You are not saved by having a certain Bible translation on your lap, you’re saved by trusting the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for your sins.
A man of commonsense which is becoming rare in these days. I have read the KJV and Geneva bible and the NKJV and NASB and Living bible and l prefer the latter translations.
When i came to life in Jesus, the Holy Spirit in His Loving way took me stright to the KJV and i personally believe that the KJV is the Absolute Truth, different from all the corrupt new age bibles where they took out and changed hundreds of verses, one example is ( 1 JOHN 5;7-8 ) and the KJV is preserved from this Generation Forever. Thank God for the KJV
All the modern versions are based on the work of men who God says are an abomination to Him. So when you get to where you want the real Word of God, you'll have to lay down your prejudice and pick up a KJV Bible. That's the only one we have easily available in the english language that hasn't been corrupted.
LOL! The KJV has been around for over 400 years and has led many to a saving knowledge of the truth about Jesus Christ. Look at these modern versions and also look at the state of Christendom now. What's corrupt?
Thank you Jesus, this integrity syndicate, just confirmed for the thousands time, how precious my King James Bible is. Thank you, my LORD and SAVIOR. All hail KING JESUS. AMEN
Another KJV idol worshipper. KJV has mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed. Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values. It's no better than any other translation.
Coward Jesuit working for the papacy. The KJV and the Tyndale bibles are excellent. We have the Dead Sea scrolls too. What a terrible and blasphemous video. I see that there are 795 deceived people that hit like.
You haven't compared these new age modern Bibles against the kj Holy Bible is the pure and perfect word, which GOD has purified and preserved just like He said. Hey GOD holds His word above His name. @@sidgar1
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World.
@@henrylaurel1188 I'm certainly not going to read modern fake New Age Bibles, it's not just the KJV 1611 good Bible, but all of them that are translated from the same Texas Receptus accepted source
@@henrylaurel1188the “King James Only Cult” are simply Bible BELIEVERS who believe God kept His word to preserve His Scriptures. You can trust the “scholars” if you want, I’ll stick with God.
@@SamLawrence-p1o I urge you to look into the KJV issue. If you honestly research the issue you will come to agree with me. The evidence in favor of the King James as God’s preserved Bible is OVERWHELMING!
KjV isnt corrupt. Check channel Truth is Christ. Its beyond mind, how many mathematical coincidences is in this Bible. Guess what, in others there is not like this. KJV is pure Word of God. 100 real, every Word there is Truth.
Another KJV idol worshipper. KJV is not "pure", it has mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed. Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values. How can 100% be true if it can easily be demonstrated to have flaws in translation? LOL!
Do you speak Hebrew and Koine Greek? Do you not think Lancelot Andrews and the other scholars didn’t know these and other languages? May The Lord open your eyes sir! Bill. Uk
Interesting how the Bible, the KJV, which proves all men are corrupt and sinners, is now itself being judged by corrupt men. Just another evidence of the sinful pride of men. "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Romans 1:21-25 (KJV)
That passage is in every translation (at least the most popular ones). KJV isn't better than any other version. It's just worded archaically and people like you have a nostalgia for it. Purely psychological. If you need a placebo in the form of one specific version to believe, how much faith do you really actually have?
Did you know that king James was buried between his two, male lovers? What does the scripture teach about sodomites? Are they reprobates? So you put your faith in a book that has been “authorized” by a reprobate king, who, according to scripture will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Does that make you feel like a fool now? I know you won’t look it up, because you need your safe, little bubble to feel contented in.
Go ahead and keep spouting off, this will be evidence used “in your favor?” on the day of judgment. Your a witness against yourself! Can there any good thing come out of Laodicea?
Niv nlt has 68 scriptures missing and so other new translation why do you think that the king James Is corrupted if its still the best selling bible in the whole world
LISTEN, and listen good : when you say the KJV is corrupt, you say Jesus is corrupt. They two are one and an attack on one is an attack on the other. You will answer to the Lord Almighty for this wicked, foul “channel”.
What a load of b*ll*cks !! The main differences between Anglican and Catholic versions are CofE has 66 books, the RC has 73 books. Furthermore the RC version deletes the second commandment given to Moses in Exodus 20 not to make a graven image and bow to it. The KJV is widely considered the most accurate translation and many churches even today are KJV only. Whilst the New Testament is largely Greek, Christian scripture had undergone four language changes before Tyndale put it in English. Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered @ 1930/40s were compared to the KJV and NO MATERIAL DIFFERENCE WAS FOUND. That is good enough for me as the Dead Sea Scrolls date from the first century AD. In this manner the KJV meets textual criticism contrary to this video. The fact the CofE version has no Apocrypha is fine by me. I am not Catholic. The lack of notes, compared to the Geneva bible is, contrary to this video, a good thing. I want scripture and only scripture. I don't want some man's notes on how to read it thank you ! The video makes a false assumption that modern translations omit text due to corruption, yet as man falls into the abyss it is more likely that the new translations are the corruptions ! Whilst I find more modern translations easier to read based on purely language considerations, if I want to check actual wording, I always default to my trusted KJV and I would not be without it.
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics, not even Geneva: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World. God's hand was on the KJV, no doubt.
@@TexasHoosier3118the siniaticus claims to be over 1000 years old but as one noted scholar remarked- its appearance looked too pristine. There are many references in older church father wtitings which show the Textus Receptus version includes many if not all of the omitted passages in Akexandrian and Siniaticus. Ergo Alexandrian texts have been proven to be corrupted
So long story short, the Geneva Bible help you out in understanding the Scriptures which went against king James agenda so they rejected the Geneva Bible, and translated the king James, the way that they thought it should be translated based on their agenda in their thoughts and opinions
You're trying to sell the people the other one because it's from the Catholic Virgin and not the two testament that God wants us to read The Catholic there's no such thing as Portuguese and drunk like that trust the King James it's the only Bible that God wants us to have for now he authorized it and that's good bless you in Jesus name Amen 🙏💖🙏
In my last video I show that the King James ruins the prophecy of Daniel chapter 8 because verse 26 has evening and morning in the definite article in the Hebrew and it's also singular. And it's the same in the King James. But this creates a problem because where was the prophecy of the single evening and the single morning and the entire chapter?
Notice that the kjv is always attacked, but the other versions are ok the devil only attacks the true word because he is the one who put up the other translations
I do not believe the KJV nor the Geneva Bible are corrupt. Both camps who favor one or the other make these accusations. I realize that the KJV was mandated by James for political reasons because he hated the Geneva Bible because of its commentary notes. Both of them are from the TR and somewhat similar, so accusing both translations as being corrupt is ridiculous.
The king James bible and Geneva bible is not just corrupt but also misleading,as a matter of fact the original scriptures were just that scriptures not Latin biblica.These bibles are loaded with pagan words and they do not contain the true Aramaic- Hebrew names of the father and son, but instead is replaced with pagan name jesus-hail zeus, pagan titles Lord-baal and God-Lucifer,history is there for all and you can google some of what I have typed here for yourself,these biblias- Latin were written for Christians Catholics but humanity due to lack of studying the word sctiptures or searching for truth majority followed after Constantine's made up Christian religion and study's from those biblias Latin, instead of the original Aramaic Hebrew version which contains the original writings of the quodeshims (holy ones).This is why only a remnant will be saved, because it only a remnant that will know the truth and be set free from that truth.
@@PETERJOHN101 Nothing personal brother. I respectfully disagree. The Alexandrian manuscripts being corrupt is old accusations by King James or TR onlyists. There is no proof to back those accusations up not when they agree with the TR and Majority Text 94 to 98.5 percent of the time. And where there are textual variants between all three, it changes no doctrine at all.
@@rodneyjackson6181 I have discussed the issue with bible translators and looked carefully at the evidence. The Majority Text agrees better with early Church writings. The Coptic derived Alexandrian codices, once believed to be older, are in fact of a later origin. The Byzantine manuscript also appears to be free of Gnostic influences common to early Egyptian culture.
@@PETERJOHN101 the King James is not from the Majority Text. Its from the Received Text. The Majority and Received Texts are different. There are in fact about 800 differences between the Received Text and the Majority Text. The KJV, NKJV and Geneva are Received Text translations. They are not Majority Text. The things you said about the Alexandrian manuscripts are not factual but King James only misinformation that has been parroted for many years that has already been debunked.
I don’t think the King James Bible is corrupted, though he was displeased reading the notes of the Geneva Bible. He authorized a translation of the holy Bible from the original tongues and he compared former translations along with the 1560 Geneva version
I was amazed at the Geneva bible being the first study bible. It wasn't until 1901, I think, when Schofield did a study bible. I need to rewatch the video where I saw this.
The king James did not like the Geneva calling out tyrants are not of God. Schofield bibles were a vessel for Satan. Geneva also has original texts unlike the freemason king James who changed the word of God and moving the scriptures around using numbers.... SATANIC.
Not corrupted, it is like comparing the 4 gospels and claiming all but one is corrupted. I trust the KJV above all else and do not like the blue letter version of the Geneva Bible in Revelation verse 6 : 2 the footnotes of the blue letter Geneva bible state the first white horse rider is Christ but it is not it is the anti christ, and fits in with the 3 others.
@@marlenachetwynd2925 This is not correct, The White Horse rider is mentioned again later in Revelations 19:11-21, it is explicitly Christ. Even in the KJV this is not different. Douay Rheims Bible(Catholic - Latin Vulgate) *The Rider on a White Horse* Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened: and behold a *white horse*. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true: and with justice doth he judge and fight. Rev 19:12 And his eyes were as a flame of fire: and on his head were many diadems. And he had a name written, which no man knoweth but himself. Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a garment sprinkled with blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD. Rev 19:14 And the armies that are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty. Rev 19:16 *And he hath on his garment and on his thigh written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS*. *Note:* If you know anything about ancient Greek, which is what is being sourced as the language here, this is a form of statutory, in that Christ is liked unto a statue, a created being, and his maker, God, is the author, marking his name on his creation. (Continued:) Rev 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun: and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that did fly through the midst of heaven: Come, gather yourselves together to the great supper of God: Rev 19:18 That you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of tribunes and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them: and the flesh of all freemen and bondmen and of little and of great. Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse and with his army. Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with brimstone. Rev 19:21 And the rest were slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh.
KJV is not "corrupt", but it does have mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed. Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values. It's just one of many translations and is less accurate than later translations due to advances in our understanding of Hebrew and new manuscripts discovered since 1611. Should we abandon cars and go back to the technology of 1611 as well?
Lol it says 666 after the name. That def says a lot. So it's easy for people today to make accusations about something that took place 500 years ago however this is all based on pride and agendas. Know that no version of the Bible has taken this much depth into giving you the best interpretation of the Bible in all history before 1611 or since. Every page had to be agreed upon by over thirty other men that new every language they used to interpret from. Not just Hebrew and Greek. Know that the king had nothing to do with the interpretation aside from bringing the men and transcripts together. Also note the reason was because of the tyrant religion that still exists today but that back then had a strangle hold on the ignorance of the people as they did not have a Bible in thier own language that was well written. The KJV is the only version that puts words in italics so that the reader knows they put those words in to help you understand what's being said more easily. Also the KJV is the only current version not under copyright and in the KJV Bibles you will have letters from the interpreters as well as from the kind himself all stating that the reason they wrote the Bible in English, despite massive oppositions and threats, was so that we the people could know the truth. Don't fall for the lies. God is all powerful all knowing and all present so it is literally impossible for truth not to exist in the world.
Depends on which manuscript you are looking at. If your Bible goes back to Alexandria you have a corrupt Bible. The KJV stands alone as one that goes back to Antioch
Alexandria where the deity of Christ and the doctrine of trinity was defended. Antioch Arianism was taught. Denying the deity of Christ. Saying he was a created being, like the Jehovah Witnesses
A LOT of people have gotten converted over the years using the King James Version Bible. The authors of this video are "oneness" "Jesus Only" people, but if there is no Trinity why did Jesus Christ pray to His Father on several occasions?
A lot of people have also went to hell because false teachers, preachers dont know how to rightly divide scripture, and lead people astray. Satan is crafty. Religion is all the different ways to go to hell. 1 Cor.15:1-4 is the Gospel of our Salvation and Ephesians 1:10-14 is our assurance. Jesus didn’t say “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whosoever joins a church, pays tithes, gets baptised, does good works, adds to the finished work of the cross, and believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
Funny question. If I am not my father and mother, then why do I talk to my father on the phone on several occasions? Because I am not my father,. Otherwise, I would talk to myself.
@@mrg466You will one day regret this. I hope and pray you find peace within yourself and ask Jesus to show you who he really is. There’s one thing for certain, every single atheist who took their very last breath no longer became an atheist once it’s too late to repent
Another person who reveres and worships the KJV as an idol. Jesus' final words were given to John in Revelation. It's pretty much the same in all versions, aside from how things are worded (more modern or archaic old English)
because it is the only unchanged bible and the oldest we have. Also the number one seller book. Others started coming out in the 1970's. They had to start with the KJV and make at least 200 changes. Some omitting Jesus. Newer bibles are not the words of my Christ.
@@SamLawrence-p1o Where did you get that? The NKJV did over 20.000 changes. The KJB never changed. Yes there were revisions but what they did there was to remove printing errors and to generalize the spelling of the words. Because many words were just written differently in different places (for example: Jakob, jakoab -> that's only an example to show what I mean) Yes there are a few publishers (interested enough they are Americans) who changed words. But not Cambridge and Oxford and a few others which are British publisher. I have an Thompson KJB and there is no different to the 1611 - we have Internet and can look it up and compare.
@Paul-hc4si The apochrapha in the 1611 removed. No one could understand the 1611 many revisions. 1769, Oxford and Cambridge editions. Many many differences. At least five other revisions. Not correction of printing errors. As the meaning of words change the KJV becomes even more inaccurate and archaic. Which is why God has blessed us with more accurate modern translations.
Speaking as an atheist, with no dog in the fight, so to speak, of course the KJV is not corrupt. That's just ridiculous. It bears the mark of its authors and the authority under which they worked but so does every bible ever translated. Some modern bibles are closer to the original manuscripts simply because we have discovered earlier copies since the KJV was created but we do not have the 'originals' of any book of the bible and so 100% accuracy is not possible.
This video is what happens when you don't study the issue enough and you just end up making straw man arguments, hypocritical statements and regurgitating factually incorrect information. I was rather disappointed by some of the claims here....I thought you studied harder than this.
@@JesusNOTreLIEgion I cant be KJV only as I embrace the original languages and I believe while the KJV is the only faithful and accurate translation of the original languages there are nuances in the originals that are not (and maybe cant be) replicated and translated into the English.
@@followintruthlj2865 Since i can not say this any better than you just did , ill simply come in agreement with you , in the form of an AMEN and God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ .
So true. It's sad.that so many are so mentally lost and confused .. that a video as inaccurate as this video. Can confuse them into not reading the KJV :(
The KJV is outdated, and even KJV onlyists pastors don't understand it. The English is too old. There are so many words and phrases that have changed meaning. The only way to understand the KJV is either a) learn Greek and Hebrew or b) £90 subscription to the Oxford Dictionary that includes the 1611 definitions. Modern Websters doesn't have 1611 definitions. It's stupid. Use a modern translation. I ain't joking. 100 KJV onlyists PASTORS, not children, were surveyed, and they did horrible. ONLY 9 pastors answered all the questions correctly. NINE. 9% of KJV Onlyists pastors UNDERSTAND the Word of God. Get your head out of the ground and read a Bible YOU can actually understand.
@americanswan I did. I applied it to my life and it hasn't failed me yet. Not just me, but many, many more. Something that "modern translations" can never do.
There is no perfect translation of gods inspired words. Paul tells us to study and show thyself approved. We should test all translations before trusting their words to be truth. Remember God is true and every man is a liar. Man is flawed but God will get through to all those he chose before the disruption of the world to eventually reconcile all back to himself like his rightly divided word speaks.
@@nobux717Bullinger was a brilliant scholar. His lexicon is a treasure. That he produced so many aids to finding what terms meant in the time they were written without the aid of a computer is impressive.
Wow! I am shocked by all these comments on the different versions of the Bible. How rude some people are about God. A God that is literally the very essence of LOVE. Whether one uses the Geneva Bible, the Ethiopian Bible, the KJV Bible or any other Bible, if it won the hearts of men who cares which version it is. The Bible is only supposed to lead people to God and from there the Spirit of Truth which is Jesus Christ himself will teach you what you need to know. Remember in the Bible where it talks about how Jesus always went against the Pharacees? The ones that looked more to a book of Laws than to the Spirit of God? I ask you who were the Pharacee's? They were the church folk. And the Bible says BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARACEES. In other words y'all are doing the very same thing they did. If Jesus were here im sure he would tell you to stop such ignorance and LOVE one another like he commanded us to do. That is the Bible in a nutshell..... Love God and Love your brothers and sisters as you love yourself. People we can argue over which Bible to use and at the same time miss the WHOLE MESSAGE. SHAME ON US! Father open our eyes to see and our ears to hear what the Spirit says to us.
@Pootycat8359 Can't respond directly to your comment, so I am posting it here instead. You do know that God states in the Bible, that He would purify His Word seven times? What do you suppose He meant by that? That He would see it worked upon, purified, made more accessible to every part of the world? Too many people attribute too much power to the devil, and don't credit God with enough.
Your doctrinal prejudice shows.. Unitarianism is really a rejection of Christianity and acceptance of contradictory and occult religions . Denying Christ's deity is a rejection of salvation and redemption from sin.
@@rawbrutaltruth You obviously have not studied the history of Christianity something I've done for over 50 years. The so-called primitive Christianity you mention is a mixing of pre-Christian Gnostic occultism with biblical Christianity
@LadyCathryn I'm actually stating this from what is reflected in the Bible. In case you weren't paying attention in the book of Acts you get a clear picture of what was believed by the very first Christians and that includes the apostles, the apostles did not believe in the trinity Jesus did not teach a trinity and the first believers to be converted by apostles do not believe in the trinity. Some notable in the Bible. They were Jewish, they were priests! They were monotheistic! And they did not believe that Jesus was God! This is not a matter of nuance, this is the scripture speaking loudly and clearly through the centuries directly to you and me here and now. So until you can tell me with a certainty that that was not the case from the account in Acts. Your opinion has yet to be proved to be valid, and I dare say it won't be. You have been hoodwinked and deceived, and from all outward appearances you are one of the deceivers. Euro doctrinal degrees from whatever Bible college will not save you, from what the Bible itself is saying....... Good day
@@LadyCathryn you may be studying, the history of the Bible perhaps you should study the Bible itself. There is something you obviously did not get while reading your Bible and often overlooked fact in your Bible that trinitarians just tiptoe past to entertain their favorite erroneous dogma, I never wanted to be a student of the Bible but I was forced to be at an early age. You're 50 years does not impress me, has I'm probably as old as you are or older. I'm just going to give you one hint and then I'm going to let you be. You need to go back and reread the book of Acts,. Facts about the oldest in earliest form of Christianity when you say ☝🏿😂❓ now I and you will have to agree it doesn't get any older than that!!! Your study of the history of Christianity obviously has not done you as much good as maybe a little bible study would have done you in this instance. I'd be happy to repeat that but I know you're dying to know what have you missed. The fact that the first Christians monotheist, 😏 maybe, in my opinion the most primitive Christianity, actually in practice was practiced by those Christians mentioned in that account. No question they were monotheists. No question they were primitive, they were among the first converts. It doesn't get much earlier than that ☝🏿🤔. You have been deceived by your teachers, and if you are a teacher you are among those doing the deceiving. I never wanted to be a scholar of the Bible and I'm not but I have studied it for over 60 years. I have noticed things in the Bible that so-called learned men of the Bible have stumbled over, simply because of inattention. If you feel confident but you know everything that's okay 🆗👍🏿. But I would recommend that you take another look at Acts, cause it will prove you wrong. I'll leave you be since you have your mind made up that you know more than anyone else in the world, but the facts will remain the most primitive Christians were monotheist 😏 and among the first Christian converts mono theistic priest, they were among the first primitive Christians, long before your Roman Catholic Church along with his pagan infused history
I've studied Acts many times It is a transitional book and should not relied on for doctrine. I stand on my reseach of over 50 years Unitarianism is a Satanic cult because it blends mysticism with the Bible. BTW I read books on all sides of an issue and judge by the infallible words of Scripture.
@LadyCathryn you're entitled to your opinion too bad you didn't get my first response since they decided to delete it despite the fact that it did not break any of UA-cam rules about the last thing I can count for that would be religious prejudice. But I'm just going to say this, you have 50 I have 60 years of having examine the Bible. And I'm a practicer of primitive Christianity The kind that came before your Roman Catholic Church, and it's progeny, who is the Roman Catholic roots. Corrupted with paganism.
People with dogmas have crazy arguments. I've heard before someone defend the use of the word "Easter" in Acts 12. The defense was something like "The KJV translators were learned men, they knew that Passover has already passed, hence why they translated it as Easter instead".
Actually easter is disguise for the ancient goddess worship of ISHTAR. eggs at Easter arr representative of fertility as those who worshiped idols like fertility gods....the devil perverts God's holidays, his word his everything. HALLOWEEN is evil ND should. Not be celebrated by children especially nor adults. Christmas is focus on money and material goods which was worship of nimrod and just tlike they offer gits to him on or under. Tree , so did many sacrifice their children to idols and "gods"....think about it!!!!!! ND IF YOU HAVENT NOTICED usually August, Sept October leading up to Halloween (devils nigh) there's usually a world wide troubling thing like year it's chris watts another it's Bryan laundry ...there is some satanic stuff leading up to Halloween...note the patterns of these things and easy to see the evil. But we must be simple concerning evil being wise in Good and God and truth. But we are to be wise of the enemy's tactics with all discernment and prayers 🙏
Easter was a separate pagan holiday celebrated in the Roman Empire during the time. Painting eggs in the blood of child sacrifice for their fertility goddess, doing other pagan rituals. This holiday is rooted back to the Babylonian Ishtar. Note that this is a pagan feast. Jesus' crucifiction was on Passover. John 19:13-14 (KJV) When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King! Note that this is a Jewish feast. Acts 12 talks about Herod the Roman backed king persecuting Peter. Herod's plan was to bring forth Peter to the people after the pagan Roman holiday of Easter, not the Jewish Passover. The Catholic Church just rebranded Easter as a 'Christian' thing when it is actually not. To this very day, the Catholics' Easter do not coincide with the Jewish Passover. These are two separate days being observed. That's just from the difference between Passover and Easter perspective. Next, timeframe. Passover is already long gone by the time we reach Acts 12. Acts 12:3 (KJV) And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) Note Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is being celebrated in that passage. This is: Leviticus 23:4-6 (KJV) These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. Passover, and THEN 7 days of Unleavened Bread. If Herod was waiting to bring forth Peter after Passover, it looks like he could have done it right away. It's already Unleavened Bread. Unless.. there is an entirely different feast celebrated by non-Jews and non-Christians unrelated to Passover that is close enough that happened during or after the Unleavened Bread. Oh look what we have here. Turns out there is this thing called Easter that the pagans in ancient Rome celebrated within that exact timeframe. I hope that our pagan backed Roman puppet king doesn't celebrate it.
Problem is Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread are used interchangeably. I believe Matthew calls the day of Preparation the first day of Unleavened Bread. This is the type of familiar or casual language we use today. For instance, when its December 20 or December 27, people typically say its Christmas, even though Christmas are technically on the 25th. If Matthew calls the day of Preparation the first day of Unleavened Bread, then Luke can use similar language as well. Passover and Unleavened Bread are the same feast. Passover can mean the days of Unleavened Bread. Also, technically speaking, the 14th is the preparation of the passover. The passover technically starts on the 15th and continues for 7 days. That's why the 14th are called the preparation of the passover. There's a parallel between the "unblemished" lamb and the "Unleavened bread". It represents the same thing. Hence Passover and Unleavened Bread are interchangeably. Lastly, the author literally says Passover, not Easter. So if you are arguing that the KJV is correct, then you are mistaken, with all sincerity.
The KJV isn't corrupt, this channel is..........The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why It's a Really Big Deal)
The preface of the translator's are missing in many kjv bibles. They admitted that its not the perfect version. They lauded other previous translations.
One may want to check out Brandon Peterson, who has proved through English numerics that the KJV is indeed God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics:
By God's Word - when the time is near the end of this Church Period, things get WORSE, not better. With all of these so-called scholars and theologians, newer and better translations of The Holy Bible are printed. The Word of God is The Word of God. The overall message in God's Word is that the Adam race is a fallen one. This is TRUTH. The answer to that is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He paid the price for ALL SINS... Just listen to The Apostle Paul, and believe: The Apostle Paul - Mentions the Way of Salvation Paul did not detest the Law of Moses. Paul actually believed in The Law, but did not understand that God was going to bring in the grace. It had to first be a sacrifice - and that sacrifice was Jesus Christ. Paul did not detest The Law but quoted from Moses and explained what Moses could not explain back then, because it wasn't time yet. Moses means "drawn out" - and God used Moses to 'draw out' Israel from Egypt. The Hebrews spent scores of years in Egypt, and it was time to move on. The word 'Church' means "Called Out" - by Christ, the Church was called out of the world to make a people for God. In the epistles written by Paul, especially Romans and Galatians he explained the purpose of the church. In The Law in Deuteronomy 32 - God had Moses teach Joshua and the Children of Israel a song. This song was going to attest what the Children of Israel was going to do, including turning their back on God. But... in the end, God would bring Israel back. In that chapter, the Church was foretold due to Israel's idolatry which caused jealousy from God. For that reason God used a people that were not a people to cause Israel to jealousy. The Apostle Paul explains this in Romans 9, 10, and 11. Acts 13:38,39 38 Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Go to the Catholic books store and get yourself the "Douay-Rhems" bible, because it has a 73 books in it or the" Geneva" bible or the "Tyndale" or Standard bible.
@@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep the fact that the niv removed over 60,000+ words is not a good sign in itself, if you had a document that possibly would weigh the chance of your eternal soul, wouldn't you want the most of the message available? I would
@@Wuggins157 Your question "seems" sincere. I'm 45 years since rebirth. 24 years since baptized in the Holy Spirit, & gifted with discerning of spirits (1 Cor. 12:10 KJV) For me, frankly it's a slam dunk. EVERY time ANYONE quotes ANYTHING that's "supposed to be" on behalf of God's SPIRIT ...But isn't..... Men like myself with this gift.. KNOW IT. "GOD IS SPIRIT" We discern spirits. It's a perfect gift, in we imperfect men Are you aware the KJV is the only bible permitted in America till 1971. I am because I was 12 at the time. Are you are the KJV in the only bible that men don't claim to have inspired of themselves ...evidenced by THEIR copyright claims,!? My advice to all male sincere seekers... BYPASS ALL videos, all podcasts, all sermons, all teachings, all pulpits, all alleged prophets, all theological experts, all textual critics, all denominational dogma . And go to God The Father DIRECTLY, through "the curtain that was wrent from top to bottom" .... The curtain which sppatated all men from mertingsuth The Holy One directly ... the curtain ,(division) that only the high pries, once a yeart could enter to meet God directly. until Christ made the way for US ALL... Ask Him DIRECTLY, if the KJV really is inspired by him! God says if YOU seek Him you WILL find Him, WHEN...WHEN YOU (personally seek Him with your WHOLE heart"
Very informative. A lot of stress on the Alexandrian family, which is the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus: which of course was preserved by the Popes. Maybe that says enough about that. It does not appear that any translation is perfect but KJV does have advantages over many modern translations. The Geneva 1560 is a even better one in my opinion.
Hello! What do you think about the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible? do you have experience with it? if so what version would you say is the best, 1560 or 1599? Thanks! Jamie.
Yes, and the Alexandrian family, so few and dubious as it is is quite leavened. Thee KJV has the HS in the very text, study it and see for self. Look at Isaiah 53:8 compare KJV to several other modern versions note contradictory translations. Look up too FROM & PRISON note how Hebrew words here have been translated elsewhere in OT as THROUGH & OPPRESSION; and what does taken from judgment mean- look up Acts 8:33 KJV here compare leavened versions here too. Consider Proverbs 25:2 here carefully, what does He glory in doing?
@@Obediah002Since when was the KJV the standard? Where is the scripture that supports the KJV only teaching? Why would any honest Bible student compare modern translations to the KJV? Would that not be falling for the double standards and lies of the KJV only cult?
"Preserved"??? More hidden and rewritten. If that Vaticanus and Sinaiticus was the "preserved" Word of God: Why don't they agree with each other? One would think if both came from Alexandria (which was gnostic in the region), they wouldn't have all those errors and some see that is was tried to be copied over. Even scholars have no idea the possible origin of the Codex Vaticanus. Why did God allow it to be hidden for so long? That is saying God has mislead Christians for over 1000 years. As far as the one I have been ability to study with the Holy Spirit's leading, KJV by far.
I like Mark Ward, who volunteered with a bunch of others, and made a website, comparing the textus receptus and critical text versions of the Bible, parallel right next to each other, verse by verse. And then found that both versions say basically the same thing and were surprised by how little the differences were.
@@johnpearce3714 Ya might want to compare 1 John 3:9 in the amplified spin. "No one who is born of God (deliberately, knowingly, and habitually) practices sin" 1 John 3:9 KJV Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. So, you honestly don't see any difference there? Do you want a Jesus that keeps you from "committing rape", for example, or from "habitually practicing rape"? Do You want your friends to have the Jesus of the KJV that keeps them from EVER committing adultery with YOUR wife.... Or the jesus of the amplified, that keeps them from (knowingly willingly habitually practicing) committing adultery with YOUR wife? How about a Jesus of the KJV, that keeps men from ever committing murder,...or The jesus of the amplified, that keeps men from (knowingly, willingly, habitually, practicing the SIN of murdering YOUR closest family & friends.
God is perfect, which means his word is perfect. His words have made it to humans, and we have written them down. If his words are perfect, there will be a perfect bible. KJV is currently closest to God's perfect word. There is a multitude of comparison examples that show the modern bibles to have blasphemy and heresy. Satan literally created a "New" KJV that is not a direct translation and tries to steer people away from true salvation. Your salvation IS your translation! Look up, Pastor Gene Kim, and thank me later. ❤
Truly this contested subject should have ended long, long ago. Instead the debate endures when the answer to it was declared long, long ago. Think about it !! In just about all of our ecclesiastical doctrinal statement's - ( Church manual's ) - the concept of inerrancy of the "Scripture" is addressed. This statement is declared something to this effect. " We believe the original "manuscripts" were inerrant in their conception." The corresponding action to this in our time presents itself as no less a task. This is not to say perverted or corrupted translation's do not exist, and such a mind set in this hour seems popular and tempting as marketing exists today. Yet, thankfully "God" has declared that "HIS" Word" will forever be preserved eternally. So it is my contention that the mature among the "Body of Christ" be accountable here. We have been given a sound mind and mouth to counsel concerning this. It is us that has been charged with the responsibility of discipleship. Experience and reasoning with one another will go along way in settling this "hodge-podge" issue, remember a contentious spirit remains where it is at. With "God'' maintaining "HIS" Word, and with a rating of around 98 percent agreement between the "Text's," we should have be less saber rattling and truly be more grateful for what we have. We are so blessed as many of our believing family member's around the world are fortunate to own 1 page of "Holy Writing." We must never forget this "spirit-realm- reality. "Grace is "Gods ability and willingness to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Therefore grace never leaves us where it found us."
If you take the KJV and compare the verses in other bibles yourself, I believe you will agree with the KJV. I did just that and find the other bibles, especially that use the “Critical text” try to eliminate the “blood of Christ”, Christ’s deity, and many other things. It is not that hard to compare with the tools available.
KJV is good, but not perfect. More than once Young's Literal Translation, which is also from the Textus Receptus, is clearer in presenting the deity of Christ. See below. 2 Thessalonians 1:12 YLT- that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. KJV- That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. KJV adds "the", separated "our God" from "Lord Jesus Christ". Titus 2:13 YLT- waiting for the blessed hope and manifestation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, KJV- Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ KJV is unclear, but Young's is unmistakable: Jeus is here called "great God". 2 Peter 1:1 YLT- Simeon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who did obtain a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ KJV- Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Once again, Young's is clear, but KJV is clouding a clear sound-off for the deity of Jesus. Christ is here called "our God and Saviour". Jude 4 YLT- for there did come in unobserved certain men, long ago having been written beforehand to this judgment, impious, the grace of our God perverting to lasciviousness, and our only Master, God, and Lord -- Jesus Christ -- denying KJV- For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ Young's, for a fourth time, rightly translated the passage so as the reflect the Godhood of our Lord Jesus. KJV is obsolete. If ya have to have the TR, that's ok. But there's better out there than KJV.
I respect the angle and approach you had at this. Though I disagree with you. It's obvious that your goal was to assure Christ was given credit for his divinity, which is paramount.
Most translations are corrupt. A good Hebrew/Chaldea/Greek lexicon will do wonders when you read the context of the passages understanding the Bible interprets itself.
Why would God's words need purified? By this logic no one before the KJV would have had a purified Bible. That's just inconsistent with the idea of preservation.
@@gsgidneyso by your interpretation of this verse you believe the original manuscripts given by God had some impurity in it that had to be removed like dross? Wouldn't that go against the passage that condemns adding or removing anything from scripture? And how would a holy and uncorrupt God give something that was not pure in it's original state? Seems inconsistent with His nature
And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites: Deut 17:18 (KJV) Name one English Bible. Name one Hebrew Bible. That has what the Levites had in the Old and New Testament. That is copied by a King as The Almighty God COMMANDS in the Scriptures? The Levites didn't have the (LXX) Greek Septuagint. So Every Last Revised Version Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD. No Revised Version Bible is copied by a King. This also makes every Revised Version Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD. The 1539 A.D. Great Bible is Copied by a King (Henry VIII) but the Hebrew translation is incomplete using the Latin Vulgate for most of the Old Testament which comes from the (LXX) Greek Septuagint. So the Great Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD. The Geneva Bible is not copied by a King. So the Geneva Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD. The Hebrew Mikraot Gedolot is exactly what the Levites had copied by Kings. However, there is no NEW TESTAMENT Mikraot Gedolot. The only Preservation of the "Book of the LORD" (Isaiah 34:16) that FULFILLS THE COMMAND OF GOD with the scriptures the Levites had in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 17:18) and the scriptures the Levites had in the New Testament (Acts 4:36; Acts 6:7; Acts 13:1, 2, 49) is THE HOLY BIBLE AUTHORIZED BY KING JAMES copied by a King with the scriptures that the LEVITES had. God never commanded that you have the oldest most reliable manuscripts which is a Revised Version Vatican Protestant version bible lie. God never commanded that you have a translation that is easier to read in modern language that's a failed argument to (Mark 9:31, 32) God never command that it's ok to have a flawed bible like all these Revised Versions are because no one has the original manuscripts. God never told anybody you would have the original manuscripts. God commanded that mankind have what the Levites had copied by a King, which the HOLY BIBLE AUTHORIZED BY KING JAMES IS. The maker of this video does err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL - Mark 1:15
@Christopher Sparkes Brother The Lord JESUS CHRIST hates opposition to the truth so bad he calls it a lie. So let's see who can tell the Truth. Name a Revised Bible that has every jot and tittle of the Holy Scriptures that the Levites the priest had. You can't. Name a single Revised Version Bible to that was copied by a king. There are none. Thats's corruption. Changing words - Matthew 6:19 (Vermin). Taking out words - Ephesians 3:9 (by Jesus Christ). Adding words - 2 Samuel 21:8 (Merab) Contradicting Holy Scripture - Mark 1:2 (As written in the prophet Isaiah I will send my messenger...) That ain't written in Isaiah that's written in Malachi 3:1 We you got a weak argument because you ain't been studying. A 4th grader can see those Revised Version Bible lies. That ain't got nothing to do with Theology. Stop it. You sounding like the rest of those unregenerated, uncircumcised in heart and ears resistors of the holy ghost who won't submit to God or the truth So let me help you out. In the English tongue (Isaiah 28:11) The only preservation of the Book of the Lord (Isaiah 34:16) that has every jot and tittle that the Levite priest had that was copied by a king (Deuteronomy 17:18) Stand on that TRUTH. Learn your Holy Bible. Judgment day is coming (Hebrews 9:27) Stop messing around.
@@allwillberevealed777 You got no proof. And the Proof that exists makes you a LIAR. The Hebrew that the Levites had was written in 1406 B.C. in the Moab Desert (Deuteronomy 29:1), which has been copied for 3,430 years (count year "0" as 1 year). In 1717, the first Grand Lodge, an association of lodges, was founded in England, and Freemasonry was soon disseminated throughout the British Empire. The first American Mason lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1730, and future revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin was a founding member. So let's see if you graduate the public school system and can count. 1406 B.C. to 1717 A.D. makes the Holy Scriptures that are copied in the Authorized Holy Bible in the English tongue 3,130 years (you count year "0" as one year) BEFORE YOUR FREEMASON DOGS. 1406 B.C. to 1730 A.D. make the Holy Scriptures that are copied in the Authorized Holy Bible in the English tongue 3,137 years (you count year "0" as one year) BEFORE YOUR USELESS FREEMASON SWINE. We don't give that which is Holy unto the Dogs or those Swine. That ain't got the scriptures in their hearts or minds. They are adulterers and Devil Worshippers. THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST. You need to stop repeating folks that don't know what they are talking about because it makes you look STUPID. And nobody can be THAT STUPID. Repent and Believe the Gospel. - Acts 2:38
This video is poorly researched and produced. It has a lot of bias and factual errors, and it omits a lot of facts. For instance, every single copy of Mark in Greek that had chapter 16 has verses 9-20 except Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. The former was set to be burned to heat the mess hall of a monastery and the latter sat rejected and unused on a Vatican shelf until the latter part is the 19th Century. The Reformers were are of such variants and yet they held with the traditional text. But modern textual criticism…
They persecute the KJB; just like they did Jesus. That alone brought me to understanding the Truth. That our Lord Jesus, the King of Kings, was, is, and is to come. Be prepared; Repent and Believe. #kjb #is uncorruptable.
@@henrylaurel1188 Not quite. However amusing this anti-kjb cult is; you have to feel sorry for how easily they are manipulated by the world and how weak and fearful they are not to question the lies told about the KJB. I pray for you , my weak minded and easily frightened little friend. One day you will gain the strength and courage to read the KJB for yourself.
@@henrylaurel1188 What makes you too weak minded and afraid to read the KJB for yourself?? I pray for you, my weak minded and easily frightened little friend. That you gain the strength and courage to read the KJB for yourself.
Add the right side numbers together in Deuteronomy 8:3 + Matthew 4:4 + Luke 4:4 (3+4+4=11). Add the left side numbers together (8+4+4=16) - (16:11). These 3 bible verses say that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Beware of the leaven in the 1769 Blayney KJV, NKJV, NIV, ESV, NASB, AMPLIFIED, LIVING, NWT (Jehovah Witness), DOUAY RHEIMS (Catholic), and many more perVersions of God’s word. GOD preserved his holy word in the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible in the English tongue (language). Psalm 12:6-7, Proverbs 30:5-6. Look 👀 at Isaiah 14:12 in the KJB. It uses question marks.❓ The Standard KJV uses exclamation marks ❗️. Things that are different are NOT the same.
Would a gay tyrant support Romans 1:16-32 KJV? No! It's more satanic propaganda to discredit the real Bible, which exposes them for who they REALLY are.
No one is rude about God. People are only blaming the translators because they are not inspired. There are flaws in the translation, which has nothing to do with God. The scripture never say the translators were inspired. Moreover, there should never be so many different versions. It creates confusion because some versions give a different message. I have proven it.
18:15 - "A number of verses in the King James Version of the New Testament are not found in modern Bible translations."
This clown laments about alleged Trinitarian bias in the KJV, and then points to the modern versions - the modern *Codex VATICANUS* versions - as superior.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 The modern Catholic versions are the pro-Trinitarian corruptions. Not the KJV.
*JOHN 3:13 (KJV)* And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man **which is in heaven.**
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "which is in heaven". Why? Because if "the Second Person of the Trinity" is simultaneously on earth _AND in heaven_ - where he is presumably omnipotent - then there is no need whatsoever for another redundantly omnipotent God person in heaven, let alone TWO other redundantly omnipotent God PERSONS in heaven.
*JOHN 4:23-24 (KJV)* [23] But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. [24] **God is a Spirit:** and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions change "God is **a** Spirit" to "God is Spirit". Why? Because "God" is clearly "God the Father" here...and if God the Father - aka, "the First Person of the Trinity" - is **a** Spirit, then all the sudden Trinitarians are exposed as being worshippers of _multiple_ Spirits...because certainly "the THIRD Person of the Trinity" is **a** Spirit (who is _distinct_ from the First Person). So **"a"** gets removed and "Spirit" in "God is Spirit" conveniently becomes a qualitative noun - meaning, "Spirit" is just a quality shared by three distinct, coequal God persons.
*DANIEL 7:9 (KJV)* I beheld till the thrones were **cast down,** and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "cast down" and replace with its _opposite_ "set up" (NASB, NET, AMP, etc) or "set in place" (NIV, NRSV, CSB, etc) or "placed" (ESV, RSV, ASV, etc) or "put in place" (NKJV, NLT, GNT, etc). Why? Because multiple thrones being "set up" facilitates the "heavenly council" nonsense, where additional heavenly thrones are presumably occupied by "the Second Person" and "the Third Person" among others. In the _true_ English-language bible, the thrones are "cast down" because they're the thrones of the four BEASTS (which are four KINGS, v.17), not heavenly thrones.
*1 TIMOTHY 3:16 (KJV)* And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: **GOD** was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "GOD" and replace with plain ol' "He". Why? Because there is only "one GOD, the FATHER" (1 Cor.8:6) - aka, "the First Person of the Trinity"......and if "the First Person of the Trinity" was "manifest in the flesh", then you can stick a fork in Trinitarianism.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 This man have his statement of faith on the info of his channel. That would be helpfull to understand him. "Bible truth reveals: Jesus Christ the Son of God IS THE INVISIBLE FATHER who - without leaving heaven - came down from heaven and manifested himself as a genuine flesh-and-blood man. " I think that should clarify what and why he is saying what he is saying. I would just add that I disagree with that statement of his. I think he is right in one thing. KJV supports very confused Jesus is God opinion and not a concise theological position of any kind. So if you are a Jesus is God and you are in majority in America (like 99% Americans think so and have no idea about the Trinity and still call themselves Trinitarians being basicly a Modalists like this guy) but still want to be viewed in your mind as minority - join the KJV. You will still be in majority but that conspiracy theory vibes would make you satisfied. This or join the rapture cult. You will feel like people say that is ridiculous and you could feel like a minority yet being the majority. I think that both of those are so psychologicly satisfying that they had to be devised by some psy-op specialists.
@@narrowpathofthetruth _>>> " could feel like a minority yet being the majority."_
*TRINITARIANISM:* The Father compelled his personally distinct, "eternally begotten" Son to suffer and die _against that personally distinct Son's own will_ ("NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done"). Child sacrifice.
*"Biblical" UNITARIANISM:* The Father compelled his personally distinct, "human only" Son to suffer and die _against that personally distinct Son's own will_ ("NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done"). Child sacrifice.
@@euston2216 That is the first time ever a try to make BU into majority. Nice tru tho. Jesus have sacrificed himself by doing God's will. I think that is not what someone think of a child sacrifice but.... whatever.
Here's the difference between Daniel 11,43 43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.KJV 43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt, and of the Libyans, and of the black Mores where he shall pass.Geneva Bible Can you see the difference?
king James is in hell? Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book
But check into Brandon Peterson's work, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World.
@@NassiveMutts Nope, that's a conclusory statement without evidence in support; you have to prove that. You said you had seen Brandon's work, did you see all of it with understanding? i did many years of research with Greek and Hebrew numerics, and only KJV has discernable patterns; NONE of the other versions do, not even NKJV. And Brandon, through the insights given to him, was able to show for this generation God's seal of approval of the true Word of God in English, and not the word of Satan attempting to diminish the effectiveness of God's ordained word of truth and He did it with English this time. Under the Rules of evidence, a conclusory statement without supporting evidence is no evidence at all. Can you cite any works that have those patterns in Hebrew, Greek, and English languages like the KJV has with overwhelming proof that is undisputed? Proof matters, not opinions. Peace be with you ...
All these modern new age bible scholars , whom many put their faith and trust in add and subtract from scripture. People put their faith and trust in man , not GOD.
Jesus Christ is latin which was a red flag for me and the fact this is the most well respected version which is also a red flag because nothing in this world is truth! They will never promote what's real and sacred
@@duncanrutherford2467 Back in the day the letter J wasn't in the hebrew alphabet. When they started to translate the bibles is when they added the letter J .Yahova,YESHUA is the actual name .Jesus comes from the pagan religion
The term latin in koine Greek adds up to 666. The term tradition in Greek also adds up to 666. Such coincidences have meaning when papal Rome is recognized in Rev.17.
Integrity syndicate ? - In the 15th Century the Geneva format was still in the throws of establishing top left and right english in order to properly navigate the Saintly Clause secret of the " I AM that ( which ) i am ". In the beginning was the verbatim of God, but up through the line of David to the Aaronic Levitical Tribe, the Christ wouldn't take the lower case " t " for the supplication of Simon to preserve the homonym clause until he wed Lady Wisdom at age 33. Martin Luther was the Catalyst for the deaf, dumb, and blind and those fully facilitated with all their senses. But the miracle of prophecy came from the deaf, dumb, and blind cathartic to statues, stained glass, crucifix, and Rosary props that the priests passed the plate and missed the grail on as far as understanding spiritual and physical things and how object should not take precedence over Holy predicated subject. In other words, we can't sell material things to attract a congregation for money, to save our soul...we have to take up our cross, and sell Jesus in ourselves. The name of the Lord is a strong tower:....................................................
KJV itself was revised in 1769. Even though there maybe 20 different Modern versions available today, 50 percent of Bible buyers STILL purchase the KJV. If it ain't broke..........
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics:
@@sanalouis2620 Agreed. (Revelation 22:18-19) "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: {19} And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
One thing that has always stood out to me is how could a man of God ever put his name first on Gods Holy Bible? Think on that Kjv only peeps. Its King Jesus Bible!
All translations have shortcomings. For instance, in Mt.16:18, all translators mistranslate the preposition, epi, as "on," when it is in the dative case and should be rendered as "with." The same construct (dative/indirect object) appears in Mt. 18:26, where it is correctly translated as "with." We have so many Bible teachers today, but few scholars; and, as Paul exhorted the Corinthians, we even fewer "fathers," meaning few that effectively evangelize.
You're saying that every biblical Greek scholar is dumber than a first year student. What is the _real_ reason they translated it that way? It has to be something other than being unable to see a dative case
@@muskyoxes Your skepticism is quite understandable. But such anomalies are not rare, according to Professor Maurice Robinsin, editor of the Brown-Briggs-Driver Hebrew Lexicon, a professor of mine that pointed out no less than 15% of errors in the NIV. "Put not your faith in men," says God in Holy Writ. So I encourage you to invest in an interlinear Greek-English NT. The literal translation by Dr. Alfred Marshall is one of the better publications. In it, the literal translation of the original text appears in English. And if you have enough intellectual curiosity, you will add the Analytical Greek New Testament by Friberg and Friberg, wherein the grammatical construct of each term in the Bible is identified. Thus, you can bypass much of the filtering, rather than depend on well-meaning but so oft bias of fallible men. Translations vary, but not the NT Greek text books, which ALL teach that the dative case (indirect object of the verb) is never translated as "on." I think because epi appears in the genitive case almost always that translators over looked the dative. Perhaps they got it right in Mt.18:26 is because the preposition is contracted, which caught their eye. I myself had been guilty of the same error...until I was teaching a class on Greek prepositions and chanced upon Mt.16:18. If you truly wish to know the truth, you will research the matter further, without which a cloud of doubt will always remain. If I can be of any help, I will do my best for you.
@@TheBinaryWolf I didn't barge in here because i know anything, but because your comment sounded to me like "the entire community flunked a first year grammar question", which is a very different claim than "people make mistakes". After vague searching, this does not seem like a basic issue. I can see reams of definitions for ἐπὶ linked from an online interlinear, even just in their dative section. And i see a suggestion that case distinctions for ἐπὶ started getting blurred after the classical period. And i see "ἐπὶ + dative => 'locative' dative => point in space or time at which the predication is offered" which doesn't sound like either "on" or "with" to me.
@@muskyoxes Until you are fluent in an inflected language, the issue at hand will remain a mystery to you. It is no accident that God chose Greek to convey His truth to all other languages. It is by far the most expressive, with a unique perfect and aorist tense, middle voice snd syntax that communicstes as much meaning and the words. Those who are ignorant of the latter are destined to mistranslate the repographs, evidenced by so many lame "translations." As I mentioned, the dative epi in Mt.16:18 should be rendered as it is in the identical construct of Mt.18:26. But I think the bridge between us is too great; for I am persuaded that even if the apostle Matthew appeared to you with the same exposition, you would still hold on to the dative as a genitive.
@@TheBinaryWolf You don't seem to know there's a gigantic difference between "the entire expert community is wrong" and "the entire expert community is trivially wrong"
WOW!!! I was wondering if you actually listened to the video???? I am thinking not!!!! It completely undermines and brings into question the reliability, accuracy and usefulness of the KJV!! But yeah go ahead and keep right on thinking and believing what is not true.. it is an epidemic in today’s world!
Septuagint LXX is the oldest used around 500 bce - 300 ce (even Jesus used to quote from it) KJV comes from Masoretic texts, 850 ce, which was corrupted by roman pagans.
@@pakaliccyber7433 The Masoretic is in the original Hebrew. The Septuagint would make your Bible a translation of a translation, which makes your Bible useless.
You can use a British accent because it's been proven Americans feel it has authority, but this will still be VERY incorrect. Even older bibles use all these terms and scriptures this guy says the KJV "added". Bounce the KJV off the Geneva and 1500 versions you'll find it's very very close. Just some stuff changed because it didn't suit the king and catholics
Such an old argument....what does it matter....all religion is used for three purposes... 1. maintain control over the minds and actions of the people. 2. Maintain the income of those in power. 3. Maintain total power over the population.
You are not saved by having a certain Bible translation on your lap, you’re saved by trusting the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for your sins.
Sadly you do not know the power of the word.
Amen @ishiftfocus1769
A man of commonsense which is becoming rare in these days. I have read the KJV and Geneva bible and the NKJV and NASB and Living bible and l prefer the latter translations.
No, you are saved by regeneration. Being born again.
If it's an inaccurate translation like niv then yeah a bad context can be detrimental
When i came to life in Jesus, the Holy Spirit in His Loving way took me stright to the KJV and i personally believe that the KJV is the Absolute Truth, different from all the corrupt new age bibles where they took out and changed hundreds of verses, one example is ( 1 JOHN 5;7-8 ) and the KJV is preserved from this Generation Forever. Thank God for the KJV
Kjv is corrupted. He was a homosexual and pedo. Read Luke 17:34 2 men in the bed??
yikes. let God be true but every man a liar
All the modern versions are based on the work of men who God says are an abomination to Him.
So when you get to where you want the real Word of God, you'll have to lay down your prejudice and pick up a KJV Bible. That's the only one we have easily available in the english language that hasn't been corrupted.
I left as soon as I heard a robot speaking.
The KJV has been around for over 400 years and has led many to a saving knowledge of the truth about Jesus Christ. Look at these modern versions and also look at the state of Christendom now. What's corrupt?
Thank you Jesus, this integrity syndicate, just confirmed for the thousands time, how precious my King James Bible is. Thank you, my LORD and SAVIOR. All hail KING JESUS. AMEN
Ever heard of the Jesuits?
Another KJV idol worshipper. KJV has mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed.
Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values.
It's no better than any other translation.
Coward Jesuit working for the papacy. The KJV and the Tyndale bibles are excellent. We have the Dead Sea scrolls too. What a terrible and blasphemous video. I see that there are 795 deceived people that hit like.
The KJB is still the best translation ever written.
According to you?
You haven't compared these new age modern Bibles against the kj Holy Bible is the pure and perfect word, which GOD has purified and preserved just like He said. Hey GOD holds His word above His name. @@sidgar1
Never heard of the KJB, I've heard of the KGB😂😂😂
The devil sure hates the KJV. But thanks to God, His Word is preserved.
1560 Geneva Bible solos 🥱😂
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World.
@@JudeOne3Four The KJV Bible lets us know that your response is rude and of the devil.
The devil always attacks the truth through his puppets on a string.
The devil uses the KJV only cult to attack the truth.
@@henrylaurel1188 I'm certainly not going to read modern fake New Age Bibles, it's not just the KJV 1611 good Bible, but all of them that are translated from the same Texas Receptus accepted source
@@henrylaurel1188the “King James Only Cult” are simply Bible BELIEVERS who believe God kept His word to preserve His Scriptures. You can trust the “scholars” if you want, I’ll stick with God.
@@AVKingJamesBibleSo you are trusting the scholars who translated the KJV? I thought you were sticking with God.
@@SamLawrence-p1o I urge you to look into the KJV issue. If you honestly research the issue you will come to agree with me. The evidence in favor of the King James as God’s preserved Bible is OVERWHELMING!
KjV isnt corrupt. Check channel Truth is Christ. Its beyond mind, how many mathematical coincidences is in this Bible. Guess what, in others there is not like this. KJV is pure Word of God. 100 real, every Word there is Truth.
Another KJV idol worshipper. KJV is not "pure", it has mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed.
Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values.
How can 100% be true if it can easily be demonstrated to have flaws in translation? LOL!
Mathematically perfect also
Thank God for William Tyndale,
Do you speak Hebrew and Koine Greek? Do you not think Lancelot Andrews and the other scholars didn’t know these and other languages? May The Lord open your eyes sir! Bill. Uk
The article does underestimate the linguistic expertise of the Authorised Version translators.
Interesting how the Bible, the KJV, which proves all men are corrupt and sinners, is now itself being judged by corrupt men. Just another evidence of the sinful pride of men.
"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Romans 1:21-25 (KJV)
That passage is in every translation (at least the most popular ones). KJV isn't better than any other version. It's just worded archaically and people like you have a nostalgia for it. Purely psychological. If you need a placebo in the form of one specific version to believe, how much faith do you really actually have?
Did you know that king James was buried between his two, male lovers? What does the scripture teach about sodomites? Are they reprobates?
So you put your faith in a book that has been “authorized” by a reprobate king, who, according to scripture will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Does that make you feel like a fool now?
I know you won’t look it up, because you need your safe, little bubble to feel contented in.
Go ahead and keep spouting off, this will be evidence used “in your favor?” on the day of judgment. Your a witness against yourself!
Can there any good thing come out of Laodicea?
this commentator is one of the Anti Christ
jesus son of pantera . BTW
Niv nlt has 68 scriptures missing and so other new translation why do you think that the king James Is corrupted if its still the best selling bible in the whole world
LISTEN, and listen good : when you say the KJV is corrupt, you say Jesus is corrupt. They two are one and an attack on one is an attack on the other. You will answer to the Lord Almighty for this wicked, foul “channel”.
What a load of b*ll*cks !! The main differences between Anglican and Catholic versions are CofE has 66 books, the RC has 73 books. Furthermore the RC version deletes the second commandment given to Moses in Exodus 20 not to make a graven image and bow to it. The KJV is widely considered the most accurate translation and many churches even today are KJV only. Whilst the New Testament is largely Greek, Christian scripture had undergone four language changes before Tyndale put it in English. Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered @ 1930/40s were compared to the KJV and NO MATERIAL DIFFERENCE WAS FOUND. That is good enough for me as the Dead Sea Scrolls date from the first century AD. In this manner the KJV meets textual criticism contrary to this video. The fact the CofE version has no Apocrypha is fine by me. I am not Catholic. The lack of notes, compared to the Geneva bible is, contrary to this video, a good thing. I want scripture and only scripture. I don't want some man's notes on how to read it thank you ! The video makes a false assumption that modern translations omit text due to corruption, yet as man falls into the abyss it is more likely that the new translations are the corruptions ! Whilst I find more modern translations easier to read based on purely language considerations, if I want to check actual wording, I always default to my trusted KJV and I would not be without it.
The KJV and Geneva translations are the best English translated bibles in existence. The Alexandrian manuscripts, however, are corrupted.
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics, not even Geneva: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World. God's hand was on the KJV, no doubt.
How are the Alexandrian manuscripts corrupted? Sweeping statement with no evidence. The usual lies of the KJV only cult.
Can you prove that statement?
@@TexasHoosier3118the siniaticus claims to be over 1000 years old but as one noted scholar remarked- its appearance looked too pristine. There are many references in older church father wtitings which show the Textus Receptus version includes many if not all of the omitted passages in Akexandrian and Siniaticus. Ergo Alexandrian texts have been proven to be corrupted
Satan hates the King James too. Be careful the company you keep.
This channel should be renamed Wescott , Hort and Metzger Garbage Hour
They are not corrupt. Thank you. Your choice to reject it. Not my fault
Excellent. Except that the critical texts are not oldest or best manuscripts.
It's King James authorized. Not King James supervised.
So long story short, the Geneva Bible help you out in understanding the Scriptures which went against king James agenda so they rejected the Geneva Bible, and translated the king James, the way that they thought it should be translated based on their agenda in their thoughts and opinions
compare the two bible
You're trying to sell the people the other one because it's from the Catholic Virgin and not the two testament that God wants us to read The Catholic there's no such thing as Portuguese and drunk like that trust the King James it's the only Bible that God wants us to have for now he authorized it and that's good bless you in Jesus name Amen 🙏💖🙏
It's changed to fit modern English. Compare the two. It wasn't changed as is claimed.
In my last video I show that the King James ruins the prophecy of Daniel chapter 8 because verse 26 has evening and morning in the definite article in the Hebrew and it's also singular. And it's the same in the King James. But this creates a problem because where was the prophecy of the single evening and the single morning and the entire chapter?
The Geneva Bible actually gets it much closer
Notice that the kjv is always attacked, but the other versions are ok the devil only attacks the true word because he is the one who put up the other translations
I do not believe the KJV nor the Geneva Bible are corrupt. Both camps who favor one or the other make these accusations. I realize that the KJV was mandated by James for political reasons because he hated the Geneva Bible because of its commentary notes. Both of them are from the TR and somewhat similar, so accusing both translations as being corrupt is ridiculous.
The king James bible and Geneva bible is not just corrupt but also misleading,as a matter of fact the original scriptures were just that scriptures not Latin biblica.These bibles are loaded with pagan words and they do not contain the true Aramaic- Hebrew names of the father and son, but instead is replaced with pagan name jesus-hail zeus, pagan titles Lord-baal and God-Lucifer,history is there for all and you can google some of what I have typed here for yourself,these biblias- Latin were written for Christians Catholics but humanity due to lack of studying the word sctiptures or searching for truth majority followed after Constantine's made up Christian religion and study's from those biblias Latin, instead of the original Aramaic Hebrew version which contains the original writings of the quodeshims (holy ones).This is why only a remnant will be saved, because it only a remnant that will know the truth and be set free from that truth.
The KJV and Geneva translations are the best English translated bibles in existence. The Alexandrian manuscripts, however, are corrupted.
@@PETERJOHN101 Nothing personal brother. I respectfully disagree. The Alexandrian manuscripts being corrupt is old accusations by King James or TR onlyists. There is no proof to back those accusations up not when they agree with the TR and Majority Text 94 to 98.5 percent of the time. And where there are textual variants between all three, it changes no doctrine at all.
I have discussed the issue with bible translators and looked carefully at the evidence. The Majority Text agrees better with early Church writings. The Coptic derived Alexandrian codices, once believed to be older, are in fact of a later origin. The Byzantine manuscript also appears to be free of Gnostic influences common to early Egyptian culture.
@@PETERJOHN101 the King James is not from the Majority Text. Its from the Received Text. The Majority and Received Texts are different. There are in fact about 800 differences between the Received Text and the Majority Text. The KJV, NKJV and Geneva are Received Text translations. They are not Majority Text. The things you said about the Alexandrian manuscripts are not factual but King James only misinformation that has been parroted for many years that has already been debunked.
I don’t think the King James Bible is corrupted, though he was displeased reading the notes of the Geneva Bible. He authorized a translation of the holy Bible from the original tongues and he compared former translations along with the 1560 Geneva version
I was amazed at the Geneva bible being the first study bible. It wasn't until 1901, I think, when Schofield did a study bible. I need to rewatch the video where I saw this.
The king James did not like the Geneva calling out tyrants are not of God.
Schofield bibles were a vessel for Satan.
Geneva also has original texts unlike the freemason king James who changed the word of God and moving the scriptures around using numbers.... SATANIC.
Not corrupted, it is like comparing the 4 gospels and claiming all but one is corrupted. I trust the KJV above all else and do not like the blue letter version of the Geneva Bible in Revelation verse 6 : 2 the footnotes of the blue letter Geneva bible state the first white horse rider is Christ but it is not it is the anti christ, and fits in with the 3 others.
@@marlenachetwynd2925 This is not correct, The White Horse rider is mentioned again later in Revelations 19:11-21, it is explicitly Christ. Even in the KJV this is not different.
Douay Rheims Bible(Catholic - Latin Vulgate)
*The Rider on a White Horse*
Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened: and behold a *white horse*. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true: and with justice doth he judge and fight.
Rev 19:12 And his eyes were as a flame of fire: and on his head were many diadems. And he had a name written, which no man knoweth but himself.
Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a garment sprinkled with blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD.
Rev 19:14 And the armies that are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty.
Rev 19:16 *And he hath on his garment and on his thigh written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS*.
*Note:* If you know anything about ancient Greek, which is what is being sourced as the language here, this is a form of statutory, in that Christ is liked unto a statue, a created being, and his maker, God, is the author, marking his name on his creation.
Rev 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun: and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that did fly through the midst of heaven: Come, gather yourselves together to the great supper of God:
Rev 19:18 That you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of tribunes and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them: and the flesh of all freemen and bondmen and of little and of great.
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse and with his army.
Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with brimstone.
Rev 19:21 And the rest were slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh.
KJV is not "corrupt", but it does have mistakes and mistranslations. For example, "unicorns" are only mentioned in the King James Version due to a roughly 2,200-year-old mistranslation originating in the Greek Septuagint. It was based on the understanding of Hebrew they had at the time, which was flawed.
Another mistranslation is found in "our conversation is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20), often considered a mistranslation because the word "conversation" in this context does not mean "talking" but rather refers to "citizenship" or "manner of life," essentially meaning that Christians' true home and focus should be on heavenly things, not earthly ones; so, it's not about literally having conversations in heaven, but rather living a life aligned with heavenly values.
It's just one of many translations and is less accurate than later translations due to advances in our understanding of Hebrew and new manuscripts discovered since 1611. Should we abandon cars and go back to the technology of 1611 as well?
Lol it says 666 after the name. That def says a lot. So it's easy for people today to make accusations about something that took place 500 years ago however this is all based on pride and agendas. Know that no version of the Bible has taken this much depth into giving you the best interpretation of the Bible in all history before 1611 or since. Every page had to be agreed upon by over thirty other men that new every language they used to interpret from. Not just Hebrew and Greek. Know that the king had nothing to do with the interpretation aside from bringing the men and transcripts together. Also note the reason was because of the tyrant religion that still exists today but that back then had a strangle hold on the ignorance of the people as they did not have a Bible in thier own language that was well written. The KJV is the only version that puts words in italics so that the reader knows they put those words in to help you understand what's being said more easily. Also the KJV is the only current version not under copyright and in the KJV Bibles you will have letters from the interpreters as well as from the kind himself all stating that the reason they wrote the Bible in English, despite massive oppositions and threats, was so that we the people could know the truth. Don't fall for the lies. God is all powerful all knowing and all present so it is literally impossible for truth not to exist in the world.
ai voices are corrupt lol
Translation is corrupted but not the what is the correct translation?how about the hebrew scriptures?
Depends on which manuscript you are looking at. If your Bible goes back to Alexandria you have a corrupt Bible. The KJV stands alone as one that goes back to Antioch
That’s what I’m gathering and what God is exposing to me based on .prayer for truth etc. in deep research.
Alexandria where the deity of Christ and the doctrine of trinity was defended. Antioch Arianism was taught. Denying the deity of Christ. Saying he was a created being, like the Jehovah Witnesses
@@henrylaurel1188 so says the Catholic church which my spiritual ancestors were never a part of
@@henrylaurel1188 yeah said by the Catholic Church. Let that sink in
KJV is my absolute. 😊
A LOT of people have gotten converted over the years using the King James Version Bible. The authors of this video are "oneness" "Jesus Only" people, but if there is no Trinity why did Jesus Christ pray to His Father on several occasions?
A lot of people have also went to hell because false teachers, preachers dont know how to rightly divide scripture, and lead people astray. Satan is crafty. Religion is all the different ways to go to hell. 1 Cor.15:1-4 is the Gospel of our Salvation and Ephesians 1:10-14 is our assurance. Jesus didn’t say “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whosoever joins a church, pays tithes, gets baptised, does good works, adds to the finished work of the cross, and believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
Funny question. If I am not my father and mother, then why do I talk to my father on the phone on several occasions? Because I am not my father,. Otherwise, I would talk to myself.
There is no Trinity! Plus Jesus isn't God either!
@@mrg466You will one day regret this. I hope and pray you find peace within yourself and ask Jesus to show you who he really is.
There’s one thing for certain, every single atheist who took their very last breath no longer became an atheist once it’s too late to repent
Ooh. The devil is hard at work. KJB is Jesuses final Word. His signature is all over the 1611. Trust the 1611 . It's the WORD for the end times.
Another person who reveres and worships the KJV as an idol. Jesus' final words were given to John in Revelation. It's pretty much the same in all versions, aside from how things are worded (more modern or archaic old English)
Very interesting!! I could never understand why so many Christians treat the KJV like the holy grail. Guess it makes them feel super spiritual.
because it is the only unchanged bible and the oldest we have. Also the number one seller book. Others started coming out in the 1970's. They had to start with the KJV and make at least 200 changes. Some omitting Jesus. Newer bibles are not the words of my Christ.
Kjv treats Jesus as God.
@@JigsawPuzzleConnection There are at least ten different revisions of the KJV. Over twenty thousand differences. Which one is right?
@@SamLawrence-p1o Where did you get that? The NKJV did over 20.000 changes. The KJB never changed. Yes there were revisions but what they did there was to remove printing errors and to generalize the spelling of the words. Because many words were just written differently in different places (for example: Jakob, jakoab -> that's only an example to show what I mean)
Yes there are a few publishers (interested enough they are Americans) who changed words. But not Cambridge and Oxford and a few others which are British publisher. I have an Thompson KJB and there is no different to the 1611 - we have Internet and can look it up and compare.
@Paul-hc4si The apochrapha in the 1611 removed. No one could understand the 1611 many revisions. 1769, Oxford and Cambridge editions. Many many differences. At least five other revisions. Not correction of printing errors. As the meaning of words change the KJV becomes even more inaccurate and archaic. Which is why God has blessed us with more accurate modern translations.
Speaking as an atheist, with no dog in the fight, so to speak, of course the KJV is not corrupt. That's just ridiculous.
It bears the mark of its authors and the authority under which they worked but so does every bible ever translated. Some modern bibles are closer to the original manuscripts simply because we have discovered earlier copies since the KJV was created but we do not have the 'originals' of any book of the bible and so 100% accuracy is not possible.
This video is what happens when you don't study the issue enough and you just end up making straw man arguments, hypocritical statements and regurgitating factually incorrect information. I was rather disappointed by some of the claims here....I thought you studied harder than this.
@@faithfultheology no.....
@@followintruthlj2865 you should be lol.
@@JesusNOTreLIEgion I cant be KJV only as I embrace the original languages and I believe while the KJV is the only faithful and accurate translation of the original languages there are nuances in the originals that are not (and maybe cant be) replicated and translated into the English.
@@followintruthlj2865 Since i can not say this any better than you just did , ill simply come in agreement with you , in the form of an AMEN and God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ .
So true. It's sad.that so many are so mentally lost and confused .. that a video as inaccurate as this video. Can confuse them into not reading the KJV :(
Please get the facts right...
The KJV is outdated, and even KJV onlyists pastors don't understand it.
The English is too old. There are so many words and phrases that have changed meaning. The only way to understand the KJV is either a) learn Greek and Hebrew or b) £90 subscription to the Oxford Dictionary that includes the 1611 definitions. Modern Websters doesn't have 1611 definitions.
It's stupid. Use a modern translation.
I ain't joking. 100 KJV onlyists PASTORS, not children, were surveyed, and they did horrible. ONLY 9 pastors answered all the questions correctly. NINE. 9% of KJV Onlyists pastors UNDERSTAND the Word of God.
Get your head out of the ground and read a Bible YOU can actually understand.
You can shout on the mountain tops all you want. Or you can do your research.
@americanswan I did. I applied it to my life and it hasn't failed me yet. Not just me, but many, many more. Something that "modern translations" can never do.
The kjv is an easy read 6th grade level edition.
@Daviddaze false. 6th graders don't understand 1611 English and secondly, that analysis is flawed and stupid syllable counts
KJV is the best one so far!!!!!
Lies that have been told to imprison people.
There is no perfect translation of gods inspired words. Paul tells us to study and show thyself approved. We should test all translations before trusting their words to be truth. Remember God is true and every man is a liar. Man is flawed but God will get through to all those he chose before the disruption of the world to eventually reconcile all back to himself like his rightly divided word speaks.
I’ve got both versions. The best marginal notes in a Bible in my opinion would be the appendixes in E W Bullinger companion Bible
I have the E W Bullinger companion Bible too. :)
@@nobux717Bullinger was a brilliant scholar. His lexicon is a treasure. That he produced so many aids to finding what terms meant in the time they were written without the aid of a computer is impressive.
You know something has to be good when so many people hate it so much.
Wow! I am shocked by all these comments on the different versions of the Bible. How rude some people are about God. A God that is literally the very essence of LOVE. Whether one uses the Geneva Bible, the Ethiopian Bible, the KJV Bible or any other Bible, if it won the hearts of men who cares which version it is. The Bible is only supposed to lead people to God and from there the Spirit of Truth which is Jesus Christ himself will teach you what you need to know.
Remember in the Bible where it talks about how Jesus always went against the Pharacees? The ones that looked more to a book of Laws than to the Spirit of God? I ask you who were the Pharacee's? They were the church folk. And the Bible says BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARACEES. In other words y'all are doing the very same thing they did. If Jesus were here im sure he would tell you to stop such ignorance and LOVE one another like he commanded us to do. That is the Bible in a nutshell..... Love God and Love your brothers and sisters as you love yourself. People we can argue over which Bible to use and at the same time miss the WHOLE MESSAGE.
SHAME ON US! Father open our eyes to see and our ears to hear what the Spirit says to us.
@Pootycat8359 Can't respond directly to your comment, so I am posting it here instead.
You do know that God states in the Bible, that He would purify His Word seven times? What do you suppose He meant by that? That He would see it worked upon, purified, made more accessible to every part of the world? Too many people attribute too much power to the devil, and don't credit God with enough.
Your doctrinal prejudice shows.. Unitarianism is really a rejection of Christianity and acceptance of contradictory and occult religions . Denying Christ's deity is a rejection of salvation and redemption from sin.
@@rawbrutaltruth You obviously have not studied the history of Christianity something I've done for over 50 years. The so-called primitive Christianity you mention is a mixing of pre-Christian Gnostic occultism with biblical Christianity
@LadyCathryn I'm actually stating this from what is reflected in the Bible. In case you weren't paying attention in the book of Acts you get a clear picture of what was believed by the very first Christians and that includes the apostles, the apostles did not believe in the trinity Jesus did not teach a trinity and the first believers to be converted by apostles do not believe in the trinity. Some notable in the Bible. They were Jewish, they were priests! They were monotheistic! And they did not believe that Jesus was God! This is not a matter of nuance, this is the scripture speaking loudly and clearly through the centuries directly to you and me here and now. So until you can tell me with a certainty that that was not the case from the account in Acts. Your opinion has yet to be proved to be valid, and I dare say it won't be. You have been hoodwinked and deceived, and from all outward appearances you are one of the deceivers. Euro doctrinal degrees from whatever Bible college will not save you, from what the Bible itself is saying....... Good day
@@LadyCathryn you may be studying, the history of the Bible perhaps you should study the Bible itself. There is something you obviously did not get while reading your Bible and often overlooked fact in your Bible that trinitarians just tiptoe past to entertain their favorite erroneous dogma, I never wanted to be a student of the Bible but I was forced to be at an early age. You're 50 years does not impress me, has I'm probably as old as you are or older. I'm just going to give you one hint and then I'm going to let you be. You need to go back and reread the book of Acts,. Facts about the oldest in earliest form of Christianity when you say ☝🏿😂❓ now I and you will have to agree it doesn't get any older than that!!! Your study of the history of Christianity obviously has not done you as much good as maybe a little bible study would have done you in this instance. I'd be happy to repeat that but I know you're dying to know what have you missed. The fact that the first Christians monotheist, 😏 maybe, in my opinion the most primitive Christianity, actually in practice was practiced by those Christians mentioned in that account. No question they were monotheists. No question they were primitive, they were among the first converts. It doesn't get much earlier than that ☝🏿🤔. You have been deceived by your teachers, and if you are a teacher you are among those doing the deceiving. I never wanted to be a scholar of the Bible and I'm not but I have studied it for over 60 years. I have noticed things in the Bible that so-called learned men of the Bible have stumbled over, simply because of inattention. If you feel confident but you know everything that's okay 🆗👍🏿. But I would recommend that you take another look at Acts, cause it will prove you wrong. I'll leave you be since you have your mind made up that you know more than anyone else in the world, but the facts will remain the most primitive Christians were monotheist 😏 and among the first Christian converts mono theistic priest, they were among the first primitive Christians, long before your Roman Catholic Church along with his pagan infused history
I've studied Acts many times It is a transitional book and should not relied on for doctrine. I stand on my reseach of over 50 years Unitarianism is a Satanic cult because it blends mysticism with the Bible. BTW I read books on all sides of an issue and judge by the infallible words of Scripture.
@LadyCathryn you're entitled to your opinion too bad you didn't get my first response since they decided to delete it despite the fact that it did not break any of UA-cam rules about the last thing I can count for that would be religious prejudice. But I'm just going to say this, you have 50 I have 60 years of having examine the Bible. And I'm a practicer of primitive Christianity
The kind that came before your Roman Catholic Church, and it's progeny, who is the Roman Catholic roots. Corrupted with paganism.
No, its not, Gods Word does not return void
People with dogmas have crazy arguments. I've heard before someone defend the use of the word "Easter" in Acts 12. The defense was something like "The KJV translators were learned men, they knew that Passover has already passed, hence why they translated it as Easter instead".
@@MichaelTheophilus906 Geneva says Passover. Tyndale Bible,
Coverdale Bible, Matthew's Bible, Great Bible, Easter, Wycliffe Pask.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 not sure. But its a dogmatic statement by KJVonlyists.
Actually easter is disguise for the ancient goddess worship of ISHTAR. eggs at Easter arr representative of fertility as those who worshiped idols like fertility gods....the devil perverts God's holidays, his word his everything.
HALLOWEEN is evil ND should. Not be celebrated by children especially nor adults. Christmas is focus on money and material goods which was worship of nimrod and just tlike they offer gits to him on or under. Tree , so did many sacrifice their children to idols and "gods"....think about it!!!!!! ND IF YOU HAVENT NOTICED usually August, Sept October leading up to Halloween (devils nigh) there's usually a world wide troubling thing like year it's chris watts another it's Bryan laundry ...there is some satanic stuff leading up to Halloween...note the patterns of these things and easy to see the evil. But we must be simple concerning evil being wise in Good and God and truth. But we are to be wise of the enemy's tactics with all discernment and prayers 🙏
Easter was a separate pagan holiday celebrated in the Roman Empire during the time. Painting eggs in the blood of child sacrifice for their fertility goddess, doing other pagan rituals. This holiday is rooted back to the Babylonian Ishtar.
Note that this is a pagan feast.
Jesus' crucifiction was on Passover.
John 19:13-14 (KJV) When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!
Note that this is a Jewish feast.
Acts 12 talks about Herod the Roman backed king persecuting Peter. Herod's plan was to bring forth Peter to the people after the pagan Roman holiday of Easter, not the Jewish Passover.
The Catholic Church just rebranded Easter as a 'Christian' thing when it is actually not. To this very day, the Catholics' Easter do not coincide with the Jewish Passover. These are two separate days being observed.
That's just from the difference between Passover and Easter perspective.
Next, timeframe.
Passover is already long gone by the time we reach Acts 12.
Acts 12:3 (KJV) And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.)
Note Unleavened Bread.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread is being celebrated in that passage. This is:
Leviticus 23:4-6 (KJV) These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.
In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S passover.
And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.
Passover, and THEN 7 days of Unleavened Bread.
If Herod was waiting to bring forth Peter after Passover, it looks like he could have done it right away. It's already Unleavened Bread.
Unless.. there is an entirely different feast celebrated by non-Jews and non-Christians unrelated to Passover that is close enough that happened during or after the Unleavened Bread.
Oh look what we have here. Turns out there is this thing called Easter that the pagans in ancient Rome celebrated within that exact timeframe. I hope that our pagan backed Roman puppet king doesn't celebrate it.
Problem is Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread are used interchangeably. I believe Matthew calls the day of Preparation the first day of Unleavened Bread. This is the type of familiar or casual language we use today. For instance, when its December 20 or December 27, people typically say its Christmas, even though Christmas are technically on the 25th. If Matthew calls the day of Preparation the first day of Unleavened Bread, then Luke can use similar language as well. Passover and Unleavened Bread are the same feast. Passover can mean the days of Unleavened Bread. Also, technically speaking, the 14th is the preparation of the passover. The passover technically starts on the 15th and continues for 7 days. That's why the 14th are called the preparation of the passover. There's a parallel between the "unblemished" lamb and the "Unleavened bread". It represents the same thing. Hence Passover and Unleavened Bread are interchangeably.
Lastly, the author literally says Passover, not Easter. So if you are arguing that the KJV is correct, then you are mistaken, with all sincerity.
In my 41 years, 'interpretation' and 'convenience' are some of the most terrifying words in the English language.
Why are 4 different words mistranslated into hell?
The KJV isn't corrupt, this channel is..........The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why It's a Really Big Deal)
The preface of the translator's are missing in many kjv bibles. They admitted that its not the perfect version. They lauded other previous translations.
One may want to check out Brandon Peterson, who has proved through English numerics that the KJV is indeed God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics:
Exactly the KJV translators would not be KJV only. They would not have been deceived by the KJV idolatry.
Really? Who told you that they admitted it is flawed? I'd run from that blind guide!
@@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep the translators admitted its not perfect,and they accepted other translations .
So, when did they admit this to you directly?
Or are you going on hearsay, propaganda?
By God's Word - when the time is near the end of this Church Period, things get WORSE, not better. With all of these so-called scholars and theologians, newer and better translations of The Holy Bible are printed. The Word of God is The Word of God. The overall message in God's Word is that the Adam race is a fallen one. This is TRUTH. The answer to that is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He paid the price for ALL SINS... Just listen to The Apostle Paul, and believe:
The Apostle Paul - Mentions the Way of Salvation
Paul did not detest the Law of Moses. Paul actually believed in The Law,
but did not understand that God was going to bring in the grace. It had
to first be a sacrifice - and that sacrifice was Jesus Christ.
Paul did not detest The Law but quoted from Moses and explained what Moses
could not explain back then, because it wasn't time yet.
Moses means "drawn out" - and God used Moses to 'draw out' Israel from Egypt. The Hebrews spent scores of years in Egypt, and it was time to
move on.
The word 'Church' means "Called Out" - by Christ, the Church was called out
of the world to make a people for God.
In the epistles written by Paul, especially Romans and Galatians he explained the purpose of the church.
In The Law in Deuteronomy 32 - God had Moses teach Joshua and the Children
of Israel a song. This song was going to attest what the Children of Israel
was going to do, including turning their back on God.
But... in the end, God would bring Israel back. In that chapter, the Church was foretold due to Israel's idolatry which caused jealousy from God. For
that reason God used a people that were not a people to cause Israel to jealousy. The Apostle Paul explains this in Romans 9, 10, and 11.
Acts 13:38,39
38 Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:
39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Then what Bible should we use for our modern day if not the KJV there’s so many translations out there nowadays it’s hard to know which is best 😢
Faith in God will do it ❤
Go to the Catholic books store and get yourself the "Douay-Rhems" bible, because it has a 73 books in it or the" Geneva" bible or the "Tyndale" or Standard bible.
A subtle way to say, "I hate the KJV" is to say "I'm not KJV only".
What do YOU (anti KJV only) folks in the KJV only, that convicts you?
@@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep the fact that the niv removed over 60,000+ words is not a good sign in itself, if you had a document that possibly would weigh the chance of your eternal soul, wouldn't you want the most of the message available? I would
Your question "seems" sincere.
I'm 45 years since rebirth.
24 years since baptized in the Holy Spirit, & gifted with discerning of spirits (1 Cor. 12:10 KJV)
For me, frankly it's a slam dunk.
EVERY time ANYONE quotes ANYTHING that's "supposed to be" on behalf of God's SPIRIT ...But isn't.....
Men like myself with this gift.. KNOW IT.
"GOD IS SPIRIT" We discern spirits. It's a perfect gift, in we imperfect men
Are you aware the KJV is the only bible permitted in America till 1971. I am because I was 12 at the time.
Are you are the KJV in the only bible that men don't claim to have inspired of themselves ...evidenced by THEIR copyright claims,!?
My advice to all male sincere seekers...
BYPASS ALL videos, all podcasts, all sermons, all teachings, all pulpits, all alleged prophets, all theological experts, all textual critics, all denominational dogma .
And go to God The Father DIRECTLY, through "the curtain that was wrent from top to bottom" ....
The curtain which sppatated all men from mertingsuth The Holy One directly ...
the curtain ,(division) that only the high pries, once a yeart could enter to meet God directly.
until Christ made the way for US ALL...
Ask Him DIRECTLY, if the KJV really is inspired by him!
God says if YOU seek Him you WILL find Him, WHEN...WHEN YOU (personally seek Him with your WHOLE heart"
Does the Geneva Bible have the Apocrypha also included ?
You can get a modern spelling edition of the Geneva Bible (1599) from Tolle Lege. It does not have the Apocrypha.
The Word of God (LOGOS) is not ink and paper! It is written on the tablet of the Heart!
How true true..
The light of Christ.
Illuminates. Darkness cannot be around light without it having an effect. Cause and effect ✝️🙏
More like legos 😂😂😂
Eitophia bible is true
Kjv fake 😂😂😂
Word of satan
Very informative. A lot of stress on the Alexandrian family, which is the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus: which of course was preserved by the Popes. Maybe that says enough about that. It does not appear that any translation is perfect but KJV does have advantages over many modern translations. The Geneva 1560 is a even better one in my opinion.
Hello! What do you think about the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible? do you have experience with it? if so what version would you say is the best, 1560 or 1599?
yeah, we already know you are a bigotted anti-catholic
Yes, and the Alexandrian family, so few and dubious as it is is quite leavened. Thee KJV has the HS in the very text, study it and see for self. Look at Isaiah 53:8 compare KJV to several other modern versions note contradictory translations. Look up too FROM & PRISON note how Hebrew words here have been translated elsewhere in OT as THROUGH & OPPRESSION; and what does taken from judgment mean- look up Acts 8:33 KJV here compare leavened versions here too. Consider Proverbs 25:2 here carefully, what does He glory in doing?
@@Obediah002Since when was the KJV the standard? Where is the scripture that supports the KJV only teaching? Why would any honest Bible student compare modern translations to the KJV? Would that not be falling for the double standards and lies of the KJV only cult?
"Preserved"??? More hidden and rewritten.
If that Vaticanus and Sinaiticus was the "preserved" Word of God:
Why don't they agree with each other? One would think if both came from Alexandria (which was gnostic in the region), they wouldn't have all those errors and some see that is was tried to be copied over. Even scholars have no idea the possible origin of the Codex Vaticanus.
Why did God allow it to be hidden for so long? That is saying God has mislead Christians for over 1000 years.
As far as the one I have been ability to study with the Holy Spirit's leading, KJV by far.
I like Mark Ward, who volunteered with a bunch of others, and made a website, comparing the textus receptus and critical text versions of the Bible, parallel right next to each other, verse by verse. And then found that both versions say basically the same thing and were surprised by how little the differences were.
Quit worshiping the Bible! The Spirit can show you salvation with any relevant Bible.
We worship the God of the KJV Bible.
I wouldn't give you 2¢ for The Christ of any modern "Bible
@@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep, There is Nothing wrong with the Amplified Bible. ,
@@johnpearce3714 Ya might want to compare
1 John 3:9 in the amplified spin.
"No one who is born of God (deliberately, knowingly, and habitually) practices sin"
1 John 3:9 KJV
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
So, you honestly don't see any difference there?
Do you want a Jesus that keeps you from "committing rape", for example, or from "habitually practicing rape"?
Do You want your friends to have the Jesus of the KJV that keeps them from EVER committing adultery with YOUR wife....
Or the jesus of the amplified, that keeps them from (knowingly willingly habitually practicing) committing adultery with YOUR wife?
How about a Jesus of the KJV, that keeps men from ever committing murder,...or
The jesus of the amplified, that keeps men from (knowingly, willingly, habitually, practicing the SIN of murdering YOUR closest family & friends.
God is perfect, which means his word is perfect. His words have made it to humans, and we have written them down. If his words are perfect, there will be a perfect bible. KJV is currently closest to God's perfect word. There is a multitude of comparison examples that show the modern bibles to have blasphemy and heresy. Satan literally created a "New" KJV that is not a direct translation and tries to steer people away from true salvation. Your salvation IS your translation! Look up, Pastor Gene Kim, and thank me later. ❤
I agree with @blackholesun on this. Except for a handful of Bibles.
you need to get schooled more.
Truly this contested subject should have ended long, long ago. Instead the debate endures when the answer to it was declared long, long ago. Think about it !! In just about all of our ecclesiastical doctrinal statement's - ( Church manual's ) - the concept of inerrancy of the "Scripture" is addressed. This statement is declared something to this effect. " We believe the original "manuscripts" were inerrant in their conception." The corresponding action to this in our time presents itself as no less a task.
This is not to say perverted or corrupted translation's do not exist, and such a mind set in this hour seems popular and tempting as marketing exists today. Yet, thankfully "God" has declared that "HIS" Word" will forever be preserved eternally. So it is my contention that the mature among the "Body of Christ" be accountable here. We have been given a sound mind and mouth to counsel concerning this. It is us that has been charged with the responsibility of discipleship. Experience and reasoning with one another will go along way in settling this "hodge-podge" issue, remember a contentious spirit remains where it is at. With "God'' maintaining "HIS" Word, and with a rating of around 98 percent agreement between the "Text's," we should have be less saber rattling and truly be more grateful for what we have. We are so blessed as many of our believing family member's around the world are fortunate to own 1 page of "Holy Writing." We must never forget this "spirit-realm- reality. "Grace is "Gods ability and willingness to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Therefore grace never leaves us where it found us."
If you take the KJV and compare the verses in other bibles yourself, I believe you will agree with the KJV. I did just that and find the other bibles, especially that use the “Critical text” try to eliminate the “blood of Christ”, Christ’s deity, and many other things. It is not that hard to compare with the tools available.
Great work!!! This matters!!!
you cannot correct the KJV 1611 BIBLE you commentator you must correct your dirty mind REVELATION 22:18,19
KJV is good, but not perfect. More than once Young's Literal Translation, which is also from the Textus Receptus, is clearer in presenting the deity of Christ. See below.
2 Thessalonians 1:12
YLT- that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
KJV- That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
KJV adds "the", separated "our God" from "Lord Jesus Christ".
Titus 2:13
YLT- waiting for the blessed hope and manifestation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ,
KJV- Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ
KJV is unclear, but Young's is unmistakable: Jeus is here called "great God".
2 Peter 1:1
YLT- Simeon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who did obtain a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ
KJV- Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ
Once again, Young's is clear, but KJV is clouding a clear sound-off for the deity of Jesus. Christ is here called "our God and Saviour".
Jude 4
YLT- for there did come in unobserved certain men, long ago having been written beforehand to this judgment, impious, the grace of our God perverting to lasciviousness, and our only Master, God, and Lord -- Jesus Christ -- denying
KJV- For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ
Young's, for a fourth time, rightly translated the passage so as the reflect the Godhood of our Lord Jesus. KJV is obsolete. If ya have to have the TR, that's ok. But there's better out there than KJV.
I respect the angle and approach you had at this. Though I disagree with you. It's obvious that your goal was to assure Christ was given credit for his divinity, which is paramount.
Obviously translated to reflect trinitarian dogma.
Most translations are corrupt. A good Hebrew/Chaldea/Greek lexicon will do wonders when you read the context of the passages understanding the Bible interprets itself.
This computerized voice over ends the watching of this video for me. Not even a minute in.
literally Lol
Try this with any other Bible:
Words of God in Genesis 1
KJB = 343 = 7x7x7
KJB1611 = 344 (Standardized 1762)
NKJV = 336
ESV = 333
NASB20 = 326
NIV = 321
Words of God in Matthew 1
KJB = 49 = 7×7
KJB1611 = 49 = 7×7
NKJV = 50
ESV = 46
NASB20 = 50
NIV = 51
Amen (Entire Bible)
KJB = 77
KJB1611 = 77
NKJV = 77
ESV = 56
NASB20 = 57
NIV = 57
In + Amen (GEN/REV)
KJB = 777
KJB1611 = 782
NKJV = 758
ESV = 719
NASB20 = 707
NIV = 676
In + earth + The + Amen (Entire Bible) (earth & Amen = case-sensitive)
KJB = 77,777
KJB1611 = 77,745 (Standardized 1700’s?)
“Verily I say unto…” (Entire Bible)
KJB = 77
KJB1611 = 77
NKJV = 76 (“Assuredly, I say to you…”)
ESV = 72 (“Truly, I say to you…”)
NASB20 = 75 (“Truly I say to you…”)
NIV = 79 (“Truly I tell you…”)
Father + Son (Entire Bible) {PURE; Father = God, Son = Jesus}
KJB = 490 = 70×7
Jesus* (Entire Bible) {PURE; Jesus = Christ the Lord}
KJB = 77th with 7th Christ, 70x7th in John 10:30-36, 777th with 77th Holy Ghost
LORD + GOD + JEHOVAH + I AM + JAH + BRANCH + KING + Jesus* (Entire Bible) {PURE; Jesus = Christ the Lord}
KJB = 7777x
Jesus* + Christ (Entire Bible) {PURE; Jesus Christ}
KJB = 1554 = 777+777
KJB1611 = 1554 = 777+777
NKJV = 1551
ESV = 1504
NASB20 = 1522
NIV = 1782
....and so much more.
This didn't happen accidentally.
Purified 7 times:
1.Tyndale Bible
2.Coverdale Bible
3.Matthew's Bible
4.Great Bible
5.Geneva Bible
6.Bishop's Bible
7.King James Bible
Can we please stop playing numerical games with the Bible and try to make it look miraculous... it's nothing more than mysticism
Why would God's words need purified? By this logic no one before the KJV would have had a purified Bible. That's just inconsistent with the idea of preservation.
@@stevefrancis5885 LOL... nope.
God uses numbers.
And it only works with the KJB
Psalms 12:6
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”
@@gsgidneyso by your interpretation of this verse you believe the original manuscripts given by God had some impurity in it that had to be removed like dross? Wouldn't that go against the passage that condemns adding or removing anything from scripture? And how would a holy and uncorrupt God give something that was not pure in it's original state? Seems inconsistent with His nature
And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:
Deut 17:18 (KJV)
Name one English Bible.
Name one Hebrew Bible.
That has what the Levites had in the Old and New Testament.
That is copied by a King as The Almighty God COMMANDS in the Scriptures?
The Levites didn't have the (LXX) Greek Septuagint. So Every Last Revised Version Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD.
No Revised Version Bible is copied by a King. This also makes every Revised Version Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD.
The 1539 A.D. Great Bible is Copied by a King (Henry VIII) but the Hebrew translation is incomplete using the Latin Vulgate for most of the Old Testament which comes from the (LXX) Greek Septuagint. So the Great Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD.
The Geneva Bible is not copied by a King. So the Geneva Bible is AGAINST THE COMMAND OF GOD.
The Hebrew Mikraot Gedolot is exactly what the Levites had copied by Kings. However, there is no NEW TESTAMENT Mikraot Gedolot.
The only Preservation of the "Book of the LORD" (Isaiah 34:16) that FULFILLS THE COMMAND OF GOD with the scriptures the Levites had in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 17:18) and the scriptures the Levites had in the New Testament (Acts 4:36; Acts 6:7; Acts 13:1, 2, 49) is THE HOLY BIBLE AUTHORIZED BY KING JAMES copied by a King with the scriptures that the LEVITES had.
God never commanded that you have the oldest most reliable manuscripts which is a Revised Version Vatican Protestant version bible lie.
God never commanded that you have a translation that is easier to read in modern language that's a failed argument to (Mark 9:31, 32)
God never command that it's ok to have a flawed bible like all these Revised Versions are because no one has the original manuscripts. God never told anybody you would have the original manuscripts. God commanded that mankind have what the Levites had copied by a King, which the HOLY BIBLE AUTHORIZED BY KING JAMES IS.
The maker of this video does err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL - Mark 1:15
@Christopher Sparkes Brother The Lord JESUS CHRIST hates opposition to the truth so bad he calls it a lie.
So let's see who can tell the Truth.
Name a Revised Bible that has every jot and tittle of the Holy Scriptures that the Levites the priest had.
You can't.
Name a single Revised Version Bible to that was copied by a king.
There are none.
Thats's corruption.
Changing words - Matthew 6:19 (Vermin).
Taking out words - Ephesians 3:9 (by Jesus Christ).
Adding words - 2 Samuel 21:8 (Merab)
Contradicting Holy Scripture - Mark 1:2 (As written in the prophet Isaiah I will send my messenger...)
That ain't written in Isaiah that's written in Malachi 3:1
We you got a weak argument because you ain't been studying.
A 4th grader can see those Revised Version Bible lies.
That ain't got nothing to do with Theology.
Stop it.
You sounding like the rest of those unregenerated, uncircumcised in heart and ears resistors of the holy ghost who won't submit to God or the truth
So let me help you out.
In the English tongue (Isaiah 28:11)
The only preservation of the Book of the Lord (Isaiah 34:16) that has every jot and tittle that the Levite priest had that was copied by a king (Deuteronomy 17:18)
Stand on that TRUTH.
Learn your Holy Bible.
Judgment day is coming (Hebrews 9:27)
Stop messing around.
Amen , the King James bible is Gods word for those of us who speak english ... what else would we read...
@@onlymyself7225 Amen.
KJV is a Masonic book.
@@allwillberevealed777 You got no proof.
And the Proof that exists makes you a LIAR.
The Hebrew that the Levites had was written in 1406 B.C. in the Moab Desert (Deuteronomy 29:1), which has been copied for 3,430 years (count year "0" as 1 year).
In 1717, the first Grand Lodge, an association of lodges, was founded in England, and Freemasonry was soon disseminated throughout the British Empire. The first American Mason lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1730, and future revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin was a founding member.
So let's see if you graduate the public school system and can count.
1406 B.C. to 1717 A.D. makes the Holy Scriptures that are copied in the Authorized Holy Bible in the English tongue 3,130 years (you count year "0" as one year) BEFORE YOUR FREEMASON DOGS.
1406 B.C. to 1730 A.D. make the Holy Scriptures that are copied in the Authorized Holy Bible in the English tongue 3,137 years (you count year "0" as one year) BEFORE YOUR USELESS FREEMASON SWINE.
We don't give that which is Holy unto the Dogs or those Swine. That ain't got the scriptures in their hearts or minds. They are adulterers and Devil Worshippers.
You need to stop repeating folks that don't know what they are talking about because it makes you look STUPID.
And nobody can be THAT STUPID.
Repent and Believe the Gospel. - Acts 2:38
This video is poorly researched and produced. It has a lot of bias and factual errors, and it omits a lot of facts.
For instance, every single copy of Mark in Greek that had chapter 16 has verses 9-20 except Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. The former was set to be burned to heat the mess hall of a monastery and the latter sat rejected and unused on a Vatican shelf until the latter part is the 19th Century.
The Reformers were are of such variants and yet they held with the traditional text. But modern textual criticism…
Jesus wasn't his name...yall all think you know something..but it obvious yall need to study more.
Come with your face and real voice. Giving robotic voice won't save you neither. He will judge you by what you've done.
They persecute the KJB; just like they did Jesus. That alone brought me to understanding the Truth. That our Lord Jesus, the King of Kings, was, is, and is to come. Be prepared; Repent and Believe. #kjb #is uncorruptable.
So not falling for the KJV only deception is persecuting the KJV? How pathetic is the KJV only cult.
@@henrylaurel1188 Not quite. However amusing this anti-kjb cult is; you have to feel sorry for how easily they are manipulated by the world and how weak and fearful they are not to question the lies told about the KJB.
I pray for you , my weak minded and easily frightened little friend. One day you will gain the strength and courage to read the KJB for yourself.
@@henrylaurel1188 What makes you too weak minded and afraid to read the KJB for yourself?? I pray for you, my weak minded and easily frightened little friend. That you gain the strength and courage to read the KJB for yourself.
Add the right side numbers together in Deuteronomy 8:3 + Matthew 4:4 + Luke 4:4 (3+4+4=11). Add the left side numbers together (8+4+4=16) - (16:11). These 3 bible verses say that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Beware of the leaven in the 1769 Blayney KJV, NKJV, NIV, ESV, NASB, AMPLIFIED, LIVING, NWT (Jehovah Witness), DOUAY RHEIMS (Catholic), and many more perVersions of God’s word. GOD preserved his holy word in the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible in the English tongue (language). Psalm 12:6-7, Proverbs 30:5-6. Look 👀 at Isaiah 14:12 in the KJB. It uses question marks.❓ The Standard KJV uses exclamation marks ❗️. Things that are different are NOT the same.
I’m reading the Geneva bible this year. They have a free app. It has short ads on it though.
Time to get the truth out! Great job, keep these coming!
Good work. Thank you very much for this valuable presentation.
Wasn't king james a gay tyrant....
Why would his book be followed
Would a gay tyrant support Romans 1:16-32 KJV?
No! It's more satanic propaganda to discredit the real Bible, which exposes them for who they REALLY are.
King James was not gay. That's just one of all the lies.
No, he wasn't a homosexual, nor was he a tyrant
😢 king James was a gay who had an intimate relationship with his cousin.
@@madmaxx5612 the KJV is the best version
No one is rude about God. People are only blaming the translators because they are not inspired. There are flaws in the translation, which has nothing to do with God. The scripture never say the translators were inspired. Moreover, there should never be so many different versions. It creates confusion because some versions give a different message. I have proven it.
18:15 - "A number of verses in the King James Version of the New Testament are not found in modern Bible translations."
This clown laments about alleged Trinitarian bias in the KJV, and then points to the modern versions - the modern *Codex VATICANUS* versions - as superior.
The modern Catholic versions are the pro-Trinitarian corruptions. Not the KJV.
*JOHN 3:13 (KJV)*
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man **which is in heaven.**
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "which is in heaven". Why? Because if "the Second Person of the Trinity" is simultaneously on earth _AND in heaven_ - where he is presumably omnipotent - then there is no need whatsoever for another redundantly omnipotent God person in heaven, let alone TWO other redundantly omnipotent God PERSONS in heaven.
*JOHN 4:23-24 (KJV)*
[23] But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
[24] **God is a Spirit:** and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions change "God is **a** Spirit" to "God is Spirit". Why? Because "God" is clearly "God the Father" here...and if God the Father - aka, "the First Person of the Trinity" - is **a** Spirit, then all the sudden Trinitarians are exposed as being worshippers of _multiple_ Spirits...because certainly "the THIRD Person of the Trinity" is **a** Spirit (who is _distinct_ from the First Person). So **"a"** gets removed and "Spirit" in "God is Spirit" conveniently becomes a qualitative noun - meaning, "Spirit" is just a quality shared by three distinct, coequal God persons.
*DANIEL 7:9 (KJV)*
I beheld till the thrones were **cast down,** and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "cast down" and replace with its _opposite_ "set up" (NASB, NET, AMP, etc) or "set in place" (NIV, NRSV, CSB, etc) or "placed" (ESV, RSV, ASV, etc) or "put in place" (NKJV, NLT, GNT, etc). Why? Because multiple thrones being "set up" facilitates the "heavenly council" nonsense, where additional heavenly thrones are presumably occupied by "the Second Person" and "the Third Person" among others. In the _true_ English-language bible, the thrones are "cast down" because they're the thrones of the four BEASTS (which are four KINGS, v.17), not heavenly thrones.
*1 TIMOTHY 3:16 (KJV)*
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: **GOD** was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
The modern, pro-Trinitarian corruptions remove "GOD" and replace with plain ol' "He". Why? Because there is only "one GOD, the FATHER" (1 Cor.8:6) - aka, "the First Person of the Trinity"......and if "the First Person of the Trinity" was "manifest in the flesh", then you can stick a fork in Trinitarianism.
I could go on.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 This man have his statement of faith on the info of his channel. That would be helpfull to understand him.
"Bible truth reveals:
Jesus Christ the Son of God IS THE INVISIBLE FATHER who - without leaving heaven - came down from heaven and manifested himself as a genuine flesh-and-blood man. "
I think that should clarify what and why he is saying what he is saying.
I would just add that I disagree with that statement of his.
I think he is right in one thing. KJV supports very confused Jesus is God opinion and not a concise theological position of any kind. So if you are a Jesus is God and you are in majority in America (like 99% Americans think so and have no idea about the Trinity and still call themselves Trinitarians being basicly a Modalists like this guy) but still want to be viewed in your mind as minority - join the KJV. You will still be in majority but that conspiracy theory vibes would make you satisfied.
This or join the rapture cult. You will feel like people say that is ridiculous and you could feel like a minority yet being the majority.
I think that both of those are so psychologicly satisfying that they had to be devised by some psy-op specialists.
_>>> " could feel like a minority yet being the majority."_
*TRINITARIANISM:* The Father compelled his personally distinct, "eternally begotten" Son to suffer and die _against that personally distinct Son's own will_ ("NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done"). Child sacrifice.
*"Biblical" UNITARIANISM:* The Father compelled his personally distinct, "human only" Son to suffer and die _against that personally distinct Son's own will_ ("NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done"). Child sacrifice.
Puh-TAY-toe. Puh-TAH-toe.
@@euston2216 That is the first time ever a try to make BU into majority. Nice tru tho.
Jesus have sacrificed himself by doing God's will. I think that is not what someone think of a child sacrifice but.... whatever.
@@narrowpathofthetruth Thanks for pointing this out, Modalists really like KJV. I used to be one of them.
Here's the difference between Daniel 11,43
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.KJV
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt, and of the Libyans, and of the black Mores where he shall pass.Geneva Bible
Can you see the difference?
"Mores" means "Moors" which, like "Black-a-Moor" was the term in those days for Sub-Saharan Africans
king James is in hell?
Revelation 22:18-19
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book
But check into Brandon Peterson's work, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics: -- people say numbers don't lie ... Brandon has a lot of free resources that proves the point that he shares with the World.
@@private-nobody6667 I've seen his work. Honestly you can find patterns with numbers in anything if you look and try hard enough.
Nope, that's a conclusory statement without evidence in support; you have to prove that.
You said you had seen Brandon's work, did you see all of it with understanding?
i did many years of research with Greek and Hebrew numerics, and only KJV has discernable patterns; NONE of the other versions do, not even NKJV.
And Brandon, through the insights given to him, was able to show for this generation God's seal of approval of the true Word of God in English, and not the word of Satan attempting to diminish the effectiveness of God's ordained word of truth and He did it with English this time.
Under the Rules of evidence, a conclusory statement without supporting evidence is no evidence at all. Can you cite any works that have those patterns in Hebrew, Greek, and English languages like the KJV has with overwhelming proof that is undisputed? Proof matters, not opinions. Peace be with you ...
I agree with you!
All these modern new age bible scholars , whom many put their faith and trust in add and subtract from scripture. People put their faith and trust in man , not GOD.
Than why were Tyndale & Huss put to the Fire by inquistors ?
hahaha, the footnotes were threats to monarchy
The FIRST step in getting "👁️U✝️" of Babyl👁️N is to realize...
R👁️ME...not the usa 😮
Jesus Christ is latin which was a red flag for me and the fact this is the most well respected version which is also a red flag because nothing in this world is truth! They will never promote what's real and sacred
Jesus spoke Aramaic.
@@duncanrutherford2467 Back in the day the letter J wasn't in the hebrew alphabet. When they started to translate the bibles is when they added the letter J .Yahova,YESHUA is the actual name .Jesus comes from the pagan religion
The term latin in koine Greek adds up to 666. The term tradition in Greek also adds up to 666. Such coincidences have meaning when papal Rome is recognized in Rev.17.
@@duncanrutherford2467Jesus spoke as much in common Greek as He did in Aramaic and Hebrew.
@@TheBinaryWolfcan you elaborate on the Greek for Latin adding up to 666?
Integrity syndicate ? - In the 15th Century the Geneva format was still in the throws of establishing top left and right english in order to properly navigate the Saintly Clause secret of the " I AM that ( which ) i am ". In the beginning was the verbatim of God, but up through the line of David to the Aaronic Levitical Tribe, the Christ wouldn't take the lower case " t " for the supplication of Simon to preserve the homonym clause until he wed Lady Wisdom at age 33. Martin Luther was the Catalyst for the deaf, dumb, and blind and those fully facilitated with all their senses. But the miracle of prophecy came from the deaf, dumb, and blind cathartic to statues, stained glass, crucifix, and Rosary props that the priests passed the plate and missed the grail on as far as understanding spiritual and physical things and how object should not take precedence over Holy predicated subject. In other words, we can't sell material things to attract a congregation for money, to save our soul...we have to take up our cross, and sell Jesus in ourselves. The name of the Lord is a strong tower:....................................................
KJV itself was revised in 1769. Even though there maybe 20 different Modern versions available today, 50 percent of Bible buyers STILL purchase the KJV. If it ain't broke..........
That means 50 percent prefer a modern translation that they can understand. No need to boost ego
One may want to check into Brandon Peterson, who has established through English numerics that the KJV is God's Words in English, and no other Bible does what KJV does with English numerics:
@@Anony584other translations are even more corrupted in its own translation adding and taking away from the word is unbelievable
@@sanalouis2620 Agreed. (Revelation 22:18-19) "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: {19} And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
@@AinitgreatAmen 🙏
thank you it a verse for everyone not to take lightly. God bless you x
Truth Is Christ" by Brandon Peterson shows the mathematical perfection of the King James Bible. It could not be written by man.
One thing that has always stood out to me is how could a man of God ever put his name first on Gods Holy Bible? Think on that Kjv only peeps. Its King Jesus Bible!
Maybe he was a man used by GOD. Peep.
Ecclesiastes 8:4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? Peep 🙂
Absolutely......but no more than say those arrogant Swiss, naming a bible after one of their cantons ! 🤔😉
That's silly. It's only a means of identifying which translation you are reading. Next?
Actual king James never called it king James bible that came many many years later. Traditionally its been called the authorized version
All translations have shortcomings. For instance, in Mt.16:18, all translators mistranslate the preposition, epi, as "on," when it is in the dative case and should be rendered as "with." The same construct (dative/indirect object) appears in Mt. 18:26, where it is correctly translated as "with."
We have so many Bible teachers today, but few scholars; and, as Paul exhorted the Corinthians, we even fewer "fathers," meaning few that effectively evangelize.
You're saying that every biblical Greek scholar is dumber than a first year student. What is the _real_ reason they translated it that way? It has to be something other than being unable to see a dative case
@@muskyoxes Your skepticism is quite understandable. But such anomalies are not rare, according to Professor Maurice Robinsin, editor of the Brown-Briggs-Driver Hebrew Lexicon, a professor of mine that pointed out no less than 15% of errors in the NIV.
"Put not your faith in men," says God in Holy Writ. So I encourage you to invest in an interlinear Greek-English NT. The literal translation by Dr. Alfred Marshall is one of the better publications. In it, the literal translation of the original text appears in English. And if you have enough intellectual curiosity, you will add the Analytical Greek New Testament by Friberg and Friberg, wherein the grammatical construct of each term in the Bible is identified. Thus, you can bypass much of the filtering, rather than depend on well-meaning but so oft bias of fallible men. Translations vary, but not the NT Greek text books, which ALL teach that the dative case (indirect object of the verb) is never translated as "on."
I think because epi appears in the genitive case almost always that translators over looked the dative. Perhaps they got it right in Mt.18:26 is because the preposition is contracted, which caught their eye. I myself had been guilty of the same error...until I was teaching a class on Greek prepositions and chanced upon Mt.16:18. If you truly wish to know the truth, you will research the matter further, without which a cloud of doubt will always remain. If I can be of any help, I will do my best for you.
@@TheBinaryWolf I didn't barge in here because i know anything, but because your comment sounded to me like "the entire community flunked a first year grammar question", which is a very different claim than "people make mistakes".
After vague searching, this does not seem like a basic issue. I can see reams of definitions for ἐπὶ linked from an online interlinear, even just in their dative section. And i see a suggestion that case distinctions for ἐπὶ started getting blurred after the classical period. And i see "ἐπὶ + dative => 'locative' dative => point in space or time at which the predication is offered" which doesn't sound like either "on" or "with" to me.
@@muskyoxes Until you are fluent in an inflected language, the issue at hand will remain a mystery to you.
It is no accident that God chose Greek to convey His truth to all other languages. It is by far the most expressive, with a unique perfect and aorist tense, middle voice snd syntax that communicstes as much meaning and the words. Those who are ignorant of the latter are destined to mistranslate the repographs, evidenced by so many lame "translations."
As I mentioned, the dative epi in Mt.16:18 should be rendered as it is in the identical construct of Mt.18:26.
But I think the bridge between us is too great; for I am persuaded that even if the apostle Matthew appeared to you with the same exposition, you would still hold on to the dative as a genitive.
@@TheBinaryWolf You don't seem to know there's a gigantic difference between "the entire expert community is wrong" and "the entire expert community is trivially wrong"
Thank God I'm using the perfect Bible.. the KJV.
WOW!!! I was wondering if you actually listened to the video???? I am thinking not!!!! It completely undermines and brings into question the reliability, accuracy and usefulness of the KJV!! But yeah go ahead and keep right on thinking and believing what is not true.. it is an epidemic in today’s world!
Say the Americas that can’t even learn basic Spanish much less Greek/Hebrew to understand how badly translated the KJV is 😂
Septuagint LXX is the oldest used around 500 bce - 300 ce (even Jesus used to quote from it)
KJV comes from Masoretic texts, 850 ce, which was corrupted by roman pagans.
@@pakaliccyber7433 The Masoretic is in the original Hebrew. The Septuagint would make your Bible a translation of a translation, which makes your Bible useless.
You can use a British accent because it's been proven Americans feel it has authority, but this will still be VERY incorrect. Even older bibles use all these terms and scriptures this guy says the KJV "added". Bounce the KJV off the Geneva and 1500 versions you'll find it's very very close. Just some stuff changed because it didn't suit the king and catholics
Such an old argument....what does it matter....all religion is used for three purposes...
1. maintain control over the minds and actions of the people.
2. Maintain the income of those in power.
3. Maintain total power over the population.
The Book is not your enemy, organized religion is.