Good job! Thanks from someone overseas. A humble suggestion about the videography. It would be nice if you moved the camera much more slowly when scanning left and right. Also, too much focus on the ground. We want to see what is up in f front of you, including all the way to the top of buildings. Also recommend showing more of the left and right intersecting roads as you walk. Finally, although I know you have to look down to walk, the camera doesn't need to point down. Still, thanks for a great service, really.
Yes clean and renovated and shiny, but empty. Dead. If businesses move there, and in apartments are built, yes this renovation is successful. Otherwise, it all for show, and therefore useless. Bike lanes but no bikes. No parking, so no one will drive to Piazza. Piazza has become a corridor instead of a destination for shopping, which is what is used to be many years ago. Abiy had a great opportunity to return Piazza to the glory days, but unfortunately, he misunderstood what piazza was and turned it into an empty shiny corridor.
በጣም ቆንጆ ቀረጻ ነው !ከቴዎድሮስ አደባባይ እስከ ፒያሳ ያለውን በቀኝና በግራ እየሄድክ ያነሳኸው ሁሉንም በደንብ እንድናይ አስችሎናል ! እውነት ለመናገር በዚህ የኮሪደር ልማት ቀረጻ እንደ አንተ የሚሆን አላየሁም ! የአንተ የተለየ ነው !!
It’s very beautiful!!!
Thanks dear
Thanks 😊
የእግረኛ እና የብስክሌት መንገድ ላይ መኪና ፓርክ ማድረግ በህግ የሚያስቀጣ የፓርኪንግ ትኬት በቅጣት መልክ መሠጠት ያለበት ሥርአት አብሮ መዘርጋት ለማዘጋጃ ቤት ይህን ተከታትሎ ማስፈፀም አስፈላጊ ስለሆነ ከዚህም አንፃር ቢታይ መልካም ነው።
😂😂😂😂እሺ እርሶ ካሉ ይሰጣል
Good job! Thanks from someone overseas. A humble suggestion about the videography. It would be nice if you moved the camera much more slowly when scanning left and right. Also, too much focus on the ground. We want to see what is up in f front of you, including all the way to the top of buildings. Also recommend showing more of the left and right intersecting roads as you walk. Finally, although I know you have to look down to walk, the camera doesn't need to point down. Still, thanks for a great service, really.
Thanks captain 🧑✈️ I am trying to improve in every videos your suggestion will help us a lot thanks again 🙏
በጣም ቆንጆ ነው የቀረፅከው
Very nice surroundings for all to enjoy 😊! Ethiopians, you deserve the best to be the best!
ዋዉ ፕሮፊሽናል ቀረፃ የካሜራ ጥራት አንደኛ ነህ 😍
Thanks 😊
በእውነቱ እሄንን ቪዲዮ እንደዚህ ባማረ ሁነታ ያሳየሄልን ግለሰብ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ።
Thanks amesegnalew 🙏
Finally no road works.
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Bro ebakhn yihen video mech nw yekereskew nigeregn yayewut ngr silaleh nw🙏
ስራው አይጠላም ነገሩ ውበት ለሠው ነው ወይ ሠው ለውበት አልገባኘም
i hate when people walk on the bike lane
Kpiyassa utu lela bota
Yes clean and renovated and shiny, but empty. Dead. If businesses move there, and in apartments are built, yes this renovation is successful. Otherwise, it all for show, and therefore useless.
Bike lanes but no bikes. No parking, so no one will drive to Piazza. Piazza has become a corridor instead of a destination for shopping, which is what is used to be many years ago. Abiy had a great opportunity to return Piazza to the glory days, but unfortunately, he misunderstood what piazza was and turned it into an empty shiny corridor.
ለመተቸትም እኮ ትንሽ ጊዜ ይፈልጋል:ገና ሳምንቱ አይደል እንዴ ከተከፈተ:አሁን የተሰራው መንገዱ ብቻ ነው:የንግድ ሱቆች ገና በመገንባት ላይ ናቸው:አንድ ሰው ውስጡ ጨለማ ከሆነ የሚታየው ነገር ሁሉ ጨለማ ነው:
Bro ebakhn yihen video mech nw yekereskew nigeregn yayewut ngr silaleh nw🙏