We've missed you Hamed... Don't forget to like and comment on the video to to please the Algorithm Gods!!! ❤ [0:00] How Médéa and Mouin heard about Hamed’s return [3:21] How does it feel to be back after more than 3 years [8:08] What happened in Jordan and the domino effect [12:40] Hamed discusses his unique singing style and accent [17:46] How and Why Mashrou’ Leila was so different [27:10] How the Mashrou’ got started [29:12] The ugly side of criticism [39:19] What happened in Byblos Festival, Lebanon 2019 [52:28] A concert of 35,000 people in Egypt & Sarah Hegazi [57:59] The Future of Mashrou’ Leila? [1:07:40] Would Hamed have done things differently? [1:14:49] What is Hamed Working On Now? [1:22:26] Art after August 4th 2020 [1:25:50] Hamed’s advice to upcoming artists [1:29:27] Hamed’s message of hope
I want to give him a hug and tell him that he's doing so well. I am very proud of the person he is and his mental approach he's adopted. If anything, I'd tell him not to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and to accept what's happened and attempt to move past it. This man is a creative genius and I am so excited to see what his next mashrou' will be. Hate how we've been robbed of his band's music and wish for a day where creatives are left to their own devices and allowed to come up with the most provocative art they could put forth. Art is meant to be provocative and should stir something in the beholders. Let us have enjoy art, Hamed's art, in peace.
This is so sad yet beautiful, It's amazing to listen to such a passionate real artist and amazing human being! We will always be grateful for Mashrou' Leila, you can never imagine the real impact you had on my life! sending you lots of love
دخلت سنه جديده وستيل بسمع اغاني المشروع اكنها اول مره، ساعات ببقى عايزه اتف على بلدي هوليود العرب بمنعها عقلية وفكر سياسي فني زي ده، الجرأة والشجاعة بتاعتكم والطاقه اللي بتحضر في الكونسرت نفسي اشوفها، اخاف المشروع يرجع اشوف عيونكم عيون غريبه مفيهاش كل الطاقه اللي كنت بحسها، كمية الدراما اللي بتعرضلها كل ما اشوف المشروع زمان ودلوقتي بجد ازاي، اتمنى المشروع يبقى بخير وحامد بخير
Sending love from Egypt, from a fan base that you've touched with every song of yours; you weren't the infrastructure of any of our problems, you were the medicine that healed us from the damage that was already done and the reason we have hope, and I have hope that one day I'll wake up in a better world where the band that stirred up all of these emotions inside us with their music makes a comeback and once again frees us. May each and every one of you achieve all of the success, happiness, and peace that you deserve❤️
With my heart in hand, I thank you for being who you are and for giving so much to the world. Your music and your big heart will always be in the lives of thousands of people. And for me, even though I don't speak Arabic, you don't know everything that moves your music in me. Thank you for giving us your talent.
It was a sad episode. We did not talk about their success, how they changed the music industry in Lebanon and how they still have an audience till now. We love you and we still have hope that you will come back one day!
Hamed had a lot to get off his chest. We let him speak his truth, although we DID speak on the uniqueness of Mashrou' Leila and their success for a good period of time, there were still a lot of unanswered questions that he wanted to clear up. Perhaps next time he comes things would be different, but this episode was about closure.
@@ur.cristiiano.o 1. Blasphemy still exists. Even if the west and some European countries have gotten more liberal with this kind of thing and don't care if someone straight up insults let's say Jesus in front of their face. There are still people in those countries that take offense of that. And in non western countries, much more take even more offense to such blasphemy. Especially in countries like Lebanon, you can't offend half of Lebanon and say "blasphemy doesn't exist anymore, it's 2022". In fact this was even an insult to muslims, since they respect Mary and Christ. 2. They should have some respect for half of the population of their own country, what they did it totally unacceptable and the response they got from Christians was totally deserved. 3. Hamed sinno shared a photo in Instagram (or other platforms, don't remember) of an Icon of Mary and Christ, Byzantine Icon specifically, but he replaced the face of Mary with a picture of Madonna's face. This is total disrespect for the whole Christian community in Lebanon.
I don't speak a word of Arabic . . . ok, maybe three words, but I absolutely adore Mashrou Leila. I have followed them ever since I first heard their music in the movie, May in the Summer. I was fortunate enough to see them live in Detroit and it was spectacular. The entire audience was mesmerized. It breaks my heart that they disbanded.
Despite his immense pain, Hamed will eventually bring to life transformative music & lyrics that will be remembered for years to come ✨ Thank you Sarde for another wonderful episode.
What a beautiful episode! It is everything: sad, humorous, and painfully honest. Thank you, and on behalf of so many, we can't wait to see you and listen to you again
The way he talks and the way he puts things into words and expresses his feelings has always captivated me. He's a lyrical genius but honestly, Mashrou 'Leila has always created the most powerful and magnetic music I've ever listened to;seeing how much Light his face exudes gives me hope I could see them live someday somewhere (it would honestly be a dream come true) All the best wishes, love and support from Barcelona🤲🏼💙
It hurts me to see how much he’s affected and hurt. He’s little chocking on his own words and it’s so sad. All the love to you hamed hbb, you’re really strong! ♥️♥️♥️
I’m watching this in tears , كتير كنت حابة أحضرلكم حفلة و اللي صار بالأردن جداً سيء . I’m heartbroken yet thankful and grateful for every time listening to your songs made my life easier بحبك حامد و بحب مشروع ليلى و بحبكم سردة و شكراً عهاد البودكاست
حدا متل حامد سنو مو ممكن يوقف عن انو يعمل موسيقى لانو الموسيقى هوس عم يمشي بجسمو.. He just can't stop making art ! رح تضل اغاني الفرقة صديقتنا ❤ و وين ما كنت و شو ما عملت نحنا عم نسمعك بكل حب و حيوية ❤️
I JUST wanna cry (already crying) مشروع ليلى وقت عرفتهم في 2014 كنت بس 13، أعتقد كل ثورة ورفض ورأي اتخذته بإرادتي من وقتها كان صوت حامد بحفلة بعلبك في خلفية حياتي "بتفوت وبتفرد جناحك والي عجبه عجبه والي ما عجبه ينقبر يبلط للبحر لأن عندك مليون شغله بحياتك ومانك هتنقبر توقف" I WAS VERY LOUD TEENAGER بس بعدين مشروع ليلى اتمنعوا بمصر و I went silent you can barely hear my voice now بحس العالم سكتني زي ما سكت مشروع ليلى بأخر 4 سنين كنت دايمًا بدور على الشخص المزعج المعترض والوقح بقلبي بس خلاص ضاع اليوم أنا 21 أعتقد كانت شخصيتي المراهقة هي MY ROLE MODEL كانت أكثر شجاعة من شخصية اليوم، كان بدي غير العالم بس اليوم العالم غيرنا كلنا THE END OF ERA thanks mashrou' leila and thanks hamed thanks to you, I'll always remember my great old self IT WAS A GREAT LEILA "NIGHT"
الكومنت حقك رجعلي انا كمان ارشيف ال old self القوية الثورية والشجاعة اكثر تأثرت من الكمية الكبيرة من التغيير اللي انا فيه "كان بدي غير العالم مش عارف كيف العالم غيرني"
thank u guys for everything u do and thank u so so much for hamed and mashrou’ leila as a whole, for being so open, honest and not giving in to the conventional expectations and people’s bullshit opinions… thank u for staying and fighting
الكاتب اللي قصدك عليه في الدقيقة ٤٦:٠٦ هو فرج فودة، والكتاب هو "الحقيقة الغائبة" والمتهم لما القاضي سأله اذا كان قرأ الكتاب قال له انه أمي (لا يعرف القراءة ولا الكتابة).
Just went back to the best moments i had, at your concerts ♥️ in Byblos, Ehden, Amsheet, Beirut (at Valentine’s day) and many more 🇱🇧♥️ You guys gave us hope. Missing you is just so painful 💔
كتير منحبك ودايمًا رح ندعمك حامد، كنت دايمًا ادور على مقابلات إلك بس للأسف ما كنت ألاقي ف حابة اشكر البودكاست على استضافتك لإني كنت حابة كتيييير أعرفك اكتر، كلمات اغانيك عاشوا معي وعاشوا جواتي، بتمنى انكم ترجعوا حتى لو من امريكا ومن بعيد مش رح يأثر هاد الاشي على مدى قربكم لأفكار العرب الأحرار، بالفترة الي تعرفت فيها على مشروع ليلى كنت كتير حابة أسمع لحن مختلف وكلمات مختلفة وحابة حدا يحكي بالقضايا الي عنجد بتتحكم بحياتنا وبتمسنا وبتصنع يومنا ومسؤولة الى حد كبير عن مستقبلنا كشباب عرب بس اغلب المغنيين العرب المشهورين كانوا يغنوا بمواضيع تافهة، عرفتكم لما كان عمري ١٤ ومستمرة لليوم معكم بعمر ١٨ واعتقد دايمًا، يارب ترجعوا🥹🇵🇸❤️❤️❤️
Hamed, Mashrou' Leila was a bright lantern in a long, dark alley. Thank you and every member of the band for existing. You helped me and countless other people. I'd love to give you a big, long hug, friend. Also, to quote one of your songs, "the mushrooms have started to grow, tomorrow we inherit the earth."
I don’t care what he is or who he likes I LOVE THEIR MUSIC and Hamid is so talented and the whole band brought new amazing beautiful type of music and Arabic songs we need them back!
4:28 حامد:بدكم ننطر هيدا الشي معين: لا بعتقد عم يزمروا بس المايكروفونز ما بيلقطوا هيدا الشي so it's fine حامد: اكيد؟ معين * بيهز راسه بكل ثقة * ضحكت بشكل 🤣🤣🤣❤️
back in the days when you first started I went to one of your very first concerts when you had maybe 2 or 3 songs. I remember one of the guys in the group his dad was there and kept on showing us pictures of you guys and he was so proud of all of you. it was my very first time watching a concert and I felt so happy.
It’s heartbreaking to listen that you guys decided to end the band. Nevertheless thanks a lot for all the music and the beautiful memories you created with us, these things won’t be robbed from us and your music will live on ❤️❤️ Good luck for every member of the band 🙏🏼🙏🏼 All the love ❤️❤️
Sardé is important for Lebanon. Mashrou’ Laila is (was?) important for Lebanon (and the Middle East!) Hamed Sinno is important for Lebanon (and the Middle East) This episode is important! 🙏
A really sincere and moving conversation. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have discovered Mashrou Leila and the raw authenticity and bravery that Hamed's artwork embodies. You, all together with your colleagues, won the hearts of many people across the world, empowering them rather than making them feel alone and isolated. Even just knowing that you were attempting to address issues that had been heavily buried under an authoritarian government is reason enough to admire all you did, which is truly courageous on many levels. The impact you have made is very important and significant. I truly wish you all the best in your future endeavors.🌻 ❤
Ma ba3rif shu kenet 3melet bala sarde ba3rd l3asha ana w hon bl 8erbe. Merci ktir la kel jhoudkon Médéa w Mouin w your great choice of guests❤️❤️ sending love from Poland❤️
انا من مغرب و مغاربة كانو من اشد داعمين و مزالين داعمين لمشروع ليلى في بداياتها و من ثم العالم العربي اتمنى ان احضر لكم في امريكان و بالمغرب عن قريب يارب i m spechelss صراحة لانو بودكاست مو عاديي حامل لكثير من احاسيس في كيان شكرا لHameed شكرا لسردة احبكم 🤍💫 اتمنى من لبنان تصبح اقوى و ترجع افضل بافضل هي و شعبها وترجع مشروع ليلى لأحضان احبابها (جمهورها)
we all still miss every single one of mashrou' leila and we hope you back and the area and the streets in Egypt really wants you to back and help us again with new songs
So much love for hamed and for mashrou3 layla ❤️❤️❤️ Eventhough this episode was heartbreaking it was so good to see hamed again We lost a lot of things as lebanese in the past years and the loss of mashru3 layla is as sad but we have to accept and respect their path.. as your audience we could have made it easier and better for you guys ❤️
One of the greatest episodes, because he was so authentic and real! It's clear that he was in a depression and now in the process of healing. Normally people share their success with others, he had the courage to share what he's going through. Thanks to all Sarde Team for this great Episode
Watching Hamed after those years felt real Sad.. 1st we miss you 2nd in the hard times your songs and your voice were a relief to me Hamed we love you and the legacy of mashrou3 leila will remain
Have no words to describe how seeing and hearing this feels.. It is indeed a blessing to see Hamed back, and to have you Medea&Mouin to bring him out on a screen for the rest of us (L)
We've missed you Hamed... Don't forget to like and comment on the video to to please the Algorithm Gods!!! ❤
[0:00] How Médéa and Mouin heard about Hamed’s return
[3:21] How does it feel to be back after more than 3 years
[8:08] What happened in Jordan and the domino effect
[12:40] Hamed discusses his unique singing style and accent
[17:46] How and Why Mashrou’ Leila was so different
[27:10] How the Mashrou’ got started
[29:12] The ugly side of criticism
[39:19] What happened in Byblos Festival, Lebanon 2019
[52:28] A concert of 35,000 people in Egypt & Sarah Hegazi
[57:59] The Future of Mashrou’ Leila?
[1:07:40] Would Hamed have done things differently?
[1:14:49] What is Hamed Working On Now?
[1:22:26] Art after August 4th 2020
[1:25:50] Hamed’s advice to upcoming artists
[1:29:27] Hamed’s message of hope
I just wanna thank sarde for having this great human being in the podcast.. Sarde you are always amazing
اكيد الجمهور ضل، ورح يبق ♥️🌸
انتي سورية اختي ؟
الى نهاية عمري راح اظل بيق فان لمشروع ليلى وما راح افقد اليأس ان ممكن اسمع لهم شي جديد والبوم جديد🪄🫂
I want to give him a hug and tell him that he's doing so well. I am very proud of the person he is and his mental approach he's adopted. If anything, I'd tell him not to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and to accept what's happened and attempt to move past it. This man is a creative genius and I am so excited to see what his next mashrou' will be. Hate how we've been robbed of his band's music and wish for a day where creatives are left to their own devices and allowed to come up with the most provocative art they could put forth. Art is meant to be provocative and should stir something in the beholders. Let us have enjoy art, Hamed's art, in peace.
This is so sad yet beautiful, It's amazing to listen to such a passionate real artist and amazing human being! We will always be grateful for Mashrou' Leila, you can never imagine the real impact you had on my life! sending you lots of love
دخلت سنه جديده وستيل بسمع اغاني المشروع اكنها اول مره، ساعات ببقى عايزه اتف على بلدي هوليود العرب بمنعها عقلية وفكر سياسي فني زي ده، الجرأة والشجاعة بتاعتكم والطاقه اللي بتحضر في الكونسرت نفسي اشوفها، اخاف المشروع يرجع اشوف عيونكم عيون غريبه مفيهاش كل الطاقه اللي كنت بحسها، كمية الدراما اللي بتعرضلها كل ما اشوف المشروع زمان ودلوقتي بجد ازاي، اتمنى المشروع يبقى بخير وحامد بخير
لن ينتهي المشروع ياليلى..فنحن أجيال❤️...
ايري بالليلى تبعك
Guys grow up already, return to Allah
@@Sarathecat537 not everybody cares about your god accept it
I was one of the foreigners who came to one of the Mashrou concerts in the US despite (barely) understanding the lyrics, and it was transcendent.
Sending love from Egypt, from a fan base that you've touched with every song of yours; you weren't the infrastructure of any of our problems, you were the medicine that healed us from the damage that was already done and the reason we have hope, and I have hope that one day I'll wake up in a better world where the band that stirred up all of these emotions inside us with their music makes a comeback and once again frees us. May each and every one of you achieve all of the success, happiness, and peace that you deserve❤️
الجمهور عمرو ما يروح راح نضل ع طول نتسنى ونسمع مشروع ليلى لأن هي الفرقة لوحيدة لي تذكرنا كيف كانت الموسيقى تأثر فينا 🥹🕊️♥️
With my heart in hand, I thank you for being who you are and for giving so much to the world. Your music and your big heart will always be in the lives of thousands of people. And for me, even though I don't speak Arabic, you don't know everything that moves your music in me. Thank you for giving us your talent.
It was a sad episode. We did not talk about their success, how they changed the music industry in Lebanon and how they still have an audience till now.
We love you and we still have hope that you will come back one day!
How did they change the music industry in lebanon?
Didn't mention how they blasphemed too.
@@orthodoxouwatje4632 bro if you still think blasphemy is something real in 2022 idk what to say... please stop being brainwashed
Hamed had a lot to get off his chest. We let him speak his truth, although we DID speak on the uniqueness of Mashrou' Leila and their success for a good period of time, there were still a lot of unanswered questions that he wanted to clear up. Perhaps next time he comes things would be different, but this episode was about closure.
1. Blasphemy still exists. Even if the west and some European countries have gotten more liberal with this kind of thing and don't care if someone straight up insults let's say Jesus in front of their face. There are still people in those countries that take offense of that. And in non western countries, much more take even more offense to such blasphemy. Especially in countries like Lebanon, you can't offend half of Lebanon and say "blasphemy doesn't exist anymore, it's 2022". In fact this was even an insult to muslims, since they respect Mary and Christ.
2. They should have some respect for half of the population of their own country, what they did it totally unacceptable and the response they got from Christians was totally deserved.
3. Hamed sinno shared a photo in Instagram (or other platforms, don't remember) of an Icon of Mary and Christ, Byzantine Icon specifically, but he replaced the face of Mary with a picture of Madonna's face. This is total disrespect for the whole Christian community in Lebanon.
I don't speak a word of Arabic . . . ok, maybe three words, but I absolutely adore Mashrou Leila. I have followed them ever since I first heard their music in the movie, May in the Summer. I was fortunate enough to see them live in Detroit and it was spectacular. The entire audience was mesmerized. It breaks my heart that they disbanded.
يا الله يا حامد شو اشتقنالك و قديش لازم نشكر معين و ماديا ❤️
Despite his immense pain, Hamed will eventually bring to life transformative music & lyrics that will be remembered for years to come ✨ Thank you Sarde for another wonderful episode.
What a beautiful episode! It is everything: sad, humorous, and painfully honest. Thank you, and on behalf of so many, we can't wait to see you and listen to you again
The way he talks and the way he puts things into words and expresses his feelings has always captivated me. He's a lyrical genius but honestly, Mashrou 'Leila has always created the most powerful and magnetic music I've ever listened to;seeing how much Light his face exudes gives me hope I could see them live someday somewhere (it would honestly be a dream come true)
All the best wishes, love and support from Barcelona🤲🏼💙
Hamed plz DONT STOP😢in this life there isn’t a PERFECT PERSON BUT A VERY SPECIAL ONE AND YOU ARE ❤
It hurts me to see how much he’s affected and hurt. He’s little chocking on his own words and it’s so sad. All the love to you hamed hbb, you’re really strong! ♥️♥️♥️
This interview did not disappoint. The mind behind the songs is even more brilliant!!
I’m watching this in tears , كتير كنت حابة أحضرلكم حفلة و اللي صار بالأردن جداً سيء .
I’m heartbroken yet thankful and grateful for every time listening to your songs made my life easier
بحبك حامد و بحب مشروع ليلى و بحبكم سردة و شكراً عهاد البودكاست
me too .. للأسف كان من ضمن مخططاتي المستقبيلة إني أحضر حفلة لمشروع ليلى وهالمخطط من 6 سنين وحامد كان هوه مثل ما بيحكوا حب الطفولة ولساته ..
No one can admit how much we love you guys❤️ you made a huge impact on our lives..
I still can't believe it! It's time for a reunification of Mashrou'leila.
We need it !!
@@mariam3412 More than ever
I'm so sorry abt what happened in Egypt we still love y'all and you have more fans after what happened. I wish u could get back here
حدا متل حامد سنو مو ممكن يوقف عن انو يعمل موسيقى
لانو الموسيقى هوس عم يمشي بجسمو..
He just can't stop making art !
رح تضل اغاني الفرقة صديقتنا ❤
و وين ما كنت و شو ما عملت نحنا عم نسمعك بكل حب و حيوية ❤️
اللي فهمته من اللقاء ان بسبب كتر المشاكل ع كلمات اغانيه انسدت نفسه ع الكتابة
افتخر يا حامد فانت من أعظم شعراء هذا العصر، ستكون منارة الهاماً لأجيال قادمة وهذا ما سيذكره التاريخ.
اذا هذا إلهام للاجيال القادمة فأعتقد انك حفرتلهم مقبرتهم وهم م انولدوا!
شاعر مرة واحدة؟🤣
خليه يشعر برجولته بدل الانوثة بالاول بعدين يصير شاعر 😂😂😂
I JUST wanna cry (already crying)
مشروع ليلى وقت عرفتهم في 2014 كنت بس 13، أعتقد كل ثورة ورفض ورأي اتخذته بإرادتي من وقتها كان صوت حامد بحفلة بعلبك في خلفية حياتي "بتفوت وبتفرد جناحك والي عجبه عجبه والي ما عجبه ينقبر يبلط للبحر لأن عندك مليون شغله بحياتك ومانك هتنقبر توقف"
بس بعدين مشروع ليلى اتمنعوا بمصر و I went silent
you can barely hear my voice now
بحس العالم سكتني زي ما سكت مشروع ليلى بأخر 4 سنين كنت دايمًا بدور على الشخص المزعج المعترض والوقح بقلبي بس خلاص ضاع
اليوم أنا 21 أعتقد كانت شخصيتي المراهقة هي MY ROLE MODEL
كانت أكثر شجاعة من شخصية اليوم، كان بدي غير العالم بس اليوم العالم غيرنا كلنا
thanks mashrou' leila and thanks hamed
thanks to you, I'll always remember my great old self
الكومنت حقك رجعلي انا كمان ارشيف ال old self القوية الثورية والشجاعة اكثر تأثرت من الكمية الكبيرة من التغيير اللي انا فيه "كان بدي غير العالم مش عارف كيف العالم غيرني"
On a vraiment changé 🥺🥺
Love you 💕💕💕💕
وحشتنااااا كتيرررر حامد وراح نبقى موجودين ونسمع لمشروع ليلى فور ايفر
so much love ❤ so happy to find sarde!
I love the way Hamed expresses himself. He's so genuine and sweet❤️
He is an artist. Comes with pain not an easy road for him
اللقاء جداً هادئ وممتع وصريح💙 اتمنى كل التوفيق لكل اعضاء الفرقة بخطواتهم الجديدة
تحياتي لك من السعوديه 🇸🇦 امنيتي اغنيه رحده جديده لمشروع ليلى انا مرا احبكم
thank u guys for everything u do
and thank u so so much for hamed and mashrou’ leila as a whole, for being so open, honest and not giving in to the conventional expectations and people’s bullshit opinions… thank u for staying and fighting
الكاتب اللي قصدك عليه في الدقيقة ٤٦:٠٦ هو فرج فودة، والكتاب هو "الحقيقة الغائبة" والمتهم لما القاضي سأله اذا كان قرأ الكتاب قال له انه أمي (لا يعرف القراءة ولا الكتابة).
يارب احضر حفلة لمشروع ليلى يوما ما
Just went back to the best moments i had, at your concerts ♥️ in Byblos, Ehden, Amsheet, Beirut (at Valentine’s day) and many more 🇱🇧♥️ You guys gave us hope. Missing you is just so painful 💔
i'm so sorry for the backlash you had to go through. love you from jordan❤
كتير منحبك ودايمًا رح ندعمك حامد، كنت دايمًا ادور على مقابلات إلك بس للأسف ما كنت ألاقي ف حابة اشكر البودكاست على استضافتك لإني كنت حابة كتيييير أعرفك اكتر، كلمات اغانيك عاشوا معي وعاشوا جواتي، بتمنى انكم ترجعوا حتى لو من امريكا ومن بعيد مش رح يأثر هاد الاشي على مدى قربكم لأفكار العرب الأحرار، بالفترة الي تعرفت فيها على مشروع ليلى كنت كتير حابة أسمع لحن مختلف وكلمات مختلفة وحابة حدا يحكي بالقضايا الي عنجد بتتحكم بحياتنا وبتمسنا وبتصنع يومنا ومسؤولة الى حد كبير عن مستقبلنا كشباب عرب بس اغلب المغنيين العرب المشهورين كانوا يغنوا بمواضيع تافهة، عرفتكم لما كان عمري ١٤ ومستمرة لليوم معكم بعمر ١٨ واعتقد دايمًا، يارب ترجعوا🥹🇵🇸❤️❤️❤️
Hamed, Mashrou' Leila was a bright lantern in a long, dark alley.
Thank you and every member of the band for existing.
You helped me and countless other people.
I'd love to give you a big, long hug, friend.
Also, to quote one of your songs, "the mushrooms have started to grow, tomorrow we inherit the earth."
شكراً حامد ❤❤ وشكرا شباب، انترفيو بشل، حامد انت حدا من أيقوناتي المفضلة
Rewatching before tonight's episode ❤
كل دعمي لك يا حامد ✊✊✊
Thank you.. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️ miss you Hamid and all the best on the next chapter
Great podcast, sending love from Palestine 🇵🇸
I don’t care what he is or who he likes I LOVE THEIR MUSIC and Hamid is so talented and the whole band brought new amazing beautiful type of music and Arabic songs we need them back!
حامد:بدكم ننطر هيدا الشي
معين: لا بعتقد عم يزمروا بس المايكروفونز ما بيلقطوا هيدا الشي so it's fine
حامد: اكيد؟
معين * بيهز راسه بكل ثقة *
ضحكت بشكل 🤣🤣🤣❤️
back in the days when you first started I went to one of your very first concerts when you had maybe 2 or 3 songs. I remember one of the guys in the group his dad was there and kept on showing us pictures of you guys and he was so proud of all of you. it was my very first time watching a concert and I felt so happy.
بحب مشروع ليلى من قلبي لان مشروعهم يكسر قيود داخلك يخليك تفكر بنفسك بالابدكيا شي. جدا مميز لافيو من قلبي
It’s heartbreaking to listen that you guys decided to end the band.
Nevertheless thanks a lot for all the music and the beautiful memories you created with us, these things won’t be robbed from us and your music will live on ❤️❤️
Good luck for every member of the band 🙏🏼🙏🏼
All the love ❤️❤️
It's so great that it has English subtitles. Love this channel.
شكرا لكم ، حلقة ممتعة ، تحياتي من المغرب ، مشروع ليلى ستظلون دائما في القلب ♡
Everything started going downhill after 2019 but he instilled hope in all of us, i hope he’s proud of himself.
I wish this interview were for 3 hours. It was very cathartic.
We love you Hamed 😍 much love from Jordan 🇯🇴 ❤️ 🇱🇧
يا زلمه عيلتك اسمها نابلسي شو الي من جوردن انت فلسطيني اردني
@@Palestiniandanahطيب ولا تزعل أنا اردنيه كح و much love hamed from Jordan 🙌
طيب عملو تجربة صغيرة وسريعة.. عملو غنية شغلة دقيقتين حسيتو انو ممكن ترجعو للفرقة اوكي رجعو حسيتو انو مستحيل فيكن تعملو اكتر من هي الغنية ماعاد تعملو.. عملو تجربة صغيرة.. بعتقد فهمت عليي حامد.. بأختصار صفحة جديدة❤️
Sardé is important for Lebanon.
Mashrou’ Laila is (was?) important for Lebanon (and the Middle East!)
Hamed Sinno is important for Lebanon (and the Middle East)
This episode is important!
رح نشتاق لكم بشكل مو طبيعي 💔💔
A really sincere and moving conversation.
I consider myself extremely fortunate to have discovered Mashrou Leila and the raw authenticity and bravery that Hamed's artwork embodies.
You, all together with your colleagues, won the hearts of many people across the world, empowering them rather than making them feel alone and isolated. Even just knowing that you were attempting to address issues that had been heavily buried under an authoritarian government is reason enough to admire all you did, which is truly courageous on many levels.
The impact you have made is very important and significant. I truly wish you all the best in your future endeavors.🌻
Woop woop! Cant wait to watch it on monday morning! Love from LA ❤️🇺🇸 shout out to the translators for their hardwork 👌
Hamed !!!! We missed you SO MUCH.
A new subscriber just because of this video. Thank you so much for inviting hamed❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Médéa, Mouin and Hamed!!! You’re amazing!! Love you guys! Sending hugs from Germany!! Hamed we are proud of you 🤞🫶
We’re proud of you as well ♥️
راح نضل نحب قصتك ونسمع كل مشاعرك بغنياتك يا حامد ، ونقبلك ونحبك زى ما انت ، الحلق كثير بيلبقلك ❤❤❤❤❤
U can't imagine how much we missed u hamed✨
Hamed you are a very loveable man. We don't just love you because we're your fans, you are loveable.
بحب ضحكتك يا حامد
صوتك بيوجع قلبي والله
كل كلمه درس
قد ايه انت شاعر
قلب ما فى مكان ما على فراشه يكتب لك ليقولك انا احبك
Thank you Mashrou Leila. Thank you Hamed. Just keep moving, love you
2023 بعدو المشروع جزء من حياتي اليومية، موسيقا بترفعلي مزاجي وبتعدلي مودي❤
Ma ba3rif shu kenet 3melet bala sarde ba3rd l3asha ana w hon bl 8erbe. Merci ktir la kel jhoudkon Médéa w Mouin w your great choice of guests❤️❤️ sending love from Poland❤️
I also left Lebanon in 2019 so i can imagine how Hamed's feelings are when he saw the people in the current state of the country 😞 Allah bi3ina
This guy says everything we think about and can't say when he sings and also when he talks 😍💙
U r phenomenal Hamed
منتظريكم ترجعو 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Thank you Sardé for always taking us to a beautiful different world with your amazing guests♥
Thank you for being awesome Rafca ♥
Thank you for the music.
بعد ماكان املنا ترجعو اعتزلتو صارت معي خيبه كنا نشوفكم امل النا مثال قوه اغانيكم تعبر عنا اغاني نحبها تسمعنا تلامس مشاعرنا احسن فرقه عربيه* غير هذا فنانين مو بس فنانين فنانين عايشين معنا بدهم يغيرو للافضل ويثبتو فكره فنانين عندهم فكر بعيدا عن ايش ميولكم عن ايش دينكم الخ كان عندكم فكره واحنه نؤمن بيها كان عندكم تغير احنه بدنيا بس ايش الحين ببساطه انتهت عموما مارح نلقى فنانين عرب مثلكم 💔💔
We still love no matter what hamed, you're really missed ❤️
وعدتينا ليلى بشيء ثورة .. كيف نسيتينا؟
What a beautiful, mercurial man. Potent ideologies. Love from Texas.
What a lovely Sarde! I watch you guys with so much love from Tunis
نشالله رح نرجع نشوفكن بحبك حامد كثييرر🥺🤍🤍🤍
We love you from Egypt ❤️❤️❤️🇪🇬
انا اكثر شخص سعيد بعد هذي السرده 🔥🔥
انا من مغرب و مغاربة كانو من اشد داعمين و مزالين داعمين لمشروع ليلى في بداياتها و من ثم العالم العربي اتمنى ان احضر لكم في امريكان و بالمغرب عن قريب يارب i m spechelss صراحة لانو بودكاست مو عاديي حامل لكثير من احاسيس في كيان شكرا لHameed شكرا لسردة احبكم 🤍💫 اتمنى من لبنان تصبح اقوى و ترجع افضل بافضل هي و شعبها وترجع مشروع ليلى لأحضان احبابها (جمهورها)
Medea and Mouin, from Morocco i am begging you bitterly to invite Ziad Al Rahbani as soon as possible !
A huge love to my second Nation Lebanon ♥️
With all respect to medea and mouin... they aren't ready to interview Ziad.
We're trying to get a hold of him. Soon hopefully ♥
@@zdib3572 no one is really ever prepared. But we'll do our best to do him justice and have a proper Sarde. One day...
فنان حقيقي جدا في كل مشاعره
we all still miss every single one of mashrou' leila and we hope you back and the area and the streets in Egypt really wants you to back and help us again with new songs
So much love for hamed and for mashrou3 layla ❤️❤️❤️
Eventhough this episode was heartbreaking it was so good to see hamed again
We lost a lot of things as lebanese in the past years and the loss of mashru3 layla is as sad but we have to accept and respect their path.. as your audience we could have made it easier and better for you guys ❤️
One of the greatest episodes, because he was so authentic and real! It's clear that he was in a depression and now in the process of healing. Normally people share their success with others, he had the courage to share what he's going through. Thanks to all Sarde Team for this great Episode
Watching Hamed after those years felt real Sad.. 1st we miss you 2nd in the hard times your songs and your voice were a relief to me Hamed we love you and the legacy of mashrou3 leila will remain
نهضما و نرجع نعيدا كمان شوي اكيد .
من ريحة حبايبنا 💗💗💗💗
احلى فرقة عربية وعالمية ، وانا بيق فان لمشروع ليلى من العراق😞🫶
@@its_lily183 اوللههه من العراق اخيرا رجعت ادور احد من العراق
@@maybe.loly5 هواي اكو فانز لمشروع ليلى من العراق
Keep going guys, you rock . I love this show , very authentic and Great vibes😊
- مشروع تلك الليلة استمر في قلوبنا ، و مشرعك يا ليلى نجح .. بس افتقدناله !
انا مستنيكم ترجعو تاني في اسرع وقت ❤❤❤
مشروع ليلى مازال مستمر في قلوبنا❤
We genuinely needed this, we love you hamed
Thanks a lot for this sardé guys!, i love you 7amed! 🤗 hopefully y'all gonna have faith in hope always ❤
Love from 🇸🇦♥️
Have no words to describe how seeing and hearing this feels.. It is indeed a blessing to see Hamed back, and to have you Medea&Mouin to bring him out on a screen for the rest of us (L)