Great video, Zeddy! I gotta say, I don't feel the meta very refreshing... To omuch agro stuff as always and there's almost no window for some control. I mean, deciding a game in 4 plays doesn't seem fun. Hope everyone is having a great time and got good cards on the pack opening!! Keep it up, Zeddy
I'm having a lot of fun with Muscle Hunter. Just filling up the board with tokens with awakening tremors and sneaky snakes, play concierge and have Cup o' Muscle in hand and try to have Leeroy be the only minion in your hand and do almost 20+ by turn 5-6.
13:36 I got to Legend (for the first time) with SeedLock, my only recommendation is removing one molten Giant for a Lifesteel Ziliax. That alone helps you win one of the ahrdest caunters (pirates...)
I made the mistake of dusting and crafting stuff early in previous expansions so I'm not doing it this time ; atm I tried painlock and excavate rogue, painlock is great but excavate rogue is definitely vulnerable against aggro decks (which is normal although my version didn't have party fiend, might try this instead of Eudora)
Loved the elemental shaman deck. Played against a warrior that was bming me the whole game. Suddenly he took 30+ damage in a turn and died. Yup, lamplight is busted xD
The only decks that aggro kills on turn 4 are decks that basically so nothing in the early turns. If aggro decks were killing everything on turn 4 with impunity, they would be a problem.
My experience so far in this new expansion. Killed from hand by Dk, by mages, by druids, by paladins. Getting killed by turn 4 or 5 by DH. If it's not a deck like that, it's warrior with all its bombs, which I personally don't find fun. Let's add Warlock with something close to 20-20 stats by turn 4 or 5. And handbuff paladin that vomits everything onto the field with insane stats. I feel like everything is so explosive that there's nothing you can do to react. Any one else having the same experience?
I haven't been killed from hand by DK (I normally farm them outside the skilled Plague DK's who always play T1 weapon, T2 Kvaldir, T3 Coin Helya and shuffle all their Plagues to the top of my deck) or Mages. Mostly I find it's just getting rushed down by turn 4-6 by DH/Paladin/Warlock with egregious stats. Getting OTK'd by Druid on turn 4-8. Or playing against ResidentSleeper Warrior/Druid decks that just ramp to 16 mana and spam Zilliax. It's very similar to the state of Wild, where the meta is just a bunch of disgusting Pirate decks that kill you on turn 2-3 or ResidentSleeper Renathal full disruption decks...
I actually managed to get to legend with an Highlander Rainbow spell school DK. I had the advantage of starting this expansion at diamond 7 but DK really farms DH with all the token stuff
Handbuff paladin using the windfury pirate is broken. I didn't play against anyone using (I have around 100 games in the new expansion) but I probably won 15 games because of it
Can you share your list? I’ve been running this one but I’m stuck on diamond ### PIRATE HANDBUFF # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam # 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand # 2x (2) Audio Medic # 2x (2) Bloodsail Recruiter # 2x (2) Gold Panner # 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter # 2x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron # 2x (3) Outfit Tailor # 2x (3) Sailboat Captain # 1x (4) Grillmaster # 2x (4) Painter's Virtue # 2x (4) Tigress Plushy # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins # 1x (5) Sanc'Azel # 1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (5) Ticking Module # AAECAYrlBgbHpAbTqQbDvwbRvwaW0wbm5gYMy8QFuMUF2MYFuf4F+JUGzpwGtJ4G0KkG0akG6sQGl8oGyfQGAAED9rMGx6QG97MGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA= Grillmaster is insane value, but fighting for early pressure is more important in this meta. You never drop adaptive amalgam on turn1 so you kinda need the audio medic (which synergies with the amalgam as well). Bloodsail is ok but it just dies most of the times and there’s an overaboundance of 2 drops (wouldn’t cut the lifesteal rush in this aggro meta). The turn3 situation is meh, the windfury pirate does nothing when not supported by an earlier drop and if you wait for a southsea then it’s basically a turn5 drop
zeddy, what deck recipe is pkatebreaker with 2.5k armor and 20 mana?! im looking for the deck recipe, what can defeat that deck? except destroy opponents armor card, if you already have it, and on that particular board ☕
Don’t sleep on these: - “pain” pirate demon hunter (the one with the tourist) - 60% wr on top1k legend - overheal priest - 61% wr on top1k legend - elemental mage - 61% wr on top1k legend Not huge samples yet, but they’re the best performing in legend, other than lamplighter rogue which is 67% (52 matches as a sample at the moment of writing but yeah)
It's a bit sad to see what has become of wild. It used to be the place to play some of my old cards that I missed when they got rotated out but the format has so much busted stuff that you either lose or join in. I really want to see some proper single player content where I can enjoy my collection and play against some interesting balanced bots in peace. Even if Blizzard wants to exclude XP from that mode I'd be fine. Yes I know that I can still play the innkeeper but that's a little too brain dead and ancient to play against.
Lamplighter rouge is ridiculous dude BMd me and killed my board before killing me at over 30hp while playing like 6-7 lamplighters that we’re dealing 10dmg a piece. Nothing I could do…
@@thumaso Reno druid with right draw, combo druid, dragon druid. I lost to all those while playing it. Unless I had a good draw against them they seem favored.
@@WilsonTexasRager ye i mean the card is total bs and needs to get nerfed, but i'd say amanthul is the most clear way to counter it. other than maybe giga rush with pirate DH
not sure if it will be a thing at some point but shudderblock with incindius is basically a win condition on its own. and even without that combination, there are quite a few good battlecrys in the deck
Yeah I saw Kibler play a highlander deck with that gist. It’s expensive, but I had most of the cards and it worked decently. Don’t know to attribute the successes to its viability or the unrefined meta.
Shudderblock + incindius, mini shudder + magatha, with speel damage minion on board if possoble, just put a few minions in your deck to not overdraw, really funny otk that works pretty often
I don't know about other players, but playing Pirate Rogue on EU is the worst decision you can make at the moment. Playing around dia 7-8 and during my climb when trying Pirate Rogue I ALWAYS faced control decks with the perfect answer. If you don't want to have 30 min games just play Shadow Aggro Priest, way better imo.
Do aggro players have fun winning games on turn 4? Or do they just race along without even bothering to have fun? After all, every game you have a desire to have fun, even if there are difficult obstacles. How enjoyable is this to play? In my opinion, either aggro players don't know how to play and pick up these decks to feel victorious, or they're just in a mad rush to achieve a goal without having fun.
I wish your content had sections so I could digest it easier (this is a me problem). I understand it reduces your watch time in analytics but I tend to look somewhere else. I'm too ADHD. 2x it is.
Reached legend in a very little time with Pirate Demon Hunter (with a thematic pirate DH skin for extra flavor). I'll say, generally, I do NOT like aggro, BUT sometimes high winrate fast matches are really fun...
The problem is the decks arent fun they are efficient and thats boring...means games play out the exact same cause you can just tutor your most op card.
To be fair... Warrior cards are garbage this expansion. The only reason the class is good is because they're using broken Druid cards. While Hunter is suffering because half of their cards are the garbage Warrior ones.
@@FreneticEfreet At least the true dual class cards were properly designed around both classes, mixing together mechanics from both classes. They normally failed because the execution simply favoured one class over another (Such as how the health change Warlock/Priest cards just benefitted Warlock so heavily because they had tons of self damage AND self healing) The Tourist mechanic is failing on the initial designs in many cases. There's little reason for DK, Mage, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock or DH to ever bother with putting the other class' cards into their decks because they have no synergy with anything they're doing even before the actual power level of the card is a consideration.
Hey zed, let me explain something about elemental shaman, amazing board control minions, we have 4/5' rushes on turn 2 with a coin, living prairie that makes that 7 drop elemental spell guy obsolete, 13 damage to face on turn 6 with lamplighter, 19 damage to face on turn 9 with lamp lighter and zola, and the biggest difference is that now scar can come down whenever, it went from a race to get an opponent to around 10 health and pray for scar before they heal, to, I just need them around 25, get some damage through and drop lamps, this allows massive board control, the new zoo is the rival, my mouth starts watering as s they drop life, yet, I don't think I could ever capitalize on it without a good draw before death, don't run rolling stone or shock hopper, I've never tried rolling stone but the restriction does not seem on them, overload gets in the way like 100% of the time, very rarely elemental overload and curv is so important, I ended up with tar slime to protect my 3/1 s and the 2 drop that gives +1+1, haven't crafted (indicus?) yet, running therezane and zola, u can turn 10 zola a scar, i have no clue why shes not in these on
I started playing Hearthstone right after lich king came out. The extent that the game has changed in such a short time is disappointing. I find myself logging on less and less. I was receptive to the rollback with mass nerfs they did earlier in the year, and they lost all good faith with this expansion. Whether the meta is balanced with many different classes being competitive at this point is irrelevant. I don't enjoy this style of deck you need to play in order to win at this point. Are there other games out there that have more in the trenches gameplay and less just popping off first?
Not sure how well it performs lately since I haven't played in two years or so, but there is The Elder Scrolls: Legends, which always felt a lot less fast-paced than HS (mainly because your decks have to be at least 50 cards and at most 100 cards, requiring more filler / survivabioity cards than HS decks)
Just gotta say that you only run Maestra for party fiend you almost never play the actual card. It’s pretty bad and replaying rogue cards from Tess is bad a lot of the time.
I’ve been trying to make this work: shaman has a way to attack with your hero for 30 in one turn. Horn of the Windlord + Conductivity on Skirting Death = 15 hero attack with windfury.
Try to do it with the elemental miniaturize maybe? It's cheaper and doesn't rely on having a weapon equipped previous turn. You can also run a bit more of the pirate package with the demon hunter pirate that gives your hero +1 atk whenever a friendly pirate attacks.
@@diptendumukherjee6526 I’ve been experimenting with Sand-art Elemental but it often feels too slow to have to play the 4/4 version first. I’ve been running this in a shaman pirate aggro list but the combo itself hasn’t really proven itself worth it.
Mage and Priest, still at the bottom. The team is afraid to give these classes broken cards like they give to all other classes... Disappointing really
hearthstone is actually so bad, I miss when there was skill involved. It's been in such a bad state for a while. I think once they introduced rush it really killed the game. The rush mechanic was fine when it actually tacked on extra mana to play but then they started throwing rush on everything for no additional mana. Everything is so blatantly broken it's just not enjoyable anymore. Fire the entire hearthstone design team because they have no idea what they are doing unless they are trying to kill the game. The signature cards look like shit, the diamond cards look like shit, some of the hero portrait art isn't consistent with the rest of the game's art style it's just all a mess! Class identity isn't even a thing anymore, back in the day only priest had access to resurrect cards now every class does. Paladin getting free divine shields on everything for no extra mana. Warriors clearing your board every turn for no mana while also gaining 8 armor per turn. Playing a titan only to have it copied by a mage is just annoying. There is no variety anymore you see the same exact decks because there are no other viable options. Every single time I got to legend rank I played the most braindead aggro decks and it took very minimal skill on my part to get there. It was just me flooding the board each turn and mostly going face. On occasion I would have to clear certain minions but overall just braindead face to legend. Terrible terrible game!!! We need to all boycott it so the design team gets fired, but I think it's too late because even if they fix it so many people have already ditched it and moved onto better things.
Well, been trying to play good ol control. Been dying consistenyly on turn 4-7. So far its just been aggro decks all over the place. More fun than being otkd on turn five though when they nerf a lot of these overtuned aggro decks we will be since the otk stuff is realy close to be good. Still havin fun, but thats mostly because the decks are new. My enjoyment will definatly fade.
Just a heads up, the reason Magatha is in the elemental shaman list is because it still casts the incindius cards because they are cast when drawn.
was just about to post the exact same thing
Great video, Zeddy!
I gotta say, I don't feel the meta very refreshing... To omuch agro stuff as always and there's almost no window for some control. I mean, deciding a game in 4 plays doesn't seem fun. Hope everyone is having a great time and got good cards on the pack opening!!
Keep it up, Zeddy
I love your videos so much ❤ always improves my mood
I'm having a lot of fun with Muscle Hunter. Just filling up the board with tokens with awakening tremors and sneaky snakes, play concierge and have Cup o' Muscle in hand and try to have Leeroy be the only minion in your hand and do almost 20+ by turn 5-6.
love your energy man! thanks for this
13:36 I got to Legend (for the first time) with SeedLock, my only recommendation is removing one molten Giant for a Lifesteel Ziliax. That alone helps you win one of the ahrdest caunters (pirates...)
I was lucky to get horizon’s edge golden. I love that artwork
I made the mistake of dusting and crafting stuff early in previous expansions so I'm not doing it this time ; atm I tried painlock and excavate rogue, painlock is great but excavate rogue is definitely vulnerable against aggro decks (which is normal although my version didn't have party fiend, might try this instead of Eudora)
I made sandwitch warriors cuz I got the weapon and I spent 5k dust making it and I lose every game cuz it's so bad 😅
Loved the elemental shaman deck. Played against a warrior that was bming me the whole game. Suddenly he took 30+ damage in a turn and died. Yup, lamplight is busted xD
Thanks for the great video! 😊
And for linking theos as well!
Are some wild otk druid decks out there in the meta?
The Incindius shaman combo deck seems pretty good too....Shudderblock > Incindius > mini shudderblock > gaslight gatekeeper > gg
I think it's rather despicable
Zilliax is a problem meanwhile aggro kill on turn 4 yup that fine
Thats true if you are playing another aggro deck but bad one lol
It’s easy to deal with aggro once the meta stabilizes. But dealing with both zilliax AND aggro while having a win condition? Good luck
More than one thing can be a problem
The only decks that aggro kills on turn 4 are decks that basically so nothing in the early turns. If aggro decks were killing everything on turn 4 with impunity, they would be a problem.
@@jfr1995 druide does exactly that, killing any deck consistently on turn 3/4 with a million stupid mage drink
One deck not mentioned here was mistah vistah combo druid. If sea breeze stays at 1 the whole expansion life I'll be shocked
My experience so far in this new expansion. Killed from hand by Dk, by mages, by druids, by paladins. Getting killed by turn 4 or 5 by DH. If it's not a deck like that, it's warrior with all its bombs, which I personally don't find fun. Let's add Warlock with something close to 20-20 stats by turn 4 or 5. And handbuff paladin that vomits everything onto the field with insane stats. I feel like everything is so explosive that there's nothing you can do to react. Any one else having the same experience?
Pretty much the same thing for me
I haven't been killed from hand by DK (I normally farm them outside the skilled Plague DK's who always play T1 weapon, T2 Kvaldir, T3 Coin Helya and shuffle all their Plagues to the top of my deck) or Mages.
Mostly I find it's just getting rushed down by turn 4-6 by DH/Paladin/Warlock with egregious stats. Getting OTK'd by Druid on turn 4-8. Or playing against ResidentSleeper Warrior/Druid decks that just ramp to 16 mana and spam Zilliax.
It's very similar to the state of Wild, where the meta is just a bunch of disgusting Pirate decks that kill you on turn 2-3 or ResidentSleeper Renathal full disruption decks...
The game is trash now, that is the reason ,Played since 2015 the gameplay is dead. Happy that i left this sh*t
@@SERGE-iv7cvyet here you are still complaining 🙄
Skill issue.
First- thank you so much, love all the great content
I actually managed to get to legend with an Highlander Rainbow spell school DK. I had the advantage of starting this expansion at diamond 7 but DK really farms DH with all the token stuff
Keep up the good work, Zeddy
I usually wait 2 weeks after a release before crafting so that the decks can be refined a couple of times
Handbuff paladin using the windfury pirate is broken. I didn't play against anyone using (I have around 100 games in the new expansion) but I probably won 15 games because of it
Can you share your list? I’ve been running this one but I’m stuck on diamond
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Audio Medic
# 2x (2) Bloodsail Recruiter
# 2x (2) Gold Panner
# 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
# 2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron
# 2x (3) Outfit Tailor
# 2x (3) Sailboat Captain
# 1x (4) Grillmaster
# 2x (4) Painter's Virtue
# 2x (4) Tigress Plushy
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Sanc'Azel
# 1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (5) Perfect Module
# 1x (5) Ticking Module
Grillmaster is insane value, but fighting for early pressure is more important in this meta. You never drop adaptive amalgam on turn1 so you kinda need the audio medic (which synergies with the amalgam as well). Bloodsail is ok but it just dies most of the times and there’s an overaboundance of 2 drops (wouldn’t cut the lifesteal rush in this aggro meta). The turn3 situation is meh, the windfury pirate does nothing when not supported by an earlier drop and if you wait for a southsea then it’s basically a turn5 drop
### HB
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Gold Panner
# 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron
# 2x (3) Outfit Tailor
# 2x (3) Sailboat Captain
# 2x (4) Astral Serpent
# 2x (4) Painter's Virtue
# 2x (4) Tigress Plushy
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Sanc'Azel
# 1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim
# 2x (5) Warsong Grunt
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (4) Twin Module
# 1x (5) Ticking Module
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
This deck basically doesn't have turn 1 and 2 but from turn 3 forward you fight for board and prepare a big charge minion or give windfury to something your opponent leave on the board often you will drop 15+ charge
I just hit legend with Egg Hunter. That deck is FUN!
feels like a mini-set w/o the gameboard
"Reverse clickbait" got me 😂
zeddy, what deck recipe is pkatebreaker with 2.5k armor and 20 mana?! im looking for the deck recipe, what can defeat that deck? except destroy opponents armor card, if you already have it, and on that particular board ☕
Don’t sleep on these:
- “pain” pirate demon hunter (the one with the tourist) - 60% wr on top1k legend
- overheal priest - 61% wr on top1k legend
- elemental mage - 61% wr on top1k legend
Not huge samples yet, but they’re the best performing in legend, other than lamplighter rogue which is 67% (52 matches as a sample at the moment of writing but yeah)
It's a bit sad to see what has become of wild. It used to be the place to play some of my old cards that I missed when they got rotated out but the format has so much busted stuff that you either lose or join in. I really want to see some proper single player content where I can enjoy my collection and play against some interesting balanced bots in peace. Even if Blizzard wants to exclude XP from that mode I'd be fine. Yes I know that I can still play the innkeeper but that's a little too brain dead and ancient to play against.
Feel like they should brake down wild into years, so people can play with previous metas and card pools instead of being such a hot mess.
@burgerandy2729 isn't that twist
using the mining rogue and it’s resetting after epic and not allowing me to get to legendary for some reason
Morning All!
Morning!!!🎉🎉🎉(it is 4 pm for me)
Zilliax should be reborn without any effects like rainbow seamstress
Reverse klickbait got me.
Love your intro
Don't think wild has been in a worse place ever. So many broken cards and they just refuse to fix it. Shameful.
Looked at the comments and not a single thing about priest the only thing I main :(
New expansion boys!! Let's play all the same cards and decks from the previous expansion
Reverse Clickbait is the biggest UA-cam W I've ever seen
Lamplighter rouge is ridiculous dude BMd me and killed my board before killing me at over 30hp while playing like 6-7 lamplighters that we’re dealing 10dmg a piece. Nothing I could do…
Which of these decks does best against Zilliax Warrior?
Any priest with amanthul is nice to remove that shit from the game
@@thumaso Reno druid with right draw, combo druid, dragon druid. I lost to all those while playing it. Unless I had a good draw against them they seem favored.
@@WilsonTexasRager ye i mean the card is total bs and needs to get nerfed, but i'd say amanthul is the most clear way to counter it. other than maybe giga rush with pirate DH
so it's between zilliax and aggro got itb
Always hated otk in this game... But vista druid is just to fun to pilot with the possibility to split damage in 3 turn
Eating and watching the whale .. perfect =))
not sure if it will be a thing at some point but shudderblock with incindius is basically a win condition on its own. and even without that combination, there are quite a few good battlecrys in the deck
Yeah I saw Kibler play a highlander deck with that gist. It’s expensive, but I had most of the cards and it worked decently. Don’t know to attribute the successes to its viability or the unrefined meta.
Shudderblock + incindius, mini shudder + magatha, with speel damage minion on board if possoble, just put a few minions in your deck to not overdraw, really funny otk that works pretty often
The power level on this expansion is nuts. I'm not sure what the HS team was thinking or if they did any balance testing
I'm not so sure, a lot of pretty good decks only run a couple new cards like tempo druid, control warrior, aggro paladin and painlock
no mage ?
quick question : how the f do I get 360k dust? im hustlin so hard the last 2 or 3 expansions to get 1 decent deck 😂
Elementals be poppin
Nice Ty :)
I just love that druid can do 80+ damage, even without Owlinus! you could lost the game even with a full board. fair and balanced!! :D
I don't know about other players, but playing Pirate Rogue on EU is the worst decision you can make at the moment. Playing around dia 7-8 and during my climb when trying Pirate Rogue I ALWAYS faced control decks with the perfect answer. If you don't want to have 30 min games just play Shadow Aggro Priest, way better imo.
If people are looking for an aggressive wild deck, don't sleep on odd pirate demon hunter.
### Odd Pirate Demon Hunter
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Battlefiend
# 1x (1) Consume Magic
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 1x (1) Dreadprison Glaive
# 2x (1) Fury (Rank 1)
# 2x (1) Lowly Squire
# 1x (1) Patches the Pilot
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Sock Puppet Slitherspear
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (1) Treasure Distributor
# 2x (1) Twin Slice
# 2x (3) Hozen Roughhouser
# 2x (3) Magnifying Glaive
# 2x (3) Paraglide
# 2x (3) Pufferfist
# 1x (3) Southsea Captain
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
Where ist the mage?:( The only class i needed
Why is there no Virus Control Warrior in here?
No mage 😢
Sad indeed.
Hunter just got garbage this set too
also no priest... feels great opening both priest legendaries in this meta...
no wild decks 😢
legend deck!
The Dragon priest beats them all
ngl you earned my sub with that reverse click bait
Do aggro players have fun winning games on turn 4? Or do they just race along without even bothering to have fun? After all, every game you have a desire to have fun, even if there are difficult obstacles. How enjoyable is this to play? In my opinion, either aggro players don't know how to play and pick up these decks to feel victorious, or they're just in a mad rush to achieve a goal without having fun.
dont hate the players, hate the game
aggro has been on hearthstone from day one, its a part of the package
Can they just bite the bullet and ban zilliax?
only Warrior is using a Tourist, the rest of Tourist is unplayable or underperforming… well done Blizz..
Windfury Shaman, automoton/incindius priest, combo druid, combo mage, combo paladin all use tourist
So far Burn Mage is still working for me
I'm using the same old list 😢
yeah you should really craft gorgonzormu, he's not free or anything
gorgonzormu is free zeddy
I wish your content had sections so I could digest it easier (this is a me problem). I understand it reduces your watch time in analytics but I tend to look somewhere else. I'm too ADHD. 2x it is.
You are sleeping on eruption shaman!
I can’t find party fiend?😂
How can you put druid cards into a warrior deck?
New keyword tourist each class has one legendary minion with it
timestamp pls
Dude it's not even been 3 days lol
Priest struggling in these streets.
Reached legend in a very little time with Pirate Demon Hunter (with a thematic pirate DH skin for extra flavor). I'll say, generally, I do NOT like aggro, BUT sometimes high winrate fast matches are really fun...
The problem is the decks arent fun they are efficient and thats boring...means games play out the exact same cause you can just tutor your most op card.
And yet another meta where Druid/Warrior/Paladin have broken cards... and Priest sadly deleted.....
Priest opinion detected. Everything about it rejected
To be fair... Warrior cards are garbage this expansion.
The only reason the class is good is because they're using broken Druid cards. While Hunter is suffering because half of their cards are the garbage Warrior ones.
@@tarille1043 agreed and I’d argue the Tourist mechanic is a failed one as compared to the already difficult to balance true dual class cards.
@@tarille1043 yep. Warrior has in my opinion the worst cards in the set. Nothing good, nothing interesting, nothing worth playing
@@FreneticEfreet At least the true dual class cards were properly designed around both classes, mixing together mechanics from both classes. They normally failed because the execution simply favoured one class over another (Such as how the health change Warlock/Priest cards just benefitted Warlock so heavily because they had tons of self damage AND self healing)
The Tourist mechanic is failing on the initial designs in many cases. There's little reason for DK, Mage, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock or DH to ever bother with putting the other class' cards into their decks because they have no synergy with anything they're doing even before the actual power level of the card is a consideration.
I mean to get to legend at this moment, probably not next month though after the balance patch
Hey zed, let me explain something about elemental shaman, amazing board control minions, we have 4/5' rushes on turn 2 with a coin, living prairie that makes that 7 drop elemental spell guy obsolete, 13 damage to face on turn 6 with lamplighter, 19 damage to face on turn 9 with lamp lighter and zola, and the biggest difference is that now scar can come down whenever, it went from a race to get an opponent to around 10 health and pray for scar before they heal, to, I just need them around 25, get some damage through and drop lamps, this allows massive board control, the new zoo is the rival, my mouth starts watering as s they drop life, yet, I don't think I could ever capitalize on it without a good draw before death, don't run rolling stone or shock hopper, I've never tried rolling stone but the restriction does not seem on them, overload gets in the way like 100% of the time, very rarely elemental overload and curv is so important, I ended up with tar slime to protect my 3/1 s and the 2 drop that gives +1+1, haven't crafted (indicus?) yet, running therezane and zola, u can turn 10 zola a scar, i have no clue why shes not in these on
Thanks, Zeddy
I started playing Hearthstone right after lich king came out. The extent that the game has changed in such a short time is disappointing. I find myself logging on less and less. I was receptive to the rollback with mass nerfs they did earlier in the year, and they lost all good faith with this expansion. Whether the meta is balanced with many different classes being competitive at this point is irrelevant. I don't enjoy this style of deck you need to play in order to win at this point. Are there other games out there that have more in the trenches gameplay and less just popping off first?
Not sure how well it performs lately since I haven't played in two years or so, but there is The Elder Scrolls: Legends, which always felt a lot less fast-paced than HS (mainly because your decks have to be at least 50 cards and at most 100 cards, requiring more filler / survivabioity cards than HS decks)
Just gotta say that you only run Maestra for party fiend you almost never play the actual card. It’s pretty bad and replaying rogue cards from Tess is bad a lot of the time.
Gorgon is free lol
Yup. Think he somehow forgot that.
Zeddy’s probably already completed the rewards track and so it must be a distant memory 😅
I’ve been trying to make this work: shaman has a way to attack with your hero for 30 in one turn. Horn of the Windlord + Conductivity on Skirting Death = 15 hero attack with windfury.
Try to do it with the elemental miniaturize maybe? It's cheaper and doesn't rely on having a weapon equipped previous turn. You can also run a bit more of the pirate package with the demon hunter pirate that gives your hero +1 atk whenever a friendly pirate attacks.
@@diptendumukherjee6526 I’ve been experimenting with Sand-art Elemental but it often feels too slow to have to play the 4/4 version first. I’ve been running this in a shaman pirate aggro list but the combo itself hasn’t really proven itself worth it.
Charge pirate should be nerfed can't play around it even
ahah mage is completely dead it's insane
this is the aggro exp
12:00 I wish people would start calling her M'gatha like it's apparently pronounced.
48 h after the release and i can't stand all those aggro dumb decks
Mage and Priest, still at the bottom. The team is afraid to give these classes broken cards like they give to all other classes... Disappointing really
Game has reached new mobile garbage hights
Not running bellowing flames in warrior is a mistake
sometimes i think my comments towards devs are too harsh, then i play the game, and nope they deserve all the hate
WIld is still the same boring old crap. Except for Rainbow Even DK. Thats a fun deck
Fun... But good enough? Honest question
Fk the zilliax decks!!!
and, wheres the new cards¡¡!!??
same old shit
Unfortunate how obnoxiously expensive the good decks are so far this expac
I don't think the world's ready for Reverse Clickbait™
Not showing lamplighter rogue is criminal.
I did not watch ahead lol
That Rainbow DK Video is TERRRRRRIBLE. This is a 0 star video, don't watch that video!
hearthstone is actually so bad, I miss when there was skill involved. It's been in such a bad state for a while. I think once they introduced rush it really killed the game. The rush mechanic was fine when it actually tacked on extra mana to play but then they started throwing rush on everything for no additional mana. Everything is so blatantly broken it's just not enjoyable anymore. Fire the entire hearthstone design team because they have no idea what they are doing unless they are trying to kill the game. The signature cards look like shit, the diamond cards look like shit, some of the hero portrait art isn't consistent with the rest of the game's art style it's just all a mess! Class identity isn't even a thing anymore, back in the day only priest had access to resurrect cards now every class does. Paladin getting free divine shields on everything for no extra mana. Warriors clearing your board every turn for no mana while also gaining 8 armor per turn. Playing a titan only to have it copied by a mage is just annoying. There is no variety anymore you see the same exact decks because there are no other viable options. Every single time I got to legend rank I played the most braindead aggro decks and it took very minimal skill on my part to get there. It was just me flooding the board each turn and mostly going face. On occasion I would have to clear certain minions but overall just braindead face to legend. Terrible terrible game!!! We need to all boycott it so the design team gets fired, but I think it's too late because even if they fix it so many people have already ditched it and moved onto better things.
Well, been trying to play good ol control. Been dying consistenyly on turn 4-7. So far its just been aggro decks all over the place.
More fun than being otkd on turn five though when they nerf a lot of these overtuned aggro decks we will be since the otk stuff is realy close to be good.
Still havin fun, but thats mostly because the decks are new. My enjoyment will definatly fade.
is this the worst expansion ever? dont see people use new legendaries.... no one
Fix wild trash company
Warrior deck is dead in the water 100% garbage
This is the worst format of all time. Hearthstone has reached a new low
Idk ive seen way more decks so far we need to wait another week or 2 before doomer talking