The whole speech only takes about 50 seconds, and is only 3 sentences long, but is easily one of the most memorable and emotional moments in cinematic history.
@Victor Bastos Good, very good. Though fire inside the vessel would be visible from space, with superheated gas exposed at the melt through points on the vehicle.
He realises a replicant has just saved his life and he has spent years taking theirs away. He sits there ashamed with himself once Roy dies, questioning if himself and other Bladerunners really are the good guys whenever they gun down a "skin job". Such an incredible film.
Roy know hes gonna die anyway and he was alone for his whole life thats why he choice to saving Deckard in his last moment so he wont die alone and having someone can listen to his last word
I think what makes it so amazing is how it cuts through basically every other theme of every other movie. It’s literally the most universal human experience, being afraid to die, and we will all, no matter who you are, eventually be staring that fear in the eye one day, sooner than we expect in a lot of cases. It’s the most empathetic dialogue ever. I was here. I was a person. I’m scared.
I'd say this is one of the greatest moments in all of cinema history. Rutger Hauer re-wrote this speech from what the scriptwriters had given him. The original was so wordy that few would have remembered this scene had he done it as originally written.
@Lisa Franklin always liked him. I have blade runner and the hicther and some of his other movies. Also really liked a breed apart and split second.# we need bigger guns
I never stopped to think in this scene Roy is reminiscent of a war veteran. He's recounting all the battles he's fought on humanity's behalf, things humans would never experience. And with his passing all those experiences and memories would be lost forever. We have written history depicting World War 1, but the men that were there and experienced it first hand are gone now. It's powerful and sad.
Reminds me of that solder from ww2 who was waiting for other comrades who also survived just to realize he was the last one living, poor veteran probably felt so lonely
No, literally only one thing he says has to do with fighting and that's the ships burning. He's talking about all the experiences he's had in his short life. Experiences that most of the humans who will live far longer than he will never experience. In the end his life was fuller than the humans around him
He had every intention of killing Deckard but in that last moment when Deckard is struggling to hold onto the railing, to hold onto 'life" Roy saves him because he values life so much at that moment and realizes how precious it is....even if it's the life of the man trying to kill him. Also,....he needed someone to hear his awesome death speech. What a fantastic movie!
I don't think he had intentions to kill Decker in their final scenes together. Roy intentions were to instill fear in Decker with the chasing and the howling... Almost animalistic in a sense of predator vs prey. Roy was flipping the roles on Decker. Roy wanted Decker to experience the fear he has experienced being a replicant. "It's quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it. That's what it is like to be a slave (replicant)." The key difference between humans and replicants, and what defines humanity, is the showing of empathy and morals. Roy, throughout the final confrontation, points out Deckard's failings. He breaks his fingers for Pris and Zhora, and asks Deckard, "Proud of yourself, little man?". He taunts Decker's morals and integrity, "Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren't you the 'good' man? C'mon, Deckard. Show me what you're made of." The most obvious reason Roy spared Deckard's life is to demonstrate that he understood the value of life more so than Decker, and also what it meant to be "good" better than Deckard, the supposed "good guy" of the story. By sparring Decker, maybe Roy hopes Decker will change his views on replicants and what it means to be human. That replicants, like humans, just want more time to experience life.
And, at the same time, Deckard, was 'alive' but walking through his live like a zombie to the point where he might as well have been a machine, finally "gets it" and appreciates living.
1:34. The moment Rutger pauses to swallow that lump in his throat. These are the little touches that are the difference between a good actor, and a great one.
When he says he's watched c-beams glitter in the dark the expression on his face is one of genuine awe and reminiscence of what he had seen. This scene gives ME a lump in the throat.
His facial expressions change in a second from showing the strength, power and arrogance of an omnipotent replicant to a vulnerable frightened child as he prepares to die. Such a great scene, such a great actor. You gave us so much in those few minutes. Rutger rules!
Reminds me of my dad who died a couple years ago. A Chemical Engineer with a Ph.D. in business with a library full of books he read and many he wrote and always had a joke to tell. That mind is gone. All that knowledge melted away like tears in the rain. Some live on in his books and interviews so there’s some comfort in that.
The thing about Blade Runner is that (and wait for it, because this is a compliment) nothing spectacular really happens. No collapsing buildings, huge explosions, Lord of the Rings type battles etc. I mean here, really, it's just a guy nearly falling from a rooftop and being helped up again. But the direction, the sounds, the music, the acting, the power... it's just... wow. Like even when two characters are just looking at each other and you have the tinkering Vangelis sounds in the background and beautiful camera angles. The whole film is immaculate.
WhisperZone }I'm seeing many vids on UA-cam about BR and fantastic comments that you never expected but you find one to understand the film from a different angle each time and this is one!
When I first saw the movie I was confused because, the way people talked about it, I thought it WAS going to be a big epic action movie. But something still intrigued me about it and the more times I watched it, the more I loved it. The thing is, there is something epic about it, but it is much more subtle then you would think. It's about what humanity is and our place in the world as an individual. It's kind of hard to explain I guess.
What's so beautiful about this scene isn't just that it's impeccably written, or masterfully acted, but how Roy Batty reinforces the entire theme of the story while also defeating Deckard philosophically by saving his life... all in the span of about 2 and a half minutes. Rather than letting Deckard fall, as a traditional antagonist would, Batty's ultimate defiance in the face of his death is an uncompromising display of his humanity. He dies, but philosophically, he is proven the victor. He, as a Replicant, *chooses* to save Deckard of his own free will. And then, to punctuate his benevolent display, spends his dying moments to regale Deckard with his lifetime of hurt -- his life of nothing other than devastation as his role of a Replicant destined him to follow. But these moments didn't rob Roy Batty of his humanity -- they defined it. These moments were real. And they made Roy Batty real as well.
"Villain" tries to kill hero, at the last moment spares him and in fact saves his life, delivers a poem and then dies because his life has run down like broken clockwork. Amazing
Shotgun Parley I find them to be "Perspectives" of what it means to be human. I think Roy's character outshines Deckard, due to how alive it was compared to Fords character. Simply Amazing.
It is more that at the end, he finally understood the value of life. He could easily had let Deckard die, but he didn't, because he was better than him.
Actually the world and it's system are the real villians here. Deckard finally sees that in this scene, that's why tries to run away with Rachel at the end. He realizes that replicants are humans just like him (or mayby he even is one of them).
This speech reminds me of an Alzheimer’s patient in a way. A man who saw amazing things and did so much and yet all of those moments will be gone forever. As if he’d never lived. The only way that they carry on is in the person who got the privilege of hearing these stories. It’s such a beautiful, terrible speech that has such a universal connection to all of us. The great fear of fading away and all of what we did disappearing forever into the past. I find myself coming back ti this speech many times and every year it becomes more poignant the older I get. I’m so great full I got to hear this speech and see this movie. It’s one of the rare films to truly reach across the decades and touch everyone. A masterpiece and a truly miraculous work that deserved far more than it got when it first came to the theatre. Brilliant is all I can say to describe this film.
People often overlook how good Harrison’s acting also is. How his expression transformed from fear, to confusion and finally to total empathy and understanding, the way he realized that this “monster” that he was hunting all along was more human than him.
I do totally agree. Harrison had a fantastic range this movie, from his usual jaded perspective, to guilt, to wide eyed wonderment to fear. I really do feel when Harrison is part of projects, he genuinely engages in he's fantastic. Sure, he's most famous for Han Solo, but to me that's like kinda like Dwayne the Rock Johnson playing himself. I actually could invest myself in this jaded detective experiencing something, after intense fear, that would change how he viewed life forever.
Imagine fi the story was about a slave called Roy who rebelled against his masters, who escaped and made his way to Earth looking to extend his life., realising in the end his mission was futile, so killed his maker of slavery and misery, whose friends and lover were killed by The Blade Runner who he saved in the end through transcendence and understanding, before he finally died.
No, he will be forgotten as anyone else. This is the most important underlined meaning that RS wants to spread. At the same time, in Alien Covenant there's a reference to Ozymandias king of kings, and you know what? He has been forgotten as well. That's the fascinating inevitability of Time!
Interesting or Christ imagery louder and somehow less subtle than Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel? I think it detracts from the film and is too heavy handed. People can make the connection with one of those three if they need any of them?
There so many reasons why I love this scene: - After talking with Tyrell and realizing his death was near, it seems to me that Roy changed his perspective from a quantitative to an qualitative. Clearly we see him valuing experience and memories rather extending his life. Also, killing Deckard would have been pointless anyway since he would die. - I love how it feels like a rebellion against his own creator. Especially since Tyrell told him that being a machine and stronger makes him more special than a human. Furthermore, he chose to spare a life rather than remaining true to his original design/programming. - The Christ imagery is gorgeous how its interwoven in the story. It makes sense how its "built" scene by scene and each "piece" makes sense. Even the white pidgeon almost felt like being a sign of piece before being shown with the impaled hand. - The fact that he values his own memories clearly shows that replicants are more human than initially thought. For Rachael, the implanted memories led to an identity/existential crisis, while for Roy, his own memories are clear signs of an individuality which makes him more a person/human - Roy with Tyrell feels like a darker Frankenstein - Monster story where Victor has 0 morality and just continued to create life indiscriminately. A great cautionary tale about how ethics and moral responsibility is crucial to scientific progress.
Thank you. I didn’t consider the aspect of a figure “sent” to remind everyone that humanity can be a collection of experiences that require sharing to bind us together. He picks Judas Iscariot and Judas is humbled to appreciate that sacrifice.
Those memories aren’t implanted Those are most likely the ones of his 3 years as a combat Replicant Attack ships on fire, C-Beams near the Tannhauser Gate Memories of battle, as Roy finally finds peace
I believe that this scene sums up the tragedy of only being mortal, not matter how grand our lives may be and no matter what experiences we have, however gripping they may be will disappear when we pass on out of this world. Batty knew this, all of our moments will be lost in time like tears in rain
Daniel Hill Good Comment. To a machine moments would be lost, to a human they are preserved through our children. Our legacy only prevails through our youth and what we have passed on. To pass on the brightest of your dreams so that they may burn in them. May they surpass your weakness and their own. May the sons be better then the fathers before them.
Daniel Hill please man, that bit of over view is about as needed as the original voice over in the film. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but we all know why that scene is poetic etc. We don't need someone less poetic re phrase something that has been said perfectly anyway. Let the film do the talking.
Daniel Hill Anyhow you die in pain, don't believe fairytales of "soft death". You'll feel and live it. The important thing is Getting Ready. The rest is just a pile of hogwash.
Epic. Last day of filming, they'd run out of money so had to stop filming that day day, he wrote that speech overnight and everything just came together in this moment. Just perfect. Sometimes the best sucesses are snatched from the jaws of defeat with just inches to spare. Still my favorite film after nearly 40 years.
“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.” *R.I.P. Rutger Hauer*
Critics live in a world that is unreal to most people. They believe they are the truth, when they have become enslaved to their own time line of thinking.
@@Sarconthewolf honestly wtf is the point of critics. So many great works were demolished at first only to be revealed as ahead of their time years later. So many artists have died thinking they're a failure only to be praised after. I guess that's the cost of creating art though.
Critics was seen Blade Runner as "Sci-fi movie that too slow at pacing and didn't have the fun" because they wanted any Sci-fi to be like E.T. or Star Wars Meanwhile Critics was criticize The Thing as too gory and horrifying Even The Shining was nominated as the worst film back in the day because critics seeing it as too haunting and makes audience feel uneasy when they see it.
Honestly i dont believe in souls, but it doesnt really matter, because humans are machines too, except biological and some mechanisms of our own bodies are too complex to understand for us right now. And if a human cant explain something with science he starts to imagine some spiritual mumbo jumbo etc. But if there is a soul, i dont see a reason why replicant cant have one.
The thing that will really make you think, is that in the book the movie is based on (Do androids dream of electric sheep) there are essentially no real animals left, so that dove would have been an android itself.
@@newtestament8889 But Soul is not something real, you can not touch it, you can not see it. Soul is something humans made up, it mostly comes from religions or philosophy, but like I said, it is not really a thing that exists.
Roy trying to survive through Deckard's memories... Desperately telling the peak of his life in a few seconds, his accomplishments, his stories... Finding a way to be remembered by anyone. That, right there, is the true fight for survival. That is what turned him, maybe not into a human, but surely into a form of life!!! Roy lives because we all remember him. He won!!!
Great way to look at it. I had a similar feeling that he saved Decker because he wanted desperately to share his last fleeting moments with anyone even a mortal enemy in this case. If that isnt human i dont know what is.
November, 1982...I was in West Berlin on a US Army post. It was cold, raining, and the movie playing on post was "Blade Runner" Saw it, and have been amazed ever since!
+paulmwilson62 poetic and iconic speech! for me this sounded like a japanese haiku or tanka. Rutger Hauer words were simple words but so haunting and poignant.
“Ok Tyrell fair enough...half as average male lifespan 77-80 years by now? So 40 years? 4 is not half! It’s a goddamn candle Tyrell! I’m living walking wax!” -Roy
Both Vangelis with his music and Rutger Hauer with his acting contributed to this movie being one of the most epic spectacles of the cinematic arts of all times. I salute them. R.I.P.
This is, to me, the greatest performance in science fiction history. I can't describe how much this movie influenced my life and my way to think, and how this scene was heartbreakingly beautiful when I first saw. Goodbye, Rutger. You will never be lost to us.
Blade Runner should’ve been nominated for • Best Director: Ridley Scott • Best Original Screenplay • Best Original Score • Best Visual Effects • Best Cinematography • Best Supporting Actor: Rutger Hauer • Best Picture • Best Film Editing
I think it would have been adapted screenplay, but I'm also not sure that it deserved it. There's obviously a lot of rich material in the movie, but I don't think the script did itself much favors for communicating that material. Edit: but otherwise I totally agree
He's speech reminds me how precious our memories and life is. I always loved my childhood, and had trouble letting go that's its gone and every time I hear this I see how much trouble for him it is to let go of all those memories he's made
"moments lost in time, like tears in rain" is my favourite line. It speaks to all of us. What was so magnificent to us is just a blip in eternity. And when we go, so do those moments that were special to us. Maybe we witnessed something alone. Maybe we shared something with just one other person. Meaningful, beautiful, special. And before we know it, it's gone. That scene gets me every time.
Importantly, it's not gone. Just like a single teardrop falling into a puddle contributes to the puddle itself, while not being distinguishable from it anymore, you also contribute to human history, even if unnoticeably so.
I'm surprised no one's talking about the symbolism of the dove. He had a dove to symbolize he was at peace with everything in the end. He accepted his tragic fate of a short lifespan. In his 4 years, he learned a sobering truth--that we are all bound by our experiences. They are the limitations of our consciousness. Our memories die with us. We are tears in rain...
Well it's not much except a symbol is it? Why do I have a dove? Where did it come from? Doesn't matter, it's symbolic. What are you gonna do about it? I'm Rutger Hauer.
Right hand usually represents justice, while left hand represents peace. He holds a dove with his left hand, and he impales his right with the nail. However, he saves Deckard with his right hand, as it's the right thing to do (no pun intended). There's more to say, but I'll leave it at that
“Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.” I don’t know why, but for me, this line encapsulates sci-fi completely. It is perfect in every way.
I think this is the best scene in the cinema's history. The replicant that was more human than the humans, and that saves him after all that he has done. Showing that in the end he's just him being gripped from the chains of slavery , by a system that does not leave him way out, while he, as metaphorically symbolizes the dove ,he has found peace. It's so poetic that I could cry.
@@donarthiazi2443 Lol ..not even close.. the OP thinks the scene is one of the best in cinema history which is quite reasonable even if you disagree ..there's nothing to might think that it's one of the best only among sci-fi movies but that's just your opinion which has no more credibility than the one you're trying to "fix"..if you weren't too daft to see the irony , you'd take your own advice and be more open minded
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." The monologue as written in the script was: "I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone." Rutger Hauer felt it was just "hi-tech speech" with no bearing on the rest of the film so he edited himself and added the tears in the rain line. Made an instant masterpiece of a monologue.
@@jlo2816Actually I didn't know this yet. And I'm very grateful that he commented this, because now I do know it. So how about you just go away. Because your comment unlike his was absolutely pointless. You have added nothing of value. And you should be ashamed of yourself. Just because you're some irritating little know-it-all doesn't mean everyone else is.
I still say that as delivered it was the most powerful movie speech I have ever watched. And- -and I've watched it many times. I hardly remember the movie, I'll never forget that speech.
Rest In Peace Rutger Hauer. According to Ripley Scott: The speech’s most enduring line came not from screenwriters Hampton Fancher or David Peoples but Hauer himself, who, by his own account, “took a knife to” a much lengthier soliloquy in the script. The sci-fi references to Orion and C-beams were from the text, but “tears in rain” was Hauer’s, and that, along with the dying light in Roy’s eyes, is what will endure.
No one is exaggerating their rapturous opinion on this performance from Rutger Hauer . From the words spoke to the facial expressions. This may be the single greatest acting performance ever. The look on his face when he sits down with the dove at 0:49. Just incredible.
The point of the scene wasn’t to teach Deckard about the value of life. But to address to the audience as what exactly makes us human. If Roy has memory, feelings, regret, loss, and life experience, then is he not as human as Deckard? The lesson was for the audience to value life, not Deckard.
@@karter969 Ford has said that Deckard was not a replicant in the original script. This idea that Deckard is a replicant came from fan theories it seems. I haven't read the book. Maybe Deckard is a replicant in the book?
@@vincentvega5686 Ford did say that. But both the author of the book the movie was based on, and Ridley Scott both said he was a replicant. I’d value their word over an actor.
I've lost count of how many times I have watched this cinematic experience. I learn something new every time that I experience it. The movie engulfs one on so many levels. The sets, the costumes, the music, and of course the actors. The cinematography is eye candy. Vangelis enhances each scene with "watercolour" themes. All the artists involved with this project have created a perfect dream. I completely escape my self watching this movie. To me it pure joy
🤔Yea but what version are you watching? Because as a Baserunner Aficionado myself, the ONLY version to watch in the "international" version. If you haven't seen that version yet, do yourself a favor and watch it. That version as a whole is by far the best IMO. 😊
Seeing everyone’s comments on this scene and how it’s impacted them in life makes it even more beautiful. Life is precious, and all that’s left when we’re gone are memories.
Life passes so fast. Watched movie when it first came out, so many many friends I watched it with have passed on.. this scene reminds me how fleeting life is.. Just a collection of memory’s, that’s all you have…those memory’s were of living people, once… once..💁
Ricky Shiffer - because it wasn’t. Rutger Hauser said a few years ago he was sick of hearing this myth. The only words he made up were ‘tears in rain’ - the rest were from the scriptwriters. So it’s a complete myth that this speech was improvised.
@@MrCostaC "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain" is the part people remember most and that's what Hauer improvised so I'd say it was a great improvised performance, especially as the bits he cut were a bit drawn out.
I haven’t yet come to understand why this scene has had such a great affect on me. There is something about it that reaches into my soul that I can’t comprehend. Godspeed and good rest Rutger Hauer. You’ve left an ever endearing legacy with your thoughts.
one of the truly iconic events in cinema history. You have to love RH...he's a phenomenal actor. Another good, but under-rated movie he was in was 'Ladyhawke'.
I remember watching this as a very young child and being so moved by this scene. It stuck with me for decades. I still watch this movie once a year. My all-time favorite sci-fi film.
Usually an antagonist's death is not emotional. But Roy's demise is truly something tearful. :'( It's really incredible for a villain (like Roy) to have an emotionally sad death scene (especially after he gives a touching speech before he kicks the bucket).
Roy is not an antagonist or a villain, i see him more like a being who is not supposed to live as a human, but his will and reason are so strong that practically he is a human now. You can't tell that he is doing evil because he is may not conscious of what he is doing. i find this as a great reflection of our ownbeing in a very deep way.
***** of course he doesn't see his cause to be evil. His goal was to extend the life of his people to that of baseline humans. The murder of his creator is more or less justified in his thoughts for the crime of creating them with so many flaws.
The Tall Titan Bladerunner is not that Black and white there are no heroes, no villains just human beings people like you and me( being human involves much more than just being flesh and bone as we see with batty and his friends
+The Tall Titan There's no good guys and villains in this film mate :/ How is Roy in anyway a villain. He's trying to find the truth and when he finds out it rips him a part only to come to terms with it at the very end. If anyone is the villain its the corporate enterprises that built these robots then sent out a bounty hunter to kill them :/ its only the end as well Dekkard questions his own actions and if he himself is a slave.
Rutger Hauer had me on the verge of tears in this scene! And now he has me in tears for real!!! A one of a kind actor and an undeniable legend!!! R.I.P Rutger Hauer!!
I found him on a rooftop in the game Cyberpunk 2077. A ode to Rutger Hauer. It's amazing how one movie inspires so much and echoes through time.. R.I.P. Rutger Hauer. People like you make me proud to be a fellow Dutchman. You will never be forgotten.
what makes this scene so compelling is the startling revelation of a replicant carrying the most human character which is being aware of dying someday or the fear of dying its more compelling than hal 9000 from 2001: space odyssey
Slow it down to 0.25 speed at 0:09. Look at Deckard carefully and see his last attempt to go against Roy's opinion. He spits at him, lets go, and looks down as he falls only to be denied further by Roy's capture. Small detail but I couldn't help but think why I kept hearing a gunshot noise and once I saw I started thinking it was used to imply a strong moment, or in this case a choice by Deckard
Hey man that's the cool thing about movies. Different views and different opinions. You got a good opinion on the scene too. I like both ideas as both give an explanation to a very small point in the scene.
Hard to believe he improvised these lines. His entire career distilled into this immortal moment. 1000 years from now, we will all be gone just like those tears in time, but this scene will still get views. RIP Rutger.
@@alemon4256 yeah well I like to think glass is half full. Too many edgy douchebags these days talking negative trying to lead us into a self fulfilling prophecy.
We all die. And we all try to leave some mark of our existence. But that is very difficult to achieve. With this monologue in this, in my opinion, the best movie scene of all time, Rutger Hauer did that and became immortal. This is masterpiece of acting and definitely he'll never be forgotten.
It's not just the words spoken, it's also the way they are delivered, subtle pauses and facial expressions. I was moved by this scene when the movie was first released, I am still moved by it today. Rutger Hauer stated the movie gave him a real glimpse into the future, our own helpless mortality. RIP Rutger Hauer, sadly in death you are finally getting the true recognition that you deserved in life.
Blade Runner is the greatest film ever made. It's a pure cinematic experience, with many layers. It's a dark sociological prophecy, a future detective noir, a beautiful tortured love story. It poses many big philosophical questions, like what it means to be human? About not knowing what is real? About forced alienation. This climatic scene reaches the most profound and emotional moment in movie history. Technically the film is stunning. The cinematography, visual effects and the score are all unsurpassed. The film leaves you with a deep emotional response. Truly a work of art.
It may be because I watched the director's cut or because i'm too young to appreciate it, although I can appreciate the rest of Scott's works, but I though the movie was incredibly poor paced.
The whole speech only takes about 50 seconds, and is only 3 sentences long, but is easily one of the most memorable and emotional moments in cinematic history.
I couldn't agree with you more. It's Epic
@@kevdogrudi7260 I believe the only more impactful line ever is "I'm Spartacus"
Yes, especially in context. They had a furious battle up until that point, and then Rutger unloads this amazing poetry.
@Victor Bastos Good, very good.
Though fire inside the vessel would be visible from space, with superheated gas exposed at the melt through points on the vehicle.
This movie and specifically this speech had an impact on me when I first watched it
you can see Deckard's face went from complete fear and confusion to a mix of empathy and respect. this movie is amazing.
He realises a replicant has just saved his life and he has spent years taking theirs away. He sits there ashamed with himself once Roy dies, questioning if himself and other Bladerunners really are the good guys whenever they gun down a "skin job". Such an incredible film.
hey hey, u missed the music part.
no, that was harrison ford not knowing what just happened in cinematic history
@@VladmirPoopN that was ford seeing what will happened to him in the star wars sequels
Roy know hes gonna die anyway and he was alone for his whole life thats why he choice to saving Deckard in his last moment so he wont die alone and having someone can listen to his last word
I think what makes it so amazing is how it cuts through basically every other theme of every other movie. It’s literally the most universal human experience, being afraid to die, and we will all, no matter who you are, eventually be staring that fear in the eye one day, sooner than we expect in a lot of cases. It’s the most empathetic dialogue ever. I was here. I was a person. I’m scared.
I read your wonderful comment... and then looked up at your username. LMAO!
EDIT: which you have since changed.
That pretty much sums it up yea.
No matter who you are with, you have to let go and walk the path of death alone.
It's not fear. It's acceptance
It's not just a fear of death. It's a fear that all your experiences, the sum total of your knowledge, all the effort you undertook, was for nothing.
@@Kncperseus "... will be lost in time, like tears in the rain..."
RIP Rutger Hauer. One of the greatest speeches given in sci-fi history.
R.i.p Rutger Hauer. Greatest Dutch actor in history. You have given me the greatest war hero ever
I'd say this is one of the greatest moments in all of cinema history. Rutger Hauer re-wrote this speech from what the scriptwriters had given him. The original was so wordy that few would have remembered this scene had he done it as originally written.
Film history
David Thompson the greatest *
THE...Best speech!!
Those memories might be forgotten, but you won't be. Rest well, Rutger.
The best Witcher :(
Rip sir
@Lisa Franklin always liked him. I have blade runner and the hicther and some of his other movies. Also really liked a breed apart and split second.# we need bigger guns
@@sidneymooremoore9507 Blind Fury 😎👍
I never stopped to think in this scene Roy is reminiscent of a war veteran. He's recounting all the battles he's fought on humanity's behalf, things humans would never experience. And with his passing all those experiences and memories would be lost forever. We have written history depicting World War 1, but the men that were there and experienced it first hand are gone now. It's powerful and sad.
Wonderful comment.
Reminds me of that solder from ww2 who was waiting for other comrades who also survived just to realize he was the last one living, poor veteran probably felt so lonely
No, literally only one thing he says has to do with fighting and that's the ships burning. He's talking about all the experiences he's had in his short life. Experiences that most of the humans who will live far longer than he will never experience. In the end his life was fuller than the humans around him
@@Pnut557 C-beams glittering in the dark is probably some huge laser weapon firing from a ship as well.
@@yotornadoyo Also most non soldiers probably don't get to go near or experience the shoulder of Orion or the Tanhauser Gate.
He had every intention of killing Deckard but in that last moment when Deckard is struggling to hold onto the railing, to hold onto 'life" Roy saves him because he values life so much at that moment and realizes how precious it is....even if it's the life of the man trying to kill him. Also,....he needed someone to hear his awesome death speech. What a fantastic movie!
He values life so much but he killed many people? Bullshit reasoning dude.
I don't think he had intentions to kill Decker in their final scenes together. Roy intentions were to instill fear in Decker with the chasing and the howling... Almost animalistic in a sense of predator vs prey. Roy was flipping the roles on Decker. Roy wanted Decker to experience the fear he has experienced being a replicant. "It's quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it. That's what it is like to be a slave (replicant)."
The key difference between humans and replicants, and what defines humanity, is the showing of empathy and morals. Roy, throughout the final confrontation, points out Deckard's failings. He breaks his fingers for Pris and Zhora, and asks Deckard, "Proud of yourself, little man?". He taunts Decker's morals and integrity, "Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren't you the 'good' man? C'mon, Deckard. Show me what you're made of."
The most obvious reason Roy spared Deckard's life is to demonstrate that he understood the value of life more so than Decker, and also what it meant to be "good" better than Deckard, the supposed "good guy" of the story. By sparring Decker, maybe Roy hopes Decker will change his views on replicants and what it means to be human. That replicants, like humans, just want more time to experience life.
@@jimbeam100100 You have misinterpreted the the comment, your saying the same thing but splitting hairs
@@jimbeam100100 The comment was about the change of heart at the last few moments, read and think before responding stupid
And, at the same time, Deckard, was 'alive' but walking through his live like a zombie to the point where he might as well have been a machine, finally "gets it" and appreciates living.
1:34. The moment Rutger pauses to swallow that lump in his throat. These are the little touches that are the difference between a good actor, and a great one.
Well Said, he's a fantastic actor
MovieJunkie ForLife You mean between a good replicant and a great one?
When he says he's watched c-beams glitter in the dark the expression on his face is one of genuine awe and reminiscence of what he had seen. This scene gives ME a lump in the throat.
to make it even more amazing, Rutger rewrote that scene without telling anyone...the night before they shot it.
he's a great fit for Xehanort
According to Paul Sammon’s book “The Making Of Blade Runner,” the Tears In Rain speech was written by Rutger Hauer
Yes, Rutger improvised it from a very much less impactful monologue. This made it legendary in cinema.
@@icedsmoke thanks 👍
I watched a tv program with Rutger and he said he did write it.
Sorta like Marlon Brandon in apocalypse now
His facial expressions change in a second from showing the strength, power and arrogance of an omnipotent replicant to a vulnerable frightened child as he prepares to die. Such a great scene, such a great actor. You gave us so much in those few minutes. Rutger rules!
best reply ever written
I cry
I saw it different. I didn't see a frightened child. I saw a wise teacher accepting fate with a soul at ease. Not discounting your interpretation.
@@siberwolf33 he was a machine, he had no soul,
This fictional character died in fictional 2019, and his actor died in actual 2019.
I wonder if that will happen again in my lifetime.
Holy...I did not realize this till just now!..oh my..
ay caramba
Would have been even creepier if it had been in November.
Reminds me of my dad who died a couple years ago. A Chemical Engineer with a Ph.D. in business with a library full of books he read and many he wrote and always had a joke to tell. That mind is gone. All that knowledge melted away like tears in the rain.
Some live on in his books and interviews so there’s some comfort in that.
It's often misquoted, but he actually says "tears in rain", not "tears in THE rain".
Absolute masterpiece of a scene.
Yeah I know it’s fact but the brain 🧠 puts the “the” there.
Dude, I absolutely love your Cyberpunk videos
Fluency in english helps.
Even the caption for this video says "the" lol
Combined with the music it's such a haunting scene.
The thing about Blade Runner is that (and wait for it, because this is a compliment) nothing spectacular really happens. No collapsing buildings, huge explosions, Lord of the Rings type battles etc. I mean here, really, it's just a guy nearly falling from a rooftop and being helped up again. But the direction, the sounds, the music, the acting, the power... it's just... wow. Like even when two characters are just looking at each other and you have the tinkering Vangelis sounds in the background and beautiful camera angles. The whole film is immaculate.
Especially Harrison Ford's facial expression as he just sits there gazes and Batty's body.
Oh boy... If only you knew how to appreciate a good drama movie.... everything is human-sized proportioned
WhisperZone Great point. It's real science fiction, not action in a scifi costume.
WhisperZone }I'm seeing many vids on UA-cam about BR and fantastic comments that you never expected but you find one to understand the film from a different angle each time and this is one!
When I first saw the movie I was confused because, the way people talked about it, I thought it WAS going to be a big epic action movie. But something still intrigued me about it and the more times I watched it, the more I loved it. The thing is, there is something epic about it, but it is much more subtle then you would think. It's about what humanity is and our place in the world as an individual. It's kind of hard to explain I guess.
Some of the film crew cried when this was shot...says it all...epic moment in movie history. Thank you.
I hate time.... :(
I cry sometimes when I listen to this beautiful speech classic film
even more better when you learn that rutger hauer himself improvised this before shooting this scene.
I've recently been diagnosed with heart disease and prostate cancer. I hope I can remember to make these my final words....
where have you seen that? could you give me a link please?
What's so beautiful about this scene isn't just that it's impeccably written, or masterfully acted, but how Roy Batty reinforces the entire theme of the story while also defeating Deckard philosophically by saving his life... all in the span of about 2 and a half minutes.
Rather than letting Deckard fall, as a traditional antagonist would, Batty's ultimate defiance in the face of his death is an uncompromising display of his humanity. He dies, but philosophically, he is proven the victor. He, as a Replicant, *chooses* to save Deckard of his own free will. And then, to punctuate his benevolent display, spends his dying moments to regale Deckard with his lifetime of hurt -- his life of nothing other than devastation as his role of a Replicant destined him to follow. But these moments didn't rob Roy Batty of his humanity -- they defined it. These moments were real. And they made Roy Batty real as well.
very well put man. Thanks for sharing
It wasn't written. Rutger Hauer improvised it, which is even better.
"I give you your life, but in must remember me."
Very well said. Thanks for sharing that
Perfectly said 👍 totally agree
"Villain" tries to kill hero, at the last moment spares him and in fact saves his life, delivers a poem and then dies because his life has run down like broken clockwork.
All he wanted was more life. Who doesn't?
Shotgun Parley I find them to be "Perspectives" of what it means to be human. I think Roy's character outshines Deckard, due to how alive it was compared to Fords character. Simply Amazing.
It is more that at the end, he finally understood the value of life. He could easily had let Deckard die, but he didn't, because he was better than him.
He wasn't trying to kill him, he had plenty of chances to but he was just toying with Deckard the whole time.
Actually the world and it's system are the real villians here. Deckard finally sees that in this scene, that's why tries to run away with Rachel at the end. He realizes that replicants are humans just like him (or mayby he even is one of them).
RIP Rutger Hauer. You gave us one of the greatest moments in sci-fi cinema.
This speech reminds me of an Alzheimer’s patient in a way. A man who saw amazing things and did so much and yet all of those moments will be gone forever. As if he’d never lived. The only way that they carry on is in the person who got the privilege of hearing these stories. It’s such a beautiful, terrible speech that has such a universal connection to all of us. The great fear of fading away and all of what we did disappearing forever into the past. I find myself coming back ti this speech many times and every year it becomes more poignant the older I get. I’m so great full I got to hear this speech and see this movie. It’s one of the rare films to truly reach across the decades and touch everyone. A masterpiece and a truly miraculous work that deserved far more than it got when it first came to the theatre. Brilliant is all I can say to describe this film.
The universal human condition.
So you must like the song "Time" by Pink Floyd right?
People often overlook how good Harrison’s acting also is. How his expression transformed from fear, to confusion and finally to total empathy and understanding, the way he realized that this “monster” that he was hunting all along was more human than him.
I do totally agree. Harrison had a fantastic range this movie, from his usual jaded perspective, to guilt, to wide eyed wonderment to fear. I really do feel when Harrison is part of projects, he genuinely engages in he's fantastic. Sure, he's most famous for Han Solo, but to me that's like kinda like Dwayne the Rock Johnson playing himself. I actually could invest myself in this jaded detective experiencing something, after intense fear, that would change how he viewed life forever.
Imagine fi the story was about a slave called Roy who rebelled against his masters, who escaped and made his way to Earth looking to extend his life., realising in the end his mission was futile, so killed his maker of slavery and misery, whose friends and lover were killed by The Blade Runner who he saved in the end through transcendence and understanding, before he finally died.
And all without a word
Made him realise of all the Replicants he had retired had characters and just wanted to live
R.I.P. Rutger Hauer 1944 - 2019. You will not be forgotten like tears in the rain.
Tears in rain. No "the".
@@davidjgomm the meaning is the same.
No, he will be forgotten as anyone else. This is the most important underlined meaning that RS wants to spread. At the same time, in Alien Covenant there's a reference to Ozymandias king of kings, and you know what? He has been forgotten as well. That's the fascinating inevitability of Time!
Roy Batty also 'died' in 2019. :(
@@dario1998 But much, much less poetic.
RIP Rutger - I thank you for this soul warming cinema moment
Possibly the best science fiction scene ever.
the best....
For any movie genre! Will live on.
The new ones also a masterpiece, and it’s also its own, beautiful thing
"Quite an experience to live in fear isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave."
I was so disappointed they didnt include that line
Oh... so that's why I expected him to say more lines. I thought he said those words. I guess I mixed up with the lines from the book.
He did in the movie
The speech that gets over shadowed but so important God bless you for remembering it
So are all human actually slaves? Slaves of whom?
My favourite part of this is the little smile after "tears in rain" where Roy seems really proud of how beautiful the line was.
I never noticed this before, but the nail through his palm, the "loincloth" and the dove -- interesting symbolism.
I concur sir. Sad a machine taught a human humanity.
@@samtapia5616 but he was not a machine as such. He was more like an artificial life form.
I noticed the dove representing his soul when I saw it so long ago
Interesting or Christ imagery louder and somehow less subtle than Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel? I think it detracts from the film and is too heavy handed. People can make the connection with one of those three if they need any of them?
moving up the tree... back to the crown
When you end this video like a poor mans Wii menu, it cheapens the impact of the moment.
Props to FuckMojo.sht for that one.
yep very horrible
Jack Handyside "poor mans wii menu" lmao
I believe it enhances this pornography
Yes, you right. Then they shouldn't show this scene at all.
There so many reasons why I love this scene:
- After talking with Tyrell and realizing his death was near, it seems to me that Roy changed his perspective from a quantitative to an qualitative. Clearly we see him valuing experience and memories rather extending his life. Also, killing Deckard would have been pointless anyway since he would die.
- I love how it feels like a rebellion against his own creator. Especially since Tyrell told him that being a machine and stronger makes him more special than a human. Furthermore, he chose to spare a life rather than remaining true to his original design/programming.
- The Christ imagery is gorgeous how its interwoven in the story. It makes sense how its "built" scene by scene and each "piece" makes sense. Even the white pidgeon almost felt like being a sign of piece before being shown with the impaled hand.
- The fact that he values his own memories clearly shows that replicants are more human than initially thought. For Rachael, the implanted memories led to an identity/existential crisis, while for Roy, his own memories are clear signs of an individuality which makes him more a person/human
- Roy with Tyrell feels like a darker Frankenstein - Monster story where Victor has 0 morality and just continued to create life indiscriminately. A great cautionary tale about how ethics and moral responsibility is crucial to scientific progress.
Thank you. I didn’t consider the aspect of a figure “sent” to remind everyone that humanity can be a collection of experiences that require sharing to bind us together. He picks Judas Iscariot and Judas is humbled to appreciate that sacrifice.
Those memories aren’t implanted
Those are most likely the ones of his 3 years as a combat Replicant
Attack ships on fire, C-Beams near the Tannhauser Gate
Memories of battle, as Roy finally finds peace
Deckard might be a replicant with implanted memories too. Ah I love this movie very much
that last little sad smile is so good.
I believe that this scene sums up the tragedy of only being mortal, not matter how grand our lives may be and no matter what experiences we have, however gripping they may be will disappear when we pass on out of this world. Batty knew this, all of our moments will be lost in time like tears in rain
I agree. As Kansas so profoundly pointed out, "All we are is dust in the wind."
Daniel Hill Good Comment. To a machine moments would be lost, to a human they are preserved through our children. Our legacy only prevails through our youth and what we have passed on. To pass on the brightest of your dreams so that they may burn in them. May they surpass your weakness and their own. May the sons be better then the fathers before them.
Daniel Hill please man, that bit of over view is about as needed as the original voice over in the film. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but we all know why that scene is poetic etc. We don't need someone less poetic re phrase something that has been said perfectly anyway. Let the film do the talking.
David Lean You Know something you are correct my words compare nothing to Roys
Daniel Hill
Anyhow you die in pain, don't believe fairytales of "soft death". You'll feel and live it. The important thing is Getting Ready. The rest is just a pile of hogwash.
Epic. Last day of filming, they'd run out of money so had to stop filming that day day, he wrote that speech overnight and everything just came together in this moment. Just perfect. Sometimes the best sucesses are snatched from the jaws of defeat with just inches to spare. Still my favorite film after nearly 40 years.
me too my best movie😍👋🙇♂👍
you can't believe every damn detail of every damn thing you read. It's common to exaggerate/romanticize certain aspects of success stories.
That's not what happened.
_"Your favorite film after 40 years"?_ HaHaHa have you watched ANY other films in the last 40 years??? -smh
Oh bull. Yeesh. People being educated via internet forums.
“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”
*R.I.P. Rutger Hauer*
We just saw the scene, shut up.
@@balabanasireti relax buddy
Yes passions near stfu let them repeat the lines if they want to. Chill
What a beautiful line...Like poetry in the night,beside some mysterious Lake...
@@balabanasireti Epstein yourself
It's a crime this movie and *The Thing* both bombed and were shat on by critics when they first came out.
Critics live in a world that is unreal to most people. They believe they are the truth, when they have become enslaved to their own time line of thinking.
@@Sarconthewolf honestly wtf is the point of critics. So many great works were demolished at first only to be revealed as ahead of their time years later. So many artists have died thinking they're a failure only to be praised after. I guess that's the cost of creating art though.
The Emprie Strikes Back was also dished by critics at the time. Not a good period for critical reviews and nothing as changed really.
Critics was seen Blade Runner as "Sci-fi movie that too slow at pacing and didn't have the fun" because they wanted any Sci-fi to be like E.T. or Star Wars
Meanwhile Critics was criticize The Thing as too gory and horrifying
Even The Shining was nominated as the worst film back in the day because critics seeing it as too haunting and makes audience feel uneasy when they see it.
And blade runner 2049 is a shame a stupid reboot whitout soul !
RIP Vangelis, the genius behind this soundtrack as well as many other amazing masterpieces. We won't forget you.
I love the way the bird flying away suggests that even as a replicant because he was self aware he had a soul. And that soul left his body as he died.
Honestly i dont believe in souls, but it doesnt really matter, because humans are machines too, except biological and some mechanisms of our own bodies are too complex to understand for us right now. And if a human cant explain something with science he starts to imagine some spiritual mumbo jumbo etc. But if there is a soul, i dont see a reason why replicant cant have one.
The thing that will really make you think, is that in the book the movie is based on (Do androids dream of electric sheep) there are essentially no real animals left, so that dove would have been an android itself.
@@SuperiorBrick which makes you wonder, what if humans went extinct, and the replicants were the only survivors, would that mean humanity is dead?
Honestly no replicants don’t have souls only humans have
@@newtestament8889 But Soul is not something real, you can not touch it, you can not see it. Soul is something humans made up, it mostly comes from religions or philosophy, but like I said, it is not really a thing that exists.
Here after hearing about Rutger Hauer's passing. Rest In Peace Sir. Thoughts, and prayers go out to his family.
Same here.
The Dutch hate god and religion.
@@Benjamin-sd9qf, hey that's okay. I'll still pray for any, and everybody.
@@Benjamin-sd9qf That's not true. The're still many christians and other believers in the Netherlands.
@@Benjamin-sd9qf where on earth did you get that notion?
Roy trying to survive through Deckard's memories... Desperately telling the peak of his life in a few seconds, his accomplishments, his stories... Finding a way to be remembered by anyone.
That, right there, is the true fight for survival. That is what turned him, maybe not into a human, but surely into a form of life!!!
Roy lives because we all remember him. He won!!!
Really interesting take, thanks. Him saving Deckard makes more sense now, he's saving his only chance at being remembered as a person.
@@filippopotame3579 or being remembered at all. Being a person would be a plus, but being alive was everything.
Great way to look at it. I had a similar feeling that he saved Decker because he wanted desperately to share his last fleeting moments with anyone even a mortal enemy in this case. If that isnt human i dont know what is.
November, 1982...I was in West Berlin on a US Army post. It was cold, raining, and the movie playing on post was "Blade Runner" Saw it, and have been amazed ever since!
Can you imagine? All those moments and memories you've had will be lost in time like tears in rain...
without a doubt, the most moving speech that any modern actor ever delivered.
+paulmwilson62 poetic and iconic speech! for me this sounded like a japanese haiku or tanka. Rutger Hauer words were simple words but so haunting and poignant.
it's just insane how Hauer masterfully handled this scene, from power to innocence, he simply smashed the way he sits down like a defenseless child
And now he's lost in time. Fitting it would be 2019. R.I.P Rutger.
That's insane, I didn't even consider that. Wow 2019.. he will be missed
Sweetly ironic that a speech about vanishing lives is what made him immortal.
Same year as Roy Batty's incept date.
Here's hoping that he uttered this line before he passed
This movie was supposed to be in 2019! Genius!!
"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy."
**Gouges out your eyes.*
i want more... life, more time!
“Ok Tyrell fair enough...half as average male lifespan 77-80 years by now? So 40 years? 4 is not half! It’s a goddamn candle Tyrell! I’m living walking wax!” -Roy
Both Vangelis with his music and Rutger Hauer with his acting contributed to this movie being one of the most epic spectacles of the cinematic arts of all times. I salute them. R.I.P.
This is, to me, the greatest performance in science fiction history. I can't describe how much this movie influenced my life and my way to think, and how this scene was heartbreakingly beautiful when I first saw. Goodbye, Rutger. You will never be lost to us.
Blade Runner should’ve been nominated for
• Best Director: Ridley Scott
• Best Original Screenplay
• Best Original Score
• Best Visual Effects
• Best Cinematography
• Best Supporting Actor: Rutger Hauer
• Best Picture
• Best Film Editing
It was too ahead of it's time for the Academy to give it it's proper due.
I think it would have been adapted screenplay, but I'm also not sure that it deserved it. There's obviously a lot of rich material in the movie, but I don't think the script did itself much favors for communicating that material.
Edit: but otherwise I totally agree
Best actress: Sean Young :)
but the 1982 movie was not as good. Ridley Scott publicly disowned the 1982 edition and directors cut multiple times.
Add in Harrison Ford Best Actor
I love the little smile he gives right before dying
Rest in peace Rutger. You were the replicant who could make us cry.
You spent the whole movie being afraid of him and then...
He's speech reminds me how precious our memories and life is. I always loved my childhood, and had trouble letting go that's its gone and every time I hear this I see how much trouble for him it is to let go of all those memories he's made
@@SignOfTheTimes008 I know exactly what you mean my friend.
The music during the speech is what got me. It's beautiful!
Unlike tears in the rain, the deep meaning of this performance and speech will never be lost! Rest in Peace, Rutger Hauer!
"Tears in rain" - skip "the"
"moments lost in time, like tears in rain" is my favourite line. It speaks to all of us. What was so magnificent to us is just a blip in eternity. And when we go, so do those moments that were special to us. Maybe we witnessed something alone. Maybe we shared something with just one other person. Meaningful, beautiful, special. And before we know it, it's gone.
That scene gets me every time.
Importantly, it's not gone. Just like a single teardrop falling into a puddle contributes to the puddle itself, while not being distinguishable from it anymore, you also contribute to human history, even if unnoticeably so.
I'm surprised no one's talking about the symbolism of the dove. He had a dove to symbolize he was at peace with everything in the end. He accepted his tragic fate of a short lifespan. In his 4 years, he learned a sobering truth--that we are all bound by our experiences. They are the limitations of our consciousness. Our memories die with us. We are tears in rain...
+Garrett Kingsley The dove was actually there to symbolize his soul being set free and ascending into heaven.
+Hayah7 you kidding about the energy thing... right?
Well it's not much except a symbol is it? Why do I have a dove? Where did it come from? Doesn't matter, it's symbolic. What are you gonna do about it? I'm Rutger Hauer.
+soondragon76 Seems like it could have been both
"Our memories die with us", wanna prove that claim? And wrong, the dove symbol is more of a nod to heaven -- ironic since androids lack souls
The hand that saves Deckard is the one with the nail in it...
Symbolism anyone?
The whole movie is packed with symbolism.
sebastianwillows Jesus saves?
Right hand usually represents justice, while left hand represents peace. He holds a dove with his left hand, and he impales his right with the nail. However, he saves Deckard with his right hand, as it's the right thing to do (no pun intended). There's more to say, but I'll leave it at that
Siôn Topps If you want to say more, I’d be willing to listen
“Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.”
I don’t know why, but for me, this line encapsulates sci-fi completely. It is perfect in every way.
I think this is the best scene in the cinema's history. The replicant that was more human than the humans, and that saves him after all that he has done. Showing that in the end he's just him being gripped from the chains of slavery , by a system that does not leave him way out, while he, as metaphorically symbolizes the dove ,he has found peace.
It's so poetic that I could cry.
+LennieLosino thanks for putting it beautifully man
+LennieLosino The Dove is freedom. Everybody forgets that with death comes freedom....
Too bad he won't live. But then again, who does?
RIP Roy and Rutger, 2019
*she. The Blade Runner is referring to Jessica in that scene.
@@enderxzebulun *he, because I AM referring to Rutger. And no idea who this "Jessica" is. Doesn't even sound remotely similar to Rachael.
@@SadamYT you obviously haven't seen the director's cut with the Jessica Rabbit cameo.
"Life" is a game of death, and no one gets out alive.
Nice line.
This speech was only 42 words but damn it was so beautiful that it's more memorable and more powerful than any recent film speech I can think of.
One of the most iconic moments in the history of cinema. RIP Rutger.
In the "history of _sci-fi cinema"._ There, now it's fixed.
I’ve dreamed this scene many times.
So much so, that when it’s my time to die, I expect Rutger to be waiting for me by the Tennhäuser Gate
@@donarthiazi2443 you fixed nothing
Sure I did. Learn to be a bit more open-minded kid. It'll be good for you 👍
@@donarthiazi2443 Lol ..not even close.. the OP thinks the scene is one of the best in cinema history which is quite reasonable even if you disagree ..there's nothing to might think that it's one of the best only among sci-fi movies but that's just your opinion which has no more credibility than the one you're trying to "fix"..if you weren't too daft to see the irony , you'd take your own advice and be more open minded
I cannot believe Rutger passed away on the exact year that Blade Runner was predicted, 2019. That is what chills me the most.
I fear for Ryan Gosling
Rutger Hauer is one of the most mesmerizing actors who ever lived.
RIP Rutger Hauer you will also be a legend to the Dutch and film acting.
RIP, Rutger. One of the best lines ever delivered in films. What a masterpiece.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
The monologue as written in the script was:
"I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone."
Rutger Hauer felt it was just "hi-tech speech" with no bearing on the rest of the film so he edited himself and added the tears in the rain line. Made an instant masterpiece of a monologue.
We all know this, get a girlfriend,
@@jlo2816Actually I didn't know this yet. And I'm very grateful that he commented this, because now I do know it. So how about you just go away. Because your comment unlike his was absolutely pointless. You have added nothing of value. And you should be ashamed of yourself. Just because you're some irritating little know-it-all doesn't mean everyone else is.
I still say that as delivered it was the most powerful movie speech I have ever watched. And-
-and I've watched it many times. I hardly remember the movie, I'll never forget that speech.
Rest In Peace Rutger Hauer. According to Ripley Scott: The speech’s most enduring line came not from screenwriters Hampton Fancher or David Peoples but Hauer himself, who, by his own account, “took a knife to” a much lengthier soliloquy in the script. The sci-fi references to Orion and C-beams were from the text, but “tears in rain” was Hauer’s, and that, along with the dying light in Roy’s eyes, is what will endure.
I think it was a blessing that Hauer cut the speech to ribbons.
Who the hell is Ripley Scott??! LOL
@@user-ux4ft4qw6p Ridley Scott’s baby sister/brother of course 😂😂
Probably the greatest moment in SF cinema.
If not, then it's very close.
What is SF?
+Filippo Minonzio Science Fiction
D'Ascoyne thank you
Filippo Minonzio san francisco
No one is exaggerating their rapturous opinion on this performance from Rutger Hauer . From the words spoke to the facial expressions. This may be the single greatest acting performance ever. The look on his face when he sits down with the dove at 0:49. Just incredible.
The point of the scene wasn’t to teach Deckard about the value of life. But to address to the audience as what exactly makes us human. If Roy has memory, feelings, regret, loss, and life experience, then is he not as human as Deckard? The lesson was for the audience to value life, not Deckard.
It might have been a soul of silicon but it was still a soul
Roy IS as human as Darkard, being not human at all. They are both Replicants.
But I get your point, well said.
@@karter969 Ford has said that Deckard was not a replicant in the original script. This idea that Deckard is a replicant came from fan theories it seems. I haven't read the book. Maybe Deckard is a replicant in the book?
@@vincentvega5686 Ford did say that. But both the author of the book the movie was based on, and Ridley Scott both said he was a replicant. I’d value their word over an actor.
Do androids not dream of electric sheep?
R.I.P Rutger Hauer (1944-2019)
You will be missed!
I've lost count of how many times I have watched this cinematic experience. I learn something new every time that I experience it. The movie engulfs one on so many levels. The sets, the costumes, the music, and of course the actors. The cinematography is eye candy. Vangelis enhances each scene with "watercolour" themes. All the artists involved with this project have created a perfect dream. I completely escape my self watching this movie. To me it pure joy
🤔Yea but what version are you watching? Because as a Baserunner Aficionado myself, the ONLY version to watch in the "international" version. If you haven't seen that version yet, do yourself a favor and watch it. That version as a whole is by far the best IMO. 😊
So far ahead of its time
Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer. Thank you for delivering this wonderful monologue.
Goodbye Rutger Hauer, thank you for one of the best simile's for death ever provided in cinema history.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. All those moments... lost... like tears in rain. R.I.P. Rutger Oelsen Hauer you are missed so much.
For those that saw Blade Runner 2049, did anyone notice how they played the same music during its climax? Loved it.
@ 1:20 you can physically see how Roy Batty shed a tear on his right eye and got lost in the rain...
Seeing everyone’s comments on this scene and how it’s impacted them in life makes it even more beautiful. Life is precious, and all that’s left when we’re gone are memories.
Life passes so fast. Watched movie when it first came out, so many many friends I watched it with have passed on..
this scene reminds me how fleeting life is..
Just a collection of memory’s, that’s all you have…those memory’s were of living people, once… once..💁
@@karylhogan5758 beautiful and terrifying at the same time, life has been this way from the start.
@@DejohnitheGamer yes..
@@DejohnitheGamer life passes quickly, but nothing really changes, except you..
Rip rutger Hauer. One of the greatest improvisational performances of all time
There was nothing improvisational about it. That’s a complete myth.
Ricky Shiffer - because it wasn’t. Rutger Hauser said a few years ago he was sick of hearing this myth. The only words he made up were ‘tears in rain’ - the rest were from the scriptwriters. So it’s a complete myth that this speech was improvised.
The original speech was longer. He just cut some parts of it.
@@FiasaPower - that's not improvising this speech then
@@MrCostaC "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain" is the part people remember most and that's what Hauer improvised so I'd say it was a great improvised performance, especially as the bits he cut were a bit drawn out.
Arguably the greatest speech in all of Science Fiction.... Rest In Peace , Rutger Hauer ...
This movie was way beyond its time, it will never get old, masterpiece.
2:03 the timpanis in the soundscore..just gets me everytime. Love this movie. Vangelis is perfection with the soundtrack.
RIP Vangelis, you made an extraordinary scene truly epic.
R.I.P. Rutger Hauer. We really lost you in 2019 like in Blade Runner.
RIP Mr Hauer and thank you for the wonderful memories :(
He showed Decker more humanity in his final moments than he ever knew.
Amen my friend
mercy, grace, empathy, humanity
He died in 2019 in the movie.
He died in 2019 in real life.
Half life 3 confirmed?
@@12feettall6 no
@@12feettall6 shut up
RIP Rutger Hauer ( 1944 - 2019 ) you was and will be always remembered as a great actor with a great heart.. we miss you
I haven’t yet come to understand why this scene has had such a great affect on me. There is something about it that reaches into my soul that I can’t comprehend. Godspeed and good rest Rutger Hauer. You’ve left an ever endearing legacy with your thoughts.
0:56 well-acted by Rutger Hauer. A truly moving scene.
one of the truly iconic events in cinema history. You have to love RH...he's a phenomenal actor. Another good, but under-rated movie he was in was 'Ladyhawke'.
ladyhawke is awesome. Childhood favorite.
"This sword was my fathers. It has never known defeat. Until now..."
I remember watching this as a very young child and being so moved by this scene. It stuck with me for decades. I still watch this movie once a year. My all-time favorite sci-fi film.
Usually an antagonist's death is not emotional. But Roy's demise is truly something tearful. :'( It's really incredible for a villain (like Roy) to have an emotionally sad death scene (especially after he gives a touching speech before he kicks the bucket).
Roy is not an antagonist or a villain, i see him more like a being who is not supposed to live as a human, but his will and reason are so strong that practically he is a human now. You can't tell that he is doing evil because he is may not conscious of what he is doing. i find this as a great reflection of our ownbeing in a very deep way.
***** of course he doesn't see his cause to be evil. His goal was to extend the life of his people to that of baseline humans. The murder of his creator is more or less justified in his thoughts for the crime of creating them with so many flaws.
The Tall Titan Bladerunner is not that Black and white there are no heroes, no villains just human beings people like you and me( being human involves much more than just being flesh and bone as we see with batty and his friends
+The Tall Titan There's no good guys and villains in this film mate :/ How is Roy in anyway a villain. He's trying to find the truth and when he finds out it rips him a part only to come to terms with it at the very end. If anyone is the villain its the corporate enterprises that built these robots then sent out a bounty hunter to kill them :/ its only the end as well Dekkard questions his own actions and if he himself is a slave.
An antagonist is simply a character (person, group, or force) that opposes the protagonist, regardless of moral stance.
Rutger Hauer had me on the verge of tears in this scene! And now he has me in tears for real!!! A one of a kind actor and an undeniable legend!!! R.I.P Rutger Hauer!!
I found him on a rooftop in the game Cyberpunk 2077. A ode to Rutger Hauer. It's amazing how one movie inspires so much and echoes through time..
R.I.P. Rutger Hauer. People like you make me proud to be a fellow Dutchman. You will never be forgotten.
RIP Rutger Hauer, delivered and co-wrote one of the best dying monologues in film history. He will be sorely missed.
RIP Rutger Huaer. Thanks for bringing one of my favourite film monologues of all time
what makes this scene so compelling is the startling revelation of a replicant carrying the most human character which is being aware of dying someday or the fear of dying its more compelling than hal 9000 from 2001: space odyssey
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe."...perfect
Slow it down to 0.25 speed at 0:09. Look at Deckard carefully and see his last attempt to go against Roy's opinion. He spits at him, lets go, and looks down as he falls only to be denied further by Roy's capture. Small detail but I couldn't help but think why I kept hearing a gunshot noise and once I saw I started thinking it was used to imply a strong moment, or in this case a choice by Deckard
Hey man that's the cool thing about movies. Different views and different opinions. You got a good opinion on the scene too. I like both ideas as both give an explanation to a very small point in the scene.
Hard to believe he improvised these lines. His entire career distilled into this immortal moment. 1000 years from now, we will all be gone just like those tears in time, but this scene will still get views. RIP Rutger.
Bold of you to assume humans will still exist in 1000 years
@@alemon4256 yeah well I like to think glass is half full. Too many edgy douchebags these days talking negative trying to lead us into a self fulfilling prophecy.
Almost 40 years later this movie is still excellent, way ahead of it's time.
“All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain...” one of the single-greatest ad libs in the history of film.
We all die. And we all try to leave some mark of our existence. But that is very difficult to achieve. With this monologue in this, in my opinion, the best movie scene of all time, Rutger Hauer did that and became immortal. This is masterpiece of acting and definitely he'll never be forgotten.
It's not just the words spoken, it's also the way they are delivered, subtle pauses and facial expressions. I was moved by this scene when the movie was first released, I am still moved by it today. Rutger Hauer stated the movie gave him a real glimpse into the future, our own helpless mortality. RIP Rutger Hauer, sadly in death you are finally getting the true recognition that you deserved in life.
Blade Runner is the greatest film ever made. It's a pure cinematic experience, with many layers. It's a dark sociological prophecy, a future detective noir, a beautiful tortured love story. It poses many big philosophical questions, like what it means to be human? About not knowing what is real? About forced alienation. This climatic scene reaches the most profound and emotional moment in movie history. Technically the film is stunning. The cinematography, visual effects and the score are all unsurpassed. The film leaves you with a deep emotional response. Truly a work of art.
Fully agreed.
Excellent! Well explained! No need to add anything else!
overrated film ever made*
It may be because I watched the director's cut or because i'm too young to appreciate it, although I can appreciate the rest of Scott's works, but I though the movie was incredibly poor paced.
Jon Wilson I thought it was perfectly paced and drenched in atmosphere. Felt like I was there.