This is indeed a classic game for learning about WW1 and its ebb & flow (or lack thereof). Definitely don't typically want to retreat (the exception being the Russians when attacked by the Germans ... retreating 1 hex will limit the German follow-on attacks [trading space for time]). Keep those Russians out of Austria-Hungary!
This one brings back some old memories!
I will be getting it back to the table someday for sure.
This is indeed a classic game for learning about WW1 and its ebb & flow (or lack thereof). Definitely don't typically want to retreat (the exception being the Russians when attacked by the Germans ... retreating 1 hex will limit the German follow-on attacks [trading space for time]). Keep those Russians out of Austria-Hungary!
Yeah, I learned that the hard way...
I do not think you get to use rail move on hexes you do not either start with or move thru.
That is correct. You can use them the hex after you move into a hex with rail.