My best friend's brother was a senior academic at the OU dealing with recruitment . He was forced to take early retirement when he challenged this discrimination. They trumped up allegations and even threatened to remove his pension.
@@candy-le4nhI know you must find it difficult to believe that people have best friends Bob, but there it is 🤭 How’s the constant obfuscation and denial of truth going? LOL
@@georgehetty7857 I suspect candy is an OU alumni with a degree in Basket Weaving and he's a bit bitter to find out there is no basket weaving industry in Britain.
I love the way Channel 4 had to go * undercover * in the ahem, the most dubious of ways to find racism in the Reform reaction movement. But there’s literally institutional, systemic and publicly broadcasted racism right in front of them every single day
@@nihilistlivesmatter True. Some of Jezza's policies were sensible and egalitarian but the chattering classes feared he's tax them more to pay for it all. Luxury communism is what the establishment enjoys, not real communism.
I don't want any kind of communism, luxury or otherwise. I'm not going to entertain or indulge anyone with stupid fantasies unleash a horror show time and time again desperately trying to get it to work.
people have not been told about the whites captured from Europe and sold to the ottoman empire for hundreds of years, if they did know this these slave drivers wouldn't be so downtrodden as they seem to think they are
The one and only race that asks to be given, not to earn. Result is pure pandemonium as civilisation degenerates, further, and further, until it disappears.
imagine belonging to a race of people who are treated like children, given special help in everything, given priority in job applications, extra help in education, and laws passed just to favour you and you still fail at everything, no wonder they hate themselves, the more they are given the more they fail, this proves hard work is always rewarded and freeloading doesn't work,
Why does the ordinary white populace have to suffer because we are catering to a certain demographic who seem to think they have every right to reap all the benefits simply because of their colour,and they certainly are taking advantage of it at our expense.😠
They still expect a free lunch even after they've finished schooling, you see. And apart from the 1% at the very top of the tree, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The 'white privilege' they claim prevents them getting on does not exist for their white peers, it's a convenient fantasy.
I have just sent this message to the Open University. “At the heart of The Open University’s (OU) social justice mission is the belief that everyone - regardless of background or circumstance - should have the same opportunities and support to transform their lives through education. “ Could you please explain to me how your “Black Students Support Fund” accords with the above statement, excluding as it does anyone whose ethnicity is NOT of Black African or Black Caribbean heritage? If any such opportunities were offered which excluded people of Black ethnicity there would be howls of “Racism”! Equality works both ways.
Unfortunately “equality” is now a dirty word. This noble concept has now been usurped by “equity” , thus the very antithesis of Martin Luther Kings dream 😔
Around the turn of the Millennium, I worked at a nursing home, a resident of which, was called Miriam. She told me about how, when working at Sheffield University, along with some colleagues, she was involved in forming the Open University with that exact intention- to allow ANYBODY, that is, whatever their background, colour, job, whether they’re in prison, it didn’t matter- they could get a degree. She was rightly, very proud of her achievement despite suffering from Alzheimer’s I’m pretty sure she would be rolling in her grave at this iniquity!☹️🤬😩
Yes, I'm sure my IQ declined with each degree I obtained. Luckily, I wasn't allowed to sneak in as a working class university lecturer or I'd have spread my learned stupidity more widely.
That's the point of the school system-invented by the Prussians to ensure their soldiers could use and maintain the weapons. Adapted in the USA so farmers children could work in factories. The President of Princeton,before he became President of the country, once gave a lecture to schoolteachers where he told them that only a small percentage of people needed to be ' 'educated'.
I gained my BSc with the OU, but that was many decades ago. I used to give donations to enable others that needed financial help so they too could gain a degree. But years ago it became obvious that the OU had, like so many universities, had been captured the woke sjw, so my donations ended.
@UnimportantAcc Hi. I did the foundation courses in science, mathematics, computing. Then all the other courses were either computer or maths related, eg data models and databases, analogue and digital electronics, programming and programming languages, mathematics in computing. But there's a whole range of courses depending on what you find interesting. I assume you've checked the OU web site. My mathematics wasn't up to much but it was much better by the time I graduated. There were weekly gatherings lead by a tutor, so if you struggle with something there are people around to help. The summer schools were really useful particularly for science because you actually had labs and for me mathematics too as they had extra evening classes for people having a hard time understanding. I'm confident that the OU will help you achieve your goals. I wish you the best in your endeavours.
@@Chris-gs8kc Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I'm going to talk to a career's advisor first to see if any of my current qualifications can be put towards finishing a uni course a bit quicker. If you don't mind me asking, it sounds like you did quite a lot of studying there - what sort of time frame was this over? Four/five years?
@UnimportantAcc Pleased to be able to help. If you have the time to do multiple courses each year, it can be done in 3 years or so. Due to personal problems, I took 6 years or so to graduate because I took about 18 months off from study. If you can gain some points for study that you've already done that would be handy. Obviously the time it takes will depend on how much time you can devote to it and how much you already know about the subjects. I had been working in IT for quite a while so the computer courses came easy to me. Cheers.
I could not have said it better myself & even George Orwell would shudder if he could see the events in 2024! It beggars belief & we are going backwards!
@@kitcat4512Both also had ties to a certain 'society' of middle-class hard-left intellectual activists that prided themselves for spreading their views and ideas to the public without anyone noticing.
@@pepperprovasnik Do you know why Orwell picked the year '1984' for the title of the book? It's the 100th anniversary of the founding of the 'society' I mentioned.
Thete is no white tests its projection for the rivers of tears they cry over words and historic facts and genetic facts.. they can call me porky whitey Chorkie ghost anything they like not a single cell in my body or a rlecton in my brain would for one ms be offended I’m not weak and I do not see a weakness in my kind it takes a special kind of weak to be triggered all the time maybe there is truth in are words maybe that’s why
The "You must identify" part is alarming enough but to specify that to qualify the candidate must be of a certain " ethnic background" is a real shocker. I am a simple man but frankley I find it difficult to believe that this is fully legal these days
As a former Inner London teacher seen all this at first hand. I remember a black police entrant who failed the exams twice , the officer said , 'but you're a graduate.' He replied , ' Degrees are not about facts. ' Really ? His degree wasn't. In my day Access Course , fast track to Uni , was aimed at failing black students. Obviously that failed. Africans have no problem as student it's others who can't get up in the morning. Ah , it might be a culture. The answer we used to say was just sell the degree , like they do in the states , or collect Corn Flake packet coupons. Do the powers that be realise that this debases everyone's degree and make suspect those with a black face ?
The same applies to most UK universities. Only four UK universities are world-class - UCL, Imperial, Oxford and Cambridge. So you can hand a black person a worthless degree in return for no effort, it still won't do them any good.
The only whites allowed have to be from abject poverty and even then if they display any type of pride they will swiftly be rejected. This is to insure superiority over whites. I hope all these white kids that are being accepted into this university will be smart enough to record audio/video every insults and hate speech towards them.
Totally agree with you Simon. I researched taking a course at the OU last year and when I noted that they had a preference to black candidates I realised that the OU is racist and closed their web site.
I don’t think Harold Wilson had this in his thoughts when he instigated the OU. What was a splendid idea has morphed into another academic nightmare. However, as the O U is a state run organisation someone in government has signed this off, with my limited understanding of the race relations act I would have thought that this was illegal, but I guess that there is some sort of loophole that allows it. It is however very unfair, there are many poor and disadvantaged people of all ethnicities in the UK who would benefit greatly, and put to good use the degree earned via the generous scholarships who will never get the chance to improve themselves because someone somewhere thinks that being black is some kind of disability that requires special help. Absolutely infuriating.
You were quick to point out the deception and racism of Open University, but the same accusations can be levelled against you; HYPOCRITE!@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb
Considered actively studying with the OU at one point. Today there's just no possibility of that happening. Never a good thing to associate with those who unfairly discriminate.
@@letsdiscussitoversometea8479 You can obtain the same knowledge a current humanities graduate possesses by accessing your local library anyway. A good grammar school product in the 50s to 60s had a similar level of education to the average BA now, I've read. Sadly, the bit of paper is required by over 45% of employers now.
@@PaIaeoCIive1684 You _could_ in theory just take the examinations and compile the essays... But actually that's not enough now that I think about it. Active participation in seminars contribute towards a higher grade as well! An arrangement (a perfectly sensible one) could be worked out where you could offer to be "tested" with regards to your abilities. This would at least then remove doubt as to the possibility that you obtained such a qualification dishonesty. Worth a try, but you could also go for a "job creation" scheme, where you can fill a role in a company which doesn't yet exist, but that may serve them well.
"The Open University has numerous support programs addressing a wide variety of limitations or disadvantages that prospective students might face. For example, we offer financial support for carers, care experienced learners, Black students and disabled veterans and those who are seeking sanctuary in the UK." Not just for black students but for illegals too
Were it just disadvantaged people supported I don't think anyone would object. But specifying the black ethnicity is clearly discriminatory against non-blacks of any ethnicity.
@@Eyespy743They should be, since they're the group least represented in Universities now. It's odd that there are no initiatives in place to address that, isn't it?
The High Court has released teacher Enoch Burke from Mountjoy Prison (Dublin). This is the secondary teacher who refused to call a boy a girl at the school where he was employed in Co.Westmeath. Mr Justice Mark Sanfey ordered the teacher's release, where he has been incarcerated since September . Mr Burke has denied that he is in contempt of court, and says he has wrongfully been imprisoned because of his objections to "trangenderism" following a direction by the school to call a then student by a different pronoun.
Just disgraceful. If a fund was set up for poor white students there would be an outcry - and this has happened; I think that someone wanted to do this at Dulwich College (I think it was this college) and was told by the college that he could not do this. A few years ago when I was temping I went for a job in London for a housing association. Part of the interview was to type something from a document which was about the HA and how it was founded. A black woman who was in a position of power had acquired the funding from the tax payer to set up the housing association for black people only. I was very surprised but not surprised that as a white person I did not get the job!
The Open University was once a great institution, started by Harold Wilson I believe. Just before I retired I started a degree course with them. I started in about 2009 and finished in 2014. AT the start the fees were a fraction of the cost of mainstream universities. In 2012 the fees were tripled because the government drastically cut funding. I was lucky because I'd started before 2012 and the fees were frozen for me until I graduated. All the same, the tuition, documentation, tutorials were superb and anyone could enroll. But the rot had started. First they cut face to face tutorials then residential weeks then printed textbooks. At the same time you could see the woke agenda creeping in. I read recently of an academic at the OU who was sacked because of her gender critical views and who was hounded out buy her fellow academics. It's a great shame.
The term Social Justice Warrior is now largely and rightly used to mock the poor, deluded creatures. When you add a qualifying word to a term it often, as with 'social justice' means it's nothing of the sort.
Our local primary, close to Central London, had two odd notices on its notice board (on its outside wall) - one, a silver award for ethnic equality excellence or whatever it was called, the second, a notice announcing an information day for black families to tell them how to get scholarships reserved only for black children to get into private schools. There are far more kids of Asian background at the school than black, as well as a few white children.
I can't remember the other groups fighting for civil or equal rights. If these other groups want fairness, they shouldn't accept the discrimination that was shown to black people. No they want to benefit from something they didn't fight for.
My brother has just secured a job with the British Council. During the laborious interview and appointment programme, he has only corresponded with and spoken to foreigners or 1st and 2nd gen Panjit, Patel and Ungomongoo names. The position is based at the London office. I'm amazed he got the position, being white and English.
I identify as a differently abled aboriginal Nubian albino. I therefore look forward to transporting my life through spending someone else's money earmarked for my education.
@@MHLivestreams well reform did take in two people from liebour and Tory degenerates people which was a mistake and left out two people hey should not have then listen to Marxists Hope not Hate for what ever reason. Tice an idiot Nigel still not removed the two and taken the two that should have been.
But isn’t the idea of any having a chance to better was a standard any way. But with the prices at OU that certainly isn’t the case. The OU should be take to court for discrimination.
Whilst unemployed, and in an attempt to better myself, I did an OU course some years ago. For some reason that I never figured out, they decided I was ineligible for financial help and put the case in the hands of a debt collector who tracked me down and made me pay the fees. The course was pretty rubbish and I never finished it. F*** the OU.
Why am I not surprised by this? Why am I not surprised that neither the mainstream media nor politicians are questioning this extremely discriminatory policy?
Since when did the open university have a "social justice" mission? The function of a university is just to teach people as much as they can according to their abilities. Some universities also do research, but that is about discovering and understanding the mysteries of the universe. The universe doesn't care about "social justice".
It's simple. They just redefine "faurness" to fit the new paradigm. Many words suffer this way, and the dictionary is no help, as being online these days, they are able to rapidly alter their contents to suit the ideology of the editors.
The Idea of the OU was equality of educational opportunity. I remember it being set by Jenny Leigh , and I gained my Masters degree with them and very thorough it was . The point was the University wasn’t a profit making and whilst not having require Buildings & accommodation the education could be delivered cheaply as indeed all education used to be a public owned public service. Sadly it’s be asset stripped and exploited to detriment of the Public. Like most of what we valued its been destroyed by greedy people. I agree the criteria is reminiscent of Medieval scholarship.
Having read the Open University's response to the questions raised about this, I would like to sponsor a number of students in their studies. However I am only prepared to make these finances available to students who are white. I am not prepared to sponsor students who are black, of Asian extraction, or are of Chinese heritage. I wonder if they can advise me if this is acceptable please? Many thanks.
2022 this was said in open court... "One of the most influential politicians on the African continent, and particularly in South Africa, Julius Malema, testified today that he might someday call for the slaughtering of white people in South Africa." We're paying people with this mindset to go to our universities and to live here in many cases... WHY?
I rather suspect that if we look at the various data regards intelligence levels comparing the “demographic” given this advantage by the Open University, then we can see they need every possible help at least to try and compete with every other demographic! All governments and large employment bodies know this and are at pains to avoid mentioning it.
I used to study here, I got a warning for speaking out against Isreal. (I'm Irish and of traveller descent, despite being in lower social standing than any other group in the UK I didn't receive any benefits, not that I wanted any)
Criteria: -not suited to academic education -consistently blame somebody else -can only complete task in anonymity and unaccountability of group -thick as mince ......all or any of the above and yerrin!
The apparent cognitive dissonance is due to a belief in 'unconscious bias' or 'structural racism' or the like. If such a notion is true then the remedy is simply to be aware of the possibility whilst making decisions. The mistake is to try to redress the imbalance by using 'conscious bias' or more structural racism. More racism is not the solution. The 'eye for an eye' approach does not work.
I did a social science foundation course with them in the '90s. Even then, every topic was discussed from 4 different perspectives: Marxist, Socialist, Liberal and Conservative. So on any issue, the 'conservative' ideas were outnumbered 3 to 1.
The only thing why l would not study at the open unvesirty it is because it is so expensive. I found it was too much to take on. So l went on several courses which let me go for several years in the local universities before before I got my degrees. But to hear the conditions now, it sounds horrifying unless I lived in a black country. It gives most people no way to study with their box-ticking.
When some people advocate for racial equality their definition of equality seems to vary from my understanding of the word and it appears to me that they are advocating for a different type of racism. Wasn't it a character (can not remember which one) in Alice In Wonderland that states that 'words mean what I want them to mean'? We are seeing a lot of this sort of thinking these days.
My best friend's brother was a senior academic at the OU dealing with recruitment .
He was forced to take early retirement when he challenged this discrimination.
They trumped up allegations and even threatened to remove his pension.
Sure he was, Ste...sure he was.
How's the letter writing going?
@@candy-le4nhJust two years ago now. Just written to Bristol Old Vic about their woefully inadequate artistic director.
@@candy-le4nhI know you must find it difficult to believe that people have best friends Bob, but there it is 🤭
How’s the constant obfuscation and denial of truth going?
I suspect candy is an OU alumni with a degree in Basket Weaving and he's a bit bitter to find out there is no basket weaving industry in Britain.
Political nonsense...
I love the way Channel 4 had to go * undercover * in the ahem, the most dubious of ways to find racism in the Reform reaction movement. But there’s literally institutional, systemic and publicly broadcasted racism right in front of them every single day
So, was the actor a C4 mole within Reform? Shabby leftie tricks are to be expected in our system.
They did the same thing with's in someone's interest to have the narrowest allowable dialogue
@@nihilistlivesmatterthey sure did
@@nihilistlivesmatter True. Some of Jezza's policies were sensible and egalitarian but the chattering classes feared he's tax them more to pay for it all. Luxury communism is what the establishment enjoys, not real communism.
I don't want any kind of communism, luxury or otherwise. I'm not going to entertain or indulge anyone with stupid fantasies unleash a horror show time and time again desperately trying to get it to work.
'Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.' - George Orwell.
Some groups are more equal than others
The sacredness of black suffering has been elevated to the level of idolatry, fetishism, iconolatry, adulation, and hero-worshipping.
The middle class left do have a strange fetish for black people. Why this misplaced white guilt in particular?
It has been made sacred
people have not been told about the whites captured from Europe and sold to the ottoman empire for hundreds of years, if they did know this these slave drivers wouldn't be so downtrodden as they seem to think they are
It makes me puke 🤮😳 😠
Don't say those things. They might not rebuild stonehenge!!!
Jeez I did a degree with the OU back in the 90s, like everything else it's gone downhill due to all this nonsense
Me as well - it's a disgrace!
@@FourSymbols. I guess Jews like others have differing political opinions.
@FourSymbols. Now I wonder what race came up with laws that suppressed and discriminated due to race.
@FourSymbols. Now if there had never been discrimination based on race, we wouldn't need these courses
@@FourSymbols. er no, don't blame them for your people handiwork
In these enlightened times, one could save an awful lot of money on your education, by simply identifying as black.
We are being replaced. It seems belatedly the masses are beginning to realise it. Reform is going to get a huge vote.
After all - race is just a social construct 💩
Liz Warren got into an Ivy League school (Harvard Law School?) by pretending to be partly Cherokee). This was about 1970ish, so it isn't a new trick.
The one and only race that asks to be given, not to earn. Result is pure pandemonium as civilisation degenerates, further, and further, until it disappears.
yes I go make baby with black lassie call it Jock McPherson-19 jahren later it's got a 25k ticket to St.Andrew's? mais non!
imagine belonging to a race of people who are treated like children, given special help in everything, given priority in job applications, extra help in education, and laws passed just to favour you and you still fail at everything, no wonder they hate themselves, the more they are given the more they fail, this proves hard work is always rewarded and freeloading doesn't work,
Why does the ordinary white populace have to suffer because we are catering to a certain demographic who seem to think they have every right to reap all the benefits simply because of their colour,and they certainly are taking advantage of it at our expense.😠
Lol plenty of successful blk people, but as you prove, there are still plenty of ignorant bigots
The special needs people
They still expect a free lunch even after they've finished schooling, you see. And apart from the 1% at the very top of the tree, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The 'white privilege' they claim prevents them getting on does not exist for their white peers, it's a convenient fantasy.
And still carry a huge chip on their shoulders!!! 🤔🤨🧐🙄
"all are equal, but some are more equal than others"
I have just sent this message to the Open University.
“At the heart of The Open University’s (OU) social justice mission is the belief that everyone - regardless of background or circumstance - should have the same opportunities and support to transform their lives through education. “
Could you please explain to me how your “Black Students Support Fund” accords with the above statement, excluding as it does anyone whose ethnicity is NOT of Black African or Black Caribbean heritage?
If any such opportunities were offered which excluded people of Black ethnicity there would be howls of “Racism”!
Equality works both ways.
but pore white people dont count.
Unfortunately “equality” is now a dirty word. This noble concept has now been usurped by “equity” , thus the very antithesis of Martin Luther Kings dream 😔
'Social justice' is injustice. Newspeak has infiltrated every British institution in the last couple of decades.
I’d be interested to hear if you get a response from them
DEI degrees straight into DEI jobs. Nothing earned
Getting them trained up for a future career in local authorities wearing a name badge and ticking boxes.
'Petty functionaries'.
I love ignoring those types.
Around the turn of the Millennium, I worked at a nursing home, a resident of which, was called Miriam. She told me about how, when working at Sheffield University, along with some colleagues, she was involved in forming the Open University with that exact intention- to allow ANYBODY, that is, whatever their background, colour, job, whether they’re in prison, it didn’t matter- they could get a degree. She was rightly, very proud of her achievement despite suffering from Alzheimer’s I’m pretty sure she would be rolling in her grave at this iniquity!☹️🤬😩
I went to big school and left twice as stupid.
Yes, I'm sure my IQ declined with each degree I obtained. Luckily, I wasn't allowed to sneak in as a working class university lecturer or I'd have spread my learned stupidity more widely.
That's the point of the school system-invented by the Prussians to ensure their soldiers could use and maintain the weapons.
Adapted in the USA so farmers children could work in factories.
The President of Princeton,before he became President of the country, once gave a lecture to schoolteachers where he told them that only a small percentage of people needed to be ' 'educated'.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The far left cannot see their contradictions. So convinced as they are about their ideology.
what makes you think they can't see it? 100% it is done consciously and you are naive to think otherwise (24 like to your post = 24 naive people)
I gained my BSc with the OU, but that was many decades ago. I used to give donations to enable others that needed financial help so they too could gain a degree. But years ago it became obvious that the OU had, like so many universities, had been captured the woke sjw, so my donations ended.
Can I ask you what you studied? I've actually been looking at getting a degree, OU looks like pretty much my only choice
@UnimportantAcc Hi. I did the foundation courses in science, mathematics, computing. Then all the other courses were either computer or maths related, eg data models and databases, analogue and digital electronics, programming and programming languages, mathematics in computing.
But there's a whole range of courses depending on what you find interesting. I assume you've checked the OU web site.
My mathematics wasn't up to much but it was much better by the time I graduated. There were weekly gatherings lead by a tutor, so if you struggle with something there are people around to help.
The summer schools were really useful particularly for science because you actually had labs and for me mathematics too as they had extra evening classes for people having a hard time understanding.
I'm confident that the OU will help you achieve your goals.
I wish you the best in your endeavours.
@@Chris-gs8kc Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I'm going to talk to a career's advisor first to see if any of my current qualifications can be put towards finishing a uni course a bit quicker.
If you don't mind me asking, it sounds like you did quite a lot of studying there - what sort of time frame was this over? Four/five years?
@UnimportantAcc Pleased to be able to help. If you have the time to do multiple courses each year, it can be done in 3 years or so. Due to personal problems, I took 6 years or so to graduate because I took about 18 months off from study. If you can gain some points for study that you've already done that would be handy. Obviously the time it takes will depend on how much time you can devote to it and how much you already know about the subjects. I had been working in IT for quite a while so the computer courses came easy to me. Cheers.
@@Chris-gs8kc I see! Thanks for all the info mate, means a lot
I could not have said it better myself & even George Orwell would shudder if he could see the events in 2024! It beggars belief & we are going backwards!
George Orwell was known to Julian Huxley, founder of the UN system and brother of Brave New World author, Aldous Huxley.
@@kitcat4512Both also had ties to a certain 'society' of middle-class hard-left intellectual activists that prided themselves for spreading their views and ideas to the public without anyone noticing.
Orwell wrote 1984 based on Utopia. He and his friends were all about the life he wrote about
@@pepperprovasnik Do you know why Orwell picked the year '1984' for the title of the book?
It's the 100th anniversary of the founding of the 'society' I mentioned.
What an irony that 'Orwell's' birth name was Blair!
Sounds rather racist but strangely certain racism such as “white tears “ is allowed
They want to see "White tears", but their ultimate aim is White blood!
Racism against white people isn't possible, remember?
Tory scum etc
Thete is no white tests its projection for the rivers of tears they cry over words and historic facts and genetic facts.. they can call me porky whitey Chorkie ghost anything they like not a single cell in my body or a rlecton in my brain would for one ms be offended I’m not weak and I do not see a weakness in my kind it takes a special kind of weak to be triggered all the time maybe there is truth in are words maybe that’s why
They're openly showing us their actual contempt, which I'm rather grateful for. Hopefully all the salt content would make them sick.
The "You must identify" part is alarming enough but to specify that to qualify the candidate must be of a certain " ethnic background" is a real shocker.
I am a simple man but frankley I find it difficult to believe that this is fully legal these days
As a former Inner London teacher seen all this at first hand. I remember a black police entrant who failed the exams twice , the officer said , 'but you're a graduate.' He replied , ' Degrees are not about facts. ' Really ? His degree wasn't. In my day Access Course , fast track to Uni , was aimed at failing black students. Obviously that failed. Africans have no problem as student it's others who can't get up in the morning. Ah , it might be a culture. The answer we used to say was just sell the degree , like they do in the states , or collect Corn Flake packet coupons.
Do the powers that be realise that this debases everyone's degree and make suspect those with a black face ?
I hope you weren't really a teacher, your writing is awful.
Open University degrees now worthless. Thats the way it goes taxpayers.
Near all University degrees are worthless, ironic given the cost of being awarded one.
The same applies to most UK universities. Only four UK universities are world-class - UCL, Imperial, Oxford and Cambridge. So you can hand a black person a worthless degree in return for no effort, it still won't do them any good.
@@JupiterThunder It didn't stop thick as a brick Dianne Abbott and David Lammy from getting on a lucrative gravy train.
@@Charlie-oj4wj David 'I'm an Englishman' Red Leicester Lammy; what a joke.
@@Charlie-oj4wj She went to Cambridge 50 years ago when the standards were high though, so she must have been pretty clever at one point
How can this not be brought before racial equality laws?
"OU are awful " ..Dick Emery
But I like you! (It's on YT)
"We must thank the media, we could not have done it without them", J D Rockefeller.
Rinse and repeat. Global government 2030.
So does the media and all crime dramas.
And tv ads!
What a mess this country has become it literally gets worse each passing day 😞 thanks again, simon, for the daily news bulletin.
"All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others." - OU.
What they are really saying is all courses are open to people of Non-Whiteness.
Did you not watch the video? Chinese and Indians are also bared.
The only whites allowed have to be from abject poverty and even then if they display any type of pride they will swiftly be rejected. This is to insure superiority over whites. I hope all these white kids that are being accepted into this university will be smart enough to record audio/video every insults and hate speech towards them.
Totally agree with you Simon. I researched taking a course at the OU last year and when I noted that they had a preference to black candidates I realised that the OU is racist and closed their web site.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
George Orwell, 1984
I don’t think Harold Wilson had this in his thoughts when he instigated the OU. What was a splendid idea has morphed into another academic nightmare. However, as the O U is a state run organisation someone in government has signed this off, with my limited understanding of the race relations act I would have thought that this was illegal, but I guess that there is some sort of loophole that allows it. It is however very unfair, there are many poor and disadvantaged people of all ethnicities in the UK who would benefit greatly, and put to good use the degree earned via the generous scholarships who will never get the chance to improve themselves because someone somewhere thinks that being black is some kind of disability that requires special help. Absolutely infuriating.
Out in the open.....overt apartheid. Thats the future
I enrolled in some free online courses with this "university" and noticed this almost right off the bat. Unbelievable!
How broken our country is.
Well we know who to blame for opening up the floodgates to people from far flung places.🤔
I remember when Open University, made up of housewives and taxi drivers, beat Oxbridge in University Challenge....and they would still do it again
First have a great weekend Simon love listening to you
Thank you! I hope that you too have a good weekend.
Agreed, it’s good to hear his point of view.
You were quick to point out the deception and racism of Open University, but the same accusations can be levelled against you; HYPOCRITE!@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb
Considered actively studying with the OU at one point.
Today there's just no possibility of that happening.
Never a good thing to associate with those who unfairly discriminate.
The eye watering current cost of 'higher' education is the most off-putting aspect lately.
I don't think ANY university teaches any subject without a side-order of left wing propaganda.
@@PaIaeoCIive1684 Ingenuity is a *terrific* substitute! 😊
@@letsdiscussitoversometea8479 You can obtain the same knowledge a current humanities graduate possesses by accessing your local library anyway. A good grammar school product in the 50s to 60s had a similar level of education to the average BA now, I've read. Sadly, the bit of paper is required by over 45% of employers now.
@@PaIaeoCIive1684 You _could_ in theory just take the examinations and compile the essays...
But actually that's not enough now that I think about it.
Active participation in seminars contribute towards a higher grade as well!
An arrangement (a perfectly sensible one) could be worked out where you could offer to be "tested" with regards to your abilities.
This would at least then remove doubt as to the possibility that you obtained such a qualification dishonesty.
Worth a try, but you could also go for a "job creation" scheme, where you can fill a role in a company which doesn't yet exist, but that may serve them well.
The eligibility criteria is almost a paraphrase of the Monty P spam sketch with 'spam' changed into 'black'
Spam's off.
"The Open University has numerous support programs addressing a wide variety of limitations or disadvantages that prospective students might face. For example, we offer financial support for carers, care experienced learners, Black students and disabled veterans and those who are seeking sanctuary in the UK."
Not just for black students but for illegals too
Were it just disadvantaged people supported I don't think anyone would object. But specifying the black ethnicity is clearly discriminatory against non-blacks of any ethnicity.
I have ticked the thumps down box
Your last sentence negates every thing else you have posted, what an unbelievably stupid comment.
What about white working class males? Are they given specific financial grants and awards?
@@Eyespy743They should be, since they're the group least represented in Universities now. It's odd that there are no initiatives in place to address that, isn't it?
The High Court has released teacher Enoch Burke from Mountjoy Prison (Dublin). This is the secondary teacher who refused to call a boy a girl at the school where he was employed in Co.Westmeath.
Mr Justice Mark Sanfey ordered the teacher's release, where he has been incarcerated since September .
Mr Burke has denied that he is in contempt of court, and says he has wrongfully been imprisoned because of his objections to "trangenderism" following a direction by the school to call a then student by a different pronoun.
"When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." Thomas Sowell.
Just disgraceful. If a fund was set up for poor white students there would be an outcry - and this has happened; I think that someone wanted to do this at Dulwich College (I think it was this college) and was told by the college that he could not do this. A few years ago when I was temping I went for a job in London for a housing association. Part of the interview was to type something from a document which was about the HA and how it was founded. A black woman who was in a position of power had acquired the funding from the tax payer to set up the housing association for black people only. I was very surprised but not surprised that as a white person I did not get the job!
The Open University was once a great institution, started by Harold Wilson I believe. Just before I retired I started a degree course with them. I started in about 2009 and finished in 2014. AT the start the fees were a fraction of the cost of mainstream universities. In 2012 the fees were tripled because the government drastically cut funding. I was lucky because I'd started before 2012 and the fees were frozen for me until I graduated. All the same, the tuition, documentation, tutorials were superb and anyone could enroll. But the rot had started. First they cut face to face tutorials then residential weeks then printed textbooks. At the same time you could see the woke agenda creeping in. I read recently of an academic at the OU who was sacked because of her gender critical views and who was hounded out buy her fellow academics. It's a great shame.
Replace social justice with authoritarian social engineering.
I believe the term coined is double speak
The term Social Justice Warrior is now largely and rightly used to mock the poor, deluded creatures. When you add a qualifying word to a term it often, as with 'social justice' means it's nothing of the sort.
I try not to be surprised at the madness infecting modern Britain. And then something else comes along.
Our local primary, close to Central London, had two odd notices on its notice board (on its outside wall) - one, a silver award for ethnic equality excellence or whatever it was called, the second, a notice announcing an information day for black families to tell them how to get scholarships reserved only for black children to get into private schools. There are far more kids of Asian background at the school than black, as well as a few white children.
I can't remember the other groups fighting for civil or equal rights. If these other groups want fairness, they shouldn't accept the discrimination that was shown to black people. No they want to benefit from something they didn't fight for.
I identify as black so give me free money too
Quite right too. Let's play them at their stupid games.
I've reported them to the race religion board but not heard anything back yet. I wonder why?
It has been 0 days since Equity wasn't evil
My brother has just secured a job with the British Council. During the laborious interview and appointment programme, he has only corresponded with and spoken to foreigners or 1st and 2nd gen Panjit, Patel and Ungomongoo names. The position is based at the London office. I'm amazed he got the position, being white and English.
@hasyourgulag Prob got the job because someone was needed to write the job ads in proper English. You know - able to write the double negatives!!
Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others…… I read that at school, but only now do I understand it.
I identify as a differently abled aboriginal Nubian albino.
I therefore look forward to transporting my life through spending someone else's money earmarked for my education.
positive discrimination = the best person for the job never gets it.
This is shocking. I was looking into MI5/GCHQ jobs. They said the same thing!
Just pure, undiluted racism!
Well lefties say the quiet part out loud now.
Just like the fake reform guy. Seems like a theme.
@@MHLivestreams well reform did take in two people from liebour and Tory degenerates people which was a mistake and left out two people hey should not have then listen to Marxists Hope not Hate for what ever reason.
Tice an idiot Nigel still not removed the two and taken the two that should have been.
Looks like a local housing application form. Non minority groups may not apply.
Your quiet amusement at the modern world's madness is infectious and more entertaining that a full-on rant.
They were very good for maths 20 years ago. Most of my class were white pensioners....
But isn’t the idea of any having a chance to better was a standard any way.
But with the prices at OU that certainly isn’t the case.
The OU should be take to court for discrimination.
If we are all equal why would any one group need support or preferencial treatment?
Not so much Open University as Partially Closed.
Definitely not open-minded.
How long can the racial hornet's nest be pricked before the swarm is unleashed??
Westminster and Whitehall could stop this crap in a heartbeat, if only anyone there had an ounce of guts or common decency!
The snake , the left, is eating its own tail.
Why have they NOT been prosecuted over racism?
Whilst unemployed, and in an attempt to better myself, I did an OU course some years ago. For some reason that I never figured out, they decided I was ineligible for financial help and put the case in the hands of a debt collector who tracked me down and made me pay the fees. The course was pretty rubbish and I never finished it. F*** the OU.
The only Barrier to Education is Cultural and Religious..IMO
When do people think this clusterfuck of a situation will come to an end?
Why am I not surprised by this? Why am I not surprised that neither the mainstream media nor politicians are questioning this extremely discriminatory policy?
Since when did the open university have a "social justice" mission? The function of a university is just to teach people as much as they can according to their abilities. Some universities also do research, but that is about discovering and understanding the mysteries of the universe. The universe doesn't care about "social justice".
I graduated in 2006 and they were bending the truth even then.
It's simple. They just redefine "faurness" to fit the new paradigm.
Many words suffer this way, and the dictionary is no help, as being online these days, they are able to rapidly alter their contents to suit the ideology of the editors.
The Idea of the OU was equality of educational opportunity. I remember it being set by Jenny Leigh , and I gained my Masters degree with them and very thorough it was . The point was the University wasn’t a profit making and whilst not having require Buildings & accommodation the education could be delivered cheaply as indeed all education used to be a public owned public service. Sadly it’s be asset stripped and exploited to detriment of the Public. Like most of what we valued its been destroyed by greedy people. I agree the criteria is reminiscent of Medieval scholarship.
It is Jennie Lee, Baroness Lee of Asheridge. Jenny Leigh is an American-born musician.
Thanks - indeed , my spelling error -I meant Bevan’s Scottish wife.
Having read the Open University's response to the questions raised about this, I would like to sponsor a number of students in their studies. However I am only prepared to make these finances available to students who are white. I am not prepared to sponsor students who are black, of Asian extraction, or are of Chinese heritage. I wonder if they can advise me if this is acceptable please?
Many thanks.
Isn't this racial discrimination under the Race Relations Act?!!
Laws don't count it's how & by whom they are enforced
The institutions are all run by the same people, they protect each other, so don't expect consequences.
Isn`t it called "positive" discrimination these days or as I prefer to call it, one way discrimination...
Just look at your tv ads, netflix, billboards and you can clearly see the White race doesn't exist anymore.
2022 this was said in open court...
"One of the most influential politicians on the African continent, and particularly in South Africa, Julius Malema, testified today that he might someday call for the slaughtering of white people in South Africa."
We're paying people with this mindset to go to our universities and to live here in many cases... WHY?
Could I identify as black African to claim the scholarship? Race being a social construct?
And who will prosecute this racism...?
Someone with a law background. Please take the OU to court on this
I have reported this to race religeon board and i await their reply to this devisive policy. I can't wait to hear what they have to say about it.
Quelle surprise! I am lily white. If I identify as black African will I be given an advantage?
I somehow doubt it but it's probably worth a try.
Say you arrived in a small boat and the answer will be yes.
Lenny Henry, one of the OU Alumni. Says it all doesn’t it?
Higher education defines who is an 'expert.' and who is therefore employed and deferred to.
It's all going according to their plan.
The OU's undergraduate Mongolian Basket weaving course is recognised in most parts of China.
Huge amounts of money for minimal results. What a waste.
I rather suspect that if we look at the various data regards intelligence levels comparing the “demographic” given this advantage by the Open University, then we can see they need every possible help at least to try and compete with every other demographic! All governments and large employment bodies know this and are at pains to avoid mentioning it.
I bet the marking/points allocazion is skewed too.
Well done Simon! You're doing a great job.
I used to study here, I got a warning for speaking out against Isreal. (I'm Irish and of traveller descent, despite being in lower social standing than any other group in the UK I didn't receive any benefits, not that I wanted any)
-not suited to academic education
-consistently blame somebody else
-can only complete task in anonymity and unaccountability of group
-thick as mince
......all or any of the above and yerrin!
Mince is nice
Well, I couldn't put pig-shit.
Or can't be seen in the dark.
The apparent cognitive dissonance is due to a belief in 'unconscious bias' or 'structural racism' or the like. If such a notion is true then the remedy is simply to be aware of the possibility whilst making decisions. The mistake is to try to redress the imbalance by using 'conscious bias' or more structural racism.
More racism is not the solution. The 'eye for an eye' approach does not work.
That would destroy the victim grievance industry.
Taking responsibility for oneself is anathema to politicians.
They would end up being out of a job.
I was looking into courses with the OU. I don't think I'll bother anymore.
I did a social science foundation course with them in the '90s. Even then, every topic was discussed from 4 different perspectives: Marxist, Socialist, Liberal and Conservative. So on any issue, the 'conservative' ideas were outnumbered 3 to 1.
Kitchener's famous recruitment poster for WW1, was missing some essential small print.
The only thing why l would not study at the open unvesirty it is because it is so expensive. I found it was too much to take on. So l went on several courses which let me go for several years in the local universities before before I got my degrees.
But to hear the conditions now, it sounds horrifying unless I lived in a black country. It gives most people no way to study with their box-ticking.
The ones closing their eyes to these tricks are the ones who taught them how to do it.
Spot on always !!..
All those other races you mentioned; get their own separate programs and scholarships, except for one of them.
When some people advocate for racial equality their definition of equality seems to vary from my understanding of the word and it appears to me that they are advocating for a different type of racism. Wasn't it a character (can not remember which one) in Alice In Wonderland that states that 'words mean what I want them to mean'? We are seeing a lot of this sort of thinking these days.