Guild Ball Community Q&A

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @dub4148
    @dub4148 7 місяців тому +16

    "Godtear is a live game for us"
    Hasn't communicated or engaged with the community in months. Lmao.

  • @WarHogz
    @WarHogz 4 місяці тому

    So pleased it’s back. I was a late starter and was only five teams in when it paused. Bought a few off eBay but could never find some. Immediately ordered every missing team when the POD launched. Can’t bloody wait!

  • @jas2250
    @jas2250 7 місяців тому +7

    Would be neat to have availability to the goal and terrain stls. When you all were remastering the teams I was envious of the new goals but I already had the metal teams...

  • @jaredlucev2705
    @jaredlucev2705 7 місяців тому +7

    Bare minimum the players from season 1 need to be free STLs, everyone else needs to be for sale at a reasonable price. An actual old school print on demand is a terrible idea, and defeats the purpose of trying to revive it. If they want the audience back they need to feel appreciated, and forcing a daft print service as the only option is awful.
    Just make the STLs available, eat it if some folks do some shady crap, and be grateful people are still interested.

    • @tylertams960
      @tylertams960 7 місяців тому +3

      I'd even pay for the stls. I've been printing for over 6 years and the quality of prints and resin choice are my own. No way am I paying a service the cost of a metal fig for a resin print that will break if dropped. Also the resin I use if flexible enough, detailed enough, and paints amazing. To many variables to leave to a print service imo.

    • @jaredlucev2705
      @jaredlucev2705 7 місяців тому +1

      @@tylertams960 yeah I'm with you on this. I just finally got one myself. I have no interest in going back to paying 70-80 bucks for each team plus shipping and hoping they did a decent job. If prices reasonably for the market the STLs will sell fine. But after how the community was treated as I stated an actual apology and act of contrition on their part would be to give the files for all the original players out. Season 1 should be on the house so all the people who were abandoned feel like something was done to make up for it.

  • @michaelsutton617
    @michaelsutton617 7 місяців тому +8

    The most important thing here is that you set the game up for success. Don't mix models in big boxes that we only want two pieces from. Sell everything fairly and offer a card distribution system we can pay for up to date laminated player cards. When the rulebook updates drop offer a collectors edition of the book and overcharge so people like me can spend my money to support you!
    If guildball is profitable then you move to step two. Bring in ideas from the outside and offer "testing ground" rules and card updates. When it's fun make the change. When it's not, don't.
    Encourage players to buy more than one team. EARN OUR MONEY.dont build a beutiful game and trip at the profit line.
    Release the stlxs and get a book made for people to pay YOU for. Not print on demand. NOt print and play.
    I miss guildball please dont meiss this one too.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      This is backwards - they should modernise what they're doing - empower the community to support the game - there's some great apps out there that have all the up to date stuff.
      They just need to get back to providing the community with product, and a proper organised play system.

  • @Obsydiak
    @Obsydiak 7 місяців тому +2

    Incredibly excited to see this starting to come back. One of the best games I have ever played. Would definately love to see laminated player cards being made available ( I dont like having to refer to PDF's/ print stuff out) and would absolutely pay for those cards each time they get revamped. Making the models available to buy would be fantastic, I will be looking to get every team that can be purchased. Welcome back, thanks for being upfront and open with us. =)

    • @Fuchsbart
      @Fuchsbart 7 місяців тому

      may I ask, what is the biggest difference for you between GB und Bloodbowl? Or asked differently, what is it, that makes you love it that much? asking out of pure interest

    • @Obsydiak
      @Obsydiak 7 місяців тому

      @@Fuchsbart In short, the risk. In both games you can have a well thought out plan, ready to be put into action but one bad dice roll can screw it. The difference is if that bad dice roll happens in BB, your turn is over. If that bad dice roll happens in GB, you then move onto another strat and your turn does not get screwed. Both are incredibly fun games, I love them both. If you want a less-tilting game, GB is for you. If you are tilt-proof and can laugh at 2+ dice roll elves failing, falling on their face and breaking their spine leading to your turn being over instantly....BB is your game.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      Bloodbowl is a super-simple game that lacks depth, and drags on, for whatever reason. Guild Ball is simple yet provides incredible depth in how the characters interact, and all the teams play very, very differently.@@Fuchsbart
      You're also given more agency to affect the outcomes of what you're wanting to do - so it's much more important to setup your turns as best you can, to give you the greatest chance of success. Of course, die rolls can still fuck you, but if you hedge your bets, you can come out on top.

    • @WarHogz
      @WarHogz 4 місяці тому

      As a casual player, I love them both. Great minis and settings and you can get out of them what you put in. I’ve had speedy games of both and I’ve had long, drawn out, strategic battles with both. Am delighted GB is back!

  • @ArchangelMiniatureGaming
    @ArchangelMiniatureGaming 2 місяці тому

    I got into guildball the week before the dreaded press release. I went in full tilt, and had the wind taken out of my sails really quickly. I lost all my models in a move across the country... But revival in this game makes me happy. I'd love to rebuild my collection, and get playing again!

  • @stewartmurray8487
    @stewartmurray8487 7 місяців тому +10

    I think you need to provide the files for printing at home. If the goal is to make the game more accessible then you should give people as many ways as possible to get there hands on them.

    • @myfakename5582
      @myfakename5582 7 місяців тому +3

      Yeah I'd rather some home printing

  • @aTorreBranca
    @aTorreBranca 7 місяців тому +2

    That's so great news =DDDD The game is returning! Please be strong devs, dont list to the negativity, I bet the majority of us is super happy about it =D

    • @WarHogz
      @WarHogz 4 місяці тому

      I agree, the few negative voices will always out-shout the quiet majority who just like the game and are happy it’s back.

  • @mad1739
    @mad1739 7 місяців тому +1

    Never had a chance to play this originally but it looks like a lot of fun! The models are beautiful and I will be hoping to get myself and my partner a team each around june time!

  • @BenBoersma
    @BenBoersma 7 місяців тому +6

    Stls are the way to go.
    Print on demand will not gather anywhere near the same level of interest.
    Look to Mantic Games with their stls for Armada. That has seen a huge resurgence since the stls for the ships have been available.

  • @Hercio1B25
    @Hercio1B25 7 місяців тому +2

    Release what you need as STL to generate interest, but ensure that you maintain profitability. Yes, you have to mend fences, but you are a company first and foremost. Ensure that money is still rolling in and don’t completely lose control of the IP.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      This!!!! I like what others have suggested - make all season 1 guilds free, and provide STLs. Then, keep the other guilds produced in-house, provide a decent update system to community apps for new rules and cards, and release variant models regularly.

  • @Hobo_jojoe
    @Hobo_jojoe 6 місяців тому

    I really hope you guys will put out the stl's for the other teams, I am new to GB and would love to be able to get into the game more. But paying 40 or more $ for minis that someone else is printing is just stupid imo, when I already have a printer to be able to make them myself. I am more then happy to buy the stl's for that, but to buy from a POD goes against the reason I got the printer in the first place. To be clear its important that you have that for others that don't want to have to get a printer. but seems silly to offer the free starter to be able to print ourselves, but we have to order POD for the rest. I can tell you I will just proxy the models in the end, if stl's are not provided as an option. I understand the concerns about putting the models out there as stls but there are plenty of examples of people putting out files for sale and plenty of people paying for it and enjoying it. Look at one page rules, or all the proxy model creators. Please make the correct choice here, I want to be able to support the game in a way that makes sense to me.

  • @andrewcunliffe1
    @andrewcunliffe1 7 місяців тому +10

    Everything should be STL to download and print at home.

    • @Arcainreaper
      @Arcainreaper 7 місяців тому +3

      They are still a company there are still people who need to be paid. One leak and no money from this game at all. Not a wise choice..

    • @SuperDuperHappyTime
      @SuperDuperHappyTime 7 місяців тому +3

      As someone who will not do my own resin 3D printing (in its current state), STL Downloads shift the profits made from SFG to the Printers, who frankly, are not going to put that money into make the game better.

    • @jaredlucev2705
      @jaredlucev2705 7 місяців тому

      The PoD systems existence is fine for people who don't have printers, I'm not going to act like it shouldn't exist...but knowing full well how readily available they are the right answer is releasing the files directly. I don't want to pay for 2 copies of Soma and hope I can paint it the way I want, I want to print it in my translucent green I already have and hit it with a thin contrast.

    • @andrewcunliffe1
      @andrewcunliffe1 7 місяців тому

      @@Arcainreaper if that were true then no STL business would be in operation today and yet there are hundreds.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      Hundreds and they're tiny, and make nowhere near enough cash to support a game like this.@@andrewcunliffe1

  • @creedjenkins6092
    @creedjenkins6092 7 місяців тому +1

    Will products be available in Australia? We down under usually dont get a lot of support. So Stls might make it more Accessible for us.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      Just buy from o/seas?

  • @williammurteyjr.5073
    @williammurteyjr.5073 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for this Q&A and revealing your plans. Much of your distribution sounds like what another company that had issues prior to Covid, especially with distribution, Private Press. About a year ago half ago, their core table, top, miniature game, was re-released as Warmachine. They went to a model in which they are printing all their models now. One of the initial issues was getting printing facilities in the various parts of the world in order for them to distribute the models. Would this be something that you would do? Especially for countries like Australia and the USA?
    I can see this progressing how Wyrd games has moved forward with Malifaux? Limited model releases, variant rules for Masters and and “retiring” characters.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 7 місяців тому

      That wasn't the issue - the problem was that they had way too much demand, and so worked with other manufacturers to help meet those demands. To my knowledge, most their printing is now in-house, if not all of it.

  • @jonypadiblatter3083
    @jonypadiblatter3083 7 місяців тому +4


  • @RottenMechGaming
    @RottenMechGaming 7 місяців тому

    You both look so bored and unhappy. Hope things will ramp up to be more exciting as the updated products launch!

    • @jasongraves1353
      @jasongraves1353 7 місяців тому +2

      Your content isn't any better mate.

  • @Arcainreaper
    @Arcainreaper 7 місяців тому

    They are a company they need to make money off this game... if you spread the files to one home just one. You have lost all money from the file. So to print at home they would need to make the rules or something subscription based. Just to get some trickle in cash. I'd rather pay for minis...

    • @jaredlucev2705
      @jaredlucev2705 7 місяців тому

      That's absolute BS. Tons of sculptors are making bank off files.

  • @benredmond875
    @benredmond875 7 місяців тому

    Bring back steamycon!!!

  • @tobiasford7940
    @tobiasford7940 7 місяців тому

    Love or hate SFG, they are really switched on to the tech available!