@@KentaroMiyamoto21 Jim too; it's secretly what their rivalry is based on, but they have to pretend it's about video games so the public doesn't catch on
Come on, don't be so harsh on Randy. He just screwed over millions of paying customers and shamelessly hid behind complete lies and the appeal of a popular IP while stealing money from the game's budget to make Borderlands. We've all been there.
Not to mention he made a really cool video so all the potential players could see early on what the game would have looked like, if it hadn't been much worse! =D
My favorite part about Warframe is that premium currency and items can be traded freely between players. Its not only demonstrates a "you earn it you own it" policy that even some "AAA" games can't afford digital content, but it allows some dedicated free players to market to short-term payed players, and set the price of some content outside of dev's marketplace.
I love the trading system in that game, it's nice being able to free trade between other players. Plus it means you don't have to worry about missing out on old Prime gear once it's in the vault since you can just buy it off another player :D
All I need now is the addition of trading house and not AFK sell on relays. I need to sell some of my prime parts but I can't do it for a long time cuz I need to have fun and get off my fkin mr 4 self... Not ranting just wishing it exist in PoE later.
Yeah it still needs work, but the fact that they implemented it at all is a good demonstration on how they feel about ownership of content. Also I feel that low rank struggle. I was lucky to hit a plat sale on my early ranks (with some disposable income). But trust me, after rank 8 they just start to fly by. Unless you're trying to keep literally ever weapon you rank, them slots add up.
Naota Kenichi I'm just keeping my faves. But at least I want to sell stuff earn plat in-game, basically experience it. Or just keep the plat for future use or buy prime parts myself cuz even buying prime parts I need to spam wtb in chat lol. I just hope we get it PoE (the trading house) or at least DE can make us sell items for plat and not just credits.
Who was that guy who pretended he forgot Jim's name again? Agh, it's on the tip of my tongue. Hmm, I dunno, uhh, was he working on that game Extraterrestrials: local soldiers?
Randy Pitchford is also the guy that had no idea about what G2A was before the shitstorm that ensued after Gearbox announced their collaboration with G2A for Bulletstom Remastered.
It had more advertising than most games get, it just wasn’t a very well designed game which looked suspiciously like a ripoff of a better game which came out at the same time.
It wasn’t the lack of advertising, it was the fact that they were releasing at the same time as Overwatch. Didn’t help that the two games had a similar art style while Overwatch had the edge of being a new IP from a big company known for making good games.
At least actual mysterio is funny... And he tricked Wolverine into killing his friends. Randy "Colonial Marines was awesome" Shitbird couldn't even be bothered to hide his greasy hair under a reflective dome.
"which is why, if you've ever emailed me to ask how you do this kind of stuff, chances are you never really needed my advice to begin with." Probably the best line in the video as far as I'm concerned.
Leinadlink no, it was Overwatch with the dumd free "Beta" wich is the equivalent of a drug dealer giving up free samples knowing that a big part of them will come back for more. Sure, some of Randy's reactions and strategies weren't appropriate but the customers didn't bought the game because randy was a douchebag again but because Blizzard tried to eliminate as much competition as possible
Brainbot Jezebel Sorry, but Battleborn should have just postponed its release a bit and stop competing with Overwatch. They wanted to compete and lost the fight. Releasing a more polished Battleborn half a year later would have had a bigger chance of success. People had to choose and seemingly chose Overwatch. That is neither the peoples nor Blizzards fault.
It wouldn't of been stillborn if Randy wasn't so fucking cocky and stupid and decided to release it in the same month as the hype juggernaut that was Overwatch it would of been way more successful. Then he waited over a year to make it free to play and then refused to market it as free to play.
I study Media Informatics, including Game Design, and one of my professors told us that in one of the mobile games he developed and published, some stupid candy crusher clone, they the game especially appealing to housewives/mothers, made a rank up or rank down system similar to Hearthstone and then appealed directly to a mothers protection instincts by offering shields for sale that protect your rank in case you loose, he tells us he makes a shit ton of cash that way. I told myself that I will never become a game dev like that, fuck that guy.
Why though? Your goal is to make the most amount of money possible right? The nuance comes in where you want to make people spend the most amount of money possible without realizing they're blatantly being used.
No, actually, it isn't. Sure I plan on making money, but my goal is to create something other people will enjoy. Videogames are a big part of my life and if I can be one of those guys that make kids excited for what's they get for their birthday then I'm happy. Even if that sounds pretty corny lol
If your goal is to make the most amount of money possible then you already failed at life and should remove yourself from it. Your goal is to create the best product possible, and some amount of money is needed for that, but the money is a means, not an end.
"I love that I'm in this guys head!" No, Randy I believe it's the other way around. You wouldn't keep mentioning Jim Fucking Sterling Son if that were correct!
Yeah I mean how long has it been since Aliens CM? He needs to let it go. I actually like Randy Pitchford a lot, he isn't afraid to go outside the box, is the opposite of the stuffy corporate type, and is a passionate advocate for gaming and gamers. He's definitely got some honesty issues going on though. It would be tough to do but if there were fake Twitter accounts I'd admire him for just admitting it, and if the Aliens game was misrepresented (although I don't know, I didn't follow what went on at the time).
Jeff, Bitchford literally said that the massive graphical/gameplay difference between the trailer and game is a "very minor issue" and we're all wrong for complaining about it. It is our fault for having too high expectations after seeing the trailer. This is literally what he was saying in that interview. Bitchford is a slimey snake who should be out of the industry.
Randy is clearly projecting here. It's been 4 years since that game came out and Randy still can't stop talking about Jim, clearly Jim is still in his head
I didn't know who the guy was until Jim mentioned him. And if he is the guy behind Alien Colonial Marines, well, that's a huge ego for such a shit track record isn't it?
he's basically a shitty executive who got a much better reputation than he should because his company is behind Borderlands. He's young and charismatic ( i guess ) and so people don't really scratch beyond the surface with him. Hell i remember that cringey trailer of him announcing yet another delay on Duke Nukem forverer that somehow turned into good press for him just because he poked fun at himself. But Gearbox truly is one of the worst companies out there, they just happen to have 1 big hit that is beloved by millions of people.
I love how Pitchford is jumping on the "fake news" bandwagon in a feeble attempt to retroactively clean up his reputation after shitting all over it by producing sub-par games, falsifying positive feedback to make those games seem more appealing, and denying the very real flaws of said work to customers who paid good money for a dull and broken mess.
Sounds just as desperate as his attempt to sound like he didn't actually remember Jim *Fucking* Sterling's name (so pretty much the entire interview). Pitchford's not fooling anyone.
It worked so well for the politicians... although gaming kind of did it before the orange troll's supporters detached themselves from reality. Before, bad game developers/publishers blamed others for playing the game wrong or lying for dramatic effect or some shit. And now we live in a post-fact world, so I guess we're boned.
Oh can we please see the main man; Jim motherfucking Sterling, son take on Randy "Check out Battleborn porn" Pitchford. That would be a battle of the ages.
I appreciate Sterling's honesty about his addictive personality, his affinity for cosmetics, and how he finds micro-transactions constantly tempting. I think many of us who hate these things "in concept" like to pretend that we are not ever tempted to spend money on such items when in-fact we may be just as tempted as the next person.
Randy Bitchford is really asking for it now. When will he learn that doubling down on lies and idiocy only doubles the backlash he gets? Although at this point, he's already at 100% disapproval, so I guess there's nothing left to lose!
Funny thing about this is, he obviously knows your name very well but he's pulling that obvious move were it's like "yea I don't even care that much so I can't remember his name" lol
I got very confused by your comment at first. Then I realised you were talking about Micro Transactions and not Magitek Infantry. I've definitely been playing too much FFXV.
Crushing other small, like-minded ant colonies isn't going to faze the anteaters...he's bitching at easy targets (see the last 20 videos about trash indie games and his own hard-on about getting sued) because he knows no one in his subfeed would actually care to see him pull another "I'm a fucking idiot when the game isn't shit" Hellblade and have to put his floppy dong away...
See, the people up top are just aristocratic narcissists, who think we are stupid peasants. They go after Trump with ridiculous accusations which are false but would generate maximum outrage if believed, even though there are hundreds of *valid* arguments against Trump for them to use. Same thing here, there are numerous valid arguments against Jim, but no "aristocrat" goes after Jim with valid accusations, do they? No.
Randy Pitchford looks like the kinda person who literally never tells the truth. I wouldn't trust him to tell me that the sky was blue or that water was wet.
Top ten Dark Souls beards please. Nah just kidding. No you know what, not kidding. There's some absolutely magnificent beards in those games. Jim's beard is Nr. 1 if he grows one.
Blizzard can't afford east coast US servers for any of their games. But they can sure afford to build their own e-sports buildings and shell out tons of money for the events! Provide a good experience for their normal playerbase? HAH! What a stupid notion! Also that FF7 music made me lose focus of what was being said. Damn you nostalgia.
They have to keep up with League since Dota2 and Evo already upped their budget for the venue... I am not defending blizzard, I hate them all the same..
I like the new theme too but I personally think it should be used as the end credits song while keeping the original as the intro music. It's too iconic (actual iconic, not Ubisoft iconic) in my opinion, and hearing it gets me hyped up at the start of every video.
I always wonder how much a company has to make in profits before its consumers will stop accept 'development costs' as justification for additional price hikes. The Gaming Industry is definitely the worse but so much of the consumer base still buy into these excuses for price hikes in the form of paid content and other additional fees. It just boggles my mind, as if people like being ripped off by big business....
...its all lie by the way. in the 360 area we already make high poly version of everything in the game. high = mils of poly. its not useable for any real time game but we make a low poly version and bake all the details into that. what does that mean? Development cost has not gone up for the last 10 years...cause we been making high detail models,texture, and all of that. all that it takes to make a 1080 usebale texture (1024 by 1024 for an example) or a 4k texture is to make sure we have the right format and texture output during the export processes.
never, because they just keep claiming that marketing costs are rising or that engines are more and more expensive, and it's a cost people should just accept, in any other industry people would laugh at them because their inability to manage production costs isn't the consumer's problem, and that it's the developers who should be figuring out how to cut costs. I mean imagine if I tried to sell you a bottle of water for $100 and justified the price saying it was because of how costly it is to ship ice from the himalayas, melt it with lava from mount vesubius and then put it in bottles handcrafted by a brazilian artisan with plastic from norwegian recycling plants, you think the "but it's treepuhl A quality" excuse would cut it?
Hi Jim! Fairly new sub here, just wanted to throw my hat in: XL Games/Trion Worlds, destroyed ArcheAge. From what I hear, alpha didn't even have a micro-transaction market. Later, introduced it and most of their playerbase left. They tried to reset the economy introducing 2 fresh start servers, but guess what! They reopened the market and destroyed the economy within the first couple days of it being up and running. Recently they just merged, sorry "evolved", severals servers together. Which reset: The guild you were in, houses you had to use resources to build from the floor up, custom images you put on clothes/boats/other image items, and much more. I believe it was because of low population, didn't really read into it, but was their smoothest transition I ever experienced with the company. However, if you weren't a subscriber, there was little to NO chance, you were getting through the queue to get online, which is an annoying re-occurring problem with this company. It's seems like they're trying to push out more "content worthy" patches, but it's all happening within moths of each other and with rollbacks on top of that, how am I supposed to catch up or even enjoy the content? April/May of this year was patch 3.0(one of their worst launches and a horrible patch that effected a HUGE chunk of gameplay/how you earned money), then in June was 3.5(wasn't around), now they're coming out with patch 4.0, again didn't read into when it was releasing, because it seems like nonsense. This game really wants you to play, but there are so many restrictions on it, (FOR A FREE TO PLAY GAME) that it turns you away before you even hit lv 40. The grind is just absurd and after lv 30, you're thrown out into a world with no real direction, where someone 10+ lvls higher than you, can just come along and kill you; giving you a death penalty that takes away experience points. Even if they're on the same side as you! The crafting system was unique but a NIGHTMARE to deal with, because you had to use labor. A resource you got just for being online, 5 points for 5 minutes-max of 2000 points for f2p players, 10 points for 5mins AND 10 points for 5mins if you're offline with a 5k max for subscribers. There are ways of replenishing your labor, but they've added a 12 HOUR cooldown to a potion that gives you 1k. If I did my math right; you'd be able to get that 1k labor in roughly 3-4 hours. That's one hell of a penalty for just wanting to progress a little faster, when you give a CLEAR advantage to subs, on a "f2p model".
To a guy that makes games that sell millions in the US alone, he spends a lot of time ranting about a single journalist that can't even muster half a million views worldwide in a week. That's not critique against Sterling, he does well enough and I wish I could get that kind of viewership, but when you're talking about a CEO for a AAA giant, that's on a completely different scale. It's like the elephant being spooked by the mouse!
....i literally at 20 years old, reading this as i rewatch this video, am realizing that’s what the joke is, that’s why elephants are portrayed as afraid of mice, something massive being so focused on and afraid of what should be almost completely insignificant to them
@@300IQPrower I don't want to be "that guy" but I am going to be. Elephants aren't actually afraid of mice, they're extremely gentle and intelligent creatures that recognize they would kill the mouse by standing on it. If the appear to panic, it's because they're trying NOT to squash the little guy while he squeaks around under their feet.
Man, Randy is the most jilted of lovers. "Who was that guy? I don't even know his name. Now I will go into an extended rant about him! This guy I certainly barely remember! He has a hard-on for me though!"
@Dhruv Menon Oh look, someone have learned a new word! "Skinner's Box"! Don't you realize that it's something used by most games regardless of business model?
I think the truth is that end-game is shit for most online games. requires too much time or money investment just because.. why honestly? make players feel like they've accomplished something in a fucking game? That's why I stop playing online games when I reach that point. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy them prior to that. That's also a reason why I think single player games are superior.
Dhruv Menon I respect your opinion, but I don't think that Warframe players don't enjoy themselves. And you are wrong about content. Many times they released free cosmetics as rewards. Also the Devstreams they made rewards the players with Platinum and a lot of it ! So if you are inpatient the Warframe isn't for you.
@Dhruv Menon What the hell you talking about "Don't make this game big" Why the hell you even think people talk great about this game? It's not because they only want that end loot and that is it. Every game has a form of grind small or big.. I think you just lack patience for Warframe and it ain't your thing! Because you are hella in the minority with your opinion...
As someone with 4600 hours in the game: both sides have a point here. I.M.O. the kuva grind is the most toxic part of the game at the moment. We need more challenging and rewarding ways of obtaining it. Besides that, platinum is a decent f2p currency. The plat discounts are a good way of rewarding patience whilst maintaining the value of plat as an in-game currency. Tradeable and lets players obtain items to trade for plat if they have more time than money. Gameplay is entertaining and variable enough to make obtaining items that are worth platinum as enjoyable as any other part of the game (EXCEPT KUVA ARGG) I've got plenty of issues with the game as any veteran will, but the monetization isn't really one of them. Any time I buy some prime accessories , plat with a 75% discount and especially tennogen items I feel like I'm supporting something I enjoy of my own free will.
I love how Jim’s videos just get more and more relevant as time goes on, like a quality wine. Jim what about a series called ‘Sterling Reserves’ where you go over timelines of game industry nonsense via clips of your previous videos.
I have been watching you since your first days on the escapist. I think over the years this is only the third time I have heard you mention Warframe in your videos. (Other two times i recall were once in a rhyme/song about the PS4 and the other an off comment about other developers look to emulate warframes sucess). Really have to say it was worth the wait and I hoesntly shed a couple of tears of joy and finally hearing you recognise and praise Warframe and its F2P model. I honestly feel if more developers took a similar approach and were as open as Digital Extremes were we would be seeing a lot more awesome (and fair) games out there. One day (soon hopefully) I hope to have a proper job and be able to support you probably on patereon Mr Jim Sterling San. Untill then you keep keep being awesome and I will keep thanking god for you.
......That moment when you see someone kick the literal hornets nest that is Jim Sterling and you wince because you know they will the proud owner of a new hole to shit out of.
He's not trying to convince anyone, he just wants oh so badly to piss off Jim with his brazen lies and bitching. Worked out great, Randy, he really didn't throw your shit right back at you laughing.
I think "Stress" is a much better fit for this incarnation of the show, but after seeing Randy Pitchford try to Kraz up (see: American Vandal) this idea that Jim didn't bother him, Drill Queen was the only way to go.
I've maintained that (his hospital visit notwithstanding) Jim has looked healthier and healthier since his legal battle with Digital Homicide came to a close, and now looking at Randy Pitchford, he seems to be accumulating what Jim is losing. The man looks like he's being inflated.
Keep up the good work mate. Don't know why people complain about you constantly going after micro-transactions. As someone who also has an addictive personality, I appreciate it.
that1guytv my friends have stared at me like a freak for saying I don't buy games from companies who take advantage of those with gambling issues (so basically most of them) it's like 'hurr durr you need to support the devs' I'm like, EA isn't a fucking indie. But people need to actually use their power of a consumer and idk, not buy things, or wait, and buy them second hand? Because screw the shitty behaviour.
I am really late to the game because I have the attention span of a goldfish but I want to say that it makes me so, so happy to hear praise for Warframe in a Jimquisition video. It's by far my favorite ongoing game and it continually impresses me with the level of quality content it puts out for free. I've reached late game paying actual money for only two things: cosmetics designed by community members who get paid directly for their work and premium currency on an occasion when I had 75% off and could get an absurd amount for only $5. The gameplay is loads of fun, the animation and general presentation are phenomenal, and the storytelling does a good job of being engaging despite the spotty and confusing lore. Absolutely should have won the Labor of Love award.
If you follow Jim on Twitter, he's actually been really getting into Warframe lately, so I hope this topic comes up again at some point in the future with Jim having a more in-depth perspective on the game. Mostly because, as much as I love the game and the universe of Warframe, the paid elements vary wildly from impressively thoughtful to bafflingly frustrating. Platinum and it's application is often great, being not only intelligently managed with cosmetics that can only be bought with Platinum being cheap but earnable resources like frames and weapons being more expensive for the "rush" crowd, but being attainable in game through other means if you put the work in (ie. trading). On the flip side, the emphasis on wait times and excessive grinding becomes /suffocating/ at times, leaving me feeling aimless and slavishly beating my head against ludicrous drop tables. Sometimes it isn't even to their betterment; some of the worst items to farm like the Brakk/Detron or some of the more egregious wait times like Clan Research have no alternative system of purchase, making me wonder why they're even bothering putting players through this. Anyway, yeah, would also love to hear Jim talk about it at some point. Good but weird shit.
Kind of late now, but it might please you to hear that not only has Jim spoke favorably about Warframe, but also criticized it. The last part isn't the remarkable bit. What's remarkable is that Space Mom and the team actually listened to him. Granted, it's an issue the community has been railing against them for some time (purchasing the prime cosmetics without buying the full unvaulting prime access), but not only is Jim a fan of their game, the game's devs are fans of Jim.
Valkyr for life. On another note, those drop tables do take a remarkable amount of piss at times. Ivara was a massive pain to get, and Equinox just took sooooo many runs at Tyl Regor that I got really, really sick of listening to his reasonably well-written and actually quite well voice-acted lines despite the overall good quality of them. But eh, it was something to do I suppose. I much prefer the story content and open-world helping people and stuff, though.^^
So Jim has gotten so large in the industry that someone like Randy Pitchford is playing silly beggers and acting like a child when it comes interviews either that or Randy has fallen so far from the big buck days of Borderlands 2 that he can only make himself look like he has any worth by pretending to forget peoples names. The first is awesome news for Jim the second is frankly pathetic for an individual that calls himself the CEO of a major gaming company.
Any game that sells progress, power, or time investment is abusing the f2p model. Don't see how someone can defend pay-to-win MTX systems while saying that a cosmetic-only MTX system is bad just because it occurs on a "premium" game. The issue with Overwatch's system is that it's gambling-based, not that there is an avenue for extra purchases on top of the 40USD base game. Judge the content packages on their own merits.
@@TheRodentMastermind lootbox systems are Literally gambling, as in legally considered gambling and illegal to sell in games in belgium, as ea just had to comply with ua-cam.com/video/fnh2Yu0eaiY/v-deo.html the problem is that even if you personally aren't bothered by it people with addictive personalities are the ones being targeted, they always are
You might not remember that time you walked backwards into a Duke Nukem Forever presentation at PAX, flipping us at the front of the line off (which I still laugh about when I remember it btw, well done! :D)... but Randy Pitchford remembers. He remembers, and he holds grudges.
@@Bancheis I like PoE as an example because it's not a case of "you totally don't have to" but a case of "if you need it you're far enough into it that it just makes sense and the creators kind of earned it." When I got to the point where I thought "damned I need those" I also thought "time to spend the money I would pay for this game." which came to be about 30 bucks.
Londronable I buy the supporter packs because I enjoy this one more than WoW and LoL combined. The amount of money I’ve spent on those two games over the past 15 years makes it only right to drop the $120 when the time comes.
RNG-based microtransactions (Slot machine simulators) need to go altogether. Its predatory, exploitive, and psychologically manipulative. They should be illegal.
Roxor128 That is nice middle medium compared to outright banning it. I first thought of the idea of regulating it (like you just commented/recommended) would be fine, but it is not practical to enforce the most important regulation of gambling. Age. In fact it would be impossible to enforce. Casinos can enforce regulation such as an age restriction by not permitting anyone under age to even enter.
Digital retailers like Steam already pester you to enter your age to view the store page of an age-restricted game, and I would expect they also block you from getting it as a gift if you're too young. You could reuse that for blocking access to disguised-gambling games. If it later turns out the customer lied about their age, the retailer can be required to delete their account. Maybe even issue a fine on behalf of the government as well. If you want to get really mean (and I don't because I think losing your Steam library is punishment enough), have a blacklist which all digital retailers selling to your country are required to enforce. Lie about your age once, and you not only get banned from Steam, but you also get banned from everything else for however long your inclusion in the list lasts.
Jesus christ that is VERY extreme. A fine should be enough. Every child lies about their age online. Nobody including me went "oh there is an 18+ limit on this, better not play or open this" when they saw it pop up. A better rule would be that after X amount of spending on a platform you would be required to put in your personal/tax information to proof that you are of legal age. Like steam has where you have to put in your tax info if you place more then 200 items on the store in a year. If you would put in false information at that point then it is illegal and fines and legal action would be taken. This would create a reasonal barrier between just playing and proper underage gambling.
TheKerbalgamer - Just getting into the mind of the far right, who I'm pretty sure _would_ get that mean and use "Think of the children!" to justify it. Now, your idea of requiring tax info to prove you're old enough is a good one. The existing threshold of 200 submitted items per year to require it seems absurdly high, though. I think your first game with a retail price or microtransactions should be plenty sufficient grounds for requiring tax info. After all, that's the sort of thing where the tax office would want to be informed. If you're not making any money off the game, then not having to supply tax information is perfectly reasonable.
Another example of "good" microtransaction system: Path of Exile.. Played it for like a year without paying a cent.. The only microtransactions are cosmetic and stash tabs extensions which are really usefull if you play the game a lot, but nor really loosing much if you dont buy them.. yet people spend a lot on it because they make a good game first.. and nothing they do in a game effects their microtransactions system..
I really, really dislike Randy Pitchford's attitude since 2011, starting with his "no really, people liked the game" defensiveness regarding Duke Nukem Forever. Since then, I can only recall the Borderlands sequels and Homeworld games being any good. Every other game he reaches pretty hard on Twitter to find "many people" who "really liked the game". Not a great basis for his inflated ego, pathological lying, and overall defensiveness. What happened to the humble, much more approachable Randy from the 2000s? He seemed a lot more down to earth back then in interviews, but maybe I'm imagining things. Has he always been like this and I just never noticed?
What I don't understand is why Compulsion Games partnered up with his company. Is it wrong to be cynical about it even if they stated that Randy Pitchford has no sway over the design decisions of We Happy Few? I'm curious if Compulsion Games even thought about the repercussions. Did no one think in company, "hmmm, you think its a good idea to partner up with Gearbox knowing their reputation?" It really perplexed me.
-Kura - He may not have personal sway but they're already going the way of AAA games for the worse. Obviously 2K Games or someone else high up is pricing the game higher than it was and making bad retail decisions. It's crap. You have a right to be cynical.
To see Pitchford having a good time, check out his presentation of Unreal Engine 4 from GDC 2017. He's so excited about the engine that he can hardly speak.
I feel like Randy pretending to forget Sterling's name was an attempt to defend himself in case it resulted in any, you know, defamation suits against him, because then he could have been like "oh, I wasn't talking about yoooouuuuuu, I was talking about somebody eeeellllssseeeee!" like a massive worm.
It definitely could be the case but Randy's impulse control has been so demonstrably poor so many times that, in a weird way, it might be giving him too much credit.
"he's got a british accent"
"he's always mad"
Oh, Yahtzee I knew you had a hard on for jiraffes but this guy?
I hear he wears hats indoors too, or at least the stick avatar of him does.
Thought he was into Dolphin blowholes nowadays
To be fair, if Randy Pitchford says Jim Sterling's name then his protective enchantments will be broken and Jim Sterling will know where he is.
W Jesh Pitchford's a wizard now?
W Jesh the he who must not be named of game criticism lol
Kenneth Ayoob I think he prefers “magician”, but that may be a cover.
@@KentaroMiyamoto21 Jim too; it's secretly what their rivalry is based on, but they have to pretend it's about video games so the public doesn't catch on
Come on, don't be so harsh on Randy. He just screwed over millions of paying customers and shamelessly hid behind complete lies and the appeal of a popular IP while stealing money from the game's budget to make Borderlands. We've all been there.
Not to mention he made a really cool video so all the potential players could see early on what the game would have looked like, if it hadn't been much worse! =D
Don't forget that he even stole the premise for Borderlands in the first place. Codehunters. (Whoops on the name)
Seriously. Who HASNT done that exact thing at least once before?
Glass houses man.glass houses.
At least Borderlands was a good game :^)
@@Grinnar The correct name is 'Codehunters' (And it's worth the watch, even at least for it's style).
Man just coming back to this now...it's prophetic
My favorite part about Warframe is that premium currency and items can be traded freely between players. Its not only demonstrates a "you earn it you own it" policy that even some "AAA" games can't afford digital content, but it allows some dedicated free players to market to short-term payed players, and set the price of some content outside of dev's marketplace.
I love the trading system in that game, it's nice being able to free trade between other players. Plus it means you don't have to worry about missing out on old Prime gear once it's in the vault since you can just buy it off another player :D
All I need now is the addition of trading house and not AFK sell on relays.
I need to sell some of my prime parts but I can't do it for a long time cuz I need to have fun and get off my fkin mr 4 self... Not ranting just wishing it exist in PoE later.
Yeah it still needs work, but the fact that they implemented it at all is a good demonstration on how they feel about ownership of content.
Also I feel that low rank struggle. I was lucky to hit a plat sale on my early ranks (with some disposable income). But trust me, after rank 8 they just start to fly by. Unless you're trying to keep literally ever weapon you rank, them slots add up.
Naota Kenichi I'm just keeping my faves. But at least I want to sell stuff earn plat in-game, basically experience it. Or just keep the plat for future use or buy prime parts myself cuz even buying prime parts I need to spam wtb in chat lol.
I just hope we get it PoE (the trading house) or at least DE can make us sell items for plat and not just credits.
Well there's warframe.market which a few sellers use to list items, and it gives you some idea of who is selling what for what.
Who was that guy who pretended he forgot Jim's name again? Agh, it's on the tip of my tongue. Hmm, I dunno, uhh, was he working on that game Extraterrestrials: local soldiers?
Sht it's that guy, uhh i think he was Dr. Phil's cousin, ehhhh i think it's like Randolf Reykavvik
yeah it’s reckyivic
i seriously don't know who he is, not a joke, who is him? (edit) : O MY FUCKING GOD I KNOW WHO THAT ASSHAT IS, I DIDN'T KNOW HIS FACE
*One year later, Matt Damon?
Pretty sure it was like Rudolf Pitchfork or something
Randy Pitchford is also the guy that had no idea about what G2A was before the shitstorm that ensued after Gearbox announced their collaboration with G2A for Bulletstom Remastered.
""""""had no idea""""""
Randy Bitchford's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Every single Jim Sterling video ever made will always have more views than there ever were Battle Born players.
thats not the games fault, that was no advertising, and overwatch that killed that game
It had more advertising than most games get, it just wasn’t a very well designed game which looked suspiciously like a ripoff of a better game which came out at the same time.
It wasn’t the lack of advertising, it was the fact that they were releasing at the same time as Overwatch.
Didn’t help that the two games had a similar art style while Overwatch had the edge of being a new IP from a big company known for making good games.
Battle Born was actually a decent game.
So if I have Battleborn AND watch Jim Sterling, what percentile do i fall into?
Jim's gonna get a lot of mileage out of that orc rubbing his hands together, isn't he?
DialTheDude and we'll love every second of it!
He looks like a stereotypical Jew.
It's amazingly fitting. lol
And thus Greed Orc has joined jumbo shrimp and Bruhbarian in the vestiges of Jim Sterling's meme faces.
Take a bow.
DialTheDude yes he is friend...yes he is, because that's now how I envision the AAA executives now
"Two-bit Mysterio" is the best way to describe these wankers who think they can play psychological games but end up acting like middle schoolers :D
At least actual mysterio is funny... And he tricked Wolverine into killing his friends. Randy "Colonial Marines was awesome" Shitbird couldn't even be bothered to hide his greasy hair under a reflective dome.
Randy Pitchford having a go at Jim? Fuck, I'm gonna have to invest in a popcorn machine.
Won't be enough mate, not enough popcorn.
ACBGames that is a disgraceful insult, I want $15 million right now.
not so sure...... my money's on an industrial sized popcorn machine.
"which is why, if you've ever emailed me to ask how you do this kind of stuff, chances are you never really needed my advice to begin with."
Probably the best line in the video as far as I'm concerned.
Randy Bitchford looks like a guy who would steal your car and then sell it back to you.
And the radio is missing when you get the car back
But not before crashing it into your house and trying to get you to pay the damages.
I wouuld bet he actually did that allready once in his life. He is obviouusly beyond any human decency. What gigantic , rabastard.
Nah. He hasn't got the spine to do anything like that.
That's Shawn Murray
Randy killed battleborn... It's dead, he killed it...
Well it was more like a stillborn but he failed to reanimate it as well...
Leinadlink no, it was Overwatch with the dumd free "Beta" wich is the equivalent of a drug dealer giving up free samples knowing that a big part of them will come back for more. Sure, some of Randy's reactions and strategies weren't appropriate but the customers didn't bought the game because randy was a douchebag again but because Blizzard tried to eliminate as much competition as possible
Rip Borderlands 3
overwatch killed battleborn in the same sense sonic killed bubsy, it was just a better game.
Brainbot Jezebel Sorry, but Battleborn should have just postponed its release a bit and stop competing with Overwatch. They wanted to compete and lost the fight. Releasing a more polished Battleborn half a year later would have had a bigger chance of success. People had to choose and seemingly chose Overwatch. That is neither the peoples nor Blizzards fault.
It wouldn't of been stillborn if Randy wasn't so fucking cocky and stupid and decided to release it in the same month as the hype juggernaut that was Overwatch it would of been way more successful.
Then he waited over a year to make it free to play and then refused to market it as free to play.
Drill Queen?!?!? Now that's a reason to start "Poundin' It"
I study Media Informatics, including Game Design, and one of my professors told us that in one of the mobile games he developed and published, some stupid candy crusher clone, they the game especially appealing to housewives/mothers, made a rank up or rank down system similar to Hearthstone and then appealed directly to a mothers protection instincts by offering shields for sale that protect your rank in case you loose, he tells us he makes a shit ton of cash that way.
I told myself that I will never become a game dev like that, fuck that guy.
Why though? Your goal is to make the most amount of money possible right? The nuance comes in where you want to make people spend the most amount of money possible without realizing they're blatantly being used.
No, actually, it isn't. Sure I plan on making money, but my goal is to create something other people will enjoy. Videogames are a big part of my life and if I can be one of those guys that make kids excited for what's they get for their birthday then I'm happy. Even if that sounds pretty corny lol
If your goal is to make the most amount of money possible then you already failed at life and should remove yourself from it. Your goal is to create the best product possible, and some amount of money is needed for that, but the money is a means, not an end.
exactly. Well, maybe not remove yourself from life, but become a banker or something, not join the entertainment branche
That’s basic psychology and the mobile market in a nutshell.
Wouldn't that be W2P?
*Wank to Play*
Darkness Prevails lol
Finally a game I can play one handed
Pay to Wank - Chaturbate.
it could be Fap to Play
Literally every Sakura game
"I love that I'm in this guys head!" No, Randy I believe it's the other way around. You wouldn't keep mentioning Jim Fucking Sterling Son if that were correct!
That's what I thought too. Obviously if he bothers to bring Jim up in an interview it means that Jim's stuck in his head.
Yeah I mean how long has it been since Aliens CM? He needs to let it go. I actually like Randy Pitchford a lot, he isn't afraid to go outside the box, is the opposite of the stuffy corporate type, and is a passionate advocate for gaming and gamers. He's definitely got some honesty issues going on though. It would be tough to do but if there were fake Twitter accounts I'd admire him for just admitting it, and if the Aliens game was misrepresented (although I don't know, I didn't follow what went on at the time).
Jeff, Bitchford literally said that the massive graphical/gameplay difference between the trailer and game is a "very minor issue" and we're all wrong for complaining about it. It is our fault for having too high expectations after seeing the trailer. This is literally what he was saying in that interview. Bitchford is a slimey snake who should be out of the industry.
Randy is clearly projecting here. It's been 4 years since that game came out and Randy still can't stop talking about Jim, clearly Jim is still in his head
"He's definitely got some honesty issues going on though."
That's a very nice way of saying "He's a bloody liar"
Randy called me a child rapist for criticizing his business ethics.
Honestly he’s probably just projecting. I wouldn’t put it past the guy at this point.
Please have a mud-wrestling match with Randy. Clothing is optional.
c l o t h i n g i s o p t i o n a l
Now this is what I can rally behind
Dildo bat, however, is required.
Also, an addition of the Steam Cleaner, Sterdust and the Cornflake Humunculus would up the game
GOD NO. I don't want to see Randy's Pitchford!
And no "magic tricks"
Slagging off Randy AND The old intro? Jim, my birthday's not for two days now please
Alexander Thomsen As you heard Jim knows customer service 😉
"Blandy Pitchfraud" had to pause the video for that.
So happy you're calling out Randy and for the old song
remember when you played the shit out of a game to unlock shit using skill and progression.
Pepperidge Farms remembers
Balder's gate comes to mind
Smash Ultimate remembers.
Nintendo games still have that.
@@IVeNoMII thank god.
I didn't know who the guy was until Jim mentioned him. And if he is the guy behind Alien Colonial Marines, well, that's a huge ego for such a shit track record isn't it?
he's basically a shitty executive who got a much better reputation than he should because his company is behind Borderlands. He's young and charismatic ( i guess ) and so people don't really scratch beyond the surface with him. Hell i remember that cringey trailer of him announcing yet another delay on Duke Nukem forverer that somehow turned into good press for him just because he poked fun at himself.
But Gearbox truly is one of the worst companies out there, they just happen to have 1 big hit that is beloved by millions of people.
Well, the guy behind Borderlands has apparently left Gearbox; so, let's see how they fare now.
I love how Pitchford is jumping on the "fake news" bandwagon in a feeble attempt to retroactively clean up his reputation after shitting all over it by producing sub-par games, falsifying positive feedback to make those games seem more appealing, and denying the very real flaws of said work to customers who paid good money for a dull and broken mess.
Sounds just as desperate as his attempt to sound like he didn't actually remember Jim *Fucking* Sterling's name (so pretty much the entire interview). Pitchford's not fooling anyone.
It worked so well for the politicians... although gaming kind of did it before the orange troll's supporters detached themselves from reality. Before, bad game developers/publishers blamed others for playing the game wrong or lying for dramatic effect or some shit.
And now we live in a post-fact world, so I guess we're boned.
I love it when I speak to some friends about games and someone mentions Randy the first response is always: "oh that's piece of shit"
Oh can we please see the main man; Jim motherfucking Sterling, son take on Randy "Check out Battleborn porn" Pitchford. That would be a battle of the ages.
Jim gets to use the 2 handed dildo sword.
Can has rap battle please?
I still want Brattleborn 2. With overwatch out now the game could do much better with less multiplater reliance
No, it wouldn't. It would be a bloodbath.
I appreciate Sterling's honesty about his addictive personality, his affinity for cosmetics, and how he finds micro-transactions constantly tempting. I think many of us who hate these things "in concept" like to pretend that we are not ever tempted to spend money on such items when in-fact we may be just as tempted as the next person.
Randy Bitchford is really asking for it now. When will he learn that doubling down on lies and idiocy only doubles the backlash he gets? Although at this point, he's already at 100% disapproval, so I guess there's nothing left to lose!
Oh man I can't wait for the Duke Amiel show
What's that all about??
cloudbloom hell yeah !
yea man the dukes the funnyest
I'm still waiting for the Cornflakes Homunculus to get it's own show.
And a new sub-show of Jimquisition?
The Jimquisition just feels so much better with the original theme.
Funny thing about this is, he obviously knows your name very well but he's pulling that obvious move were it's like "yea I don't even care that much so I can't remember his name" lol
Did Randy just declare war? Because that did sound like a declaration of war.
Fucking hacker didn't even use a casus belli.
Nah, he was very smart about it and didn't say any names, so it doesn't count. :-P
at least we know what side we will join
....shouldn't it be a setting?
" Turn off:
□ Gore
□ Sexually Suggestive Themes
■ MTs "
I got very confused by your comment at first. Then I realised you were talking about Micro Transactions and not Magitek Infantry. I've definitely been playing too much FFXV.
How many times does Jim have to crush a beef before people stop going far out of their way to pick fights with him?
Crushing other small, like-minded ant colonies isn't going to faze the anteaters...he's bitching at easy targets (see the last 20 videos about trash indie games and his own hard-on about getting sued) because he knows no one in his subfeed would actually care to see him pull another "I'm a fucking idiot when the game isn't shit" Hellblade and have to put his floppy dong away...
Are you saying Gearbox is a small indie developer?
Or Konami? Or Ubisoft? Or goddamn Nintendo?..
Well...only if we judge the companies by total brain-mass relative to empty skull space.
See, the people up top are just aristocratic narcissists, who think we are stupid peasants. They go after Trump with ridiculous accusations which are false but would generate maximum outrage if believed, even though there are hundreds of *valid* arguments against Trump for them to use. Same thing here, there are numerous valid arguments against Jim, but no "aristocrat" goes after Jim with valid accusations, do they? No.
12:54 Almost two years later game companies are facing exactly what you talked about... legislation.
Jim does not like to say "I told you so" .. buuuuut .. *shrimp gif*
Randy Pitchford looks like the kinda person who literally never tells the truth. I wouldn't trust him to tell me that the sky was blue or that water was wet.
Owl Lightning Mage maybe he and mr Molyneux should team up in a glorious reunion from hell ❤
Owl Lightning Mage I get an 80s car salesman vibe from him.
And if he did say either of those things I would not trust it till I looked out a window at the sky and turned on a sink to touch water…….
Jim I see that stubble growing in, you have to grow a huge beard - it'll be glorious please dad
Top ten Dark Souls beards please.
Nah just kidding.
No you know what, not kidding. There's some absolutely magnificent beards in those games. Jim's beard is Nr. 1 if he grows one.
Viking Jim!
Andre the Blacksmith already wins.
Salt and sanctuary next greyrat. Its 2D souls
Jim as a leather daddy biker with a giant beard :thinking:
he meant Randy Bitchford
honestly I think blandy pitchfraud is the best one
@Pretty Good Gaming
Let's settle at Hardy Bitchfraud
Blizzard can't afford east coast US servers for any of their games.
But they can sure afford to build their own e-sports buildings and shell out tons of money for the events!
Provide a good experience for their normal playerbase? HAH! What a stupid notion!
Also that FF7 music made me lose focus of what was being said. Damn you nostalgia.
They have to keep up with League since Dota2 and Evo already upped their budget for the venue... I am not defending blizzard, I hate them all the same..
And they tossed all the Aussie and Kiwi players on the west coast as well. So half the fuckin planet is running on one server. Yay.
Comments that haven't aged well :/
@@MDMDMDMDMDMDMDMDMD sadly it is true
Blizzard matchmaking = put 2 or 12 random ready queued players together, who cares if there's a bronze to grandmaster skill gap.
As soon as I saw the intro I knew shit was about to go down...
Have to laugh at... That guy. You know, the conman and pathological liar. Rudy Shitcock or something, can't remember the name...
Kodaemon i think his name is randy bitchcock or randy suckcock. Tho im not sure.
Ralphie Throwchevrolet? Rudyard Flingchrysler?
Ummm... Runny Mouthoff!
No, that's not it...
Mandy Nipslord? I feel like that's close.
Sandy Beachfloor
Please stay with this it made my day hearing it...
he won't
"Just don't get fucking used to it," says the intro card.
meh, i never understood the obsession over it, i prefer the new one as it's more thematic
I like the new theme too but I personally think it should be used as the end credits song while keeping the original as the intro music. It's too iconic (actual iconic, not Ubisoft iconic) in my opinion, and hearing it gets me hyped up at the start of every video.
All of sterling's videos age so well man. They can basicly see the future.
I always wonder how much a company has to make in profits before its consumers will stop accept 'development costs' as justification for additional price hikes. The Gaming Industry is definitely the worse but so much of the consumer base still buy into these excuses for price hikes in the form of paid content and other additional fees. It just boggles my mind, as if people like being ripped off by big business....
So long as people keep giving them money, what possible reason do they have to stop?
they do,did you live under a rock for the last few years?Masochism is like so hype now.
Jinx Dragon The live in mansions and drive luxury cars. They don't need more money.
...its all lie by the way. in the 360 area we already make high poly version of everything in the game. high = mils of poly. its not useable for any real time game but we make a low poly version and bake all the details into that. what does that mean?
Development cost has not gone up for the last 10 years...cause we been making high detail models,texture, and all of that. all that it takes to make a 1080 usebale texture (1024 by 1024 for an example) or a 4k texture is to make sure we have the right format and texture output during the export processes.
never, because they just keep claiming that marketing costs are rising or that engines are more and more expensive, and it's a cost people should just accept, in any other industry people would laugh at them because their inability to manage production costs isn't the consumer's problem, and that it's the developers who should be figuring out how to cut costs.
I mean imagine if I tried to sell you a bottle of water for $100 and justified the price saying it was because of how costly it is to ship ice from the himalayas, melt it with lava from mount vesubius and then put it in bottles handcrafted by a brazilian artisan with plastic from norwegian recycling plants, you think the "but it's treepuhl A quality" excuse would cut it?
Old theme? What a treat.
Just don't get fucking used to it.
I like this one more because it's more fitting than the other. It portrays Jim as the badass as he his. Thank god for Jim!
I actually really like the new theme song. Both are great tho
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I find it amazing how Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy was utterly free of Activision's shitty policies.
The94Venom blew my mind too
Hi Jim! Fairly new sub here, just wanted to throw my hat in:
XL Games/Trion Worlds, destroyed ArcheAge.
From what I hear, alpha didn't even have a micro-transaction market. Later, introduced it and most of their playerbase left. They tried to reset the economy introducing 2 fresh start servers, but guess what! They reopened the market and destroyed the economy within the first couple days of it being up and running. Recently they just merged, sorry "evolved", severals servers together. Which reset: The guild you were in, houses you had to use resources to build from the floor up, custom images you put on clothes/boats/other image items, and much more.
I believe it was because of low population, didn't really read into it, but was their smoothest transition I ever experienced with the company. However, if you weren't a subscriber, there was little to NO chance, you were getting through the queue to get online, which is an annoying re-occurring problem with this company.
It's seems like they're trying to push out more "content worthy" patches, but it's all happening within moths of each other and with rollbacks on top of that, how am I supposed to catch up or even enjoy the content? April/May of this year was patch 3.0(one of their worst launches and a horrible patch that effected a HUGE chunk of gameplay/how you earned money), then in June was 3.5(wasn't around), now they're coming out with patch 4.0, again didn't read into when it was releasing, because it seems like nonsense.
This game really wants you to play, but there are so many restrictions on it, (FOR A FREE TO PLAY GAME) that it turns you away before you even hit lv 40. The grind is just absurd and after lv 30, you're thrown out into a world with no real direction, where someone 10+ lvls higher than you, can just come along and kill you; giving you a death penalty that takes away experience points. Even if they're on the same side as you!
The crafting system was unique but a NIGHTMARE to deal with, because you had to use labor. A resource you got just for being online, 5 points for 5 minutes-max of 2000 points for f2p players, 10 points for 5mins AND 10 points for 5mins if you're offline with a 5k max for subscribers.
There are ways of replenishing your labor, but they've added a 12 HOUR cooldown to a potion that gives you 1k. If I did my math right; you'd be able to get that 1k labor in roughly 3-4 hours. That's one hell of a penalty for just wanting to progress a little faster, when you give a CLEAR advantage to subs, on a "f2p model".
To a guy that makes games that sell millions in the US alone, he spends a lot of time ranting about a single journalist that can't even muster half a million views worldwide in a week.
That's not critique against Sterling, he does well enough and I wish I could get that kind of viewership, but when you're talking about a CEO for a AAA giant, that's on a completely different scale.
It's like the elephant being spooked by the mouse!
This may very well be the first and only time Jim Sterling has ever been viewed or referred to as " a mouse ". Just saying.
Gearbox is not a AAA giant, they are barely holding together at this point, and their resources come from 2K (an actual AAA giant)
....i literally at 20 years old, reading this as i rewatch this video, am realizing that’s what the joke is, that’s why elephants are portrayed as afraid of mice, something massive being so focused on and afraid of what should be almost completely insignificant to them
@@300IQPrower I don't want to be "that guy" but I am going to be.
Elephants aren't actually afraid of mice, they're extremely gentle and intelligent creatures that recognize they would kill the mouse by standing on it. If the appear to panic, it's because they're trying NOT to squash the little guy while he squeaks around under their feet.
Man, Randy is the most jilted of lovers. "Who was that guy? I don't even know his name. Now I will go into an extended rant about him! This guy I certainly barely remember! He has a hard-on for me though!"
Haha! Now that you mention it, sounds exactly like something Donald tRump would do.
He didn't want to risk being taken to court for slander, so he didn't name him :)
Love the way he is too scared to call you fat but is more than happy to mime it out.
One word: Warframe.
I'm so glad Jim mentioned it. It's a great game with probably one of the most fair F2P monetization systems.
@Dhruv Menon
Oh look, someone have learned a new word! "Skinner's Box"! Don't you realize that it's something used by most games regardless of business model?
I think the truth is that end-game is shit for most online games. requires too much time or money investment just because.. why honestly? make players feel like they've accomplished something in a fucking game?
That's why I stop playing online games when I reach that point. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy them prior to that. That's also a reason why I think single player games are superior.
Dhruv Menon I respect your opinion, but I don't think that Warframe players don't enjoy themselves.
And you are wrong about content. Many times they released free cosmetics as rewards.
Also the Devstreams they made rewards the players with Platinum and a lot of it !
So if you are inpatient the Warframe isn't for you.
@Dhruv Menon What the hell you talking about "Don't make this game big" Why the hell you even think people talk great about this game? It's not because they only want that end loot and that is it. Every game has a form of grind small or big.. I think you just lack patience for Warframe and it ain't your thing! Because you are hella in the minority with your opinion...
As someone with 4600 hours in the game: both sides have a point here. I.M.O. the kuva grind is the most toxic part of the game at the moment. We need more challenging and rewarding ways of obtaining it. Besides that, platinum is a decent f2p currency. The plat discounts are a good way of rewarding patience whilst maintaining the value of plat as an in-game currency. Tradeable and lets players obtain items to trade for plat if they have more time than money. Gameplay is entertaining and variable enough to make obtaining items that are worth platinum as enjoyable as any other part of the game (EXCEPT KUVA ARGG)
I've got plenty of issues with the game as any veteran will, but the monetization isn't really one of them. Any time I buy some prime accessories , plat with a 75% discount and especially tennogen items I feel like I'm supporting something I enjoy of my own free will.
I love how Jim’s videos just get more and more relevant as time goes on, like a quality wine.
Jim what about a series called ‘Sterling Reserves’ where you go over timelines of game industry nonsense via clips of your previous videos.
Bruh 💯
"That's my name."
Jim drops the mic.
Loved that.
I have been watching you since your first days on the escapist. I think over the years this is only the third time I have heard you mention Warframe in your videos. (Other two times i recall were once in a rhyme/song about the PS4 and the other an off comment about other developers look to emulate warframes sucess).
Really have to say it was worth the wait and I hoesntly shed a couple of tears of joy and finally hearing you recognise and praise Warframe and its F2P model. I honestly feel if more developers took a similar approach and were as open as Digital Extremes were we would be seeing a lot more awesome (and fair) games out there.
One day (soon hopefully) I hope to have a proper job and be able to support you probably on patereon Mr Jim Sterling San. Untill then you keep keep being awesome and I will keep thanking god for you.
here's some alternatives to some 'AAA' fee to pay games that are actually free
Destiny 2- Warframe
Diablo 3- Path of Exile
Overwatch- Paladins
didnt see your comment, sorry- didnt mean to steal ideas, just thought similarly
Paladins sucks
I'll give it to you babe; right on spot with Warframe, much better than many AAA titles out there.
but diablo ins't Fee to play. its got a base price and 2 xpacs... I'm not saying its good cus PoE is better, but it aint fee to play
I see Randy "Just" Pitchford in the thumbnail and wanker in the title and I instantly click
......That moment when you see someone kick the literal hornets nest that is Jim Sterling and you wince because you know they will the proud owner of a new hole to shit out of.
Hahahaha Randy Pitchford misses no opportunity to make a fool of himself
Js Zirani *Bitchford
Couple of years later I still feel that overwatch should've been just a free to play game with micro-transactions.
It's still free to NOT play.
It literally should be free I'd sing its praises if it was
Uhhh so when does Cornflakes Homunculus get his own show? Thank God for Cornflakes.
So whats Randys goal here? Discredit Jim? When did that work? How does he have the time to do this when his games arent even finished?
WhereGodIsNobodyKnows Apparently NOT to remember his name.
at least he was right about the hard on
He has time to do this because he never had any intention of finishing them in the first place.
no one cares about Randy dude can be hit by a bus all i care, dude is liar and a cheat
He's not trying to convince anyone, he just wants oh so badly to piss off Jim with his brazen lies and bitching. Worked out great, Randy, he really didn't throw your shit right back at you laughing.
born depressed...i admit i came.
I love how this was recommended to me 4years later. What a wonderful look back
I can't believe anyone else remembers Loadout.
Ghost Mutton why ? It's a good game. Stole 3 months of my life when it came out.
Ghost Mutton too bad the console version ruined the pc version :l
Mr. Bean is it a joke or is it for real ? I haven't played it in a long while.
Jean Roch yeah, they ported it for ps4, and havent even touched the pc version since
It's a damn shame. I gave them about $40 in costume shit because I was so impressed with the game.
Pitchford. If you're reading this. Do it. Fire back. I dare you. I DARE you. I wanna see this.
Brawlatron he is most certainly not
You challenge the king you get the backhand and dishonor
Randy: Alright. Let's do this! What was his name again?
You're assuming that he has the spine to do so.
Who are you again?
The Return of Drill Queen.
It just doesn't fit any more.
Still good, though.
You look like you walked straight out of casino in New Vegas.
Feels good to hear the good ol Born Depressed
Mad Panda
It does, but I've became a fan of the Stress song.
Drill Queen is SUPERIOR.
I prefer Jim's Ego, to be honest.
I like both
I think "Stress" is a much better fit for this incarnation of the show, but after seeing Randy Pitchford try to Kraz up (see: American Vandal) this idea that Jim didn't bother him, Drill Queen was the only way to go.
I've maintained that (his hospital visit notwithstanding) Jim has looked healthier and healthier since his legal battle with Digital Homicide came to a close, and now looking at Randy Pitchford, he seems to be accumulating what Jim is losing. The man looks like he's being inflated.
Zombiewithabowtie can no one spell fucking LOSE anymore???
it took me a while to realise it was pitchford. thats how bloated hes gotten off the teat of the consumer
Yes I can, but I can't touch type and I hit enter before I'd noticed the spelling mistake. I've corrected it now.
I had to check the date just in case was so confused
was looking for this comment
After that intro I saw it as a sign that the gauntlet had been thrown.
Wait a minute. Did Brazzers REALLY released an Overwatch parody porn? lol!
@@f25key57 Whoo! You have a braincell!
They did a doctor who one once, fantastic production values......seriously.
@@Grayvorn well then, allon-sy 😏
Woah, old intro music! And just when I was starting to get used to the new one.
Did you do it by mistake and pretend it was intentional?
Way to keep us on our fucking toes.
I actually feel the other song fits better with the visuals of the new intro. Still good to hear that song again :3
Keep up the good work mate. Don't know why people complain about you constantly going after micro-transactions. As someone who also has an addictive personality, I appreciate it.
that1guytv my friends have stared at me like a freak for saying I don't buy games from companies who take advantage of those with gambling issues (so basically most of them) it's like 'hurr durr you need to support the devs' I'm like, EA isn't a fucking indie. But people need to actually use their power of a consumer and idk, not buy things, or wait, and buy them second hand? Because screw the shitty behaviour.
The last time I was this early, Born Depressed was still the theme song.
Rabbidking Except
I am really late to the game because I have the attention span of a goldfish but I want to say that it makes me so, so happy to hear praise for Warframe in a Jimquisition video. It's by far my favorite ongoing game and it continually impresses me with the level of quality content it puts out for free. I've reached late game paying actual money for only two things: cosmetics designed by community members who get paid directly for their work and premium currency on an occasion when I had 75% off and could get an absurd amount for only $5. The gameplay is loads of fun, the animation and general presentation are phenomenal, and the storytelling does a good job of being engaging despite the spotty and confusing lore. Absolutely should have won the Labor of Love award.
If you follow Jim on Twitter, he's actually been really getting into Warframe lately, so I hope this topic comes up again at some point in the future with Jim having a more in-depth perspective on the game.
Mostly because, as much as I love the game and the universe of Warframe, the paid elements vary wildly from impressively thoughtful to bafflingly frustrating. Platinum and it's application is often great, being not only intelligently managed with cosmetics that can only be bought with Platinum being cheap but earnable resources like frames and weapons being more expensive for the "rush" crowd, but being attainable in game through other means if you put the work in (ie. trading).
On the flip side, the emphasis on wait times and excessive grinding becomes /suffocating/ at times, leaving me feeling aimless and slavishly beating my head against ludicrous drop tables. Sometimes it isn't even to their betterment; some of the worst items to farm like the Brakk/Detron or some of the more egregious wait times like Clan Research have no alternative system of purchase, making me wonder why they're even bothering putting players through this.
Anyway, yeah, would also love to hear Jim talk about it at some point. Good but weird shit.
Kind of late now, but it might please you to hear that not only has Jim spoke favorably about Warframe, but also criticized it. The last part isn't the remarkable bit. What's remarkable is that Space Mom and the team actually listened to him. Granted, it's an issue the community has been railing against them for some time (purchasing the prime cosmetics without buying the full unvaulting prime access), but not only is Jim a fan of their game, the game's devs are fans of Jim.
Valkyr for life.
On another note, those drop tables do take a remarkable amount of piss at times. Ivara was a massive pain to get, and Equinox just took sooooo many runs at Tyl Regor that I got really, really sick of listening to his reasonably well-written and actually quite well voice-acted lines despite the overall good quality of them. But eh, it was something to do I suppose. I much prefer the story content and open-world helping people and stuff, though.^^
Did he bring back the old song just for this episode because of Randy Bo Bandy
Tryforlive yup
Who cares. He BROUGHT IT BACK!!! Yay.
Hahaha couldn't recognise him with the shirt on
Was that a statement or question?
I was just thinking of the old song! :-D
So Jim has gotten so large in the industry that someone like Randy Pitchford is playing silly beggers and acting like a child when it comes interviews either that or Randy has fallen so far from the big buck days of Borderlands 2 that he can only make himself look like he has any worth by pretending to forget peoples names. The first is awesome news for Jim the second is frankly pathetic for an individual that calls himself the CEO of a major gaming company.
Gearbox will be better off without this man around. He is nothing but a liability, people hate whole Gearbox by proxy just because Randy is a douche.
The only time any of their IPs has been good is when they lent the rights to TellTale.
ZechsMerquise73 That's very wrong, boderlands wad always great b4 TT.
Sorry but Borderlands 2 was a very good game and was a rare example of how to do a season or DLC pass correctly.
"Just don't get fucking used to it."
It's okay. Jim's Big Ego's great
Anon E. Mousse Why cant he have one be the intro and the other be the outro?
I noticed the graffiti for the first time this episode and I thought it meant "shit practices of the games industry" but this makes more sense.
Any game that sells progress, power, or time investment is abusing the f2p model. Don't see how someone can defend pay-to-win MTX systems while saying that a cosmetic-only MTX system is bad just because it occurs on a "premium" game. The issue with Overwatch's system is that it's gambling-based, not that there is an avenue for extra purchases on top of the 40USD base game. Judge the content packages on their own merits.
lootbox systems are Literally gambling, as in legally considered gambling and illegal to sell in games in belgium, as ea just had to comply with ua-cam.com/video/fnh2Yu0eaiY/v-deo.html
the problem is that even if you personally aren't bothered by it people with addictive personalities are the ones being targeted, they always are
Holy fucking Shit, Randy Pitchford will NOT LET THIS GO XD
Cant wait for Thursday now, and I can't wait for UA-camrs and media to light up Randy Pitchford. Amazing episode today buddy.
onedeadsaint why tho? i liked the newer one
Same. Surprised Jim caved. Wee bit disappointed in him, but I know it's not a choice he'd taken lightly.
Sin Talento Producciones It was shit.
Yes it was. If i was Bill Clinton, i'd give you a cigar.
ya but it doesn't match the animation though, love both songs though
Just found this channel. And I've immediately fallen in love with its content.
Jim makes me randy all the time, especially on Mondays. A pitchfork does not, it's just flat down there.
Also, love the OG theme nostalgia.
AND I'M NOT LIKE YOU! Hells yes!
Yea, just don't get fucking used to it.
Dazuam made up it's better than the other theme
I think it's a callback to how far back this Pitchford thing goes XD
I prefer the new one, but it's nice to have a reprise once in a while
You might not remember that time you walked backwards into a Duke Nukem Forever presentation at PAX, flipping us at the front of the line off (which I still laugh about when I remember it btw, well done! :D)... but Randy Pitchford remembers. He remembers, and he holds grudges.
Path of Exile is a good example of a game with microtransactions
Agree, but slight correction. A good example of a game that does microtransactions the correct, ethical, and fun way.
I like PoE as an example because it's not a case of "you totally don't have to" but a case of "if you need it you're far enough into it that it just makes sense and the creators kind of earned it."
When I got to the point where I thought "damned I need those" I also thought "time to spend the money I would pay for this game." which came to be about 30 bucks.
Londronable I buy the supporter packs because I enjoy this one more than WoW and LoL combined. The amount of money I’ve spent on those two games over the past 15 years makes it only right to drop the $120 when the time comes.
Who is that again?...Brandy Ditchfork? Franny Sinklore? Candy Pisscork?....I totally forgot 😈
definitely blandy bitchford
Brandy Shitstorm
Randy bitchford...i think
Ghandi Glitchford?
Rangle Gibfurd
RNG-based microtransactions (Slot machine simulators) need to go altogether. Its predatory, exploitive, and psychologically manipulative. They should be illegal.
They should get your company classified as a casino and regulated accordingly.
Roxor128 That is nice middle medium compared to outright banning it. I first thought of the idea of regulating it (like you just commented/recommended) would be fine, but it is not practical to enforce the most important regulation of gambling. Age.
In fact it would be impossible to enforce. Casinos can enforce regulation such as an age restriction by not permitting anyone under age to even enter.
Digital retailers like Steam already pester you to enter your age to view the store page of an age-restricted game, and I would expect they also block you from getting it as a gift if you're too young. You could reuse that for blocking access to disguised-gambling games. If it later turns out the customer lied about their age, the retailer can be required to delete their account. Maybe even issue a fine on behalf of the government as well.
If you want to get really mean (and I don't because I think losing your Steam library is punishment enough), have a blacklist which all digital retailers selling to your country are required to enforce. Lie about your age once, and you not only get banned from Steam, but you also get banned from everything else for however long your inclusion in the list lasts.
Jesus christ that is VERY extreme. A fine should be enough. Every child lies about their age online. Nobody including me went "oh there is an 18+ limit on this, better not play or open this" when they saw it pop up. A better rule would be that after X amount of spending on a platform you would be required to put in your personal/tax information to proof that you are of legal age. Like steam has where you have to put in your tax info if you place more then 200 items on the store in a year. If you would put in false information at that point then it is illegal and fines and legal action would be taken. This would create a reasonal barrier between just playing and proper underage gambling.
TheKerbalgamer - Just getting into the mind of the far right, who I'm pretty sure _would_ get that mean and use "Think of the children!" to justify it.
Now, your idea of requiring tax info to prove you're old enough is a good one. The existing threshold of 200 submitted items per year to require it seems absurdly high, though. I think your first game with a retail price or microtransactions should be plenty sufficient grounds for requiring tax info. After all, that's the sort of thing where the tax office would want to be informed. If you're not making any money off the game, then not having to supply tax information is perfectly reasonable.
Dont lie about dressing up Jim, I know you like dressing like that.
I'd root for you in the fight.
I'm so glad you put Randy-boy in the thumbnail so I can find this episode when I need to.
Another example of "good" microtransaction system: Path of Exile.. Played it for like a year without paying a cent.. The only microtransactions are cosmetic and stash tabs extensions which are really usefull if you play the game a lot, but nor really loosing much if you dont buy them.. yet people spend a lot on it because they make a good game first.. and nothing they do in a game effects their microtransactions system..
Acek the visuals are horribly priced for how awful they are, it's why I don't want to give them a cent
....Art...style.....developed in 2011....I wanna spank you with a paddle waking0Oone...bend over.-raises paddle-
overpriced Costemics isn't good example, PoE is good in some aspects terrible in others
I really, really dislike Randy Pitchford's attitude since 2011, starting with his "no really, people liked the game" defensiveness regarding Duke Nukem Forever. Since then, I can only recall the Borderlands sequels and Homeworld games being any good. Every other game he reaches pretty hard on Twitter to find "many people" who "really liked the game". Not a great basis for his inflated ego, pathological lying, and overall defensiveness. What happened to the humble, much more approachable Randy from the 2000s? He seemed a lot more down to earth back then in interviews, but maybe I'm imagining things. Has he always been like this and I just never noticed?
What I don't understand is why Compulsion Games partnered up with his company. Is it wrong to be cynical about it even if they stated that Randy Pitchford has no sway over the design decisions of We Happy Few? I'm curious if Compulsion Games even thought about the repercussions. Did no one think in company, "hmmm, you think its a good idea to partner up with Gearbox knowing their reputation?" It really perplexed me.
-Kura - He may not have personal sway but they're already going the way of AAA games for the worse. Obviously 2K Games or someone else high up is pricing the game higher than it was and making bad retail decisions. It's crap. You have a right to be cynical.
Stay cynical. It's an important defensive reflex in today's market of parasites.
To see Pitchford having a good time, check out his presentation of Unreal Engine 4 from GDC 2017. He's so excited about the engine that he can hardly speak.
nateman742 All I zeroed in on was "he can hardly speak" and thought, "Good." XD
I cannot wait for September 28th. Also... Randy vs Jim? Randy's gonna get flattened.
Be careful the fake accounts will come for you
Here's a TV that looks like Randy
I really want Angry Joe to be the referee. That would be glorious.
it would be interesting to see them have a go a it...
pounding it *tap tap tap* pounding it *tap tap tap* pounding it *tap tap tap*
This interview is what made me check this channel out and I'm so glad I did.
He's baiting you Jim....
"Ramming speed." -Lord Commander Sterling
Yuuuurrs, 'Born Depressed' is back!
"just don't get fucking used to it"
I literally danced in my kitchen when I heard it.
Randy pretending to not know Jim's name is so adorable.
You misspelled pathetic
you meant pathetic... cuz thats what it is
I feel like Randy pretending to forget Sterling's name was an attempt to defend himself in case it resulted in any, you know, defamation suits against him, because then he could have been like "oh, I wasn't talking about yoooouuuuuu, I was talking about somebody eeeellllssseeeee!" like a massive worm.
It definitely could be the case but Randy's impulse control has been so demonstrably poor so many times that, in a weird way, it might be giving him too much credit.