@katherinewheeler9606 Frankly an insane response to someone making an observation about a youtube video when you're watching Cody Ko. The dude literally makes observations about youtube videos for a living, so why are you here? 😂
i feel so bad for the guy he was 15 and just doing what he was told when they said no bathroom breaks😭😭 just salt in the wound to get fired for it on top of that
The bad relationship with parents is so stupidly one sided that it hit me right in the feelings for a moment. Not everyone was or is fortunate enough to have good and caring families. A lot of them are rather abusive.. like how can not wanting to be abused or "simply" be hurt by people who should love you for who you are be a red flag? It's so dumb and sad.
that’s very true, but i THINK they mean more about people who purposely are rude to their family and dont try to be close at all, some parents are good but unfortunately had children who became egotistical and mean along the way bc of other people they met in their life. but i could be wrong on what they mean specifically.
It's really weird to have "bad relationship with parents" as a red flag. That's something a person has literally no control over. Narcissists and abusers are allowed to have kids, and their kids shouldn't be blacklisted as bad partners simply for who they were born to.
ig the person just wants to be with someone where they can start a family and have a big wedding and have both sides of grandparents and stuff like that. I agree it shouldn't be called a "red flag" bc it doesn't make the person a bad partner it's more of just a preference
the guy who said that talking about exes is a red flag for him, but then his red flag is that he’s never been in a committed relationship?? made total sense to me after that.
Right... so many of these made no sense to me. Like obviously don't talk about your ex on a first date, but you'd assume that as you got deeper into the relationship, it's important to go through what worked and didn't work in past relationships. Also, history and emotional baggage is important. I worry because I got out of a very abusive relationship last year, and I'm terrified to date and overall just still traumatized. One of the things I know for sure: any future partner will have to be filled in.. not to make them "jealous" but to explain why I might have trust issues or certain fears or traumatic responses... The good relationship with the families thing was also dumb. I try every day to have a good relationship with my parents, because I'm an only child and really want to keep family close after others have hurt me badly. But my parents are not stable, not only was my childhood filled with abuse, but they scream and shout and gang up on me to this day at 24 years of age, leaving me to stay isolated in my room to avoid it. I refuse to move out because they're older and need someone to care for them. I'm a kinder person because of my traumas, because I know what the receiving end feels like. I have and can have successful relationships. It just sucks that these men made it seem like women have to have perfect lives or something... people struggle and those people end up more dimensional, compassionate, interesting, because of it.
That one made no sense to me at all. My husband and I talk about our exes all of the time. Not because there are any lingering feelings or anything, but because we've both had funny or interesting experiences with the people we dated before we got together. I really don't understand the fundamental insecurity at the core of modern dating relationships. There's all this paranoia about cheating, about wanting or not wanting commitment, etc. How hard is it to just... do what you want to do and be honest about it???
@@AdardidnothingwrongBecause people don’t go to therapy and pass their problems onto others, which just creates a cycle of insecurity and cheating that spreads to everyone else
The guy she chose, did y’all see his face when she said she was relieved the waiting till marriage one got voted out? He was smiling & then dropped his smile IMMEDIATELY 😂😂😂😂
@@aspenisthebest Think its the blue eyes. Blue eyes tend to look weird on a lot of people unless they're ginger, though it often makes them more attractive, it looks wird.
These dating shows are usually so hard to watch bc there’s always one or two people that are just INSUFFERABLE. But that girl was so sweet and all the guys seemed pretty cool. THATS WHY IT WAS SO DRY BC NO ONE WAS BEING A COMPLETE DBAG.
i think the nectar ones are usually worse bc they don't know how to produce these types of videos, cut at least has someone asking questions to stir things up and they edit better to cut out dead air
Am I the only one who enjoyed this much more than the ones where there’s someone being a jerk? I liked how nice everyone was, but I guess it doesn’t make great “content”
@@derinwithaq5811it shows you’re a kind person who values stability, it could be a sign of maturity or intelligence because you aren’t sucked in by petty conflict. Wrestling attracts a different audience than Ballet, you know?
Personally I think these men's opinions and versions of Red flags were demeaning and oversimplified with not much wiggle room for real life situations or hardships. They just came off as boring and vapid to me, but still shitty.
not to be that person especially because i know nothing about and dont really believe astrology but that guy is definitely a virgo hahahahaha just cuz he is extactly like my virgo exes and he felt like he would be toxic exactly the same way they were hahahha does that make sense?
All of these dudes are beta. Men aren’t allowed to be real anymore because testosterone is threatening. They’re all moping around and quieting their voices like their overbearing mother librarians are hovering and scolding them. Pathetic.
@@blondie9909 No, it makes no sense. To insinuate that all people who possess that single toxic trait do so because they share the same birth month is insane.
@@wat5709 At least they have the excuse of being on the loud set with mad people talking over each other, but Chotis' elderly father had a tough time hearing it in room alone, with speakers, and a zoomed camera shot on the guy saying it who he also knows 🙄 Chody just a geriatric clown🤡
Nah, I hate older movies too. They're always incredibly predictable, I can guess what's gonna happen within the first 2 minutes. Modern movies are way better in my opinion.
not all of them are predictable, its more like a limit in special effects that make it seem unrealistic but some have amazing scenarios despite that @Random-sk6hm
i’m so sick of the "having a bad relationship with your parents/family is a red flag" mindset. people don't choose their families and some people get an unfortunate hand dealt to them, and sometimes distancing yourself from your family is the best decision you can make for yourself. people with rough family relationships are not exempt or incapable of having healthy loving relationships.
I was thinking about this as well. What if your family is shitty but you ain't. "No I'm not gonna date you because your parents fucked up and you don't have a good relationship with them now"
Who cares if you choose your parents. People have preferences. Someone having a redflag is them knowing that something may come with issues that they would rather avoid. Generally it should be seen as a redflagg. Nothing wrong with being a good choice even if you had issues. You just have to work alittle harder. Short people gotta work harder, different races depending on where they are gotta work harder, different genders work harder depending on culture etc. Tha'ts life.
“Having a bad relationship with your parents” is pretty unfair as a red flag, imo. Sure in some cases it could mean they’re a bad person, but in other cases it could mean they were abused, or left an extreme religious sect, or any number of things. Edit: Also, “bringing up your exes” as a dealbreaker?? I get that talking about an ex all the time is a red flag, but I was engaged to someone and lived with them for three years, it’s kind of hard not to bring him up if I’m discussing anything from that chunk of time. That guy is gonna need to grow out of that if he ever wants to date past his early 20s lol.
It's def unfair, but I guess I kinda get it. Coming from toxic parents, I have a lot of issues. There's baggage there and not everyone is equipped to handle that... Or they just don't want to handle it. I get it. It's a lot 😅 Luckily, my husband came from a similar household so we are able to relate to each other's struggles and accept each other's "baggage". There was a time in our relationship, though, where we were hella toxic to each other 😂 we had to figure out what traits were basically cPTSD and which were just us being assholes 😅 We've been together 13 years now, and better than ever 😊
Thank you! It always irks me when someone says that because most people would love to have a great relationship with their parents - but not everyone has that privilege. A lot of parents are abusive unfortunately, and that doesn't reflect on the kid or their ability to love a partner/children.
The first round of guys eliminated were so sweet. When she described her reasoning about only dating musicians in the past and wanting to branch out, they were like “honestly I would do the same” MAD RESPECT.
I promise you it's not an accident she's on this. And she's probably releasing an album soon that the record company is going to force a hit out of. Industry plant all the way
"Having bad relationship with parents/family" Well... my dad is a narcissistic, manipulative, alcoholic and my mother is an overly compassionate enabler struggling with anxiety; they are still, to this day, in a toxic relationship. Me, my brother and sister, have pretty much raised ourselves and are very "self going" we therefore don't rely on each other or hangout very much, but we also don't dislike each other. I wouldn't say we are close, but also not "bad relationship". This "red flag" is very superficial and immature, if you ask me. A bit of a "Dunning Kruger effect" moment to be honest.
i agree w u but what i think happened is that he didnt wordit right and meant to say like people who are shitty to their parents by choice just because ?? yk
The whole "they have to have a good relationship with their parents" sometimes is way deeper than that. I've been told I had daddy issues before and my dad used to abuse me for no reason so like... how's that my fault I haven't talked to my family in years
21:20 This is why I invented the "puppy prenup" where you decide who gets to keep the dog if anything ever happens to y'all's relationship the moment you get the puppy. Even though I miss many dogs I helped raise in previous relationships, it's been super healthy to not have to play "divorced parent" with my ex's.
We've done this with our cats!! We don't have a cool nickname for it, but we know who's cat is who's and what happens if we break up 😂 we've been dating 7 years now though!
I had someone agree to take 2 cats, was with him for 4 years and over time we gained 5 cats. One was a stray and he had kittens with each of my female cats and we kept one kitten from each litter so we ended up with 5. In the end he said “your cats” so it made it 5 million times harder to find a place to live. Sometimes people do shady stuff and don’t go with the original agreement because they’re a holes
the 'if you have a bad relationship w your family you can't be in a good one' is an awful mindset and doesn't account for abuse or neglect or politcal disagreements-- like sorry your mom isn't around you'll never be in happy relationship
Thank you for sharing your story about your dragon. I had one years ago that I ended up giving away for the same reason. I feel so bad to this day and hope he found a loving home. They are just SO MUCH work and so expensive to take care of. Definitely not an ideal “gift” even though they are really cute lol. Pets shouldn’t be given as “gifts”.
@@hollow_me_out Well it’s a teen movie from the 1980s it’s gonna be a little sexist, because every movie back then was. I’m not excusing it, but literally every movie from the 1980s has an offensive joke. Second of all the plot is that 5 people from different cliques/groups spend a morning together. Not every movie needs a huge action plot or a huge conflict. Some movies are just about about life and talking. Third jt might get a little boring at times, but it’s an overall good movie. It’s just about teens hanging out.
I think saying "If someone doesn't have a good relationship with their family they won't have a good relationship with you." Is pretty ignorant and unfair. No one asks to be born into an abusive or neglectful household yeesh.
It's nice. I used to listen to music all day long working data entry, every day. While driving too. Non-stop. You can still love music and really appreciate it and listen to it, while taking some space to have peace in silence. I noticed sometimes it takes practise in the beginning. It's uncomfortable at first... then it gets better. I think everyone should try to experience that, for their own nervous systems' sake, their own minds, their own sake overall. Just sharing my experience with this. I actually either pray, just enjoy the ride, or think through what I need to now, instead of constant distraction.
I'm glad you realized Razor needed a different path! People gifting pets is so weird unless you are super close with the person and you know they have been studying and preparing to take care of that specific pet.
I get so annoyed when people say having a bad relationship with your parents is a red flag. Some of us have parents who are cruel and/or abusive and refuse to grow and be better for their children. That's not the fault of the child that their parents suck. In fact I would go so far as to say it's a green flag that someone walked away from an unhealthy relationship with the very people they were supposed to be able to rely on in their life. That takes strength and shows that person values their mental health and well-being enough to walk away from toxicity. I don't know. Just my two cents. I didn't find the strength to leave behind my toxic abusive relationship with my mother until going through years of therapy and learning her behavior isn't acceptable.
The meaning of "red flag" has gotten really watered down. What it means is a sign of a toxic person who you shouldn't date at all. It doesn't mean "ok these red flags are deal breakers but these other ones aren't."
Semantic shift better get used to it because it happens with a lot of things. Common ones are swear words which become less taboo (e.g fuck) and euphemisms which become more taboo (e.g “retard”)
I thought it just meant warning signs? Like "this can be indicative of a problem" - but doesn't necessarily HAVE to be. Taking one example from the video, never having been in a committed relationship can be a red flag, but you need to figure out the reason behind it to determine if it's ACTUALLY a dealbreaker. Does it mean you have comittment issues? Or have you just not met the right person? I think red flags are just, well, flagging potential issues. Key word being "potential" as you may figure out it's not actually a dealbreaker.
The guy who said "if you have a bad relationship with your parents" ...... umm some of us are victims of abuse and cut ties for good reason, doesn't make us less worthy of love 😢
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Also a child of family abuse and did not want to risk my children ever being hurt...I would hope that the dudes that said this would be open to hearing why the person has poor familial bonds instead of flat out dismissing a person based on that alone...not to mention so many people are children of the system and have no family...doesn't make them less than or any less deserving
not that theyre less worthy of love but if one is extremely family-oriented, then they’ll have a completely different mentality from someone who isnt, regardless of the reason. so its just avoiding wasting time on something that wont work (statistically)
I think it is in general, possibly having a healthy relationship with any guardian or support system. OR, if you relied on yourself to be your own parent due to extreme circumstances, then having a good relationship with yourself and the values you wish to have if a parent ever yourself. Maybe, I made that up based on how I'd approach that situation.
Exactly, some people's parents are abusive or in literal cults and that isn't reflective of them. They can still have a perfectly healthy relationship with partners/children just like anybody else.
Ngl it hurts everytime they say they wouldn’t date someone who has a bad relationship with their parents like- some of us grew up in abusive households??? So does that mean I don’t deserve a loving relationship?
I do still find it hard after 15yrs living with a guy who won’t eat many foods including tomato & onion - it spreads into a dislike of cooking, and especially of adventurous eating - both of which are things I enjoy and miss. It does affect the relationship more than you might think.
i’m very picky with who i date and this definitely plays a part (although it might be one of the most unproblematic ones on an interpersonal level). when they tell me they only really eat pizza, mac & cheese, and sandwiches on repeat, it already turns me off them heavily. especially when they dislike more fruits and vegetables than how many they DO like, or equally annoying, have ever even tried. i can’t imagine cooking for myself, him, and the kids, if not even more family later, and having to tone down his meal by leaving out crucial ingredients because he’s just so picky - or even worse, having to cook an entirely different meal for him every damned day. nuh uh.
When i watch your videos as i get food for lunch after a well deserved break from my extremely hard studies i see it like hanging out with a funny mf for like 15-25 minutes a day. Definitely the move.
honestly... my red flag is not even considering that other people have lived different lives than you... like how can you come out and state that people with bad relationships with their parents cant be a good partner? tf
wha, how, i just saw 3 different versions of the thumbnail back to back "i'm a disney adult", "i'm addicted to avatar fanfiction", "i have brain damage"😆
Somewhere around 2014-2016 there was a big 80s movie revival, perhaps influenced from our parent’s romanticizing it.. a lot of millennials and gen z were watching 80s movies, my and my friends would have 80s movies nights and in general movies like pretty in pink, 16 candles, and Ferris bikers day off became a comfort movie for many especially The breakfast club. That movie can be very slow for someone who’s not into old movies tbh. Now with Stranger things many others there’s a lot of media that take place in the 80s due to this phase we had in our teen years
I find that older movies are usually very predictable and I know what's gonna happen within the first 2 minutes. Modern movies on the other hand have to be much more creative and I find they're usually way better. The ending to 'Not Okay' for example was incredibly unique, and 'Missing' was filmed in such a creative way (both movies are on Netflix). Representation is also of course much better in modern movies. However, I'm open to being proven wrong so was wondering if you had any good recommendations for 80s movies?
@@Random-sk6hm I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a movie being predictable. Sometimes you just need a “feel good” movie and not something you need to pick apart or be surprised by. There are a lot of iconic movies from the 80s-The Neverending Story, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, E.T., Heathers, to name a few.
My tastes in 80s movies are the same as my tastes in modern ones - sci-fi, some horror, weird arty shit. And yes some older things are unavoidably cringy.
This isn't even dating by red flags. It's dating by looks and personality, and then finding out their red flag five seconds before they leave.
SO TRUE. They should've revealed their red flags in the 2nd round and talk about it afterwards. Or something like this.
@Tomatism27 Right? Or slowly reveal worse red flags each round. So awkward them being like "oh haha that's crazy you were almost married, ok bye"
@@well_alby_damned There was an old show like that, called Baggage. Kurtis Conner did a hilarious reaction video about it.
Calm down, Katherine.
@katherinewheeler9606 Frankly an insane response to someone making an observation about a youtube video when you're watching Cody Ko. The dude literally makes observations about youtube videos for a living, so why are you here? 😂
"when u sat down for lunch today" he knows what he's doing 😭
Me on my lunch break realizing I’ve been targeted
tbh i either eat or shower/get ready/do my makeup while watching cody LMAO
I know that he knows but in that moment I felt like he was watching me lmao
NAH BC I USUALLY WATCH CODY AT ANYYYYY other time of day but today i decided my lunch break and i get this comment from him i cannot
me mid-bite of my sandwich staring at the screen like 😮.. he knows
“It was indeed not a fart…then I got fired” that is some fucking commitment and I respect it
reading this right now completely out of context before watching the whole vid is so funny and confusing 😂😂
Fr 🤣😭
did i miss this whats the timestamp lol
@@xnngit's at the end
i feel so bad for the guy he was 15 and just doing what he was told when they said no bathroom breaks😭😭 just salt in the wound to get fired for it on top of that
The bad relationship with parents is so stupidly one sided that it hit me right in the feelings for a moment. Not everyone was or is fortunate enough to have good and caring families. A lot of them are rather abusive.. like how can not wanting to be abused or "simply" be hurt by people who should love you for who you are be a red flag? It's so dumb and sad.
this is real :( I feel ya
i was thinking the same thing :/
that’s very true, but i THINK they mean more about people who purposely are rude to their family and dont try to be close at all, some parents are good but unfortunately had children who became egotistical and mean along the way bc of other people they met in their life. but i could be wrong on what they mean specifically.
@@eatfeti Could be but then they could've phrased it better.
It's really weird to have "bad relationship with parents" as a red flag. That's something a person has literally no control over. Narcissists and abusers are allowed to have kids, and their kids shouldn't be blacklisted as bad partners simply for who they were born to.
There’s lots of things people have no control over that could be red flags though
ig the person just wants to be with someone where they can start a family and have a big wedding and have both sides of grandparents and stuff like that. I agree it shouldn't be called a "red flag" bc it doesn't make the person a bad partner it's more of just a preference
It’s so funny when he gets hooked on something in a video like the RipG😭😭
it’s his goblin mode kicking in
Shit made me laugh every single time too
@@zak1265real lmao
the lizard part 😭
Seriously though why are they all RIPG?
“i’m not toxic it’s just the appearance piercings tattoos chains talking to other women” one of those is different then the rest
like what 😂😂
maybe he meant like talking to many people while casually dating is bad.
Use a comma
one of these things is not like the otherrr 😭😭
The way she was more upset with the waiting till marriage instead of literally shitting your pants is so funny
Right? lol wow
Hey man shit happens
she didn't want to sound ableist lol
i feel like shitting your pants is more relatable. cause we've all done it, right?
i would be lmao, no way am i waiting like two years. sex is a big emotional thing too
the guy who said that talking about exes is a red flag for him, but then his red flag is that he’s never been in a committed relationship?? made total sense to me after that.
Right... so many of these made no sense to me. Like obviously don't talk about your ex on a first date, but you'd assume that as you got deeper into the relationship, it's important to go through what worked and didn't work in past relationships. Also, history and emotional baggage is important. I worry because I got out of a very abusive relationship last year, and I'm terrified to date and overall just still traumatized. One of the things I know for sure: any future partner will have to be filled in.. not to make them "jealous" but to explain why I might have trust issues or certain fears or traumatic responses...
The good relationship with the families thing was also dumb. I try every day to have a good relationship with my parents, because I'm an only child and really want to keep family close after others have hurt me badly. But my parents are not stable, not only was my childhood filled with abuse, but they scream and shout and gang up on me to this day at 24 years of age, leaving me to stay isolated in my room to avoid it. I refuse to move out because they're older and need someone to care for them. I'm a kinder person because of my traumas, because I know what the receiving end feels like. I have and can have successful relationships. It just sucks that these men made it seem like women have to have perfect lives or something... people struggle and those people end up more dimensional, compassionate, interesting, because of it.
That one made no sense to me at all. My husband and I talk about our exes all of the time. Not because there are any lingering feelings or anything, but because we've both had funny or interesting experiences with the people we dated before we got together. I really don't understand the fundamental insecurity at the core of modern dating relationships. There's all this paranoia about cheating, about wanting or not wanting commitment, etc. How hard is it to just... do what you want to do and be honest about it???
@@AdardidnothingwrongBecause people don’t go to therapy and pass their problems onto others, which just creates a cycle of insecurity and cheating that spreads to everyone else
The guy she chose, did y’all see his face when she said she was relieved the waiting till marriage one got voted out? He was smiling & then dropped his smile IMMEDIATELY 😂😂😂😂
he also gives gay best friend vibes
Totally @@77768
he has the strongest serial killer vibes I've ever seen on one of these shows. Gives me the extreme creeps.
Ya notice how he just said "ex" and not she/he?@@77768
@@aspenisthebest Think its the blue eyes. Blue eyes tend to look weird on a lot of people unless they're ginger, though it often makes them more attractive, it looks wird.
These dating shows are usually so hard to watch bc there’s always one or two people that are just INSUFFERABLE. But that girl was so sweet and all the guys seemed pretty cool.
i think the nectar ones are usually worse bc they don't know how to produce these types of videos, cut at least has someone asking questions to stir things up and they edit better to cut out dead air
Am I the only one who enjoyed this much more than the ones where there’s someone being a jerk? I liked how nice everyone was, but I guess it doesn’t make great “content”
@@derinwithaq5811it shows you’re a kind person who values stability, it could be a sign of maturity or intelligence because you aren’t sucked in by petty conflict. Wrestling attracts a different audience than Ballet, you know?
@@icu3869can also be a sign that you're FUCKING BORING
Personally I think these men's opinions and versions of Red flags were demeaning and oversimplified with not much wiggle room for real life situations or hardships. They just came off as boring and vapid to me, but still shitty.
the toxic guy saying that him talking to other women makes it seem like he talks to other women is CRAZY
i assume he meant like people think hes leading them on/not making it known to people hes talking
not to be that person especially because i know nothing about and dont really believe astrology but that guy is definitely a virgo hahahahaha just cuz he is extactly like my virgo exes and he felt like he would be toxic exactly the same way they were hahahha does that make sense?
All of these dudes are beta. Men aren’t allowed to be real anymore because testosterone is threatening. They’re all moping around and quieting their voices like their overbearing mother librarians are hovering and scolding them. Pathetic.
@@blondie9909 No, it makes no sense. To insinuate that all people who possess that single toxic trait do so because they share the same birth month is insane.
@blondie9909 bro what? You say you don't care about them and then proceed to call Virgos toxic
5:38 Cody missed "Call that GROVID" 😭🤣
Everyone in the room did 😔
yes!!!! i laughed🥲
I pointed that out to my husband bc I love to combine words like that and it was hilarious!
Yes exactly I laughed.
@@wat5709 At least they have the excuse of being on the loud set with mad people talking over each other, but Chotis' elderly father had a tough time hearing it in room alone, with speakers, and a zoomed camera shot on the guy saying it who he also knows 🙄 Chody just a geriatric clown🤡
5:37 call that grovid lmao 🤣 how no one heard that got me dead 😭
I like to imagine it would be "grow-vid"
Dude who shit his pants 100% could have and should have sued the manager/restaurant. For the manager saying no bathroom breaks alone is crazy illegal.
I couldn't believe that story 23:34
Cody not liking old movies is his red flag
Nah, I hate older movies too. They're always incredibly predictable, I can guess what's gonna happen within the first 2 minutes. Modern movies are way better in my opinion.
nooo! there are so many amazing old movies! & awful ones to make fun of!
Check out criterion collection, there are some amazing older movies in 4k
not all of them are predictable, its more like a limit in special effects that make it seem unrealistic but some have amazing scenarios despite that @Random-sk6hm
Yeah that was a terrible take ngl
i’m so sick of the "having a bad relationship with your parents/family is a red flag" mindset. people don't choose their families and some people get an unfortunate hand dealt to them, and sometimes distancing yourself from your family is the best decision you can make for yourself. people with rough family relationships are not exempt or incapable of having healthy loving relationships.
I was thinking about this as well. What if your family is shitty but you ain't. "No I'm not gonna date you because your parents fucked up and you don't have a good relationship with them now"
This^^^^ 1000%
Who cares if you choose your parents. People have preferences. Someone having a redflag is them knowing that something may come with issues that they would rather avoid. Generally it should be seen as a redflagg. Nothing wrong with being a good choice even if you had issues. You just have to work alittle harder. Short people gotta work harder, different races depending on where they are gotta work harder, different genders work harder depending on culture etc. Tha'ts life.
@@martagustafsson5749 Yeah, the most toxic guys I have dated have "a loving relationship" with their mother.
@@iKickBullies probably said by a white guy
“Having a bad relationship with your parents” is pretty unfair as a red flag, imo. Sure in some cases it could mean they’re a bad person, but in other cases it could mean they were abused, or left an extreme religious sect, or any number of things.
Edit: Also, “bringing up your exes” as a dealbreaker?? I get that talking about an ex all the time is a red flag, but I was engaged to someone and lived with them for three years, it’s kind of hard not to bring him up if I’m discussing anything from that chunk of time. That guy is gonna need to grow out of that if he ever wants to date past his early 20s lol.
And if you have kids, like me. 😅 like i gotta have some communication with the babydaddy, since we are coparenting the same child.
It's def unfair, but I guess I kinda get it. Coming from toxic parents, I have a lot of issues. There's baggage there and not everyone is equipped to handle that... Or they just don't want to handle it. I get it. It's a lot 😅
Luckily, my husband came from a similar household so we are able to relate to each other's struggles and accept each other's "baggage". There was a time in our relationship, though, where we were hella toxic to each other 😂 we had to figure out what traits were basically cPTSD and which were just us being assholes 😅
We've been together 13 years now, and better than ever 😊
Totally agree with you!
i completely agree and was just thinking that about the “bad relationship with parents” thing. it’s completely unfair
Thank you! It always irks me when someone says that because most people would love to have a great relationship with their parents - but not everyone has that privilege. A lot of parents are abusive unfortunately, and that doesn't reflect on the kid or their ability to love a partner/children.
The first round of guys eliminated were so sweet. When she described her reasoning about only dating musicians in the past and wanting to branch out, they were like “honestly I would do the same”
I knew I recognised this girl- this is Salem Ilese, she wrote mad at disney and that one song that's like "is it me or the PS5"?
Omg i have been thinking so hard about where i know her from, thank you i can watch the vid in peace now😂
Oh god no not the PS5 song
I promise you it's not an accident she's on this. And she's probably releasing an album soon that the record company is going to force a hit out of. Industry plant all the way
THANK YOUU - i was triping cause no one else seemed to mention this
Getting fired from McDonald's for shitting your pants is way too funny😭😭😂
Not watching breakfast club is criminal... especially for Cody's age
Facts considering he was born 40 years before it came out.
Never watched it either
Exactly! And he seemed like he didn’t even know what it was too. RED FLAG!!
FR wiiiild that he looked it up
Yeah. It was before my time too, but it’s a solid movie. And whenever I hear 🎶 don’t you, forget about me 🎶 I think of that movie
I just sat down to throw rocks at my neighbors. Thank you Cody!
Can you imagine trying to throw rocks at your neighbors without a Cody Ko video to keep you entertained 😩😭
"Having bad relationship with parents/family"
Well... my dad is a narcissistic, manipulative, alcoholic and my mother is an overly compassionate enabler struggling with anxiety; they are still, to this day, in a toxic relationship.
Me, my brother and sister, have pretty much raised ourselves and are very "self going" we therefore don't rely on each other or hangout very much, but we also don't dislike each other. I wouldn't say we are close, but also not "bad relationship".
This "red flag" is very superficial and immature, if you ask me. A bit of a "Dunning Kruger effect" moment to be honest.
i agree w u but what i think happened is that he didnt wordit right and meant to say like people who are shitty to their parents by choice just because ?? yk
@@petra3217 ok but im going off of peoples words and not what you want to read into it.
I completely get that. My parents are the same way.
The whole "they have to have a good relationship with their parents" sometimes is way deeper than that. I've been told I had daddy issues before and my dad used to abuse me for no reason so like... how's that my fault I haven't talked to my family in years
R.I.P G bro we miss you. FLY HIGH
‘Rip, g’ got me everytime
21:20 This is why I invented the "puppy prenup" where you decide who gets to keep the dog if anything ever happens to y'all's relationship the moment you get the puppy. Even though I miss many dogs I helped raise in previous relationships, it's been super healthy to not have to play "divorced parent" with my ex's.
Ngl this is actually genius and such a clever name lol
We've done this with our cats!! We don't have a cool nickname for it, but we know who's cat is who's and what happens if we break up 😂 we've been dating 7 years now though!
I had someone agree to take 2 cats, was with him for 4 years and over time we gained 5 cats. One was a stray and he had kittens with each of my female cats and we kept one kitten from each litter so we ended up with 5.
In the end he said “your cats” so it made it 5 million times harder to find a place to live.
Sometimes people do shady stuff and don’t go with the original agreement because they’re a holes
@@LadyGl1tch kitty kontract, kitty kontingency, Feline failsafe. Just some off the top of my head.
That doesn't even solve the problem
That's like getting a children pre-nup
the fact that cody has never seen the breakfast club is a red flag but him saying he doesn't fuck with "old" movies is EVEN BIGGER RED FLAG
the 'if you have a bad relationship w your family you can't be in a good one' is an awful mindset and doesn't account for abuse or neglect or politcal disagreements-- like sorry your mom isn't around you'll never be in happy relationship
ngl I actually enjoyed the mellow vibe in this video, it was nice seeing genuine interactions for once even if it's not as entertaining
No comment on the random imperial alarm sound?😂
I can’t drive in silence I’ll hear all the things wrong with my car that i can’t afford to fix
“That guy has to be the poop pants” is a crazy line 😂😂
Thank you for sharing your story about your dragon. I had one years ago that I ended up giving away for the same reason. I feel so bad to this day and hope he found a loving home. They are just SO MUCH work and so expensive to take care of. Definitely not an ideal “gift” even though they are really cute lol. Pets shouldn’t be given as “gifts”.
Bro when they all walked in all I could think is "ok which one of these is the pooper?"
Cody’s red flag is that he won’t watch Breakfast Club. It’s a CLASSIC!!!! You gotta
Na it's sexist, there's no plot and it's unbearably boring
@@hollow_me_out Well it’s a teen movie from the 1980s it’s gonna be a little sexist, because every movie back then was. I’m not excusing it, but literally every movie from the 1980s has an offensive joke. Second of all the plot is that 5 people from different cliques/groups spend a morning together. Not every movie needs a huge action plot or a huge conflict. Some movies are just about about life and talking. Third jt might get a little boring at times, but it’s an overall good movie. It’s just about teens hanging out.
It’s a reductive, patronizing piece of shit
@@hollow_me_out I’m glad I’m not the only one who found it boring
this timing is INSANE. Literally just started eating, nothing to watch, and BOOM. thank you Cody.
Same but on my break
same hahah
1:38 fourth wall break alert
cody knows we eat lunch to his videos religiously
European so dinner but yeah
Lmao duhh it’s not like there’s 500 different comments with the same 5 jokes about it every vid.
i watch it while doing my nighttime skincare
20:20 idk these couple of seconds my gaydar was going off
100% plus a broken engagement 😬
I think saying "If someone doesn't have a good relationship with their family they won't have a good relationship with you." Is pretty ignorant and unfair. No one asks to be born into an abusive or neglectful household yeesh.
glad im not the only one that drives in silence sometimes. it’s peaceful.
I was surprised there were people who drive with music on all the time
@@derinwithaq5811i can’t have silence at all 😭
It's nice. I used to listen to music all day long working data entry, every day. While driving too. Non-stop. You can still love music and really appreciate it and listen to it, while taking some space to have peace in silence. I noticed sometimes it takes practise in the beginning. It's uncomfortable at first... then it gets better. I think everyone should try to experience that, for their own nervous systems' sake, their own minds, their own sake overall.
Just sharing my experience with this. I actually either pray, just enjoy the ride, or think through what I need to now, instead of constant distraction.
my friends think I’m so crazy but the world is already so stimulating like sometimes it’s nice to have a break
wsh I coul experience that, unfortunately with my tinnitus silence is pure hell.
You made the poop your pants joke a lot, and did I laugh every single time? Yes. I already knew each time you’d bring it up too, and still, I laughed
I'm glad you realized Razor needed a different path! People gifting pets is so weird unless you are super close with the person and you know they have been studying and preparing to take care of that specific pet.
I get so annoyed when people say having a bad relationship with your parents is a red flag. Some of us have parents who are cruel and/or abusive and refuse to grow and be better for their children. That's not the fault of the child that their parents suck. In fact I would go so far as to say it's a green flag that someone walked away from an unhealthy relationship with the very people they were supposed to be able to rely on in their life. That takes strength and shows that person values their mental health and well-being enough to walk away from toxicity. I don't know. Just my two cents. I didn't find the strength to leave behind my toxic abusive relationship with my mother until going through years of therapy and learning her behavior isn't acceptable.
Dude saying that bc someone isn’t close with their parents they can’t be family oriented or have a good relationship with you is INSANE like whattt
Rizzless = non-frictionless rizz
This was soo much more wholesome than a jubilee or cut video. All these people are great
same company
They actually all share the same red flag, willing to do a video like this
the fact that there are 16 different loveprints and so many of them got RIPG is actually insane
She seems like genuinely such a nice person and someone you would want to hang out with. I love when they cast people who are really chill like her
as someone that has taken the nectar love print quiz and labeled as a RipG, i can confirm that i am in fact deceased
The meaning of "red flag" has gotten really watered down. What it means is a sign of a toxic person who you shouldn't date at all. It doesn't mean "ok these red flags are deal breakers but these other ones aren't."
Semantic shift better get used to it because it happens with a lot of things. Common ones are swear words which become less taboo (e.g fuck) and euphemisms which become more taboo (e.g “retard”)
I thought it just meant warning signs? Like "this can be indicative of a problem" - but doesn't necessarily HAVE to be. Taking one example from the video, never having been in a committed relationship can be a red flag, but you need to figure out the reason behind it to determine if it's ACTUALLY a dealbreaker. Does it mean you have comittment issues? Or have you just not met the right person? I think red flags are just, well, flagging potential issues. Key word being "potential" as you may figure out it's not actually a dealbreaker.
@@KreeZafiyou described this perfectly.
Semantic drift
That’s subjective though
The guy who said "if you have a bad relationship with your parents" ...... umm some of us are victims of abuse and cut ties for good reason, doesn't make us less worthy of love 😢
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Also a child of family abuse and did not want to risk my children ever being hurt...I would hope that the dudes that said this would be open to hearing why the person has poor familial bonds instead of flat out dismissing a person based on that alone...not to mention so many people are children of the system and have no family...doesn't make them less than or any less deserving
my first thought as well.... how is it the kid's fault if they were born to bad parents? just a weird red flag....
not that theyre less worthy of love but if one is extremely family-oriented, then they’ll have a completely different mentality from someone who isnt, regardless of the reason. so its just avoiding wasting time on something that wont work (statistically)
I think it is in general, possibly having a healthy relationship with any guardian or support system. OR, if you relied on yourself to be your own parent due to extreme circumstances, then having a good relationship with yourself and the values you wish to have if a parent ever yourself.
Maybe, I made that up based on how I'd approach that situation.
Exactly, some people's parents are abusive or in literal cults and that isn't reflective of them. They can still have a perfectly healthy relationship with partners/children just like anybody else.
How did no one, including Cody, react to "Growvid" that was a SOLID joke and it went completly unapreciated 😂😂😂😂
Ngl it hurts everytime they say they wouldn’t date someone who has a bad relationship with their parents like- some of us grew up in abusive households??? So does that mean I don’t deserve a loving relationship?
I dont like the red flag either however its pretty much agreed that it only is the case if the parents are normal
I was once gifted a bearded dragon, too!!! Such an insane gift! But I loved her all the same
PERFECT TIMING I was just starting to get scared of my thoughts
Oh my god I was just about to pummel 6 year olds on fall guys. Cody Ko, you’ve done it again!
read this too fast and my brain completely omitted/didn't comprehend the fall guys part that gave this SUPER important context 😂 lmao
I like how it’s like they’re all giving their application to the only female in the room
Thanks for the book recommendation Jeremy ! "dopamine nation" I am gonna buy that ASAP.
just finished and making my partner read it:)
If you think about it, don’t we all have a history of pooping our pants?
Cody bringing up the RIPG everytime had me dying 😂
I really liked how each guy in this ep was so chill, and not loud and saying "bro" every second.
As a fellow bearded dragon mom.. I appreciate the shout out… beardies rarely get love !
i just realised the guy standing to her right was on your latest video of the real life tinder!
I like when all people seem like nice & normal people. It’s not as “trainwreck entertaining” but it has its own charm and gives me faith in the world.
I had my untouched burrito sitting in front of me i swore not to open it until bro uploaded
Dude I literally just did the same thing
This sounds Sus
I always have to remember to turn the radio on when I have a passenger because that shit stays OFF. Not turned down, just off. I love it.
“a huge red flag is if you have a bad relationship with your parents”
bro they literally abandoned and put me up for adoption 😭 like??
thank you for making even the worst of days a little bit better Cody 🙏🏼
I was crocheting while watching this video, when crochet was mentioned, I skipped a few stitches in awe
WHY DID I LAUGH SO HARD AT RIPG 💀💀💀💀💀 honestly that could be the new lmao
he always knows when i'm gonna eat, what a nice man
love how cody knows we watch him during lunch, felt very watched
I do still find it hard after 15yrs living with a guy who won’t eat many foods including tomato & onion - it spreads into a dislike of cooking, and especially of adventurous eating - both of which are things I enjoy and miss. It does affect the relationship more than you might think.
i’m very picky with who i date and this definitely plays a part (although it might be one of the most unproblematic ones on an interpersonal level). when they tell me they only really eat pizza, mac & cheese, and sandwiches on repeat, it already turns me off them heavily. especially when they dislike more fruits and vegetables than how many they DO like, or equally annoying, have ever even tried. i can’t imagine cooking for myself, him, and the kids, if not even more family later, and having to tone down his meal by leaving out crucial ingredients because he’s just so picky - or even worse, having to cook an entirely different meal for him every damned day. nuh uh.
I just sat down to eat. STOP SPYING ON ME CODY!
Omg Same 😂
cody’s take on old movies is his red flag
cody referring to us having lunch is so 4th wall break core.
I'll forever be looking for ripg in the rest of these videos, thanks cody
When i watch your videos as i get food for lunch after a well deserved break from my extremely hard studies i see it like hanging out with a funny mf for like 15-25 minutes a day.
Definitely the move.
Bro literally at 1:46 you mentioned sitting down for lunch to watch the video that’s crazzzyyyy 😫😂😂😂🤣
How terrifying would it be to be dating eight people, ALL of whom have a secret red flag?
Yeah this set up is kinda weird.
That’s how dating works
I mean, not everyone has secret red flags!@@xxx_ray
That's basically just online dating 😭
Dude EVERYONE has a red flag. If you don’t think there’s something wrong with you, then you’re delusional lol
For some reason, I understood history of pooping pant as someone with a hyper fixation on the history of pooping pants 😂
"Sometimes I just care too hard"
Cody you literally crack me up with your commentary!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1985 isn't an old movie lmaooo the breakfast club is a CLASSIC
its almost 40 years old,.,,...
movie-time-wise it is an old movie
“When you sat down for lunch to watch this video” *me sitting down for lunch as I watch*
Haven't ate in 2 days was waiting for you to post again
Boss wouldn't let me off for lunch break until you uploaded, appreciate it
she picked the one gay guy
I mean the whole "gotta have a good relationship with your family", I raise you "what if your family sucks?" That's not on the individual
honestly... my red flag is not even considering that other people have lived different lives than you... like how can you come out and state that people with bad relationships with their parents cant be a good partner? tf
wha, how, i just saw 3 different versions of the thumbnail back to back
"i'm a disney adult", "i'm addicted to avatar fanfiction", "i have brain damage"😆
This one did take me 3 separate sit downs to watch haha. But love the vids like a goblin loves trinkets so had to finish the task
Somewhere around 2014-2016 there was a big 80s movie revival, perhaps influenced from our parent’s romanticizing it.. a lot of millennials and gen z were watching 80s movies, my and my friends would have 80s movies nights and in general movies like pretty in pink, 16 candles, and Ferris bikers day off became a comfort movie for many especially The breakfast club. That movie can be very slow for someone who’s not into old movies tbh. Now with Stranger things many others there’s a lot of media that take place in the 80s due to this phase we had in our teen years
Stop…how did he know I just sat down for lunch and am watching this video….HOW DO U KNOW
not liking the breakfast club is the biggest red flag here
me as a teacher sitting down during lunch to watch this "did you think when you sat down during lunch that you'd be going to class?" 😂😂😂
Based Miss Hurley 💯
miss hurley on her way to teach some frictionless classes 💯
Cody you’re missing out, movies from the 80s are amazing.
I find that older movies are usually very predictable and I know what's gonna happen within the first 2 minutes. Modern movies on the other hand have to be much more creative and I find they're usually way better. The ending to 'Not Okay' for example was incredibly unique, and 'Missing' was filmed in such a creative way (both movies are on Netflix). Representation is also of course much better in modern movies.
However, I'm open to being proven wrong so was wondering if you had any good recommendations for 80s movies?
@@Random-sk6hmThe Breakfast Club
@@Random-sk6hm I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a movie being predictable. Sometimes you just need a “feel good” movie and not something you need to pick apart or be surprised by.
There are a lot of iconic movies from the 80s-The Neverending Story, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, E.T., Heathers, to name a few.
My tastes in 80s movies are the same as my tastes in modern ones - sci-fi, some horror, weird arty shit. And yes some older things are unavoidably cringy.
Cody's red flag is refusing to watch older movies.... Does that mean he's never seen the godfather?
Good Question!!
going on rotten tomatoes is the most violent millennial thing ever