100% Proof We Don't Need To Keep The Sabbath Day

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @cyndiyates9325
    @cyndiyates9325 11 місяців тому +30

    I still believe as a Christian you should observe the Sabbath because the Sabbath is one of The ten commandments, not just another dietary law or any of the other festivals celebrated. In the commandments that He felt so strongly about that He wrote them with His OWN fingers , He specifically said "to remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy"
    We don't get to say "don't murder", "don't steal", "don't covet", "have no other GOD" and then conveniently say..oh we can just disregard that one particular commandment.

    • @RepentingMan
      @RepentingMan 10 місяців тому

      Agreed. These modern day so-called teachers make up their own "divine" law.

    • @bibledynasty5050
      @bibledynasty5050 8 місяців тому +3


    • @erizaodoh1229
      @erizaodoh1229 6 місяців тому +6

      Heb 4.4 For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: "And God rested on the seventh day from all His works"; 5 and again in this place: "They shall not enter My rest." 6 Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, 7 again He designates a certain day, saying in David, "Today," after such a long time, as it has been said: "Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts." 8 For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day.

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 4 місяці тому

      Read Rom 2!

    • @SeekingHisWill77
      @SeekingHisWill77 3 місяці тому +1

      @cyndiyates9325, I agree. Furthermore, we do not HAVE to do anything, but because we Love Him, we Keep His commandments. It is a LOVE issue, not a bondage or works issue.

  • @benjaminofperrin
    @benjaminofperrin 11 місяців тому +38

    You don't have to but you should as the Sabbath was created for man. It's a wonderful day to relax, read the word and pray and it's a great reminder that God is the creator. I wish more people would follow the Sabbath. The church would be in a better place if they did.

      @IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER 11 місяців тому +3

      AMEN....."The sabbath was made for man", love it /simple as can be. as to the under standing YHWH has given me. psalms 119:130

    • @wojo9732
      @wojo9732 11 місяців тому +7

      @@IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER Everyday a sabbath for me, I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places!

    • @GodIsLove1015
      @GodIsLove1015 11 місяців тому +6

      Did God tell you that every day is the Sabbath rest? He said that 6 days are for work and 1 day for Sabbath rest.

    • @wojo9732
      @wojo9732 11 місяців тому +2

      @@GodIsLove1015 Yepp, he said everyday I rest now, I'm in eternal sabbath.

    • @GodIsLove1015
      @GodIsLove1015 11 місяців тому +5

      So show us from the Scriptures where Jesus told you that you are in "Eternal Sabbath"
      If you were in "Eternal Sabbath" NOW - then you would never get Anything done, because you'd be constantly at rest from doing anything. Lol 😂
      And you, your family and friends wouldn't be able to do stuff together for enjoyment, because you're eternally resting. Lol 😂

  • @dantuicakau214
    @dantuicakau214 11 місяців тому +39

    If there is no law, how would we be able to identify what sin is?

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 10 місяців тому +1

      Sin is lawlessness, that is how.

    • @TheMessenger100
      @TheMessenger100 10 місяців тому +3

      @@terrygreenman1540but how would you know what’s lawlessness?

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 10 місяців тому +2

      @@TheMessenger100 The Bible and the Bible alone.
      * Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness* 1 John 3:4.
      *for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God* Romans 3:22.

    • @dantuicakau214
      @dantuicakau214 9 місяців тому

      @@terrygreenman1540 which law are we breaking when we sin?

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 9 місяців тому

      @@dantuicakau214 When who sins? Human's in general or are you talking about Christians who sin? Be specific. And what law are you referring to?
      The Gospel is not a matter of promising God to do better, nor to amend our sinful ways, nor to reform, nor give up the world; but rather, to freely receive the gift of God on the basis of Christ's blood sacrifice. Christ died on the cross for our sins, He was buried, and He bodily raised up from the dead after three days. That is the “Good News” of the Gospel which all men must believe to be saved.
      Please notice our text passage of Scripture from Luke 7:50, “And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.” It wasn't her turning away from sinful behavior that saved her, but her faith. If she hadn't repented (changed her mind), she never would have come to Jesus at all. Godly sorrow is not repentance, but the Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 7:10 that “sorrow worketh repentance.” This woman was sorry for her sins, and she repented and came to Jesus by faith and was saved.
      Repentance is acknowledging that I am a guilty sinner in the eyes of a holy God. Romans 3:19, “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.”
      The purpose of God's law is to show men their inability to save themselves, because no one can perfectly keep God's laws. *NO ONE!* (Romans 3:23) Galatians 3:24, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
      “When we believe, we receive: 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved' (Acts 16:31). 'As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name' (John 1:12).”
      The Bible teaches “REPENTANCE TOWARD GOD, and FAITH TOWARD OUR JESUS CHRIST” (Acts 20:21). The Holy Bible promises eternal forgiveness to those who REPENT TOWARD GOD FROM UNBELIEF, not sins. When a man repents toward God as a guilty sinner, he has in a sense turned his back against sin, but there is no Biblical requirement to “turn from sin” to be saved:

  • @caseiriks7169
    @caseiriks7169 11 місяців тому +18

    You are right we don't HAVE to keep the Sabbath, BUT Jesus said " if you love me keep my commandments".

    • @balung
      @balung 11 місяців тому

      Saturday or Sunday, which is the Sabbath Day?

    • @AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed
      @AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed 11 місяців тому +1

      @@balung ,....Neither, there is no weekly sabbath. Anyone keeping a weekly sabbath no matter what day is outside of the kingdom of God, and is completely blind, lost, and deceived.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +1

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @forthosewitheyestosee8183
      @forthosewitheyestosee8183 11 місяців тому +2

      @@Michael-pn5lp ,...If there was still a sabbath day and there of course isn't, what would be the difference? Why would it matter if ones flight is on the sabbath day?
      What this scripture is actually saying is pray that you do not have to live (have your flight) in the last days when the tribulation is at its worst. The sabbath is the entire new testament age, and those who have to live during the sabbath (the new testament age) and especially towards the end will have the hardest time of anyone.
      In these last days there is nothing but deception out there, everyone is steeped in deception as you are a perfect example of. The entire church is 100% apostate. The church does not at all understand the Bible and everything the church reaches is Biblically incorrect. This is why Jesus made this statement. It has nothing to do with one day of the week, but only the entire new testament age (the sabbath).

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 11 місяців тому +10

    We are not exempt from keeping the 10 commandments. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. is one of the 10 commandments.

    • @AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed
      @AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed 11 місяців тому +1

      You have spoken in ignorance. Repent!

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @aussierob7177 Are Christians still living under the Mosaic covenant, please tell me? Thank you.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed Are Christians still living under the Mosaic covenant, please tell me?
      FYI you yourself are truly ignorant. Lol...

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

      @aussierob7177 Won't admit you broke one 10 commandments

  • @jarthurpaxton9223
    @jarthurpaxton9223 11 місяців тому +15

    Well done! It's also noteworthy that the council of Jerusalem put no such burdens on gentile believers.

    • @TeeG-er3eh
      @TeeG-er3eh 11 місяців тому +1

      They only put 4 commands to the gentiles which were just the introduction to the religion. It's not possible to whack a whole new religion onto converts in one hit. You learn slowly by the grace of God.

    • @Millenium2024
      @Millenium2024 11 місяців тому +2

      That is because they were expected to already understand the 10 Commandments are the milk of milk.
      Unless of course you think we can murder, commit Adultery, and covet.
      This includes keeping the 4th commandment, aka worming 6 days a week and making the 7th day a holy one according to how God told us to.

    • @jarthurpaxton9223
      @jarthurpaxton9223 11 місяців тому +1

      Here is the whole of the matter: the Sabbath was created for Man, not Man for the sabbath. It's for Man's own good that he draw near the Lord without distraction or labor. In the law, God only required this one day a week. But unless our righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, we will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. In Christ, every day is a holy Sabbath unto the Lord. Not a mere rest IN the flesh, but a rest OF the flesh. Jesus Christ, by his perfect work, has made an end of our futile works in the flesh. Henceforth, our work is submission in the Holy Spirit, which is joyful liberation from the bondage of sin unto fruit bearing in those good deeds he prepared in advance for us to do. Though we indeed labor zealously in the Lord, even wasting away in the flesh, yet we are being renewed in Spirit each day. He Himself is our Sabbath rest. He lives in us.

    • @TeeG-er3eh
      @TeeG-er3eh 11 місяців тому

      @@jarthurpaxton9223 you said some wonderful things there for Christians to be in Christ. But do you have a Bible text that proves that "in Christ every day is a holy Sabbath into the Lord?"

    • @jarthurpaxton9223
      @jarthurpaxton9223 11 місяців тому

      @@TeeG-er3eh are the biblical truths I shared applicable in the saints one day a week? Two? Three? One hour per day? No, my friend. At all times. Jesus said "If you love Me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever -- the Holy Spirit of Truth..." (John 14:15-16). So we are always in the Spirit, not to conduct works of the flesh in accordance with the law of Moses which was a mere shadow, but to conduct ourselves in the Holy Spirit. Only God is holy; and His holiness in us is true holiness. It more than fulfills the law of Moses. It goes beyond deeds of the flesh toward the inmost being, the heart, the mind, even our very souls. His good work is wrought in all of us at all times. And we must be submissive. We are not under the law of Moses, but the law of the Spirit. And we are no longer slaves to sins of the flesh hopelessly exposed by the law; but bondservants of Christ unto works of true righteousness. At all times. Praise God!

  • @taralewis-hiddenbibletruth3166
    @taralewis-hiddenbibletruth3166 11 місяців тому +10

    Thank you for bringing up this topic as it is extremely important. I apologize for the lengthy response but I feel someone may need full understanding.
    Keep in mind you can’t take one scripture and make a doctrine out of it as this video is doing. Keep in mind that Paul was speaking to the Colossians who no longer did sacrifice. Meat and drink are not referring to actual food and drink, it is in reference to Jesus body and blood see John 6:54-55. Since the Colossians no longer sacrificed since they accepted Jesus as their sacrifice, the Jews kept accusing them of not sacrificing since they were now taking communion. As well as others accusing them of continuing to observe all of the Holy Days and weekly Sabbath day. Let me explain on the Sabbath and Holy days now..
    This is a portion of our families testimony…
    We had been attending Sunday churches for the last 25+ years up until 5 year ago which at that time we went through an extremely difficult time in our life. During this time, we decided to really dig into our Bibles. We rarely used to open our Bible... we would go to Sunday mega churches, check it off the list and call it a day. We would only listen to what the pastors would tell us. When we began to study and the 10 Commandments especially the 4th Commandment - the only commandment that says "REMEMBER" (See Exodus 20:8-11), the light started shining brighter and God began to show us truths we never knew were in the Bible. We were woken up to many traditions made by man that most churches are teaching.... The Sabbath, state of the dead, the book of Revelation (Especially the 3 angels messages in Revelation 14:6-12), time prophecy in Daniel, the trinity, the biblical feasts, the Mark of the Beast, the heavenly sanctuary (Original in heaven - see Hebrews) and many more.
    The first false teaching that we really dug into is the Sabbath day because no pastor could give us a consistent full understanding of why it supposedly changed. Therefore, we needed to dig in ourselves. Once we studied that the Sabbath (Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday) and the MANY verses that back that from Genesis all the way through Revelation we knew without a doubt it has been mans tradition to keep Sunday since 313ad with Constantine when he started sun worship. Once papal Rome became in control, they adopted the Sun worship and changed the Sabbath to Sunday. The Roman Catholic Church will even admit that they changed the Sabbath day and even say it is their "ecclesiastical mark of authority to change the Sabbath to Sunday".- Cardinal Gibbons 9/23/1893. Once we dug into history and everything that the Roman Catholic church has done and all of the traditions that they started, we couldn't get enough. This lead into deep study of the reformers and what they had to say about the Roman Catholic Church.Once we started keeping the true Sabbath day just like the 4th Commandment in the 10 Commandments states ("REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it holy, six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the SEVENTH day is the Sabbath of The Lord thy God....") it changed our lives in so many ways.God pulled us out of the world so that we could truly see what Babylon was doing. We were fully immersed in it until God woke us up to TRUE Bible Scripture. The Catholic church changed the 10 commandments by removing the 2nd commandment which is idolatry since they worship idols, they shifted them down so that they show the Sabbath commandment as the third and then split the 10th commandment into 2 so that they could total 10. God stated that the anti-christ would "change times and laws" Daniel 7:25. He also states in Revelation that any who adds or removes from scripture will not take part in the tree of life. Rev 22:19. And Revelation 22:14 states that "Blessed are they that do His Commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city". Well, if we are supposed to be keeping the 10 commandments why is most of the world following the Roman Catholic Church and keeping Sunday? There is no where in the Bible that states the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. The Sabbath began at creation. "God rested the 7th day and hallowed it". Jesus also stated in John 14:15 “If you love me you will keep My commandments”. And Mark 7:7-9 states “Adam and Eve had rules to follow which were the 10 commandments. The reason why God had to write them in stone with His finger is because the Israelites lost the Sabbath and needed to "Remember" as God knew what would happen to this world in changing the Sabbath day. Jesus kept the Sabbath in the new testament and so did the disciples even after Jesus died on the cross. The Sabbath was NEVER done away with at the cross. The only thing that was done away with was the sacrificial ceremonies. The Sabbath and Biblical feasts are Gods appointed times that will continue to be kept. They have been replace by pagan holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc). That is why the study of the sanctuary is so important because it is the entire plan of salvation (study the original heavenly sanctuary in the book of Hebrews and the symbolic in Exodus and Deuteronomy). As well as the time prophey in Daniel and Revelation - 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days, and the 2300 evenings and mornings. In the end they will align perfectly with the timing of the biblical holy days.
    Jesus was our ultimate sacrifice. What it means that Jesus fulfilled the law is that He lived it perfectly so that we can live our lives by following His example (Righteousness by Faith) Does that mean to ignore and do away with the 10 commandments? definitely not. Matt 5:17-19 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one [a]jot or one [b]tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.. We must keep them all and REMEMBER the Sabbath day. Once you study it and observe it, the blessings are amazing that follow. The mark of the beast is soon upon us and we must understand what that mark is. When you read Revelation 13 it is all over worship therefore when you dig in and study everything together you will full understand what the mark of the beast is (lets just say to remember that Sunday is NOT the day of worship and rest, and that God told us throughout the old and new testament to keep His appointed times)
    Now that we understand the book of Revelation and that studying it right along side with Daniel brings truth and understanding, many things have come together and questions that we had while in the Sunday churches. Gods seal is the Sabbath day (He is God . He is he creator, His territory is heaven and the earth - See Gen 1:1) We should worship Him and only Him on the ONLY day (7th day) that he sanctified and made holy.
    This is one of the biggest deceptions of all that the enemy has created since he wants the worship see Isaiah 14:13-14. This, along with many other deceptions came to light once God knew our hearts were open and ready to receive His truths. As Mark 7:7-9 states "And in vain they worship Me,
    Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’8 For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men-[a]the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.”9 He said to them, “All too well you [b]reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.
    This is also a good source to explain the history of truly how man changed The 7th day Sabbath to Sunday...www.sabbathtruth.com
    I pray that you are as blessed as we were and are with studying what the Bible truly says and not listening to man just come up with excuses for not keeping Gods commandments. Satan knows what he is doing with distracting people from keeping Gods appointed times because he knows the importance of them for us growing closer to Christ knowing who He is and how they will affect us through life and the end days.

    • @TeeG-er3eh
      @TeeG-er3eh 11 місяців тому +3

      Thank you for your testimony, you have given everyone a crash course in present truth

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +1

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

    • @gregorywootton3870
      @gregorywootton3870 6 місяців тому +1

      Caleb, you have a great testimony, but please heed the warning in Matthew 5:19 with your teaching.

    • @tammy9497
      @tammy9497 5 місяців тому

      You are right that nowhere in scripture does the Sabbath refer to Sunday. But the LORD's day (ie: Church gathering to celebrate the risen King) is in fact celebrated on a Sunday. We can observe the day of REST (not church) on Saturday.

    • @HeavenlyGirl
      @HeavenlyGirl 5 місяців тому +2

      Great comment Tara! I agree with you! Why would anyone not want to spend the actual seventh day for rest and special worship to Jesus on Saturdays?! Why would anyone teach or encourage others not to? Why not to be committed to it? Why would anyone think it’s so wrong when there are SO many Bible verses from Genesis to Revelation, even spoken about from Jesus Himself on earth about “keeping His Commandments” as Jesus is the same God of Genesis when God even rested on the 7th & expects us too to rest on the actual 7th day! We’re to keep the Calendar God gave us, not man made Calendar! I worship God daily, but to actually acknowledge Saturday the 7th day, sun down Friday to sun down Saturday as Genesis explains that… and to have that special day alone with Jesus has been such a blessing to me and has given me such a growth in my relationship with Jesus… I would rather “keep the Sabbath” instead than to not…

  • @melvinpayne7005
    @melvinpayne7005 11 місяців тому +29

    Most professing Christians are taught that Christmas, Easter, and a Sunday “sabbath" are fundamental observances of the Christian religion. Yet when you carefully study the Bible and history, you find that early Christians did not celebrate Jesus' birth, and they knew He was not born on December 25. Many Christmas customs come not from the Bible, but from pagan Roman Saturnalia celebrations. Christ's first followers did not observe Easter, but rather followed Jesus' example by keeping the Passover (Luke 2:41; 22:15-16). When you look up "Easter" in reference books, you quickly discover its pagan origins. Christ's first followers did not keep Sunday, but instead followed Jesus' example and observed a seventh-day Sabbath (Luke 4:16; Acts
    17:2; 13:14, 42-44). Sunday worship was also borrowed from the pagans, then codified with "Christian" meaning by religious leaders in the time of Constantine. Christmas and Easter were adopted by Roman church councils centuries later-even though there is no biblical basis to them.
    In response, the Bible clearly warns,
    "When the Lord your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, 'How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise'" (Deuteronomy 12:29-30). Modern religious leaders either ignore these clear biblical warnings or are ignorant of them-and most professing Christians today follow blindly along

    • @melvinpayne7005
      @melvinpayne7005 11 місяців тому +2

      You believe that the Word should have the final say BUT…. you have let traditions of men and philosophies of men commingle themselves with the Word
      If you can clearly show in the scriptures where God commanded us to celebrate the Messiah’s birthday, then your celebration of Christmas is validated.

    • @thatgirlyanara
      @thatgirlyanara 11 місяців тому +4

      The problem is most people to not serve YAHUAH in Spirit and in truth but in culture and convenience! I know I was one of them until I prayed the most dangerous prayer of my life with a sincere heart asking Heavenly Father to show me ALL the truth and suddenly I realized I was exactly where the enemy wanted me: going along with the world which he is in control of

    • @melvinpayne7005
      @melvinpayne7005 11 місяців тому +2

      @@thatgirlyanara Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH The Whole WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. I was lost, Some things have to be said over and over because the carnal nature when truth, is preached the carnal nature always opposing it.

    • @thatgirlyanara
      @thatgirlyanara 11 місяців тому

      @@melvinpayne7005 so true brother! I praise Abba all day long for His Holy Spirit cause phew 😮‍💨 I really was nothing but a filthy rag! Man let me go over there praise and worship cause when I think about the goodness and love of the YAHUAH I can’t not praise Him

    • @melvinpayne7005
      @melvinpayne7005 11 місяців тому +1

      @@thatgirlyanara Praise YAH! Because He’s Soooo Merciful!!!

  • @whoisjesus5597
    @whoisjesus5597 11 місяців тому +13

    Exactly - we are doing a Shabbat dinner soon, but not as a religious command rather a family blessing and outreach into our community. Jesus Christ is our rest and we have entered in 🙏🏽

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 11 місяців тому

      There is nothing wrong with a sabbath dinner.😊

    • @whoisjesus5597
      @whoisjesus5597 11 місяців тому

      @@shellyblanchard5788 thank you. Some people think our Shabbat dinner is wrong because we are not Jews. You can’t win against the religious haha

  • @wojo9732
    @wojo9732 11 місяців тому +10

    You are a good teacher. Thanks for obeying your calling and helping us to understand the basic principles of the WORD.

  • @broderen6234
    @broderen6234 9 місяців тому +4

    when jesus comes back everyone is gonna keep the sabbath acording to the bible! why so much hate and resistance! sunday is not a worship day in the kingdom to come

  • @randalh409
    @randalh409 9 місяців тому +4

    And the 100% proof that you are incorrect, is that the 7th day was sanctified and made holy at creation, BEFORE sin. Therefore, it CANNOT be a shadow of the cross.
    Collosians 2:14-17 Is talking about the ceremonial sacrificial laws which were a shadow of the cross, and were HANDWRITTEN by Moses as a TESTIMONY AGAINST the people and placed on the OUTSIDE of the ark (Deut. 31:24-26). The 10 commandments are NOT a shadow of the cross, and were written with the finger of God in stone and placed INSIDE the ark of the covenant (Ex. 25:21).
    You are very confused about Romans 14. Please read the CONTEXT. Verse 1 - DOUBTFUL DISPUTATIONS- the 10 commandments are about the least doubtful thing in the Bible! This passage says NOTHING about the Sabbath. Instead, upon actually reading the passage carefully, it is most likely speaking about people disputing which days were best for fasting, which was a common area of dispute back then.
    You referenced Matt. 5:17, but please read the next two verses and the rest of the chapter! Your idea of fulfill is abolish - nailed to the cross, but in the very next verses, Jesus says that not even a jot or tittle would EVER pass from God's law, and pronounces judgement on anyone teaching others that they no longer need to obey God's law. That is YOU, my dear brother! In the rest of the chapter, Jesus shows how He fulfilled the 10 commandments, by keeping it the FULLEST, and commands us to do LIKEWISE!
    Until you understand the difference between the law of Moses (ceremonial sacrificial laws) and the 10 commandments, you will forever be confused on this subject. The former is described as carnal, making nothing perfect, abolished at the cross, against and contrary to us. On the other hand, the latter are described as PERFECT, CONVERTING the soul, ETERNAL, law of liberty, ordained to bring life, holy, just, good, spiritual, and not grievous.
    Some passages that clearly reveal how the Bible differentiates between the law of God (10 commandments), and the law of Moses (ceremonial sacrificial laws):
    2Ki 21:8: Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them. From this verse we see also that there are two different laws. God uses the words ‘I have commanded them’ meaning the Ten Commandments while ‘The laws that my servant Moses commanded them’ meaning the laws of Moses.
    Daniel revealed this difference between these laws. Dan 9:11: Yea, all Israel have transgressed your law, even by departing, that they might not obey you voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him. ‘Your law’ referring to God laws; the Ten Commandments while ‘the law of Moses’ referring to the Mosaic Law.
    Another verse that also clearly reveals the temporary nature of the ceremonial sacrificial laws and the eternal nature of the 10 commandments, is 1 Corinthians 7:19. Circumcision was part of the ceremonial sacrificial laws.
    ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭7:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    [19] Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what MATTERS.

  • @franciscoespino3293
    @franciscoespino3293 2 місяці тому +3

    Brothers and Sisters, the Sabbath is not merely a Jewish festival. Here’s why:
    1.The Sabbath was established at creation when God created the world in six days, rested on the seventh, and blessed it. “Sabbath” means “rest day” (Genesis 2:2).
    2.In Exodus 16, when Israel was in the wilderness, they were commanded to observe the Sabbath by gathering manna for six days and resting on the seventh. This was before the Jewish festivals and the giving of the Ten Commandments, showing that the Sabbath is a universal commandment, not just a Jewish one.
    3.The Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments. If we disregard it, we might as well call them the “Nine Commandments,” which no one would dare to do.
    4.Jesus said He came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. He lived a sinless life, fulfilling the law entirely (Matthew 5:17).
    5. If God could simply abolish His commandments, why would Jesus need to die?
    There is a really good book on this subject called “The History of the Sabbath” by John Andrews.
    Pray and ask God to show the truth.

    • @scottb4579
      @scottb4579 Місяць тому

      Point 1 is a typical SDA corruption of scripture. No sabbath restriction is mentioned anywhere in Genesis. Only in Exodus after the Jews come out of Egypt does God give the Jews the law containing sabbath restrictions. Neither Adam, nor Noah, nor Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob obeyed sabbath restrictions. These restrictions didn't exist until, again, God gave the law to the Jews through Moses

    • @93556108
      @93556108 10 днів тому

      @franciscoespino3293 FYI there is no command that came out from Gen2:2. ONLY the children of Israel as God in Exodus20 commanded to keep the Sabbath. Please study your bible properly.

  • @danperez3970
    @danperez3970 8 місяців тому +2

    Another great Biblical breakdown brother, as always... Thanks for sharing the spiritual food. God bless

  • @missrandomout2037
    @missrandomout2037 Місяць тому +3

    😢 we're not under the law of Moses but God's law will never pass away the Ten Commandments

  • @bass305-HCCA
    @bass305-HCCA 11 місяців тому +67

    Jesus is our rest

    • @linusarthur5634
      @linusarthur5634 11 місяців тому +1

      Jesus is a false messiah

    • @linusarthur5634
      @linusarthur5634 11 місяців тому

      Jesus is our and the war is tearing down people people are living in depression.

    • @linusarthur5634
      @linusarthur5634 11 місяців тому

      Christianity is a contefiet.

    • @linusarthur5634
      @linusarthur5634 11 місяців тому

      The new testament is false.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +4

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

  • @randalh409
    @randalh409 9 місяців тому +6

    Additionally, the IRREFUTABLE fact that ALL of the early church faithfully kept the Sabbath for centuries after the cross, completely refutes your ideas. There is really no need to make any other point than this.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому +1

      @randalh409 do you know why the early church kept the Sabbath? Because in the beginning of the Church in first century 99% of believers were all Jews and it was their custom to keep the Sabbath in this transition period from law to the era of grace. Please provide a verse that say Christians must keep the S abbath.
      FYI even the early churh worship DAILY as in Acts2:46, 47 and in Acts 20:7, 1Cor16:1,2, Rev1:10 they worshipped on the first day of the week.
      However, Paul the top Pharisees in Rom14:5,6 says observing the Sabbath is non-obligatory.
      So, your statement is untrue biblically.

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 Місяць тому

      *The Fourth Commandment*
      ⁸ *Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy.*
      ⁹ Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
      ¹⁰ *But the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God:* in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
      ¹¹ For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, *and rested the Seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.*
      *-Exodus 20:8-11*

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 Місяць тому

      *Hebrews 4:1-11*
      ¹ Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
      ² For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
      ³ For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
      ⁴ *For He spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.*
      ⁵ And in this place again, *If they shall enter into My rest.*
      ⁶ Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
      ⁷ Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
      ⁸ For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
      ⁹ *There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.*
      ¹⁰ For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
      ¹¹ *Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.*
      *-Hebrews 4:1-11*

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 Місяць тому

      ³ Six days shall work be done: *but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of Rest, an Holy Convocation;* ye shall do no work therein: it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.
      *-Leviticus 23:3*

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 Місяць тому

      ¹³ Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, *Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep:* for it is a Sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.
      *-Exodus 31:13*

  • @FaithinYahoshua
    @FaithinYahoshua 11 місяців тому +2

    Praise Jesus Christ king of kings of Lord of Lords, thanks for your time and diligence

  • @mikem3789
    @mikem3789 11 місяців тому +21

    Anyone that is not worshiping Jesus every day has a bigger problem than those concerned about keeping the Sabbath.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому +6

      I find it interesting that you all assume we dont worship him everyday & you actually believe the purpose of sabbath is worship. The purpose of sabbath is rest. The church has is backwards.
      Edit when I say church I am referring to the Sunday people who think sabbath keepers don’t worship him every day.

    • @bibledynasty5050
      @bibledynasty5050 8 місяців тому

      what is the essence of your argument?

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

      mikem3789 I see you are going force me keep the Sabbath in USA!

  • @ShopharTemple
    @ShopharTemple 8 днів тому +1

    I don't believe we're REQUIRED to keep the sabbath, as Christians, certainly not for our salvation. However, i do believe that as we do and should be striving to keep the commandments, the sabbath observance is one of the ten commandments. I pray about it and try to allow God to lead me in that

  • @zalezola7472
    @zalezola7472 11 місяців тому +9

    Jesus said that if you love him, follow ALL his commandments. clearly Jesus said ALL, not 9 from 10 or several.

    • @Brother_Kevin
      @Brother_Kevin 11 місяців тому

      Well then if that’s your interpretation, why stop at 10? Why not do all 613 including the ones he brought up? Deny yourself and pick up your cross is another commandment but it’s not in the 10? Why bring up 9 out of the 10 commandments in the New Testament and no one ever brought the sabbath? That’s what the book of Hebrews explains that sabbath is a place, read Hebrews 1-5. That we should strive to enter it if you haven’t, if you haven’t that means you’re not a believer according to Hebrews, not saying you’re not but I’m saying what Hebrews is saying and it says that believers have already entered into that rest (Sabbath). God bless you.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      This individual in the video is guilty of deut 13

    • @RemingtonTripp
      @RemingtonTripp 5 місяців тому

      Jesus never said. Keep the 10 commandments when Jesus said. Keep my commandments. That means keep my commandments, as in everything Jesus commanded while he was on earth of which never included keeping the 7th day sabbath. If you don't think Jesus provides enough sabbath, rest for you then, okay, but for me he is enough God bless.

    • @nickwadson5731
      @nickwadson5731 5 місяців тому +1

      That goes into the heresy of sinless perfection in this earthly life. I know 2 youtube preachers who claim once saved one is incapable of sin and having any disease.
      1. Jesse Lee Peterson
      2. Mike Rutkowski

  • @GodHasGivenBelovedBlacksmith
    @GodHasGivenBelovedBlacksmith 7 місяців тому +2

    I see people make errors like this on a regular basis. If Jesus Christ is your savior, then please read Matthew 5: 17-19 I submit to you that heaven and earth has NOT passed away, therefore keeping the sabbath is required. If however you believe you aren't living on earth, then you are just deceived. Do you believe some misconstrued version of Paul's gospel or your savior? Who do you hold higher? Jesus Christ or deception of His Truth?

  • @Deceiver.Slayer
    @Deceiver.Slayer 11 місяців тому +18

    Jesus Christ himself is sabbat

    • @fionalewis2089
      @fionalewis2089 11 місяців тому


    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +4

      Forever and Ever amen. For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To God be the glory forever

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +1

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому +2

      No a person is not he sabbath … he kept the sabbath an we are supposed to as well see Hebrews 3&4 also the 80 some witnesses in the Nt where they kept it AFTER messiah resurrected

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

      Deceiver.Slayer explain John 5:18, John 9:16!

  • @alllthatinacan
    @alllthatinacan 8 днів тому +1

    Keep all of God's commandments, especially the one that says to "Remember."

  • @disciplemike1
    @disciplemike1 10 місяців тому +4

    for such a clear command in Scripture, people spend multiple hours trying to explain why we should break the 4th commandment. It's a free gift from God. It is His holy day of rest. Try it.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically  10 місяців тому +2

      I never said anything about breaking the 4th commandment. I simply pointed out that it was a shadow of Christ and because its been fulfilled, we don't have to observe it anymore.

    • @disciplemike1
      @disciplemike1 10 місяців тому +5

      @@iThinkBiblically you are clearly teaching people it is okay to break the 4th commandment. very dangerous ground brother.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 10 місяців тому

      @@disciplemike1 Your teaching Gentiles to observe the Jewish Sabbath, that is very dangerous grounds, and no your not a brother in Christ. Your a heretic.
      (Exodus 31:16,17 Artscroll Translation). The Sabbath was given as a sign and covenant to Israel, a Gentile is forbidden to observe the Sabbath or to make a Sabbath of their own, a Halachah codified in the Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 10:9.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@disciplemike1 are Christians living under the Mosaic covenant? Thank you.

    • @rexjamerson9316
      @rexjamerson9316 2 місяці тому +2

      I find it rather disingenuous that false teachers who continually attack The Seventh-Day Sabbath, Heaven most cases never observed the true Sabbath in their entire life. I've been keeping the Sabbath for more than 51 years and it has been one of the greatest blessings in my spiritual life. Only God Can Make a period of time holy and that is precisely what he did in Genesis chapter 2 and there is nowhere in Scripture that it states that he abrogated that. Matthew 5:17 states that Jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The Greek word
      Pleroo means to build up and to add to. Jesus then went on to explain what he meant by that that if you hate a person in your heart it's the same as murdering that person and that's not doing away with the commandant, it is making it more and completely binding. If the Sabbath is completely done away with why is Paul continuing to keep the Sabbath 20 years or so after Christ was crucified and acts 13 talks about the Gentiles begged him to preach to them the next Sabbath. It was a perfect opportunity to introduce Sunday observance but he did not do so. Jesus said in Matthew 24 speaking of the time of the end which we are in currently to pray that your flight not be on the Sabbath or in the winter time. If the Sabbath didn't mean anything anymore why would that statement be in there? That is Rock Solid proof that the Sabbath would still be in force in the end time. Christ also revealed who were his true disciples for the end time in the Book of Revelation in Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12 that these are those who keep the Commandments and the testimony of Jesus Christ. And since the Sabbath is commandment number 4, this clearly demonstrates that the Sabbath still valid.

  • @jacobtack2258
    @jacobtack2258 2 місяці тому +2

    You couldn’t be further from the truth, in thinking that only the NT applies to the Christian. Well you have another problem, the following is all found in the NT!
    Our messiah said the following about the Mosaic laws.
    Joh 5:46 “For if you believed Mosheh, you would have believed Me, since he wrote about Me.
    Joh 5:47 “But if you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”
    You see, you don’t believe in the Torah, you don’t believe our Messiah Yahusha’s Word.
    He said if you loved Him, you WOULD obey His Commands:
    Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
    Which commands are these? The commands you have to obey to receive eternal life. See what Yahusha had to say to the rich young man:
    Mat 19:16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have everlasting life?”
    Mat 19:17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One - Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.”
    Which commands are these? Those that were given to Moses. Please take careful note, how you who did away with the Torah of Moses, trample on the blood of Yahusha:
    Heb 10:28 Anyone who has disregarded the Torah of Mosheh dies without compassion on the witness of two or three witnesses.
    Heb 10:29 How much worse punishment do you think shall he deserve who has trampled the Son of Elohim underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was set apart as common, and insulted the Spirit of favour?
    Heb 10:30 For we know Him who has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay, says יהוה.” And again, “יהוה shall judge His people.”
    Heb 10:31 It is fearsome to fall into the hands of the living Elohim.
    You claim to know Him, but you don’t, because you don’t keep the Torah, and that makes you are a liar:
    1Jn 2:3 And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands.
    1Jn 2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
    Our Father NEVER changes. His Laws stays. The Torah, the Feasts, the food laws etc.
    SO you don't love Him and you don't know Him, according to the Word of Yahuah!

  • @AlizaDasha
    @AlizaDasha 11 місяців тому +6

    Amen Jesus is our rest.

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +1

      Forever and ever amen

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

  • @lnt5174
    @lnt5174 2 місяці тому +2

    Ephesians 2:14
    For he himself is our shalom - he has made us both one and has broken down the m’chitzah which divided us. Jesus broke down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. Why do we let the enemy build it back up. If you want to celebrate your rest on Sunday go ahead but Shabbat was made for you, and it was never changed. It’s a beautiful time to share with the Lord. Our job as gentiles is in Romans 11
    Jesus prophesied in Matthew 23:39 He is not coming back until Israel says “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” and that won’t happen if we keep stripping Jesus of His culture and heritage and Torah.. the enemy will just kick the can down the road while we boast about not having to do anything. Legalistically no. But Torah is good, His instructions are good.

  • @Beau1990
    @Beau1990 11 місяців тому +7

    Please people read your Bible and understand this commandment is forever and everlasting. I don't know why Christians have such a hard time accepting this truth, the same as Christmas and Easter which are not biblical in anyway.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically  11 місяців тому +4

      Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore, no one is to judge you in food and drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day- things which are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

    • @Beau1990
      @Beau1990 11 місяців тому +1

      @@iThinkBiblically I'll pray for you brother. God bless.

    • @tammy9497
      @tammy9497 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Beau1990 what is your defense of this response? I would like to hear it. Otherwise your response and initial comment comes across as condescending.

    • @lightoftheworld5455
      @lightoftheworld5455 3 місяці тому

      @@tammy9497 "The substance belongs to Christ" So therefore it has connection to Sabbath. Gentiles wanted to wait till the next sabbath day to hear the word of God. They didn't wait till the 1st day of the week because nobody would be there. They waited for the next sabbath.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому +2

      @Beau 1990 Please provide me just a single verse since you claimed the ten commandments is forever and everlasting. FYI your statement is a false affirmation as it's nowhere taught in the Scripture. Please go ahead as I am waiting. Thank you.

  • @zalezola7472
    @zalezola7472 11 місяців тому +6

    the 10 commandment is not to be fulfill but to be followed as it is that why Yahweh wrote it on top of a stone with his own hand.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @zalezola7472 nine claim by you but can you please provide some biblical evidence to support your claim. Thank you.

  • @GodIsLove1015
    @GodIsLove1015 11 місяців тому +7

    In the NT - Jesus said "If you want to enter into life, keep the Commandments".
    He means to enter into Eternal Life, we are to keep the Commandments, and the Commandments include the 7th day Sabbath. The Commandments Do Not exclude the Sabbath.
    The Sabbath is on Saturday, the 7th day in the Jewish calender. Also, the Sabbath is not "Works" it's a Holy Day of rest.
    If you keep Sunday instead of Saturday, this is RCC changed this Holy Day from Saturday to Sunday. God never, ever gave them Authority to change His Holy Sabbath Day.
    God said "Remember the Sabbath Day and set IT apart as Holy".
    He never taught Anything about setting the 1st day (Sunday) apart as holy.

    • @essafats5728
      @essafats5728 11 місяців тому

      Jesus, as the New Covenant, said to keep "MY" commandments? "HIS' commandments number more than the old covenant of 10

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +1

      Fundamental misunderstanding of salvation. And Christ actually made His commandments quite simple by condensing the very heart and soul of them into 2.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 11 місяців тому +1

      The Sabbath does mater, because The Lord Jesus Christ has become our Sabbath rest. Jesus came and fulfilled the law. And we who are "in Christ" keep the sabbath by entering His rest. The holy scriptures are clear: Romans 14:5-6 / Colossians 2:16-17 / Hebrews 4:8-11) The observance of the sabbath as the 7th.day contradicts the New Testament scriptures. Although Paul reasoned and preached the gospel to the Jews on the Sabbath in synagogues, the early church met on the first day of the week, as in remembrance to the Lord Jesus' resurrection on the first day of the week as attested to in all 4 gospels. But because of the sabbath rest we have in Jesus, each and every day of the week is the Lord's day, and we are to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

    • @GodIsLove1015
      @GodIsLove1015 11 місяців тому

      And what exactly are Jesus' Commandments which number more than the 10 in the Old Covemant, which gives you Eternal Life?
      Do these other Commandments of Jesus tell you to FORGET the 7th Day Sabbath?
      In the NT, Jesus said "If you want to enter into Life, keep My Commandments". And God said "REMEMBER the Sabbath Day and set IT apart as Holy".

    • @GodIsLove1015
      @GodIsLove1015 11 місяців тому

      How can REMEMBRANCE of the 7th Day Sabbath "contradict" the Scriptures?
      Are you saying that we are NOT to REMEMBER the 7th Day Sabbath when GOD instructed us to REMEMBER IT and set IT apart as Holy?
      Although the early Church met on the first day of the week as in remembrance to Jesus - GOD never set the first day of the week apart as Holy.
      Genesis Chapter 1 says that God finished His work of creation at the end of the 6th day, and He rested on the 7th Day.
      So from the 1st Day thru to the 6th Day - God was "working" on His creation.
      Also, isn't it taught by the Church that Jesus' crucifixion took place on Friday afternoon, and He was resurrected on Sunday morning?
      The Scriptures teach that Jesus' body was in the tomb for 3 Days and 3 Nights (72 hours).
      So how can He have been resurrected from the dead on Sunday morning, if He was buried in the tomb on Friday afternoon? That's much less than 3 Days and 3 Nights.

  • @philmckrackensr2159
    @philmckrackensr2159 11 місяців тому +15

    I’m with you bud. Jesus fulfilled the law. Good teaching!

    • @mattaikay925
      @mattaikay925 11 місяців тому +4

      unfortunately, for some unknown reason HE kept all of the commandments for all HIS apostles to see for themselves.

    • @Deceiver.Slayer
      @Deceiver.Slayer 11 місяців тому +2


    • @jenniferturner9012
      @jenniferturner9012 11 місяців тому +3

      Read the book of Matthew. Jesus specifies that he did not abolish the law or the prophets. He also commanded us to continue to obey the law and the prophets and know them well, and to obey his commands and that is one of his commands.

    • @James1v1-pf6lo
      @James1v1-pf6lo 11 місяців тому +1

      Nonisrselites were never given nor ordered to obey the law jenny

    • @jacobanderson63
      @jacobanderson63 11 місяців тому

      ​@@James1v1-pf6lowhere did you come up with that?

  • @lyndagatlor5736
    @lyndagatlor5736 10 місяців тому +3

    I think you are treading on really dangerous ground and are leading others astray.
    Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    The other commandments we are to keep but this one we can just forget about? I think not! The Sabbath is one of His Holy days just like His feast and we are to keep them FOREVER !!
    And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your God: it shall be a statute for ever H5769 throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
    Lexicon :: Strong's H5769 - ʿôlām
    long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world
    1. ancient time, long time (of past)
    2. (of future)
    1.for ever, always
    2.continuous existence, perpetual
    3.everlasting, indefinite or unending future, eternity
    Lev 23:21 FEAST OF WEEKS again FOREVER!!!!!
    And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame day, that it may be an holy convocation unto you: ye shall do no servile work therein: it shall be a statute for ever H5769 in all your dwellings throughout your generations.
    Lev 23:31 DAY OF ATONEMENT again FOREVER!!!
    Ye shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute for ever H5769 throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
    Lev 23:41 FEAST OF TABERNACLES again FOREVER!!!!!
    And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever H5769 in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.
    Without the vail of the testimony, in the tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning before the LORD continually: it shall be a statute for ever H5769 in your generations.

  • @jacobtack2258
    @jacobtack2258 2 місяці тому +2

    He did NOT come to abolish the law, but to fulfil, that does NOT mean it was taken away. Just after those words of Yahusha, he said let no jod or title be removed from the Torah. Then He taught the Torah, commands.
    If He done away with it, why would He teach it straight after He said He came to fulfil it? Read all of Mat 5.
    Because you don’t understand His Desire.
    Pro 28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination.
    Christians are sinners, because they follow the teachings/theology of man/church, rather that the Word of Yahuah!
    This is what Yahuah has to say to you.
    Joh 9:31 “And we know that Elohim does not hear sinners. But if anyone fears Elohim and does His desire, He hears him.
    His desire is for us to obey His Word. All of it!
    And if you do….
    1Jn 3:22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we guard His commands and do what is pleasing in His sight.
    Final warning, last book and last chapter of the Bible. To keep the commands:
    Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.
    We are saved by our obedience in keeping the Torah:
    Heb 5:9 And having been perfected, He became the Causer of everlasting deliverance to all those obeying Him,
    His Name is NOT Lord, Nor Jesus. You call to the names of pagan deities - Ba’al and Zeus.
    The Sabbath remains till the last days:
    Mat 24:20 “And pray that your flight does not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.
    The Sabbath remains for the children of Yahuah!
    Heb 4:9 So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim.
    There is NO LAW for the Jew and another for the christian. There is ONLY ONE TORAH!!!
    Exo 12:49 “There is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger who sojourns among you.”
    He has ONLY ONE people, Yisrael, those keeping His Commands:
    Psa 147:19 Declaring His Word to Ya‛aqoḇ, His laws and His right-rulings to Yisra’ěl.
    Psa 147:20 He has not done so with any nation; And they have not known His right-rulings! Praise Yah!
    No where in His Word did He say NOT to keep the Torah/Commandments. But throughout Scripture we are commanded to keep it.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically  2 місяці тому

      Do you still offer sacrifices at the Temple?

    • @DavidK-Delta
      @DavidK-Delta Місяць тому

      ​@@iThinkBiblicallyWhy is the anti-christ called the lawless one? Thought I'd ask, because you seem to have a lot in common.

  • @tons-wb1hl
    @tons-wb1hl 11 місяців тому +12

    I love how other Christians spend so much time trying to prove the Sabbath doesn't matter proving it does. They just don't want to give up their own tradition instead of one God set for us. 😂 Clearly it does matter.

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +1

      Try justifying Sabbath keeping to God. FYI: It won't work and He said as much in several places.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 11 місяців тому

      The Sabbath does mater, because The Lord Jesus Christ has become our Sabbath rest. Jesus came and fulfilled the law. And we who are "in Christ" keep the sabbath by entering His rest. The holy scriptures are clear: Romans 14:5-6 / Colossians 2:16-17 / Hebrews 4:8-11)

    • @nothingnothing7958
      @nothingnothing7958 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@andrew1476so its satanic to follow the 4th commandment?

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 10 місяців тому +1

      @@johna6828 Why does someone have justify Sabbath keeping when it's in the law of God. It's literally the only command that starts with "Remember".

  • @jimbobhaha
    @jimbobhaha 2 місяці тому +1

    Not saved by works, but saved unto good works. Including keeping the Shabbat and the Torah. It's a gift and a blessing. But you can do whatever you want...

    • @--i-am-root
      @--i-am-root 27 днів тому

      How do you know whether your food is clean unless you did everything yourself?

  • @gwendolynking366
    @gwendolynking366 4 місяці тому +3

    The pastor needs to study the sanctuary doctrine. The Ten Commandments were written with the finger of God on tablets of stone and placed inside the ark of the covenant (Exodus 31:18, Exodus 40:20).

    • @HannahChannah
      @HannahChannah 10 днів тому

      Yes and those laws were put into our hearts and minds, on the Great and Dreadful day all the other 9 commandments will be no more, as we start a 7th day (1000yrs) Sabbath with Mechiach Ay'Manual in the New Jerusalem. The only commandment (which was a reminder not even a new commandment) out of the 10 laws, that even TMH ordained and then gave to us ... there is no more fear for TMH YaHU'ah.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 10 днів тому

      @@HannahChannah you are spreading another gospel and will be cursed. Your theology is not found taught in the bible.

  • @felipekennedy3135
    @felipekennedy3135 11 місяців тому +3

    Because of this verse; Therefore the Jews sought to kill Him because He had BROKEN THE SABBATH, and also He declared to be the Son of God. (John5;8) i knew in my heart He had fulfilled the Sabbath Law, and He had become our Rest, then he made another statement and said ; So the Son of Man is LORD even of the Sabbath ( Mark 2;28) which to me is that His will shall be done, however unto this day we see the Heritics, and Doctrine of Demons, imitating the Phaisees saying; ( This man IS NOT OF GOD, for He does not keep the Sabbath.( John 9;16) and the SDA they just go on and on in their doctrine of Ellen White which to them is more important than the Gospels of Jesus Christ. after all at their Baptism they are Baptized into the teachings of Ellen White and not into the Body of Christ. Shalom

  • @TrustJesus.
    @TrustJesus. 11 місяців тому +3

    Could you make a video showing us what books you have next to you?

  • @AndradeM
    @AndradeM 11 місяців тому +2

    Looking unto Jesus!

  • @lisapuckett7230
    @lisapuckett7230 11 місяців тому +5

    Ceremonial law's were done away with,not the ten commandments 🤔 the ten commandments are binding today and tomorrow too the next life.he said remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy ,it is a sign between him his people.all his law is still binding today including the Sabbath.

    • @lisapuckett7230
      @lisapuckett7230 11 місяців тому

      Also 🌞 worship Sunday is worshipping the 🌞 god not the creator,man change Sabbath Saturday to Sunday long time ago.as Easter Christmas 🎄 is also worshipping false gods paganism.look up all that see we're it started had nothing whatsoever to do with Christ.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically  11 місяців тому +1

      How do you interpret Colossians 2:16-17?

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      @@iThinkBiblically if you don’t understand the sabbath is a sign why should anyone answer your question. All scripture must be filtered through deut 13 if what you think goes against what God said to do then what you are reading is being interpreted incorrectly.

    • @DavidK-Delta
      @DavidK-Delta Місяць тому

      ​@@iThinkBiblically How do you interpret 'the man of lawlessness'... 🤐

  • @louischan344
    @louischan344 4 місяці тому +1

    God : 'REMEMBER the sabbath day ...'. Human: ' You are not required to observe it'. Who are you going to listen to?

    • @johngraves9237
      @johngraves9237 2 місяці тому

      @louischan344 God was talking to the Jews and the law was made for sinners, are you still a sinner? Then I suggest you follow the 10 and the 613 too

  • @samuelflores1419
    @samuelflores1419 11 місяців тому +23

    There is Freedom in Christ! If you want to worship on Saturday go for it but don't tell me I'm wrong because I worship on Sunday! We are not under the Law but Under GRACE! Amen brother, God bless you and your ministry!

    • @Freedomtospeak1
      @Freedomtospeak1 11 місяців тому +11

      The Sabbath was Saturday until the Catholic Church did what it always does, change the rules. I suppose it’s moot considering what we are hearing here, but I thought it was worth noting.

    • @bornagain9192
      @bornagain9192 11 місяців тому +3

      Spot on brother❤😊

    • @samuelflores1419
      @samuelflores1419 11 місяців тому

      @@Freedomtospeak1 Yeah that's a 7 day Adventist thing, I don't care for White and her fake Prophet-hood.

    • @samuelflores1419
      @samuelflores1419 11 місяців тому +3

      Oops, by the way nobody changed the Sabbath. The Sabbath is Saturday.

    • @Freedomtospeak1
      @Freedomtospeak1 11 місяців тому +2

      @@samuelflores1419 - Not what the Catholic Church states. Look it up. Hey, I don’t buy into it either and the Sabbath is Saturday as far as I’m concerned. Again, if Christians aren’t obligated to follow it as intended under old law, it’s moot. I just thought it was worth pointing out.

  • @lincolnedmunds2341
    @lincolnedmunds2341 11 місяців тому +2

    No, that's Paul speaking, and so call Christians are following Paul and the New Testament, the Scriptures are total, old and new, God spoke, and He made clear, for ever, for ever, ( you keepmy Sabbath ).

  • @thewhole_picture1743
    @thewhole_picture1743 11 місяців тому +16

    Theres a scripture that says if you keep one part of the law you are responsible for the whole law.

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +5

      And no one can hold up under it. In fact the law points to Christ. The ONLY perfect One who could complete it. The law acts to convict of our sin and our need for the Savior and furthermore by trying to accomplish the law you're essentially nullifying Christ's perfect finished once and for all work on the cross. If you deny Him, He will deny you

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 місяців тому


    • @bibledynasty5050
      @bibledynasty5050 8 місяців тому +2

      teaching people not to keep the sabbath is actually one is doing the or of the devil. Jesus said clearly, he who teaches the the least of the law will be the least in the kingdom pharaprasing.

    • @lenajanssens7859
      @lenajanssens7859 7 місяців тому +1

      The sabbath is one of the ten commandements

    • @thewhole_picture1743
      @thewhole_picture1743 7 місяців тому +1

      @@lenajanssens7859 Jesus is our Sabbath.

  • @mytwocents777
    @mytwocents777 11 місяців тому +7

    Excerpt from commentary, _Barnes' Notes on the Bible_ on Colossians 2:16:
    " _Or of the Sabbath days_ - Greek, " _of the Sabbaths_ " The word Sabbath in the Old Testament is applied not only to the seventh day, but to all the days of holy rest that were observed by the Hebrews, and particularly to _the beginning and close of their great festivals_ .
    There is, doubtless, reference to _those days_ in this place, since the word is used _in the plural number_ , and the apostle does not refer particularly to the Sabbath properly so called.
    There is no evidence from this passage that he would teach that there was no obligation to observe any holy time, *for there is not the slightest reason to believe that he meant to teach that one of the ten commandments had ceased to be binding on mankind* .
    _If_ he had used the word in the _singular number_ - "the Sabbath," it _would then_ , of course, _have been_ clear that he meant to teach that that commandment had ceased to be binding, and that a [weekly] Sabbath was no longer to be observed.
    But the use of the term _in the plural number_ , and the connection, show that he had his eye on the great number of days which were observed by the Hebrews _as festivals_ , as a part of their _ceremonial and typical law_ , and *not to the moral law* , or the Ten Commandments.
    No part of the moral law - no one of the ten commandments could be spoken of as "a shadow of good things to come." These commandments are, from the nature of moral law, of _perpetual and universal obligation_ ."
    1 John 5:2 "By this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments."
    Matthew 5:18: "For verily I say unto you, _Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law_ , till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, _and shall teach men so_ , he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @mytwocents777 since you claimed all the ten commandments are moral laws please tell me why 9 out of 10 Commandments were repeated in the NT and WHY only the Sabbath law was omitted totally from the NT?
      Is the weekly Sabbath law, a moral law or ceremonial law as you're flip-flopping it in your statement Thank you.

    • @mytwocents777
      @mytwocents777 3 місяці тому

      Because the one Commandment that God prefixed with the imperative "Remember" was the Sabbath commandment. Having given that reminder in advance, it would not have befitted His dignity to have repeated it as if He were begging for his people's compliance.
      Knowing also that compliance with this Commandment would be a central issue of obedience in the last days, it was left for those who would genuinely seek to honor His final word on the matter to do so, and, for those who would not, to find excuses not to.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@mytwocents777 In the first place, you don't read Exo31 in its conext , God was talking to "WHO"? Of course it's Israel and NOT Gentiles. So God commanded the Israel nation to remember and NOT the Gentiles nation.
      Apparently, you don't know how to read the bible properly because you don't know who is the "audience relevance" for these verses. So the Sabbath law is not binding to Christians.
      Please interpret for me Romans7:5, 6 in your next message.

    • @mytwocents777
      @mytwocents777 3 місяці тому

      1 John 5:2-3 "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For *this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments* : and his commandments are not grievous."
      Matthew 5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 11 місяців тому +4


    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +1

      Forever and always

    • @Beau1990
      @Beau1990 11 місяців тому +1

      Read your Bible.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      Is Jesus also your do not lie & do not steal?

  • @pj1043
    @pj1043 11 місяців тому +3

    You are correct I Think Biblically. We don’t live under the law, as Jesus has fulfill the law.
    New King James Version
    Rom 14:5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.
    Thank you for your videos which are spot on & for sharing the Gospel as well.

    • @Millenium2024
      @Millenium2024 11 місяців тому

      If we don't have to obey The Law, then you advocate having sex with animals? Please don't be scared just come and admit you endorse this.
      Hint: you we are not under The Law for salvation or as our school-master anymore. But you need to obey The Torah. The Spirit of the antichrist says we don't have to obey it.
      Don't fall for that spirit.
      Paul is misunderstood and not translated perfectly.
      People always accused him of saying "no more Law at all". Yet the book of Acts shows how he was railing against this.
      There are numerous times Paul demonstrates he follows The Torah. As do millions of the rest of us Christians do.
      The original Law as given to us when we came out of Egypt (without the sacrafices), still stands just like Jesus said in Mathew 5:17-19.
      Don't teach anyone it is annulled unless you want to be called "Least in heaven".

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +2

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

  • @Veteran22out
    @Veteran22out 11 місяців тому +9

    It's a 4th commandment, in the knew testament also

    • @bibledynasty5050
      @bibledynasty5050 8 місяців тому

      Yes. its woven all through the gospel and acts all the way to the book of revelation.

    • @ElizabethRodriguez-cy8gn
      @ElizabethRodriguez-cy8gn 5 місяців тому


    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@bibledynasty5050 that's an unbiblical statement. Is the weekly Sabbath law a moral or ceremonial la w? Thank you.

    • @ThomasDickensheets
      @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

      4th commandment didn't say go to church on the Sabbath!

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@ThomasDickensheets neither the Sabbath command mentioned anywhere in the NT that Christians must observe

  • @davidelliott8747
    @davidelliott8747 Місяць тому +1

    You need to read Matthew 5 - 7
    The Sermon on the Mount makes it clear that you don't turn away from the law!

  • @jenniferturner9012
    @jenniferturner9012 11 місяців тому +3

    Yes we are to keep the Sabbath forever. If you think otherwise, you're breaking God's Law. 4th Commandment, and Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and also kept the Sabbath. Read The book of Matthew, Jesus commands us to keep the Law and Prophets. Isaiah specifies Sabbath for all eternity. This isn't an opinion thing, it's a knowledge and obeying thing. Anything else is being a lukewarm Christian, and Revelation says that even they will be separated into hell/the lake of fire. Wake up everyone! 🙂❤️

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 11 місяців тому +2

      You are 100% incorrect and have shown that you do not understand the Bible. The few who Jesus came to save understand the Bible. And they do not keep the sabbath. Repent, and learn what the Christianity of the Bible actually is.

    • @SSNBN777
      @SSNBN777 11 місяців тому +1

      Jesus left two commandments. Mosaic Law ended with John the Baptist. John prepared the Nation for the coming King, and His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is here, now.
      Matthew 11:13 KJV
      For all the prophets and *_the law prophesied until John._*
      Matthew 22:37-40 KJV
      Jesus said unto him, *_Thou shalt love the Lord thy God_* with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
      [38] This is the first and great commandment.
      [39] And the second is like unto it, *_Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself._*
      [40] *_On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets._*

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 11 місяців тому +1

      @@SSNBN777 ,...No, Moses's law did not end with John the Baptist, it ended when Jesus fulfilled it when he died on the cross and rose again.
      You are correct however about these two new testament commandments. These two are the new commandments for the new covenant. There is no sabbath keeping. It is only the 100% apostate church that has instituted a weekly sabbath. The church is the false prophet spoken of in Revelation Ch. 20.
      The Bibles actual Christianity is 100% outside of the church. The few actual Christians that exist do not keep a weekly sabbath, they are all resting in Jesus.
      The whole new testament age is the sabbath, and all the actual Christians are resting in Jesus. It is only those who do not belong to Jesus that go to church and keep a manmade weekly sabbath.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..

  • @HannahChannah
    @HannahChannah 10 днів тому

    blown away .... You're a brave man with no fear of TMH

  • @stevey19861
    @stevey19861 11 місяців тому +4

    Why do you only question the 4th command of Gods eternal 10 commandments?

  • @muddyboots7753
    @muddyboots7753 10 місяців тому +2

    After Christ, monday is my sabbath; tuesday is also my sabbath; wednesday also is my sabbath now; thrusday too is sabbath; friday? Yes, it is also my sabbath; saturday is sabbath as well; sunday is sabbath for me too. Why? I've found the rest for my soul in Jesus. We can worship God all the time because he has give us his Spirit. Every day is a sabbath now. 🥳

  • @HumbleHeartMinistry
    @HumbleHeartMinistry 11 місяців тому +4

    In Acts 15 there is 4 things were told gentile believers are to abstain from, abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. This was when the issue of having to also keep the law along with faith in Christ was brought up. They were saying they have to also be circumcised. No where in what the Holy Spirit led the Apostles in the only four things gentile believers were to keep, is keeping the Sabbath, paying tithes, being circumcised, ect. All was nailed to the cross! Now we are under the law of faith. And if you have truly been born again of the Spirit of Christ, you are a new man, and of the Spirit you will begin to be made into the image of Christ. You will begin to walk after the things above, and not the things of the world. And faith to faith, glory to glory through the sanctification of them Spirit, you will fulfill the law written in your heart by God. And that law is fulfilled by one thing, Love! Not the love that the world knows, but the Love of God that breaks every bondage, that sacrifices all, that makes the heart perfect and the mind pure before our holy God! That doesn’t come by laws written on stone. It comes by the law of faith written on the heart by the right hand of God, Jesus Christ!

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +1

      Well said and God bless you

    • @TeeG-er3eh
      @TeeG-er3eh 11 місяців тому

      Those 4 commands were not the end of the matter. They were just the introductory laws for gentiles. You can't teach a new convert everything in one hit. Otherwise those would be the only four that gentiles keep to this very day. But we keep many more even those who say they are not under the law.

    • @gavinmerriam5055
      @gavinmerriam5055 11 місяців тому +1

      It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not cause trouble for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, and from blood. For Moses has been proclaimed in every city from ancient times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.” - Acts 15 19-21.
      Why did James add the last part of mentioning that Moses is read every Sabbath in the synagogues (the assemblies/congregations) directly after listing the four things to abstain from for those beginning to believe and turn to God?

    • @HumbleHeartMinistry
      @HumbleHeartMinistry 11 місяців тому +2

      @@TeeG-er3eh a true born again believer will do what they confess they believe. That is the law of faith, which God has put in our hearts. So please tell me what law are we to keep to earn our salvation? All the law is fulfilled in two scriptures. Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The law of God is fulfilled by love! The scripture says we are saved by grace through faith. Not of works, lest any man boast. And faith works by love! (Gal.5:6)

    • @HumbleHeartMinistry
      @HumbleHeartMinistry 11 місяців тому +1

      @@gavinmerriam5055 Not those beginning to believe, the gentiles that believe. The Jews have the law of Moses read to them every Sabbath because they rejected the Messiah when he revealed himself to them. He was saying that because those who are trying to keep the law for salvation, are not those who by faith received Jesus Christ. Therefore they are not in bondage to trying to keep the law to be saved, as those who trust in the law for salvation. He was putting a difference between the two!

  • @eastgate6134
    @eastgate6134 10 місяців тому +2

    There are no Jewish festivals in the bible. Lev. 23v4King James Bible
    These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. These days dont belong to jewish people. They belong to God according to his word

  • @onlyhis5870
    @onlyhis5870 11 місяців тому +6

    Thanks for this. I fully agree!
    This is something I wrote a while back that I feel is important on this issue …
    The Sabbath:
    There seems to be so much confusion in the Body of Christ today on the subject of ‘Sabbath Rest,’ and what that should mean to us today. The actions of Rome in seemingly changing the day of worship have played no small part in creating this confusion. So I would like to share my thoughts on this.
    The interesting (and DIABOLICAL) part about what Rome did in ‘changing the 4th Commandment’ from Saturday to Sunday is that there was ACTUALLY NO COMMANDMENT ON ANYBODY to observe the 7th day Sabbath anymore in the first place! 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Jesus has already instituted the *NEW* Covenant by the shedding of His precious Blood. So Jewish believers were no longer compelled to keep the religious requirements of the Mosaic Law in observing the Sabbath Day (or anything else, Eg. Circumcision) ... and Gentile believers were never under the Mosaic Law in the first place, as it was never intended for or given to them.
    I believe this is called *DECEPTION,* which is exactly what you would expect from the Ant1Chrlst. The Luficerian Pap@cy of Rome!
    So now we’ve got Christians everywhere arguing whether the Sabbath is on Saturday or Sunday, where the real answer to this question is ‘NEITHER.’
    Jesus Christ *HIMSELF* is our Sabbath Rest, as we have ceased from our own labours and we ‘REST’ in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.
    4 “ ... But God which is rich in mercy, through his great love wherewith he loved us,
    5 Even when we were dead by sins, hath quickened us together in Christ, by whose grace ye are saved,
    6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
    7 That he might show in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
    8 For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God,
    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast himself.”
    (Ephesians 2:4-9)
    9 “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
    10 For he that is entered into his rest, hath also ceased from his own works, as God did from his.”
    (Hebrews 4:9-10)

    • @jayarts2476
      @jayarts2476 10 місяців тому +1

      Which scripture says Jesus is the Sabbath Rest?

  • @nansiblair1529
    @nansiblair1529 11 місяців тому +1

    Good word brother. Thank you.

  • @nnamdienekwa4222
    @nnamdienekwa4222 11 місяців тому +3

    Lol. You are correct. The Sabbath is fulfilled in Christ.
    Bit most people don't understand it.

  • @HeavenlyGirl
    @HeavenlyGirl 6 місяців тому +1

    ”Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.“
    ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭20‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    (Jesus said)
    ”If ye love me, keep my commandments.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому +1

      @HeavenlyGirl, Let me ask you, God told SPECIFICALLY "who" to remember His Sabbath? Very simple please give me your answer Thank you.

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 11 місяців тому +10

    Jesus said "The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27
    I understand that to mean that we (man) can choose whatever day he wishes to worship the Lord. We choose, I think, the first day of the week because that was when Jesus was resurrected and appeared to the disciples.

    • @Bouncer83
      @Bouncer83 11 місяців тому +4

      Yahuah gave us the Sabbath day. He told us when it was. Sunday worship was implemented by the Catholic church not our Messiah. Get away from these false teachers that try and change the word of Yah to suit their religion. Fulfilled doesn't mean abolished he obeyed every word as we are supposed too. Joel 2:32 read it.

    • @Brother_Kevin
      @Brother_Kevin 11 місяців тому

      @@Bouncer83don’t just pick and choose verses tbh we read context, can I kindly ask, what did the writer of Hebrews say the sabbath was?

    • @Xavierdredeuce
      @Xavierdredeuce 11 місяців тому

      No sir

    • @Bouncer83
      @Bouncer83 11 місяців тому +3

      @@Brother_Kevin What does God say it is? Forever. Revelation 22:14. I don't pick and choose verses that's what your doctrine does. If the Apostles kept the Sabbath and it was the Catholic church that changed it why do you think it's suddenly not important? It's the only commandment that starts with Remember and you still have an issue with keeping it.

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому

      It also means the Sabbath (rest) was made for us to rest in God. It shouldn't be a source of stress burden and work. additionally we are told by our Lord that we believers worship Him in Spirit and in Truth ie the exact location and specific traditions/rituals we have are not important for salvation and worship. What's important is our hearts, our relationship with God.

  • @PrettySunShines
    @PrettySunShines Місяць тому +1

    Mathew 5:19 Whosever therefore shall brake one of the least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least to the kingdom of heaven....Mathew 19:17 ...if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments. 4th commandment remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. 100 % proof you should keep the Sabbath.

  • @minnesota630
    @minnesota630 11 місяців тому +5

    They are not "Jewish" observances, God said "these are my feasts". Let no man judge you in these matters, "but" (contrasting conjunction) (the body of Christ) NOT, the body IS of Christ. In the KJV (IS) is italicized, that lets the reader know that the word has been added to the text to aid in sentience structure in the translation. Don't let just any man judge you, BUT the body of Christ, his followers who know the word and are also following it are who's judgment you should consider.

    • @gtw4546
      @gtw4546 11 місяців тому +4

      Correct! And HIS feasts (moedim) are what provide the prophetic framework of HIS plan of redemption. Christ/Messiah fulfilled the “spring” festivals at HIS first coming and will return to fulfill the autumn festivals. The “millennial reign” is a Sabbath millennium. To throw away the Torah festivals is to become prophetically blind!

    • @Millenium2024
      @Millenium2024 11 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@gtw4546well said my wise brother. Let us keep praying for the Laodicean church and the 3 things they need to purchase from Messiah Yahshua.
      We must love our brothers but their eyes are closed. They are blind.
      They are naked and need white garments. Let us not leave our kin naked.
      They need eye salve so that they might see. White garments of righteousness and to clothe themselves with christ Himself. Not the lawless pagan false christ.
      Gold, white garments, eye salve.
      -Revelation 3

    • @gtw4546
      @gtw4546 11 місяців тому

      @@Millenium2024 We are in agreement and I’m in prayer every day for HIS people, as it seems you are, too. And I was just thinking about the Laodicean church earlier and determined I’d re-read the Revelation letters. Thanks for the reminder!

    • @minnesota630
      @minnesota630 11 місяців тому

      Don't NEED to keep the Sabbath day??? His commandments are a blessing! I'm constantly looking around myself for more of his commandments I get to follow. What frame of mind is trying to avoid his commandments?@@gtw4546

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

  • @chaplainsoffice6907
    @chaplainsoffice6907 10 місяців тому +2

    Keeping the Sabbath is not works it is a commandment from God.
    In my Christian our church worship on Sunday because Emperor Constantine changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday in order to worship Sol Invictus the sun god on the 3rd century AD.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      Eph 2:10 says we were created to do his works all these churches teach we don’t do works lol
      Yes we do we were created to do them.

  • @ScottHindle-qv6mq
    @ScottHindle-qv6mq 11 місяців тому +3

    My view of the Sabbath is"down tools" at the end of the working week, not don't use the light switches and all that nonsense in contemporary Judaism.

  • @ThomasDickensheets
    @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

    This I put SDA! 2 Corinthians 3:14 Their minds, indeed, were closed; and to this very day their minds are covered with the same veil as they read the books of the old covenant. The veil is removed only when a person is joined to Christ. 15 Even today, whenever they read the Law of Moses, the veil still covers their minds. 16 But it can be removed, as the scripture says about Moses: “His veil was removed when he turned to the Lord.”

  • @TeeG-er3eh
    @TeeG-er3eh 11 місяців тому +5

    g'day mate, this is my response as a seventh day adventist.
    colossians 2:16,17 it is a tricky verse which I can't give a definite interpretation of it without asking saint Paul himself what he meant, but I will say I was taught to always read the context by reading the surrounding verses, and I want to highlight what he was combating in vs 8 and vs 22 which mention 'traditions of men' and 'commandments of men'. Probably gnostics were coming and beguiling them with philosophy, deceit and teaching then to worship angels. I think brother Paul was following in His Masters footsteps which was speaking out against the commandments of men which brings me to
    matthew 15:3
    but he answered and said unto them, why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
    Our Master was always differentiating between the pharisees man made laws and the commandments of God.
    again in vs 9 He says ‭but in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
    Is the sabbath a commandment of man or of God?
    when the pharisees came to him about handwashing, Jesus was not necessarily saying do not to handwash anymore (I think the whole world now washes hands before eating which is a major benefit for health and sanitation). He was just saying it's not important compared to the immorality that comes from the heart. He was striking at heart of the matter with the pharisees who were majoring in the minors. Edit: they were carnal in nature, not being born again, keeping the letter, but evil in heart.
    just touching on the Jesus declared all foods clean quote you mentioned, you know it's not in the actual bible? like the greek manuscripts? it was added in by the niv translators.
    now to matthew 5:17,18. you say that you are not saying He came to abolish the law but in effect you are saying that. The word fulfil there can also be translated as perform or carry out. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to perform the law, to carry it out perfectly.
    and lastly romans 14, I have read some commentators say that vs 5+6 is talking about the fast days. jews fasted tuesdays and thursdays i think, but the early church fasted wednesdays and fridays, so it could be that already in paul's day there was a commotion about this topic and since fast days are not commanded by God he was saying don't worry about which day, fast whenever you want. i'm not saying this is a definite answer but it's a good answer.
    so, when the Mark of the Beast comes (which is the enforced Sunday law of rest) will you be ramming it down our throats? Or will you be standing up to say Sunday is not biblical and it's only optional?

    • @Lurkingdolphin
      @Lurkingdolphin 11 місяців тому +1

      You need to come out of Adventistism mate

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 10 місяців тому +3

      The historical context in Col. 2:16-17 is that the Christians in Colosse were looked down on by the Gnostics and other idolaters for observing the Lev. 23 festivals(and how true that is today!). Paul was actually encouraging them to continue observing them because they pointed towards future events. Sunday keepers don't understand bible prophecy precisely because they reject God's commanded festivals.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому +1

      @TeeG-er3eh, obviously, all SDAs members found difficulties in interpreting Col2:16-17 because it goes against your doctrine that say Sabbath keeping is still necessary for Christians which your church is propagating heretical teachings.
      ....Apostle Paul says to Colossian saints don’t let anyone (the Judaizers) to judge you as in keeping all the sacrifices, festivals, holy days and the Sabbathof the OT. Further the weekly Sabbath is merely a shadow pointing to Christ, the reality has come so the shadow of the Sabbath has lost its religious significance and has now become obsolete.
      ..Further the weekly Sabbath law is a ceremonial law and has been fulfilled in Christ so we're not obligated to observe it anymore.
      ...Apreciate your comments, is the weekly Sabbath law a moral or a ceremonial law? Thank you.

  • @HD-vy4vz
    @HD-vy4vz 2 місяці тому +2

    Read your bible keep the Sabbath. Also consider living as Jesus lived and walk as he walked.

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 Місяць тому

      ⁶ "...Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."
      *-Zechariah 4:6*

  • @guypilotte225
    @guypilotte225 11 місяців тому +3

    Ths ten commandments where written on stone by the finger of God, to represent permanent commands, they start with Thou shalt,the fourth commandment begins with the word REMEMBER, it within it has the word's of the very first words that in Genesis verse one,you can say what you want, I for one will do as JESUS said to Satan I the wilderness...IT IS WRITTEN

  • @hanzschaggi4254
    @hanzschaggi4254 11 місяців тому +1

    Mark did not state all foods are clean according to Jesus. Another thing, Paul did not state to not do those things, because Jesus is all those things. Thanksgiving is not those things and Jesus has nothing to do with it. Have a Happy Black Friday! Jesus got nothing to do with that either, therefore don't Judge those attempting to obey The Sabbath. We're promised that! Christmas is going to hell.

  • @zalezola7472
    @zalezola7472 11 місяців тому +5

    if the sabbath not that important, why you change it to other day or to sunday.

    • @krisgangwer3796
      @krisgangwer3796 7 місяців тому +2

      The Catholic Church changed the day of worship around the time of 364-365 AD. They had NO AUTHORITY to do that other than what they gave themselves. God did not change his Sabbath day. Mankind changed it and they will be held accountable.

    • @lightoftheworld5455
      @lightoftheworld5455 3 місяці тому +2

      Amen! Its because it was prophesied in Daniel, Revelation, Ezekiel, Jeremiah.....etc and it came to pass by the Roman catholic church. The mother of harlots. In terms of of Era of Christianity, we are still under Roman Rule.
      That beast never left since the first century. Look at Nebuchadnezzar statue and that will show you what I'm talking about.

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 місяці тому

      @@krisgangwer3796 you haven't done your homework properly.
      The early Church in the first century even when the Catholic church ever existed, they were observing the first day of the week for their worship in Acts2:46, 47 Acts20:7, Rev1:10, 1Cor16:1,2. Jesus resurrection was also on Sunday so we Christians should honor and commemorate that special Lord's day.
      Obviously, God didn't changed it but the law and the Prophets was fulfilled in Christ. So, you don't revert back to the law, if you do you're showing no respect to Christ

  • @darrylpatterson1091
    @darrylpatterson1091 11 місяців тому +2

    Acts15, the Jerusalem council lays out requirements for followers of Jesus Christ, to refrain from sexual immorality, idols, and eating of meat strangled and with the blood left in it. Outside of these in the New Testament the only ordinances commanded to Jesus followers are baptism and partaking of the Lord's supper. No command to observe Sabbaths or to practise tithing. Thanks Caleb, you stated it very clearly, using the two NT passages that those who advocate Sabbath observance conspicuously avoid. Well done.

    • @Blacklist324
      @Blacklist324 9 місяців тому +1

      The Sabbath is not an ordinance, it's one of the Ten Commandments.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      Notice all those things spoken of are not even the 10 commandments, so I guess you can take Gods name in vain? This is a terrible way to ignore the rest of the word: please go back & read .

    • @darrylpatterson1091
      @darrylpatterson1091 9 місяців тому +1

      @@allissaThacker apologies if it seemed to anyone that I was inferring to ignore the rest of Scripture, I personally would never recommend or teach such a thing. People may not always agree on interpretations of various Scripture passages but I do stand by Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth.

    • @darrylpatterson1091
      @darrylpatterson1091 9 місяців тому

      ​@@allissaThacker and by the way I think you will find that refraining from sexual immorality and idols is consistent with the 10 commandments, I don't see how anyone can suggest otherwise.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      @@darrylpatterson1091 that being said. That chapter is not all people need to do,once you were a gentile & now you are apart of the commonwealth of Israel not the commonwealth of church which is a created word, the assembly is more correct. So if you are apart of Israel you have the same instruction after all ALL HIS WORD is truth as you stated. That was the point I was trying to make. That MOST of what was said was not the 10c which should be a sign to the reader this was a starting point specifically to to culture that were doing those specific things which made them unrighteous. & they are to wash their garments , that doesn’t mean all
      Of scripture is now just that chapter in acts just as you always know all his word is truth. & good for us to live it out for right living .

  • @zalezola7472
    @zalezola7472 11 місяців тому +8

    How you can abolish the commandment that written by the hand of the lord Him self. it is a life time contract that the lord gave to all humans.

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      He did no abolish anything because if he did he broke the fathers commands they don’t read the Old & think the “new” is new , it isn’t they lack the ability to understand because they have not read very important doctrine which comes from the OT not the NT. There is nothing new .

    • @wesfax1
      @wesfax1 7 місяців тому

      Jesus Himself confirmed the law in the heart ... Adultery ( even look ...in the heart) and Murder ( hate your brother) , but the heart made the sabbath more practicle ( healing , doing good, saving an animal) . We are to bare our cross everyday, walk with God, and capture every thought. Because the heart is decietful above all things this is so important. An alcoholic can't stop drinking certain days... he must convert.The law will be written in our hearts ( we will want to and understand) and if we love Him we will keep his commandments.

  • @Splendid123456789
    @Splendid123456789 11 місяців тому +1

    That was fantastic, thank you! Dennis Prager was just asking this question of Jordan Peterson's panel not that long ago and nobody really answered it. It'd be cool if you were on that panel!

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому

      Absolutely agree

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +1

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

    • @Splendid123456789
      @Splendid123456789 11 місяців тому

      @@Michael-pn5lp Great info! This subject needs this type of indepth study!

  • @Yce_Take
    @Yce_Take 11 місяців тому +3

    Moroever, trying to keep the sabbath or doing other rituals in order to get righteous in the sight of God translates into breaking God's Sabbath that we have in Christ who is our SABBATH.

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому +2

      Yep and the penalty in the Old Testament was death for breaking it emphasizing the seriousness and severity of trying to work your way to salvation as opposed to resting in Christ

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

    • @G.A-m1t
      @G.A-m1t 3 місяці тому

      Are you serious? The Sabbath was from creation.

  • @Mijngis1
    @Mijngis1 7 днів тому

    I read my bible every day, pray every day etc. I’m retired so I don’t work and I play my guitar and worship every day. I not sure when the Sabbath is exactly, is it Friday 6pm to Saturday 6pm? Because a lot of people at my church think it’s Sunday. We have church several times a week doing various things, so should I stop in on Sunday and rest? Ok I’m confused would somebody tell me how I’m supposed to keep the Sabbath?

  • @Asb20301
    @Asb20301 11 місяців тому +4

    Nice to see everyone picking and choosing which commands they want to keep. I guess l’ll go steal and commit adultery because it was nailed to the cross. Truth is that we will keep everything God commands in the millennium. Don’t be fooled.

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 11 місяців тому

      You have spoken in ignorance because you do not understand the scriptures. Repent!

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 10 місяців тому

      Any idea that letting one's "freedoms [in Christ] lead one "full circle to lawlessness" is the most clueless of all cluelessness. It can be nothing more than an enticement -- based on fear, if not terror -- to fall back on the law.
      The subtle *serpent's deception* hidden here is the idea that "the law" is more trustworthy than Christ! Could anything be uglier and more venomous? I don't want to impugn the messenger (who is simply mistaken), only the message. Read Romans, friends! Then read Galatians! Do it before you read another YT post. And if you have any inkling at all that freedom in Christ could lead "full circle to lawlessness" know that you are on the thinnest of ice, and that if you break through it, you will land in hell. I know, I've been there! Christ pulled me out. And, I'm sorry, but I'm not about to go back!

    • @Asb20301
      @Asb20301 10 місяців тому

      @@terrygreenman1540 Show me your faith without deeds and I’ll show you my faith by my deeds. I believe your heart is in the right place but observing Gods law is part of the gospel not to be removed. What do I repent from if the laws of the Father are “done away with “. I follow the moral laws because I am saved through faith in Christ NOT to be saved. I can’t do it on my own. Hope that clarifies brother.

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 10 місяців тому

      @@Asb20301 ,....As I stated for your edification, you simply do not at all understand the Bibles gospel nor its Christianity. This is because you remain spiritually dead and blind. All your understanding is carnal.
      The deeds/works of faith are to do nothing and trust in Jesus. The resting in Jesus is the work/deed of faith. Those like you who think they need to continue to keep the old covenant laws and sabbath have no faith in Jesus, all their faith is in themselves and in their filthy works.
      You repent from all your evilness, all your wrong carnal understanding, from having faith in yourself and in your works, from not having your faith in Jesus the savior. Those few who actually repent, the few actual Christians that exist only repent because they have already been saved. Their repentance is a fruit/work of their already being saved. No one can or will repent before they have been saved and made spiritually alive by Jesus.
      All you sabbath/law keepers are the spiritually dead and blind who all think you will save yourselves by your works. The fact is, all your filthy works are in vain, and will not save you just as they didn't save your Godless, blind, lost, and deceived fathers. On judgement day you will all stand before Jesus and when Jesus rejects you, you will all say, but what about all our law and sabbath keeping, all the works we did? And Jesus will tell you, depart from me, I never knew you.
      Repent, and learn what the truth, the gospel, and the Christianity of the Bible actually is.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 10 місяців тому

      @@Asb20301 Oh how sweet.... "Faith without works is dead." This is a favorite little wedge for Adventists to chisel out of its context and apply to the 10 C;s as if to say, "There, that settles it."
      This concept can be found throughout James: 1:22-23; 2:14, 24, 26. (Romans 2:13 gives the same idea worded differently.) Now how about if we place it back in its context and let the writer tell us what he had in mind. James tells us what those works are: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:"
      1:19 "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." 1:26-27 "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" 2:15-16 Also 2:1-4; 3:18, 4:10-11; 5:7-16.
      There is no mention whatsoever of Sabbathkeeping in James. To add this into the book, is a personal interpretation. Each of the works James describes are practical works of showing love to others. And these works go way beyond the limitation of the 10 commandments. These works are not covered by the 10 Commandments. This is consistent with the teachings of Jesus and Paul.
      You said "I believe your heart is in the right place but observing Gods law is part of the gospel not to be removed.
      The Gospel of John mentions the word “believe” or “believed” 85-times, without ever mentioning the word “repent” even once. This is clear evidence that faith and repentance are inseparable, and that by believing on Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, one has also repented. Repentance is acknowledging one's sinnership in the eyes of a holy God-admitting that I am as dirty and guilty a sinner as God hath declared me to be in His Holy Word. The Law of God was given “that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God ... for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:19-20b).
      It is wrong to teach that a person must repent first, and then believe second; that is a false doctrine. The Bible teaches that the man who believes on Jesus has also repented. They happen simultaneously. One who has turned to Jesus for salvation has also turned his back against sin. This is Biblical salvation, evidenced by the plain words of John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” You don't turn from your sins to trust Jesus, you turn to Jesus to receive the gift of forgiveness of your sins. Amen!
      Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried and is bodily risen (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). This is the Gospel (i.e., Good News). Jesus' grave is empty. We have a hope (John 16:33). Christ died, that's history; Christ died for me, that's salvation. If you repent toward God, through faith in His Son Jesus Christ, to be forgiven of your sins, then you ARE saved (Romans10:13).
      Anyone who adds observing or honoring the Sabbath Day as a requirement to get to Heaven is putting forth a FALSE plan of salvation. Adding human effort to the gospel horribly corrupts the plan of salvation. You cannot experience the new birth unless you acknowledge that you are a guilty sinner in God's eyes (Romans 3:19), and receive the gospel (good news) of Christ's death on the cross for your sins, His burial, and His bodily resurrection from the dead three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).
      Thus, Seventh Day Adventism is a satanic religion, rooted in the New World Order (NWO), and will take you to the Lake of Fire if you adhere to their errant teachings concerning salvation. SDA's are sneaky, showing superficially that they are Christians, while at the same time corrupting the meaning of faith by teaching that a person must fulfill all the obligations [as they understand it] of being a Christian in order to be saved (tithing, Sabbath Keeping, good works, etcetera). SDA's also teach that blatant heresy that Michael became Jesus, as do the Jehovah's Witnesses. Beware of NWO religions.

  • @ThomasDickensheets
    @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому +1

    I will worship on Sunday in Usa! You can't stop me!

    • @HannahChannah
      @HannahChannah 10 днів тому

      Sunworship day is not biblical either

  • @melissamartinez315
    @melissamartinez315 2 місяці тому +1

    YAH is the same yesterday today and tomorrow

  • @Blue-400
    @Blue-400 11 місяців тому +4

    Your right 👍 Sunday supposedly Sabbath the Roman Catholic church changed the original Jewish Sabbath to Sunday the sun worshippers and have majority of protestant churches under their wing who observe Sunday as the Sabbath.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.

  • @Michael-pn5lp
    @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому +1

    Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
    "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !

  • @eddieyoshida9627
    @eddieyoshida9627 2 місяці тому +4

    You are totally mistaken sir. I enjoy some of your views..yet for this issue of Shabbat..Bible is 100% right & you're view is totally wrong.

  • @TheRootsMan
    @TheRootsMan 10 місяців тому +2

    You say the Bible is abundantly clear? It is . . . Jesus was "abundantly clear" when He said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (See Matthew 4:4) ~ "Every Word" means "Every Word" - not only some words from God over here and not other words from God over there . . . Jesus tells us in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will keep my Commandments." So when God gave us the 10 Commandments - (which incudes keeping the Sabbath) - He meant that for ALL TIME. Whether or not Jesus "fulfilled" the Law is entirely irrelevant in this context.

    • @RemingtonTripp
      @RemingtonTripp 5 місяців тому +1

      Keep my commandments means literally keep my commandments. As in all the commandments, Jesus gave us of which never includes keeping the sabbath. Jesus is our sabbath rest If you believe Jesus isn't enough to provide your spirit rest and it does need to be on Saturday. Then okay, but for me, Jesus is enough. God bless.

    • @TheRootsMan
      @TheRootsMan 5 місяців тому

      ​@@RemingtonTripp JESUS SAID: " . . . if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." (Matthew 19:17) - The fifth Commandment is to " Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy".

    • @johngraves9237
      @johngraves9237 2 місяці тому

      @@TheRootsMan Jesus gave new commandments, why do you sabbath worshipers always ignore that? love your neighbor and love God, that is it. The NEW creation has no need for the sabbath

  • @AntoinetheDisciple3075
    @AntoinetheDisciple3075 5 місяців тому +1

    If he did away with the sad how calm the disciples and Paul was still teaching on the sabbath, people make videos like these because they don’t want to obey and be obey. We have no scriptures that tells us that we don’t have to obey this Matthew 5:17-19 Yahusha say fake not come to destroy the law in verse 19 he promoted the law

  • @OchukoKesiena
    @OchukoKesiena 11 місяців тому +1

    What do you think about Galatians 4:9&10 does this mean is wrong to observe any days?

    • @johna6828
      @johna6828 11 місяців тому

      Nope remember the context of the galatians. We can have special days. The problem is the significance of those days. Dont treat them like the appointed feasts of Israel where they were holding to them as the focus of salvation ie if I don't observe them I will not be in the kingdom of Heaven due to it being a commandment

    • @allissaThacker
      @allissaThacker 9 місяців тому

      @@johna6828no offense but you’ve got us backwards. Galations is about people thinking they could be saved by circumcision of the flesh alone…. IE no need for messiah. It is absolutely a false claim that Paul told them you don’t have to do anymore because those words never came out of his mouth & if it did he is a false teacher according to deut 13

  • @freedbyhisgrace9075
    @freedbyhisgrace9075 9 місяців тому +1

    The weekly Sabbath (a day of rest) was set forth in Genesis 2:2-3, long before Israel and Judah. It was written in stone in Exodus 20:8-11 (number 4 of the 10 commandments) - which is oddly removed from the Catholic version, btw. Jesus took away the Law of Moses, Colossians 2:14, not the 10 Commandments. Is the Sabbath on Saturday? For me, yes. Because it is the only calendar I understand. I do not know if the original weekly Sabbath was on a day of the week or if it was a specified date (like the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th) of the month. I do not understand the lunar calendar of that time, so that makes the 7th day a Saturday, for me. I do observe it, although I don't always do the greatest job of doing so. The apostles also observed the weekly Sabbath, as referenced many times in the Book of Acts.
    The Catholic church changed the weekly Sabbath to Sunday, although they had no authority to do so, and most other churches followed suit.

  • @t.bobdavies783
    @t.bobdavies783 Місяць тому +1

    Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Mat. 12:8, Mar 2:28, Luk 13:15) so you are saying He is Lord of an "optional" day of rest??? Jesus taught, foretelling of the end of the age (Mat.24:3) that in running for our lives, pray your flight not be in winter or on the Sabbath Day (Mat. 24:20). If He was so moved to tell us to pray about this, obliviously He is still requiring it to be kept. If that isn't enough, Isaiah said in 66:22-23 that all flesh shall come before God to worship on the Sabbath day, in the new earth which He "will" make. Sabbath is permanent from the beginning of creation throughout all eternity. I thank God I have the honor to keep "His holy day" Holy (Isa 58:13-14). NKJV FYI: no, I don't belong to any denomination, I'm simply a Sabbath keeping Christian following what the Bible teaches.

  • @ThomasDickensheets
    @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому +1


  • @ThomasDickensheets
    @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому

    It is believed that the Old Testament regulations governing Sabbath observances are ceremonial, not moral, aspects of the law. As such, they are no longer in force, but have passed away along with the sacrificial system, the Levitical priesthood, and all other aspects of Moses' law that prefigured Christ. Here are the reasons we hold this view.
    In Colossians 2:16-17, Paul explicitly refers to the Sabbath as a shadow of Christ, which is no longer binding since the substance (Christ) has come. It is quite clear in those verses that the weekly Sabbath is in view. The phrase "a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day" refers to the annual, monthly, and weekly holy days of the Jewish calendar (cf. 1 Chronicles 23:31; 2 Chronicles 2:4, 31:3; Ezekiel 45:17; Hosea 2:11). If Paul were referring to special ceremonial dates of rest in that passage, why would he have used the word "Sabbath?" He had already mentioned the ceremonial dates when he spoke of festivals and new moons.
    The Sabbath was the sign to Israel of the Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 31:16-17; Ezekiel 20:12; Nehemiah 9:14). Since we are now under the New Covenant (Hebrews 😎, we are no longer required to observe the sign of the Mosaic Covenant.
    The New Testament never commands Christians to observe the Sabbath.
    In our only glimpse of an early church worship service in the New Testament, the church met on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7).
    Nowhere in the Old Testament are the Gentile nations commanded to observe the Sabbath or condemned for failing to do so. That is certainly strange if Sabbath observance were meant to be an eternal moral principle.
    There is no evidence in the Bible of anyone keeping the Sabbath before the time of Moses, nor are there any commands in the Bible to keep the Sabbath before the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai.
    When the Apostles met at the Jerusalem council (Acts 15), they did not impose Sabbath keeping on the Gentile believers.
    The apostle Paul warned the Gentiles about many different sins in his epistles, but breaking the Sabbath was never one of them.
    In Galatians 4:10-11, Paul rebukes the Galatians for thinking God expected them to observe special days (including the Sabbath).
    In Romans 14:5, Paul forbids those who observe the Sabbath (these were no doubt Jewish believers) to condemn those who do not (Gentile believers).
    The early church fathers, from Ignatius to Augustine, taught that the Old Testament Sabbath had been abolished and that the first day of the week (Sunday) was the day when Christians should meet for worship (contrary to the claim of many seventh-day Sabbatarians who claim that Sunday worship was not instituted until the fourth century).
    Sunday has not replaced Saturday as the Sabbath. Rather the Lord's Day is a time when believers gather to commemorate His resurrection, which occurred on the first day of the week. Every day to the believer is one of Sabbath rest, since we have ceased from our spiritual labor and are resting in the salvation of the Lord (Hebrews 4:9-11).

  • @pastoraj6437
    @pastoraj6437 3 місяці тому +1

    I am praying for you brother. I know you are reading the tezt but please don't interpret it if there is no need for it to be interpret. just read and understand.
    Exosus 20:8. also Sabbath was made for men and not man for the sabbath. Always remember that Jesus is the Lord of sabbath.
    Mark 2:27-28:
    "Then he said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.'"
    This passage indicates that Jesus has authority over the Sabbath, and He emphasizes that the Sabbath was instituted for humanity's benefit.

  • @ThomasDickensheets
    @ThomasDickensheets 3 місяці тому +2

    SDA: So, you are going kill me I worship on Sunday in USA!

  • @Jasho-Beam
    @Jasho-Beam 9 місяців тому +1

    Colossians 2:16-17 is pretty self explanatory but obviously not to you so could you please explain how the Weekly Sabbath is a SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME?

  • @randallburgess6393
    @randallburgess6393 11 місяців тому +2

    So if you believe that the sabbath is no longer required, then you have to answer why Jesus said if you love me, you will obey my commandments, one of which is to keep the sabbath OK so there’s that and then there’s also in the book of revelation when Jesus returns with the new Jerusalem we go back to celebrating the sabbath day and going before God on the sabbath and lane at his feet offerings so well, you may decide to celebrate the sabbath in different ways. I don’t think it’s correct and maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think it’s correct that the sabbath is no longer required, I can’t imagine God saying oh it’s OK don’t bother worshipping me it’s fine

    • @SSNBN777
      @SSNBN777 11 місяців тому +1

      Moses had over 600 commandments. Jesus only had two commandments - love God and love your neighbor.
      Mosaic Law ended with John the Baptist.
      Matthew 11:13 KJV
      For all the prophets *_and the law prophesied until John._*

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 11 місяців тому +1

      @@SSNBN777,....Correct, Jesus's commandments are those two. The sabbath is the whole new treatment age, and the actual Christians are resting in Jesus. They are not working for their salvation as all the weekly sabbath keepers are doing.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 11 місяців тому

      Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
      "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
      All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..

  • @wesleysimelane3423
    @wesleysimelane3423 3 місяці тому +1

    So you are saying we must keep 9 of the 10 commandments?

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree 11 місяців тому +2

    ALL the feasts and festivals of the LORD (notice they are not “of Israel” or “of the Jews”) were to be observed FOREVER by commandment of God Himself. The Sabbath observance is commanded by the very same God and is actually considered the highest of all special observances. Hebrews says “there remains a rest for the people of God” (my paraphrase.) The pattern God set was that He worked six days and then rested. The pattern is important in ALL the feasts and festivals, because each one teaches us about Jesus’ first coming or His second coming. If you scramble them you break the pattern and lose the important meanings and messages. The Seventh Day rest that “remains” is the seventh millineum rest. We should worship AS INSTRUCTED, on the seventh day. God did not rest first and then go to work. If we do that, it destroys God’s message about Creation. Sunday worship was instituted strictly from antisemitism - nothing to be proud of there.

  • @jodiaitken8859
    @jodiaitken8859 11 місяців тому +2

    Amen brother! God bless you and your ministry.

  • @stevenklinkhamer9069
    @stevenklinkhamer9069 11 місяців тому

    Also the "Council at Jerusalem" Acts chapter 15, supports this view, as well as the Apostle Paul's teaching/epistles in general.

  • @disciplemike1
    @disciplemike1 10 місяців тому +1

    people tend to read Colossians 2:16 180 degrees out of context. The new believers in Colossae were being judged by their pagan neighbors because they WERE observing God's Holy Days.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically  10 місяців тому +2

      That doesn't make any sense because if that were true then you would have to keep all the food laws, all the yearly Jewish festivals and the new moons as well. Do you keep all those?

    • @disciplemike1
      @disciplemike1 10 місяців тому +1

      @@iThinkBiblically yes, we observe all the commandments that we can. Why don't you? I don't mean to be disrespectful. I've been where you are at. We were sold a huge pack of lies.

    • @marriage4life893
      @marriage4life893 10 місяців тому

      ​@@disciplemike1Amen. It isn't really difficult, and what we remember are shadows and memorials that find their substance in Christ. Paul said these are shadows of what IS to come. That signifies future significance, so it would behoove believers to at least know what the Sabbath is, who the Lord of the Sabbath is, and realize that he's all the more reason to remember the Sabbath.
      Have an awesome Sabbath to come and many more.

  • @AshleyCampbell-o7x
    @AshleyCampbell-o7x 11 місяців тому +1

    Hello! Hope to give a friendly response, which is always a little tough in text so I hope it will be taken with the best of intentions. Your first scripture actually does help prove the opposite of your position. Why was Paul talking to Gentiles about Sabbath keeping and there being any contention about it in a gentile land if they weren't keeping it? Obviously, none of their gentile neighbors would have bothered them about NOT keeping it. Your argument for this really was only based in saying it in a tone of ridicule with no scripture or sound reasoning to back that ridicule up. However, I can give you a scripture that does clearly indicate that His holy days and festivals still matter (they picture His plan which is not at all over, thank God, creation is in shambles!). Zechariah 14:18 [If the Egyptian people do not go up and take part, they will have no rain. The LORD will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.] shows that in the Kingdom of God in the future, God will still be expecting everyone, even gentiles, to keep His festival of Tabernacles). It's extremely clear that this is yet future if you read the verse context. As an aside, the Jewish feasts and God's feast are not synonymous. Where you reference Lev 23 you call the feasts Jewish, but the scripture you, yourself reads calls them the Lord's. God's festivals and holy days were created before the Jews existed and the Jewish religion is *greatly* outside of scripture (Matthew 7:13 and context).
    The verse you reference in Matthew is on the subject of hand washing. As an aside, if Christ had taught you didn't need to keep His Sabbath (He is Lord of the Sabbath) there would have been a great deal of severe arguments between Him and the scribes and pharisees on that subject. Instead, we see only arguments in *how* it should be kept and what its purpose is as they kept many things outside of scripture (The "law keeping" spoken against by Christ and His disciples- we are not to add to or take away from God's laws as many Jewish laws do). I also ask for this scripture where Matthew claims Christ made unclean foods clean here. I do not see it. Let's also consider how later, Peter was still not eating unclean foods well after this account (Acts 10:14 - the sheet of unclean foods that God used to depict how the Jews viewed Gentiles, Peter makes clear this dream was to show him to call no man unclean in verse 28, he NEVER said God changed what unclean and common foods are(which means normally clean foods made not clean in some manner such as being strangled or not bled properly). Did he, as an *actual apostle of Christ*, not learn this this massive revelation in person from Christ, but we figured it out later better? *That* would rather be an idea to speak of in ridicule, would it not?
    Fulfill doesn't mean to do away. Every bit of the context around this scripture shows that. Rather, it means He made it more full, leveled it up to a spiritual level. This level is MORE full, NOT less. We don't just physical restrain from killing someone without cause, rather we don't even hate them without a cause. That's keeping the fulfilled version of God's 6th commandment. That's spiritual sin, which is real sin for the Christian. We don't lust after someone who is not our spouse, rather than simply physically refrain from adultery. Etc. A reading of context of this account in Matthew 5 makes this very clear.
    Indeed, God gave us His festivals as a shadow of what is to come, His plan, which has not ended yet! Living in them annually reminds us of the hope of His kingdom and helps us to learn what His plan is.

  • @chuckbennett2046
    @chuckbennett2046 Місяць тому

    Perhaps Matt 5: 17 and 18 says it best "Think not I have come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. For, verily say I unto you to: Till Heaven and Earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled