself playing it, man.
I've uploaded one of the songs if you want to check it out! It's Cinderella! I'll upload the rest later thanks!(:
Sheet Music: bit.ly/KyleLandry_OnceUponADecember
No se puede transmitir lo que no se siente. He aqui una obra de arte. Cuando la interpretacion es fiel al sentimiento, la expresion es realmente genuina! Mis sincera admiracion. Saludos
This song makes me feel the same emotion as a child when a used to watch Anastasia everyday...thank you for make me feel a child again
The emotions you put into this piece are just incredible! The way u play some parts softly and some more hard sounds so goood! This is like the best thing I’ve heard anyone play!
There is playing music and feeling it. Beautiful!
This song is enchanting and it almost puts me under a spell of happiness and it gives me the need to go outside in the night and wander around and embrace the moon, as I have a amazing connection with it. I needed this Thank You.
Literally gave me goosebumps. I could feel all the passion and emotion he put into this piece through my screen. Wow. Just, wow. Words cannot express how well this man plays!
This guy played so gracefully. I loved every SECOND of this video
I started to learn this peace 4 days ago and i am now working on page 3, this arrangement is so beautiful, i cant wait to know how play it !
How are you with this piece now? I've just started playing the piano again. I'm leaning this piece too. Is it tough. Seems easier than his merry go round of life.
@@jedok1677 to be honest i kinda lost motivation and never got to finish it.. but i want to try again as soon as i can play regularly again ! It is tough but you’ll manage if you stay motivated :)
Waow I've never seen a piece played with so much raw emotion waow I can watch you play this song for hours
I absolutely LOVE it when he goes wild on the keys. You could tell how into it he is, it gives me chills each time. More power to you, Kyle.
this is the most beautiful arrangement i've heard of this song, thank you so much for posting this along with the sheet music!!
Do you sell the sheet music for this? I've been listening for a week nonstop and I would love to learn it!
I keep coming back to this video. A chilling yet beautiful cover, even yrs later. :')
Almost better than the original. Excelent! By the way, what brand/model is that piano?
THIS WAS LITERALLY SO AMAZING!! i swear i was frozen while watching i was just so mesmerised 🤯
every time i hear this song i start flooding with tears, this was beautiful
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
(Instrumental interlude)
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...
And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December
When I heared this for the first time, it was in an animated story on youtube. I got inspiered to search this piece, you play it so beatifully and thanks to your sheet music, I'm now learning it. Thank you for the amaizing peformense
Was it the rendezvous?
Beautiful, thank you for playing and uploading this.
This gives me the chills..
I didn't know I could fall in love with this song even more yet somehow you managed to make me.
That’s a masterpiece! You are amazing!!!
Beautifully played. Full of emotions. I almost felt that across the screen 😮 I admire how you put so much emotion to it, your talent as well. I mean, you're good!!
It sounds a little like victor's solo and the piano duet he and emily played in Tim Burton's Corpse Bride.
Lol, idk how you think that but ok
I just realized that the comment I made sounded really rude D: So sorry if it offended you in any way.
P.S.: Fellow Corpse Bride fan FOUND!
Lucy Rocha Haha that's okay:)
while listening to you, i could hear my whole childhood. sincerely, thank you for this.
Oh, that's beautiful.
this is just so... amazing it brings tears to my eyes
Moved me to tears. Best rendition ever. So tragic...so beautiful.
My heart aches to have this kind of talent
This is amazing!! This is exactly what I was looking for in an arrangement of this song. Other arrangements are two chord-heavy, but the flowing scales in yours are perfect. I went and bought the sheet music: as the perfect arrangement of one of my favourite pieces of music, it was well worth the cost! Thank you
wow...that was..incredible. it's an amazing sight when the pianist plays so passionately!
Se me pusieron los ojos brillosos y solte lagrimas
Me quiero hacer la dura, pero esta cancion me rompe
There are pianists on here that can play well, and then there are those of another league that can make you feel other worldly.. Beautiful
Oh mon Dieu !! :o :o :o Un virtuose ! Un vrai passionné ! Il y a tellement de sensibilité et de force à jouer cette musique, elle devient pénétrante ça donne des frissons ! Bravo !!! (je me demande quels sont les 13 abrutis à avoir mis un pouce rouge ... T-T)
Great rendition, thanks for sharing!
Slava Makovsky - Piano Covers
I don’t usually comment on people’s videos but wow that was absolutely beautiful.
Gorgeous! I'm spellbound by how wonderfully you played this piece :)
I recently watched a video with you playing of this in the backround and I say just hearing this song brought tears to my eyes ................. I thank you
was it the rendezvous? because saaammeee
takayo kagamine same I was crying
Wow you play beautiful and theres so much emotion in the way you play.
I really am awed by how well this is played. Well done!
Wait, wait wait! What if Kyle and Lindsey Sterling did a colab! OMG! So much beautiful!
Woooow I love both, awesome
Omg you're absolutely amazing!!! You've just earned a subcriber!
This is the best piano video I’ve seen of this song. One of my favorites. Well done!
This gave me chills
Such an amazing interpretation
Me has hecho llorar... Me ha encantado tu interpretación... Fue simplemente brillante.