Women in the Wind: Morocco's rural teachers | Al Jazeera World

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025


  • @falconso3229
    @falconso3229 3 роки тому +11

    Real strong women! .you have our support. It touched my heart. Thanx al jazeera and the people in the docu

  • @shahnazkabir1
    @shahnazkabir1 3 роки тому +7

    Much appreciated and much respect to all teachers around the world .. an excellent documentary. These teachers sacrificed many things to educate the next generation. As salamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu my dear sisters 🌹 you are real heroes

  • @jassminjass01
    @jassminjass01 3 роки тому +2

    As always great documentary. Thank you Aljazeera

  • @liyakatp
    @liyakatp 3 роки тому +3

    Excellent documentary. Hats off to the hard working teachers; became one of them while watching it!

  • @SarahAndrews24
    @SarahAndrews24 3 роки тому +14

    And I complain about the TTC, these women endure so much just to get to their jobs, I wish things get easier for them, much respect. .

  • @afrozbasha1149
    @afrozbasha1149 3 роки тому +8

    MashaAllah Great Sacrifice of Morocco Teacher Sister Watched with interest Alas Covid19 had reached this country also and Closure of all Schools Nice video film on rural teachers life Hatts off to them Best wishes

  • @morganqorishchi8181
    @morganqorishchi8181 2 роки тому

    Teachers are the foundation of society and the foundation of the future. It's sad they don't have more support, more resources and more respect. It's sad this documentary doesn't have more views, but I will continue to keep teachers in every nation in my prayers.

  • @adelzgoum9282
    @adelzgoum9282 3 роки тому +1

    تحية إحترام وتقدير للأخت العزيزة المحترمة الشريفة الأستاذة مريام صدوقي من أخيك في الله من الجزائر ... حفظك الله ووفقك .

  • @vijaybhorkade8745
    @vijaybhorkade8745 3 роки тому +1

    What a difficult situations are facing by rural areas of teachers and studentsall over the world.

  • @oumayoub6064
    @oumayoub6064 3 роки тому +2

    الله اسمح لنا منهم

  • @nataliem3001
    @nataliem3001 2 роки тому

    what is the background music in the beginning, very beautiful cello sound

  • @jucipauda3335
    @jucipauda3335 3 роки тому +2

    Please add subtitles with translation for portuguese. Thank you

  • @tanyamarie987
    @tanyamarie987 Рік тому


  • @abdelghanielamrani9620
    @abdelghanielamrani9620 3 роки тому +2

    There is much changes the ministery of education can makes to change the teacher's daily Life . But we are gouverned by a lasy education minister and an incompetent gouvernement.

  • @yassinexatne7416
    @yassinexatne7416 3 роки тому +1

    You didn't record more hard situations for others teachers

  • @hicham-bs2438
    @hicham-bs2438 3 роки тому +1

    Unfortunately in Morocco women in general are encountering a tremendous difficulties to live a respectful life and benefit from their rights as a decent citizen in the case of this teacher it just a small sample it's just a tip of iceberg of what is the real-life situation it's ...as third world country we're inherently and structurally facing a deep social crisis based on men domination and an absolute absent of any principal of rule of law if I would summarized the reality of Moroccan in one sentence simply we're living in a jungle law country🙂

    • @CEFE-x1u
      @CEFE-x1u 8 місяців тому

      May god empower the upcoming people in our society to really make a difference in our beautiful country

    • @abderrazakdriouky1567
      @abderrazakdriouky1567 2 місяці тому

      @@hicham-bs2438 يالقواد عندك مجتمع اسلامي محافظ يومن بنظافة ونقاوة المراة داخل المجتمع خصوصا الجيل القديم من الاباء والكثير من الاباء لايسمحون لبناتهم بالعمل وبالتالي يالقواد هناك مشكل اسري ديني عقدي لايسمح للتطور التي تريده انت !!!هناك دول اغنى بالمغرب بدرجات وعندهم جميع الامكانيات المادية ولايسمحون بعمل المراة !!!المشكل ليس عنده اي علاقة بالحكومة او النظام المشكل ثقافي صرف!!!هذا ان كنت فعلا مغربيا !!!الواضح انك كرغولي من احفاد سليمان القانوني

  • @RainingFlow19
    @RainingFlow19 3 роки тому +5

    I only watched so far 20 mins of this but high respect to all the women going to these rural community to teach. Its far from a bustling center and morroco have ISIS problem.
    I still remembers the case where 2 foreign women traveller beheaded because they travelled too far in morroco. These ISIS really fuvks up, how could they do that I am of same book and nowhere does the book permits killing of innocents. Very twisted them lot.

    • @Chni-3andk
      @Chni-3andk 3 роки тому +17

      That murder was not really related to ISIS. Morocco had the last terrorist attack back in 2003 (fingers crossed we never see such a thing again) but the thing you're talking about is 3 unhinged bastards who raped and murdered those tourists. They were later arrested and put on death row.

    • @SerenityM54L2SAM5L5N1
      @SerenityM54L2SAM5L5N1 3 роки тому

      Islam justifies killing off infidels, atheists, agnostics and anyone who doesn't adhere to the fundamentalist interpretation of the book. Some people decide to act out on that. I don't see that as surprising, but rather tragic.

    • @SerenityM54L2SAM5L5N1
      @SerenityM54L2SAM5L5N1 3 роки тому

      @@Chni-3andk Sure, it may've generally been an outlier case. But is it that far fetched to assert that the quran encourages or at least justifies murder of innocent people? Many rebels and radicals out there have and are still interpreting the holy book in that way.

    • @jijyat7956
      @jijyat7956 3 роки тому +6

      Indeed this kinds of acts are seriously prohibited in islam, ISIS of course are not Islamic though they use the name of Islam.

    • @MassNssen
      @MassNssen 3 роки тому +10

      There's no ISIS problem. That was the only terrorist attack the entire last decade and the planner was an ethnic European and the perpetrators were from the city not the countryside. These young women have a 100 problem but terrorists ain't one.

  • @sabekt
    @sabekt 3 роки тому

    2 milliar de dollars pour un TGV unitile . et pourtant cette some et capable d'equiper plus un tiére des écoles rurale avec l'éléctricité eu et habitats pour les ensegiant en plus des équipement au école matérielles internet etcc.
    2 milliare de dolars c'est énorme. vous féte le calcule. une seule école. avec le logements des ensegiants, qui son 6. avec l'équipement de l'école. de rafrechisement. sa coutera 100 000 dolars.
    100 000 dolars multipluer foi 20 000 écoles au Maroc ça fais les 2 milliars de dolars du TGV
    cela veus dire que le gouvernement a zaper l'éducation de ces enfants au rurale et choisire un train qui roule a 320 km a l'eure qui transporte peus de gents .
    20 OOO écoles super équiper vous imaginez cela.
    au Maroc il y a un gouvernement en delire. totale.

  • @nathanieljoaquin8164
    @nathanieljoaquin8164 2 роки тому

    Hi Salma el...youre so cute...

  • @khadijaboyd6200
    @khadijaboyd6200 Рік тому

    The accent is from the north. Particular pronunciations, hard.

  • @khadijaboyd6200
    @khadijaboyd6200 Рік тому

    Poor u. How about thousands of Peace Corps volunteers from the USA, Japan, Poland, International Volunteer Service, etc...pas d'accord avec vous, mademoiselle. Moroccan Ladies impart Education, not ideologies. Et vous divaguez: Fez? Ouezzane, ....

  • @abdelghanielamrani9620
    @abdelghanielamrani9620 3 роки тому

    الدولة الخبيثة ...و عدم احترام بلاد المستقبل.

  • @khadijaboyd6200
    @khadijaboyd6200 Рік тому

    Bull - -it. Morocco. Does Al Jazeera (the island) have a virulent animus towards my Nation? And/or sowing discord under the guise of journalism, reportage, deontologie be damned? Keep trekking. Khadija