Claw Hand, Ulnar Claw Hand - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @uc-anhtran-le5231
    @uc-anhtran-le5231 11 місяців тому +8

    This video explained everything so well that it is impossible to not understand!

  • @PriyankaDas-bj7er
    @PriyankaDas-bj7er 3 роки тому +6

    You have uploaded this video 3 years ago, after 3 years It's still better than thousand medical videos. Thank you.

  • @nazliozeer4216
    @nazliozeer4216 6 років тому +6

    This was excellent Dr Ebraheim I watched it for the sake of study for a Clinical Exam in Melbourne.Realy made me revise clearly. My son had an accidental cut to his wrist when he was like 10 years old and was critical from this injury with a cut to the tendon, nerve and Ulnar Artery however he had Microsurgery in a small country by a realy talented surgeon and he recovered well.However I can see that there is slight clawing of his fingers the Ring finger and the little finger. He is 30years now!! God Bless.

  • @shubhamsood9628
    @shubhamsood9628 4 роки тому +38

    Damn. Never thought a day would come when i'll finally understand this concept lol

    • @weyhanng7028
      @weyhanng7028 4 роки тому +5

      He is really very, very good

  • @tpurz9355
    @tpurz9355 3 роки тому +25

    your videos are extremely clear and expertly explained. thank you - they have been tremendously helpful

  • @xanos3826
    @xanos3826 Рік тому +7

    Love how you differentiated claw hand from hand of Benediction✨💯. It can be confusing and not all textbooks specifically differentiate them.

  • @ceo_of_egg
    @ceo_of_egg 9 місяців тому

    Imagine my surprise when I'm a med student at the university of toledo trying to remember this for my MSK quiz tomorrow and this is the first video that pops up! Thanks Dr. Ebraheim!

  • @hamnabilal4762
    @hamnabilal4762 9 місяців тому

    Wonderful! I'm glad you're teaching medicine in a manner that one can logically understand it

  • @SarahFORSYTHE-nd2cl
    @SarahFORSYTHE-nd2cl 8 місяців тому

    This was such a great explanation!! I'm in anesthesia school and this was described leaps and bounds better than my boards prep material. Thank you

  • @sxkinetics8704
    @sxkinetics8704 Рік тому

    Dude, SUper helpful!!! Been stuck on these two for a long time. Your enunciation and clear wording of cause and S&S were SUPER helpful. Thank you!

  • @TheOriginalMarimoChan
    @TheOriginalMarimoChan 5 років тому +5

    Thank you Dr. Ebraheim, all of your videos are of excellent caliber and very educational and helpful.

  • @zpto12345
    @zpto12345 9 місяців тому

    Brilliant... all your videos are too good.... excelent clarity of explanation... please upload more and more vidoes

  • @BJ-ur2vj
    @BJ-ur2vj 2 роки тому

    Thank you embarrassing but I was literally clawing my hand so confused as to how this would work. Then you showed how the hand position would actually be and it makes much more sense! Thanks!!!

  • @gz2809
    @gz2809 4 роки тому +10

    To anyone who has this, if you have had a direct injury to the Ulnar nerve and its serious you will end up with this hand. The more Proximal (meaning closer to the neck or further up the longer the recovery is) if you have this you must be evaluated immediately by a Neurologist or hand Surgeon to find the exact location of the ulnar nerve injury.
    The quicker to surgery the better, there is no physical therapy for this. If you have an injury whether a cut or a compression you will need a AIN nerve Transfer in the forearm so that the nerve axons can reach the hand quicker as the native or original nerve recovers.
    But do be warned even if you the surgery in the first 3 months and you have this hand you will expect to see change in minimum 18 months and if it's at the elbow or near you will need the AIN nerve transfer otherwise you will not have enough time to reach the the hand as the muscles die after 24 months of no stimulation from a nerve.
    Dr Nabil will not answer any questions nor give advice, he just puts up videos but you can ask me questions anytime.
    First step a good Neurologist then a good nerve or hand surgeon.

    • @JayJay0_420
      @JayJay0_420 4 роки тому +3

      My left arm was cut at my elbow on my ulnar nerve a few years ago but just now finally getting insurance, i have the claw hand and it’s hard to feel anything. Is there any hope of having surgery and hopefully some what having normal functions in my hand? At first it was a huge amount of pain. But eventually all the feeling went away. Muscle wasting has happened and my left hand is skinner then the other where it claws. I really hate it... is there any hope for any type of movement someday?

    • @gz2809
      @gz2809 4 роки тому

      @@JayJay0_420 Thanks for reaching out. If it has been several years since the nerve has been cut it means that the muscles that work the hand have probably completely wasted away.
      What can be done as there are surgeries for sensation so there are nerve transfers for that but to correct the claw it will be a Tendon Transfer to stop that which will give some normal function but not like it was before.
      Why was it not assessed in the beginning?

    • @jarrettwilson1347
      @jarrettwilson1347 2 роки тому

      I have the same condition that happen through physical injury. I didn’t have insurance at the time 2020 however it’s just my left pinky that’s slightly crooked . I can still move my pinky and feel slight sensations on my pinky however is there anything I can do now that I’m financially able?

    • @theprince11
      @theprince11 2 роки тому

      @@jarrettwilson1347 Leaving this comment here so I get notified of replies. Similar situation here.

    • @simpleurbanlifestyle
      @simpleurbanlifestyle 2 роки тому

      Hi, 2 months before I had GBS and after which i have this claw hand. Not sure as to whom to approach to get rid of it and I m not even sure if I ll get through this. Can u pls help me on this

  • @shashwatchavan1690
    @shashwatchavan1690 3 роки тому

    As always thank you Dr Ebraheim. this was always impossible to understand, but not now!

  • @sirsandoalferado
    @sirsandoalferado 4 роки тому +3

    Great Thanks our Professor
    Your great effort is much appreciated

  • @sereennatorieh6713
    @sereennatorieh6713 Рік тому

    Thank you dr Nabil.. This was extremely helpful

  • @muhammadashraf2953
    @muhammadashraf2953 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks Dr. Shb.
    Jazak ALLAH (SWT)

  • @virginialeaird6180
    @virginialeaird6180 3 роки тому +4

    I’m so thankful for this video I literally showed it to my ortho dr and he referred me to a plastic surgeon whom does hand reconstruction!!

    • @btruluv6111
      @btruluv6111 3 роки тому

      Hello....have you experienced these symptoms

    • @mohdsohail1373
      @mohdsohail1373 3 роки тому +1

      Could you plz tell me about which plastic surgeon do i need to go plzzz rply

  • @FeCyndiW
    @FeCyndiW 7 років тому +9

    Thank you for your videos. They helped me understand what has happened to me and the visuals were very useful. I did a race almost two weeks ago (my 10th Ironman) and noticed that my hand went numb during the bike portion. I thought it was my bad shoulder (rebuilt after an accident) and kept moving around on the bike, changing hand positions between my regular bars and aero bars, and the numbness persisted. I finished the race and thought my hand would be fine when I woke up in the morning. It wasn't. I could not easily button my pants, my little finger/ring finger and palm were still numb for 1/2 of my hand, and my thumb felt clumsy (couldn't grip, put a top on a bottle well, etc). I cannot straighten the little or ring fingers, either. I went to urgent care and they referred me to a neurologist. The neurologist did an EMG and found my ulnar nerve to not be functioning normally at all- both sensory and motor. He thought the problem was in my elbow. I went to the hand surgeon and he suggested moving the nerve in my elbow because that is "usually" where the problem is. (I am a chemist. I like to see evidence, so that makes me uncomfortable.) The top of my hand feels normal to touch, which seems to indicate the problem is not at the elbow. I'm confused as to if the nerve is really impinged at the elbow or somehow I may have created a compression that damaged the nerve while on my bike that needs time to heal (can it?). . . Is it possible to figure out whether it is an ongoing problem or the result of one damaging incident? If the top of my hand feels normal, could the problem even be in the elbow? I went from a completely normal hand to not being able to feel or move my hand well now for almost two weeks and am getting worried. Doing an MRI tomorrow, but the hand surgeon didn't sound hopeful about imaging being helpful for cause and wants to do the surgery to move the nerve. Any thoughts from anyone?

    • @lukesneesby8327
      @lukesneesby8327 7 років тому

      Cyndi Wells thanks for your comment. Have you had any luck with your recovery? I’ve started getting claw hand from riding, also. I have the exact same symptoms as you describe. I can wake up in the middle of the night with my arm completely dead. I’m starting to worry about it, also, so I’m getting a professional bike-fit done. I’m worried if I persist I may cause permanent damage

    • @arymantyagi
      @arymantyagi 6 років тому +1

      Plz tell me did you got it fixed...and how I m very depressed due to this problem I can't see any hope to get it fixed loosing my confidence..... Very disappointed due to this problem plz let me know

    • @ildikotuzes6183
      @ildikotuzes6183 6 років тому

      @@arymantyagi how long have you had this problem now?
      I can help you with some information as I have it too.

    • @fizaanjum5642
      @fizaanjum5642 5 років тому


    • @ildikotuzes6183
      @ildikotuzes6183 5 років тому

      @@fizaanjum5642 yes how can I help you

  • @HafizahHoshni
    @HafizahHoshni 6 років тому +32

    Simply excellent. Very grateful for clear, concise and well presented video. Thank you for the great channel. 6/8/2018 😊

  • @meow9804
    @meow9804 4 роки тому +47

    If you have this problem, don't be worried. I have this since i was 16 yrs old now i am 27 Years.... I still have a perfert life... I just don't have to work like other people... I m not the luckiest person in the world but i m not the unluckiest person either... So ignore your looks and strength in your hands, you will be just fine...

    • @kinchitbajaj6972
      @kinchitbajaj6972 3 роки тому +4

      Hi I also have this now. Please can we connect? So that I can learn many things from u related to this

    • @creepyclosetfromthecrypt
      @creepyclosetfromthecrypt 2 роки тому +1

      I got this from an elbow injury (tennis elbow)

    • @thatwasmethere3526
      @thatwasmethere3526 2 роки тому

      I do things in my hand🙂 especially my dream

    • @nadipallisai6110
      @nadipallisai6110 2 роки тому +1

      @@kinchitbajaj6972 hi I have also same problem can we connect??

    • @lynnwoodcarter3486
      @lynnwoodcarter3486 2 роки тому

      I just got this about two years ago work accident I'm explaining to workers comp and doctors they don't understand I have numbness tingling and it gets worse the more I do 😧

  • @drankushgoyal5775
    @drankushgoyal5775 4 роки тому +1

    You are really really helpful thankyou seriously I really need this for study

  • @nathancamp6584
    @nathancamp6584 28 днів тому

    Thanks. Excellent explanation

  • @MJ-vr5xs
    @MJ-vr5xs Рік тому

    very clear and excellent explanation thank you doctor

  • @ericmwakulila2221
    @ericmwakulila2221 6 років тому +5

    Yes,you were helpful.

  • @jesuscomes970
    @jesuscomes970 Рік тому +1

    I find myself in a rather challenging situation. 20 years ago, I attempted to open a glass jar using my elbow, resulting in the jar shattering. Glass shards ended up embedded in my arm, just below the elbow, and I rushed to the emergency room for immediate attention. The doctor there performed a basic stitch on my hand.
    The next day, my hand had swollen to the size of a balloon, prompting me to seek the expertise of a surgeon. To my dismay, they discovered that the initial doctor had left glass fragments inside my arm, and the main vein was left unattended. The surgeon did what they could, but the hematoma, which had compressed the ulnar nerve before the surgery, had already caused damage. This injury occurred about 20 years ago.
    Now, I find myself dealing with what is commonly known as a "claw hand," albeit affecting only my little finger. I've lost sensation in my last finger and half of my ring finger, and the muscles in my hand have atrophied. To make matters more challenging, it's my left hand that has been affected, and I happen to be left-handed. Consequently, I've had to give up many pursuits in life, such as professional guitar playing, among others.
    Lately, I've developed a deep passion for tennis, and despite the difficulties, I've been playing with this hand. This newfound passion has ignited a desire in me to explore options for repairing my hand. My primary concern is whether it's possible to repair the damaged nerve. The extent of the damage is uncertain, and I'm unsure about the steps to take for a proper evaluation and professional opinion on the feasibility of repairing such an injury.
    I would be immensely grateful if you could provide me with any information or guidance on this matter. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  • @mujtabaahmad9853
    @mujtabaahmad9853 3 роки тому +2

    Please tell me the treatment ???last 2 fingers

  • @AhmedBashendi
    @AhmedBashendi 7 років тому +1

    Excellent explanation thank you Dr.Nabil

  • @JayJay0_420
    @JayJay0_420 4 роки тому +1

    What if you have had your ulnar nerve cut at the elbow? Is there any hope for feeling and the use of the pinky finger and ring finger ever coming back? I really hope so...

  • @MusicYoutube-s5u
    @MusicYoutube-s5u Рік тому

    May I ask, is there a treatment when 1st lumbrical has blown.
    I can see it on my palm.
    What to do? Thank you

  • @callyman
    @callyman Рік тому

    Although i can see this us quite an old video i thank you cor posting.
    I awoke 3 weeks ago with both hands not responding however have been able to recover 90% of my right hand. My left hand is still essentially gone to me except for contraction and the 3rd and 4th fingers just wont move out od a claw.

  • @CatMomForever
    @CatMomForever 2 роки тому

    I’m scheduled for the guyons release in a month. I have had all this coming in with an acute onset just 60 days ago. I have learned from all the physician’s advice that time is of the essence. But had I not had the NCV/EMG I would have had unnecessary cutting at the elbow,

  • @subhanishaik-fb5qj
    @subhanishaik-fb5qj Рік тому

    Flexor digitorum profundus flexes the mcp joint,, then why there is no opposition to extensor digitorum

  • @vineevs687
    @vineevs687 6 років тому +10

    what is the treatment ?
    i am suffering from it what to do now?

    • @matthewobermeyer5954
      @matthewobermeyer5954 5 років тому +1

      Go see a CHT (Certified Hand Therapist). They could be occupational or physical therapists. They will evaluate you and see if it is ligament shortness, tendon rupture, inflammation, or nerve palsy from an acute or chronic injury and know best how to help. Potentially, they will refer you to a surgeon, if necessary. Just saving you an MD visit (depending on the state).

    • @TheOriginalMarimoChan
      @TheOriginalMarimoChan 5 років тому +1

      @Barry White Sorry to hear that you're going through such a struggle. If it's been 20+ years the chance for recovery may be minimal to absent. To complicate things further, ulnar nerve repairs have a worse outcomes than median or radial nerve repairs. An anti-claw splint may be useful for positioning the joints for functional use, unless that is, your joints are contracted. Good luck, hope you find some relief.

    • @ildikotuzes
      @ildikotuzes 5 років тому

      @Barry White so you never regained any hand muscle? Did you have a compression at the elbow level?

    • @ildikotuzes
      @ildikotuzes 5 років тому

      @Barry White Did you have a severe compression? did you require a AIN nerve transfer? are your intrinsic muscles working? did you loose all the muscle that the Ulnar innervates? i am doing therapy and four weeks now nothing regained for me :(

    • @ildikotuzes
      @ildikotuzes 4 роки тому

      @Barry White i definitely will try the Turmeric remedies and hand Therapy. What i had first was a compression at the elbow which was decompressed then because it was proximal the Ain nerve had to be grafted to the Ulnar nerve motor component in the Forearm soi nerve axons get to the Hand,it only keeps the Ulnar Muscles alive it won't regain function so when the native nerve recovers then you may regain function

  • @annamarianalumansi3178
    @annamarianalumansi3178 2 роки тому

    very clear explanation

  • @gwestzaanwestzaan6036
    @gwestzaanwestzaan6036 4 роки тому +3

    thank you. this is exactly what I have and docters didnt know

  • @asiyaasiya8110
    @asiyaasiya8110 5 років тому +1

    Please upload musculoskeletal conditions

  • @Narayan-tt4vg
    @Narayan-tt4vg 2 роки тому +1

    What is a solution this problem

  • @balakrishna1968
    @balakrishna1968 4 роки тому +1

    Dr. Ebraheim's good evening sir I have problem left hand 4th finger little pain during bending renaming normal so please advise me what type of exercises required ,
    Thanking you sir,

    • @crazyboysp2428
      @crazyboysp2428 4 роки тому

      Same disease on my right hand ring finger affected please help me

  • @elastronauta9086
    @elastronauta9086 7 років тому +2

    Very good to study. Thank so much teacher!!!!!

  • @joykumarmoirangthem9170
    @joykumarmoirangthem9170 6 років тому +1

    Please tell us some tips for this Hirayama Disease

    • @sanketmadaan9610
      @sanketmadaan9610 5 років тому

      Have you find any treatment for that till now?

  • @am529
    @am529 Рік тому

    Thanks for your video. This is exactly what I have going on with my right hand. Though I’m also having pain at the base of my thumb and slight weakness of my second and third digits. Was given a referral to ortho, so I’m gonna follow up with them.

  • @hoangphamtranminh
    @hoangphamtranminh 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you for your explanation! It help me so much to understand my situation. But I just have a question, how long to recover after an ulnar nerve surgery at the wrist ( the 4th and 5th can extend like normal)?
    Hope you reply me soon. Thank you!

    • @wdwscommittee1915
      @wdwscommittee1915 2 роки тому

      Hi Hoang pham have you received reply about your hand situation?

  • @bhawanadarj
    @bhawanadarj 3 роки тому +1

    Sir but my middle finger and the index finger has problem in straightening too.. Though there is less pain compare to ring finger n small finger... Whenever if I have to open my fingers firstly it's small finger then ring finger, then middle n lastly the index... But the acute nerve pain is only on my ring finger... This is all the matter of my right hand... Sir please help me.. Its been years after my accident in the year 2000...i shall be obliged if you will let me know about it n its treatment..

  • @bekyabraham9179
    @bekyabraham9179 3 роки тому

    please doctor, how can I treat ulnar nerve problem

  • @naikuo8298
    @naikuo8298 5 років тому +2

    Very helpful! Thank you so much!

  • @nagarajuuggu2729
    @nagarajuuggu2729 6 років тому +5

    What was the solution for me

  • @MusicYoutube-s5u
    @MusicYoutube-s5u Рік тому

    I tried sign of benediction, my middle finger is slightly bending too.
    What does it mean.
    Thank you

  • @hfactor6429
    @hfactor6429 3 роки тому

    Time only?

  • @rentetier
    @rentetier 4 місяці тому

    amazing! thanks a lot!

  • @merth17
    @merth17 Рік тому

    a question... what happens after the treatment of the ulnar nerve injury at the elbow? fdp will start working after a while and then the claw hand occurs until full recovery of the nerve end? Am I correct , if not why?

  • @prasannaattanti6982
    @prasannaattanti6982 4 роки тому +1

    Hi sir, May I know some exercises for ulnar never

  • @santwanasenglishgyan6964
    @santwanasenglishgyan6964 Рік тому

    Plz tell how to treat it

  • @deividharandall1649
    @deividharandall1649 9 місяців тому

    so good!! Thanks

  • @Pro0osh
    @Pro0osh 2 роки тому

    What a legend!

  • @febymathew7958
    @febymathew7958 3 роки тому

    Superb... well explained.

  • @stiphiny
    @stiphiny 7 років тому

    Excellent tutorial

  • @tanmmygarg4051
    @tanmmygarg4051 25 днів тому

    Then why we get claw hand in klumpke paralysis despite c8-t1 involvement

  • @akash199721
    @akash199721 2 роки тому

    How to cure this I have this since a week after my 2000km motorcycle 🏍 ride???

  • @hfactor6429
    @hfactor6429 2 роки тому

    Anyone know how to speed up or heal nerve issues?

  • @nandiniakhtar9880
    @nandiniakhtar9880 4 роки тому +1

    I have same problem plz professor recommend a better Dr I need help plz help me

  • @abossomss496
    @abossomss496 6 років тому +2

    VERY VERY informative..Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @simplerules1630
    @simplerules1630 7 років тому +7

    What to do If someone is suffering form ulnar claw hands Dr. Nabil

    • @dipeshkalal2348
      @dipeshkalal2348 7 років тому

      Simple Rules hy

    • @mdmamunhossain9491
      @mdmamunhossain9491 6 років тому +1

      same problem

    • @salmanshahid618
      @salmanshahid618 6 років тому

      do it.... 6:30

    • @ildikotuzes6183
      @ildikotuzes6183 6 років тому +15

      Hello to all I will shed some light on this topic.
      Firstly Dr Nabil will never answer in the comments so the questions towards him will never be answered by him.
      Secondly he is not always right and I can prove it then I will tell you my condition.
      He says the claw hand results from a lower lesion more often meaning the ulnar nerve is entrapped or damaged at the wrist and this is false as I had a ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow and within weeks I deteriorated, claw hand muscle wasting and all so I have a high level lesion and have the clawing of the fourth and fifth fingers.
      Now I will explain what the solution is to this. Basically if you have a claw hand your ulnar nerve has suffered major damage and the clawing will not go away with any therapy at all.
      The lesion must be identified where then surgically decompressd or nerve graft or nerve repair must be performed.
      I had a decompression at the elbow but due to the extent of the damage done by the entrapment my nerve died and as a result I have a claw hand. If anyone had a cut ulnar nerve and was repaired then they would have been told that the nerves regenerate at 1mm a day and must grow into the muscle again to start working.
      Sadly the muscle has already atrophied so it only is viable for around 18-24 month's then it is no longer useful.
      For anyone who is entrapped or had their nerve cut at the elbow there is a operation called the AIN nerve transfer this is where a small nerve is grafted to the side of the ulnar nerve and it's suppose to start sending nerve axons to the hand but this process is by no means quick, I have been exactly 6 months since my surgey and still have no effect from the nerve transfer.
      The nerve transfer also is only to keep the motor end plates alive until the native axons regenerate from where they were damaged.
      I'm not a Dr but I am telling you from my experience and having seen many Drs that this is a very long recovery and it is never full complete.
      It is a peripheral nerve injury and a very serious peripheral nerve injury due to this function that is a result.
      Anyone who has this I urge them to seek their Drs out and get the appropriate tests to confirm where the ulnar nerve lesion is.
      This surgey can be performed by a
      Plastic surgeon
      Hand surgeon
      Make sure they have experience with nerves as this is a very delicate process. Any questions please feel free to to ask me.

    • @Persisprincess
      @Persisprincess 5 років тому +2

      @@ildikotuzes6183 you should make a Video of your experience and post it. It will be helpful..

  • @mirianhashimoto7754
    @mirianhashimoto7754 4 роки тому

    Thankyou Doctor, is very clear and helpfull.

  • @IAMdevilwomen
    @IAMdevilwomen 4 роки тому +2

    I had a test done on both hands recently, left hand showed ulnar nerve was slow to respond in my left hand, I suffer from constant numbness throughout the day, and am woken out of a dead sleep every night due to my left hand almost totally numb, I've tried braces, both just from the elbow to the wrist, and also the brace..thats impossible to sleep with, preventing the elbow bending at night, neither one worked, and now I am starting to drop stuff, I refuse to use any of my glasses, or anything that is glass for fear of dropping it, I'd like the surgery to move the nerve but my dr keeps telling me to use braces...I'm getting upset at his one track mind and not willing to think outside the box, I'm scared I'm gonna end up with claw hand if this isn't fixed

    • @gz2809
      @gz2809 4 роки тому

      You will need to see a Neurologist

    • @aquafarmer3481
      @aquafarmer3481 2 роки тому

      @@gz2809 I have same problem of claw hand let me explain in detail
      I think when I was in 5 standard i had an injury in wirst on left hand after some time injury had recovered after some time I was lossing sensetion .My parents started treatment doctor was giving medicine but i was not getting recovery so I canged doctor other doctors said you have to take nerve testing after that doctor said you need Sergey on elow because your nerve in pressed below elow so we will take nerve upward. I was in 7 standard that time ,I got Sergey on Elbow tho i didn't recovery and doctor was giving medicine now I am 23 year old having fear that it is increasing I am looking for solution now ..
      Please Acknowledge me @GZ2

    • @gz2809
      @gz2809 2 роки тому

      @@aquafarmer3481 Basically after all this time you are saying this starred when you were 5;years Old? If this is the Case then only a Tendon Transfer will give back some function.

    • @lynnwoodcarter3486
      @lynnwoodcarter3486 2 роки тому

      Same for me my doctors nor work comp understand

  • @sherkhanmerzai7534
    @sherkhanmerzai7534 3 роки тому +1

    I got this problem recently did have surgery transpositioned the ulnar nerve coz it's stucked between the to two bones in elbow any chance to get back to normal I lost the muscles of my hand as well what should I do ?

    • @lynnwoodcarter3486
      @lynnwoodcarter3486 2 роки тому

      Same here I'm fighting it mine came from left arm in chopsaw at work jobless now can't even pay my bills

    • @Xordinarydrummer
      @Xordinarydrummer Рік тому

      Hello there. I’ve been referred to the transposition surgery as well. Same problem coming from the elbow and muscles in my hand are almost all gone (still have some). How’s your situation now after surgery?

  • @nagarajuuggu2729
    @nagarajuuggu2729 6 років тому +4

    My 4th 5th fingers are have no sense and muscle loss also occurred ne

    • @PallabBikramShah
      @PallabBikramShah 4 роки тому

      How are you doing now? Are you cured?
      Same thing happend to my father in law and the doctors suspected MND.

    • @keshavsharma-nv7ec
      @keshavsharma-nv7ec 4 роки тому

      Bro are you cured now? i am going through the exactly same condition can you please tell me solution for this ? My plaster (pop cast) was so tight that it damaged my muscles also and i am facing overall muscle loss too on hand please reply bro as soon as possible

  • @coolestrahul1
    @coolestrahul1 5 років тому +2

    how can i cure from this problem? plz help me.. what is its solution?

  • @sagarrandave5303
    @sagarrandave5303 3 роки тому

    I m suffering this problem. what is treatment ?

  • @afridi.bpharm8893
    @afridi.bpharm8893 3 роки тому

    Recovery from this like any physiotherapy exercise or treatment options

    • @afridi.bpharm8893
      @afridi.bpharm8893 3 роки тому

      Nabeel ebrahim inshaallah waiting for your respond

  • @TK-oi3jy
    @TK-oi3jy 3 роки тому

    I'm looking for why my middle finger is hard to open it clicks and ganglion on the back of hand not at wrist and on a nerve

  • @mlauren629
    @mlauren629 2 роки тому

    Is trembling in the hand common with Ulner Claw Hand?

  • @ratjeng
    @ratjeng 7 місяців тому +1

    please explain with medicine.

  • @shaiknoorjahan3719
    @shaiknoorjahan3719 Рік тому

    Sir I need help how to contact sir

  • @skk3219
    @skk3219 4 роки тому to strong mobilization of pip joint and mcp joint.I had a minor accident and broken in the middle proximal phalanx of the ring finger of my hand after 50 days ago in remove cast but I can't really lift my fingers.

  • @Dr-789
    @Dr-789 5 років тому

    Treatment waries according to duration....age....associated pathologies.....and severity at presentation
    there are different type of treatments...

  • @reelsduniya7292
    @reelsduniya7292 4 роки тому +2

    I am suffering this problem how i will cure this please help me

    • @bhaktabahadur4838
      @bhaktabahadur4838 4 роки тому

      I'm also suffering from same problem please advice

    • @Tula.
      @Tula. 3 роки тому

      Same I'm so desperate

  • @a.rmusic968
    @a.rmusic968 4 роки тому

    Thank you ..its all happened about me sir how can recover it..pleas answer.

  • @sarfarajnowaz9916
    @sarfarajnowaz9916 3 роки тому

    sir same problems . so please can yoh help me ,whata i doing?

  • @tobinthuma1501
    @tobinthuma1501 5 років тому

    Excellent video! Thank you!

  • @Doctor-vf6ui
    @Doctor-vf6ui 4 роки тому

    you were very helpful

  • @sagarsharma6383
    @sagarsharma6383 3 роки тому

    My right hand is like this can you help and give the solution of it

  • @rjdp-verse7761
    @rjdp-verse7761 3 роки тому

    Is there any exercise to cure this???

  • @jayasatishranjan
    @jayasatishranjan 6 років тому +6

    What is the treatment?

    • @itsajstatus
      @itsajstatus 6 років тому

      No treatment for this.

    • @ildikotuzes6183
      @ildikotuzes6183 6 років тому +2

      The Treatment is, relive the compression on the ulnar nerve as that what causes this. Why do you say no treatment how do you know?

    • @itsajstatus
      @itsajstatus 6 років тому

      Dr.punjab salarpura ,up

    • @sadiquezaman1141
      @sadiquezaman1141 6 років тому

      Kya problem hai apko

    • @ildikotuzes6183
      @ildikotuzes6183 6 років тому

      @@sadiquezaman1141 what does that mean

  • @akshayraut7034
    @akshayraut7034 6 років тому

    If we want handicap certificate then how many % we get for nerve injury

  • @kashmirrounders4566
    @kashmirrounders4566 4 роки тому

    Where ar you clinic sir

  • @mmmmmm-xu8hw
    @mmmmmm-xu8hw 5 років тому

    Very Helpful

  • @estrelletapolar
    @estrelletapolar 10 днів тому

    THANK YOU!!!!!

  • @ramautar8440
    @ramautar8440 5 років тому

    What is the treatment

  • @kuajhe1709
    @kuajhe1709 Місяць тому

    how to recover mỳ right finger is same for your video. ask if use therapy they have a 50% to recover or not have

  • @islammalik6465
    @islammalik6465 5 років тому

    Wear can get treat ment for it in Lahore Pakistan? please let me know thanks

  • @ajaypaithankar6095
    @ajaypaithankar6095 5 років тому +1

    Hello sir,2 months complited for cubital and carpal tunnal opration but my lital fingure has numn , so i am confuse ,my hand problem is solved or not ? Plz tell me

    • @lonniecole1435
      @lonniecole1435 11 місяців тому

      Ulnar nerve is not involved in carpal tunnel syndrome. It's mostly the median nerve there.

  • @tusharpawar5601
    @tusharpawar5601 3 роки тому

    Sir plz tell me the solution on that 🙏

  • @robiulhridoy7777
    @robiulhridoy7777 4 роки тому

    Plz give me same tret treatments ..i have nerve injured 4&5 fingers ..plz give me some treatments ..

  • @jattgee2566
    @jattgee2566 5 років тому

    Sir tell me medicine or exercise right hand not praper work

  • @oussamachaoui7934
    @oussamachaoui7934 4 роки тому +1

    هل يوجد بالعربي هدا الفديو

  • @drneelz
    @drneelz 6 років тому +1

    Great vedio s’re the best

  • @maheshtatikonda7290
    @maheshtatikonda7290 4 роки тому

    Hai Sir
    I am suffering with Hiramaya disease
    Any treatment for Hiramaya Disease
    Please help me sir

  • @divyanarapareddy7225
    @divyanarapareddy7225 3 роки тому

    Very very helpful😁