The Truth About Biofuels in America

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Google Tech Talks
    February, 12 2008
    Charles Anderson of Golden Fuel Systems will give a realistic behind the scenes analysis of many common alternative fuels and transportation options available in the United States such as: Ethanol, Biodiesel, SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil), Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. Charles will explain how an SVO conversion to a modern diesel engine works and compare the pros and cons of SVO and the other alternative fuels available. This presentation will be valuable for individuals who are trying to determine what alternative fuel choice is right for them. With his extensive work in the SVO industry, Charles has gained a unique perspective into many of the alternative fuels available in the United States.
    Speaker: Charles Anderson
    Charles Anderson is the founder of Golden Fuel Systems (formerly Greasel Conversions) which is one of the world leaders in manufacturing and installation of SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) diesel conversion systems.
    For over 6 years, Golden Fuel Systems (GFS) has served the world-wide SVO community by offering affordable products, installations, unmatched customer service and knowledgeable technical support. With 6 installation locations around the globe, Golden Fuel Systems has helped thousands convert their diesel vehicles to run on SVO to avoid those costly fuel prices and lessen their environmental impact.


  • @Jaeh1
    @Jaeh1 16 років тому

    Valcent is pushing the edge of envelope with algae with their vertical process, which can be used to grow other crops as well. They have GREAT potential. I have heard about a company in CA that is building or built an algae oil refinery capable of processing 5 million gallons per month (don't quote me). A company in New Zealand has already gone commercial producing algae oil from municiple overflow sewage. Aquagrow or Aquaflow is the name of the company. MIT is tweeking a process as well.

  • @ezcondition
    @ezcondition 13 років тому

    man i've been saying this stuff since day one when those electric cars came out. you have to get the power from some where! their is always a trade off and it usually is no gain. great video, thanks a ton

  • @commandersprocket
    @commandersprocket 16 років тому

    I did some further research and their was a pilot plant launched in April 07. They had to shut it down because... get this... it was producing too much algae (and the algae extraction equipment was about twice as expensive as they thought it would be). Longer term that seems like a great problem to have, hopefully we'll see the extraction problem kicked.

  • @emiajyduj
    @emiajyduj 12 років тому

    I am all for new ideas :) How can we test this in smaller ( toy ) vehicles so people can loose the fear of unknown? Wishing you the best !

  • @steam0001
    @steam0001 16 років тому

    Hydogen works great in Greenland because they make electricty using geothermal sources.

  • @commandersprocket
    @commandersprocket 16 років тому

    It also works in Greenland (and Iceland) because they have low population to natural energy ratio (geothermal, wind, wave, small scale hydro).

  • @commandersprocket
    @commandersprocket 16 років тому

    Valcent Products (Vertigro) has developed a way to grow more algae in the same square footage of land (and with more automation). As far as I know they don't have data from a real pilot plant and there are some people that find their production estimates mathematically unlikely. I hope they're not just blowing marketing smoke, but until I see real results with cost/barrel equivalents I'm going to be skeptical (they've announced a running bio reactor but not results).

  • @McJenn2016
    @McJenn2016 12 років тому

    Algae, our future fuel for cars to planes.
    3 days to make, don't need open ponds, don't need a filed like corn or soybean, at least 3 countries are playing with algae plants to produce oil to be used for fuel like naval ships etc.
    There are sooo many websites about algae oil being used for a future fuel and many many youtube videos.
    There is one article where Obama was checking out the Bio-reactor for farming fuel, he was very very pleased :)
    but anyway,I love research and not being a sheeple :)

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 17 років тому

    The other problem with biofuels is that it means that cars will compete with people for food sources.
    To get a real concept of what kind of competition might happen, the grain used to fill a 25 gallon tank with biofuel could feed 1 person for a year.
    The amount of grain needed to fill that tank with Biofuel for 2 weeks could feed 26 people for a year.
    There is no way world grain suplies can replace 67 million barrels of oil the world uses a day to power there cars with a biofuel replacement

  • @walter0bz
    @walter0bz 15 років тому

    future of transport = bicycle, it's an amazing machine
    biofuel- 1 banana= 3-4miles

  • @seanotube85
    @seanotube85 16 років тому

    Actually by growing algae virtically, you can use cheap materials and increase the yield by increasing the surface area and volume of strains being exposed to sunlight. The ocean is probably the worst place to grow algae. secondly, solar power can already be (and has already been) used on individual houses to take them off the energy grid. Also, different algae strains can be used to produce different kinds of oil (jet engine oil, truck oil, diesel, ethanol etc.).

  • @McJenn2016
    @McJenn2016 12 років тому

    for algae oil, can be grown in tubes, so no forrest to be will be cut down or anything, as I am typing this, I am still watching the video, and I don't wanna forget what I will say

  • @walter0bz
    @walter0bz 14 років тому

    [math error - i really mean war of WW2's ballpark fatality rate lasting 50 yrs, not 1% per year]

  • @misterdix
    @misterdix 13 років тому

    No please Professor, give us your gift, I would love to learn more about biofules. In fact I think the most constructive thing you could do with your youtube time is correct the mistakes in length so we could all benefit. Main issue for me: the largest problems we have are pillaging of resources and suppression of alternatives. Big oil is destroying lives every day and Charles Anderson does the opposite. Big college destroys lives too so here's your chance to start the healing process. Teach us.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    Comment Directed Directly at video:
    1) The U.S. alone uses 7.7 billion gallons of Gasoline A DAY
    2) If we recycle all used Oil we can make 1 million gallons of Biodisel a year
    3)If we take all the crops the U.S. produce for A Year and turn it to Bio Diesel we can meet the 7.7 Billion gallons a day for 1 day
    4) If we could some how take all plant matter in all 50 states and turn it to Bio Diesel we can meet the 7.7 billion gallons a day for 1 day and a Half.
    2 words: Paddle Cars

  • @commandersprocket
    @commandersprocket 16 років тому

    Estimates for the cost of a gallon of gas inclusive of the cost to "protect" that oil are $8-$15. The US economy felt the initial shocks of becoming an oil importer in the 70s under
    Jimmy Carter, since then we've been living a "borrow and spend" lie.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    The U.S. Oil "Haabbit" is 1.2 billion gallons a day
    If you was to strip all the food crop at the moment, all the grass,the trees,the bushes,and other plant life in the united states and convert it into oil we can support the "Habbit" for exactly 1 and 1/2 day

  • @IAmYellowDuck
    @IAmYellowDuck 13 років тому

    @ misterdix. Since you asked, I am a university professor who teaches a course in crop-based biofuels. I am not a biofuels "supporter" (well, at least not corn ethanol), but that's not the point. The point is that there have been plenty of scholarly studies on the lifecycle energy balance and petroleum balance of ethanol and *none* of them come up with 3 gallons of petroleum to produce one gallon of ethanol - that number is just flat out wrong. Do you ever read actual research?

  • @commandersprocket
    @commandersprocket 16 років тому

    Some waste is (has become) recyclable, newer reactors are high temperature reactors (not generation I and II reactors like 3 mile island or Chernobyl). There is more than 100 years worth of uranium reserves. There are still huge questions about what to do with the waste. There is also potential for fusion (more likely Bussard/Farnsworth Fusor than the tokamak style fusion reactor) and some interesting theory and research on Thorium based reactors (safer, less radioactive, cheaper fuel)

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **Also, if you had a hybrid-biofuel car, you could get most of your energy from the power of the sun**
    With a trickle system and Electric motor drive, yes, that nobody ever tells you Electric motor systems cost about $5000-$20,000 making the Telsa Roadster $104,000 and While the Prias is Reasonable at $39,000 you need to do a $15,000 overhaul every 5000 miles (replacing batery array) and it is a "htbrid" so still pollutes and puts a shit load more used batteries into circulation

  • @MicrosoftsourceCode
    @MicrosoftsourceCode 17 років тому

    So much talk to explain something so simple. No wonder we can't solve problems but create them with more talk.

  • @cag66
    @cag66 16 років тому

    100 years of reserves is insignificant and thinking only 100 years in the future is very short term thinking given that the waste will cause trouble for thousands of years

  • @Wurdswurth
    @Wurdswurth 12 років тому

    54:13 Hey! It's Peter Sagal from "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!"

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    Okay please explain how permanent magnet generators would produce electricity and how your "energy loop" would function without violating the first law of thermodynamics, I am VERY curious about it.

  • @bretw
    @bretw 17 років тому

    It's like he's ABOUT to say something profound, but never gets to it!

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **I also hear that Nuclear costs too much.**
    And more importantly there is only maybe 10 years worth of Uranium in the world as it is a rare metal that comes from Meteor impacts

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    The daily world consumption is really more in the range of 85 millions barrel/day.
    The problem is you don't consider using industrial HEMP and things like bio-engineered switchgrass to provide biomass. You don't have to put fuel and food in competition. But one thing I agree with you about is that if India and China want the same standard of living as the USA, we will see (much worst) ressource wars. And lets not forget about the fresh water reserves.

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    Bikes are great for personal use but have some limitations. In Canada it gets -25 C degrees in winter. Winter bike ride? I think not. Also consider something like a forklift. How many humans would it take to replace the work done by a forklift on a single propane tank? Would you do a moving using bikes? One thing we could do without are huge SUVs with only one person sitting in it and not moving any materials, not very energy efficient. Bikes are great though, every little bit counts

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    And no I am not saying "wait until oil runs out" I am saying replacing gasoline and diesel with hemp gas and hemp diesel is silly
    I'm more along the lines of permanent magnet generators, kinetic-power-kinetic conductors and engines, and dynamos powering the cars with no need for anymore input then the driver or passengers initially paddling and then the spinning wheels and/or braking adding power to existing power in a potential to realized energy loop

  • @jasonpalth
    @jasonpalth 14 років тому

    @TheRealArchAngel Biofuel is not going to compete with food sources. America has such a large agri industry, it would definitely be able to support both. The real question is practicality. Whether or not the means to attain biofuel is worth its effects on the environment.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    pfft...the Average house's and Building's roof is usually unused space that Solar panels can be put on

  • @IAmYellowDuck
    @IAmYellowDuck 13 років тому

    Like, for starters, 2/3 of the energy that goes into ethanol production is used at the ethanol plant, and ethanol plants don't run on petroleum! Of the other 1/3, a big hunk of that is the energy to make nitrogen fertilizers to grow corn. Guess what? Not petroleum either - it's done with natural gas. There's very little petroleum in the whole process of ethanol production - a bit of diesel of farm machinery, for grain transport, fuel transport etc. It's just not a big input.

  • @McJenn2016
    @McJenn2016 12 років тому

    Wait a minute, I have a buddy that kinda own's a restrount where I used to work at...and mybe I can borrow his his frying experiment on my relative's old vehicles..

  • @IAmYellowDuck
    @IAmYellowDuck 13 років тому

    Misterdix, I'm sorry I insulted your friend. I am sure he has important skills and contributes in his way. In retrospect I regret using the term "crackpot". But honestly, if someone puts themself forward as an expert on a topic and seeks to instruct others with "informative seminars", but then a lot of what they say is demonstrably false, they can expect to be challenged. For the record, I found a lot more that "one detail of fault", but I won't waste any more time trying to convince you.

    @MrDANIELDMARTINRIOS 14 років тому

    acording to you we all ne walking in 20 years

  • @McJenn2016
    @McJenn2016 12 років тому

    Oh don't forget, we are cutting down sooo many trees to the point where there are more and more CO2 is still in the air AND don't forget more and more people being born to add up the CO2 emissions, so, you gotta have a forethought there

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    "There is no getting around the laws of thermodynamics space cadet"
    Again, the regenerative properties of the Potential-Kenetic-potential loop has nothing to do with thermaldynamics
    "unless you live in a frictionless world (which you don't), every mecanism you use will transfer energy as friction therefore reducing the initial amount of energy applied to the mecanism thru heat loss."
    Ah,firstly friction slows motion which causes heat build up with loss of motion
    2nd, friction accounted in loop

  • @Buffalochips68
    @Buffalochips68 12 років тому

    It would be IF bio-diesel was100% bio... most being used in Canada today are only 20-40%. Algae COULD be an answer but there again they are trying to create oil, which they havent found a good strain to produce. However it seems that there is no money available to promote algae for bio-gas, which IS a viable low cost home grown available personal fuel source.

  • @misterdix
    @misterdix 13 років тому

    @IAmYellowDuck A few of my least favorite people are university professors. Don't get me started on the collegiate-profit conspiracy and the misinformation-curriculum. I find it predictable that a college professor teaching crop-based biofules would find one detail of fault with Charles Anderson and right off his entire career and effect on the world by labeling him a "crackpot." As the old saying goes, "Those who can't do, teach." I'm sure this is a very proud moment for your tenure. Enjoy it.

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    i think you should google : the great global warming swindle, you'll like it.

  • @drummerben04
    @drummerben04 10 років тому

    Hemp would produce way more ethanol than corn. Ever wonder why it's illegal?

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **Punjabi (44:00) sounded like he was sent from the petroleum company**
    It is always cute when someone thinks Oil companies care about, control, or are involved with the Gasoline Industry...just 1 industry they sell 67 millons Barrels of oil a day to at $4.70 a Barrel
    They also sell 83 million barrels a day to Plastic,Syntheic rubber,Vynil,Latex,polyester,carbon fiber and other product makers that make their products from Oil and melting steel and blowing glass can't be done by wind/

  • @NatTuck
    @NatTuck 17 років тому

    I hear that nuclear power exists.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    There is not enough Industrial hemp and Switchgrass to replace 85 million barrels A DAY
    Striping all biomass on earth at the moment and turning it to "biofuel" could only make enough fuel for 1 1/2 day...then were fucked (not counting the amount of energy it takes to make the fuel at abot a 5 gallons of fossil fuel for 1 gallon of "biofuel which would put true production at a 4x loss )

  • @nataliyanataliya333
    @nataliyanataliya333 17 років тому

    For an alternative way of fueling your car, please typein your google browser the following: "runacaronwaterfuel"

  • @juggernautxtr
    @juggernautxtr 15 років тому

    i second that.
    when you think about green technology all the companies selling products are using power to create their product. thus you just tripled co2 out put including that POS prius that you drive.

  • @walter0bz
    @walter0bz 14 років тому

    @gillisledoux007 -
    yes thats *exactly* what I think.
    I do think you're right canada scores high on hospitability releative to other places.. there will be people fighting to the death to get in.
    (obviously there's an optimum lattitude)
    1billion in 2100, unless fusion (& I beleive societal collapse / breakdown of global trade will make it harder to solve).
    Only question is will billions die off in one catastrophe, or maybe we'll have something like WW2 lasting 50 years, killing ~1% per year

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **We can even build giant solar panels in outer-space to gather much stronger sun energy.**
    Love the Idea
    Show me a working prototype that wont be
    1) Destroyed by micro meteors and flying space space junk micro-debrie....the glass components will need to be replaced..the technology exists today
    2) A viable power relay sytem...or are we sticking a 5 mile extention cord between a ground base and the Space Solar panel?

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 17 років тому

    Oh and a Barrel is 47 gallons so that is a shit load of Corn oil...more then the world can even harvest just for food

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    I you want maximum crop yield of hemp for maximum yield of oil you are going to need fertile lands,fertilizers and right medicines
    Putting hemp on crappy land and not using fertilizer lowers yield and quality
    We live in what modern Archeologists call the "Oil Age" as all technology,including biofuels takes X amount of oil; to use and in my theoretical example making 85 million barrels of hemp oil will take 455 million barrels worth of oil to make

  • @MicrosoftsourceCode
    @MicrosoftsourceCode 17 років тому

    Young people do not give themselves the change to grow up and enjoy life and sex without having babies. Babies when born are cute and nice until they become young adults. More humans mean more exploitation of the plant to feed there needs. The easier things are made for humans the more they want.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    the "laws" Thermodynamics deals with heat exchange not potental to kenetic loops
    That Sames poles repel can be harness into kinetic motion and angling a series of like poles can keep the kinetic motion going after the initial twirl...the kenetic motion is then harness by a generator
    Generators on the wheel axis independent of the motor driving the car can harness the kenetic motioon of just driving while mini generatoirs in the baraking system can generate energy burst from stopping

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    Guess what genius, where there is friction there is heat so the 1st law of thermodynamics does apply to what you describe.
    Secondly, kinetic motion is a pleonasm. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion and since energy cannot be "created" but only be transferred at some point energy must've been applied to the object for it to get in motion.
    I think what you're trying to explain is similar to mag-lev tech. but forget about perpetual motion machines

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    Just because you state that growing hemp would require a 5:1 fossil fuel energy input doesnt make it a fact. Not all biofuels are greated equal. You could use crop rotation and replace fallow by a crop of hemp and the land would be fine. Hemp requires minimal fertilizers (about 200lbs/acre) and no herbicides/pesticides at all, period. Hempfields grow in the 150-200 plants/yard^2 density range!! Imagine how much oil and fibre just 1 acre would yield!! Don't take me for a fool.

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    Do you really believe that a freaking acre of corn only produces 18 gallons of oil a year?
    Go to the supermarket and check out how many gallons of cornoil there are on the shelves. Then think of how many groceries stores there are in the US and how many freaking acres of cornfields you would need to fill those shelves with cornoil selling at just $5/gal. The 18 gal/acre/year number has to be way off target my friend.

  • @gillisledoux007
    @gillisledoux007 14 років тому

    First of all hemp doesnt require fertilizers or pesticides to grow so i don't know where you take the 5:1 energy ratio. It's not grown on a massive scale in the USA so that doesnt help either. Every little bit counts. Listening to you, all we can do is wait until the end of fossil fuels and then cry. Lets do nothing, nothing is good enough to fix the problem, right? The idea is not to strip the planet of all biomass at once but to gradually incorporate biofuels in the system.

  • @amanbe25
    @amanbe25 17 років тому

    "ONLY" ? Try again...

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    1) Oil companies sells oil to Hundreds of Industries that make products from oil & gasoline Manufactures are just one & while it is true you see their names on Gas stations & they have some Refinery subdivisions 95% of gas stations and 99% of Gas Wholesalers are individual or family owned businesses,so it is funny you are accusing me of working for a oil company which does not make or sell or set the price of gas.
    2) Answer is 281,050,000 acres to grow enough Alge.
    3) show me you prototype

  • @seanotube85
    @seanotube85 16 років тому

    Which oil company do you work for? I was hoping someone like you would respond to this. Good plan! blame these "environuts" for all our problems. lick my environuts dude. You don't grow algae in the ocean. You grow it veritically using an enclosed bio-reactor systems, which means you can have hundreds of layers of plastic algae containers against one another (that would be hundreds of acres in a much smaller space). What is your problem with paying less for oil, and creating competitive markets?

  • @misterdix
    @misterdix 13 років тому

    @echosyst @echosyst What is your point, that there is still money to be made by the oil industry? Duh! Its not about that, we are trying to change how we consume, waste and effect our fellow humans all over the world including ourselves. How can you not understand the implications of the next generation of energy on our tiny planet. Please wake up, we need everyone to understand and change.

  • @seanotube85
    @seanotube85 16 років тому

    Hahah! Sorry, but I did not number my reply in the form of questions firstly, and secondly, I don't know how you pulled that random number out of your ass! But it's all good. Also, if you had a hybrid-biofuel car, you could get most of your energy from the power of the sun (if we ever invest in this) while a much smaller fraction would be powered by algae fuels. So theoretically the number would be much smaller than however you came up with yours.
    1)what if they bought eco-friendly oil instead??

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    "As soon as you're able to move an SUV with 2 people in it using paddling and permanent magnet generators be sure to post a vid champ''
    Adverting in posts is considering "spamming", so will understand if I don't mention the Electric car design plans by name,the price I charge,or my website(smirk)
    "While we wait, let us think about realistic solutions you clown":
    I'll tell you one that is not a realistic replacement for gasoline,Disel,or coal......"Biofuels" (other uses for oil derivatives aside)

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    10,000 gallons per acre per year eh?
    You do know the 67 million barells of oil a day is 47 gallons each and of that 38 gallons per a barrel is used as 2,546,000,000 of gasoline worldwide A DAY (yes 2 trillion and a half gallons of gasoline A DAY)
    do you have any Idea how much arces we have to dedicate to growing alge.
    How are we going to do that without 1 fucken Evironut organization or other complaining about it effecting the Enviroment like they do with windmills,Solar panels,and such?

  • @philstat100
    @philstat100 7 років тому +1

    With algae 50,000 gallons of alcohol every 2 weeks per acre? That large number greatly exceeds what others say the algae will produce per year. Where is the truth. I liked everything else. I did not give a thumbs up or down because of the algae information and the other good information. The Jury is still out.

    • @brianmagee6595
      @brianmagee6595 7 років тому

      phillip staton Do you think that Algae has potential because I know some people within the biofuel community that feel it is not practical. And others that wish to see it be used to not only create clean energy but clean water to from waste and saline water production.

    • @philstat100
      @philstat100 7 років тому +1

      Hi Brian: I think that You misunderstood me, Or I phrased my comment wrong. Here goes. He said that one acre of algae would produce 50, 000 gallons of alcohol every TWO WEEKS. If I recall correctly. Others say around 5,000 gallons per acre every YEAR! A big difference on both quantity and frequency. That is where I question the information. I do not question any of the benefits of what the algae can do to the water at this time. Practical does matter. I can use a magnifying glass to heat water to make electricity, and the steam would return to the atmosphere and make clouds to make rain. Very beneficial and very unpractical.

    • @brianmagee6595
      @brianmagee6595 7 років тому

      phillip staton May I ask how is using water to make electrify unpractical. And using water with algae to make energy and water practical. Because the water from Electricty makes more sense.
      And I don't know how practical and realistic the growing of algae is, considering it is based on the natural function of solar energy. The only ones that make sense is Kelp.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 14 років тому

    "Do you really consider yourself as Einstein 2.0?"
    No, I can tie my shoe laces and comb my hair,and math is my weaker subject (smirk)
    "f you are truly at the edge of modern science what are you doing wasting your time on a fukin youtube biofuels message post?"
    killing time
    "What do you want to prove?"
    "Okay so now you can explain the nature of gravity"
    Its the reaction of a Mass' electromagnetic field on all other masses' electromagnetic fields,not it's "own force"

  • @ResaRestart
    @ResaRestart 13 років тому

    the oil is like nukliar waists that peole dump underground but oil is placed there by aliens :D:D:D justa litle vierd dought

  • @IAmYellowDuck
    @IAmYellowDuck 13 років тому

    Wow, just watched this. The guy is totally wrong on so many points. Example: Three gallons of petroleum to produce 1 gallon of ethanol? He encourages others to "do their research", but he is spouting piles of misinformation. There have been a number of great life cycle analyses done on corn ethanol and they generally show a slightly positive energy balance (about 20%) and a hugely positive petroleum replacement value (about 8:1). Sorry, this guy is a crackpot.

  • @hereiam355
    @hereiam355 17 років тому

    Mind-numbingly underwhelming and unconvincing. Technically short-sighted and lacks grasp of industry trends, "the big picture", but is most importantly suffocating from a dearth of data.

  • @misterdix
    @misterdix 13 років тому

    @IAmYellowDuck Your husband works for exxon? Corn lobbyist? Calling "the guy" a "crackpot" bc u differ on the "facts" of corn ethanol makes you look like one of the ignorant yokels the rest of us pity on a daily basis. Charles Anderson started his company Golden Fuel Systems (GFS) ten years ago and holds the distinction of having converted more varied types of diesel engines than any other company world wide. Which means he is changing the world on a daily basis. What do you do?

  • @hereiam355
    @hereiam355 17 років тому

    Mind-numbingly underwhelming and unconvincing. Technically shortsighted and lacks grasp of industry trends, "the big picture" or "the long view", but most importantly sports a conspicuous dearth of data.