5.3 Brewmaster Monk Basic Tank Guide Gameplay

  • Опубліковано 14 січ 2025


  • @topikin
    @topikin 12 років тому

    Thanks for the video. I love the intro!! I have re-roll in a Monk and trying the brewmaster spec. This video has help me consider some of the things i was not attending before.

  • @Cliffisen
    @Cliffisen 12 років тому

    Last night i was in need of a "quick" stun and i came to think about this tip. It worked like a charm. I rolled out thou, but its the same. I even got a "wow dude". I think that was ment as a compliment :)

  • @CarveMyNameInStone
    @CarveMyNameInStone 12 років тому

    Also, 3-4 seconds to cast a flash of light which is a very short cast time heal. The healer was slacking/bad or a clicker.

  • @Bollalillo
    @Bollalillo 11 років тому

    i bet the first thing he heard when he came to this world is at the hospital.
    The doctor telling his mom to push as hard as humanly possible^^, i love you mikeeeeeey

  • @LoLSmileyFACE650
    @LoLSmileyFACE650 12 років тому

    he explains in the guide video that monks don't need it as much as they need hit expertise for black out kick and what not so that you can still get more dodge and parry. its just how the monks work.

  • @H.Cook420
    @H.Cook420 12 років тому

    its worth saying that u dont have to wait for shuffle to run out to do another blackout kick. it DOES stack. u can use 2 blackout kicks one after another and it will last twice as long. makes it much easier to keep 100% uptime

  • @FrozenArcher1
    @FrozenArcher1 12 років тому

    just wondering if you would make the shaman colours on name plates and in dps meter a darker blue? cause its easy to get confused between them and monks with the colours u use :P

  • @DinosaursSayRarr
    @DinosaursSayRarr 12 років тому

    "leaving combat" haha Preach that was awesome.
    Very nice vid.

  • @Cliffisen
    @Cliffisen 12 років тому

    I would like to know what addon you are using for keeping track of suffle, Guard ect

  • @Likorca
    @Likorca 12 років тому

    Can you link a screenshot of your Weak Auras? I just made a monk and I'm a big fun of micromanaging and Interfaces.

  • @kathuzada41
    @kathuzada41 12 років тому

    It is a chi generator and, last I checked, you need chi to keep shuffle up. It costs the same as jab but it does a lot more damage.

  • @TheMyrmidons2012
    @TheMyrmidons2012 12 років тому

    To all those commenting about Preachy's hp. Its probably either that you have far more gear than him or that the healer you have is over healing you so much. I admit that this one is a little bit wild but nothing out of the ordinary if you are at the lower end of the gear spectrum.

  • @GAMESperper18master
    @GAMESperper18master 12 років тому

    What was the shadow priests ILVL in that dungeon? Just curious because I want to compare my shadow priest damage with his.

  • @getoutdostuff
    @getoutdostuff 12 років тому

    I've been using clash to force stray casters into the death ball. Roll away from your ball, clash back toward the caster, bingo. They're in the death ball. It's a mobility thing. I use clash a ton.

  • @maggimaster
    @maggimaster 11 років тому

    yea I cant remember right but I think its mastery,haste,crit,then avoidance for priority if I remember right since as long as u can hit then ur almost guaranteed to not die

  • @ntaw11200
    @ntaw11200 11 років тому

    What's the addon he has above his health bar that says the duration left on tiger power, shuffle, etc.?

  • @danieltrotter6257
    @danieltrotter6257 11 років тому

    Preach how are you tracking the enemy castbar? i am using your UI however its not showing up for me....also what TMW are you using?

  • @multiforgetyou
    @multiforgetyou 12 років тому

    Hello mr. preach can i ask you what addons you are using?

  • @ishmokelol
    @ishmokelol 11 років тому

    At no point did he claim to be good at this. He was making a guide and explaining what to do and true he may not have done it all he time . This is a perfect example (unfortunately) of "Do as I say, not as I do". Preach is an extremely good player, and does the homework on every spec in game as I do. I'm not near his skill but I am decent as this video helped me and probably many more. So thank you Preach!

  • @P4TTL2
    @P4TTL2 12 років тому

    tanks need to manage the mitigation through shuffle, stagger and guard so i guess it depends on the tank aswell as the healer.

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    preacher why dont u use Spinning crane kick? it will top the meters

  • @Cliffisen
    @Cliffisen 12 років тому

    Awesome, ty !
    I tried to use TellMeWhen, but arent quite happy with it.
    Ill give this a try.

  • @MonkeyJazz75
    @MonkeyJazz75 11 років тому

    Can somebody PLEASE tell me what addon it is that displays the important buffs on himself on the left side of his character

  • @Tyrasmira
    @Tyrasmira 11 років тому

    also, what nameplate addon are you using?

  • @Camps2630
    @Camps2630 12 років тому

    Are monks bad when it comes to mitigation or is the healer just THAT bad?

  • @WhyTrollSoMuch
    @WhyTrollSoMuch 11 років тому

    Clash works well for mobs that run away in fear.

  • @averrett
    @averrett 12 років тому

    Last I checked spinning crane kick doesn't do anything for damage mitigation. Does it do some good AoE and dps, yes. But doesn't increase anything on shuffle, you don't parry/dodge. You spin and hit them and they hit you. Mitigation = blackout kick giving you shuffle, increasing your stagger %, drinking elusive brew. None of that happens with SCK. Besides 1 dizzy haze brew toss and a keg smash no one is getting threat from him unless he stops attacking.

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    so u say that if ur single target dpsing u can get aoe aggro?

  • @GuyThat64
    @GuyThat64 11 років тому

    is the windwalker and brewmaster gear the same except gems and enchants

  • @gtbGuit
    @gtbGuit 11 років тому

    Can someone please tell me a addon to make the buffs at top right corner bigs and move they to the left corner?

  • @RivenAu
    @RivenAu 12 років тому

    Point - 9:00 - Those dudes get a buff called Hands of Purity, does pure fire damage, they really hurt, hense why his health is going all over the place.
    The casters in that hallway after the first boss continually cast at you as well and wont melee unless silenced, hense why he nearly died.
    Why am I even explaining this, people should be able to see it >_>

  • @imCommonn
    @imCommonn 12 років тому

    480p? :(

  • @JoeDjinn
    @JoeDjinn 12 років тому

    Clash,, I have using it as a inturupt in PvP mostly. it's great to clash with a casting healer :)

  • @averrett
    @averrett 12 років тому

    touche...i guess it just feels like i get hit harder. It doesn't keep shuffle up though which is a must.

  • @Vilelated
    @Vilelated 12 років тому

    alot of the tanks are on top of meters atm due to vengence. it is scaling incredibly well, also it doesnt help the dps that they have to reforge so much stats into hit atm. once you start seeing people getting some nice epic gear the tanks will be back at the bottom again. its a game mechanics issue atm. try not to worry so much about the dps meter and more about being at the bottom of the damage recieved meter (the true sign of a great dps).

  • @TheTweetybird3000
    @TheTweetybird3000 11 років тому

    Are you HealvsBabyface preach?

  • @opgreenguy
    @opgreenguy 12 років тому

    Clash is usefull to being a caster into the pack preach!

  • @AliKesam
    @AliKesam 12 років тому


  • @CarveMyNameInStone
    @CarveMyNameInStone 12 років тому

    Disc priest using renew. Nice, nice.

  • @MonkeyJazz75
    @MonkeyJazz75 11 років тому

    Thank you very much, you godly person.

  • @vvExodusvv
    @vvExodusvv 11 років тому

    Well shit, you must be a real badass. I know who I'm gonna take lessons from now!

  • @jorjor82
    @jorjor82 12 років тому

    If he dies, he dies.

  • @bleiddudd
    @bleiddudd 12 років тому

    that intro classic

  • @H.Cook420
    @H.Cook420 12 років тому

    mr preach u wernt using ur ox statue very much =P

  • @Animacek
    @Animacek 11 років тому

    name of nameplates??

  • @maggimaster
    @maggimaster 11 років тому

    sadly until u pop avert harm stagger does NOT effect magic damage same with guardunless u glyph it

  • @LovintheIrish
    @LovintheIrish 12 років тому

    I main a healer, (resto druid) and i click, people say im one of the best healers theyve seen in a long time, i started in vanilla and clicking has been a hard habit to break, although i DO have a naga, i am keybinding DPS spells, but for a healer you dont need to be rushing everything, you can generally move your mouse to your heals you need in the time of a GCD, if you place them on your bars sensibly ( closer together, rejuv/ swiftmend right next to each other) and such

  • @RivenAu
    @RivenAu 12 років тому

    If anyone else noticed, every single pack in that dungeon has 2-3+ CASTERS, you take a ton of magical damage if nobody is interrupting those mobs and there isn't much way to prevent it without help. Cut preach some slack, jesus.

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    what do u mean by attacks? attacks means damage and dmg means DPS .... dont u know what dps means? Damage per second

  • @Vilelated
    @Vilelated 12 років тому

    i agree with some of the other guys here, for example you were ahead of your healer in the hall was getting close to dieing while they ran in. you could have rolled out and clashed the pack to stun them thus buying you a little time. i like to think of clash as a trash cd.. *bro fist*

  • @LoLSmileyFACE650
    @LoLSmileyFACE650 12 років тому

    you know im getting the same feeling. >.

  • @averrett
    @averrett 12 років тому

    I don't think the people you are talking to have ever tanked before.

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    but still its good trust me its like using a powerful aoe ability for like 10-20 energy so ye i can generate and do alot of metegation by that, and most important aggro didnt u think about that?, no i dont think so

  • @dustinrausch5008
    @dustinrausch5008 11 років тому

    If you haven't gotten up to Moderate/Heavy Stagger yet, Purifying Brew is a waste of Chi. Just about anything else you could do with it would be better for your survivability.

  • @Premoose2
    @Premoose2 11 років тому

    It's a 5man.... If he takes a little more damage than he's getting more vengeance causing him to do more damage making the dungeon take less time. When I'm healing a dungeon I'd much rather just get it over with as fast as possible since they're so easy and boring. By the way, when are you putting up your brewmaster video guide on your channel? I eagerly await it.

  • @LoLSmileyFACE650
    @LoLSmileyFACE650 12 років тому

    damage leads to threat. however threat does not lead to damage. yes. you waited in BC for the tank to build aggro. but it wasn't him building aggro with DPS he was building it with TPS. if you burst it the DPS will out do the TPS and pull away from him. yes. but he would still be doing the least amount of damage. because tank abilities including all attacks generate 3x as much TPS than DPS. even more so now than back then. its not the DPS. its the tanks own TPS.

  • @danieltsmoke
    @danieltsmoke 12 років тому

    intro music sounds like it from fable :]

  • @GAMESperper18master
    @GAMESperper18master 12 років тому

    Ok thx mate! =)

  • @maggimaster
    @maggimaster 11 років тому

    the whole why use breath of fire.....its a DoT and if u played a BM monk then u would know that u want it constantly ticking to kill quicker

  • @GuggieG
    @GuggieG 12 років тому

    you rock

  • @alphabetrider
    @alphabetrider 11 років тому

    what the shuffel

  • @mikebutler6131
    @mikebutler6131 11 років тому

    tidyplates grey theme

  • @Bundesverfassungsgehirn
    @Bundesverfassungsgehirn 11 років тому

    Trinkets can be different as well, since there are tank and dd trinkets.

  • @kmarpet120
    @kmarpet120 12 років тому

    Burn the whole world Preach! Show us some Fire Mage :D

  • @58FSDerrick
    @58FSDerrick 12 років тому

    It's pronounced Shu-en. X makes an SH sound in Chinese.

  • @Axlyss
    @Axlyss 11 років тому

    Seems to me he plays ptr for 10mins googles a noxxic guide and gets it wrong.

  • @DracoSuave
    @DracoSuave 12 років тому

    You Keg Smash. The rest of your rotation needs to keep Shuffle up, Guard when needed, and Purify. Spinning Crane Kick doesn't give you the open time to do that, and should be used sparingly.
    If you're doing AoE situations like Wind Lord Mel, Keg Smash is MORE than sufficient to dominate the meters. Not that it's important.

  • @LyteTutorials
    @LyteTutorials 11 років тому

    Addon is needtoknow

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    @LoLSmileyFACE650 if so go tank LFR mogu'shan and i dare u to hold the aggro with no aoe

  • @Axlyss
    @Axlyss 11 років тому

    To bad i quit wow last week my brewmaster was my baby and my mage was the bj queen.

  • @BlowItOutYourAssXIII
    @BlowItOutYourAssXIII 11 років тому

    No it's tellmewhen

  • @kittenkitty6052
    @kittenkitty6052 11 років тому

    99% the video was about shuffle.... I need shuffle >.

  • @LoLSmileyFACE650
    @LoLSmileyFACE650 12 років тому

    threat is threat. dps is dps. dps can lead to threat but either way threat is still threat, stop trying to make them the same thing. in vanilla and BC tanks did the least amount of damage of all the other specs and classes and kept threat like a an old ex girlfriend stalking your facebook.

  • @opgreenguy
    @opgreenguy 12 років тому


  • @LoLSmileyFACE650
    @LoLSmileyFACE650 12 років тому

    god i hate how blizzard is making it 4 dps and 1 healer. he is a tank. not a god damn dps. besides spinning crane kick compared to others isn't that good.

  • @MrFreddo618
    @MrFreddo618 11 років тому

    I love your guides, but this one is just terrible. Not guard on cooldown, i don't even think you notice that 2 tiger power procs guard. I don't think i see you use your statue once in the whole video, such a bad gameplay/guide for new monk players.

  • @greattom12
    @greattom12 12 років тому


  • @Axlyss
    @Axlyss 11 років тому

    I dont play wow anymore shit got to boring.. He gets shuffle dead wrong he gets brew dead wrong and he gets the rotation dead wrong.

  • @rukinaa
    @rukinaa 11 років тому

    From what I've seen so far on your channel is that all you do is moaning and trying to show how much better you are and how wrong people are about stuff and that what they say makes no sense somehow.. sometimes you might be right, who knows.. But relax a bit sir, I know it's all nice for you because this is the internet and you can say whatever you like since no one will know who the F you are, But if you are such a pro at playing a brewmaster monk, Like Premoose2 said, where is your guide?

  • @MultiUnknowen
    @MultiUnknowen 12 років тому

    this new youtube layout is so stupid....

  • @endo77x7
    @endo77x7 10 років тому

    How are you able to enjoy the game with all that UI clutter??!??!?!?!
    If the game is intended to be played that way I want my money back, lmao.

  • @ishmokelol
    @ishmokelol 11 років тому

    Then do a video yourself.