Zodayn the only people whom you talk like they tell you so are the authorities and exuse me, I dont see why they deserve special treatment such as their "courage" or "bravery".
getting the popcorn, this is the comments on comments section :3 Zero interest in vidya, AKA 'learning how to treat the snowflakes' by lefty Ted I see some are crying already at the 'rayciss' bigoted comments that the mentally diseased are having to deal with for trying to direct how we supposed to treat them. I don't understand why all the precious ones have to be so in your face 'demanding special treatment', grow up children, you get the same treatment as everyone else. This cuckology has completely destroy what TED was/stood for, TED is now retarded Thus the comments section is now the best part of TED vidyas, but they will take that away too
This comment section and the like/dislike ratio is why this TED Talk had to exist. [It's not even a normal length, guys. It's short. You guys can listen to six minutes of a representative asking for basic human decency for an entire group of people.]
Nikanaiko I in turn ask for the basic human fucking decency for the help in getting the average population to a better place of understanding, saying “you should just accept us” or “you should just drop any perspective you may have in consideration of our humanity”, may be true, but that’s only going to be the case in a perfect world. The transgendered acceptance is really only just beginning to happen, (as sad as that may be). It is the reality. So WORK to help those who don’t understand and for those who this WONT be easy for. Otherwise your war will be prolonged for simple acceptance.
If you have to ask for decency then you are wasting your time because those people will never be decent to you (unless it benefits them to suck up to you).
I don't ask everyone else sensitive questions. So why would I NOT talk to them the same way as I do everyone? No! What you want is to be special; raised up on a pedestal and to have someone apologizing to you constantly because you are such a victim.
If the video was about treating trans people like everyone else then why does it exist? Cause we already do that anyway, unless they aren't actually trans people and just whiny attention seeking teenagers who are wanting to be special and different by acting trans ang gay to be "better" people even when they aren't actually trans or gay, yet they still act that way cause they want to be special really hard, are confused about themselves or think being born as who you are is bad thing so they feel like they have to be different because of society
I genuinely like this video. It was nice to have it all explained to me without constant usage of the phrase privilege and what not. It helped me see a little bit into the struggles of a transgender person. Idk why a lot of people are having problems with this video. It was both funny, educational, and there wasn’t anything in there that could be considered triggering.
Agreed. It really opened my mind to aspects of trans people’s experiences that I never really thought about, like abstaning from using public washrooms to the point of it affecting their health. I think these sorts of videos are really important and I’m glad it was posted. :)
@@TheRealUnkn0wn_289 Shaming and harassing, gender disphoria, family rejection, etc. I've seen your comments, you assume too fast you know the reality of others, but don't make any effort to try to understand. The less you know the less aware you are of the things you ignore.
@@jubeeajwee if your mental health deteriorates from not using the opposite sexs bathroom, you have serious mental issues that must be resolved to help you cope in society. These people need compassion, but that doesnt mean they need to be treated like children
@@ryanthomas9306 having to be faced with the reality of how society views you as a person and knowing there are people out there who can decide what is "proper" and "improper" for you to do (and then basing those things in legality) isn't fun. I'd like to see how you'd feel having to use the women's bathroom every time you're out and about.
Most of these people who are calling themselves "trans" aren't actually trans people at all, that's why no one cares, everyone treats trans people like everyone else but they treat these special rainbows teenagers like lesser because they are. Actual trans people are normal, these people however are probably not even trans or gay there just obnoxious people who think being different or special makes them good for some mind numbing reason
Some ignorant people have way too much time and money on their hands and buy dislikes. Can you believe it? Crazy huh. I'm guessing that's what's going on here.
Matjan Thking95 how to speak to a transphobic person: 1. Wait for them to tell you how you’re wrong and how you should off yourself, then let them nitpick you for your race and etc. and tell you why that’s wrong too 2. Try to explain to them that you’re a human being 3. Wait for them to threaten your well being since they just can’t help themselves when facing something they don’t like 4. Call the police because there has been multiple cases of people being murdered because they are trans 5. Protect yourself, because when facing racist or homophobic people your safety comes first, not someone’s aggressive words and actions.
depends on whether they let you speak to them first, or think you have a right to speak because you're part of the patriarchy, or shout you down with an angry rant or not if you so much as mildly disagree with them. I support trans people, I think they should be called by the pronouns they choose, and be given all the rights and respect that everyone else should have. There are a lot of lovely trans people out there, who are just ultimately people, but there is also a horrific, hateful and angry element out there, that seeks to destroy the rest of society, and blame it for all their ills, and put us all in our place, rather than listen to what we have to say.
I'm an older hetero guy and I admit that Its not so easy to change what you believe about gender. I have always treated people as individuals and try not to prejudge anyone based on gender differences, race, religion etc. I thought your talk was outstanding and I can certainly abide by everything you said.
Great video! Too bad people are too busy vomiting hate to even watch it and hear it is exactly about treating everyone with the same respect and equality. By the way, these words (respect, equality, peace) should be the core of all human relations - but, unfortunately, people are ready to throw stones at you when you speak in favor of these concepts... Congrats TED and Jack for standing up anyway and creating this content!
@@vanillasplash6198 Why do you even care about other peoples genitals? If anyone is weird then it is you who goes around thinking about peoples genitals all day. Also being trans is not about the surgery. Most transpeople don't even have surgery, but that doesn't make them less in any way. All you're taking a stand for is perverse stupidity.
I'm a former die hard christian who held some bigoted views. Now, I'm an atheist and I'm trying to understand the topics I once looked down upon. I find transgender individuals awkward to be around but that's because of me and my current ignorance. Thank you for talking about this and helping me figure out how to be less awkward.
Gender Ideology is just another religion. Just a secular religion. More like a cult, to be honest. I seriously advise you to not fall into its trap. Think critically. Can a man (born male) be a woman just because that's how he feels in his mind? Does any identity work that way? Why is gender identity the only identity that isn't based on any form of material reality (i.e. black, Latino, American, deaf) or a set of shared beliefs (i.e. Christian, communist), but only based on the subjective feeling of a single person? Why do feelings trump material reality, and only in regards to gender identity? Why can't a person identify as black if their skin is white, but a male bodied person can identify as a woman? Why can't anyone define "woman" anymore? What does "transwoman is a woman" mean if you can't define woman? There are so much more points to think about. When you start questioning it, you see all the cracks and logical fallacies. Trans activists and gender ideologists try to prevent this, so they label you "transphobe" and "bigot" the moment you question anything in this ideology. Don't fall into this trap. Question it.
Hey Billy! If I may ask why do you think you held these bigoted views towards Trans? And what were the views that you had? I am curious because me as a Christian man I don't think I have any personal issues with Trans or drunkards or even murderers or people who cheat or lie. I'd be lying if I say that at first when those things come up or happen my mind wouldn't go to why do they do this but I catch myself and remember what the Bible tells us and what I've seen with my own eyes, we do not battle against flesh and bones. That being said, I may get a little angry at the person but then I remember what they are facing, evil forces right? So at that point I let go of the anger towards them (easier said than done sometimes I'll admit). But we are all God's creation and all here for a purpose and that is to love one another no matter what! Period! I love you brother and again, I know sometimes all of this is easier said than done but God's mercy and love follow the ones who love him and do his will. We are only called to judge the Church and in a way we're we can build them up to not tear them down. Everything we do must come from love. We are called to forgive each other many, many times. We are not called to judge those apart from God but to tell them about the kingdom of God and set ourselves apart in a way that they would notice and want that love that carries us through it all too. All of us Christians fail sometimes and we fail others and even hurt others but that does not mean that God also does. Hope serves to bring positivity, joy and kindness and if you want to talk I am more than willing! ❤❤
To all the people saying "just talk to them like any other person", that's wonderful... but it's not the problem. The real problem is most people don't talk with them like they're any other person (and most trans people don't even disclose that they're trans to begin with either). So until most people DO actually talk to them like any other person, there's still a tremendous amount of discrimination.
My church has a very simple solution. I dont even know if it was due to transgender bathrooms or just common sense. We just have two bathrooms that are just bathrooms. If one is full, you use the other. None are marked Men or women. If a church can be that forward, why can't other stores and stuff simply have gender neutral bathrooms. I mean the bathrooms in our homes are already that way....so....what is the big deal in making all public bathrooms that way. When asked about the issue, i say one can usually tell if someone is faking it. A man in a wig walking into the ladies room and who isn't a lady is most likely going to notice and people will keep themself safe. But, if I see a transwoman enter the bathroom and i can clearly see she is doing her best to present herself as a girl i won't be scared. I will assume she is in the right place and both of us can pee in peace. If I see a transman who is clearly trying to look manly and reflect their outer immage as a man i am going to be freaked out to see him in the ladies room. If we keep one thing clear we can make simple easy decisions about this, gender is not between the legs, it is between the ears.
You’d think this would be really simple wouldn’t you? But a lot of people seem to think gender neutral bathrooms will be the harbinger of armageddon for some reason. I really don’t get it.
The point is parents are concerned about protecting their children especially young girls. And people dont like the idea of creating an environment that would make it easier for a sexual predator to exploit a young girl whos alone in a bathroom. I would rather hurt the feelings of 100k trans people than allow just 1 little girl to be molested or even worse...
So many people here that won't even spend six ish minutes learning how to be kind. Try a new thing. Learn from pple different than you. Stop acting like you know everything.
Doesn’t make sense. I have known how to be nice since I was a little kid. In what circumstance is it ok to project expectations of behavior on others? Who else is allowed can expect the same from others?
I don't understand the comment section at all. Yes, the point of this talk is 'treat people like people'. Yes, it's not necessarily a new topic or providing new ideas. Yes, he is young but Jackson Bird has gone through some experiences that we can all learn from. He has experienced how people treat transpeople and has noticed that there is an issue around communication with trans gender people. Jackson is just trying to further the conversation of equality and human dignity. People commenting that he is 'too young' and therefore inexperienced or 'making a problem from nothing', is absolutely frustrating. Just because you are not experienced in this issue or care about it, does not mean it isn't important. Different perspectives is what Ted thrives on, yes he is young but his ideas and opinions still have merit and consequently further the conversation on global human right issues.
To all of you who cry "talk with them like any other people" - this is basically what he says in the talk. The title is just a little misleading. Watch first, then comment.
Okay so they're agreeing with him (on one point). The thing is, it's a platitude, and are platitudes really worth a ted talk? tell me what's wrong with their "crying" again
He asks you to not consciously insult a transgender person by referring to him/her in terms of the old gender AFTER they corrected you on the issue. It's basically the same things as if someone asked you to call them by there second first name because they like it better. That is really just the normal thing to do
I can see you're really phoning in the male pronouns, which is really ironic considering this video's message. Even if you don't think you are, you are.
@@lefthandersrule9419 ikr like, is it that hard to just. be respectful and show basic human decency???? this is why ion wanna go outside my house anymore lmao.
The comments on this video. 50% just talk to them normally 35% why do you introduce yourself as trans? 15% REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!1!!!11!!!!
I see so many comments about how they’re not going to change their entire vocabulary to make someone else comfortable/happy. Why is it so hard to simply say he instead of she? Or vise versa? And it’s not going to destroy your life to use they as a pronoun for someone. If someone says it makes them uncomfortable to be called a certain name or pronoun and they politely correct you then why would you continue to call them what they just told you they don’t like to be called? I also see a lot of comments about how trans people want special treatment, but we really don’t. We just want to be treated like a human being. And yes, some trans people want special treatment and want attention for being trans, but most of the trans community wants anything but attention. For me personally being trans isn’t something I like being. I wish I could just be cis, go by my birth name and pronouns while being happy and comfortable with myself, but I can’t. Most trans people won’t be offended by you calling them the wrong pronoun the first time. We get offended when we politely correct you and calmly remind you multiple times and you still insist to call us the wrong thing. I wish our society was more accepting, and that it didn’t matter if someone was trans, that it only mattered what someone’s personality was, not what name and pronouns they go by
As a trans man, it's so hard having to go through all the things you mentioned. Last month I was diagnosed with UTI for the same reason. I hate going to the girls bathroom, it's so weird and uncomfortable having to be in a room with a bunch of girls. (Not that theres anything wrong with being a girl) Weird! I hate it so much man. If I had the choice to be cis I'd take it in a heart beat. :/
*To everyone saying trans people want special treatment:* I do not want special treatment. When people treat me different for being trans, It makes me feel incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. I understand why they act lke that. Because they don't want to say something wrong. I usually assure them they don't have to do that, and if I'm uncomfortable, I will tell them. Sometimes I'm so uncomfortable I don't have to tell them, and they figure it out. The people are nice, but I don't want that to be the norm. I just want to be seen the way I see myself. That is all. Treat me like everyone else. Please.
I’ve been out for a few years and this brought me back to the emotions I had when I was working through that process. The ending was great and my favorite part was him pointing out that people will apologize profusely about misgendering a cat but wouldn’t necessarily do that to another human. I’ll be excited when being trans is normalized more, I hear so many people saying that it’s the new version of being gay like it’s some fad.
Smh. An animal is not easy to tell what they are, people are not animals so do not be retarded, also noboody is ''misgendering'' when a male is born a male and a female is born a female!
Big Brother you are aware that the rates of regret from people who surgically transition is actually lower than many other surgeries right? People transitioning and then regretting it later really isn’t as common as a lot of people pretend it is.
Hey Jack! I just wanted to drop a comment in here, in case you see it. I've been watching your videos for about 4 years, and I really appreciate everything you do to try to educate others and hold others up and make the world a happier and safer and better place for everyone. I'm sorry that so many people in this comment section lack basic empathy and understanding, and willingness to learn and grow. I'm sorry that you will likely have to spend your entire life educating others and explaining yourself, instead of living with the comfort of NOT having to do that that straight cis people will never really realize is their privilege. Thanks for being kind and doing good things and being such a strong person. I appreciate you, and so do your nearly 30K subscribers. We are proud of you. I'm sorry that this video has attracted so much hate, but that so perfectly highlights why it's necessary to keep talking about these topics. I hope, if you see this, it makes you smile.
@@Elastigirl-Official Yes. Please do. That's literally what the video is asking for. At the beginning he says people treat him awkward, when he just wants treated like a normal guy. Literally the premise of the video. You are exactly right, treat us like anyone else, please
There are a lot of TED talk videos about people just going on and on about themselves where I have to wonder if they have anything worth saying or if they're just attention seekers who think the world revolves around them. This is one of those videos. The speaker isn't even trying to convince the audience to be interested. He just assumes everyone must be. I wonder if trans people ever realize just how marginal they really are? Most people live their entire lives never having met even one and never having to think about any of this. Most people don't have transgender friends either. The LGBT lobby has really blown it out of proportion. The media too. It's become a trend.
If your opinion were the majority one, then TED wouldn't be making content like this. Unfortuntely, you are in an extreme minority and TED is pointing out why we should just treat other people like people.
This is why nobody takes you all seriously. Right here. And this is why nobody talks to you all normally. This right here. You’re so caught up in making all cis people look bad that you’ve lost all your credibility. Shame on you. You are part of the problem and why I don’t have trans friends.
kagaminek no he fucking doesn’t he just said literally what any other would. I want something on what HES doing for his PEOPLES acceptance, how he’s WORKING to help others in the acceptance of the transgendered. Not how he expects or hopes others to change.
Chris Allan By talking about it, he is providing a human, a person and a story to what may seem like anonymous and completely caricaturised versions of people. He is raising awareness and thus, bringing about change. So what are you doing on your high horse to bring about social change?
I think we should be teaching trans people how to talk and listen to everybody else. As soon as you say something they don’t agree with you’re labeled a transphobic bigot and they start verbally abusing you
what really hurts is, none of them want to want to be the other gender. Not a typo, not a mistake; if any of them could "just be cis" or "just be gay", if it were as simple as being a "phase", they'd be so much happier, but instead they live in fear and hide their depression because of all the incredible opinions everyone around them pre-makes about them, and all they want to do is... exist... but even that's asking too much from this world, the pursuit of happiness is a right only granted to people born lucky enough to think normal thoughts and feel normal feelings. Friends and family are not the true victims of a suicide attempt.
my thought when he said he was trans: "my god he's so brave being up on stage like that. I would not be able to out myself to a room full of strangers."
I wouldn't call it missconception, the concept of each one of us is subjective and therefore it is imposible to educate ppl to know what you think of your own self. And it's non of my business either. All I know is there are boys and girls or in some cases hermafrodites defined as sexes, why do we all have to get involved in whats inside your head?
Lived more than half a century and always knew since I was little. Got to fix it 25 years ago. 10 surgeries as a guinea pig. No regrets even after trans related PTSD diagnosis. Nothing like violence to make you afraid of "normal" people who seem to claim they know what God said and seem to believe Fox News is the truth. "Lord, save me from your followers." Keep going brave dude. I'm passing the torch to you.
It is always healthier to accept who you are than it is to attempt to change it. If you have to tell others how to speak/think and feel in order for you to be comfortable then the problem is most definitely you. Maybe your identity isn’t as important to the grand scheme of the universe like you think it is. Maybe society has bigger problems to worry about?
I haven't seen the video yet but my answer would be:"like people". They may have a different gender but just talk to them like you would talk to anyone. And if you by accident use the wrong pronoun just say:"oh sorry I didn't know". and start using what they like better.
I didn't realize people where assigned a gender when they where born. I always thought boys had a penis and girls had a vagina, you learn something new every day.
Ah yes Jackson! I love him and I didn't even know he made a TED Talk and I'm so proud of him for standing up there and talking like that cuz he's super cool and fun and he deserves so much sjfislskjwkw
@@supermangarritano6636 I mean, how long did it take you to become Trans/intersex? How many nights did you stay up late studying and practicing it? What were your final grades?
I love this video and I wanna get more and more educated on this, hopefully soon society will evolve like he says. I just felt a bit awkward about how quiet the audience was, the boy made some good jokes okay...
Pookie, once you've been convinced that a hen is actually a rooster, then you will truly be "evolved." (And I will be walking quietly in the other direction).
I have no problem with transgender people (yes, I agree, they are just people!). I DO have a problem with Transgender activists who bully people with their agenda and their ideology on gender fluidity etc. Most people have NO problem with trans people until they start the "you can be a man and have a baby" rhetoric and saying 3yr olds can be trans is also a problem many people have.
Breezy Bear This is what I try to stress! We should, as people, fight for equality for transgendered folk as well as any other oppressed person, rather than fighting for attention towards them. A world where we can walk by a transgender person and not bat an eyelash is the world we should strive for.
I'm sorry but: _as if they're actually oppressed._ Oppression implies intentional force is used to hold us back. Generally such intentional force is rare. Nevertheless... - We do have the highest unemployment rate - nearly double the national average - Male-to-female pay offers are cut by 30% or more. Heaven help you if you're a black male-to-female transgender person. They know pain and discrimination more than anyone alive.
If you came here to dislike read this: A dislike is basically the same as a like since it's a reaction. If you *click* on this video, *react* to it and maybe even leave an angry *comment* about how stupid TED is for uploading this then you are supporting this video. If you want a youtube channel in general to stop making a certain type of video then *don't click on it!* Clicks = Money. likes, dislikes, comments = the youtube algorithm thinks "this video is important to humans" = video gets referred to even more people = more clicks = more money This might not work as well with TED but I thought this would be appropriate to post on a video with likes/dislikes=0.6
Umm UA-cam rewind 2018 you think all the dislikes helped that vid and all the negative comments helped that vid NO use your brain and I know that vid didn't get the money directly but all the advertisers that saw that noticed that people did not like it so the loose money ugggg
when I learned this a cat suddenly came in without permission. Because my door was open. Is this a sign of the environment around me?i dont understand.
He didn’t answer questions that I have. Like when is the appropriate time to crack jokes. My buddies and I joke ALL the time, but since one of my best friends came out as transsexual ,I felt that it needed to stop. Now it’s just weird, because that’s who I am. We make fun of each other and others all the time, so is it still cool to joke around about it? He said it’s cool, but I feel he says that cause it’s the normal thing to say, and I don’t want to offend anybody because they really think I feel that way. What can I do?
This comment is surprisingly pure and genuine for this comment section. I know this is late so you probably won’t see it or don’t need the advice anymore, but I’d say that it really depends on the person. Some people are very sensitive about stuff like that, some aren’t. I think the most important thing is to do some research about transgender people, never use slurs even as a joke (tr*nny is the most common trans slur), and avoid using the persons deadname or old pronouns unless they *explicitly* tell you it’s okay. And if you’re talking about saying things transphobic people say but ironically, my rule of thumb is to change the statement to make it sound mire ridiculous, so it’s clear you don’t actually believe it. A personal favorite of mine is saying “there are only two genders: _ and _” but instead of male and female, you list two things that are blatantly unrelated to gender. Saying that “there are only two genders: bigfoot and mothman” while talking about cryptids was a personal favorite if mine. You know this person better than I do, and the fact that you’re asking this question at all is a good sign, but remember that sometimes people with social anxiety will tell you a joke is okay even if it makes them uncomfortable to avoid confrontation. I hope this helps, and I’m sorry you didn’t get an answer sooner.
Brilliant young man ! So proud to be part of this generation. We are nothing but ingenious, brave , supportive and fighters for a better world. #BLACKLIVESMATTER #METOO #LGTBQ #REFUGEESWELCOME
I definitely understand what you mean about having to educate people about our community. I am very open about my sexuality (I'm bisexual), but it means people are more open about asking questions. I am everyone's go to person when they have any questions about the LGBTQ+ community. What people don't understand is that I can't answer all of their questions because I am only one thing on the spectrum. I do my best to help people understand, but it's very tiring. I also try to make everyone who comes out feel as comfortable as possible, but I can't do everything. Some questions are sometimes frustrating or downright rude, but I do my best to politely answer and/or explain.
@@treeross I’m just saying freedom of thought and expression is sometimes offensive but you can’t get to the roots of problems if you never scratch the surface
People talking about how it's not brave where they are literally berating, hating and mass disliking this video. Some people say the difference between humans and other animals is our advanced sense of empathy. Haha.
Clearly people are just reading the title and not actually listening to the talk. Yes, treat people who are transgender just like anyone else; that’s exactly what Jack is saying in the video. But let’s be real, probably 85% of the people proclaiming that they do so probably have the same thoughts run through their head as soon as they find out someone is transgender. That doesn’t make you a bad person, but refusing to listen to those saying there is a problem because you want to believe everything is wonderful is.
Gender pronouns should be respected. This is not crazy, left-wing propaganda. This is about gender, a culturally defined word based on characteristics and traits of a person. This is not a fad. Native Americans called people with mixed gender identities “2 spirited” and even the Ancient Norse recognised people with different identities hundreds of years ago. Go to genderspectrum.org to learn more
Common sense should also be respected. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Trans people are playing dress-up and want the majority population to conform to their fantasy worlds all because they can't accept who they are.
You are probably feeling brave: the hyper sexualización of transgender people in society is devastating. It is similar to the potential racist toxic narrative about Black/African/Caribbean folk as discussed by Adichie: “…they are people with their eyes and their mouths in their breast…” 💭
Wasn't it just last year transgenders were only 0.02% of population, but now it's estimated to be 0.3%. Wow. It got really fashionable to be trans that it's actually hurting the people that are. Even people that aren't that have just suffered from abusive parenting that need help accepting who they are and letting them know it's not wrong.
I don't think being transgender is a trend. I think because awareness is spreading and there's more information available people are more likely to recognize issues with their gender identity. If there is a trend the trend is coming out but that's just because attitudes are changing so now people feel comfortable and safe enough to coming out.
theduke ofweasels I've been around long enough to know it is just a fashionable trend. Plus people being diagnosed as transgenders by psychologist when that's not the real issue. It's more just people wanting to put a label on something that they don't fully understand. And there was a time when being gay was popular and they thought the gay population of the United States was about 8 to 9%. Now it's dropped back to 3 or 4%. Honestly I think the transgender movement is much more complicated and far smaller than it is perceived.
Okay, I really didn't watched this video, like at all, but the title made me comment "WE TALK TO THEM AS ALL OTHER PEOPLE, BECOUSE THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE" thank you
Except there is a problem, but people don’t want to confront it so they try to tell the very people who have to live through all of those problems that they’re wrong.
@@pacmanshooter247 The point is that he's a white-priveledged, condescending trans girl-boy to tries to guilt everyone in order to validate his own internalized self-loathing.
You have to talk with them like any other people.
Romanski Jesus what if I still can see that its dude?! I cant talk to him like its a female, just cant.
Mikesman1000 why talk to man and women differently? All you got to do is use the right pronounce, they just tell you which to use and that is that
Zodayn you suggest me to talk to someone they way *THEY* want me to?
Zodayn the only people whom you talk like they tell you so are the authorities and exuse me, I dont see why they deserve special treatment such as their "courage" or "bravery".
Outrageous! Almost as if they're normal people! Stop the hate speech already!
Me: Ha ha ha, that was a good joke!😂
People in the crowd: (cricket chirping)
Yeah I felt sad they didn't laugh :(
ywe da was akward
They were such a bad audience
@@renameagain5808 They aren't obligated to laugh at bad jokes
Comments are going to be a gold mine, let's go see.
i dont plan on watching the video either man..
I got the popcorn
You'll probably like my contribution
getting the popcorn, this is the comments on comments section :3
Zero interest in vidya, AKA 'learning how to treat the snowflakes' by lefty Ted
I see some are crying already at the 'rayciss' bigoted comments that the mentally diseased are having to deal with for trying to direct how we supposed to treat them.
I don't understand why all the precious ones have to be so in your face 'demanding special treatment', grow up children, you get the same treatment as everyone else.
This cuckology has completely destroy what TED was/stood for, TED is now retarded
Thus the comments section is now the best part of TED vidyas, but they will take that away too
Dan And comment of the year goes too......
This comment section and the like/dislike ratio is why this TED Talk had to exist. [It's not even a normal length, guys. It's short. You guys can listen to six minutes of a representative asking for basic human decency for an entire group of people.]
Nikanaiko I in turn ask for the basic human fucking decency for the help in getting the average population to a better place of understanding, saying “you should just accept us” or “you should just drop any perspective you may have in consideration of our humanity”, may be true, but that’s only going to be the case in a perfect world. The transgendered acceptance is really only just beginning to happen, (as sad as that may be). It is the reality. So WORK to help those who don’t understand and for those who this WONT be easy for. Otherwise your war will be prolonged for simple acceptance.
Chris Allan If your acceptance is conditional, I don’t want it.
If you have to ask for decency then you are wasting your time because those people will never be decent to you (unless it benefits them to suck up to you).
**rubs hands** let's see who's attacking me today **scrolls to comments**
i’m hunting for hate comments right now lol
Literally same.
You clearly
have not
the video.
EatinBubsy Because people treat us trans people wrong and ask insensitive questions all the time
Kim Kardashian Un Or you could, you know, not be rude.
Shut up
I don't ask everyone else sensitive questions. So why would I NOT talk to them the same way as I do everyone?
No! What you want is to be special; raised up on a pedestal and to have someone apologizing to you constantly because you are such a victim.
If the video was about treating trans people like everyone else then why does it exist? Cause we already do that anyway, unless they aren't actually trans people and just whiny attention seeking teenagers who are wanting to be special and different by acting trans ang gay to be "better" people even when they aren't actually trans or gay, yet they still act that way cause they want to be special really hard, are confused about themselves or think being born as who you are is bad thing so they feel like they have to be different because of society
I genuinely like this video. It was nice to have it all explained to me without constant usage of the phrase privilege and what not. It helped me see a little bit into the struggles of a transgender person. Idk why a lot of people are having problems with this video. It was both funny, educational, and there wasn’t anything in there that could be considered triggering.
Thank you!
Agreed. It really opened my mind to aspects of trans people’s experiences that I never really thought about, like abstaning from using public washrooms to the point of it affecting their health. I think these sorts of videos are really important and I’m glad it was posted. :)
@@TheRealUnkn0wn_289 Shaming and harassing, gender disphoria, family rejection, etc. I've seen your comments, you assume too fast you know the reality of others, but don't make any effort to try to understand. The less you know the less aware you are of the things you ignore.
@@jubeeajwee if your mental health deteriorates from not using the opposite sexs bathroom, you have serious mental issues that must be resolved to help you cope in society.
These people need compassion, but that doesnt mean they need to be treated like children
@@ryanthomas9306 having to be faced with the reality of how society views you as a person and knowing there are people out there who can decide what is "proper" and "improper" for you to do (and then basing those things in legality) isn't fun. I'd like to see how you'd feel having to use the women's bathroom every time you're out and about.
don't know why this video is rated low. i thought this video was good, educational & helpful.
Sam Ann I agree. But I think this talk was meant for allies of the trans community, which the core audience of this video don’t seem to be.
Sam Ann cause you a dolphin
Allies. Because the transgender movement is militant.
EnigmaOGN being transgender isn’t a movement, we just want to be ourselves without people literally murdering us...
Most of these people who are calling themselves "trans" aren't actually trans people at all, that's why no one cares, everyone treats trans people like everyone else but they treat these special rainbows teenagers like lesser because they are. Actual trans people are normal, these people however are probably not even trans or gay there just obnoxious people who think being different or special makes them good for some mind numbing reason
This video has more dislikes than likes?! How is it possible?
Keep going Jack, your talk was amazing!
Some ignorant people have way too much time and money on their hands and buy dislikes. Can you believe it? Crazy huh. I'm guessing that's what's going on here.
or maybe everyone is not indoctrinated yet.
@Andy Salter That is a false statistic and completely overstated. The vast majority of suicides are committed by males. That has been proven.
Omg, they said “period”, they must be right :o *gasps*
No pal, trans men are men and there is biological proof for it
@Andy Salter hey have you thought that the suicide rate is high because all of the people like you won't leave us alone😂😂
*Step one to meeting a trans person*
-Say hi.
step two- ask pronouns
Ask them how they feel stupid too change.
Matjan Thking95 how to speak to a transphobic person:
1. Wait for them to tell you how you’re wrong and how you should off yourself, then let them nitpick you for your race and etc. and tell you why that’s wrong too
2. Try to explain to them that you’re a human being
3. Wait for them to threaten your well being since they just can’t help themselves when facing something they don’t like
4. Call the police because there has been multiple cases of people being murdered because they are trans
5. Protect yourself, because when facing racist or homophobic people your safety comes first, not someone’s aggressive words and actions.
depends on whether they let you speak to them first, or think you have a right to speak because you're part of the patriarchy, or shout you down with an angry rant or not if you so much as mildly disagree with them. I support trans people, I think they should be called by the pronouns they choose, and be given all the rights and respect that everyone else should have. There are a lot of lovely trans people out there, who are just ultimately people, but there is also a horrific, hateful and angry element out there, that seeks to destroy the rest of society, and blame it for all their ills, and put us all in our place, rather than listen to what we have to say.
Stay away from it
Why did I look in the comment section
sakke surströmming did somebody hurt your precious feelings?
Because it’s hysterical.
Why did you take issue with what you saw?
sakke surströmming I just wanted to find comments about waffles, I somehow didn’t expect this
I'm an older hetero guy and I admit that Its not so easy to change what you believe about gender. I have always treated people as individuals and try not to prejudge anyone based on gender differences, race, religion etc. I thought your talk was outstanding and I can certainly abide by everything you said.
Did boomers skip the childhood lesson on peer pressure or something? Why are you all so weak?
@@JazukaiX fr
@@JazukaiX No, we're civilized adults that don't require everyone to be just like us.
Gay af
Ya boi did a ted talkkkk omgg soo prouddd
whe u know dis dude im entrieged tell me where to find more bout ya boi
also i am going along with the ya boi thing i know the meme i swaer im not a wierdo
Edit: Your girl did a Ted talk
Great video! Too bad people are too busy vomiting hate to even watch it and hear it is exactly about treating everyone with the same respect and equality. By the way, these words (respect, equality, peace) should be the core of all human relations - but, unfortunately, people are ready to throw stones at you when you speak in favor of these concepts... Congrats TED and Jack for standing up anyway and creating this content!
vanillasplash You do realize there were trans people before the 21st century right?
@@vanillasplash6198 Why do you even care about other peoples genitals? If anyone is weird then it is you who goes around thinking about peoples genitals all day. Also being trans is not about the surgery. Most transpeople don't even have surgery, but that doesn't make them less in any way. All you're taking a stand for is perverse stupidity.
@@vanillasplash6198 Do you know the science behind why someone is born or develops into a transgender? What should they do in that case?
I'm a former die hard christian who held some bigoted views. Now, I'm an atheist and I'm trying to understand the topics I once looked down upon. I find transgender individuals awkward to be around but that's because of me and my current ignorance. Thank you for talking about this and helping me figure out how to be less awkward.
So do you believe that men can truly be women? Is there a difference between “masculine” and “male”? What is a man? Do definitions matter?
Gender Ideology is just another religion. Just a secular religion. More like a cult, to be honest. I seriously advise you to not fall into its trap. Think critically. Can a man (born male) be a woman just because that's how he feels in his mind? Does any identity work that way? Why is gender identity the only identity that isn't based on any form of material reality (i.e. black, Latino, American, deaf) or a set of shared beliefs (i.e. Christian, communist), but only based on the subjective feeling of a single person? Why do feelings trump material reality, and only in regards to gender identity? Why can't a person identify as black if their skin is white, but a male bodied person can identify as a woman? Why can't anyone define "woman" anymore? What does "transwoman is a woman" mean if you can't define woman? There are so much more points to think about. When you start questioning it, you see all the cracks and logical fallacies. Trans activists and gender ideologists try to prevent this, so they label you "transphobe" and "bigot" the moment you question anything in this ideology. Don't fall into this trap. Question it.
Hey Billy! If I may ask why do you think you held these bigoted views towards Trans? And what were the views that you had? I am curious because me as a Christian man I don't think I have any personal issues with Trans or drunkards or even murderers or people who cheat or lie. I'd be lying if I say that at first when those things come up or happen my mind wouldn't go to why do they do this but I catch myself and remember what the Bible tells us and what I've seen with my own eyes, we do not battle against flesh and bones. That being said, I may get a little angry at the person but then I remember what they are facing, evil forces right? So at that point I let go of the anger towards them (easier said than done sometimes I'll admit). But we are all God's creation and all here for a purpose and that is to love one another no matter what! Period! I love you brother and again, I know sometimes all of this is easier said than done but God's mercy and love follow the ones who love him and do his will. We are only called to judge the Church and in a way we're we can build them up to not tear them down. Everything we do must come from love. We are called to forgive each other many, many times. We are not called to judge those apart from God but to tell them about the kingdom of God and set ourselves apart in a way that they would notice and want that love that carries us through it all too. All of us Christians fail sometimes and we fail others and even hurt others but that does not mean that God also does. Hope serves to bring positivity, joy and kindness and if you want to talk I am more than willing! ❤❤
So you’ve gone from extreme to the other extreme?
To all the people saying "just talk to them like any other person", that's wonderful... but it's not the problem. The real problem is most people don't talk with them like they're any other person (and most trans people don't even disclose that they're trans to begin with either). So until most people DO actually talk to them like any other person, there's still a tremendous amount of discrimination.
Chris Most people never meet a trans gender,they are few and far between. Irrelevant to most everyones lives as far as I have seen.
I know 1 transgender person. And i dont give them special treatment.
And what if I do not want to deal with any so-called transgender person?
Well as long as you're not deliberately a jerk and don't have any urges to act violently towards a so-called transperson, you should be fine.
@@Jayteaseepiirturi yeah, they're violent enough toward themselves.
My church has a very simple solution. I dont even know if it was due to transgender bathrooms or just common sense. We just have two bathrooms that are just bathrooms. If one is full, you use the other. None are marked Men or women. If a church can be that forward, why can't other stores and stuff simply have gender neutral bathrooms. I mean the bathrooms in our homes are already that way....so....what is the big deal in making all public bathrooms that way. When asked about the issue, i say one can usually tell if someone is faking it. A man in a wig walking into the ladies room and who isn't a lady is most likely going to notice and people will keep themself safe. But, if I see a transwoman enter the bathroom and i can clearly see she is doing her best to present herself as a girl i won't be scared. I will assume she is in the right place and both of us can pee in peace. If I see a transman who is clearly trying to look manly and reflect their outer immage as a man i am going to be freaked out to see him in the ladies room. If we keep one thing clear we can make simple easy decisions about this, gender is not between the legs, it is between the ears.
You’d think this would be really simple wouldn’t you? But a lot of people seem to think gender neutral bathrooms will be the harbinger of armageddon for some reason. I really don’t get it.
The point is parents are concerned about protecting their children especially young girls. And people dont like the idea of creating an environment that would make it easier for a sexual predator to exploit a young girl whos alone in a bathroom.
I would rather hurt the feelings of 100k trans people than allow just 1 little girl to be molested or even worse...
No l don’t want biological men dressed as women in my bathroom! This is one of the reasons why Trump won!
So many people here that won't even spend six ish minutes learning how to be kind. Try a new thing. Learn from pple different than you. Stop acting like you know everything.
Shut UP Timothy
Preach timothy
I've been recorded on people's phones regardless of what rest room I've used man's or woman's.
I don't know to be kind, I want to everyone to suffer
Doesn’t make sense. I have known how to be nice since I was a little kid. In what circumstance is it ok to project expectations of behavior on others? Who else is allowed can expect the same from others?
I don't understand the comment section at all. Yes, the point of this talk is 'treat people like people'. Yes, it's not necessarily a new topic or providing new ideas. Yes, he is young but Jackson Bird has gone through some experiences that we can all learn from. He has experienced how people treat transpeople and has noticed that there is an issue around communication with trans gender people. Jackson is just trying to further the conversation of equality and human dignity. People commenting that he is 'too young' and therefore inexperienced or 'making a problem from nothing', is absolutely frustrating. Just because you are not experienced in this issue or care about it, does not mean it isn't important. Different perspectives is what Ted thrives on, yes he is young but his ideas and opinions still have merit and consequently further the conversation on global human right issues.
He gave a pretty good speech
Derek Rohen she
Soyun Lee you're guessing wrong
@@knockedout he*
@@은유-y1x no, your right.
To all of you who cry "talk with them like any other people" - this is basically what he says in the talk. The title is just a little misleading. Watch first, then comment.
Watched it and she asks for the "right" pronounce.
The title might be misleading, but the video isn't.
yes of course... pronounce....
It's "pronouns", not "pronounce", and it's "he", not "she.
Okay so they're agreeing with him (on one point).
The thing is, it's a platitude, and are platitudes really worth a ted talk?
tell me what's wrong with their "crying" again
He asks you to not consciously insult a transgender person by referring to him/her in terms of the old gender AFTER they corrected you on the issue. It's basically the same things as if someone asked you to call them by there second first name because they like it better. That is really just the normal thing to do
So many dislikes... Someday we'll evolve as a society, as humans...
yup, as long as more and more ppl wake up and leave a dislike. No more liberal brainwashing.
I wish humans would evolve to stop using "..." in place of a comma or period.
TheMixEmperor this one won't
Alpine Frost Unfortunately, YOU are the brainwashed one, HYPOCRITE.
yea when we abandon religion n stop pretending u can be a helicopter
He's such a lovely person. What a great man.
I can see you're really phoning in the male pronouns, which is really ironic considering this video's message. Even if you don't think you are, you are.
Rotund Monibuv if you meant woman they are not. they are male
people responding to this comment really do be like "oh no! they used the preferred pronouns! better correct them (;"
@@mymelody7332 For real. I don't understand people sometimes
@@lefthandersrule9419 ikr like, is it that hard to just. be respectful and show basic human decency???? this is why ion wanna go outside my house anymore lmao.
Did i cry when he said its so much harder for non binary people, as I am an a non out non binary person: yes
Thats my ted talk
jackson actually had a TED talk i can't believe it omg
The comments on this video.
50% just talk to them normally
35% why do you introduce yourself as trans?
15% REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!1!!!11!!!!
I see so many comments about how they’re not going to change their entire vocabulary to make someone else comfortable/happy. Why is it so hard to simply say he instead of she? Or vise versa? And it’s not going to destroy your life to use they as a pronoun for someone. If someone says it makes them uncomfortable to be called a certain name or pronoun and they politely correct you then why would you continue to call them what they just told you they don’t like to be called? I also see a lot of comments about how trans people want special treatment, but we really don’t. We just want to be treated like a human being. And yes, some trans people want special treatment and want attention for being trans, but most of the trans community wants anything but attention. For me personally being trans isn’t something I like being. I wish I could just be cis, go by my birth name and pronouns while being happy and comfortable with myself, but I can’t. Most trans people won’t be offended by you calling them the wrong pronoun the first time. We get offended when we politely correct you and calmly remind you multiple times and you still insist to call us the wrong thing. I wish our society was more accepting, and that it didn’t matter if someone was trans, that it only mattered what someone’s personality was, not what name and pronouns they go by
I want to be called an almighty God. Is it difficult to call me like this? I demand that. I will be happier
As a trans man, it's so hard having to go through all the things you mentioned. Last month I was diagnosed with UTI for the same reason. I hate going to the girls bathroom, it's so weird and uncomfortable having to be in a room with a bunch of girls. (Not that theres anything wrong with being a girl) Weird! I hate it so much man. If I had the choice to be cis I'd take it in a heart beat. :/
You do have a chance… you will never feel better all you did was change your appearance. Change comes from the inside.
@@Nic134 ya I know. Even if I completely transitioned I would still have to go to a fucking gynecologist. :(
*To everyone saying trans people want special treatment:*
I do not want special treatment. When people treat me different for being trans, It makes me feel incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. I understand why they act lke that. Because they don't want to say something wrong. I usually assure them they don't have to do that, and if I'm uncomfortable, I will tell them. Sometimes I'm so uncomfortable I don't have to tell them, and they figure it out.
The people are nice, but I don't want that to be the norm. I just want to be seen the way I see myself. That is all. Treat me like everyone else. Please.
I’ve been out for a few years and this brought me back to the emotions I had when I was working through that process. The ending was great and my favorite part was him pointing out that people will apologize profusely about misgendering a cat but wouldn’t necessarily do that to another human. I’ll be excited when being trans is normalized more, I hear so many people saying that it’s the new version of being gay like it’s some fad.
Smh. An animal is not easy to tell what they are, people are not animals so do not be retarded, also noboody is ''misgendering'' when a male is born a male and a female is born a female!
I remember just wearing my hair long got me wierd looks in the bathroom... Can't imagine what it's like to be trans...
@Big Brother ?
You didn’t live in the 60s 70s and 80s then when long hair was the norm
Big Brother you are aware that the rates of regret from people who surgically transition is actually lower than many other surgeries right? People transitioning and then regretting it later really isn’t as common as a lot of people pretend it is.
@@captainhuman And even the trans people that have regretted have almost all said. I am still happy that I transitioned in the first place.
sigh these comments make me sad.
@Eschaton Zenith My last name is Perez 😂😂😂
I totally agree with arlin tho
@Eschaton Zenith........ What?
Love this video talk. I am out late in life. I am proud of who I am. I feel free for the first time in my life.
I am happy for you! I came out 9 years ago at age 50.
That's awesome!
All the best to you!
I just goes this notification, or would have replied sooner.
Hey Jack! I just wanted to drop a comment in here, in case you see it. I've been watching your videos for about 4 years, and I really appreciate everything you do to try to educate others and hold others up and make the world a happier and safer and better place for everyone. I'm sorry that so many people in this comment section lack basic empathy and understanding, and willingness to learn and grow. I'm sorry that you will likely have to spend your entire life educating others and explaining yourself, instead of living with the comfort of NOT having to do that that straight cis people will never really realize is their privilege. Thanks for being kind and doing good things and being such a strong person. I appreciate you, and so do your nearly 30K subscribers. We are proud of you. I'm sorry that this video has attracted so much hate, but that so perfectly highlights why it's necessary to keep talking about these topics. I hope, if you see this, it makes you smile.
Go ahead disagree with me but this is an amazing video and whether you like or dislike it, we all know he deserves hella credit for saying all this.❤️
I agree, and I love your profile pic!
aw thanks sm🔥❤️
Is it because they spoke to a crowd a lot of people here done that before
Can't we just talk to them like normal people?!
@@Elastigirl-Official Yes. Please do. That's literally what the video is asking for. At the beginning he says people treat him awkward, when he just wants treated like a normal guy. Literally the premise of the video. You are exactly right, treat us like anyone else, please
I don't care which gender you are, who you're attracted to, or what race or religion you are.
TED, get back to making videos on ideas worth sharing.
Ethan Palm By now, I don't believe actions is what they want to censor. Really, they want you to censor what you think of them.
Thank You!
There are a lot of TED talk videos about people just going on and on about themselves where I have to wonder if they have anything worth saying or if they're just attention seekers who think the world revolves around them. This is one of those videos. The speaker isn't even trying to convince the audience to be interested. He just assumes everyone must be. I wonder if trans people ever realize just how marginal they really are? Most people live their entire lives never having met even one and never having to think about any of this. Most people don't have transgender friends either. The LGBT lobby has really blown it out of proportion. The media too. It's become a trend.
I agree. But a lot of people DO care about those things, and that's why we have to talk about it.
If your opinion were the majority one, then TED wouldn't be making content like this. Unfortuntely, you are in an extreme minority and TED is pointing out why we should just treat other people like people.
My principal is transgender and wants us to watch this video.
That's amazing 😁
@@tomuraukami why is it amazing?
This is so amazing! I'm so happy Jackson finally got his own Ted Talk! Brilliant job, sir! 👍😎👍
You mean Ma'am!
We support you, Jack. If only some cishets grow up some ears that could work...
This is why nobody takes you all seriously. Right here. And this is why nobody talks to you all normally. This right here. You’re so caught up in making all cis people look bad that you’ve lost all your credibility. Shame on you. You are part of the problem and why I don’t have trans friends.
You talk to trans people like any other person. With compassion, facts and logic.
facts? you cant swap genders like your changing a character in an RPG game. you wanna talk about facts but you cant just ignore XX and XY chromosomes.
Great talk Jackson! You really have a talent for public speaking.
kagaminek no he fucking doesn’t he just said literally what any other would. I want something on what HES doing for his PEOPLES acceptance, how he’s WORKING to help others in the acceptance of the transgendered. Not how he expects or hopes others to change.
Chris Allan By talking about it, he is providing a human, a person and a story to what may seem like anonymous and completely caricaturised versions of people. He is raising awareness and thus, bringing about change. So what are you doing on your high horse to bring about social change?
I think we should be teaching trans people how to talk and listen to everybody else. As soon as you say something they don’t agree with you’re labeled a transphobic bigot and they start verbally abusing you
Because you are.
@@laurierosejones9531 thanks for proving my point
I’ve been subscribed to his channel for a while and I’m really impressed by this talk! Nice work!
whe can i find his chanel
This guy is nice but I'm still waiting for Ted to come to the TedTalk.
@@Nekomusu lmao
Not transphobic but when people come out as trans im proud of them for telling me but i dont know how to say im proud without making it weird
I think "appreciate" is the right word. Like, I appreciate you telling me, or, I appreciate being someone you can trust with this information, etc.
Dw that’s not transphobic but just say you appreciate them for telling you or something like that
im usually like, "oh cool. what does that mean," at least until i started like knowing the all the terms and everything lmao
another alternative is telling them you feel honored that they trusted you enough to share something this important with you
what really hurts is, none of them want to want to be the other gender. Not a typo, not a mistake; if any of them could "just be cis" or "just be gay", if it were as simple as being a "phase", they'd be so much happier, but instead they live in fear and hide their depression because of all the incredible opinions everyone around them pre-makes about them, and all they want to do is... exist... but even that's asking too much from this world, the pursuit of happiness is a right only granted to people born lucky enough to think normal thoughts and feel normal feelings.
Friends and family are not the true victims of a suicide attempt.
I just saw this guys channel and then came here
I love him
Reina Arana me too
my thought when he said he was trans: "my god he's so brave being up on stage like that. I would not be able to out myself to a room full of strangers."
They can tell, I assure you.
I whole heartedly support trans people. But there are also misconceptions about being gay. It’s not easy being gay.
Jake Kauffmann or anything lgbt related honestly.
I wouldn't call it missconception, the concept of each one of us is subjective and therefore it is imposible to educate ppl to know what you think of your own self. And it's non of my business either. All I know is there are boys and girls or in some cases hermafrodites defined as sexes, why do we all have to get involved in whats inside your head?
it’s not easy being straight
Go to New York and tell me being gay is hard lol
Lived more than half a century and always knew since I was little. Got to fix it 25 years ago. 10 surgeries as a guinea pig. No regrets even after trans related PTSD diagnosis. Nothing like violence to make you afraid of "normal" people who seem to claim they know what God said and seem to believe Fox News is the truth. "Lord, save me from your followers." Keep going brave dude. I'm passing the torch to you.
A lot of atheists, liberals and progressives are not buying 'gender' either, due to the archaic sexism inherent in it's logic.
It is always healthier to accept who you are than it is to attempt to change it.
If you have to tell others how to speak/think and feel in order for you to be comfortable then the problem is most definitely you.
Maybe your identity isn’t as important to the grand scheme of the universe like you think it is.
Maybe society has bigger problems to worry about?
Well said.
I love Jack’s UA-cam channel!
sometimes I forget that this video exists and then I remember and come back to watch it
Well done TED, make more videos like this one.
I haven't seen the video yet but my answer would be:"like people". They may have a different gender but just talk to them like you would talk to anyone. And if you by accident use the wrong pronoun just say:"oh sorry I didn't know". and start using what they like better.
I have Jackson's book and god it is SUCH a good read.
Thanks, Jack! You're a great voice to represent us.
brilliant talk and performance. easy to listen to, relatable, and an important issue. well done!
I didn't realize people where assigned a gender when they where born. I always thought boys had a penis and girls had a vagina, you learn something new every day.
You are so wonderful and brave. Thank you for sharing your story. I've learned a lot from this.
Brave pulls a child from a burning car. Dressing like a dude is just dressing like a dude. It's not brave.
AMAZING, love this speech. Thank you for sharing Jackson. Such clarity and a great resource for allies.
Love this! Thank you, Jack. Great to meet you.
Nice video. Polite. Clear. Concise.
Ah yes Jackson! I love him and I didn't even know he made a TED Talk and I'm so proud of him for standing up there and talking like that cuz he's super cool and fun and he deserves so much sjfislskjwkw
thats cool but did anyone ask?
Yes true, I’m a Trans/intersex and I’m proud of it
No one cares. Trust me on that.
The HardTruth not expecting you to
I mean, how long did it take you to become Trans/intersex? How many nights did you stay up late studying and practicing it? What were your final grades?
Garriatano, EVERYONE should be proud of themselves. Why are you trying to make YOU the exception? You should be more INCLUSIVE.
@青blue tell that to the gender fluid people who feel certain genders on certain days 😜
I love this video and I wanna get more and more educated on this, hopefully soon society will evolve like he says. I just felt a bit awkward about how quiet the audience was, the boy made some good jokes okay...
Pookie, once you've been convinced that a hen is actually a rooster, then you will truly be "evolved." (And I will be walking quietly in the other direction).
I have no problem with transgender people (yes, I agree, they are just people!). I DO have a problem with Transgender activists who bully people with their agenda and their ideology on gender fluidity etc. Most people have NO problem with trans people until they start the "you can be a man and have a baby" rhetoric and saying 3yr olds can be trans is also a problem many people have.
Breezy Bear This is what I try to stress! We should, as people, fight for equality for transgendered folk as well as any other oppressed person, rather than fighting for attention towards them. A world where we can walk by a transgender person and not bat an eyelash is the world we should strive for.
I'm for that:)
Demetria Van Helsing as if they're actually oppressed. Go to Saudi Arabia or North Korea to see real oppression.
I'm sorry but: _as if they're actually oppressed._
Oppression implies intentional force is used to hold us back. Generally such intentional force is rare.
- We do have the highest unemployment rate - nearly double the national average
- Male-to-female pay offers are cut by 30% or more.
Heaven help you if you're a black male-to-female transgender person. They know pain and discrimination more than anyone alive.
Rachael Platt oh aHah "you'll know pain and discrimination more than anyone alive" tell that to women in Saudi Arabia
Enjoyed that so much
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Clicks = Money.
likes, dislikes, comments = the youtube algorithm thinks "this video is important to humans" = video gets referred to even more people = more clicks = more money
This might not work as well with TED but I thought this would be appropriate to post on a video with likes/dislikes=0.6
Umm UA-cam rewind 2018 you think all the dislikes helped that vid and all the negative comments helped that vid NO use your brain and I know that vid didn't get the money directly but all the advertisers that saw that noticed that people did not like it so the loose money ugggg
I want to be his friend. He seems like an awesome guy.
Mae Fisher she...thats a woman.
Anka Adolfse Honestly no. I wasn't that interested but I know for a fact that that's a woman. She can't hide it no matter how hard she tries.
Well, we agree on ONE thing...
P-Diddy is not a real human...
that got me emotinal when he mentioned Enbys hah love this guy
You are valid. 💗
Cats are smart enough to know male from female.
when I learned this a cat suddenly came in without permission. Because my door was open. Is this a sign of the environment around me?i dont understand.
He didn’t answer questions that I have. Like when is the appropriate time to crack jokes. My buddies and I joke ALL the time, but since one of my best friends came out as transsexual ,I felt that it needed to stop. Now it’s just weird, because that’s who I am. We make fun of each other and others all the time, so is it still cool to joke around about it?
He said it’s cool, but I feel he says that cause it’s the normal thing to say, and I don’t want to offend anybody because they really think I feel that way. What can I do?
This comment is surprisingly pure and genuine for this comment section. I know this is late so you probably won’t see it or don’t need the advice anymore, but I’d say that it really depends on the person. Some people are very sensitive about stuff like that, some aren’t. I think the most important thing is to do some research about transgender people, never use slurs even as a joke (tr*nny is the most common trans slur), and avoid using the persons deadname or old pronouns unless they *explicitly* tell you it’s okay.
And if you’re talking about saying things transphobic people say but ironically, my rule of thumb is to change the statement to make it sound mire ridiculous, so it’s clear you don’t actually believe it. A personal favorite of mine is saying “there are only two genders: _ and _” but instead of male and female, you list two things that are blatantly unrelated to gender. Saying that “there are only two genders: bigfoot and mothman” while talking about cryptids was a personal favorite if mine.
You know this person better than I do, and the fact that you’re asking this question at all is a good sign, but remember that sometimes people with social anxiety will tell you a joke is okay even if it makes them uncomfortable to avoid confrontation. I hope this helps, and I’m sorry you didn’t get an answer sooner.
He is so handsome
@@martinvalenga926 *HE
@@yasminechoerryscherry3701 just because she takes some hormonal pills doesn’t make her “him”
@@martinvalenga926 stfu
Brilliant young man ! So proud to be part of this generation. We are nothing but ingenious, brave , supportive and fighters for a better world. #BLACKLIVESMATTER #METOO #LGTBQ #REFUGEESWELCOME
Pretty cool… but can we stop conflating black tights with gay/transgender rights? It’s insulting and racist. Thanks!
Can't wait to see how many hate comments there are 😒
Thank you, Jack, for shining a light on the subject about people like you and I.
Im trans. And i relate sooo much
Seek medical help. You can be cured.
pretty much
I definitely understand what you mean about having to educate people about our community. I am very open about my sexuality (I'm bisexual), but it means people are more open about asking questions. I am everyone's go to person when they have any questions about the LGBTQ+ community. What people don't understand is that I can't answer all of their questions because I am only one thing on the spectrum. I do my best to help people understand, but it's very tiring. I also try to make everyone who comes out feel as comfortable as possible, but I can't do everything. Some questions are sometimes frustrating or downright rude, but I do my best to politely answer and/or explain.
Jack is a great public speaker, wow!
I talk to everyone like they’re below me that way everyone feels equally insulted
Whos a good edgy boy. Who says controversial stuff. Who's a good little rebel wihout a cause.
@@treeross I’m just saying freedom of thought and expression is sometimes offensive but you can’t get to the roots of problems if you never scratch the surface
Ur below me
@@helghannationalist9798 cool then you you know you’re fucking up !
chaotic evil
People talking about how it's not brave where they are literally berating, hating and mass disliking this video. Some people say the difference between humans and other animals is our advanced sense of empathy. Haha.
At least they didn't disable the comments. Only reason i stopped by.
Great talk Jackson 😊
I'm proud to say I'm one of the people that liked this.
i just had my friend come out to me. i'm so glad they told and i'm glad i can get help from you 😊
Clearly people are just reading the title and not actually listening to the talk. Yes, treat people who are transgender just like anyone else; that’s exactly what Jack is saying in the video. But let’s be real, probably 85% of the people proclaiming that they do so probably have the same thoughts run through their head as soon as they find out someone is transgender. That doesn’t make you a bad person, but refusing to listen to those saying there is a problem because you want to believe everything is wonderful is.
Love Jack’s channel, I’m glad I can finally see his ted talk
Gender pronouns should be respected. This is not crazy, left-wing propaganda. This is about gender, a culturally defined word based on characteristics and traits of a person. This is not a fad. Native Americans called people with mixed gender identities “2 spirited” and even the Ancient Norse recognised people with different identities hundreds of years ago. Go to genderspectrum.org to learn more
that’s a lie
@@jaydengray4015 nope
@@cosmosreality222 yes
@@jaydengray4015 research it
Common sense should also be respected. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Trans people are playing dress-up and want the majority population to conform to their fantasy worlds all because they can't accept who they are.
Thinking about this video as a help to coming out
Victor Javier good luck!
how did it go?
*These are the answers*
Hatred and anger kill communication and understanding
Hello Jackson Bird, Hello Everyone. ⚕️☮️
You are probably feeling brave: the hyper sexualización of transgender people in society is devastating. It is similar to the potential racist toxic narrative about Black/African/Caribbean folk as discussed by Adichie: “…they are people with their eyes and their mouths in their breast…” 💭
Wasn't it just last year transgenders were only 0.02% of population, but now it's estimated to be 0.3%. Wow. It got really fashionable to be trans that it's actually hurting the people that are. Even people that aren't that have just suffered from abusive parenting that need help accepting who they are and letting them know it's not wrong.
I don't think being transgender is a trend. I think because awareness is spreading and there's more information available people are more likely to recognize issues with their gender identity. If there is a trend the trend is coming out but that's just because attitudes are changing so now people feel comfortable and safe enough to coming out.
theduke ofweasels I've been around long enough to know it is just a fashionable trend. Plus people being diagnosed as transgenders by psychologist when that's not the real issue. It's more just people wanting to put a label on something that they don't fully understand. And there was a time when being gay was popular and they thought the gay population of the United States was about 8 to 9%. Now it's dropped back to 3 or 4%. Honestly I think the transgender movement is much more complicated and far smaller than it is perceived.
Okay, I really didn't watched this video, like at all, but the title made me comment "WE TALK TO THEM AS ALL OTHER PEOPLE, BECOUSE THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE" thank you
Nice job, well done! Thank you.
How to make a problem out of nothing.
You, apparently, did not get the point.
Except there is a problem, but people don’t want to confront it so they try to tell the very people who have to live through all of those problems that they’re wrong.
@@pacmanshooter247 The point is that he's a white-priveledged, condescending trans girl-boy to tries to guilt everyone in order to validate his own internalized self-loathing.
This is TED TALK and never have I seen Ted actually talking.
Hes hiding, we gotta find him