How Tokamak Research is Paving the Way for Successful Fusion Energy Reactors | Rachel McDermott

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • Breaking the Wall to Control Fusion Power, Falling Walls 2012:
    Following the dream of fusion power, which would provide humanity with the same abundant energy as produced by the sun, scientific research is focusing on creating and controlling high- temperature, burning plasma, as it exists in stars, using deuterium, a type of hydrogen abundant in the oceans. Significant progress toward this goal has been made in the area of tokamak research that aims to confine the plasma through magnetic fields and provide the basis for ITER, the next-step fusion device already presented at the 2009 Falling Walls. New technologies have been developed to protect the walls of fusion reactors against temperatures of 200 million degrees. Fusion scientist Rachael McDermott received her PhD in Plasma Physics and Fusion Technology from the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is now a member of the ASDEX Upgrade team, a tokamak project of the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, and of the Helmholtz Association Nachwuchsgruppe, and presented in 15 minutes, the most recent advances on the journey to the ultimate clean energy source.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @gregoryladner5342
    @gregoryladner5342 8 років тому +6

    What a great video. The guy at the end is a goof ball!

  • @dynamikausa
    @dynamikausa 9 років тому +32

    Sure, send a clown to distract the audience right at the end when the lady explains her final conclusions on the future of humanity energy source.

    • @chaochaisit
      @chaochaisit 8 років тому +3

      It's strange, the speaker began her presentation at 0.40 and the whole video only last for 15.32. Meaning that she was given a presentation time less than 15 minutes, which isn't quite common, or that clown just happened to be in a different space-time dimension where time flows faster...

  • @SilverSpoon_
    @SilverSpoon_ 9 років тому +1

    so cool, you can even see the neutrons hitting the camera's sensor~

  • @remifasollasi8947
    @remifasollasi8947 8 років тому

    Plasma term can be used in various fields: biology, physics and new technologies.
    The biological plasma
    Liquid portion of blood which represents about 55% of its volume. The plasma is composed of water and contains lipids (fats), hormones, clotting factors and over a hundred proteins whose primary is albumin.
    The physical plasma
    State of matter (as well as liquid, solid or gas). This is of material partially or totally ionized.
    Plasmas are a medium consisting of a mixture of neutral particles, positive ions (atoms or molecules that have lost one or more electrons) and negative electrons.
    A plasma is electrically neutral and particles interact with each other.
    The plasma technology
    Developed for flat screens, which provides a very bright image and high contrast over large areas. Specifically, the plasma panel operates with two gas locked in small cells that are similar to the pixels of a video projector. First, phosphorus, is responsible for illuminating the slab producing light. The second, the plasma functions as a mask and is responsible for transmitting electrical pulse which will determine the color and contrast of each pixel. This technology is now well mastered his expensive but still subject to the industrialization screens and high-priced TVs.

  • @winstonchurchill8300
    @winstonchurchill8300 7 років тому +1

    The secret of fusion was hidden behind the Berlin-Wall?!

    • @TheRedcroatian
      @TheRedcroatian 5 років тому

      Yes! That was the "first wall" reference in her life :)

  • @davidvenegasramirez6001
    @davidvenegasramirez6001 7 років тому

    She forgot to compare nuclear fusion to an electric battery, it would be far greater than the numbers presented for oil and coal. But the apparent bias is obvious.

  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 4 роки тому

    Stan Sandu
    About the UNIFIED LAW! Part 2/2.
    The electrical ether - for example- proceed from magnetic field from atoms, eliminated in following combination of the deuterium with tritium in helium. The eliminated magnetic field it decompose in particles of electrical ether in chamber of thermonuclear reaction. Any chemical combination eliminate this electrical ether. But at the chemical combination the chemical elements which participate at reaction can not to be magnetic isolated because they it combine before to be ionized.
    As following of the thermonuclear reaction from Sun, the Sun is a giant powerstation of electromagnetic energy, a powerfull source of electricity which keep up the life of every where from his planetary system. This electrical ether which come from Sun, we gather him with our electrical generators and drive our industry.
    D.I.Mendeleev had shown that we can not conceive without motion even the smallest matter particle. It says about radiations , but about atoms and molecules that they have a vibration frequency of approximate 10 at 13...10 at 15 what means that these are turning arround theirs self axes with 10 at 13...10 at 15 rotations on second proofing the existence of a continuous inertial motion in matter.
    How the solidification begins from external it would resultated that in the central zone at any underatomic particles would remained continuously a primary matter mass, more viscous, aproximately magnetic mass, so that to the shown rotations the free underatomics particles, or in the atom*s frame, to take out in space matter from the central zone, but on which to it recover continuously for maintaining the them integrity.
    The external*s particle by friction with the medium became a spherical surface, and in the inner share continous the crystallisation it will obtain a uniformly waved surface, with helicoidal channels disposed around his axis. Thus the approximately magnetic matter from the central zone can get out only a certain extremity, evolving around the particle or farther away in space from where it turns by the other extremity of the particle.
    The inertial movement working of the underatomic particles and the atoms as whole permits them to compare with the powerful ASPIRATORS which absorbs, but its emits too matter under the form of field*s particle. Thus, two interaction bodies it creates between them a magnetic depresion what constitute the attraction force between bodies. The permanent existence of the materials fieldes make us sure of the fact of the matter is outside from the bodies too, giving the interaction between them.
    About the ethereal physics and ethereal chemistry we spoke a little, for to argue the unified law to him Newton, I shal cite directly from the communuications of the spatial men, from the work : ”From the life*s mysteries and of the Universe”, to the profesor Scarlat Demetrescu, published first time in 1939.
    ”An electrical current circulate forever through the internal matter of the particle from Infinte. Grace of this inner electrical current, the particle is living, has life through self herself. Because the motion of inertial rotation of the particle, it born in the her interior electromagnetism. The electromagnetic circuit can be at interior or can be and outside. He can be positive or negative. The internal motion will give birth to an electromagnetic field emited in outside. This emission constitute the matter of the electromagnetic field which circulate among particles”.
    ”The living particle from the zone of the Infinte overtake in the zone of the Cosmos and of the universes. Thus the universal ether is a mass of living particles, of small living bodies, that can enter in one microbe of your with handreds of thousands. These living particles are in a continuously motion through them nature - being electrical - produces electrical energy. That is why it named electrogenic particles.
    In the zone collisions and explosion starry, from the primary matter - matter under electrical field, magnetic field and radiations form, it begins to form the underatomic particles; first the electron which remain as crystallisation nucleus definitized on him the neutron, which at that time when becomes free is transformed in proton and electron, respective in atoms of hydrogen, giving immenses hydrogen clouds what finds on the stary cataclysms place.
    Gravity: born, inseparable and essential the matter, is produced by a cause which acts constantly in the matter particles. All three principles of Dynamics: 1). the principle of inertia; 2). the principle of proportionality acceleration with force; and 3). the principle of the action and reaction; all are the essential elements of the universal attraction law, law which in essence is a law of the inertial masses in movement.
    The INERTIAL MOVE from matter produce the gravitational field, and the gravity with her particles ties the macrocosmos with microcosmos and influenced all what exists siting thus at the general existence basis. The UNIFIED LAW of matter*s forces I can say with certainty that it exists from some hundred years and is Newton*s universal attraction law.
    The UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION LAW it applay identicallly to the movement the atoms of the ethereal matters, identically to the movement the atoms of the chemical elements, identically to the movement the planets and stars of one galaxy, because any body of any dimension possess a mass and thus is subdued the newtonian forces of interaction.
    The UNIFIED LAW is the LAW of the UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION FORCES = of the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION FORCES = of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FORCES produced by the inner movement of the inertial rotation of the ethereal matter from bodies and substances. This, because, the ethereal particles are continuous movement through the them nature, being electrical - produce electrical energy, being named and electrogenic particles.
    The universal attraction law of the Newton is the UNIFIED LAW because all those three fundamental interactions: the nuclear interaction, the electromagnetic (electron-proton) interaction and the gravitational interaction are interactions produced through the ethereal matter, what bind the clasical physics with the good part of the modern physics, but it bind and the ETHEREAL PHYSICS.
    Isaac Newton establishes the basic notion of classical mechanics, proved the universal attraction law and put base of the celestial mechanics. Newton had affirmed THAT IT HASN*T EXIST NATURAL PROCESS who HASN*T produced BY ATTRACTION and REPULSION ACTIVE FORCES which REGULATES the CELESTIAL BODIES MOVEMENT and the BODIES FALING down, that LEEDS the CHEMICAL and MECHANICAL PROCESSES, fact which makes that the universal attraction law acts in macrocosmos and as in microcosmos.
    Thus, all the physics*s laws, chemistry*s laws and biology*s laws it can include and explain through this unified law of the electromagnetic field produced of inner movement of iunertial rotation of the matter from bodies and substances. The spacial brethren say us about Newton that: ”Newton is great saint with us in Sky!”
    Now, were collided particles in LHC and you seen that is nothing: none Higgs boson, none Big Bang, neither black holes, but only thousands of shards of ethereal particles.Therefore now, return you physicists from your distraction, at Isaac Newton with his universal attraction law = THE UNIFIED LAW of the MATTERS and FORCES, at the eliminated ETHER by Einstein, at unseen world of ethereal and spiritual matters which fill up the Cosmos, and return you at the Lord- at God!

  • @willis936
    @willis936 5 років тому

    What a joke. This foundation is an embarrassment to Germany next to IPP.

  • @mertgunes9854
    @mertgunes9854 5 років тому

    What you people allowed there to happen at the end is disgraceful. Shame on you.