I think the fairest thing would be to bring the complete battle passes in the OG Passes because the people who have them are not unfair, they just want cosmetics not to be sold to them and for them to get them for doing the missions that they had to do at the time, others only want to find them exclusive to feel special and others to sell accounts. Oh, you forgot to mention that the exclusive styles will only be given to the accounts that are verified to have their original bearer because if it is discovered that he The current holder of the account is a buyer and it was not the original, they will not be given the exclusive style and the account will be banned for illegally obtaining it
i have had every battlepass, and i think they should return. there's no point in having super sick skins in the game like black knight/reaper/omega, but nobody can have it? i think giving extra styles for original owners is the way to go!
Well i have almost all old battle passes aswell but the reason i bought them back in the day was because they where exclusive and where never coming back. But i think upgraded or different styles should be made so people can have a simular skin. The way they did this og battle pass i think everyone is fine with that.
@@mazebased And for that that was on you because that's just stupid what happen if you ever lose your account you bought something that can never come back just a waste of money dude
The battles passes are exclusive to the season. However they never said the season would not return. They left themselves a loop hole and no one noticed.
@@Geo-vw9oz I never understood why people get crazy saying “Epic can’t do that!”. There are so many loopholes in everything Epic says that simply ALL SKINS IN THE GAME can return to the game in some way.
It was said that skins were exclusive to that SPECIFIC season. Seasons had SPECIFIC start and end dates. So the "loop hole" is not that clear. It would be impossible to do this without OG styles but even then...
Best possible system they can do: If someone played in the season, they have another chance to buy/level up more on the battlepass for that respective season.
thats a horrible system because that would still make account selling popular since people can sell accounts that played since season 1 so they can unlock every battlepass
@@thegamingg864 that’s true, but I feel like a lot of people would be happy. Sure, some people have lost their accounts, but it’s so unlikely epic brings back old battlepasses.
@@thegamingg864i agree with you bro . Selling accounts is bad . Not only for seller but for the user too . Remember tfue was having a cool account but he was banned for purshasing an account
its possible to fit the entire season 2 battle pass in 6 pages if you remove the XP boosts and v-bucks so the pages are fully cosmetics like the og pass we currently have
For those who don't understand, OG BATTLE PASSES CAN COME BACK FOR THE SEASON, it's very different from the C5S4 passes, those battle passes can come back IN THE SHOP, but the OG battle passes would only come back for a limited time... don't confuse things.
They should bring back og passes cuz one they will get a lot of money out of it two a lot have people will stop buying accounts will probably slow down and og players will get a og edit style
As a technical OG myself, (started in ch1 s7) I think they should bring back OG battle passes. I understand that some actual OGS don’t want to bring back these OG battle passes because they are exclusive, however, I think that it’s a good way to boost their revenue and allow others who missed out on these OG seasons a chance to try for themselves.
It won't stop anything because they'll have to give all the cosmetics exclusive edit styles, then once they're bored with the OG stuff (the novelty will wear off) they'll start complaining for the "give us the edit styles" there are already some people complaining about Renegade raider getting a style. I'm sure some do genuinely want them back, but you can tell the obvious jealousy with some by the way they're already saying "don't give them edit styles) but thing is they're definitely going too.
@@FlipflopMount222 it’s not about liking the skins for what they are, it’s that they want to feel special. A lot of newer players just can’t let go of the fact that they didn’t play six years ago so they shouldn’t get the skins (This is specifically for people who want og styles to not exist) Also the ogs that want them to return lowk dgaf whereas I just don’t like the idea of encouraging epic to go back on their word, my first skin was summit striker just before I bought the season 7 battlepass and I genuinely wouldn’t care if he returned because starter pack skins were never said to be exclusive - in fact, for a while they’ve actively been saying they aren’t exclusive. I don’t care about this skins because they’re rare or make me special since some of the rarest skins I own besides battlepasses and founders can come back whenever they want them to. I just don’t like the idea of letting a company lie to their playerbase because some new players want some old stuff
There’s too much evidence pointing towards them returning these items, they updated the old passes and everyone was getting angry and upset saying they were exclusive but when the did the same thing with renegade raider everyone was on copium saying they wouldn’t rerelease them lmaooo it’s definitely happening.
I really hope they do return old battlepasses 😂I really don't care if they do or not, But I would enjoy seeing the "OGS" cry on twitter, because they care way too much about exclusivity in an ONLINE game.
@@HojlundUnited They will stay exclusive with OG styles just like Epic promised. You all care about exclusivity we can see that on tiktok when epic brings back a "rare" skin to the item shop. You just dream about destroying OG exclusivity because you have none of it, but don't realize that you would shoot yourself in the foot with that. Game would be boring if nothing is exclusive because there would be no "point" in grinding or buying skins. I didn't buy a single battle pass in chapter 3 because I didn't play then so I truly don't care. While most of you didn't play chapter 1 but somehow you feel so entitled to these skins... Like you didn't even experience seasons that these skins are RELATED to so why do you even care??? But no you "don't care" for the pixels right?😂 Recon expert showed that people only cared about exclusivity. Skin died a week after it came out. Epic made a decision to have exclusivity in the game so they can make money. I personally spent extra 70$ to buy tiers to complete season 4 battle pass because I didn't have enough time to play that season. It was said to be exclusive so I did it. And a lot of people did the same because there was not just some "xp map" where you can get the whole thing in 10 minutes... So without OG styles I don't see a "fair" way of these passes returning.
@@HojlundUnitedbro me too!! I cant wait to see "I'm quitting Fortnite" 😂 nobody is gonna miss those 20 OG's when they can be replaced with 200 kids everyday
i have an idea fortnite says these cosmetics can only be earned in them seasons when it gets to chapter 1 season 2 that's the same season as the battle pass obv so basically they could release the battle pass then with no consequences
They should give the original owners of og skins an extra style of some what. I think it would be cool to let players to have og skins but the og players can have a style, kinda like purple skull trooper and pink ghoul trooper.
I played during chapter 1 season 2 through 5 and didn’t buy the battle pass. I hope they come back because I’m going to buy them. I have all the victory umbrellas from those seasons
I think they said that battle passes will return after chapter 5 season 4 not including og ones but as someone who bought a Fortnite account I will admit once you get ur dream skins it get boring after a week so it’ll just be a waste but cool to see return
that's the problem for everyone, those C5S4 passes ARE COMING BACK TO THE SHOP, the OG PASSES DO NOT RETURN TO THE SHOP, they come back as OG Battle Pass Again, Epicgames clarified that it is "Exclusive to the season", so if that season returns, the pass can return, but it will not return exactly in the store with separate prices by skins as they will do with the passes from C5S4 onwards, that is what they do not understand well, they would return practically for a limited time
It is not the same thing to clarify that these Passes will return to the shop at any time, than to return as another pass for the return of the season, technically they are not returning to the shop as they say
@zaeunicorn5703 The thing is that Fortnite has some "traps", for example the "OG battle pass" was pure improvisation because in Season 1 it didn't originally exist and instead of holding on to Season 2 they preferred to launch it, about the battle pass he clarifies that it is "season exclusive" and since technically we are returning to the season and we all accepted an exclusivity cancellation contract, now they have the right to return them without lawsuits xd
i want those battle passes back i started c1s2 but bought battle passes c1s5 i would be happy to see people wear these and also get those skins and emotes i missed out such as the robot groove jam and omega would be cool to see those popping up again and finally getting my hands on them
yup i am thinking og passes will return in season 2 i bet .i was not expecting too return sparkle specialist then maybe for me i am missing chapter 1 s2 s3 s4 battle passes chapter 1 s5 is where i was a whale buying passes and skins
OG passes returning would be really good now Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper are exclusive but now they are not the season shop is basically the battle pass for ch1 s1 and Fortnite have 4 seperate battle passes so I don't know if OG passes returning would be the OG mode battle pass or if Fortnite will add a 5th battle pass or will use the season shop again but for OG battle passes
At this point, I don’t mind if epic brings back the chapter 1 battle passes. Since I own the majority of the chapter 1 battle passes like season 3 up to season x, don’t have the season 2 battle pass skins unfortunately but it would be awesome to see if these return to the game, it would be great for the people who missed out on these can finally have the opportunity to get the skins and the rest of the cosmetics. I just don’t really care about exclusivity at all and especially not a gatekeeper like the og crybabies that whine about renegade raider coming back 😂
Before the paradigm and renegade came back I never saw anyone wearing them. I do not see anyone wearing the marvel battle pass skins either so what is the point of exclusivity?
Still cool tho. You will have more styles for a skin you already like. Like imagine a black knight but with blue instead of red or Drift with the black color of his female version
My favorite season is chapter 1 season 8 and I have always wanted peely but I didn’t play in that season so I am sad I didn’t get peely but now i have hope that peely will return so peely fans get ready for his return 😃
The og battle passes will come back. Season shop was meant to be exclusive it still came back why? Because its season 1 and ur point is also right they made a remix battle pass Because there was no battle pass in season 1 ohh boy get ready when its season 2 Because the og battle pass will come back 99% it will come back the emotes the skins all will come back and the sparkle specialist was a battle pass skin and was still given free to the boogie down event to 100 players people who research a lot will know that the og passes will come back epic made a smart move here bringing the og mode back they can legally return battle passes now and cant get sued Because they will just say we are currently in season 2 thats why we brought the season 2 battle pass back
I think OG battle passes should come back to show toxic kis that they are nothing special because of a few skins and to reduce account purchases let's be honest, the skins are cool and people who really want to play them should be able to get them
Only reason why people want them because they are rare no reason else it’s fomo !! But at lest console exclusive like double helix will never come out , and we know that because of reflex , even tho they gave us the red and black style we have still never had fame back to the item shop because of the contract , I’m happy none of thr can never go none rare
I actually had the season 2 bp with black knight since 6years. And to be honest they should bring him back so people can enjoy black knight 😊. Remember skin don't make you a better player only skills can 💪
I think they should bring battle passes back. Its literally just a game if you care THAT much of a SKIN that is literally just for decoration you need to touch grass
There is an old Post U can find, saying that OG Battlepasses are Exclusive and never will return. I don't care so long as I make some money back if they did, but unfortunately Battlepasses will never return again.
Fortnite stop to care about OG's they don't pay the bills if anything keeping things exclusive is only making money for 3rd party sellers and Fortnite needs money 😁 I'm here for end of exclusivity
Guys Fortnite brought back Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper plus their cosmetics however they brought them back in the returning OG seasonal shop which in the shop you had to level up to unlock the ability to buy Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper plus their cosmetics in the OG seasonal shop and the same thing is happening now however this is a new change to the item shop so this may be Fortnite testing the waters yes I know they made like this for that OG ch1 experience however gaining a certain amount of XP to buy cosmetics is most likely for Fortnite to test the waters with it now see the item shop changed since ch1 s1 so yeah Fortnite is testing the waters with gaining XP for the ability to buy cosmetics most likely imagine Samurai Darth Vader and Samurai Storm Trooper arrived to the shop but required 5million XP to buy well people that want them would grind to receive the ability to buy them and the gaining XP to buy cosmetics change is a really good change as it will keep players playing the game longer and it will advertise the Fortnite Metaverse to loads of people as many Metaverse modes have great XP and it will also advertise the skins and cosmetics that have the change being purchasable through gaining a certain amount of XP and it will advertise BR to lots of people and people may even come together to complete their challenges to gain the XP needed to buy the cosmetics and it will also advertise Fortnite to loads of people as a sawed after collab skin can have this change which XP is essier to gain and this change will also have the people don't care about the skin or the cosmetics when they see they require XP to buy they will be like ok this is an important cosmetic and they will gain the XP requirement and lots of people would gain the XP requirement because they wouldn't know if the skin or cosmetics would be exclusive after they leave the item shop so yeah this change would be really good for Fortnite making Fortnite tons of money with the people buying these skins and new players joining the game and old players returning and people playing BR and the Metaverse modes and people playing new experiences they didn't play before and players playing for longer so this change should be added to sawed after cosmetics this has to be added to Travis Scott if he ever returns as long as Travis agrees for his skin to have an XP requirement to purchase it first so yeah
Yo creo que lo más justo sería es que traer los pases de batalla completos en el Pases og porque las personas que lo tienen unos no son injustas solo quieren que no se les vendan los cosméticos y que lo obtengan por hacer las misiones que ellos tuvieron que hacer en su momento otros sólo los quieren encontrar exclusivos para sentirse especiales y otras más para vender cuentas Ay se te olvidó mencionar que los estilos exclusivos solo se les darán a las cuentas que se les verifique que tienen su portador original porque si se llega a descubrir que el portador actual de la cuenta es un comprador y no fue el original no se les dará el estilo exclusivo y se les van a banear la cuenta por la obtención ilegal de esta misma
that makes no sense lol all the people that lost there og accounts, played back then but never bought skins, or never played back then and dream about owning og items will all return to the game to buy the items
I would love to see them return. I would go for C1S2, C2S2, C2S4, C3S1. And C5S1. I love a lot of collab characters that appear in the early chapters and season, I didn’t play because I didn’t understand the building mechanics, so I didn’t play until C5S3(Which I also need). So I do hope they bring them all back someday.
@WhatTheSigmaSquidward they can't bc of the battle pass they said Battle passes will be exclusive but they can bring back renegade raider bc it was never exclusive
@Heeheee-c2s its their company they can do what they want. I really don't care what they do if they bring them back or not. Would love to see the OG owners coping on twitter tho
as someone who has everything from chapter 1 battel passes i don't mind if they bring back the skins however give og owners a edit style like black knight gets a edit style named shadow knight or darkest knight for exapample
They are going to come back, like it or not. There are too many collab skins(Vader) and unique skins(Dire)(Werewolf) to not bring it back. But remaking the skins won’t suffice, although a remake of every skins would a cool addition to the original skins but people want the og skins and I’m fine with that, I was there from the very beginning of Fortnite but never wanted to spend money on the game and now I regret it. I started buying things in season 3, so I won’t get the style for black knight when it comes out unfortunately but that’s okay. I’ve always regretted not buying the season 2 pass but Idc about renegade raider or aerial assault trooper, just the black knight skin.
@ agreed 100% the Ogs should get the styles, I’ll get some styles just not the black knight because that was the only pass I didn’t buy lol. But yeah much respect to the Ogs, I was there with you guys but have been treated terribly these past couple days for wanting the skin I missed out on. My life was just crazy during chapter 1 season 1 and I was really stressed out and wasn’t thinking too much about Fortnite and sadly missed it :(
they should not bring back old battle pass skins. The only exception is that they should give the OGS edit styles that are vastly upgraded or different. Players from the begining like me should be rewarded for playing for so long
@@mengame2014 Probably not as these 2 wasn't in a seasonal shop but as free rewards for gaining lvl's. I don't see the point of returning just a glider and icon emblem.
Honestly they should only allow people who bought the chapter 1 battle passes previously to tier up unfinished tiers because I never got the reaper and I was halfway there
now, epic wants money that wont make them alot of money, + must ppl who played c1 either have a life or are ranting on twitter 24/7😭 or u have the ones on yt who r chill kinda
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I think the fairest thing would be to bring the complete battle passes in the OG Passes because the people who have them are not unfair, they just want cosmetics not to be sold to them and for them to get them for doing the missions that they had to do at the time, others only want to find them exclusive to feel special and others to sell accounts. Oh, you forgot to mention that the exclusive styles will only be given to the accounts that are verified to have their original bearer because if it is discovered that he The current holder of the account is a buyer and it was not the original, they will not be given the exclusive style and the account will be banned for illegally obtaining it
i have had every battlepass, and i think they should return. there's no point in having super sick skins in the game like black knight/reaper/omega, but nobody can have it? i think giving extra styles for original owners is the way to go!
Well i have almost all old battle passes aswell but the reason i bought them back in the day was because they where exclusive and where never coming back. But i think upgraded or different styles should be made so people can have a simular skin. The way they did this og battle pass i think everyone is fine with that.
couldn't agree more
But what about someone who got like, level 5 and got a spray in the free pass. Can't really get a style for that.
@х.ИНЕЙ.х oh people who didnt buy it should get free stuff too now😂
@@mazebased And for that that was on you because that's just stupid what happen if you ever lose your account you bought something that can never come back just a waste of money dude
The battles passes are exclusive to the season. However they never said the season would not return. They left themselves a loop hole and no one noticed.
they do it all the time like with christmas skins in season 2 they said its the "last chance to get them" and they came back 11 months later
@@Geo-vw9oz that makes sense...its actually genius tbh
@@Geo-vw9oz I never understood why people get crazy saying “Epic can’t do that!”.
There are so many loopholes in everything Epic says that simply ALL SKINS IN THE GAME can return to the game in some way.
It was said that skins were exclusive to that SPECIFIC season. Seasons had SPECIFIC start and end dates. So the "loop hole" is not that clear. It would be impossible to do this without OG styles but even then...
@@BrunoRdgyea no. No battle pass skins before ch5 season 4 can return. Cry
Best possible system they can do:
If someone played in the season, they have another chance to buy/level up more on the battlepass for that respective season.
thats a horrible system because that would still make account selling popular since people can sell accounts that played since season 1 so they can unlock every battlepass
I lost my account the only reason I would get the battle pass is because I had it before
@@thegamingg864 that’s true, but I feel like a lot of people would be happy. Sure, some people have lost their accounts, but it’s so unlikely epic brings back old battlepasses.
@@thegamingg864i agree with you bro . Selling accounts is bad . Not only for seller but for the user too . Remember tfue was having a cool account but he was banned for purshasing an account
agree but stil dont think epic will bring back og bp
its possible to fit the entire season 2 battle pass in 6 pages if you remove the XP boosts and v-bucks
so the pages are fully cosmetics like the og pass we currently have
that’s really smart
Even if they put everything like was in origin, in almost 2 month you can actually do 70 levels, is easy gain exp today compared 2017.
I remember I was the first one to say the OG passes were gonna come back and everyone looked at me crazy 💀
Cant wait
For those who don't understand, OG BATTLE PASSES CAN COME BACK FOR THE SEASON, it's very different from the C5S4 passes, those battle passes can come back IN THE SHOP, but the OG battle passes would only come back for a limited time... don't confuse things.
We just have to wait until February to see what happens, there will surely be leaks a few days before
no they cant as this season is og fortnite season 1 not charpter 1 season 1
I look forward to the passes returning. To hell with the gate keepers
Your so annoying
@DriftingVR bro they are skins, you aren't special for buying pixels.
@@skinball says the one who is crying to fortnite to bring back “pixels”
@DriftingVR what about my comment said I was "crying"? I wanna see them return because exclusivity is dumb
@ nah you want it back so you can have the “pixels”
They should bring back og passes cuz one they will get a lot of money out of it two a lot have people will stop buying accounts will probably slow down and og players will get a og edit style
that still wont fix the account buying problem cause there gonna give og styles
@ yea if they just gave out the battle pass with no og style it would make it stop
i think its good that old battle passes are returning for example people who didnt unlock omega fully will finally have a chance to do so
As a technical OG myself, (started in ch1 s7) I think they should bring back OG battle passes. I understand that some actual OGS don’t want to bring back these OG battle passes because they are exclusive, however, I think that it’s a good way to boost their revenue and allow others who missed out on these OG seasons a chance to try for themselves.
It’s also a good way to stop little kids from buying accounts
It won't stop anything because they'll have to give all the cosmetics exclusive edit styles, then once they're bored with the OG stuff (the novelty will wear off) they'll start complaining for the "give us the edit styles" there are already some people complaining about Renegade raider getting a style. I'm sure some do genuinely want them back, but you can tell the obvious jealousy with some by the way they're already saying "don't give them edit styles) but thing is they're definitely going too.
@@FlipflopMount222 it’s not about liking the skins for what they are, it’s that they want to feel special. A lot of newer players just can’t let go of the fact that they didn’t play six years ago so they shouldn’t get the skins
(This is specifically for people who want og styles to not exist)
Also the ogs that want them to return lowk dgaf whereas I just don’t like the idea of encouraging epic to go back on their word, my first skin was summit striker just before I bought the season 7 battlepass and I genuinely wouldn’t care if he returned because starter pack skins were never said to be exclusive - in fact, for a while they’ve actively been saying they aren’t exclusive. I don’t care about this skins because they’re rare or make me special since some of the rarest skins I own besides battlepasses and founders can come back whenever they want them to. I just don’t like the idea of letting a company lie to their playerbase because some new players want some old stuff
It would stop people from buying accounts
@@uzirth bro said he’s an og cuz he started in s7 ch1😭😭 bro missed Fortnite’s prime loool u not og newgen
There’s too much evidence pointing towards them returning these items, they updated the old passes and everyone was getting angry and upset saying they were exclusive but when the did the same thing with renegade raider everyone was on copium saying they wouldn’t rerelease them lmaooo it’s definitely happening.
I really hope they do return old battlepasses 😂I really don't care if they do or not, But I would enjoy seeing the "OGS" cry on twitter, because they care way too much about exclusivity in an ONLINE game.
@@HojlundUnited They will stay exclusive with OG styles just like Epic promised. You all care about exclusivity we can see that on tiktok when epic brings back a "rare" skin to the item shop. You just dream about destroying OG exclusivity because you have none of it, but don't realize that you would shoot yourself in the foot with that. Game would be boring if nothing is exclusive because there would be no "point" in grinding or buying skins.
I didn't buy a single battle pass in chapter 3 because I didn't play then so I truly don't care. While most of you didn't play chapter 1 but somehow you feel so entitled to these skins... Like you didn't even experience seasons that these skins are RELATED to so why do you even care??? But no you "don't care" for the pixels right?😂 Recon expert showed that people only cared about exclusivity. Skin died a week after it came out.
Epic made a decision to have exclusivity in the game so they can make money. I personally spent extra 70$ to buy tiers to complete season 4 battle pass because I didn't have enough time to play that season. It was said to be exclusive so I did it. And a lot of people did the same because there was not just some "xp map" where you can get the whole thing in 10 minutes... So without OG styles I don't see a "fair" way of these passes returning.
@@HojlundUnitedbro me too!! I cant wait to see "I'm quitting Fortnite" 😂 nobody is gonna miss those 20 OG's when they can be replaced with 200 kids everyday
@HojlundUnited it's because they are purchased accounts and they cry if they get back something they spent a lot on, at least $200 or more XD
@@HojlundUnited implying you arent og lol
I think they should give people who's accounts were active and playing the game during that time the second chance to buy it.
i have an idea fortnite says these cosmetics can only be earned in them seasons when it gets to chapter 1 season 2 that's the same season as the battle pass obv so basically they could release the battle pass then with no consequences
I want paradigm to come back again.
prob will in season x cuz the style exists now
I just want the omega challenges to come back. I never got the omega mask or lights 😭
They need to give pple who bought the pass and didn’t finish it a chance to buy it again and get the emotes and skin
That just ruins the entire grind and point of getting a battlepasses
They should give the original owners of og skins an extra style of some what. I think it would be cool to let players to have og skins but the og players can have a style, kinda like purple skull trooper and pink ghoul trooper.
They most definitely will to not upset players but thank god if they do bring og skins back it will end the greed off skins in the long run
@@Incineration-9K purple and ghoul trooper shouldnt have an exclusive style to begin with, its a shop skin😭
@@yoloanyways Its my opinion tho🫤
@@Incineration-9K and im saying shop skins shouldnt have an exclusive style to begin with
@@yoloanyways Do u think purp skull trooper and ghoul trooper are still going to be exclusive or just skins?
I played during chapter 1 season 2 through 5 and didn’t buy the battle pass. I hope they come back because I’m going to buy them. I have all the victory umbrellas from those seasons
I think exclusivity is stupid. It is artificial scarcity. Micro galaxy squadron does this
I think they said that battle passes will return after chapter 5 season 4 not including og ones but as someone who bought a Fortnite account I will admit once you get ur dream skins it get boring after a week so it’ll just be a waste but cool to see return
that's the problem for everyone, those C5S4 passes ARE COMING BACK TO THE SHOP, the OG PASSES DO NOT RETURN TO THE SHOP, they come back as OG Battle Pass Again, Epicgames clarified that it is "Exclusive to the season", so if that season returns, the pass can return, but it will not return exactly in the store with separate prices by skins as they will do with the passes from C5S4 onwards, that is what they do not understand well, they would return practically for a limited time
It is not the same thing to clarify that these Passes will return to the shop at any time, than to return as another pass for the return of the season, technically they are not returning to the shop as they say
@@Asd7727-l2n thank you for clarification I’m kinda still lost bc Fortnite switches there words a lot
@@Asd7727-l2n Exactly! Many people don't understand this concept.
@zaeunicorn5703 The thing is that Fortnite has some "traps", for example the "OG battle pass" was pure improvisation because in Season 1 it didn't originally exist and instead of holding on to Season 2 they preferred to launch it, about the battle pass he clarifies that it is "season exclusive" and since technically we are returning to the season and we all accepted an exclusivity cancellation contract, now they have the right to return them without lawsuits xd
i want those battle passes back i started c1s2 but bought battle passes c1s5 i would be happy to see people wear these and also get those skins and emotes i missed out such as the robot groove jam and omega would be cool to see those popping up again and finally getting my hands on them
yup i am thinking og passes will return in season 2 i bet .i was not expecting too return sparkle specialist then maybe for me i am missing chapter 1 s2 s3 s4 battle passes chapter 1 s5 is where i was a whale buying passes and skins
i just want them to let me finish old the bps, i've owned every battle pass since c1s2
I just want the Mako glider to return, I genuinely like how it looks. Reminds me of the A10 Warthog!
OG passes returning would be really good now Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper are exclusive but now they are not the season shop is basically the battle pass for ch1 s1 and Fortnite have 4 seperate battle passes so I don't know if OG passes returning would be the OG mode battle pass or if Fortnite will add a 5th battle pass or will use the season shop again but for OG battle passes
At this point, I don’t mind if epic brings back the chapter 1 battle passes. Since I own the majority of the chapter 1 battle passes like season 3 up to season x, don’t have the season 2 battle pass skins unfortunately but it would be awesome to see if these return to the game, it would be great for the people who missed out on these can finally have the opportunity to get the skins and the rest of the cosmetics. I just don’t really care about exclusivity at all and especially not a gatekeeper like the og crybabies that whine about renegade raider coming back 😂
Before the paradigm and renegade came back I never saw anyone wearing them. I do not see anyone wearing the marvel battle pass skins either so what is the point of exclusivity?
@@gentugo collecting them
@@LordZiax Ye, i love collect bp skins in fortnite, about ch1 i have missed s2,s3 and s4.
I dont like OG styles, I like my skins cuz they look good, i dont wanna wear an OG style to show that i had it "OG"
Still cool tho. You will have more styles for a skin you already like. Like imagine a black knight but with blue instead of red or Drift with the black color of his female version
Right, but literally everyone else would like it
My favorite season is chapter 1 season 8 and I have always wanted peely but I didn’t play in that season so I am sad I didn’t get peely but now i have hope that peely will return so peely fans get ready for his return 😃
Chapter 1 has 9 battle passes btw, not 10
The og battle passes will come back. Season shop was meant to be exclusive it still came back why? Because its season 1 and ur point is also right they made a remix battle pass Because there was no battle pass in season 1 ohh boy get ready when its season 2 Because the og battle pass will come back 99% it will come back the emotes the skins all will come back and the sparkle specialist was a battle pass skin and was still given free to the boogie down event to 100 players people who research a lot will know that the og passes will come back epic made a smart move here bringing the og mode back they can legally return battle passes now and cant get sued Because they will just say we are currently in season 2 thats why we brought the season 2 battle pass back
I think OG battle passes should come back to show toxic kis that they are nothing special because of a few skins and to reduce account purchases
let's be honest, the skins are cool and people who really want to play them should be able to get them
Only reason why people want them because they are rare no reason else it’s fomo !! But at lest console exclusive like double helix will never come out , and we know that because of reflex , even tho they gave us the red and black style we have still never had fame back to the item shop because of the contract , I’m happy none of thr can never go none rare
I actually had the season 2 bp with black knight since 6years. And to be honest they should bring him back so people can enjoy black knight 😊.
Remember skin don't make you a better player only skills can 💪
What if they release the offline ones with the season but couldn't do it this chapter 1 s1 because they're wasn't one?
I see this an absolute win. I can finally get og peely now
@@Pat_Here Yes sir same!
I was tier 52 in season 2 and tier 100 in season 3 but never got the passes, at least I have the free stuff to prove I deserve a second chance.
@@SwissCr7 HOLY S3 SWEAT
Wondering if they’ll give the players who have the free stuff a chance to get the og style if they do go that route with the battlepass.
i have black knight the reaper and omega 😅
@@90sNathfr, I was a default+precision menace back in the day.
@@90sNath bro, I swear I played era with u back in season 5? 😭🙏
I think they should bring battle passes back. Its literally just a game if you care THAT much of a SKIN that is literally just for decoration you need to touch grass
Just my opinion it be cool if there was a full blue or blueish skin for Master Chief for those who have him on PlayStation 😂😂😂
Like you can have him in different colors but just add a blue color selection
There is an old Post U can find, saying that OG Battlepasses are Exclusive and never will return. I don't care so long as I make some money back if they did, but unfortunately Battlepasses will never return again.
And now that post means nothing but a handshake promise
Promise is a promise. You see how they went back on the master chief style this will be the same. You kids need to quit crying about it@@deana6072
@@deana6072what do you mean
Season two battle pass comes back. I’m getting it.
Fortnite stop to care about OG's they don't pay the bills if anything keeping things exclusive is only making money for 3rd party sellers and Fortnite needs money 😁
I'm here for end of exclusivity
I need to unlock omega lights and black knight.
@@Guyver-971 Same
@@Guyver-971 ur not OG bruh
@@KidBlessings Yes i am OG BRUH
Guys Fortnite brought back Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper plus their cosmetics however they brought them back in the returning OG seasonal shop which in the shop you had to level up to unlock the ability to buy Renegade Raider and Aieral Assault Trooper plus their cosmetics in the OG seasonal shop and the same thing is happening now however this is a new change to the item shop so this may be Fortnite testing the waters yes I know they made like this for that OG ch1 experience however gaining a certain amount of XP to buy cosmetics is most likely for Fortnite to test the waters with it now see the item shop changed since ch1 s1 so yeah Fortnite is testing the waters with gaining XP for the ability to buy cosmetics most likely imagine Samurai Darth Vader and Samurai Storm Trooper arrived to the shop but required 5million XP to buy well people that want them would grind to receive the ability to buy them and the gaining XP to buy cosmetics change is a really good change as it will keep players playing the game longer and it will advertise the Fortnite Metaverse to loads of people as many Metaverse modes have great XP and it will also advertise the skins and cosmetics that have the change being purchasable through gaining a certain amount of XP and it will advertise BR to lots of people and people may even come together to complete their challenges to gain the XP needed to buy the cosmetics and it will also advertise Fortnite to loads of people as a sawed after collab skin can have this change which XP is essier to gain and this change will also have the people don't care about the skin or the cosmetics when they see they require XP to buy they will be like ok this is an important cosmetic and they will gain the XP requirement and lots of people would gain the XP requirement because they wouldn't know if the skin or cosmetics would be exclusive after they leave the item shop so yeah this change would be really good for Fortnite making Fortnite tons of money with the people buying these skins and new players joining the game and old players returning and people playing BR and the Metaverse modes and people playing new experiences they didn't play before and players playing for longer so this change should be added to sawed after cosmetics this has to be added to Travis Scott if he ever returns as long as Travis agrees for his skin to have an XP requirement to purchase it first so yeah
bro there is just 1 og battlepass and its s2 no others
Yo creo que lo más justo sería es que traer los pases de batalla completos en el Pases og porque las personas que lo tienen unos no son injustas solo quieren que no se les vendan los cosméticos y que lo obtengan por hacer las misiones que ellos tuvieron que hacer en su momento otros sólo los quieren encontrar exclusivos para sentirse especiales y otras más para vender cuentas Ay se te olvidó mencionar que los estilos exclusivos solo se les darán a las cuentas que se les verifique que tienen su portador original porque si se llega a descubrir que el portador actual de la cuenta es un comprador y no fue el original no se les dará el estilo exclusivo y se les van a banear la cuenta por la obtención ilegal de esta misma
Mientras den estilos og no me molestaria q vuelvan los pases, ahora si vuelven los emotes de los pases si ya que no pueden cambiarlos
they're not bringing them back , all it takes is reading to see that .... these bp takes are very similar to a flat earth and round earther arguing
I really do hope they don't come back
Ma se uno ha acquistato un pass e non lo ha finito dovrebbe riaquistarlo?
Go ahead do it then. Then they will see lower player count for seasons and less sales for future battle passes. All for what? A quick cash grab?
that makes no sense lol all the people that lost there og accounts, played back then but never bought skins, or never played back then and dream about owning og items will all return to the game to buy the items
Just bring all the battle passes back
I really want the doom guy skin
Gatekeeping is for dumb people
Moi je dis ils ressortent les passes et il donnent a ceux qui les avaient des styles exclusive
I would love to see them return. I would go for C1S2, C2S2, C2S4, C3S1. And C5S1. I love a lot of collab characters that appear in the early chapters and season, I didn’t play because I didn’t understand the building mechanics, so I didn’t play until C5S3(Which I also need). So I do hope they bring them all back someday.
Hopefully 🤞🏽
if you can bring back the overrated renegade raider, you can bring back OG darth vader or my lovely helsie
I’m personally praying for the marvel collabs. OG Deadpool, all of C2S4, C3S1. And Darth and Lara
@@dayknight03 may epic lock in
i need helsie too
@WhatTheSigmaSquidward they can't bc of the battle pass they said Battle passes will be exclusive but they can bring back renegade raider bc it was never exclusive
@Heeheee-c2s its their company they can do what they want. I really don't care what they do if they bring them back or not. Would love to see the OG owners coping on twitter tho
as an og with them honestly i dont care, epic wants money so thats what they will get
U defo aren’t an og
as someone who has everything from chapter 1 battel passes i don't mind if they bring back the skins however give og owners a edit style like black knight gets a edit style named shadow knight or darkest knight for exapample
Based on your bad grammar you're def not OG
I think only battlepasses after chapter 1 should return cuz super styles plus we are getting a remix version of every chapter 1 skin
They are going to come back, like it or not. There are too many collab skins(Vader) and unique skins(Dire)(Werewolf) to not bring it back. But remaking the skins won’t suffice, although a remake of every skins would a cool addition to the original skins but people want the og skins and I’m fine with that, I was there from the very beginning of Fortnite but never wanted to spend money on the game and now I regret it. I started buying things in season 3, so I won’t get the style for black knight when it comes out unfortunately but that’s okay. I’ve always regretted not buying the season 2 pass but Idc about renegade raider or aerial assault trooper, just the black knight skin.
@ agreed 100% the Ogs should get the styles, I’ll get some styles just not the black knight because that was the only pass I didn’t buy lol. But yeah much respect to the Ogs, I was there with you guys but have been treated terribly these past couple days for wanting the skin I missed out on. My life was just crazy during chapter 1 season 1 and I was really stressed out and wasn’t thinking too much about Fortnite and sadly missed it :(
they should not bring back old battle pass skins. The only exception is that they should give the OGS edit styles that are vastly upgraded or different. Players from the begining like me should be rewarded for playing for so long
if they re-release the mako and battle bus icon i am quiting fornite
Sure you will buddy
@@mengame2014 Probably not as these 2 wasn't in a seasonal shop but as free rewards for gaining lvl's. I don't see the point of returning just a glider and icon emblem.
How you expect Fortnite to react: 😭😔🤧
Kinda annoying if they do come back cause that will just mean I wasted a bunch of time trying to level up back then
I have all chapter 1 passes if they give me og styles I’ll be living forever
No way
Og battle passes are not coming back. If I’m wrong I’ll come back to the video and admit that
All these new gens should not be able to get these skins us ogs earned back then
We should not encourage deceptive behavior. This is a 💩 take.
Honestly they should only allow people who bought the chapter 1 battle passes previously to tier up unfinished tiers because I never got the reaper and I was halfway there
me to man I ran out of 20 degrees in season 3 by the completing battlepass
now, epic wants money that wont make them alot of money, + must ppl who played c1 either have a life or are ranting on twitter 24/7😭 or u have the ones on yt who r chill kinda
@ I’m started playing when I was 7 what you mean there’s young people too though but I guess
@ well obviously but the majority of og players are now adults, my point still stands.
There not returning they only added renegade and aerial to make money
They’re not returning
They most likely r
@@alexandercortes1257put it ong
This is grasping at straws at the very least
I think only people that had purchased it or leveled it up but didnt purchase should get a 2nd chance
Stupid ahh If they bring back og battle passes
no imagine gatekeeping digital items in 2024. And im saying that as an OG
@ It’s stupid to market things as limited time and then bring them back that’s the whole point of battle passes
We ain’t gatekeeping, they didn’t play at that time
The copium from people who want these skins back is wild