This is my Christmas present. That conductor is The Bollocks! So tenderly realised and powerful. The action, the trust and the sound of it all. I usually clench up when I see a version of Pärt's "Salve Regina" lurking in an algorithmic UA-cam prompt. Thank you so much!
This is my Christmas present. That conductor is The Bollocks! So tenderly realised and powerful. The action, the trust and the sound of it all. I usually clench up when I see a version of Pärt's "Salve Regina" lurking in an algorithmic UA-cam prompt. Thank you so much!
Awesome, the same like original. I like that when someones want to approach to originaal piece. ❤❤❤
One of the best rendition of this Salve Regina . Bravo!
thats gold
This is an excellent rendition and performance.
11:12 ladies and gentleman that is how it's done.
Bravi bravi e ancora bravi!!! Astonishing performance. And you published this video on my birthday!
Pietas, Regina
Really beautifully done. Thank you.
WOW! Que performance extremamente sensível e bem finalizada!! Me apaixonei!
Que c'est beau.