Been fighting a P219a code for a month now on a 2011 Silverado. I've replaced injectors, o2 sensors, MAF sensor, and purge solenoid but nothing has worked yet.....
That sucks man. Did you put AC delco O2 sensors in? I had bad luck with Denso and Walker sensors. Also make sure factory air box housing is in good shape. I even put a Delco air filter in. MAP sensor is an easy/cheap part to throw at it but definitely get a Delco. I hate it for you man it drove me crazy for 3 months. Keep me posted I would love to know the fix.
Another video about P219a code:
Been fighting a P219a code for a month now on a 2011 Silverado. I've replaced injectors, o2 sensors, MAF sensor, and purge solenoid but nothing has worked yet.....
That sucks man. Did you put AC delco O2 sensors in? I had bad luck with Denso and Walker sensors. Also make sure factory air box housing is in good shape. I even put a Delco air filter in. MAP sensor is an easy/cheap part to throw at it but definitely get a Delco. I hate it for you man it drove me crazy for 3 months. Keep me posted I would love to know the fix.