Spectacle | Alex & Lokelani Wilson

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Alex preaches about not chasing a spectacular life, but rather a simple, quiet and humble one. The world tells us to be spectacular, but the Word tells us to be specific.


  • @BossdomChronicals
    @BossdomChronicals Рік тому +22

    I was chasing the spectacular when it comes to motherhood. My praise was self praise. Yes people always say what such a great mom I am, but that doesn’t move me. What does move me is when I validate my mothering on my own internally. God spoke and showed me you are the mom you are because of my wisdom my pouring into you, because I fearfully and wonderfully created that child not you, and I know what she needs. I now give all praise to him, I pray that I take nothing from his glory in my life, and that I take no claim for what belongs to him. Amen

  • @andres4God
    @andres4God Рік тому +27

    A spectacular message today, all praises to God! With the vast amount of "spectacles" being broadcasted every moment of every day, our attention gets lost. Thank you both for the words that point us to The Father! (I love the image of the lion being a lamb...beautifully meek)

  • @AustinLeeDurham
    @AustinLeeDurham Рік тому +38

    ❤️ Pray for me. Struggling with backsliding into sexual immorality. It’s very hard for me and I need prayers! I love you guys

    • @terrigabriel582
      @terrigabriel582 Рік тому +4


    • @amaurysalinas4275
      @amaurysalinas4275 Рік тому +6

      God got you brother! Prayer works!

    • @AustinLeeDurham
      @AustinLeeDurham Рік тому +6

      Thank you! hurts so much to separate from him. :/ feel so empty. Letting him down is so horrible.

    • @BossdomChronicals
      @BossdomChronicals Рік тому +7

      Father we ask first that you search our hearts and remove everything wicked and evil in us. We lift up Your son Austin, we ask that you cover him, that you form a hedge of protection around his heart and that you raise up a standard against the demons of lust and sexual desires outside of what you created it for. Father remove all shame, and condemnation from him, for we are humans flawed and we do fall. God cover him and strengthen him in the areas where he is weak for you said your power is made perfect in our weakness 2 Corte 12 and your grace is sufficient. Help Austin to be obedient when you provide a way out of his temptations you love us so much that you always open a door for us to not fall into temptation Corth 10:13 and provide a way out. We ask that you will give him a community of believers whom he can trust to be his armor bearers and hold him up and accountable as he is freed from these desires. You know him you created him for a purpose and you love him. Thank you for his deliverance in JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN.

    • @terrigabriel582
      @terrigabriel582 Рік тому +3

      @bozzwmn_overflow6395 That was Beautiful and Truth... We are God's Beloved, he is Not Mad at Us , But For Us and Will Reach Down and Lift Us Out of the Mirey Pit Over and Over...Keep Seeking Jesus and We DO, Find, it's True..Thank God !!! The Fact that the Holy Spirit has Stirred Your Heart in this is the Journey to Redemption 🙏

  • @amaurysalinas4275
    @amaurysalinas4275 Рік тому +8

    I thank God for using you guys for another great, and thought provoking sermon! God continue to bless you two and your family, in Jesus' name, Amen. 🙏🏽❤️

  • @pqnky7947
    @pqnky7947 Рік тому

    Thank you God for amazing people ❤

  • @voiceofmanywaters2207
    @voiceofmanywaters2207 Рік тому +1

    Amen is dropping Gems on this one 💎🏅👑

  • @stephen1503
    @stephen1503 Рік тому +3

    Much better message than the “self love” message that’s creeped into the church.

  • @englishchannel5000
    @englishchannel5000 Рік тому

    Thank you for inspiring my soul be full of God's grace.

  • @dkveracity65able
    @dkveracity65able Рік тому +1

    All our blessings, gifts, talents, and even wealth all come from our lord. When you share your gifts, people will want to praise you with gratitude. This opening is when you give witness of the love your heavenly father shared with you. Tell them to pay gods love foward and share your gifts too, not for bragging rights but to praise the one who gave you said gifts and life. Mahalo for this lesson in Jesus name, Amen.

  • @ReelBlessed
    @ReelBlessed Рік тому

    I've felt so exhausted recently by the sheer amount of spectacle everywhere, even in the church as you mentioned. This message really hit home for me. Between this and the message you all gave on "Unhurried", I have felt really blessed and encouraged in my spirit. I've taken opportunities over the past year to step back and slow down and it has really given me peace.
    I really like how you are using this platform to be "anti-relevant". So many Christian influencers are staying trendy and click-baity and focused on calling out one another, so it's refreshing to have messages like this on my feed. Thank you for your commitment to the church, to God, and to sharing His Word. May your ministry continue to be blessed!

  • @sebastiann.166
    @sebastiann.166 Рік тому +1

    i need prayer my life is a mess just having a tough time to lean on to Jesus and be disciplined when it comes to seeking Jesus I need him so much but I feel stuck I’m aware of it just been feeling like that. If someone can actually take the time to please pray for me my name is sebastian please it will help.

  • @jaapgeerts
    @jaapgeerts Рік тому

    Just discovered this podcast and listened to it from the Netherlands, Europe. You both are a blessing and used by the father in a great way! Keep up the good work! ❤

  • @mal1075
    @mal1075 Рік тому +1

    Very humbling. Thank you for sharing. Glory to God.

  • @julianj_7
    @julianj_7 Рік тому

    A lot of time I want human praise like from my parents and coaches but I just need Christ to define me only ❤

  • @dakota6190
    @dakota6190 Рік тому +2

    Amen Alex and Lokelani 🙏🏽🤍🤍

  • @harrygainey
    @harrygainey Рік тому +1

    This message was convicting man. Thanks for sharing it guys!

  • @ogtvkc
    @ogtvkc Рік тому

    I love yall too ❤thank you for encouraging me

  • @prosperkadhila9781
    @prosperkadhila9781 Рік тому +3

    This is so me. I cannot wait to hear what you have to say

  • @AnimeQuann
    @AnimeQuann Рік тому +1

    Social media will always have the opportunity for “spectacle chasing” to be created, if you’re growing, if you see others content & life, it could sometimes create that chase of fame, success, love from friends, women, men etc. but overall strong message family through the spirit, also the setting was very peaceful! 🙏🏾

  • @Camel56000
    @Camel56000 Рік тому

    Trust and believe in God for he cares for you and loves you. Remember to repent of your sins daily as God is coming soon and we don’t know what the day or hour so be prepared. Be blessed. Matthew 24:36

  • @dthomas112993
    @dthomas112993 Рік тому +1

    I was chasing the spectacular when it comes to baseball, video games, and working out. I’d always look for praise or set up scenarios where people would be set up to praise me when I don’t need it when all praise and glory goes to Him because without Him I’d be nothing. Thank you guys for this message it truly opened my eyes. I’m gonna be working on this and allow Jesus to mold me into a servant of Him and not of the world and it’s sinful pleasures.

  • @Marquez8
    @Marquez8 Рік тому +1

    You guys have to be one of the most wholesome teachings that grow the kingdom of God . Such a rich teaching! The spirit of God Almighty is most certainly with your family and my daughter and I greatly benefit. Thank you servants of Christ may we meet in his kingdom 🙏🏼

  • @EricM793
    @EricM793 Рік тому

    My wife said * Preach Brother*

  • @andrewmoose856
    @andrewmoose856 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much, You guys are great. I'll be praying for the podcast and success as well has health. Your words have encouraged me today greatly not to seek the priase and validation of man and women around me. God bless you and I love this podcast.

  • @MissLungs
    @MissLungs Рік тому


  • @Aubs_christ12
    @Aubs_christ12 Рік тому


  • @ashtonlinney6681
    @ashtonlinney6681 Рік тому

    I feel like I struggle with chasing the spectacular when I do something and expect some sort of praise from it, when I know that it’s not about me at all, but about pleasing the Father.

  • @mireyacantu3730
    @mireyacantu3730 Рік тому +1

    As a Makeup Artist and Content creator for beauty. I am no where near the many followers and many likes but as I love to do makeup and make people feel so beautiful I tend to chase that fame and praise from other people. That’s when it doesn’t become something to love. I then stray away from doing the thing I love from seeking the wrong things. Now moving forward I will do the thing I love without seeking the spectacular. I will do it so others feel beautiful and loved the way Jesus loves and sees us as beautiful.❤️

  • @Christian-.
    @Christian-. Рік тому +3

    im excited for this one

  • @fa_01
    @fa_01 Рік тому +3

    u two are such a cute couple i love this channel🫶🏾

  • @endyrobles3945
    @endyrobles3945 Рік тому

    definitely, sometimes I look to be praise at work.
    I always create this scenario in my head that if I get promoted, I will get praise from those around me

  • @alexisrocha716
    @alexisrocha716 Рік тому

    I really loved and needed this episode! I wasn’t praised very much as a kid so as a young adult it can be hard to not aim or want praise for myself and the things “I’ve” done but truly it is all God’s glory and grace that have gotten me to where I am now so the praise should be on him!

  • @Nenewigwe
    @Nenewigwe Рік тому

    wow just wow

  • @EricM793
    @EricM793 Рік тому


  • @Nathanielcotton4
    @Nathanielcotton4 Рік тому

    Greatttttt one! Good topic

  • @EricM793
    @EricM793 Рік тому


  • @Jeremiah.k
    @Jeremiah.k Рік тому

    This is a very useful perspective because the way I think is that I want Gods glory to be seen through me and other children of God. As in I want men of God to rise up like great men so people will look up to them and thus see the truth in Jesus. Just like how Andrew tate is respected amongst men, I want true role models, true men, men of God to rise up and be respected amongst men. I want the world to see our strength, our power, our glory that we got from God. So I want them to see us as spectacular and thus see God as spectacular. That has been my mindset along my walk, however I’m still going through sanctification so let God guide me and correct me when I need to be corrected.

  • @knowtice_b2b
    @knowtice_b2b Рік тому

    23:20 so so good.

  • @meganwachtel6175
    @meganwachtel6175 Рік тому +1

    Amen! Thank you for this Alex and lokelani

  • @evasccl7846
    @evasccl7846 Рік тому

    Thank you for making this video! I was curious as to what it would be about due to "Spectacle" word itself!! In my mind fireworks were present hahaha
    This is very interesting, I have always been a very quiet child and observant, which has carved an "uncomfortableness" (hahaha, i think we invent words every now and then 😉) whenever anyone praised or complemented me for something I did, whilst inside i was wishing it had not been found I did it!
    I love people and I now understand God has given me a serving heart for others in different areas, I find immense joy when i see other people flourishing, growing and blooming in life whilst acknowledging it is God who gives growth, transforms people, etc... we just have to plant the seeds!! How many times have we planted some seeds and not all grew into a plant?? I have !!! God created all plants and gives growth to the seed, it is the same with people! I love it when you end with "go out and be the church!" and what a wonderful service that is!!
    I have this t-shirt my daughter gave me that reads "Cool Influencer", the truth is, we do influence those around us... you remember that verse that says "bad company corrupts good morals"? (1 Cor. 15:33) So, as followers of Jesus, we are to be of GOOD influence, THAT is what makes the difference between some influencers and others... which comes to line up with what you said, about it being to give God the glory, not to or from people, but to God and even if God said "i am pleased with you"... that wouldn't have been possible on our own strength, without Him!!
    I love you and your babies... they grow so fast, don't they? May God bless our children, protect them, guide them, be the King of their lives, the resident in their hearts and the teacher in their minds.
    On a totally different note, did you realize that you are colour coordinated?? 🥰🤭I found that very sweet and refreshing. God bless you ❤

  • @T.H.C.-TheHempConnection
    @T.H.C.-TheHempConnection Рік тому


  • @1ysav
    @1ysav Рік тому

    amazing message!!! i do feel sometimes that i do fall into the spectacle lifestyle on chasing the attention from social media. i learned that i need to reject the spectacle instead of chasing it. we should be chasing God instead.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson 11 місяців тому

    1 Timothy 6:9
    But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

  • @106photo
    @106photo Рік тому

    Great message guys thank you!

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Рік тому

    John 10:9
    I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

  • @lionelsibanda
    @lionelsibanda Рік тому

    amen. thank you guys so much, it made me realise how easy it is to fall into the spectacle. there's even times where i try to make the best comment ever because i want the likes and to be praised, but Jesus has made me realise that really that's all I'll ever get! keep doing what you're doing.
    i was wondering if buying amen merch still helps to support you guys? im not sure if its still available. God bless❤

  • @thecamelliadiaries
    @thecamelliadiaries Рік тому

    "the dangers of being spectacular" i know this is about to be good, also lokelani where did you get the pretty flower shirt?🌸

  • @Gaskillzz
    @Gaskillzz Рік тому

    Do yall have a patreon? Would love to donate to get 2 mics for the podcast 😂

  • @EricM793
    @EricM793 Рік тому

    Point on

  • @lisagarcia6270
    @lisagarcia6270 Рік тому

    Aye that movie was so demonic. The song that’s played on there is a curse to the one hearing. Please no one watch that movie NOPE. I know that kind of music because I was around it when I was a child. I’m not trying to put people in fear. But this is a spiritual more, and we have to keep our souls protected from certain things.. one of those things is secular movies. It’s not religious to keep away from secular movies.. I was around witchcraft when I was little. I was able to spot the witchcraft in movies that are making now. From children’s movies, horror, movies, to feel good movies.. I can spot, not only which demon they dedicated it to but what kind of spells they used to cast on the onlooker. I think God that it was only my childhood I was subjected to, and for the most part, my mother kept me away from it.. but I didn’t get to see firsthand. These are things you just mess around with.. yes, we are covered with the full armor of God but the world is getting heavier an evil is getting worse. . This is not to fear, but so that you are aware made aware of what they’re doing.. don’t watch secular movies at all these days. It’s not worth it. One movie can set you back and you don’t even know why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling on why you feel awful why you feel disconnected. It could be the movie that you watched.. be on your guard. That means staying away from evil if you can.. it was the first secular movie that I have seen in about a year. I saw it because my daughter wanted to see it and at the time instead of pulling on God, I was kind of desperate to spend time with her.. we watched it and I knew just a few minutes into the movie that something was terribly wrong and I was confirmed about 15 or 20 minutes into the movie. We are new creations in Christ, and even though we don’t want to be religious, we are supposed to be looking at ourselves at a higher standard than what the world standards would be.. because our goal is to be Christ like. With the love in the intentions of Christ.. we forfeit that when we make desperately hasty decisions based on fear.

  • @rispudins
    @rispudins Рік тому

    I want to watch 18+ content, but this podcast helps me get away from it