So since the fists are always faster the horse must move first but from my training other styles they always said start and stop together -- what say you SiHing?
The momentum from motion gets transferred instantaneously. Like less than 0.10 seconds. Watch Muhammad Ali’s shuffle to get an idea. Or Bruce lee’s one inch punch, but focus on the feet to the waist movement.
Thank you Sifu Wayne
Thanks for the tip and the necessary words to change my thinking on chi sau and Wing Chun in general
Took me years to work this out but it has paid off
So since the fists are always faster the horse must move first but from my training other styles they always said start and stop together -- what say you SiHing?
The Centre moves first.
The momentum from motion gets transferred instantaneously. Like less than 0.10 seconds. Watch Muhammad Ali’s shuffle to get an idea. Or Bruce lee’s one inch punch, but focus on the feet to the waist movement.
Of course stepping in was always the case....
No! The fist should slightly be in the lead and land before the foot steps down!
This where Bruce Lee's tremendous punching power came from!